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What does your Geocoin heart Desire?


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Posted (edited)

We don't have any the ones we keep finding are the ones you have to keep moving, how do you all keep finding the ones you keep? Obviously we are new at this, I would love to keep some of the ones we found they are so neat!

Sweet little innocent Lamb... You keep movin those too ;) Maybe one day you'll find an unactivated coin for keeps, but till then you gotta lie, cheat and steal!...To get money to buy em and then trade em that is! :) Theres many a places to buy coins, just check the pinned topics! and when all else fails...ebay!


This threads for when you find a coin you dearly love and cant get it...come here and tell all what your after!- Good Luck! ;)


OH yeah, theres trade lists too! ...see my link at the bottom?

Edited by 007BigD

I have been very fortunate with my heart's desires requests. There are many wonderful people out there.


We have not purchased coins in a while now. But I just saw one that comes with pathtags that is my new heart's desire. The Odyssey Game Geocoin. That is pretty cool! Nice design whomever came up with it. One day I hope to add it to my collection.


I also wish for good health for my geocoin buddy/trader going through a difficult time right now.


Email me, I should be able to help you out :laughing:


Email sent. Thanks Beverly!

Posted (edited)

I'm on the lookout for one of the Illinois coins, the one that looks like a large penny. I'm originally from Chicago, and had high hopes for a White Sox/Cubs World Series, but that didn't happen. Maybe next year! :D:):D

Edited by JJG10101

I've heard of some special coins in the UK that are available for residents etc. I've seen photos of the London Eye, Stonehenge and heard stories of old abbeys etc.

How I would love to have one of each of those, bringing a smile of memories for places visited during one month in 2003, when I went on the long trek there to see my ancestral home.

So much I had to do in so little time.


I would love to own two coins...a 007BigD and a Mauison shaped coin. I have very little to trade, but we can try to work something out if anyone has an extra of either.


You don't have one of my coins yet? Send me your address and I'll send you one, no trade needed. Pay it forward one day and we're square. :grin:


I've heard of some special coins in the UK that are available for residents etc. I've seen photos of the London Eye, Stonehenge and heard stories of old abbeys etc.

How I would love to have one of each of those, bringing a smile of memories for places visited during one month in 2003, when I went on the long trek there to see my ancestral home.

So much I had to do in so little time.


A month! Wow! :grin:


Our visit to Jolly Old England was all of 30 hours on our way home from my wife's ancestral home of the Netherlands. We spent almost six hours of that in the British Museum and toured central London: Trafalgar Square, Parliament, Westminster Abbey, Buckingham Palace (just outside... they wouldn't let us in), Hyde Park, and Harrods. All while pushing our 7 month old son in his stroller.


Next time, we're going to shoot for 60 hours (and no children). :grin:


I would love to own two coins...a 007BigD and a Mauison shaped coin. I have very little to trade, but we can try to work something out if anyone has an extra of either.


You don't have one of my coins yet? Send me your address and I'll send you one, no trade needed. Pay it forward one day and we're square. :grin:


Wow, THANKS Mauison!! :D I've loved your coins for some time, just have never had the chance to get one!!


email on it's way soon!!


And you can bet I'll pay it forward my friend!! Will be my pleasure! :grin:


I would love to own two coins...a 007BigD and a Mauison shaped coin. I have very little to trade, but we can try to work something out if anyone has an extra of either.


You don't have one of my coins yet? Send me your address and I'll send you one, no trade needed. Pay it forward one day and we're square. :grin:


Wow, THANKS Mauison!! :D I've loved your coins for some time, just have never had the chance to get one!!


email on it's way soon!!


And you can bet I'll pay it forward my friend!! Will be my pleasure! :grin:


I've heard of some special coins in the UK that are available for residents etc. I've seen photos of the London Eye, Stonehenge and heard stories of old abbeys etc.

How I would love to have one of each of those, bringing a smile of memories for places visited during one month in 2003, when I went on the long trek there to see my ancestral home.

So much I had to do in so little time.


