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I happen to have 2 of the 2006 CoinFusion LE Copper coins.

I am offering one of these, with "Indy Diver" engraved on the edge, for trade.

I am open for any reasonable offers via my email.

Just in case you have not seen this beautiful coin:







I happen to have 2 of the 2006 CoinFusion LE Copper coins.

I am offering one of these, with "Indy Diver" engraved on the edge, for trade.

I am open for any reasonable offers via my email.

Just in case you have not seen this beautiful coin:







i have one of these also and it is one of my faves. great coin!




1 polished gold Portuguese Guitar… 3 geocoins


:unsure: I haven't kept close track of these, but is this rather new coin already that rare?


Yes, it is rare!

The polish Gold Portuguese Guitar is an LE of 50 geocoins, and it is closed, 1 Limited edition only, so in the world are 50 Polish Gold Portuguese Guitar, and i have 3 to trade with this conditions!


he says there is only 50 gold.....we have the Copper & Gold is on the way......... & did not cost 3 geocoins.... :unsure::ph34r::rolleyes:


Good trade! you have now 1 geocoin very rare!! :rolleyes:

The geocacher you trade with you don’t know the value of the Polish Gold Portuguese geocoin! :rolleyes:

Posted (edited)



Limited Edition of 320 (antique copper)+50 (gold), not sold in any store or shop!


Versões / Versions: Antique Copper , Polished Gold LE

Formato / Shape: Especial /Special

Tamanho / Size: 7,2x3,2cm/ ...

Tiragem / Quantities: 320 + 50

Desenho / Art Concept: Kelux

Produtor / Producer: Lars Dorms Geocoinshop.de

Produtor Pt / Producer in Pt: Kelux, MTrevas and Kelux

Icon Unique Guit_Pt-full.jpg





I have 6 of these up for trade... it's the official Portuguese geocoin 2008, I trade 3 Antique copper and 3 polished Gold.


Conditions of trade:

1 Antique copper Portuguese guitar... 1 geocoin

1 polished gold Portuguese Guitar… 3 geocoins


e-mail me to my GS profile with your offer!


Now i have to trade only:


3 polished gold Portuguese Guitar with the top conditions

Edited by mtrevas

Have a few older, non-trackable geo-coins that I am looking to trade to a good home. Since I am only recently returning to the sport of Geocaching, I would love to trade for trackables to set free in the world. I have no idea of "trade values" so just looking for a fair trade. Let me know if there is any interest!


List of "Older, non trackable" geocoins from RedsknU2:


Going to assume that all coins are from 2005, as some are marked and some are not.


(2) Canadian Geo-coins - front shows map of Canada small script “Geocaching-the sport where you are the search engine”. Both are numbered and state that they are trackable at www.geocoins.ca. Both are in a small bag, have not been removed, but appear to be brass so I would list them as “good” condition at best.


(1) Calgary Cachers Geo-coin – numbered, appears to also be brass. No bag – slight dis-coloration, small scratches. Good to fair condition.


(4) Western Tennessee Geo-coins. Reverse states “Track this coin at www.travelertags.com“ Numbered. Each in small, heavy coin bag. Never removed.


(2) 2005 Maine Geocoin – “Maine’s First Geocache” – Both in heavy coin bags – never removed.


(3) 2005 North Carolina Geocachers Association that have a place to be numbered, but there is no number, only the beginning prefix “NC00”. In small Ziploc bags, never removed. Stamped www.travelertags.com.


(2) 2005 North Carolina Geocachers Association that are numbered and stamped www.travelertags.com.


Can e-mail photos or give further specifics if desired.

Posted (edited)

I have two $1 oakbucks that expire in Dec. 2009. I'm willing to trade each one for one of any denomination of the 2008 version. I'll just be putting those in my collection. If you're not going to use yours, you'll be able to use the one you get in trade!


Send me an email.


Edit to add that I'm looking to end up with different denominations in the end. Yep, I'm tryinhg to trade my $1 for your $10! If you're not going to use it, then at least you will have $1 for next year!


