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grodan & fiabus

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Email Sent: 28 April 2009

Name Received: 6 May 2009

Mission Sent: 13 May 2009

Mission Received: 18 May 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I am a little late posting this, but a BIG thank you to Mrs. usyoopers for my flower mission! The thought put into this mission is evident by all of the goodies AND my coin: a Northern Right Whale from my seeking list!!! I also got a very cool egyption coin that I am completely unfamiliar with and so was a nice surprise to see. (Mrs. usyoopers, any information about this coin?!)


Definitely above and beyond my expectations, but to receive this was a great start to my week. Thanks to my sender AND to the mission organizers!




:anibad: I'm glad to hear you liked the package! The egyptian coin is called the "Egyptian Shabti's" it was made in brown, blue and gray (I believe).



Email sent: yes

Name received: Received 5/6

Mission sent: Sent it today. It was going international so I sent it priority mail.

Mission received: Yes from Lunamoth47. She did such a terrific mission for me. There was a garden flag, a magnet with flowers in it,yellow flowers which is my favorite color, stickers, socks, a beautiful card, 2 pathtags and a Spring into caching coin. I didn't have this coin and it is so nice. I like all the colors. Everything is colorful, springy and sure made my day. Oh yeah and flower napkins which I will take when I go to the coast tomorrow. I was supposed to pick some up today and forgot so I am all set now. Thank you Chris, you did great. I am so happy with it.






Email sent: yes

Name received: Received 5/6

Mission sent: Sent it today. Delivery confirmation said it arrived at its destination.

Mission received: Not yet



Grandson Guy:

Email sent: yes

Name received: Received 5/6

Mission sent: Sent it today. It was going international so I sent it priority mail.

Mission received: Guy received his today from Spot the cat. Had lots of good things. A race car, a kayak with a boy in it, he loves kayaks and won one a couple weeks ago, a key chain with camping stuff on it, a happy easter 2009 coin, sunflower seeds which he will plant this weekend, two mice and his favorite, bugs and butterflies. Thank you Spot. 96d3e589-76a6-45be-a9f5-1ac774943b47.jpg


Maine Family, There are 2 coins in Guys Mission.

One was on the car and one was on the Kayak!!!!! It's the Easter Bunny Express!!!!!

Please check!!!!



Maine Family, There are 2 coins in Guys Mission.

One was on the car and one was on the Kayak!!!!! It's the Easter Bunny Express!!!!!

Please check!!!!




Got it. He loves trains and didn't have that one. He is happy.



Email sent: 4/28/09

Name received: 5/6/09

Mission sent: 5/19/09 It has a long long way to go.

Mission received:



Email sent: 4/28/09

Name received: 5/6/09

Mission sent: 5/21/09

Mission received


E mail sent: 30/04/09

Name rec'd: 06/05/09

Mission sent: 21/05/09

Mission rec'd: 22/05/09 :laughing:B)

Received my mission today from the Belfry Potters and got a pair of flowery socks, flower post its a maple bookmark, a carved flower pen, a Canada Micro Puck (really cute) and a beautiful Flower Geocoin (strange as I saw this coin and thought it would be good for the mission, but seeing as I would have to buy two (one for me as I always get myself a coin as well its a sneaky way of collecting them!) I decided to stick with my first choice).

Thank you so much

Picture on the way.


Wow, that was fast, since I only mailed the package eight days ago! It took longer than that for my Turtles to waddle up from Montana, which is just across the Canada-US border from Alberta.

I'm glad everything arrived in good shape and that you like the Flower coin. It's a really lovely coin and I like how they chose flowers that are found all over much of North America. Have a happy Spring!


Yes we received our mission, card, flowerstickers, balloons and 2 nice coins!

Our secret sender likes balloons and see what she has sent!






Thank you very much.


I love that April Showers coin. It's so colorful. Millie, have you ever looked at the website Balloon Hat? You might enjoy it.