You are talking about the Garmin UK coins: Big Ben, Angel of the North, London Eye, Stonehenge and Clifton Bridge coins. They were a promotion for Garmin around the UK.


I would love to own two coins...a 007BigD and a Mauison shaped coin. I have very little to trade, but we can try to work something out if anyone has an extra of either.



I would love to own two coins...a 007BigD and a Mauison shaped coin. I have very little to trade, but we can try to work something out if anyone has an extra of either.


You don't have one of my coins yet? Send me your address and I'll send you one, no trade needed. Pay it forward one day and we're square. :D


Wow, THANKS Mauison!! :D I've loved your coins for some time, just have never had the chance to get one!!


email on it's way soon!!


And you can bet I'll pay it forward my friend!! Will be my pleasure! :D


I would love to own two coins...a 007BigD and a Mauison shaped coin. I have very little to trade, but we can try to work something out if anyone has an extra of either.



I Just KNEW you two would come through :D All three of you guys come through when others need you to make them happy :grin: THANK YOU! ! !


Having recently caught the coin bug (without the money to get properly treated), there are many coins I would like, however, they are all either military, nature, mythological, or state related.


There might be a few more topics, but I am not sure right now.


For state related I only really want a coin for each state (well country also and perhaps foreign city) that I have been to. I haven't looked around very much yet for all the coins that are out there. I have ordered a few coins and received some or what I have ordered.


Time will tell what coins I am able to acquire.


Well, I guess if I could only have one coin it would be the mystery coin from The Geocoin Bandit.


I bumbled onto a Geocoin Fairy coin last summer and had to google it to get the 411 on it. Now I'm hooked and have been looking for clues on how to get a mystery GCB to add to my collection of mystery coins which now totals one.


Well, my hearts desire isn't for me even though I would love to have one...it is for a Dressel Dragon for a very nice young man I met at geocoinfest in Pitts. I did some trading with him (he is part of the The Finding Irish 4 caching family) after he had found an unactivated Frozen Buns coin in a local cache while out with TMOCM.

He found out I was at the event and wanted to meet me as this was his first coin to own, I gave him the matching pathtag and a Hockey Jersey coin to help him with getting started on his collection.


Later while talking to his father I found that the very first thing on his list to Santa was for the Dressel Dragon coin. So if anyone has one available, please check out my traders, which hasn't been updated since the fest, but hopefully we can work something out.


I wouldn't ask but his father is one of the cachers sending boxes to Iraq and they just touched a soft spot as they reminded me of my boys at that age.

Thanks :grin: Looking forward to hearing from someone....... :grin:


A Jack Russell Terrier and dog coins

I'm still looking. Want to put some of them on my want list. :unsure:


did you ever find a terrier coin? if not, i have one for you. send me an email through my profile and i'll mail it off to you, as soon as it arrives.




Well, I guess if I could only have one coin it would be the mystery coin from The Geocoin Bandit.


I bumbled onto a Geocoin Fairy coin last summer and had to google it to get the 411 on it. Now I'm hooked and have been looking for clues on how to get a mystery GCB to add to my collection of mystery coins which now totals one.


I believe the ECB only comes out for Easter.


My heart desires...... a gold glitter laptop followed closely by chocolate :unsure:

i second that emotion, me too!




and my heart's desire was granted by bluemotmot for my birthday. glitter laptop AND chocolate. thanks so very much valerie!




My heart desires...... a gold glitter laptop followed closely by chocolate :unsure:

i second that emotion, me too!




and my heart's desire was granted by bluemotmot for my birthday. glitter laptop AND chocolate. thanks so very much valerie!




BlueMotMot just rocks, doesn't she!!


BlueMotMot just rocks, doesn't she!!


I second that.


grodan Karin


she's the bomb! and i went birthday shopping for her today, but shssssh, don't tell her.



BlueMotMot is most excellent :unsure: There are so many marvellous people on this forum. Yay to you all! :)


My Geocoin Heart desire is one of the great looking 'Devil made Me Do It' mystery coins. Maybe I'll get lucky and find that one has made its way out here to California for me to find in a cache....


