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What does your Geocoin heart Desire?


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We recieved our first tranquility geocoin (the purple haze) from a trade with RedShoesGirl.

And now our hearts desire is we simply must have them ALL!!! Thanks for the new addiction RedShoesGirl! :blink:


oh, you are quite welcome. and good luck! you realize there are 37 different editions, right?


i'll send you the list if you like. :D






O.K. here goes.


There are some nice coins out there that I would like but there is only one that I feel I need. I am seeking a Knights Templar in black nickel to complete my Templar collection. I have been fortunate and have a spare 2 tone to trade for it. I am also happy to buy it. I stumbled onto geocoins while researching the Templars. BTW they always used the coins of whatever country they happened to be in. Email me. PM me. Carrier pigeon me. Whatever.


my desire ,, is for all you wanting coins to get them,, I have 1 desire coin ,, and cant have it (made for travel only)

so I will pass my not so good luck to you all you here in hopes you get your desires!! :)


ok I Lied,,,,well wait i guess i dident,,,,""my wife" is an x files freak,, weve seen every episode 1 dvd at a time for 6 months. Ive been haven a hard time getting her into the coins aspect of the geocaching,, It would be really cool to get a x files coin for her,,mabie she will like them more. I dunno what do you think???

Posted (edited)

My heart desires some of those TRIGO coins so that I'll be able to build myself my very own TRIGO man!




For now, though, Photoshop will suffice.


COOL dude. I guess with ears like those, he'll be able to fly most anywhere he desires, unless it is his hair- then, never mind :unsure:

Edited by fairyhoney


today something wonderfull happend and BOYS and GIRLS it make me so HAPPY :P:)

Lorca got here SANTA MISSION at the door and inside there where a lot of very NICE, CUTE, BEAUTIFUL and good taste CANDY in and a very BEAUTIFUL TRAVEL PENGUIN and........... MY HEART DESIRE THE PINK RIBBON..........the only thing i go do today is look at the BEAUTIFUL MEANING FULL COIN...





Posted (edited)

i am dancing from happiness for you , Anne





THank you A mitt for giving lorca.nl , her heart desire, that means so much for me :D


Edited by Geo.Error

My heart desire would be smile coins , i want to spread some smiles over the world




I,ve got last week a other smilecoin as surprise from a coiner, i have set this smilecoin free in the Netherlands :mad:





Thank you very much for helping me infected the world with smiles and for believe in me and the mission :lol:


And yesterday i did a trade for a Canada smilecoin who is going to set free in Canada :D


Soo Canada watch out the smiles are coming :D:D


laval smilecoin




laval k-9 Thank you very much for this trade, specially because you spoiled me with this trade <_<


Thank you thank you both :anibad::blink:



Thank you for helping me to give the world a epidemic from smiles. :D:)

This means so much from me. :):):)



i have a heart's desire that is not for me, but for my dear friend bluemotmot.


i hope that she becomes a member of the "black-envelope posse" and receives the geo bandit coin. valerie is one of the nicest people on the forums, never gets into trouble and is kind to everyone. kinda like a girl scout, but better.


many times i wish i was more like her.


so if you can hear me mystery bandita, please grant my wish - and hey, i'll send you some coins you might want for you!


oh happy day!




i have a heart's desire that is not for me, but for my dear friend bluemotmot.


i hope that she becomes a member of the "black-envelope posse" and receives the geo bandit coin. valerie is one of the nicest people on the forums, never gets into trouble and is kind to everyone. kinda like a girl scout, but better.


many times i wish i was more like her.


I agree wholeheartedly! BlueMotMot has been an incredible friend to us, and so many times she has just done something and it has totally changed our day from bad to good. She has a heart of gold and is one if the neatest, most special people here!


Please, Geo-bandit?


Naomi :D


Today a friend brought his Ipod at work and sawagain the Dark knight movie! Oh boy!!! What I desire??? A dark knight mystery geocoin! :shocked:

I know, I know... I haven't seen the coin for a long time, so I do not think it is out anymore!

Posted (edited)

My heart's desire... Well, I married her and we cache together. Now I try to give her coins that surprise her and make her smile (Kind of like that one you see to the left here).

Edited by cache_in_hand

so now that ive been around for a lil bit and seen a small percentage of whats out there,, and my true hearts desire coin cant be had,, I desire a x files 2 tone for my wife (shes a x files freek, and im tring to get her into coins) and I would absoutly love to have one of scavoks older designs. best coins ive seen thus far in my opinion,,but I like the busy ,elegant coins. I would be willing to trade a few coins for one of scavoks. :rolleyes::lol: or even buy one, never seen one on a trader list or really a wantl ist for the few ive looked at...


where oh where would scavoks coins be,,ohh where oh were would they beeeee. :rolleyes:


It has been awhile since I have desired anything. But I have found one that has struck my fancy. I would love to have one of those Tas-Tas coins. very appealing... :D

Yep, still desiring one of these neat coins.


It has been awhile since I have desired anything. But I have found one that has struck my fancy. I would love to have one of those Tas-Tas coins. very appealing... :D

Yep, still desiring one of these neat coins.

