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Nearest Cache Page


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I created a second topic since a majority of the initial issues have been resolved.


Today, I changed the "new" icon for the last found section so it was less bright. Also I modified the finder to be the free text field instead of the username of the account that hid it.


The map link has been re-added for the country/state selections. There is now a (map) link at the top when a map is available for a state or country.


frog.gif Jeremy Irish

Groundspeak - The Language of Location™

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I'm not sure what I can add to all that has been said, but here's my 2 cents:


As mentioned before, the feature I miss most dearly is having the *found* and *not found* caches sorted on each page. Perhaps you could have another drop down menu on each result page with a "sort by" feature. Right now it sorts by distance. But what if we could sort by found/not found, most recently found etc.


You could do this feature on a "macro" scale, sorting all results. Or, my preference, on a "micro" scale -- sorting just the results on the page.


Hope that's helpful.


Oh, and if you want to make it a feature just for premium members... go ahead. I just signed on!


[This message was edited by Schnapps on June 20, 2003 at 06:34 PM.]

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I really like all of the tweaks. I don’t understand all of the longing for the old feature of having the found and not found caches separated. Since you can exclude all of your found and hidden caches, it is really a moot point and it is actually much better the way that it is now.


Here is what I would still like to see:


1. A search category that combines the real cache types (Traditional and Multi).

2. A darker yellow highlight for the hidden caches. It is barely discernable now.


Keep up the good work Jeremy.



Rocket Man

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FIXED: Switching between KM and MI will now "stick" better when you click on it. After your session expires (40 mins) you will have to re-click it to have it set again.


The sorting by not found / found / hidden will no longer exist. We had far more issues with people emailing us and saying "where's my cache!" when it had been grouped at the bottom. As Rocket Man indicated, just select the checkbox not to show them.


We'll be adding icons to replace the [x] and [ ] text, and replacing it with an icon to indicate it is yours, so the hardly noticeable yellow won't be as important.


I didn't design the page to allow multiple selects of cache types. The maps will do a better job at this anyway.


It's perfectly fine to be unimpressed, as long as the database is working at 10-20% now icon_smile.gif I'm hoping that the site will respond well during its first weekend with the new changes.


frog.gif Jeremy Irish

Groundspeak - The Language of Location

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Well, the 'New' graphic is much easier on the eyes, but now it's busier than ever. Not only do you have a 'New' graphic on when it was last found, but any cache I've found within the set parameters also shows a 'New' below the date. Could we get rid of that second one? This shows up when I do a search for new caches within my state (Arizona).



Team A.I.

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Originally posted by Brian - Team A.I.:

Well, the 'New' graphic is much easier on the eyes, but now it's busier than ever. Not only do you have a 'New' graphic on when it was last found, but any cache I've found within the set parameters also shows a 'New' below the date. Could we get rid of that second one? This shows up when I do a search for new caches within my state (Arizona).



Team A.I.


Yeah, I'm confused here (sorry if this has been addressed earlier). I'm seeing caches that are a year old show up as "NEW". Is this because they've been found recently? I'm used to NEW applying only to when the cache was made public.

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Having two 'new' icons is a little confusing and busy. Maybe there could be a different way to denote a recently found cache such as a symbol or bold colored font?


All the changes are great, It's like having your cake and eating it too. Thanks Jeremy!



The adventures of Navdog, Justdog, and Otterpup


[This message was edited by Navdog on June 20, 2003 at 11:17 PM.]

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I don't like the idea of icons replacing the [ x ] and [ o ] text, but that's mostly because I like to view the web pages in text mode because it saves on downloading for a slow browser.


Problems that still exist:

- Links from the cache page are broken (nearest caches)

- Link back to the cache page is broken on the "your visit has been logged" page

- Nearest caches page uses Javascript for some reason to go to the next page? My lame-o machine doesn't have enough memory to support Javascript.

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I must congratulate you on the great job you've done so far! KUDOS!


Some tweaks I'd like to see.


• CSS controlling the colors and elements so we can taylor the colors to our own needs. I mentioned in the other thread about a user defined sheet setting our profiles and the ability to predefine a few sheets for people to choose from, plus others can custom make sheets to trade, etc.


I think CSS would be a good start in allowing users to customize the look and feel of the site to their needs.


