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Another new mystery coin giver?


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Posted (edited)

I got a really scary experience, I went to Cache GC11Q9E haunted house highsycastle alone without beeing frightened. But suddenly it was windy and cold. Noises everywhere I was so scared :D . Only 10m to the cache, should I turn back ? NO... I tried to be brave :D . At the final I suddenly saw somebody or something disappearing in the darkness. Was it human ? Was it a dog ? :o

And I found a Cache Reaper Geocoin. Yeah I got one, I'm so happy. This was really a mystery hike.


Minz owner of a 'Cache Reaper Geocoin'

Edited by minz

Minz, Thank You for taking a picture of the place you visited and found yourself a awesome mystery coin. Wonder what the place once looked like years ago. Bet it was very beautiful. Congradulations!




Been lookin for this topic...its hard to find! :D Just checkin in on all the Slashin Cachin Mayhem!!! Nice to see the Reaper is still reaping what he sows, I guess slashin is hard work but he gets the jobdone!!!~ Who knows...maybe its even a lady slasher!!!!! :unsure::(:D One cool coin!!!~ I still really like that brushed finish :D


SLASH HARD and SLASH ON!!! Or as they say in the underworld... Keep on Slashin! :D


While checking out a few Ohio Spirit Quest caches, near the MWGB this weekend, I noticed a log by The Cache Reaper on one of them. Since it was late night, I had to wait until next day before I could investigate the given clues.

When I arrived at the cemetery, I immediately noticed an unusual, eerie, mist, just holding in the dead calm of the silent early morning. Unlike any I've seen before, this strange mist snaked throughout the old burial grounds, seemingly with a purpose, or destination.

Instantly, I knew this mist was the trail of The Reaper. I followed it, meandering along through the stones to the end, where it stopped abruptly at a tree. There beneath, I spied the treasure. Covering my face with my cloak, to lessen my exposure to this presumably deadly mist, I ran through it, scooping up the coin into my hand, without stopping.

Passing through the mist was unlike anything I've ever experienced. An instant deadly chill, to the bones, and flashes of unworldly visions passed before me.

Although my soul may have been marked, I'm happy to have retrieved one of these coins.


Thanks....I think....to the Cache Reaper & the Bell Witch.


The Shadow :blink:


While checking out a few Ohio Spirit Quest caches, near the MWGB this weekend, I noticed a log by The Cache Reaper on one of them. Since it was late night, I had to wait until next day before I could investigate the given clues.

When I arrived at the cemetery, I immediately noticed an unusual, eerie, mist, just holding in the dead calm of the silent early morning. Unlike any I've seen before, this strange mist snaked throughout the old burial grounds, seemingly with a purpose, or destination.

Instantly, I knew this mist was the trail of The Reaper. I followed it, meandering along through the stones to the end, where it stopped abruptly at a tree. There beneath, I spied the treasure. Covering my face with my cloak, to lessen my exposure to this presumably deadly mist, I ran through it, scooping up the coin into my hand, without stopping.

Passing through the mist was unlike anything I've ever experienced. An instant deadly chill, to the bones, and flashes of unworldly visions passed before me.

Although my soul may have been marked, I'm happy to have retrieved one of these coins.


Thanks....I think....to the Cache Reaper & the Bell Witch.


The Shadow :blink:


Great story The Shadow* :D Congrats on your find, i like the Cache Reaper coin :D


While checking out a few Ohio Spirit Quest caches, near the MWGB this weekend, I noticed a log by The Cache Reaper on one of them. Since it was late night, I had to wait until next day before I could investigate the given clues.

When I arrived at the cemetery, I immediately noticed an unusual, eerie, mist, just holding in the dead calm of the silent early morning. Unlike any I've seen before, this strange mist snaked throughout the old burial grounds, seemingly with a purpose, or destination.

Instantly, I knew this mist was the trail of The Reaper. I followed it, meandering along through the stones to the end, where it stopped abruptly at a tree. There beneath, I spied the treasure. Covering my face with my cloak, to lessen my exposure to this presumably deadly mist, I ran through it, scooping up the coin into my hand, without stopping.

