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Top Five Sought After Geocoins.

legna and sOulbAit

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Posted (edited)

Since i only collect a particular niche.......

1 Team Radioactive Dead Mans Party

2 Halloween Adams Family Style ( Belgium)

These two, plus that sweet Belle Witch coin, would give us every halloween coin made to date !!



Edited by RedShoesGirl

Hi All,


my most wanted list has changed ;-)


I´m seeking the following coins:


1) Geeocacher's Luck & Protection Mystery coin

2) Mystery - Coin Dropping Fairy

3) The Bell Witch - Mystery (I would realy love to trade for this coin)

4) Sinterklaas mystery coin


But at the moment i try so much to get some of this coins. I think the possibility to get this coins is extrem small. But my hope will die at least.


So, i hold my finger crossed.


Greatings René


Hmmm. Good question.


1. Dark Yime

2. Fifth Anniversary Compass Geocoin (Yemon Yime version)

3. 2009 Compass Geocoin (Yemon Yime version)

4. Dark Knight Mystery Coin (<--- been a sucker for Batman all my life)

5. Bronze Five-Five (Geotiki stacker)


As you can tell, I'm a Yemon Yime fan. ; ) Note that I'm /not/ asking for coins (tho if you're in a mission with me, well, here's my unobtainable list. ; )) -- but this is what I'll be looking for in the 6th annual math trade, for sure!


Among my most favorite & cherished coins (in no particular order):


Glass Turtle geocoin (glass. Love it.)

Glass Compass Geocoins (ditto.)

Fear no Cache (the spin-cast coin. Just too cool)

Little Wing (absolutely fabulous design. It just makes me happy.)

Morpho Butterfly (/it flaps!/)

Nocturnal Geocoin (tho I wish they were put together more tightly)

Pretty much all of the working navigational coins, and the Cosmolabe coin, too, which doesn't really work, per se, but is just cool to handle

G-Files (simple & totally awesome)

Ratisbona (a little gem)

Eureka Geocoin

Journey Geocoin (I love the detail in the way the enamel is put into the cutouts)

The Peters Trio personal geocoin

Letterboxing Geocoin (it's a stamp too!)

Four (Five) Spirit Geocoins (beautiful ceramic coins)


I'm looking forward to trying to get my hands on one of the new Delft coins, too. I really do dig stuff that's made of non-metal materials. As you can see, the coins I end up buying/wanting are either ones with splendid design and/or have something really unique about them (made of weird stuff, move in weird ways, have weird danglies, etc). The Navigational stuff is always a favorite 'cause I'm a sailor and I like history -- can't wait for the working sextant & universal ring dial coins to come out.


I've held off on this one until I was pretty sure what 5 I sought, so here goes;

1 & 2 - 4 Musketeers red in silver & green in copper (or any other but I'd settle to complete a set)

3,4,5, Walpurgis 2009, 07 & 06 (long story on what I might or might not have seen one early Apr/May in NY state)

and if I may #6 - Wyken Witch (I know there is a non trackable but is there a trackable? and do I care this coin just intrigues me)



Wow just re-read this list and coins 1,2,3,4,5 & 6 can be stuck off Thanks to many of you :ph34r:

WOW! Congrats :rolleyes:


I am still kinda new to geocoin collecting. But I have a top 5 (or 7) that I would really love to add to my collection.

They are:

1. Mickey Diver Mystery Coin (which I will probably never see)

2. Mystical Greenman (another impossibility)

3. Cloud 999 Multi-Event Long Island, NY; Hawaii; Missouri (one of which would be great)

4. Math Puzzle Blueberry Pi

5. Project Fred 325 Face


I have never received a mystery coin from a mystery coin giver but would love to be a recipient of one of these. <_<


Well I was hoping for one of these during the International Math Trade, but it wasn't meant to be.........


Brahean Neptune or 2-tone

Four Muskateers Oregonian or Meridian


Czech geo-dog



The last time I updated here was 16 July 2009, and I had acquired four out of five! I was happy and still am, but was hopeful for a Crake.


Then, the 5th Intl Math Trade happened, and now I am DONE with coin collecting!


Not really, but I now have my top five!




1. Taiwan Blue Magpie (Received through a trade!)

2. Belted Kingfisher (Received through a trade!)

3. Night Hunter 2008 (Gifted to me - thank you!)

4. Crake (5th International Math Trade - AWESOME!)

5. Earth Turtle, from the first year they were made (I don't want to admit how I acquired this one...it starts with an "E")


Shameless plug: For those of you who didn't participate in the math trade but were interested, I encourage EVERYONE to try it next go around. You don't lose anything if you don't a coin you'd like to trade for it, and the potential for getting some of your most-wanted coins is MUCH greater.


well, for someone going through coin withdrawal, these would help considerably, i am sure.


