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MISSION: Santa's Mission


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Posted (edited)

He's making a list

And checking it twice;

Gonna find out Who's naughty and nice.



Mission Control - North Pole


Mission Package - One unactivated (NEW) geocoin (more if you wish) to be gifted to the recipent.

Packaged up to reflect the Christmas spirit.

Add a little wrapping, glitter, trims to make the recipient excited to receive.

Extra Christmas goodies, pins, treats will make this extra special.

Kids particularily will get excited by this mission.


This is like a secret Santa mission - you will be allocated someone to send a coin (packaged as below)

It is up to you as to whether you let the recipient know who is sending it.



Mission Date - Must have emailed by Oct 23rd.

Contact me through my geocaching profile.

Include - Your Postal address & postcode. If in a US State, please give full name of State, not abbreviation.

State the number of missions - see Limitations below.



Mission Limitations - Maximum of 3 missions per caching profile. (This is gonna be a BIG mission field - so I need to keep it simple for the Elfs!)

It will be cold in the Northern hemisphere and summer in the Southern Hemisphere, so be aware of this if adding chocolate or other meltable goodies.



You must be prepared to send the mission by the 10th November.

Postage may be later, if you do not receive an international recipent. But to meet some international Christmas mailing deadlines, you MUST be prepared to accept this date to participate in the mission.


Where possible, Mission recipients will be in a different country than yourself.

However, as the majority of participants tend to be in the US, this is not always possible.


So get those mission details in.

Please also post the status of the mission, once you have sent off your package.

1. Participating:

2. Received Name:

3. Mission Complete:

4. Package Received!:


ALSO post photos of incoming missions - we all love to see.


One final thing - make the package Christmasy - but do not spend a fortune.

Edited by Butterfly_lady

Count me in here for one <_<


Question, Hanna might want to participate, BUT... if she does, I'd want her to exchange with another kid and I'd like for her and the other kid to do their own packages, IE, decorate themselves and make their own cards and keep it really cheap. Shipping to the US is pretty expensive, so is shipping from there to Sweden, so if someone wants to do a simple package that their kiddo does themself, let me know!


So... one for me and one possibly for Hanna :D


Why not? <_<


Mrs Cheesy Pig


1. Participating:

2. Received Name:

3. Mission Complete:

4. Package Received!:




1. Participating:

2. Received Name:

3. Mission Complete:

4. Package Received!:


All Right :D


Mission #1

1. Participating: E-mail sent

2. Received Name:

3. Mission Complete:

4. Package Received!:



1. Participating: E-mail ent

2. Received Name:

3. Mission Complete:

4. Package Received!:



1. Participating: E-mail sent

2. Received Name:

3. Mission Complete:

4. Package Received!:



Thanks for setting this up <_<


<_<:santa::D We are in for this fun mission.


Mission #1 grodan Karin

1. Participating: E-mail sent oct1

2. Received Name:

3. Mission Complete:

4. Package Received!:


Mission#2 fiabus Björn

1. Participating: E-mail sent oct 1

2. Received Name:

3. Mission Complete:

4. Package Received!:


Mission#3 lillynglen Johanna & Simon

1. Participating: E-mail sent oct 1

2. Received Name:

3. Mission Complete:

4. Package Received!:



Thanks for setting this up :D


grodan Karin



1. Participating: email sent-October 1

2. Received Name:

3. Mission Complete:

4. Package Received!:




1. Participating: email sent-October 1

2. Received Name:

3. Mission Complete:

4. Package Received!:


Mrs usyoopers


participating- sent email 10/1

received name-

mission complete-

package received-


the other yooper


participating- sent email for him 10/1

received name-

mission complete-

package received-

Posted (edited)

I have been looking for a Good CHRISTMAS Geocaching tie-in, thank you for bringing it to me.....


GIFT WRAPPED and all. <_<


Mission #1 Fredhead

1. Participating: E-mail sent 10/1/08

2. Received Name:

3. Mission Complete:

4. Package Received!:


Mission #2 Queenie-Boo-Bay

1. Participating: E-mail sent 10/1/08

2. Received Name:

3. Mission Complete:

4. Package Received!:


Thank You Again

Edited by The Finding Irish 4

I have seen some reference to overseas shipping and the cost for this shipping.