Passing through the mist was unlike anything I've ever experienced. An instant deadly chill, to the bones, and flashes of unworldly visions passed before me.

Although my soul may have been marked, I'm happy to have retrieved one of these coins.


Thanks....I think....to the Cache Reaper & the Bell Witch.


The Shadow :blink:


Great retrival of the deadly coin, but then only the Shadow knows the whole story :D Thanks


While checking out a few Ohio Spirit Quest caches, near the MWGB this weekend, I noticed a log by The Cache Reaper on one of them. Since it was late night, I had to wait until next day before I could investigate the given clues.

When I arrived at the cemetery, I immediately noticed an unusual, eerie, mist, just holding in the dead calm of the silent early morning. Unlike any I've seen before, this strange mist snaked throughout the old burial grounds, seemingly with a purpose, or destination.

Instantly, I knew this mist was the trail of The Reaper. I followed it, meandering along through the stones to the end, where it stopped abruptly at a tree. There beneath, I spied the treasure. Covering my face with my cloak, to lessen my exposure to this presumably deadly mist, I ran through it, scooping up the coin into my hand, without stopping.

Passing through the mist was unlike anything I've ever experienced. An instant deadly chill, to the bones, and flashes of unworldly visions passed before me.

Although my soul may have been marked, I'm happy to have retrieved one of these coins.


Thanks....I think....to the Cache Reaper & the Bell Witch.


The Shadow :huh:


The Bell Witch and I enjoyed watching you squirm underneath that cloak of your's while you risked your life retrieving my piece of metal. For the next cacher I will not be as friendly, :laughing:


Slash On!

Posted (edited)

Sitting at my desk last night, I was writing a few forum posts and getting ready to shut down for the evening since I had to work early tis morning. An email comes in and it instantly catches my eye...the Cache Reaper visited my Cache Across America Michigan cache?? UH OH!


Now, it's 9pm and dark out, but I found myself hurrying about getting around to head to the cache! Threw on my leather pants adn vest and headed on out to the bike to get on down the road. The ride over was great, the sky was clear and the air still warm...NICE! I arrived at the gate and then started walking down the paved trail. At the top of the hill overlooking the entire park, I saw something a bit odd, a flame like a torch was near where the cache location was? This was odd to me, but I was on a mission.


Since I had the feeling I wasn't alone, I put it in stealth mode and kept to the shadows, I crept across the first concrete bridge silently while staying out of the brightness of the full moon which, as I looked arond, really made the hints of fog seem spooky. Knowing this park has been documented as being one of the most haunted parks in the USA (as according to a cable channel show), I found I was looking all around trying to keep an eye on everything at the same time.


I saw the flame again as I was approaching the second bridge which would put me in the same area as the cache, but never did see it again after that...really odd! Arriving at the cache location, I pulled my flashlight out, retrieved the cache and quickly cracked it open hoping to find the item I desired! Checked out the log, then sorted through the contents...there it was at the bottom...a CACHE REAPER COIN!!


Made the trade, an AE personal for the mystery coin, did a bit of a dance and then sat down on a nearby bench to take in the beautiful night. Ooops, noticed headlights back at the parking area, then the flashing of blue and red lights...LEO letting me know he had seen my bike and was checking up on me. I decided I'd better get on down the road since it was already getting past my bedtime, so on up the trail I went...back to my bike!


Waved at the nice LEO as I fired up the bike, I was back on the road heading home...happier for the experience! I haven't been able to buy many coins lately, not been as active in the forums as I would like. Truly, life has been hitting me hard lately and I've not been excited about much lately. However, getting ready to head out, opening the cache and finding the coin...it was like the FTF days, I was really really excited and thrilled!! THANKS for bringing out the child in me once again!!


THANKS Cache Reaper and Bell Witch, I very much appreciate your visit and coin!! And, I very much appreciate YOU!!

Edited by Rockin Roddy

Sitting at my desk last night, I was writing a few forum posts and getting ready to shut down for the evening since I had to work early tis morning. An email comes in and it instantly catches my eye...the Cache Reaper visited my Cache Across America Michigan cache?? UH OH!


