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Another new mystery coin giver?


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Everybody say what a good looking coin and sure it is but i have a nightcache..................... :D


What do you think when geocachers walk my nightcache and find a cache reaper in the woods. :D


And i sure most not think to find that man wandering around by my cache if i do a cache check :D


Nobody dare to walk my cache anymore, the end off my cache :D



So nice.....uuhhhmmmmm........cache reaper................please don't visit my cache :D



Congrats to all who has stay alive when they check there a cache for finding this mysteriecoin :o


You are brave geocachers :o


Hè girl,


i will wolk your cache :laughing:

i`m not affraid of this man i`m just affraid of the DARK.........and all the TEMPELIERS :D

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Everybody say what a good looking coin and sure it is but i have a nightcache..................... :D


What do you think when geocachers walk my nightcache and find a cache reaper in the woods. :D


And i sure most not think to find that man wandering around by my cache if i do a cache check :D


Nobody dare to walk my cache anymore, the end off my cache :D



So nice.....uuhhhmmmmm........cache reaper................please don't visit my cache :laughing:



Congrats to all who has stay alive when they check there a cache for finding this mysteriecoin :D


You are brave geocachers :D



He can visit my night cache anytime he feels like it. :o

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Everybody say what a good looking coin and sure it is but i have a nightcache..................... :ph34r:


What do you think when geocachers walk my nightcache and find a cache reaper in the woods. :huh:


And i sure most not think to find that man wandering around by my cache if i do a cache check :huh:


Nobody dare to walk my cache anymore, the end off my cache :P



So nice.....uuhhhmmmmm........cache reaper................please don't visit my cache :anibad:



Congrats to all who has stay alive when they check there a cache for finding this mysteriecoin :)


You are brave geocachers :P


Hè girl,


i will wolk your cache :)

i`m not affraid of this man i`m just affraid of the DARK.........and all the TEMPELIERS ;)


:P This is the last time i warn all you coiners :)


In the world of the living....


There was Reaper who has nothing to do.


The graveyards where already reaped and the corn was short also.


So he went at the internet ….and what did he saw.


Geocaching….a world full off cacheboxes.


He get al exited , washed his black cloak with a hood.


Polished his large scythe.


His skull got a big grin.


The reaper had found a new goal.


He give his self a new name….. The cache reaper and made his own token.


With this token he could proof he was there and he make a payment for scaring geocachers.


So The cache reaper wandered around the world chasing cachevictims. :ph34r:


Some he has found already…….others will be found.


When you are caching and you feel a cold wind……something darks in your eye corner.

You hear metal sliding behind your ear.


It could be you are not alone…..keep your head down….make no noise and walk softly to find the cache.


If you open the cache and you find a scary token then you know you were not alone. ohmy.gif


And that you can be glad that properly the cache reaper liked you and you are save.


Don't follow the path from the cache reaper........Stay behind..watch your back......and when the cold fade away, you can be happy you survived this big adventure :D



:D Don't think when something bad happens to you .. you can cry at my shoulder :D

:ph34r: I have warned you now for the second time :ph34r:

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Everybody say what a good looking coin and sure it is but i have a nightcache..................... :huh:


What do you think when geocachers walk my nightcache and find a cache reaper in the woods. :P


And i sure most not think to find that man wandering around by my cache if i do a cache check ;)


Nobody dare to walk my cache anymore, the end off my cache :P



So nice.....uuhhhmmmmm........cache reaper................please don't visit my cache :ph34r:



Congrats to all who has stay alive when they check there a cache for finding this mysteriecoin :)


You are brave geocachers :)


Hè girl,


i will wolk your cache :)

i`m not affraid of this man i`m just affraid of the DARK.........and all the TEMPELIERS :P


:) This is the last time i warn all you coiners :ph34r:


In the world of the living....


There was Reaper who has nothing to do.


The graveyards where already reaped and the corn was short also.


So he went at the internet ….and what did he saw.


Geocaching….a world full off cacheboxes.


He get al exited , washed his black cloak with a hood.


Polished his large scythe.


His skull got a big grin.


The reaper had found a new goal.


He give his self a new name….. The cache reaper and made his own token.


With this token he could proof he was there and he make a payment for scaring geocachers.


So The cache reaper wandered around the world chasing cachevictims. :ph34r:


Some he has found already…….others will be found.


When you are caching and you feel a cold wind……something darks in your eye corner.

You hear metal sliding behind your ear.


It could be you are not alone…..keep your head down….make no noise and walk softly to find the cache.