Please sign us up for those missions, my kids love the interaction with fellow travelers

from other countries, when they discover a coin from another country it seems to be

twice the fun for them. We find the release location online, follow the coins progress

through the Geocaching maps, etc.....


They are looking at releasing some Geocoins to Stargates just to hit exotic locations...

We just gave three racers to a friend from Germany to release there.

I am Heading to South Africa later this year taking three more for release....




What fun!


1. KernowCacher Cheyenne (aged 8) - Happily partner Hanna and pack her own parcel?


1. Participating: Email sent 1st Oct

2. Received Name:

3. Mission Complete:

4. Package Received!:


2. KernowCacher Jan (adult)


1. Participating: Email sent 1st Oct

2. Received Name:

3. Mission Complete:

4. Package Received!:


3. KernowCacher Ross (adult)


1. Participating: Email sent 1st Oct

2. Received Name:

3. Mission Complete:

4. Package Received!:


What fun!


1. KernowCacher Cheyenne (aged 8) - Happily partner Hanna and pack her own parcel?


1. Participating: Email sent 1st Oct

2. Received Name:

3. Mission Complete:

4. Package Received!:


2. KernowCacher Jan (adult)


1. Participating: Email sent 1st Oct

2. Received Name:

3. Mission Complete:

4. Package Received!:


3. KernowCacher Ross (adult)


1. Participating: Email sent 1st Oct

2. Received Name:

3. Mission Complete:

4. Package Received!:


Ok, shall we consider this a match with Hanna, then.... we can do these two kids independently! Send me email at hannaomikael at gmail and we'll exchange addresses and such there if you want! <_<


Thank You so much for taking this on. The kids are going to so happy and enjoy doing this. Me Too! <_<


Mission #1 River Cacher

1. Participating: E-mail sent

2. Received Name:

3. Mission Complete:

4. Package Received:


Mission #2 River Tinkerbell

1. Participating: E-mail sent

2. Received Name:

3. Mission Complete:

4. Package Received:


Mission #3 River Princess

1. Participating: E-mail

2. Received Name:

3. Mission Complete:

4. Package Received:



Ok, shall we consider this a match with Hanna, then.... we can do these two kids independently! Send me email at hannaomikael at gmail and we'll exchange addresses and such there if you want! <_<


email sent :D


Mission # 1 - Adult

1. Participating: <_< Email sent 10/01/08

2. Received Name:

3. Mission Complete:

4. Package Received!



Mission # 2 - Child

1. Participating: :D Email sent 10/01/08

2. Received Name:

3. Mission Complete:

4. Package Received!


A Santa mission already? <_< It's been a while, but I'm in on this one. Thanks for organizing it!


1. Participating: Email sent Oct. 1

2. Received Name:

3. Mission Complete:

4. Package Received!:


More fun! <_<


Mission #1

1. Participating: E-mail sent

2. Received Name:

3. Mission Complete:

4. Package Received!:


Mission #2

1. Participating: E-mail sent

2. Received Name:

3. Mission Complete:

4. Package Received!:


Would you consider pet missions? I will sign up for missions but I really enjoy doing the pet thing too but having been through this myself, I know how much work goes into it and understand if you don't want to do that portion of it. I'll wait for you to post an answer before I send an email <_< Thanks.


Ok - I shall match child to child where possible,

pet to pet also


Huge logistics already - mailbox is full!

I will not be acknowledging every mission by email, rather will post a list at a later date for y'all to check.


South Pacific elves down here are gonna busy!

Please be patient. (of course y'all will be)


This sounds like fun, count me in!

Christmas is my favourite holyday! So this is a perfect topic for my first parcelsending mission...


1. Participating: email sent 01. Oct 2008

2. Received Name:

3. Mission Complete:

4. Package Received!:




Darn! I would love to participate, but I will be out of country for the month of Nov. Any chance of changing the mail by date for missions mailed in the USA?


Send thru the details, with a note for USA mission only.

I'll try to keep track of that...


Not sure if there will be postage delays around Christmas, but would like everyone to recieve their package before the magic day!