I love that April Showers coin. It's so colorful. Millie, have you ever looked at the website Balloon Hat? You might enjoy it.


Yes i know the site and i have met the artist Adi several times.

He has given lectures in Europe and show his slides and movie! Also for non balloon lovers it is interesting to hear his stories.


Just so Millie isn't the only one writing here....


These pictures were taken Sunday morning in the garden...




Memories of Ireland, Bluebells, another Scilla variety:



A quick look at my notes tell me that many of you still need to post your progress here.


I have soon got all my things together to send them out, two will go out tomorrow but one will have to wait some more.


Please remember to post here and we all like to share your photos.


grodan Karin


Thank you all for doing this mission and if you know you are going to be late in sending your mission, please let me know so I can tell the recipient.


Today I received two really beautifull coins. An Edelweiss coin and another one which at first I could not understand: what does it mean? After a little research I understood that it is a lovespoon from Wales. Very original indeed. Perry many thanks for these nice coins. I really love them.



Email sent: yes

Name received:yes

Mission sent: yes may 26

Mission received



Email sent: yes

Name received:yes

Mission sent: yes, may 26

Mission received




Email sent: yes

Name received:yes

Mission sent: not yet

Mission received: yes may 15. A lovely package from summerandnana. Thank you very much. Loved it all!!!


A pretty little claybox with a memorygame with californian wildflowers, a nice set of cards to tell about the flowers sent, a little rubberbook with the coins all put in very nicely and a very pretty card.

The coins are a kansas sunflower, a for the love of the caching in pink/gold (my new favouritrecoin) and a bee my geocache (non-trackable). I don´t have any of them, well I have a Kansas but not in that metal.

A wonderful package with a lot of thought behind. Many, many thanks!!!


grodan Karin


MISSION 1 (Me-Turlutortue)


Email sent: 4/28/09

Name received:5/6/09

Mission sent: may 20

Mission received:may 19

Thanks Los Rositas


MISSION 2 ( Paffinator)


Email sent: 4/28/09

Name received:5/6/09

Mission sent: may 21

Mission received: may 26 Thanks to LoriDarling

My son Paffinator was so excited to received his first geocoins through mail. He loved them THANKS!



MISSION 3 (Moustaches de chaton)


Email sent: 4/28/09

Name received:5/6/09

Mission sent: may 21

Mission received:



mail sent: 4/27/09

Name received: 5-6-09

Mission sent: 5-26-09 (I was told by the post office it should get there before the end of the century :P )

Mission received:

Posted (edited)

Participating: yes

Received name: 5/6/09

Mission sent: 5/26/09

Mission received: not yet


should get there soon, we're on the same coast???????? :laughing:

Edited by nefesh

I got my flower mission today and I am so excited to share with everyone!!


First off, last mission (sunshine) I sent to PV=nRT. So I was very tickled to see a package from the name and address that I recognized. I couldn't wait to open it.


Inside, such wonderful and thoughtful items!




A nice daffodil and cat card, with OMG ... a blue on silver Neptunes Compass! Really cute bottlecap magnets, handmade of my very own avatar symbol as well as the GC logo. A beautiful daffodil suncatcher stained glass suncatcher, and sweet words telling her love of daffodils.





I never thought I would get a Neptune's Compass!








Thanks PV=nRT, this was a great package!


Just to update, my mission should be going out Thursday. The coin has now arrived, and I just have one more thing I need for the package. It's been fun getting things ready to send off.


I got my flower mission today and I am so excited to share with everyone!!


First off, last mission (sunshine) I sent to PV=nRT. So I was very tickled to see a package from the name and address that I recognized. I couldn't wait to open it.


Inside, such wonderful and thoughtful items!




A nice daffodil and cat card, with OMG ... a blue on silver Neptunes Compass! Really cute bottlecap magnets, handmade of my very own avatar symbol as well as the GC logo. A beautiful daffodil suncatcher stained glass suncatcher, and sweet words telling her love of daffodils.