• I still content the dedicated column for PLACED can be eliminated and Placed pushed under the Cache Title allowing it to be larger and longer without wrapping.


Just a reminder of a mockup from before with some suggestions implemented:



• To me the watched icon is in an odd place. Personally, I feel where the MOC icon and TB icons are would be better, kind of like it was before.


• The issue of the confusion of the NEW icon for logs could be resolved with a different graphic, like 72057_3800.gif . Then use the ALT tag to say "! denotes Found It log within the last 7 days."


I'd use the new NEW graphic for new caches, but make the time frame longer, maybe a month. 7 days for a new cache is pretty short and easy to overlook if you're only a weekend cacher.


• The ability to filter out found/hidden cache is the best thing of the new list, IMHO, even beyond the speed. A nice thing to have would be the ability to filter all caches found within the last 6 months. This would leave those caches not found for those who like the challenge of being FF and those caches that maybe missing or are really tough for those who like the additional challenge of finding what other people can't.


The ability to filter these types of cache with your own finds would helpful as you could hide the ones that you've found but hasn't been found in a while. Conversely, showing those that you've found, but hasn't been found in 6 months could highlight a problem with the cache and cache owner--being that you've found it makes you qualified to check on it to see if it's in the spot you found before. If it's not there, then that cache could be archived with authority.


Just a few thoughts.


Thanks for listening.





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Would it be possible to have the date you found the cache as apposed to (for example) 11 months ago?


Last found 4 days ago

You found it on 3/5/02



As always, the above statements are just MHO.


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I'd swear that when I looked at the page after clicking on "filter finds" that it also didn't show my own caches either, but just my nearest unfound caches. It would be nice to have a default search back where it would just show unfound caches only that aren't mine without the need to go to a separate form and make selections.

The "New" icon is showing up on caches that have been placed for months.

There used to be a little icon for caches that I am watching. That seems to be gone. It wouldn't be a big loss, but it was nice to see.

I don't know how much of a database hit it would be, but how about making the TB icon clickable to take you to the travel bug's page?

On the sunject of travel bugs, is there a way to be able to view the travel bug history of a cache, as in seeing what TBs a cache has ever held?

Overall though, the new page looks great and is fast! I don't miss the grouping, although just a day before the page was changed, I finally had caught up with all the new caches in our area to clear off the first page of unfound caches. Oh well...


Looking forward to the next set of updates!


- - - - -

I wish I could hear the soundtrack to my life. That way I'd know when to duck.

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Originally posted by Harrald:

Would it be possible to have the date you found the cache as apposed to (for example) _11 months ago_?


_Last found_ _4 days ago_

_You found it on_ _3/5/02_



As always, the above statements are just MHO.



Clearly, there are two completely different camps on this issue. I like how long ago I found it, while others want the date.


Is there a way to make this a switch, as well?





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Originally posted by BassoonPilot:

... the meaning of some of the items isn't clear at first glance, and the procedure to omit hidden/found caches wasn't found on the page.


I should add that it would be nice to be able to select the "default" ... either all caches or only those caches one hasn't hidden/found.


The way the procedure is currently set up, I have to click at four or five things and enter my zipcode twice to get to the desired information. That's neither efficient nor convenient ... having such a switch could substantially cut down on requests to the server.

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Originally posted by BassoonPilot:

... having such a switch could substantially cut down on requests to the server.


What I ended up doing is creating a bookmark. Works out great as I can get to the page from anywhere.


Create a search like normal, then add &f=1 to the end of the url and bookmark. Now, you've saved that search.





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The new "new log" icon stands out even more than the old "new cache" icon. A lot of people seem to be finding this usage confusing (numerous posts of 'why are old caches being labeled as new?"). It might be clearer if the icon said "logged" or, I dunno, something other than "new." "New log" in little print? I'm reaching here. Or if the icon color was something other than yellow, it might be less flashy... The new "new" is bigger and cleaner than the old "new"... I think perhaps should be used to replace the old "new cache" icon!

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I agree with those who aren't very fond of a new icon to indicate a recent find, but I fail to see why it is so confusing. Even with a little initial mystery, you soon figure it out and it becomes moot.


I really like CR's mockup! I did the first time he posted it and still do.


I also like the idea of icons to replace [X] & [ ] (and anywhere else space could be saved). I'd prefer you upgrade the site with an eye to the future and not tailor it to accomodate older, underpowered machines.

