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grodan & fiabus

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My new mission to get rid of some abstinence is this.


The Flower Power mission.


Send a trackable non-activated geocoin along with a card and some small items to refer to your favourite flower. NO SEEDS unless you send inside your own country. Please think of customsrules.


The items can be just about anything you can come up with. Keyholders, keychains, pins, pathtags, sigitems, cards, paintings, jewelry, fridgemagnets, stickers, just anything.


Let it be a easy mission, don´t fill huge boxes with stuff, just find a few things to send along with the flowercard and coin, maybe 3-5 things and let it be nonexpensive things.


This is a quick mission so here is the "rules"


Sign-ups until sun may 3. After that I will mix and match your names and then you have until may 31 to send the mission out.


Sign-up for more than one mission if you like, kids and pets allowed but all mixmatched together.


Email me at: grodanfiabus@hotmail.com with your



real name and shipping adress (please write the adress with the full state name and as it shall appear)


I´m sure I have forgotten something but lets go.

Send me an email if you have any questions or post here and I will answer if I can.


grodan Karin

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My new mission to get rid of some abstinence is this.


The Flower Power mission.


Send a trackable non-activated geocoin along with a card and some small items to refer to your favourite flower. NO SEEDS unless you send inside your own country. Please think of customsrules.


The items can be just about anything you can come up with. Keyholders, keychains, pins, pathtags, sigitems, cards, paintings, jewelry, fridgemagnets, stickers, just anything.


Let it be a easy mission, don´t fill huge boxes with stuff, just find a few things to send along with the flowercard and coin, maybe 3-5 things and let it be nonexpensive things.


This is a quick mission so here is the "rules"


Sign-ups until sun may 3. After that I will mix and match your names and then you have until may 31 to send the mission out.


Sign-up for more than one mission if you like, kids and pets allowed but all mixmatched together.


Email me at: grodanfiabus@hotmail.com with your



real name and shipping adress (please write the adress with the full state name and as it shall appear)


I´m sure I have forgotten something but lets go.

Send me an email if you have any questions or post here and I will answer if I can.


grodan Karin


E-Mail sent.


I´m happy about this mission.


I also interessted in to send 2 Missions out.


Best regards René

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My new mission to get rid of some abstinence is this.


The Flower Power mission.


Send a trackable non-activated geocoin along with a card and some small items to refer to your favourite flower. NO SEEDS unless you send inside your own country. Please think of customsrules.


The items can be just about anything you can come up with. Keyholders, keychains, pins, pathtags, sigitems, cards, paintings, jewelry, fridgemagnets, stickers, just anything.


Let it be a easy mission, don´t fill huge boxes with stuff, just find a few things to send along with the flowercard and coin, maybe 3-5 things and let it be nonexpensive things.


This is a quick mission so here is the "rules"


Sign-ups until sun may 3. After that I will mix and match your names and then you have until may 31 to send the mission out.


Sign-up for more than one mission if you like, kids and pets allowed but all mixmatched together.


Email me at: grodanfiabus@hotmail.com with your



real name and shipping adress (please write the adress with the full state name and as it shall appear)



Please remember to post all your progress here so I can keep track of the missions and haunt senders if needed. :anicute: (as if I could be mean)


I´m sure I have forgotten something but lets go.

Send me an email if you have any questions or post here and I will answer if I can.


grodan Karin


edited to fill in what I forgot

Edited by grodan & fiabus
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