I never thought I would get a Neptune's Compass!








Thanks PV=nRT, this was a great package!

That tiffany daffodil looks lovely! And the Neptunes Compass is great!


well today it is just me on my own in this topic :laughing:


I have sent my mission to ....... out!



I have a question...


or maybe a challange......


Crow Ballon animal???




doggie girl :


e-mail Sent 01 ~ 05 ~ 09

name Received 06 ~ 05 ~ 09

mission Sen 20 ~ 05 ~ 09

mission Received


human girl :


e-mail Sent 01 ~ 05 ~ 09

name Received 06 ~ 05 ~ 09

mission Sent 20 ~ 05 ~ 09

mission Received


as CHUR did`t know or she had the human or the doggie girl i don`t know by who i must put received i only know that CHUR really spoiled uzz both :D


the perfect day ...............

today when i did come home from work and wolk the doggiezzzz i deside to go sit outside .......

the weather is good not to hot not to cold :cool:

i put Pim in her little pond Jude was playing in her house and Lorca and Bruno where lay down on there outdoor sofa........

i was sitting and look to all my lovely 4 leggie kidzzzz and i was really happy..............

then the mailman ring at my door so i open and he give me a package from germany :cool:

when i open it i saw a green field with all beautiful flowerzzzz and i got a big BIGG :cool:;)

i take the field out and there where more flowerzzzz :D;)


there was a little pot in it that i must give water so the SUNFLOWER grow :laughing:

and flower candlezzz they smell so so goodddd......

and flower soap and seedzzz of the flower KAPUZINERKRESSE with a little note that you can eat them.....

can you believe that FLOWERZZZ THAT YOU CAN EAT :cool:

i really must put them in the ground so that i can see them grow and when they are readdy i can EAT......

oke there was more CANDY A LOT A LOT OF CANDY AND CHOCOLATE fookzzzz really a LOT...... :cool:

but that`s not all there was also a lot A LOTTTTT candy for LORCA ......

and there where 3 coinzz in and fookzzzz i only can say that Lorca and me are really spoiled......

see what i mean ...........


the hole package......



the beautiful coinzzzz............



see i`m spoiled hù ...........







sorry that she don`t give you a smile but she is so bussy enjoy~ing her candy .......

and for me i go sit down and drink the speculaas coffee :cool: and enjoy everything and look to my beautifull red flowerzzz that you give me ;):D:D


Mission 1:Email sent: 4/30/09

Name received: YES

Mission sent: YES

Mission received:


Mission 2:

Email sent: 4/30/09

Name received: YES

Mission sent: YES

Mission received:


Churs Mission 1:

Email Sent: 4/28/09

Name Recieved:6. May

Mission Sent: 23.5.2009

Mission Recieved: YES!


Churs Mission 2:

Email Sent: 4/28/09

Name Recieved:6. May

Mission Sent: 23.5.2009

Mission Recieved: YES!


Friday, when I came home from work, I found a big parcel in my mail... On the customs form it said "birthday gifts", but my birthday is in October??? Must be the first flower mission, and I hadn't even sent my missions out... But I had the things together so I wrapped the things that evening and brought them to the post office the next day :laughing:


Great to hear that Lorcas mission already arrived! It was fun putting it together, before this mission I had no idea how many goodies are available for dogs :D


I received two really wonderful mission parcels from The finding Irish 4 and Turlutortue! Each of them found a coin from my wishlist for me! :D;):cool:

I'll try to post pictures tomorrow! Thank you!


email just sent, 1 for each of us! :unsure:


Mrs usyoopers


email sent- 4/28

name received- got it 5/6

mission sent- 5/11...Just left it at the post office!

mission received-5/27


Double the fun, we both received our missions on the same day! I'm not sure exactly who my sender was, they like the Sunflower though. (I love them too, I plant them around the back edge of our vegetable garden every year) There was a cache mover coin, a Sacramento 08 coin and 2 geopins...the German geocache will go right on my cache bag! Thanks much to my friend from Germany!




the other yooper


email sent- 4/28

name received- got it 5/6

mission sent- 5/11....On its way!!

mission received- 5/27


The other yoopers mission arrived from Moustaches de Chaton. Inside was a lovely card made by her Grandmother, we will display that on the computer desk by the special geocoins that are there. Also a flower dangler for the gps, flower earrings that Mrs usyoopers promptly took off with and a chick geocoin. Thank you very much for a very nice mission!




