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Does anybody know what the problem is, or have an estimated time as to when it will be back?


I'm starting to get withdrawal symptoms because I can't see the map with the blue and red squares on.


I've winged off a email to Ian-Teasel so hopefully he will be able to pop in with a quick update on the situation. I'm aware that he currently has little spare time, so please bear with him.




Sorry for not responding... I've just got back from my Winter hols to find the whole thing's come crashing down around my ears (again!). ;)


Same old story - someone's managed to hack into the server, so 1and1 have pulled the plug. :rolleyes:


To compound the problem, the plug seems to have been pulled during the middle of the daily backups. Typical! So there may be up to 48hrs data (cache scores and trigpoint logs) lost. But unless I can work out how the hackers managed to get in and secure the server, I'm stuffed. Last time it was hacked twice in succession. I traced the first and fixed it, but it now seems that the second attack must have exploited a different weakness. So the first thing to do is find the hole. Watch this space...


Thanks for letting us know what is hapning, I’m sure everyone greatly appreciates all the effort you put in to enhance their enjoyment of geocahing, especially after having to do it all the work again. Hope you get the site up and running again soon.

Thanks again.


Keep up the good work Ian and let's hope you get the site up and running again soon.

Ian , I'm so sorry you have this trouble with the geocaching and TRIGPOINTING sites. If you ever want to ask for subscriptions towards trigpointing.uk, please do so. I have had endless fun at lunchtimes on your T:UK site and your being down has led me here.




Keep up the good work Ian and let's hope you get the site up and running again soon.

Ian , I'm so sorry you have this trouble with the geocaching and TRIGPOINTING sites. If you ever want to ask for subscriptions towards trigpointing.uk, please do so. I have had endless fun at lunchtimes on your T:UK site and your being down has led me here.




I know there are good historical reasons why these websites are not meant to be subscripted but I would echo that. I would contribute if ever it changed as I am a grateful user of both sites. If it wasn't for trigpointing web site I would never have discovered geocaching.


Keep up the good work Ian and let's hope you get the site up and running again soon.

Ian , I'm so sorry you have this trouble with the geocaching and TRIGPOINTING sites. If you ever want to ask for subscriptions towards trigpointing.uk, please do so. I have had endless fun at lunchtimes on your T:UK site and your being down has led me here.




I know there are good historical reasons why these websites are not meant to be subscripted but I would echo that. I would contribute if ever it changed as I am a grateful user of both sites. If it wasn't for trigpointing web site I would never have discovered geocaching.


I know that Teasel's feeling is to keep the site free to use, there are those of us that donate PQ's to help.


I'm happy to donate, towards helping to keep the site running.

I'm sure others (as they have said in the forums) are willing to donate.


So how about it?

A Donate button (Paypal?) so those wanting to can donate, nothing extra gained -other than that "Warm Fuzzy Feeling" of doing something to help?





I know that Teasel's feeling is to keep the site free to use, there are those of us that donate PQ's to help.


I'm happy to donate, towards helping to keep the site running.

I'm sure others (as they have said in the forums) are willing to donate.


So how about it?

A Donate button (Paypal?) so those wanting to can donate, nothing extra gained -other than that "Warm Fuzzy Feeling" of doing something to help?




Ditto on that



I know that Teasel's feeling is to keep the site free to use, there are those of us that donate PQ's to help.


I'm happy to donate, towards helping to keep the site running.

I'm sure others (as they have said in the forums) are willing to donate.


So how about it?

A Donate button (Paypal?) so those wanting to can donate, nothing extra gained -other than that "Warm Fuzzy Feeling" of doing something to help?




Ditto on that

Me too



I know that Teasel's feeling is to keep the site free to use, there are those of us that donate PQ's to help.


I'm happy to donate, towards helping to keep the site running.

I'm sure others (as they have said in the forums) are willing to donate.


So how about it?

A Donate button (Paypal?) so those wanting to can donate, nothing extra gained -other than that "Warm Fuzzy Feeling" of doing something to help?




Ditto on that

Me too


I think we can safely say that everyone is willing to contribute something towards the site. Which is great :)


I know there are good historical reasons why these websites are not meant to be subscripted but I would echo that. I would contribute if ever it changed as I am a grateful user of both sites. If it wasn't for trigpointing web site I would never have discovered geocaching.


Likewise to both points.

Sorry for not responding... I've just got back from my Winter hols to find the whole thing's come crashing down around my ears (again!). :o

Same old story - someone's managed to hack into the server, so and have pulled the plug. :)


So the first thing to do is find the hole. Watch this space...