1. copper cache reaper mystery

2. dark knight mystery

3. luminous energy, tri-tone aka two-tone. the whole set would be lovely, (i have the AB)

4. auntie nae

5. tranquility antique gold


the first tranq i bought was an AG and i would like to replace that one. don't have to have the whole set any longer.



Posted (edited)

Since I love mystery coins I would like to get a


1) The Mystical Greenman

2) The Bell Witch

3) Phantom Cacher

4) Cache Reaper


I would also like to get Moop Alongs personal coin Please Please! Just kidding... :)


5) Mickey Diver

Edited by Tennessee Jed
Posted (edited)

So I am not sure if this is generally the most sought after or just personal most sought afters...


The former would probably be:





mb Xmas ornament


Five personals:

any personals I don't already have. :)

Edited by avroair

Time to update again:



Psychochicken XLE black nickel (egg)

Twin Peaks XLE black nickel GOT ONE!

Gele Bussie (any)

VGC 2006 MVS Team Pooh (any) GOT ONE!

Dutch Halloween-event 2008


So the new list now looks like this:


Psychochicken XLE black nickel (egg)

Dutch Halloween-event 2008

Gele Bussie (any)

VGC 2006 MADpalace (any)

Ten Years of Geocaching - Netherlands


And of course, any of the LE Dutch annual coins. :D


Hmmm. Top 5


1) Delft Blue Windmill Got me one!

2) The new Delft Blue Got me one!

3) Moun10bike v1

4) Moun10bike v2

5) Any .999 silver or .925


Would trade/pay HEAVILY for any. (Ok, I know moun10bikes can't be sold... ) :)




1) Easter Geocoin Bunny 2010 - Woodstock version

2) Mystical Greenman

3) Moun10bike v1

4) Moun10bike v2

5) Still looking for .999 or .925 silver coins.

Posted (edited)

Might as well throw my wishes up here as well. These are in no order, but are high on my radar.


Any Tranquility - I dont have any but would love to add 1 to my collection (I have no desire for all 38)

Dark Side of the Cache

1701eh Memorial

Yemon Yime v1

Titantic Night

Earth Turtle Copper (round version)


Looks like I cant count either, but like everyone else, I would love any mystrey coin...

Edited by Gelugon

I haven't seen this thread in awhile, so I thought I'd give it a bump to see what people are now on the lookout for.


My list hasn't changed at all since last summer, and I'm really bummed that I saw one slip out of my hands in the Mathtrade. :(


  • Psychochicken XLE black nickel (egg)
  • Dutch Halloween-event 2008
  • Gele Bussie (turns out there are several variations)
  • VGC 2006 MADpalace (any)
  • Ten Years of Geocaching - Netherlands


And of course the ever-elusive


  • Dutch 2006 XLE antique copper


Nice topic!


Lil Dreamer

Carousel horse AE

Carousel tiger AE

Andy the squirrel



I know that a few of these are not impossible to get, but I'm trying to go slooowly about my collection... :)


Very cool topic. After the Math Trade, one of my top wants is fulfilled, so here's my new ones:


COWWS Joker's Wild Poker Chip - RED!!


Guardians of the Cache - Antique Bronze

(I need the snake, spider and bee...I have the wasp)


Beach Ball Micro (with red/blue/yellow/white on front and GC logo on back, in gold)


Lotus Compass - Anubis


and...oh yeah! a Tranquility would be nice...or not. I've never seen one, so that would be nice. :P


Delft Blauw v.1

Delft Blauw v.2

Delft Blauw v.3

Delft Blauw v.4

Delft Blauw v.5


also a trackable and non-trackable Gele Bussie


I sense a theme. But I don't think a #5 was ever planned... it was always going to be a four coin series. I have an account on the geocaching.nl forums and there are lots of questions about #4, but ZATeam is keeping silent as usual.


The Gele Bussie is the Moun10bike of Europe I think. :) For rarity and desirability anyway.

Posted (edited)

hmmmm, this is a tough one:


would dearly like:



Mystical Greenman

mystery turtle honu turtle

sinterklaase mystery coin.

Tranquility Antique Bronze


well, a girl can dream can't she


but the girl can't type worth beans and needs to edit ...

Edited by RedShoesGirl

Not much comes to mind, but I guess the Delft Bleuw #4 if they decide to finish the set. Some would say CR2006 :unsure: Space Gate AS was (until they reminted it). Just got the Twin Peaks I was looking for... so,


1. delft bleuw #4

2. new time and space

3. new CR

4. new personal coins, if there are any still being made

5. i guess the designs I have submitted that haven't had samples made yet!