I also have one of the official 2008 Denmark coins for trade. Serious and adequate offers only please.

Is it trackable, with or without icon?


Yes it is trackable and the icon looks like this denmark08icon.gif


I am looking for animal or fairy or dragon coins which would appeal to children. I have a short trading list which I can send to anyone interested.


Thanks, Ness.


Male or female variety?


I've ordered an extra gold Mystery Christmas coin from Geoswag. I'd be interested in trading a Halloween Mystery coin for it, if anyone has a spare. You don't have to actually offer until the full graphic for the Christmas coin comes out, of course.




Looking for:


Outer Banks Lighthouse Benchmark (any metal)





Black (Trade pending)

Army Green






Honu geocoin

Polished Silver (trade pending)

Polished Gold

Polished Copper

Black Nickel (trade pending)


Traders can be found via link in my sig.


:laughing: Thanks!

Posted (edited)

I have a used GARMIN 72 for trade. I have Quick start guide, Owners Manual,Cable to connect to computer and GPS unit.


I bought a GARMIN Oregon 400t.


The reason I am getting rid of it is because the screen goes out on it once in a while. Then I have to pull the batteries to reset it. I do not know how much it is to have work done so the screen does not zap out but I thought I was told around $100.


I will pay for shipping if anyone can do something with GPS unit. I would even take any Geocoin in on trade. Maybe a Guitar geocoin???? If not a geocoin....It is free!!

(I'll even throw in a $2 bill. Hows that? Pretty hard to pass up now.)

( OK, I'll throw in a.....wooden nickel and a wheat penny older than me, my wife and our daughters age combined)

Thanks for looking. TRADED AWAY Thanks doingitoldschool !!!


Edited by dardevle

Seeking Trades for a MOUN10BIKE v3




If you are interested in having your own Moun10bike v3 send an offer to me via my Email listed under my profile. Heres a link:

My eMail


This coin has never been taken out of it's protective case and has no logs posted to it.


On Dec 1st I will pick the offer I like the best.


I just want to say thanks to everyone who is waiting (very patiently) to trade with me. I have recieved word that my shipment (and coins!) have made it to Melbourne and through customs. Now the last part is shipping to Perth and to my house. Hopefully I'll be trading again soon!


I just want to say thanks to everyone who is waiting (very patiently) to trade with me. I have recieved word that my shipment (and coins!) have made it to Melbourne and through customs. Now the last part is shipping to Perth and to my house. Hopefully I'll be trading again soon!


Sure Sure GardenGorilla. I know you are sitting by the pool and polishing your coins. ooooOOO shiney things. I might want to make some trades with you when I get back down to Texas. Just got home from Aussie and my mum's house today. Jodi


I am seeking a Portugal geocoin (any of the round ones or the Fado guitar ones) as a gift to a fellow cacher who lives in Portugal. This cacher and myself teamed up to complete a couple of international multi-caches. The first one had the first and third stages in Porto, Portugal and the second stage here in California. The second cache was the opposite, it had stages one and three here in California and the second stage in Portugal (cache listings posted below).

If anyone has one for sale or for trade, please contact me via my profile. I am slowly working on cataloging my coins into a list and should have it completed and posted in a few more days.


Many Thanks,



GC1CGC2 Meeting Point


GC1DDHR TurnAbout -- Meeting Point, Two


I am seeking a Portugal geocoin (any of the round ones or the Fado guitar ones) as a gift to a fellow cacher who lives in Portugal. This cacher and myself teamed up to complete a couple of international multi-caches. The first one had the first and third stages in Porto, Portugal and the second stage here in California. The second cache was the opposite, it had stages one and three here in California and the second stage in Portugal (cache listings posted below).

If anyone has one for sale or for trade, please contact me via my profile. I am slowly working on cataloging my coins into a list and should have it completed and posted in a few more days.