Perhaps a 'Text only' option common on many websites would better serve this purpose.


Filtering is great for me! More options would be nice, but pocket queries work just as well for that.


Look how far we've come in less than a week!


Bring on the new maps!


Thanks again for the great work and responding so quickly to fix minor (and some not so minor) quirks.

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Originally posted by Sissy-n-CR:


Clearly, there are two completely different camps on this issue. I like how long ago I found it, while others want the date.


I would rather see the date as well. It is more accurate, and it's pretty easy to figure out how long ago it was without being told.

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Possiable Problem hopefully just related to me for some reason icon_frown.gif.


Why would a cache show up as being found and not found?

What I mean is it (the the new nearest caches page) has a green number, and yet the box does not have an X in it (BTW I have not found this

cache, nor do I recall ever having logged it as found. But I may have posted note, long since deleted) And its also showing up in PQ's run for both found and not found.

I think its probly some sort of glitch with the search page switch over. At first (the the changeover first happened) the green date just

said "months ago", but now its saying 17 months.

Has anyone else had this sort of problem??

Ideas icon_confused.gif



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ok, it's much improved from the earlier changes to say the least, especially the 'filter' feature to show me my not-found list only.


Only thing I can think of is that when you show somebody's profile, you now see the hide date of the cache itself, not when they found the cache.


Being able to see their find dates is something I'd like to see return, lets you know how active somebody you're looking up is....



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I'd like to see a link on the nearest cache page - when you click on the nearest caches to a cache to be able to filter. Or maybe whenever - the page should know whether or not it's filtered by finds and hides, and link to the other one in case you want to switch back and forth.




Maybe up in the right top corner, it says:


Results: FILTERED / Not-Filtered






with one of those (the one you're not one) being a link.

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I like the idea behind changing the look of the pages. I further agree with some level of customizing being a good thing. How about extending more default options to charter members.


For example, in a charter member's user profile, how about default search options (that are easily reset on any search page), or default CSS settings (like a few generic ones.. custom may take too much real-time processing if used by a lot of people), and if you really want to go beyond ... and get crazy, how about those with signature items being able to create a generic log entry to save time logging new finds (more helpful to a hunt-n-peck typist).


I'm sure there are oodles of minor tweaks that would enhance the usefulness. These are a few ideas that would help me specifically, and hopefully these ideas will cause others to post their own particular likes.



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I have to agree with everybody who's mentioning the "New" icons. If a cache is "new" in the sense that it was recently placed (last 7 days or whatever) then that makes sense. If it was recently found, labelling it as "new" is just confusing.


There should be a "Recently Logged" icon (or something similar) to avoid this confusion.



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Originally posted by Dickrat:

I was wondering why the (X) appears in the left hand column the nearest cache page?


Dick & Margie


That means you've found the caches, or at least I think thats what its suppose to me... icon_biggrin.gif



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OK - Don't bite me if these are repeats:


On the nearest cache page, a newly approved cache (GCG8J2) approved just today but places on June 9th does not have the "NEW" icon next to it.


On the same page, GCG623 has the "NEW" icon, was found four days ago but was placed on May 26th.


Also on the same page, GCE0AF was placed March 8th, has the "NEW" icon and was found yesterday.




aka : Chris Williams


Caching in the North Bay and beyond...


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Originally posted by Quetzalteco:

On the nearest cache page, a newly approved cache (GCG8J2) approved just today but places on June 9th does not have the "NEW" icon next to it.


On the same page, GCG623 has the "NEW" icon, was found four days ago but was placed on May 26th.


Also on the same page, GCE0AF was placed March 8th, has the "NEW" icon and was found yesterday.

The "New" icon on the left of the page by the canister indicates that the date the cache is placed is less the 7 days old. Even if the cache was just approved, if it was placed more than 7 days ago, it won't show as new.


The new icon on the right by the last date found is a redundancy indicating that the cache has been found in the last 7 days.



Chicago Geocaching

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Originally posted by WolfPack2099:

Where's this filter feature everyone keeps talking about? I'm having a little trouble finding it.... icon_confused.gif

Click the "new search" link, and then check the box about 'exclud found/own' or whatever it says. Then fill in your zip or whatever you choose to search by and hit the seek button. The new results won't show the caches you've placed or found.



