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The Gas Geocoin


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Hi AtlantaGal


These geocoins will be sold by the geocoin store. I am not sure I would consider a geocoin sold through the geocoin store unavailable to the community. The presale is intended to give geocachers in my local area the best opportunity to buy the coin, however I cannot even govern that eventuality, if local cachers do not know how to use the store or they are not there when the coin is sold I will be unable to help them. The geocoin was announced specifically to let geocachers in Alberta South know that this coin was being made and I thought the best way to do this was a thread in the Geocoin Discussion forum. I see many locals have expressed interest and I have added them to the presale list based upon their response in this thread, it is extremely helpful.

I am not giving this presale code to geocachers outside of my local community with several exceptions, those exceptions are made when there is an obvious connection to The GAS City, not having the presale password will not prevent people from buying the coin, there will be a public sale.

I predict that most of these coins will be sold in the storefront to the general geocaching community, I do not anticipate that the locals will buy all these coins however I wanted every local geocacher to be able to buy it.

I am not a coin collector or trader, I am sure I could have developed a better plan if I was but my primary intention was obtaining a geocoin which I could give away in my area and in doing so create some permanent converts to geocaching and add excitement for those already active.

I have never made a geocoin and I have only found a few, perhaps I approached this coin backwards, I underwrote enough coins to get the custom icon and realized all the profits as geocoins which I intend to give away. I never really considered all the people who might want to buy the coin when I went ahead and launched the project, a live and learn thing I guess.


Thanks AtlantaGal

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Oh! Thanks for clarifying. From the post I responded to it sounded like only local cachers would be able to purchase the coins through the geocoin store because they were the only ones who would have an access code to do so. And that was the part I did not understand. Again, thanks for clarifying. I do really want an opportunity to purchase this coin. Glad to know I'll most likely be given one :)

Edited by AtlantaGal
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Thanks for all the interest in the GAS gecoin.

This coin will be for sale over there at the same store where you get Signal coins.



I have requested that this coin be sold in a minimum order size of four.

I would suggest that buyers interested in this coin make arrangements accordingly, the minimum order size will control PayPal and shipping charges.


So I can only buy it if I buy 4? So if I only want 1 I have to team up with someone?

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Thanks for all the interest in the GAS gecoin.

This coin will be for sale over there at the same store where you get Signal coins.



I have requested that this coin be sold in a minimum order size of four.

I would suggest that buyers interested in this coin make arrangements accordingly, the minimum order size will control PayPal and shipping charges.


So I can only buy it if I buy 4? So if I only want 1 I have to team up with someone?

I'll be attempting to go for four and would be happy to trade or team up with you!

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Thanks for all the interest in the GAS gecoin.

This coin will be for sale over there at the same store where you get Signal coins.



I have requested that this coin be sold in a minimum order size of four.

I would suggest that buyers interested in this coin make arrangements accordingly, the minimum order size will control PayPal and shipping charges.



Am I the only one that thinks this idea is kind of silly?


From my understanding the geocoinstore.com website charges the buyer a fee not the seller, so what's the point of a minimum purchase of 4 coins if someone is willing to pay geocoin store $3.13 for shipping and handling on one coin then so be it.

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I agree. At 4 I'll probably pass on it, though I do like the coin, and hope for a trade somewhere down the line. I'm at the point where I'm buying 1 or 2 (always bought 2, but doing more 1 now with as many that are out) so 4 would be a deal killer. The paypal fees are all part of the deal, not charged to the seller IIRC.

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From my understanding the geocoinstore.com website charges the buyer a fee not the seller


As far as I can tell from looking at the presale worksheet the seller will be charged for each order made via Paypal and these fees are not insignificant. The buyers do pay a handling fee and they also pay a shipping fee but the seller pays the PayPal charges, the PayPal charges could add hundreds of dollars in costs and all of those costs are borne by the seller.

I may be mistaken in my interpretation but I requested that condition after doing the math on the worksheet and realizing I could end up paying a lot of money in PayPal fees, instead of ending "in the red", I could end up "well into the red".

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Here is me with my foot in my mouth, you will be able to buy just one if you want to.

It turns out the store software will not allow a minimum order size rule, I hope that will encourage buyers who were not happy with my request. I would still rather have you buy four though !!! I checked my presale worksheet and it certainly looks like the seller is responsible for PayPal's "per order" charges, I would love to stand corrected.