Many Thanks,



GC1CGC2 Meeting Point


GC1DDHR TurnAbout -- Meeting Point, Two


Hi John,


I don't have portuguese geocoins to trade (only the ones in my collection) but if you manage to contact


hugo.a.m.jesus at gmail.com


he has a Portuguese 2007 Geocoin to trade in the portuguese trading forum






Earth turtle (any)

Rainforest Jewel (any)

2007 Dragonfly LE (others colors considered)

Compass Rose (make offer)

Deadliest Cache Time Bandit (Gold LE)

Tranquility coins



2008 Copper Four Musketeer coins (have blue, red, and green)

2008 Dorkfish Ultra rare Yellow Lobster

2008 Nude Geocaching coin (both the clean and not-so-clean versions)

2008 Manatee (black nickel)

2008 Manatee (Polished Gold)

2008 Inept

I may consider trading a Waymarking coin for a good offer as well.


email me here: jrrj@iw.net if interested. Thanks.


I'm looking for the blue and black Four Musketeers Copper and any Bavaria Coin. If you have one, please take a look at my trading list.


By the way: If any of you should get an additional set of the new Dragonlfy Talismans, please keep me in mind! I won't be able to get them on Sunday!





I have a Portuguese 2007 Geocoin to trade,




and I'm seeking for:

- any Rainforest Jewel Geocoin V1 or V2;

- any Morpho Butterfly Geocoins;

- any Earth Turtle Geocoins;

- or any other nice geocoin that I like.


make your offer and contact me by PM or e-mail: hugo.a.m.jesus@gmail.com



Hugo Jesus


I am seeking a "cat got your cache" coin. One look at my profile will make it obvious why I am interested in the black and white cat version.

Sorry no trader list. PM me and I will offer up some options!


How poetic. I found my hearts desire right in my own backyard :laughing:


I'm looking for a "Dark side of the cache" geocoin to use as a christmas gift for a friend.

Anyone who can help me?

(I don't have a trade list, but please include your seeking list and I'll see what I can do...)

Posted (edited)

Received my order confirmation so I have one extra of each of the new Dragonfly Tailsman coming. :D


If interested send me the link to your trading list through my profile and will have a look this evening when I return home....

Edited by chief20r2
Posted (edited)


Alaska 2006 two-tone

Alaska 2006 silver

Alaska 2008 two-tone

Great outdoors two-tone

Great outdoors gold LE

(In that order of priority)



Multiple coins. Take your pick.