If you open the cache and you find a scary token then you know you were not alone. ohmy.gif


And that you can be glad that properly the cache reaper liked you and you are save.


Don't follow the path from the cache reaper........Stay behind..watch your back......and when the cold fade away, you can be happy you survived this big adventure :D



:D Don't think when something bad happens to you .. you can cry at my shoulder :anibad:

:ph34r: I have warned you now for the second time :huh:



you know i love danger :D


Edited by lorca.nl
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WOW!!! I had heard The Cache Reaper passed thru Tennessee last week so I was very suprised when I saw his log on one of my caches! :D




wow :ph34r: and he did not do anything :rolleyes: ...............maybe i he is a creapy/nice man then or where you lucky, he had already left :rolleyes:


i don't know i am still afraid :unsure:


congrats with your mysteriecoin :D


And..............dear.........uuuuhhhhmmm.............Cachereaper........................thank you for leaving your token, so everybody know that, this cache is save to hunt :)

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Anymore news on the reaper? :D


He posted twice on Cacheapalooza 3 listing about being ready to hit the area. I can't wait! I leave in 2 days! I'll be looking for him harder than I will the 200+ caches being put out for the event... :) If I find his coin and only one cache he puts it in, I'll be happy! :)

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Anymore news on the reaper? :D


He posted twice on Cacheapalooza 3 listing about being ready to hit the area. I can't wait! I leave in 2 days! I'll be looking for him harder than I will the 200+ caches being put out for the event... :) If I find his coin and only one cache he puts it in, I'll be happy! :)


Thought his last post there said he couldn't make it.

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Congrats all!


Been wantin to pop in hear and Reap my thoughts upon thee!... Here goes,


NICE COIN!!! <_< Skeared yet?


Congrats to all who have felt the not so EVIL WRATH of the REAPER!!!!! And thanks for reaping your evil wrath upon us innocent coiners!... :laughing: ~ Ill be under the covers tonight! :D

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Congrats Fairyhoney!


I ran across one of these today as well!!!


Was about to leave work for the day and noticed that The Cache Reaper had hit a cache in my neck of the woods located in this really creepy pine forest area.


I rode by it on the way home and WooHoo!!! his coin was still there!


Thank you Cache Reaper!!!

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Congrats to all the recent recipients of the Cache Reaper coin! :)


We got up this morning and drove 9 hrs to attend Cacheapalooza 3 at JDSP and got there with just a few minutes to spare to get logged in and sign up for the CP3 Geo-Olympics. As I was signing in, a little voice said to me "LionsLair?... I know someone that has something for you" I was curious and replied "Who?" as I turned, the little voice was gone.... A few minutes Later, A fellow cacher(no names, so don't ask... the reaper knows of whom I speak) came to me and put in my hand a surprise and said to say nothing about it to others around at the event.

I couldn't believe my eyes when I opened my hand and saw a Cache Reaper coin! :P If I don't find any of the new 200+ caches placed for this event over the weekend, then that one moment made the 500 mile trip well worth it and I'd be more than happy! :D


:D The Cache Reaper Rocks! :P

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wow, what a day yesterday



Sorry i tell this story so late because i most first calm down.


We did first a pok zand oerle and Error was playing and running in the woods and then we decide to do pok steensel.


By pok steensel it was cold very cold :huh: and while we walk the cache..... Error was scared :o .

He looked continue behind him and the whole walk he goes piep piep piep.

We heard metal sliding but we thought it was the highway nearby.

So we said to Error please do normal, weird dog. :)


Then suddenly in the middle of the wood, it gets foggy :D

Wow, what is happen here, now i get scared.

We heard the sliding from metal nearby.


and then we saw something in the woods, look for yourself.




Eekkkkk...The CACHE REAPER.................................i am afraid and i want to run away and then the foggy was fast gone. :P


Was this a dream....................a scary dream......................i don't know. :huh:


Mr Geo.error and i looked at each other and decide to seek for the cache.


Because this could never happen.


And then we open the cache and this is what we saw. :o




The Cache Reaper his token :o


It was really the Cache reaper who we saw, i shaked from fear.


But at the same time i was daarnnnnnnnnnnnnnn happy.


Very weird both those feelings. :)


Do you not believe me :D here is the proof :D




We were a little afraid for other cachers because..yeaahhhhh.........The Cache Reaper is a little bit a creapy figure who wanders around the woods. [sorry The Cache Reaper]


So we went with his token to the chapel and lite a candle for The Cache Reaper his soul.




The cachers in this area are protect now for his scythe.