The geocoinstore has requested permission to offer this coin to the store VIP's in a presale and I have agreed so if you are a geocoinstore VIP you will be able to get the coin fairly easily. I am not sure what is entailed in becoming a VIP other than you have to buy lots of coins at once. B)


I have followed the lead of the store staff and set at least two different sale dates, I have requested that each sale start with a 1/2 hour period where a password will be required, the first date is February 20, I am awaiting final confirmation of those details.

I have accepted the proofs and as you can see the coin turned out much better than the drawings.

I apologize for any misunderstandings or misinformaiton I may have inadvertantly advanced. It seems straightforward and I suppose in retrospect it was. A big thanks to the staff and salespeople at the geocoin store, I am pretty sure this coin would not have happened without their help. So here it is, ladies, gentlemen, llamas.... the GAS Geocoin.



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The GAS Geocoin sale has been announced and the coin is viewable at this link


GAS Geocoin in the geocoinstore


I will be emailing out the presale password soon, the presale period will be on both sale dates. As I understand this sale it will be load balanced, coins will be available on both days though I am not certain of final numbers yet as some of the coins have been sold through the geocoinstore VIP program.

I appreciate all the interest that has been expressed in this geocoin.

Several of the GAS geocoins have already been given away before they have even been received. One coin was committed to the Icon contest. One coin was given as a donation in these forums and one coin is being given to a local non-geocacher who has helped a lot.

There will be very few coins that are given away in this fashion, several more may be but the remainder will be placed in geocaches.

The www.geocachingalbertasouth.com website will be up before the the sale date. This non commercail website will offer local insights into geocaching in this location. There will be linked postal codes searchs for local cities and more importantly, some smaller towns. Some information about local attractions like Parks and Heritage Sites. A general page of links, a page or two of infomation on hiding and seeking caches. The website is intended as a source of information that assists geocachers in planning adventures around here.

When the webpage is up you will be able to see the original banner graphic that gave rise to the orange dinosaur on the geocoin.


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The GAS Geocoin Presale Password


I mailed out the password to people who have expressed an interest. If you are a local cacher who has requested the presale password and you did not receive that password please send me an email so that I can send it to you. Several others also received the presale password in a lottery style selection. If you have the password please do not broadcast the password.

The coin did very well in presales to the geocoinstore VIP group and I have adjusted the load balancing to ensure the coin will still be available both days. The public sale will begin 1/2 hour after the presale begins so if you do not have the presale password you will have to wait until the public sale begins to enter a purchase. If you have the presale password please do not broadcast it, if you know of others in your area who would like to buy the coin I would like to ask that you buy the coin for them using the presale password I provided rather than passing on the password. For local cachers who are reading this thread you can also make a request for the presale password right here, I will be keeping tabs on this thread.

The point of the presale password is allowing purchases by those who geocache in the area the geocoin purports to represent. If you have expressed an interest in this coin and you do not cache in this area it may well be that the presale password was not passed on to you, please understand.


The geocoinstore cannot give out the presale password so please do not send requests to the store.


Here is the link to the storefront again



I would like to say thank you again to everyone who has expressed an interest in this geocoin. There will be more than hundred of these coins given away, unactivated, in caches in Alberta South so look for the coin in a cache near you !

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Well that sucked. I kept refreshing for the unlocked sale and as soon as it cleared and I tried to order it was sold out. Less than 10 seconds. Sorry, I am not fond of this particular method of sale at all.

Oh well, looking for a trade now.


I agree on the sale format.I think a limit might work better, and be more fair. I am not greedy, 2 works for me

one for me and one for a trade.Can still do the password thing for prearranged sales.A limit might spread

more coins out and make for more trades which is also a part of geocoin collecting i enjoy



Edited by Ozium
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Well, maybe I'll try again, maybe if many will be at work tomorrow, I will have a better chance. If it works out the same as it did just now, I won't be fighting for future coins that way.


If it makes you feel any better, the Noon sales usually last a lot longer for some reason. At least that's what I watched on the Scout coins. I also don't think there were that many coins available in each time slot. Based on 34 seconds, I'd guess 200-250 tops.

Edited by AtlantaGal
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