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Posted (edited)

Willing to trade a Artist Polished Gold Wheel of the Year 2008 (10made)


for a


Northern Planisphere


Puzzle (4coin set)


Email me via my profile if interested.



Edited by princeshoko

Hello All,

For some time my Son has been trading/swapping/begging his way to get a Dressel Dragon Coin:




He has not been successful to date, everyone either fell through or the trades were not good enough.

His GC name is Fredhead, he is 8 years old.

He has a few coins to trade but nothing major, but he is willing to trade Dad's $'s for coins.

He has put it on his Christmas list to the Big Man at the North Pole, but he was sniped at the last second yet again.

Can anyone help?


Drop me an e-mail via GC profile.


MERRY CHRISTAMS and Happy New Year.


Thank you in advance.

The Finding Irish 4


I have one each of the new Dragonfly Talisman geocoins (Johnny Cash and Bucket List).


I am seeking some of the following coins:

The Great Outdoors (antique nickel)

Trainset Geocoin (Engine and Caboose)...hopefully I have the name right

The G-Files (Black Nickel LE)

Tranquility (I don't have any yet so I am looking for a multi-coloured one first)




Dragonfly Talisman - Johnny Cash

Dragonfly Talisman - Bucket List

Cache of the Titans Medusa Mythology Antique Gold

Cache of the Titans Medusa Mythology Antique Silver

Astro Geocoin Autumn Glow

Astro Geocoin Winter Shades


Groundspeak Volunteer 2008

Labyrinth ernies Gold/Matte Black

Norway 2008 Antique Copper

Sylvan Seekers II Miisha Antique Copper

The Caching Bug Copper


Available for trade for the above coins only:


New Zealand 2008

Cache of the Titans Medusa Mythology Antique Copper

Celtic Cross Antique Gold Red Translucent

Phoenix Series - LE Earth Phoenix Geocoin

Sleeping Dragon Antique Gold

Sleeping Dragon Gold

Sleeping Dragon Silver

Christmas Compass Rose Gold

Christmas Compass Rose Silver




Hello All,

For some time my Son has been trading/swapping/begging his way to get a Dressel Dragon Coin:




He has not been successful to date, everyone either fell through or the trades were not good enough.

His GC name is Fredhead, he is 8 years old.

He has a few coins to trade but nothing major, but he is willing to trade Dad's $'s for coins.

He has put it on his Christmas list to the Big Man at the North Pole, but he was sniped at the last second yet again.

Can anyone help?


Drop me an e-mail via GC profile.


MERRY CHRISTAMS and Happy New Year.


Thank you in advance.

The Finding Irish 4

Wish we had some left to help you out ;)


Updated trader/seeking list yet again ;)



2008 Copper Four Musketeer coins (have blue and green)

2008 Dorkfish Ultra rare Yellow Lobster

2008 Manatee (black nickel)

2008 Inept

2008 Mimbres Antique Bronze

I may consider trading a Waymarking Bounty coin for the right offer as well.



Deadliest Cache Time Bandit (Gold LE)

Alien Compass Rose - Yime Edition

Earth turtle (any)

2007 Dragonfly LE (others colors considered)

Compass Rose (make offer)

Tranquility coins


email me here: jrrj@iw.net if interested. Thanks.

Posted (edited)

I have one each of the new Dragonfly Talisman geocoins (Johnny Cash and Bucket List).


I am seeking some of the following coins:

The Great Outdoors (antique nickel)

Trainset Geocoin (Engine and Caboose)...hopefully I have the name right

The G-Files (Black Nickel LE)

Tranquility (I don't have any yet so I am looking for a multi-coloured one first)


Here is the Great Outdoors that I have and I apologize in advance on the horrible pictures:


Edited by fairyhoney

To me, it "looks" like the 3rd one down It is hard for me to be sure which one it truly is - sorry ;)


Geocoin Design Presents



Presenting "The Great Outdoors" geocoin - designed and minted by



2" square Geocoin

Epoxy coated

Trackable with its own icons













We hope you enjoy our latest design - The Great Outdoors - dedicated to caching and those who enjoy the hobby.


All the details on this coin are related to WHY we cache, and what we enjoy about it.


I took this design in a new direction, as I wanted to give the finished coins a unique look, a little different from the norm. They are finished to give almost a patina effect thats slightly differs from anything I've done.


I wanted them to look a little 'outdoorsy', in both the design and finish - like something you would see in a park, as a wrought iron plaque, or a stepping stone.


We 'cut no corners' on this design :D


The initial run consists of 250 coins with an entire run of 750 total possible.