Name Metal/Colour # Edition

Dragon Spinner LE Copper-Copper 250

Dragon Spinner XLE Silver-Gold 100

Dragon Spinner XLE Gold-Silver 100

Dragon Spinner Gold-Gold

Dragon Spinner Silver-Silver

Sleeping Dragon Silver

White Dragon Clan Gold 100

Shifter79 Geocoin Bronze

Masters of the Cache Silver

Geocaching Dragon Nickel

Geocaching Dragon v1 RE

Geocaching Dragon Silver

Dragon Dipper Copper

Dragon Dipper Bronze

Dragon Dipper Silver

Triple Dragon Gold-Silver

Triple Dragon Silver-Silver

GCF 2008 Forged in Fire Gold

Planisphere - North Gold

Planisphere - South Silver

Quadrant Bronze

Nocturnal Bronze

Nocturnal Glow XLE Gold 25-75

Nocturnal Glow XLE Black Nickel 25-50

Celtic Cross Golden Red 200

Celtic Cross LE Blue 35

Celtic Cross LE Red 35

Celtic Cross LE Green 35

Phoenix Mythical Black Nickel 100

Phoenix Mythical LE Gold

Phoenix Earth Black Nickel 100

Phoenix Eath LE Gold

Phoenix Rising Black Nickel 100

Phoenix Rising LE Gold

Pororoca XLE Silver/Gold

Pororoca LE Silver

Pororoca Gold

4 Musketeers Silver Black 200

4 Musketeers Silver Red 200

4 Musketeers Silver Purple 200

4 Musketeers Copper Blue 200

4 Musketeers Copper Green 200

Medusa XLE Silver

Medusa LE Gold

First to Find Crow Red

First to Find Crow Blue

British Columbia 2008 Red-Silver

British Columbia 2007 Black-Silver

Rosetta Stone Gold

Rosetta Stone Silver

Great Outdoors XLE/AE B.Nickel-Gold 20

Great Outdoors XLE/AE B.Nickel-Rhodium 20

Tranquility Dark Gold

Nude Caching Copper

Nude Caching Unrated Copper

Pirates Kraken AS Gold

Pirates Kraken AS Silver

Pirates Kraken LE AG Gold

Pirates Kraken LE AG Silver

Crake Symbology Gold

Crake Symbology Silver

GC In Orbit Astrolabe Bronze

Sextant GC Bronze

Wright Brother's Memorial Bronze

Brahean GC Bronze

The Puzzle GC Gold

Gecko Red

GeoKs Highwood Pass Silver

Earthcache 4 Elements Silver

Minessota GCA Silver #8 100

Carrion Crow Silver

Hibou Owl Gold

Night Hunter 2008 Nickel

Reydelroble Proof Silver 100

Wheel of the Year Silver

Compass Rose 2007 Bronze

Aquila star Black Glow 200

Canada 2005 Brass #3957

Texas Spring 2006 Gold 300

Buffalo Wings 2005 Gold UN

Texas 2005 Brass #3326

Ontario's First GC Gold #0402

Nielsenc - Around World Gold #25 100

Alaska 2005 Brass


Pocket Decoder Bronze

Lizardtoadz Decipher Gold

Astro Geocoin Spring

Geocoinfest 2008 LE Silver ~70

Geocoinfest 2008 LE Gold ~70

Geocoinfest 2008 LE Black Nickel ~70

Geocoinfest 2008 LE Nickel ~70

GPS The Movie Gold 200

GPS The Movie Nickel 125

GPS The Movie Copper 75

Conundrum Copper

Conundrum Silver

Kaboom & Cachestalker Gold

Singapore 2006 Gold 200

Singapore 2006 Black Nickel 200

5 Jahre Geoclub Silver

Matlock75 Compass LE Silver

Nevada 2007 Silver

Ohio Canals Gold

Golden gate Benchmark Bronze

Bilby Tower Benchmark Bronze

South Pole Benchmark Bronze

Unnecess Bushwhack Gold

YemonYime v2 Nickel

Flying Spheghetti Mons Nickel Red

Jiffy's Summer Meltdown Black Nickel

All-season Winter Nickel 300

Roulette Gold

Prague 2006 Gold #783

Prague 2006 LE Silver (Incoming)

Delaware 2005 LE Gold-Silver

Mt. Mckinley Benchmark Bronze

Ontario Canada Bronze

South Carolina 2007 Copper 100

Mississippi 2006 Silver

Earthcache 4 Elements Gold (Incoming)

Caching time LE Black Nickel (Incoming)

Wheel of the Year Silver (Incoming)

Dragonfly Talisman Bucket Edition (Incoming)

Dragonfly Talisman JC Edition (Incoming)


Will accept ones already activated, so long as it's in displayable condition, as it will go on display in a wildlife centre or wolf museum in future. Will throw in cash if required, and for shipping tracking&insurance.


Please email me through profile if you have a trade in mind or would like photography.


I don't maintain a trading list, until now, only for the above coins, so I hope the mods don't mind if I put a long list here unka splat. (I tried to make it as small as the font would go.)

Edited by Zarya.

Received my order confirmation so I have one extra of each of the new Dragonfly Tailsman coming. :D


If interested send me the link to your trading list through my profile and will have a look this evening when I return home....


Email sent.


Missed out on todays Tsunrisebey sale, so I am looking for a Christmas earth turtle. I have a bunch of traders, will trade multiples.


You have not missed these, they were not part of the sale this morning :D


Seeking Trades for a MOUN10BIKE v3




If you are interested in having your own Moun10bike v3 send an offer to me via my Email listed under my profile. Heres a link:

My eMail


This coin has never been taken out of it's protective case and has no logs posted to it.


On Dec 1st I will pick the offer I like the best.


One Day Left for Offers....

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