A local geocacher near here works in Internet server security - feel free to contact me.
:D I am gutted my favourite site is down! Please have it up and running soon. I can only send the co-ords to my PDA from your site, cant seem to suss it on the American one so I am painstakingly entering each cache co-ords individually and using pen and paper to note the clues. If anyone sees this who can enlighten me an e-mail would be greatly appreciated. Best of luck setting the website up again x

:D I am gutted my favourite site is down! Please have it up and running soon. I can only send the co-ords to my PDA from your site, cant seem to suss it on the American one so I am painstakingly entering each cache co-ords individually and using pen and paper to note the clues. If anyone sees this who can enlighten me an e-mail would be greatly appreciated. Best of luck setting the website up again x


What is your problem getting coords from Groundspeak into your PDA? Have you tried using GSAK?

There are several cachers within a few miles of Garswood who would be only too pleased to help you, including me.


sorry to hear of your problems,i bet you wished you stayed on holiday,this is a great and very informative site i love it! im sure there must be some very clever techie type cachers out their who might be able to help.i have read about the history of the site,but myself and im sure others would like to contribute some money if it would help.wish you luck with mending it.patandjeff = bones1.



What is your problem getting coords from Groundspeak into your PDA? Have you tried using GSAK?

There are several cachers within a few miles of Garswood who would be only too pleased to help you, including me.


Thanks loads, that is really kind, I definitely need help. I have just sent an e-mail to Pop up Pirate as he said he would give me some pointers to help me get GSAK on my computer, I have been trying to sort it for over a week and am now stuck after unzipping the files.


My problem with downloading the waypoints off Groundspeak is that they come as loc files and my computer says it cannot open them. If I use the uk site i get MXF files which I can open on Memory map which in turn I can then transfer to my PDA complete with clues etc.


I will let you know how I get on. Many thanks.


Keep up the good work Ian and let's hope you get the site up and running again soon.

Ian , I'm so sorry you have this trouble with the geocaching and TRIGPOINTING sites. If you ever want to ask for subscriptions towards trigpointing.uk, please do so. I have had endless fun at lunchtimes on your T:UK site and your being down has led me here.



Me too ;)


Sadly I suspect a hacking group has earmarked gcuk, and will keep on attacking the site everytime it is brought back online.


Hopefully Teasel is figuring out how to keep the hackers at bay.


Hi Ian,


I think many of us would be very, very grateful for any update/report of your progress getting your wonderful site back on-line. Summer is coming and it just won't be the same without the ability your site provides to download useful information to both computer based mapping packages and a GPS.


All the best





I'd like to echo that sentiment. GeocacheUk was a very useful site.

I'm also quite excited about doing some Trigpointing if T:UK can be resurrected.

Add me to the list of people willing to contribute if funds are needed for a secure site.



We never used the GC site due to its inability to recognise our password. However, we did use the trigpoint site and hope it returns.


We agree that it would be nice to be kept up to date in what's happening.


I know Ian Is on a very intensive work course this week (and next I think). The Trigpoint site should be up and running as soon as he returns, he was in the prosses of moving this to a different server last time we spoke. However, the new server cannot host the geocaching side so this is NOT looking good at the moment :huh:;):huh:


I know Ian Is on a very intensive work course this week (and next I think).


Surely he should be given time off work for something this important?!


The Trigpoint site should be up and running as soon as he returns


I know Ian Is on a very intensive work course this week (and next I think). The Trigpoint site should be up and running as soon as he returns, he was in the prosses of moving this to a different server last time we spoke. However, the new server cannot host the geocaching side so this is NOT looking good at the moment :rolleyes::) :)


very sad news about the geocaching side then :):):)

Do my eyes deceive me or is GCUK back up & running?! :)


Just a chance click on Barryhunter's most recent post in the counties debate.


It would seem so..... Yipeeeee... !!!!! :):)

Great work Teasel, nice to have GCUK back and running.

I'm afraid that, while G:UK is currently available, I've not managed to fix the problems, so it's likely to disappear again very soon :) It's mainly so that I can attempt to salvage a few dozen trigpoint photos which got lost when 1and1 pulled the plug, but I'm also taking the chance to update the database with the large backlog of pocket queries which has accumulated. I'll try to keep it up for as long as possible, and will try to take a backup before it goes down again, but I can't guarantee anything, I'm afraid. Sorry!


However, there may well be light at the end of the tunnel. Can't say more right now, but things are definitely looking up on the hosting front!




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