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Is anyone else having trouble getting to the my account page? We keep getting: Sorry! We encountered an error when requesting that page! Tried logging out and back in that didn't work.


Is anyone else having trouble getting to the my account page? We keep getting: Sorry! We encountered an error when requesting that page! Tried logging out and back in that didn't work.


Thanks for reporting it. We are already working on it.




I'm guessing that the cute li'l Signal frog page is simply an attempt at making light of the old Server Unavailable pages, but it doesn't appease me one bit! I'm trying to get a list of caches for tomorrow and I haven't had access for over an hour. I'm not happy.


What everyone else said. The forum servers seem fine, but Geocaching.com and related pages are very sluggish, and user-specific pages won't load at all. Maybe it'll get better late tonight as people go to bed and the demand eases.


Reboot. Iam just glad its being worked on :huh:


It's "been worked on" for a long time. It was really looking good for the past few months, but for some reason it reared its ugly head again. It's now 9pm here and I've yet to be able to compile a list of caches for Sunday. Monday I'm back to work.


As others have said, we can get to the main page, and from there, can (obviously) get to the forums, but can't get to personal pages, can't do a zipcode search, can't use Hide & Seek a Cache, Trackable Items, and probably not much else.

Posted (edited)

And here I thought it was just my slow dial-up connection causing something to time out.


I can't get to geocaching.com/my/default.aspx (get the error), but I can get to areas under my account by typing the URL (or linking from the history in my browser): geocaching.com/my/geocaches.aspx and .../my/watchlist.aspx etc.


I can get to my pocket queries (geocaching.com/pocket). PQ Link


Win XP SP2, Firefox


Edit: to fix SP # (SP3 is for Office :-) )

Edited by Gremalkin

need caches for tomorrow? On Superbowl Sunday? That's un-American and...uhm...yeah...I will be out there in the morning getting my fix! :huh:


All loaded up from GSAK database and good to go. Website is a no-go for me as well. Took me 2 hours to logs my finds from today.


:lol: Well, I feel bad now. I should have checked the forums, but I have already submitted a ticket to Groundspeak. Oh well. When things usually happen, they happen to me - I have my own little cloud over my head. :huh: At any rate, I was able to log my caches from today by using the waypoint box. I have photos to upload but I'm going to wait until this is fixed. Does anyone remember the days back in 2003 and 2004 when the site was always slow when darkness fell because so many folks were logging caches at once? This feels like that time all over again! However, Groundspeak has done a great job in the years in between and usually the site is fast and wonderful.


Ya, I can't get on either and I am going to bed. Even the forums took a while to load up, but once I was here everything was fine. Do you really think the weather was THAT nice today that every one was out caching and bogged down the server with their logs? Seems kind of hard to believe, although we had a nice morning here!


It's late Saturday night. Why aren't all you people in work?


What? You don't work Saturday nights?


You are home with your family?



I need to submit an event by tomorrow, when will it be fixed?


Listen, they can't tell the future. So let's all just cool down here. No one is going to die because of the website having problems. Seriously, can we put things into perspective?

Posted (edited)

I have 2 caches I've created, but haven't activated yet. Are there any backdoor links to caches in our own queues so I can further edit them and then submit for approval?




Go to the Hide and seek page http://www.geocaching.com/seek/ and enter the GC# of the cache. If you didn't write it down its in the email you get when you first create the page. You can also try using the "Hidden by username" at the bottom of the page and enter your account name. You will get a list that should have your unpublished caches on it.


OR, you can click HERE


When I know it is fixed I will post it here.


Hope this helps.

Edited by Michael
I need to submit an event by tomorrow, when will it be fixed?


Listen, they can't tell the future. So let's all just cool down here. No one is going to die because of the website having problems. Seriously, can we put things into perspective?

If you are running into the 14 day advance notice requirement for event caches, submit the event as soon as you can, but leave a "note to reviewer" saying that you tried hard on Saturday, but the site problems kept you from submitting your page.


The cache reviewers are well aware of the site slowdown. :huh: I for one would certainly cut someone a break by a day or two when an event submission is delayed for this reason.


The cache reviewers are well aware of the site slowdown. :lol: I for one would certainly cut someone a break by a day or two when an event submission is delayed for this reason.


I wasn't trying to be mad, just asking. Thanks for everyones input though :huh:


At least I know its not only me having problems I went to an event today and I'm trying to log my coin's and TB's what a pain I'll think I will wait to tomorrow.


And here I thought it was just my slow dial-up connection causing something to time out.


I can't get to geocaching.com/my/default.aspx (get the error), but I can get to areas under my account by typing the URL (or linking from the history in my browser): geocaching.com/my/geocaches.aspx and .../my/watchlist.aspx etc.


I can get to my pocket queries (geocaching.com/pocket). PQ Link


Win XP SP2, Firefox


Edit: to fix SP # (SP3 is for Office :-) )

Thank you for posting this link ... A great workaround while the good folks at Groundspeak fix the bug!


I am glad I am not the only one Experiencing this problem.

It is really a hassle, I was getting ready to get a list of Caches

for tomorrow and log some that I found today but I guess it is the

Nature of the beast, there seems to always be something that

needs to be done to web sites. Oh well I guess it will be up tomorrow hopefully! :huh:

Posted (edited)

I am getting the same problems and going back to the same page is forwarding me to the error message page. I winder if its working but it's forwarding me to this page becasue of a short time out counter?


BTW much of the rest of the site works fine through direct links. Its just the My Account Page doing this. This wont affect my Geocaching for tomorrow as I got a thing called a Pocket Query and GSAK. So my caches that I want to find are already listed there.

Edited by sawblade5

If you need to log your caches do a search by area code. It will build a list and rank them by distance. Then just click on the link for the cache you want to log and log it. I had to do this to log my finds today.


And if you click on someones name and then type in your own user name in the search for another user field you can look yourself up. You just cant get to your page you are supposed to see.

Posted (edited)

It' still not working, but at least I now know it's not me. I just kicked the CPU and jiggled my monitor, let's see if that helps. And the posted time is wrong by three hours unless it only posts by a diff time zone. Never noticed this before. I am at 4:56 am Eastern, and it says 1:56 am

Edited by Danuw

My Account page is still not working. I am shocked that as a premium member who paid for 24/7 premium access I get only a simple response form the Groundspeak "We are working on it". That is in my view unacceptable.


Mine too. Woke up this morning and tried to look for some new caches. My only way was to look for a cache that I´ve allready found an let em search for all nearby caches that I haven´t found. But that all was very slow.

Sorry for my english.




I've been having trouble since last night. No improvement yet. But I see that they are working on it so I'm sure it will all be good again soon. This is a complicated site, just look at the inconvenience of not being able to access one page that we do so much from. So it may take a while to hammer out the problem but they will. Thanks for the great work!

But I see that they are working on it so I'm sure it will all be good again soon.


WHERE do you get that information?

Here they are, look :blink: -





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