Yea! I love Christmas..and giving presents..and wrapping Gifts :P


Count me in!


1. Participating: email sent (Oct 1, 2008)

2. Received Name:

3. Mission Complete:

4. Package Received!:



Posted (edited)

Mission #1 Barry/Good Boy

1. Participating: E-mail sent 10-1-08

2. Received Name:

3. Mission Complete:

4. Package Received!:


Mission#2 Valarie/Good Girl

1. Participating: E-mail sent 10-1-08

2. Received Name:

3. Mission Complete:

4. Package Received!:


We been very good this year Santa. :P



ooh please add our family pet


Mission #3 Bella/ Big Parrot/Good Girl


1. Participating: E-mail sent 10-1-08

2. Received Name:

3. Mission Complete:

4. Package Received!:

Edited by sweetlife

Please remember to put your FULL mailing address....


Assuming that I know where everyone is, is not a good idea.

You may know, but I cannot look up everyone's profile - especially as many in the US often only put the states, forgetting that we are an international community.

Please don't give me more work.


So many in the first 20 hours! Whew!

As I have to officiate at a wedding on Saturday, it will be some time before I get to collate a list and post it....


Patience please.




Could you please add a mission for Bella/ she is our African Grey Parrot, She loves getting missions. Use our same address. She loves Pretty Bird treats and playing with big parrot toys. She is learning to make all kinds of sounds and sure is comming up with some goofy lauphes, does many whistle noises, whistles the dukes of hazards song, she is been really funny lately, ooh and loves music, only word we heard her say so far is "Peek a Boo", Hope she starts talking soon, been working so hard with her.


Thank You


Oh, both Cinnabear and I would love to do this mission as our first mission from Australia! I am glad we have until Oct. 23 to sign up because that give our geocoin collection some more time to float into Freo harbour....right now we have no coins at all!


Email sent! Our first mission!



1. Participating: 10/2/08

2. Received Name:

3. Mission Complete:

4. Package Received!:



1. Participating: 10/2/08

2. Received Name:

3. Mission Complete:

4. Package Received!:



1. Participating: 10/2/08

2. Received Name:

3. Mission Complete:

4. Package Received!:


Mission 1 - Adult

1. Participating: yes (10/2/08)

2. Received Name:

3. Mission Complete:

4. Package Received!:


Mission 2- Pet

1. Participating: yes (10/2/08)

2. Received Name:

3. Mission Complete:

4. Package Received!:


this sounds like fun!!


Oh, both Cinnabear and I would love to do this mission as our first mission from Australia! I am glad we have until Oct. 23 to sign up because that give our geocoin collection some more time to float into Freo harbour....right now we have no coins at all!


GG - when the time gets closer, you & I can do a deal that will see you still included.

If the coins have not arrived by Oct 23rd, please still participate....

It should only take a week for a small envelope with 2 to 4 coins to get to you from New Zealand, and you can send something to cover later......


It would be a pity for you to miss out...


BTW - some good caches around Freemantle - I had two DNFs there!


GG.. Gosh girl..no coins..how sad. I'll bring you some! 28 days til I leave for Aussie. I see you soon! :)


I will be sending my mission box out after I get back from Australia. I'll have to pick up some nice Aussie trinkets. If whoever I get seems to be waiting forever, be patient, it will be coming before Christmas, I promise. I'll even Fed ex if I have to. Jodi

Posted (edited)



Well, I've had a bit of spare time, and have been collating the list....

so here goes.......




Tristin GeoK9







Cheesy Piglet

mousekakat Hannah

lillynglen Johanna & Simon

KernowCachers Cheyenne

River Tinkerbell

River Princess

Atwell Family - Declan

PengoFamily Becky



and all us others


Cheesy Pig

Fairy Honey

Fairy Honey

Fairy Honey


grodan Karin

fiabus Björn

Maine Family Nana

Maine Family Papa

mrs usyoopers

the other yooper






River Cacher

Atwell Family






Dorsetgal & GeoDog









Pushing Tin

ScatterBrain Cutie







The Graystone Gopher



Big Bad John




If your name is down more than once, that indicates the extra missions you are willing to take on.


Edit - as per the next post

Edited by Butterfly_lady

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