Email sent: 5/3/09

Name received: 5/6/09

Mission sent: not yet - will send 5/28

Mission received: yes


Sorry for the delay! I've been meaning to post but wanted to take pictures of the package first :unsure: I received a very lovely package from the Maine Family. A lot of thought was put into it and I got a package of seeds for one of my favorite flowers, snapdragons! I also received gardening gloves (which will really come in handy!), some beautiful postcards, gardening book and a guide to Maine. I also got a nerd coin and a Nero coin - I love both these little guys and I'm excited to add them to my collection :blink: Thanks so much Maine Family!






Churs Mission 1:

Email Sent: 4/28/09

Name Recieved:6. May

Mission Sent: 23.5.2009

Mission Recieved: YES!


Churs Mission 2:

Email Sent: 4/28/09

Name Recieved:6. May

Mission Sent: 23.5.2009

Mission Recieved: YES!


Friday, when I came home from work, I found a big parcel in my mail... On the customs form it said "birthday gifts", but my birthday is in October??? Must be the first flower mission, and I hadn't even sent my missions out... But I had the things together so I wrapped the things that evening and brought them to the post office the next day :ph34r:


Great to hear that Lorcas mission already arrived! It was fun putting it together, before this mission I had no idea how many goodies are available for dogs :(


I received two really wonderful mission parcels from The finding Irish 4 and Turlutortue! Each of them found a coin from my wishlist for me! :(:P:P

I'll try to post pictures tomorrow! Thank you!


I spoke to the nice Gentleman at the Post Office and when I said Flower he pulled out the Customs Regulation Book…. :blink:

So you can imagine what the word MISSION would have done to him :unsure:


Birthday Gifts made him smile sort-of and only on one side of his mouth but he put the book away stamped the package and said next :D


I hope you like the items, and glad we were able to help you cross a coin off of your seeking list.



So you can imagine what the word MISSION would have done to him :(

My postmistress is a non native speaker, I believe she's Turkish.

Imagine, when she read on the customs form: gift.

Gift in German is poison.... :unsure::blink::ph34r:


email just sent, 1 for each of us! :unsure:


Mrs usyoopers


email sent- 4/28

name received- got it 5/6

mission sent- 5/11...Just left it at the post office!

mission received-5/27


Double the fun, we both received our missions on the same day! I'm not sure exactly who my sender was, they like the Sunflower though. (I love them too, I plant them around the back edge of our vegetable garden every year) There was a cache mover coin, a Sacramento 08 coin and 2 geopins...the German geocache will go right on my cache bag! Thanks much to my friend from Germany!





I also love the sunflowers ;-)


Greating René



So you can imagine what the word MISSION would have done to him :huh:

My postmistress is a non native speaker, I believe she's Turkish.

Imagine, when she read on the customs form: gift.

Gift in German is poison.... :ph34r::o:)

*Giggle* :laughing::D:laughing:


I hope you like the items, and glad we were able to help you cross a coin off of your seeking list.