BlueMotMot just rocks, doesn't she!!


I second that.


grodan Karin


she's the bomb! and i went birthday shopping for her today, but shssssh, don't tell her.



BlueMotMot is most excellent :D There are so many marvellous people on this forum. Yay to you all! :D


Agreed! and there are a lot of marvellous people here!! ;)


Thanks frozen buns for making my heart's desire come true. Can't wait for the mailman to come....


....and there are a lot of marvellous people here!! ;)


Thanks frozen buns for making my heart's desire come true. Can't wait for the mailman to come....


OOOOH, most definitely another who rocks here!!!


Naomi :D


My hearts desire for a Tama maneki cat was fulfilled a while ago. My heart still desires a lot iof coins, but for now it would love to have a Nero v.2 coin.


I keep looking for peoples hearts desires I can fulfill but I just don´t have that kind of cooins. ;)

grodan Karin


I say there is a bunch of wonderful, giving and caring people in this forum. Many of you ROCK.


grodan Karin


I wholeheartedly agree with this!! Some very generous and caring souls in these forums!!


I'm almost desperate for the BC 2006 geocoin.


Weeks of stalking ebay and trawling collection trading lists have been futile because I'm too late, too new, and have nothing worthwhile to trade for one..

Posted (edited)

My heart's desire has to be a gold moon mushroom. Having said that though any of the moon mushrooms would be lovely to have, because I completely missed out on the sale of these.....and haven't had any joy trying to get any of them on that famous auction site either. :D


I've decided to try posting on the "trading" part of the forums here now. I've traded through the cointracking site before, but never tried directly through the forums on here, so will keep everything crossed lol!!


The thing is, I can't imagine anybody who has these would ever want to give them up, and then there's the fact that I don't have heaps of traders ...........so I better not hold my breath!! ;)

Edited by Geo-Gophers

oh everytime i consider posting my hearts desire, someone else posts it as theirs before me.


i hope you get your desire geo gophers.


my desire is also a moon mushroom but a regular edition would make me happy.


My hearts desire was fulfilled Saturday with the arrival an Imagine Peace coin. I had small hopes when listing it, but I got it. I shall cherish it forever and thanks Ima-gine for spreading the peace around.


I've heard of some special coins in the UK that are available for residents etc. I've seen photos of the London Eye, Stonehenge and heard stories of old abbeys etc.

How I would love to have one of each of those, bringing a smile of memories for places visited during one month in 2003, when I went on the long trek there to see my ancestral home.

So much I had to do in so little time.


Thanks all - three of the four coins available are on their way in a trade.

The fourth may yet be accessible. Time will tell.




I've heard of some special coins in the UK that are available for residents etc. I've seen photos of the London Eye, Stonehenge and heard stories of old abbeys etc.

How I would love to have one of each of those, bringing a smile of memories for places visited during one month in 2003, when I went on the long trek there to see my ancestral home.

So much I had to do in so little time.


Thanks all - three of the four coins available are on their way in a trade.

The fourth may yet be accessible. Time will tell.




There are five in the series, FYI :)





Thanks all - three of the four coins available are on their way in a trade.

The fourth may yet be accessible. Time will tell.




There are five in the series, FYI :)





I'll check again.

One more possible..... one to hunt down.

Will check when I'm home from work tonight.




My heart's desire has to be a gold moon mushroom. Having said that though any of the moon mushrooms would be lovely to have, because I completely missed out on the sale of these.....and haven't had any joy trying to get any of them on that famous auction site either. :santa:


I've decided to try posting on the "trading" part of the forums here now. I've traded through the cointracking site before, but never tried directly through the forums on here, so will keep everything crossed lol!!


The thing is, I can't imagine anybody who has these would ever want to give them up, and then there's the fact that I don't have heaps of traders ...........so I better not hold my breath!! :)


I think that I might have managed to trade for a black nickle shroom.....I'm so excited but won't be certain until I get confirmation that it's all ok, so fingers and everything else are crossed here.

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