Now, it's 9pm and dark out, but I found myself hurrying about getting around to head to the cache! Threw on my leather pants adn vest and headed on out to the bike to get on down the road. The ride over was great, the sky was clear and the air still warm...NICE! I arrived at the gate and then started walking down the paved trail. At the top of the hill overlooking the entire park, I saw something a bit odd, a flame like a torch was near where the cache location was? This was odd to me, but I was on a mission.


Since I had the feeling I wasn't alone, I put it in stealth mode and kept to the shadows, I crept across the first concrete bridge silently while staying out of the brightness of the full moon which, as I looked arond, really made the hints of fog seem spooky. Knowing this park has been documented as being one of the most haunted parks in the USA (as according to a cable channel show), I found I was looking all around trying to keep an eye on everything at the same time.


I saw the flame again as I was approaching the second bridge which would put me in the same area as the cache, but never did see it again after that...really odd! Arriving at the cache location, I pulled my flashlight out, retrieved the cache and quickly cracked it open hoping to find the item I desired! Checked out the log, then sorted through the contents...there it was at the bottom...a CACHE REAPER COIN!!


Made the trade, an AE personal for the mystery coin, did a bit of a dance and then sat down on a nearby bench to take in the beautiful night. Ooops, noticed headlights back at the parking area, then the flashing of blue and red lights...LEO letting me know he had seen my bike and was checking up on me. I decided I'd better get on down the road since it was already getting past my bedtime, so on up the trail I went...back to my bike!


Waved at the nice LEO as I fired up the bike, I was back on the road heading home...happier for the experience! I haven't been able to buy many coins lately, not been as active in the forums as I would like. Truly, life has been hitting me hard lately and I've not been excited about much lately. However, getting ready to head out, opening the cache and finding the coin...it was like the FTF days, I was really really excited and thrilled!! THANKS for bringing out the child in me once again!!


THANKS Cache Reaper and Bell Witch, I very much appreciate your visit and coin!! And, I very much appreciate YOU!!


cooooooooooongratz Roddy, the lights sound....strange


i woner if the cachereaper will ever come to visit the caches around münster :anibad:


anne.and.eli asked me at 12:30am if I'd like to do something 'insane'. By 1:15am we were looking for the cache. An exciting, first, night caching experience!


Anne picked up the coin, it being her insane idea and all. I am sure she'll be along in a few minutes to tell all about it. But thanks, cache reaper, for the wonderful adventure! :)

Posted (edited)

Many thanks to Gillian and Eli for going along with my insane ideas, and to the Cache Reaper for instigating it! :D


It's 3am and therefore 3 hours past when I normally go to bed, so I apologize if I'm less than coherent, but I am so ecstatic! :P What an awesome adventure!


I did a quick sweep through the forums before heading to bed, and when I found this thread, I wasn't paying close attention until I saw someone mention "Cali". California is REALLY BIG, and I figured it was probably in LA (8 hours from here) but I thought I'd check anyway.


Lo and behold, it was in Mountain View, a mere 40 minutes away! I looked at the clock and it's 12:15. The post was left at 8:30pm or so, 4 hours ago. Would someone closer by have gotten it? No logs, but that doesn't mean a necessary find.


No WAY is anyone going to go along with this. I sit on it a few minutes then decide I have to try, when was I going to get a chance like this again?


I send Gillian a message, and she's surprisingly game! Now I just need to convince Eli (who is not a geocoin person like me :) but fortunately he's not only used to my crazy ideas, he tends to think they're fun! So we grab some flashlights and the GPS, swing by to pick up Gillian and head to Mountain View!


The cache itself is in the shadow of one of the Microsoft buildings, and by the time we get there, it is past 1a. It's dark, we have flashlights, and we're trying to keep an eye out for security guards. The lamp post closest to the cache was out, so it was the darkest area of the campus.


Gillian made the find, and we quickly huddled together to see if the coin was still there! I saw the glint of silver and pounced on the gorgeous coin!! Holding our treasure we were all excited and then realized I'd left the pen back at the car. >< I went back and grabbed it, and we all signed the log. As we were signing, we heard movement in the bushes closest to us, and we all looked up, expecting a security guard. However, there was nothing there...really creepy!