Oh yes, is was really nice to unpack all the gifts! A very nice rose magnet, a scented candle a puzzle (with a picture of "Kapuzinerkresse" on it), a mirror, notebooks, and and and :-)



There was also finding irish pathtag and, last but not least, this nice Funny animal gecko lizard:





Mission 1:Email sent: 4/30/09

Name received: YES

Mission sent: YES

Mission received:


Mission 2:

Email sent: 4/30/09

Name received: YES

Mission sent: YES

Mission received:


One of mine has a LONG way to travel. I hope the reciepient likes it ( YOu know they willbut still need to say that) I Forgot to put my card in :ph34r:


And here is a picture of the second mission I received:



Turlutortue sent me a nice card with a Clematis, which is her favourite flower an some self-made flower items (a flower ornament for my GPS :ph34r: ) and she even made a little red herring extra for me! :o:):laughing:


And here is a picture of my new beautiful Crowesfeat coin:






Back home from a long weekend with festival visit, I found a note from the postman in my mailbox. I went to the post office and got a very large box. My flower mission arrived.


See pics below!


Thank you so much, Jessica! I love this mission and the coin is absolutely perfect!


Before opening



And after



P.S. I did not sent my flower mission out so far but I will do it tomorrow.


My first mission and it was a great experience :ph34r::o


I spend a while in hospital and when i arrived at home, i found an envelope in my mailbox....


....and when i opened it i was speechless: In the envelope was more a kind of artwork than a letter.


I never received such a beautiful card before and so i took it in my hands every 5 minutes,because i wasn´t able to stop looking on it :):laughing:




Thanks for this beautiful mission Chickahominy, i love the compass roses :D


My first mission and it was a great experience :ph34r::o


I spend a while in hospital and when i arrived at home, i found an envelope in my mailbox....


....and when i opened it i was speechless: In the envelope was more a kind of artwork than a letter.


I never received such a beautiful card before and so i took it in my hands every 5 minutes,because i wasn´t able to stop looking on it :):laughing:




Thanks for this beautiful mission Chickahominy, i love the compass roses :D


LOL! I'm not the best artist in the world.. but I made it work! So glad you liked it Dark Elf. It was a bit difficult to find the "right" coins for you. I figured everyone can use a compass rose or two! Hope you are feeling better after your hospital stay. ~Chicka


My first mission and it was a great experience :P:P


I spend a while in hospital and when i arrived at home, i found an envelope in my mailbox....


....and when i opened it i was speechless: In the envelope was more a kind of artwork than a letter.


I never received such a beautiful card before and so i took it in my hands every 5 minutes,because i wasn´t able to stop looking on it :):D




Thanks for this beautiful mission Chickahominy, i love the compass roses :D

Roses for you, and no thorns!


Now isn't that lovely!


I'm working with roses, we're propagating them and at the moment, lots of them are in flower...

I can asure you, there are varieties without thorns, but very few! :blink:


I'm glad you liked your fist mission, Dark Elf!


Email sent: 4/28/09

Name received: 5/6/09

Mission sent: 5/28/09 Finally received the last item I was waiting for and got it in the mail yesterday.


And the Heleborus are still in flower? What temperatures do you have? They're long gone around here... :blink:

Well, its not Heleborus but "Pfeifenstrauch" (Philadelphus?)... The bush smells wonderful, like jasmine :P


And the Heleborus are still in flower? What temperatures do you have? They're long gone around here... :blink:

Well, its not Heleborus but "Pfeifenstrauch" (Philadelphus?)... The bush smells wonderful, like jasmine :P

Uuuuups, I should pay better attention to the pictures...


And the Heleborus are still in flower? What temperatures do you have? They're long gone around here... :blink:

Well, its not Heleborus but "Pfeifenstrauch" (Philadelphus?)... The bush smells wonderful, like jasmine :P

Uuuuups, I should pay better attention to the pictures...


Philadephus is Mock Orange. It smells heavenly... like orange blossoms. Back in the olden days (1800's) brides would wear a wreath/crown of it in their hair.


Philadephus is Mock Orange. It smells heavenly... like orange blossoms. Back in the olden days (1800's) brides would wear a wreath/crown of it in their hair.

Really? :blink:


I'd rather not, the smell of Philadelphus is strong, but not to my taste...

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