And do you want to know what he write in his log...he will be back :ph34r:


See the cache


eekkk scary...i hope my heart can handle the tension :P



Now ........................uuhhnn dear...............uuhhmmmm ...The Cache Reaper thank you very much for your token :D and thanks you not yet have visit my nightcache :P


All brave Cachers who have find the Cache reaper his token, congrats :D .. i am proud at you.


.....a big "sich "i survive :D

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Wow. I love the stories. I noticed he hit a cache 150 miles from here and no one has been there. Must resist the urge to drive 150 miles each way in the snow. The way my luck is, someone would hit the cache 5 minutes before I got there any way.

Congrats to everyone who has got one so far. Great looking coin!

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i got stuck on geo-errors story at >>we decide to do pok steensel<<


what the heck is a pok steensel? how does one do it? this language thing can be quite disconcerting at times.


ah, then i read the whole story.


pok steensel. i love it!


i will post my story later - have to get myself together and get rid of the creeps that have invaded my mind since i found the coin.



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Congrats to all who found this scary coin in a cache!


Geo.error, I would ask where you cache, but I see you gave that information! Gosh, I have to pay attention now, the reaper might come to the centre of Germany as well! :D

Who would have thought these things happen over here as well!


Heres to the Cache Reaper, for getting around a lot!

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Like Moop..yesterday it was snowy but of course we were out and about doing our errands...luckily I had the blackberry with us and was notified that the cache reaper had visited one of our caches! I made Mr TH go to the cache do we could check it out. It was daylight, so that was good, but there was also about an inch of snow on the ground. I went to the cache and lo-and-behold there was a cache reaper coin! I was thrilled!Thank you sooo much for visiting our cache! (and not destroying it! lol).

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Today was a good day. We went caching and headed for a cache called Batteriinsamlingen. It is a cache to let people know more about how to collect used batteries. In the cache was Ipods and we were lucky to get one of them. Wohoo.


On our way home we decided to also log a nearby cache and who had been there before us?? The Cache Reaper!!! Spookie, we didn´t see anyone nearby but we found his/her token. The Cache reaper Coin.

Thak you so much and I hope you get to see many more places on your Swedenvisit.


grodan Karin

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It was almost dusk when I went to a nearby travel bug hotel to drop off a traveler. When I opened the zip lock bag out dropped a Cache Reaper coin! I quickly looked around but there wasn't anything slashed in the nearby vicinity. I really wasn't ready to meet the Cache Reaper face to face so I grabbed the coin and rushed back quickly to my car. In my haste to get back home I completely forgot to drop off the traveler! LOL I will have to go back and do that when my heart stops beating so wildly. Thanks Cache Reaper for leaving me your coin and for not completely scaring me to death!!

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It was almost dusk when I went to a nearby travel bug hotel to drop off a traveler. When I opened the zip lock bag out dropped a Cache Reaper coin! I quickly looked around but there wasn't anything slashed in the nearby vicinity. I really wasn't ready to meet the Cache Reaper face to face so I grabbed the coin and rushed back quickly to my car. In my haste to get back home I completely forgot to drop off the traveler! LOL I will have to go back and do that when my heart stops beating so wildly. Thanks Cache Reaper for leaving me your coin and for not completely scaring me to death!!
Great to Hear you found the Geocaching Reaper, we would be honored to get one someday or find one in a cache here in Northeastern Wisconsin. Maybe someday. :D
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The cache reaper visited Rhodes too!!! WOW!!!!


He/she went to a beautiful place, a cache area! It is a park and once was a part of the ancient necropolis (cemetery) of the ancient city of Rhodes! the place has ruins of ancient graves, and some belonged to rich families fo the ancient times! A grave that is very famous in Rhodes, is close to the cache area and actually it is like a big house inside a rock!!! amazing....


Rhodians turned this area of necropolis into a park that could go and relax too! they turned some small natural caves into temples for the Nymphs, and the whole area with small waterfalls, a river, many trees and flowers and of course the temples and the graves made this park unique!!


In ancient times when someone was dead, his family had to put in his mouth a small silver coin (an obol), so he can pay Charontas (the death ....actually the reaper, right?), to pass him with his boat on the other side of the river Acherontas! Actually that was the trip to the other world, to the world of the dead, to Ades! At that days, death was just a boat keeper! :rolleyes:


If the dead didn't have the coin, he couldn't pass and he was actually convicted to stay for ever on the wrong side of the river, traped between worlds.....beeing a ghost!!!! His soul couldn't relax!!!