After we signed, we headed back to the car, excited about our adventure!


The funniest part (other than broaching the subject to the two of them) was that we decided to do another cache in the area. I mean, why not?


Thank you so much to the Cache Reaper for the coin!! I left an oakcoins pin and an unactivated coin for the next person, so hopefully they won't be TOO sad they missed out on the opportunity!


And here I thought I was going to have a boring Friday night!

Edited by anne.and.eli
Posted (edited)

Hey Rod, Congrats. our Friend, we havent been in the forums to much either, nice to see your post and had a nice time reading it, you truley deserve it. Glad a mystery coin was placed in a cache for you to find and it brought many happy thoughts. Nice to know there is gifting people still out there, spreading smiles on peoples faces and doing so by leaving just a hunk of metal but all worth while because the smile it gives someone is priceless...... :blink:

Edited by sweetlife

Ja, ich habe dein Coin gefundet, aber das war in Indiana. Wo hast du deine Deutsche gelernt?


Vielen Dank!



Any of these coins make it to Kentucky?


Du have gefunden mich coin, master jedi


Ja, ich habe dein Coin gefundet, aber das war in Indiana. Wo hast du deine Deutsche gelernt?


Vielen Dank!



Any of these coins make it to Kentucky?


Du have gefunden mich coin, master jedi


The Reaper speaks german? B);)B)

Good basis for a trip to germany :D

I heard The Cache Reaper has a new version! Hope he comes back to TN



new version? :blink: I hope he makes it back to Cacheapalooza this year! I think I read a log about his intent to attend...


I'll be keeping an eye out for him!

Don't fear the Reaper :huh:


Thanks Pete... I've been singing this song for an hour now... It wouldn't be so bad, but I can't sing! :blink: Not to mention, my dogs are thinking 'accidental mauling' if I don't stop!

Don't fear the Reaper :anicute:


Thanks Pete... I've been singing this song for an hour now... It wouldn't be so bad, but I can't sing! :huh: Not to mention, my dogs are thinking 'accidental mauling' if I don't stop!


I don't know why, it just popped into my head. My bad :blink:


Ja, ich habe dein Coin gefundet, aber das war in Indiana. Wo hast du deine Deutsche gelernt?


Vielen Dank!



Any of these coins make it to Kentucky?


Du have gefunden mich coin, master jedi


Ok super dass er wieder da ist, und die Reise fortstzen kann.

Mein deutsch habe ich bei darth_maul_3 gelernt, warum?


Ja, ich habe dein Coin gefundet, aber das war in Indiana. Wo hast du deine Deutsche gelernt?


Vielen Dank!



Any of these coins make it to Kentucky?


Du have gefunden mich coin, master jedi


Ok super dass er wieder da ist, und die Reise fortstzen kann.

Mein deutsch habe ich bei darth_maul_3 gelernt, warum?


Bablefish is making a mess if the translation, but I get the general gist of the conversation, who knew death was such a nice guy :blink:


Ja, ich habe dein Coin gefundet, aber das war in Indiana. Wo hast du deine Deutsche gelernt?


Vielen Dank!



Any of these coins make it to Kentucky?


Du have gefunden mich coin, master jedi


Ok super dass er wieder da ist, und die Reise fortstzen kann.

Mein deutsch habe ich bei darth_maul_3 gelernt, warum?


Great German writing. Cache Reaper.

Hope we have sometime the chance to cache together.

If you are in Munich please let me know. We have some great

Caches here. I think you would have a lot of fun.


Greatings René

Posted (edited)

Ja, ich habe dein Coin gefundet, aber das war in Indiana. Wo hast du deine Deutsche gelernt?


Vielen Dank!



Any of these coins make it to Kentucky?


Du have gefunden mich coin, master jedi


Ok super dass er wieder da ist, und die Reise fortstzen kann.

Mein deutsch habe ich bei darth_maul_3 gelernt, warum?


Bablefish is making a mess if the translation, but I get the general gist of the conversation, who knew death was such a nice guy :o


Darthi = Babblefish? ... rofl lol

Edited by The Cache Reaper

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