The initial breakdowns are as follows:


90 Antique Gold

90 Antique Nickel

50 LE Polished Gold

20 LE Two Tone Gold/Nickel


The LE's will obviously NOT be reminted.


These are shipping out to us tonight (January 16th) and will go on sale after the coins are in hand on Friday (January 18th) at GeocoinDesign.com - A direct sales link will be added when coins are in hand.


Keep an eye on this thread for sale time!


We hope you love the coin as much as we do!




I have 2 of the new pathtag transporter /with the path tag coins 1 in each color,, willing to trade 1 of the 2,you pick,, I have a small want list on our page, and I love elegant coins, with intricate designs, if you have one you think id like send me a pic.


PM sent...I have an extra trolley you can have : )


Never got the PM and Don't think I got back to you - em sent through profile today. Hope we can set up a trade. Thank you!


Got your em and will send it out to you tomorrow morning, don't worry about trading for it no big deal : )


OMG - that is awesome.......thank you very much. Merry Christmas!




Dragonfly Talisman - Johnny Cash - Trade made ;)

Dragonfly Talisman - Bucket List

Cache of the Titans Medusa Mythology Antique Gold

Cache of the Titans Medusa Mythology Antique Silver

Astro Geocoin Autumn Glow

Astro Geocoin Winter Shades


Groundspeak Volunteer 2008

Labyrinth ernies Gold/Matte Black

Norway 2008 Antique Copper

Sylvan Seekers II Miisha Antique Copper

The Caching Bug Copper


Available for trade for the above coins only:


New Zealand 2008 - Trade made :D

Cache of the Titans Medusa Mythology Antique Copper

Celtic Cross Antique Gold Red Translucent

Phoenix Series - LE Earth Phoenix Geocoin

Sleeping Dragon Antique Gold

Sleeping Dragon Gold

Sleeping Dragon Silver

Christmas Compass Rose Gold

Christmas Compass Rose Silver




Today the lobsters arrived and i have a green holiday or a white one for trade.

Does somebody wants to trade?

We like coins with horses, cats and cows. We have found some which we have activated and are in our profile.

Posted (edited)

Hi there!


I designed the November Geoswag Coin and Pin Club geocoin. My version differs a bit from the version sent out to its members. My finish is black nickel, with the glitter in the snow and a nice bright blue on the back. I have 25 with matching pins.

Here is a pic of my coin.






Anybody interested in trading a Peace on Earth coinament (the one loridarlin designed) or the mystery christmas compass from geoswag for this coin please? Thanks! Merry Christmas!


Edited to add the new Peace/Dove suncatcher from geoswag please too.

Edited by PengoFamily

This is more of a question at this point, than a trade offer. However, I obviously am in a position to make this trade.


Would you trade for an activated 2005 Groundspeak Volunteer geocoin, if you knew that you couldn't get the coin adopted over to you? What I mean is, the Volunteer reviewer that activated the coin would retain ownership?


Please don't post here, email me with your thoughts. And yes, I have one in that current dilemma.




I have 2 of the new pathtag transporter /with the path tag coins 1 in each color,, willing to trade 1 of the 2,you pick,, I have a small want list on our page, and I love elegant coins, with intricate designs, if you have one you think id like send me a pic.

anyone?? theese are my first trader coins....


I have 2 of the new pathtag transporter /with the path tag coins 1 in each color,, willing to trade 1 of the 2,you pick,, I have a small want list on our page, and I love elegant coins, with intricate designs, if you have one you think id like send me a pic.

anyone?? theese are my first trader coins....


PM Sent


This is more of a question at this point, than a trade offer. However, I obviously am in a position to make this trade.


Would you trade for an activated 2005 Groundspeak Volunteer geocoin, if you knew that you couldn't get the coin adopted over to you? What I mean is, the Volunteer reviewer that activated the coin would retain ownership?


Please don't post here, email me with your thoughts. And yes, I have one in that current dilemma.




email sent with my answer...good luck with whatever you do! :)

Looking for a Samoa Benchmark coin (I think that's what it's called anyway), does anyone out there have an extra?

American Samoa Benchmark






Thanks! I'm still looking for a trade first, but just surprised this one got past me. I must be slipping :)

Let me check, I might have an extra one of those.


Hoping to find either or both the latest Dragonfly Talisman-Cash or Bucket version.

Can provide a trade list.


Still looking.


Also looking to trade for LoriDarlin's 'Peace On Earth' Christmas Coin in both metals.

Yes, I know they still available for purchase, but.............