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On the "filter finds" link from My Cache Page, could this filter also filter unavailable caches? I use this filter most often to find a nearby cache to hunt, and the unavailable caches clutter up the list.


Great job on the recent site improvements!


Thanks --


-- ajgray

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Originally posted by ajgray:

On the "filter finds" link from My Cache Page, could this filter also filter unavailable caches? I use this filter most often to find a nearby cache to hunt, and the unavailable caches clutter up the list.


The reason they still show up is because they've been designated 'temporarily' unavailable. If they've been temporarily unavailable for many months, contact the owner and ask them if they intend to revive or archive the cache. As has been said in response to previous queries about this -- if they could be filtered out, nobody'd be bothered by them, and they'd just sit there 'temporarily' unavailable forever. This way, those bugged by them are goaded into action. Truly archived caches will not show up on searches.

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I've had issues where clicking on the "Filter Finds" does not work for me, the page I go to considers me to be logged out. However, I've been noticing I can click the Login link on the top right and then re-login and it(filter finds) works fine.


Only real suggestions I would want for that page, are; Ability to specify type of Cache. (I personally would like to have 'regular cache' only, a virtual cache/multi-cache may not be in my mood for the day, or I may be taking a geonewbie and I preferr to go to traditionals for those 'first trips'.) Also, I'd like to have the option to have any of the "Pocket Query" requests to be launched after editing. This way if I edit my queries, I can get the results relatively soon, not necessarily needing to wait for the next day? Additionally, an option to limit the search for caches along a direction/bearing. Much more advanced would be a sort of "Here are two corners of a square, give me anything inside it that matches."


The latter ones would require quite a bit more programming/CPU time I can imagine...


Other than that, I really have nothing I can think of that I'd change on the Nearest Cache Page. Just "More Powerful Searchings".

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A suggestion: On the newest cache page, instead of the asterisk, how about changing the color of the "n days ago". The asterisk blends in and is difficult to differntiate on a quick scan (I am assuming that the asterisk is there for a quick scan). If the text were a different - subtle, not loud - color from the rest of the text, perhaps that would accomplish what the asterisk intended to.




aka : Chris Williams


Caching in the North Bay and beyond...


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First, Thanks for the new features.



Instead of a 'Last Found Date' I would REALLY prefer to see the last date a cache log was updated for ANY reason, be it a Find, a Not Found, or even just a Note.


Knowing the last date a cache was found seems to be relatively useless info, especially if several no-finds have been posted since or the cache owner posted a note with updated info, etc. This type of 'visual' is available in 'Watcher' which I feel gives a truer representation of the cache status.


The extra 'New' that shows it found in the last seven days also seems very unneccessary IMHO.


I realize that everyone's needs or usage varies but in major metro areas where some caches are logged several times a week or more, the 'New' near the cache found date just becomes extra screen clutter. I can read, just the date will do.


Thanks for all your efforts in the system upgrades, it must have been/is still a ominous project. And thanks for considering everyones input.

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Starting June 24, 2003. When on the Nearest Cache Page. Click on a cache to see the new logs, when clicking back to return to the nearest cache page it goes to another page and tell me to click reload. It has only done this before when on the state map page. icon_confused.gif


Mejas icon_frown.gif


Love caching

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My login issues look solved, except that the forum tells me I'm logged in as Kite. (I had my own account before we decided to go with Kite and Hawkeye, so there are two accounts I could be using). If I'm logged in as Kite, fine, great... but when I post, it comes up as Kite and Hawkeye, while still saying "Hello, Kite!" at the top of the screen. I don't really care -- staying logged in when I go to nearest cache pages is FAR more important -- but if you're getting bored with the lack of issues with the new pages now that everyone's been mollified and/or made happy, there's one for you icon_smile.gif.

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I have a problem that hasn't been discussed (I think).

From several cache pages, when I go to view a picture that has been attached to a log, it is not shown.

If more than one pic was downloaded, the other(s) show as thumbnails at the bottom of the newly opened window, but not the selected pic.

I looked at several caches and they all responded the same.

Any ideas?!

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Originally posted by Gaddiel & OrangeDanish:

We're having the exact same problem. As you can see, when we post, it says, "Gaddiel & OrangeDanish", but at the top, it says we're logged in as "Gaddiel" (my old username).


This could be because of space.



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