You mean the ones with the removable top?? I don't have any left, my friend, sorry....


but I know KAboom does and he already said I could get one from him! :D


It has been awhile since I have desired anything. But I have found one that has struck my fancy. I would love to have one of those Tas-Tas coins. very appealing... :D

Yep, still desiring one of these neat coins.

You mean the ones with the removable top?? I don't have any left, my friend, sorry....


but I know KAboom does and he already said I could get one from him! :D


Yep that is the one. I think they are very neat looking coins. Sending you a PM.


I would really love to get my hands on the Deadliest Cache Gold LE to finish off my collection. I see all of the other one's on the "E" store but not this one. The one person who has it listed on geocoincollector.com cannot find it now :laughing: .


Hello All,

For some time my Son has been trading/swapping/begging his way to get a Dressel Dragon Coin:


He has not been successful to date, everyone either fell through or the trades were not good enough.

His GC name is Fredhead, he is 8 years old.

He has a few coins to trade but nothing major, but he is willing to trade Dad's $'s for coins.

He has put it on his Christmas list to the Big Man at the North Pole, but he was sniped at the last second yet again. :laughing:

Can anyone help?


Drop me an e-mail via GC profile.


MERRY CHRISTAMS and Happy New Year.


Thank you in advance.

The Finding Irish 4


Hello All,

For some time my Son has been trading/swapping/begging his way to get a Dressel Dragon Coin:


He has not been successful to date, everyone either fell through or the trades were not good enough.

His GC name is Fredhead, he is 8 years old.

He has a few coins to trade but nothing major, but he is willing to trade Dad's $'s for coins.

He has put it on his Christmas list to the Big Man at the North Pole, but he was sniped at the last second yet again. :laughing:

Can anyone help?


Drop me an e-mail via GC profile.


MERRY CHRISTAMS and Happy New Year.


Thank you in advance.

The Finding Irish 4


You and me both, my friend! I wish you all the luck in the world and hope to hear this desire comes true!!

Posted (edited)

I guess I missed this post before, but it's too late anyway. I was already fortunate enough to trade for a a dragonfly talisman at the geocoin fest. thanks!

Edited by drneal

I have been very, very fortunate and my heart's desire coins have been granted again and again, so I feel a bit bad asking one more time, but here goes...


Thanks in advance!



Whap! :(

Please sir, could I have some more... :D


Isn't there a rule in this thread that you can only have one heart's desire?


I got mine, hence I don't post in here anymore.


Quote the whole thing, please. That heart's desire wasn't one for me, it was a request posted for a friend.


*rubbing lump on head*




I have to say, that I have a heart's desire, but won't name it in this context. If I ever get that coin, I'm sure that there will be another coin that takes its place. I will always have a heart's desire. I just have to have a goal at all times!


I have to say, that I have a heart's desire, but won't name it in this context. If I ever get that coin, I'm sure that there will be another coin that takes its place. I will always have a heart's desire. I just have to have a goal at all times!


I have to agree... I have been reading this thread for the better part of a year now( I'm not going to say I've read all 1400+ posts, but I have read many) I've never posted to this thread, as I've seen many 'come to the wishing well' one too many times and as another recent thread has stated, this one has morphed itself into somewhat of a 'beggers thread' and I don't wish to be part of it, or come across as if I am, so I keep my hearts desire to myself in hopes that one day I will run across it in a trade, or be able to afford the inflated ebay price for it (it is offered for sale about twice a year or so)

...as you've stated, once that desire is filled another moves into it's place and I then end up with a new 'goal' to add to my collection...

I suppose this thread works for many, as they seem to get what they ask for time and time again, for me however, I prefer to remain a 'lurker' on this thread and see who's looking for what.... whether it be a genuine trade,buy,sell,or beg offer...


Hello All,

I will be honest I love this thread, mainly because I like the feeling I get when I can help someone.

Or if I can be part of helping someone, I have seen multiple posts, and yes if I can help that person I reseaerch their posts and see if the are just adding to a collection or actually trying to meet anothers needs.


Myself for example, my Son Fredhead wanted a Dressel Dragon coin as you know these are like rocking horse poop but well they sell this now:



As of today it looks very positive that he will get this coin for Christmas thank to a WONDERFUL cacher.


If my Daughter wanted a coin that I exhausted all possibilities of getting it and had no choice I would post again here, and if that means buying the coin great no problems, trading no problems the kids learn a great lesson on both.


I have been able to help someone once before and it felt great, we are now in the position to help another and I am letting my kids have this opportunity to "Pay it forward" and get the all of the reward of being able to help someone else.

We are blessed to be in the position and want to help so we will, if at another time we are not in that position we will dig down hard and help again, this is what I want to teach my children.


This community is a tight knit community, with generous hearts, look at the mystery coins, the leaving of unactivated coins in caches, the gifting at events.....

We know who the takers are, and we know the givers but what you do not know is why they want the coin, or did that person buy the coin? trade for the coin? or was it gifted and that receiver responded with a thank you and something for the giver, or when they were more able to help follow-up then with a gift.