I'm SEEKING the following TRANQUILITY Coins :


Blue is my world - GOLD

USA - Blood in the ocean

2-Tone Copper + Black Nickel

Unnamed - Enamel Black Nickel Gold (Geocaching Colors)

German Black Forest


I have to OFFER :


Dark Knight Mystery Coin

Pay it Forward Mystery Coin Polished Nickel

The Geocoin Fairy AE Mystery Coin Antique Copper

Geocaching Skills Mastercoin Gold

Cross Staff & Back Staff LE Black Nickel (Navigation Series)




Have a few Traders:

12 days of Caching 2008 Crake Antique gold

Ammo Can P't Butter

Chocolate bunny

FTF Christmas Nickle LE

Hibiscus flip flop gold

Spring Chick N LE

Summer Fun Pinwheel Gold

DNF Gold

Lettuce go Caching

March of the Penguins Gold

TFTC Cherry of a cache

Toucan N

Vote Mccain

Reef Check Gold


My seeking list (such as it is) - but i'm also open to other suggestion ;)


Hoping to find either or both the latest Dragonfly Talisman-Cash or Bucket version.

Can provide a trade list.


Still looking.


Also looking to trade for LoriDarlin's 'Peace On Earth' Christmas Coin in both metals.

Yes, I know they still available for purchase, but.............





I'm SEEKING the following TRANQUILITY Coins :


Blue is my world - GOLD

USA - Blood in the ocean

2-Tone Copper + Black Nickel

Unnamed - Enamel Black Nickel Gold (Geocaching Colors)

German Black Forest


I have to OFFER :


Dark Knight Mystery Coin

Pay it Forward Mystery Coin Polished Nickel

The Geocoin Fairy AE Mystery Coin Antique Copper

Geocaching Skills Mastercoin Gold

Cross Staff & Back Staff LE Black Nickel (Navigation Series)




Email sent.


Ok, so time for the official offer.


I am trading a 2005 Groundspeak Volunteer geocoin. This coin is Activated and Owned by a former Groundspeak Volunteer Cache Reviewer. This reviewer no longer geocaches, or reviews, and therefore this coin will NOT be adopted over to you. However, I have explicit permission to trade off this coin.


So offer away. Please. ;)




Ok, so time for the official offer.


I am trading a 2005 Groundspeak Volunteer geocoin. This coin is Activated and Owned by a former Groundspeak Volunteer Cache Reviewer. This reviewer no longer geocaches, or reviews, and therefore this coin will NOT be adopted over to you. However, I have explicit permission to trade off this coin.


So offer away. Please. ;)




just one question - if the person is no longer involved in geocaching, what is the big deal about adopting the coin to someone else?


this opens a door for others to try to sell an activated coin they say they have permission to sell - but without adoption, there is no guarantee the coin is really available.


it just seems weird.




Ok, so time for the official offer.


I am trading a 2005 Groundspeak Volunteer geocoin. This coin is Activated and Owned by a former Groundspeak Volunteer Cache Reviewer. This reviewer no longer geocaches, or reviews, and therefore this coin will NOT be adopted over to you. However, I have explicit permission to trade off this coin.


So offer away. Please. :)




just one question - if the person is no longer involved in geocaching, what is the big deal about adopting the coin to someone else?


this opens a door for others to try to sell an activated coin they say they have permission to sell - but without adoption, there is no guarantee the coin is really available.


it just seems weird.




Because he's not answering his emails, and I have no way to get in touch with him. That's why. And where did I say I was selling anything? If you'd like to petition Groundspeak to have it force adopted over to me, I'm happy to have it on my profile :)


And you're right to not trust me. I'm a pretty shady guy ;)




Ok, so time for the official offer.


I am trading a 2005 Groundspeak Volunteer geocoin. This coin is Activated and Owned by a former Groundspeak Volunteer Cache Reviewer. This reviewer no longer geocaches, or reviews, and therefore this coin will NOT be adopted over to you. However, I have explicit permission to trade off this coin.


So offer away. Please. :)




Back to your regularly scheduled programming, minus the naysayers. What I'd like to get in return for this would be colored Tengwars please. Thanks ;)




Ok, so time for the official offer.


I am trading a 2005 Groundspeak Volunteer geocoin. This coin is Activated and Owned by a former Groundspeak Volunteer Cache Reviewer. This reviewer no longer geocaches, or reviews, and therefore this coin will NOT be adopted over to you. However, I have explicit permission to trade off this coin.


So offer away. Please. :)




just one question - if the person is no longer involved in geocaching, what is the big deal about adopting the coin to someone else?


this opens a door for others to try to sell an activated coin they say they have permission to sell - but without adoption, there is no guarantee the coin is really available.


it just seems weird.