The cache reaper, with his visit droped his token.....is that a kind of a pay back? :D


I have the coin now! I am deeply honored having it!!!! I am so glad!!! Thank you cache reaper for this visit!!! :D

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Almost got my hands on the coin he left in north Jersey, but I was beaten to it by a known coiner who lived closer than me. It was probably for the best, I'm sure he's done more to deserve it. At least it was an exciting pursuit! Here's to hoping for more!


I know i posted this before, but the forums must have eaten my post. I was sitting at work downloading a Pocket Query for my trip later that evening, when I noticed that there was a cache very close to home that i had not found. It wasn't new. I must be going crazy. So, as i was plotting out an attack on this cache, since I did not have much time. I noticed a new log pop up. The Cache Reaper? really? So I grabbed my GPS and had the coordinates scribbled down on a scrap of paper. I was very excited to see the coin in the cache! Thank You Cache Reaper! I left a geocoin for the next finder. I did not get a chance to post my find right away, because I had to catch a flight across the country.


Thanks again to The Cache Reaper!!

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Oke here is the story..........on the date the 13 and with a fool moon....


As some of you know the cache of my dear friend Geo.Error was ropped and she ask me to wolk the cache when it was back online, but it is a night cache and i`m a little uhhhmm no VERY affraid in the dark special in woods with all the dark sounds....

But as she is my friend and i love her so much i promise her that i will wolk the cache and it was going to be my first night cache, Ed and Lorca promise me to protect me so i put my fear away and we started to enter the world of the Tempeliers.


Lorca was so brave that she start to running and she had so much fun but then she stopt and look at us.

We hear something, we look and look but we did`t see anything so we say to each other: It must be the horses of the Tempeliers, so we deside to follow the sound and that way we hoped that we found the route to the treasure of the Tempeliers and Lorca started to run again but with a little fear just like us...


When we where under the impresion of the escape route of the Tempeliers we hear something else and i got so scared because it was not the sound of the horses but something else it sound like iron that cuts something.........but what??

We had to follow the pad and we wanted to look for the treasure of the Tempeliers so we did contineu the wolk but the little fear become big fear...


Then we saw the golden hand and we knew that the treasure could`t be far away now and when we did look to the ground we scared of what we saw, it did look or there was a fight and we saw someone with a SCYTHE in his hand run away............


I was thinking at the Cache Reaper i did knew he was somewhere here in Brabant but i could`t believe he did go to Geo.Error`s cache because she ask him not to visit her cache...

So i chase that tought out of my head and we deside to look for the treasure of the Tempeliers and we did found it, it was a beautiful treasure with a lot of beautiful things in it and when we open the book of the Tempeliers we see it...........


The signature of the Cache Reaper and there it was a very beautiful shinny token of him....

We could`t breath for a second and we look at each other and the only thing we could say was:




All the fear that we had disappeared because we knew that the Cache Reaper did`t hurt us but he protect the cache of Geo.Error and we knew that we could wolk save back to our car...


The only thing i can say now is THANK YOU SO MUCH CACHE REAPER for PROTECT GEO.ERROR CACHE and for your BEAUTIFUL SHINNY TOKEN........

And GEO.ERROR thank you for the WONDERFULL CACHE and for the CHANCE that you give us to enter in the world of the TEMPELIERS.


See here the beautiful token of The CACHE REAPER...



And Lorca she love the token so much that she hold him close and don`t let it go anymore.....


Edited by lorca.nl
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What.......................................... i am in shock



I came up this morning and reading my e-mails and what did i saw :cry:


The Cache Reaper has visit my night cache and i did ask him please do not do that. :D


I ask my good friend Lorca.nl to walk my cache and see if my cache would be find easy and then THe Cache Reaper was in the woods off Templar.


I brought my friend in danger :cry: and she is all so scared in the dark :D


But is it true :D ...................The Cache Reaper is going to protect my cache against mugglers B)


Wow :D ...............................The Cache Reaper the guardian Angel of my cache :D


So i never thought about The Cache Reaper. :D


mmmmmmmmmmmm..................The Cache Reaper......................i Think I like you. :cry:


I promise i won't tell a soul that you are a creapy looking "figur"with a big heart......will you please slash the hands of from mugglers who steal me cache. :D


Oke...................that is to hard..............oke ..slash them with your scythe behind them ears and scare them away. :cry:


Whhottttttt..i am happy you visit my cache..............i give you a big hug..............ooo no, that you don't want ....i will polish your scythe for you.


Thanks the Cache Reaper for protect my cache..i hope by a cache control i will meet you. :cry:


I hope then i won't wet my trousers :cry:


And thanks Lorca.nl for walking my cache :cry::cry:



Edited by Geo.Error
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