When you receive a gift like that you do not forget, and you want to say THANK YOU and you will maybe today or in time, but you will.


Remember what seaon we are in and what one did for the many, did he(or she, to avoid nasty grams) ask for anything NO, did he ask for anything when the ultimate gift was given, YES it was just to BELIEVE.

Posted (edited)

:D Of course I wouldn't say no to a moun10bike geocoin!!! :laughing:


My heart desire is a tranquility geocoin! (Did I wrote it correctly?)

I know that there are so many different.... well.... how about a colorful one! :santa: I have seen the photos, but never tauched one! If this coin makes you even more addict...


Hmm... maybe and a compass rose 2007..... well..I have only seen from close the antique silver with gold wheel... so..

Edited by GATOULIS

So many interesting coins. I think my heart's desire, at this point, would be to come by a "I Love Geocoins" coin. But that's only because it's at the top of my mind at the moment. There are so many really intricate & interesting coins out there, it's so hard to want just one!


So many interesting coins. I think my heart's desire, at this point, would be to come by a "I Love Geocoins" coin. But that's only because it's at the top of my mind at the moment. There are so many really intricate & interesting coins out there, it's so hard to want just one!


PM sent with link to a "I love Geocoins" coin...


I have just caught the Geocoin Bug and have seen so many that I want but these are at the top for now,


I probably don't have proper names


Scout knife Geocoin, London Phone Booth, 4 piece puzzle geocoin, Templar Geocoin, Planisphere Northern Hemisphere, and Astrolab Gecoin, Phone a Friend (hinged phone) and a Anthus laptop.


Some are available now but have made several purchases recently and with the holidays I don't dare buy anymore for now.


My list will surely grow as I discover more.




Hello All,

For some time my Son has been trading/swapping/begging his way to get a Dressel Dragon Coin:


He has not been successful to date, everyone either fell through or the trades were not good enough.

His GC name is Fredhead, he is 8 years old.

He has a few coins to trade but nothing major, but he is willing to trade Dad's $'s for coins.

He has put it on his Christmas list to the Big Man at the North Pole, but he was sniped at the last second yet again. ;)

Can anyone help?


Drop me an e-mail via GC profile.


MERRY CHRISTAMS and Happy New Year.


Thank you in advance.

The Finding Irish 4


Well I am VERY HAPPY to add this to the thread, my son Fredhead had his Heart's Desire fullfilled.

This was done from a Secert Santa, and gifted to him, he was, as my Duaghter put it "OFF THE CHART" when he received and opened the package.





Secert Santa, I can not say THANK YOU enough. ;)


Kay, now I realize I may have said this a couple times already :) ...But really hopin fer an Elusive Mr Muggles (I think its just me) and a Glow Moutain Cahoids :laughing:


Those have been ongoing for awhile... Others that I probably wont ever see, but dearly desire are teh Groundspeak Project (Square) and the Groundspeak Mystery. 2 cool old coins that I drool over!!! :laughing:


Now I have seen this coin when my dad got his in the mail, and he only got one. Now I cant get this one unless I pay a lot of money on e-bay for it (which I might have to). The Geocion my heart desires is the Four Musketeer Coin in Purple. This is such a cool coin.


:ph34r::P More coins with a smile set free over the whole world..let's get the epidemic started :unsure::lol:




Smiling is infectious,

You catch it like the flu,

When someone smiled at me today,

I started smiling too.


I passed around the corner,

and someone saw my grin,

When he smiled I realised,

I’d passed it on to him.


I thought about that smile,

Then I realised its worth,

A single smile just like mine,

Could travel round the earth.


So if you feel a smile begin,

Don’t leave it undetected

Let’s start an epidemic quick

And get the world infected!




:unsure: Of course I wouldn't say no to a moun10bike geocoin!!! :sad:


My heart desire is a tranquility geocoin! (Did I wrote it correctly?)

I know that there are so many different.... well.... how about a colorful one! :huh: I have seen the photos, but never tauched one! If this coin makes you even more addict...


a colourful tranquility will head your way in the next couple of days.




My husband won my heart desire geocoin off ebay this evening for me, it is the Dressel Dragons Silver Geocoin. I am so pumped and he paid under 20.00 for it including shipping. :)


I don't have many coins , so any coin is my hearts desire.

But I do have a true love for those precious Earth Turtles. I just recieved ET pins I ordered a little while ago, But with this old computer and Dial Up, Sheesh, I would never attempt entering a sale.LOL!!!!!



After reading this thread many a time and having trouble getting it down to one single coin I would desire over all others due to being so new to it all, but now with some luck on a few online sales of late I have been able to trade and get a small collection of very good coins. My collection total about 8 coins, but I do love them all.


Alas I have yet been unable to secure my one true desire (until the Celtic Tree of Life is released) and that's a colour Tengwar NAWWAL. So hard to trade as those who have them are remiss to part with them and who can blame them.


So I keep checking the Bay of E for a decent priced colour and always have my eyes peeled in the forums :blink: .


In the mean time I'm trading pathtags like a banshee to try and fill someone else's desire. Fingers crossed as Karma always seems to work wonders :unsure:

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