Because he's not answering his emails, and I have no way to get in touch with him. That's why. And where did I say I was selling anything? If you'd like to petition Groundspeak to have it force adopted over to me, I'm happy to have it on my profile :)


And you're right to not trust me. I'm a pretty shady guy ;)




chill dude, where did i say you were trying to sell anything? i was wondering if this opened a door for "others" , not you. just questions out in the open, that's it.




Seeking a blue Cache Angel coin. Please see my trading list through the link below.


Still seeking a blue Cache Angel. Also seeking a MWGB Group Bird coin.


I haven't been doing much trading due to some 'past issues' but it's hard not to enjoy this obsession without some sort of way to get all those fantastic coins out there...So, I am looking for any of the 2006/07/08 Avalanche coins.


Aside from the traders on my list (see below for link) I also have AE versions of the The Puzzle Cache, The Celtic Cross and Phoenix Series coins. I will also soon have some copper Christmas Nativity Suncatcher coins too. Send me an email if you might be interested in a trade. Thank you.


i have seen a few coins issued during this holiday season that i would have bought. but being that it is holiday time my money has been tight. so i have had to miss out on them.

im hoping i can trade for them instead. a small list of new and older coins


i like

holiday gnomes (any of them)


jellyfish (ever hopeful)


tranquility (not the glows)


you're not limited to just those, there are others, if you see a coin in my offers that you want please let me see your trade list.


my trade coins are few, but here they are.


Posted (edited)

Have a few Traders:

12 days of Caching 2008 Crake Antique gold

Ammo Can P't Butter

Chocolate bunny

FTF Christmas Nickle LE

Hibiscus flip flop gold

Spring Chick N LE

Summer Fun Pinwheel Gold

DNF Gold

Lettuce go Caching

March of the Penguins Gold

TFTC Cherry of a cache

Toucan N

Vote Mccain/Palin

Reef Check Gold


My seeking list (such as it is) - but i'm also open to other suggestion :D


Edited to Add to Traders list:


Porca Endless Wave XLE

Geowoodstock VI Evil Micro

Three Musketeers Green and Red (Christmas?)

Road to Sacramento (Blue Bus)

Etch a cache

Honu Shiny Silver


One i'm hoping to find is the Holiday Gnome Gnice :( and a Jellyfish..I can dream can't I!

Edited by Erica-opoly

Well we finaly took the time to make a seekers list, if you would like to try a trade, send us a list of coins you would trade for or ask us for a trader list.




Scavoks Tengwar NAWWAL Geocoins- any of the colored ones

Scavoks Celtic Tree Geocoin - not minted yet

Celtic star Geocoin-silver

Celtic sun Geocoin-copper

100 finds coin and pin

Tsuns Dragonfly Tailsman- bucket list

Belted Kingfisher geocoin- bronze and copper or copper and silver

Bulgarian Mystic geocoin- any finish

Cache of the Titans Medusa Mythology- Antique Copper or gold or silver

Cache Rewards - Very Challenging- Sandblasted Gold

Castleman 2007 - not sure what finishes there are

Claddagh- any colored one

Deadliest Cache Wizard

Four Musketeers Assassin's Creed - black gold or blue gold

Geosmurf- gold or copper

kitkat 1960 geocoin

licence to cache geocoin- gold

Mackey made it geocoin- antique silver

Musashi Ground geocoin

Raith Gras geocoin- Red or blue in any finsh

TeamLegend4- geocoin

Templar geocoin -2 tone-or foggy gold

Tempting the fates geocoin

The Breath Of Life Fighting CF --Antique Nickel/Shiny Copper

The g files geocoin- any finish or 2 tone

Theotokos Crown of Thorns- any finish

Triquetra Knot- matte gold-or pollished gold


I am looking for the following coins please:


-Peace on Earth suncatcher sold by HogWild and designed by loridarlin

-Mystery Christmas Compass by geoswag

-Peace Dove suncatcher by geoswag


I have the coin shown below for trade. If you are interested please contact me. Thanks! Merry Christmas!


Hi there!


I designed the November Geoswag Coin and Pin Club geocoin. My version differs a bit from the version sent out to its members. My finish is black nickel, with the glitter in the snow and a nice bright blue on the back. I have 25 with matching pins.

Here is a pic of my coin.





I have a 2008 NZ Kiwi and would like to trade it for a 2007 NZ Fern.
LadyBee4T, you still have this coin to trade if so we would be interested. Please conact us if you would. Thank You!

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