Posted (edited)

ok, i have to add one more and make it six - a darthi dark v2.


My friend does have a nice coin


well, i do have this one trader ...


this is one of those coins i had and then gave away to a friend who really wanted one. it was the thing to do. :)

Edited by RedShoesGirl

My top 5 might not be hard to get, but it's the 5 I want the most =D


1. Cache MN (The license plate)

2. Oak Coins St. Patrick's Day Leaf

3. Bell Witch

4. BC Geocoin Set (Minus 2006)

5. More carousel horses =D


My top 5 might not be hard to get, but it's the 5 I want the most =D


1. Cache MN (The license plate)

2. Oak Coins St. Patrick's Day Leaf

3. Bell Witch

4. BC Geocoin Set (Minus 2006)

5. More carousel horses =D


Regarding #2: Send me your address. Would you prefer the gold or silver one?


My number 1 sought-after coin has been received! :D


Since it's a long shot to acquire the three Guardians of the cache I'm looking for,

my next hope is for the Beach Ball Micro. I know there's one out there somewhere! ;)


It's been a long time since I posted my wishlist. I ought to update it. Let me see...

1) Rain Forest Jewel

2) Mickey Diver

3) Goofy Cacher

4) Red, white and blue Nudibranch (I have the other colors, but this one keeps eluding me!)

5)Wizard mystery... Or Dark Knight... Or The Coin Dropping Fairy... Or Dutch Lion.. Or Geocoin Angel... Or Sinterklaas! (etc...)


Hmmm regarding #1...I created the icon for that coin and had an extra set for doing so, I will have to look and see if I didn't trade them away.... I just can't remember. lol


My top 5 might not be hard to get, but it's the 5 I want the most =D


1. Cache MN (The license plate)

2. Oak Coins St. Patrick's Day Leaf

3. Bell Witch

4. BC Geocoin Set (Minus 2006)

5. More carousel horses =D


Hmmm regarding #1...I created the icon for that coin and had an extra set for doing so, I will have to look and see if I didn't trade them away.... I just can't remember. lol



Oh cool! If you didn't trade them and want to, I'd love to!


My top 5 might not be hard to get, but it's the 5 I want the most =D


1. Cache MN (The license plate)

2. Oak Coins St. Patrick's Day Leaf

3. Bell Witch

4. BC Geocoin Set (Minus 2006)

5. More carousel horses =D


Didn't ye go to Cacheapalooza? Me freind may hide a coin fer ya.





Didn't ye go to Cacheapalooza? Me freind may hide a coin fer ya.




I did, but wasn't there on Friday night. Saturday I never saw the posts in time and was home for the last one. Maybe next year, I hope. =D

Posted (edited)

I checked last night and couldn't find either the gold or chrome i had. :( Sorry, if I happen to come across one I will try and let you know.


Hmmm regarding #1...I created the icon for that coin and had an extra set for doing so, I will have to look and see if I didn't trade them away.... I just can't remember. lol



Oh cool! If you didn't trade them and want to, I'd love to!

Edited by Jayman11

I checked last night and couldn't find either the gold or chrome i had. :( Sorry, if I happen to come across one I will try and let you know.


Thank you for checking! I found someone who had it in gold, so its time to redo my top list already.. you guys are awesome!! Huge thanks to those that sold/traded me.


1. BC Geocoin Set (minus 2006)

2. Bell Witch

3. Cacheapalooza 5 Pathtag (may be dreaming here..)

4. 2006 Leo

5. Kokopelli (Tsuns, YemonYime.. ect?)


Delft Blauw v.1

Delft Blauw v.2

Delft Blauw v.3

Delft Blauw v.4

Delft Blauw v.5


also a trackable and non-trackable Gele Bussie


Hi Tennessee Jed :)

When you come to GCF 2011 in Cologne and I meet you in person I have for you the Delfts Blauwe geocoin Trapgevel.

I think this is number 3 :D




Crake's Tracking Time coin in Antique Silver

YemonYime's Versions of the Compass Roses

Any sample version of C&P's compass roses

Full set of C&P's Space shuttle coins

Caching Pill set :)


well, I got it down to 8, and that's about as good as I'm going to do :rolleyes: !


In no particular order:


moun10bike v4

eartha spinner

schnauzer seekers


crystal fairy

darthi dark

cache huntin'




Delft Blauw v.1

Delft Blauw v.2

Delft Blauw v.3

Delft Blauw v.4

Delft Blauw v.5


also a trackable and non-trackable Gele Bussie


Hi Tennessee Jed :)

When you come to GCF 2011 in Cologne and I meet you in person I have for you the Delfts Blauwe geocoin Trapgevel.

I think this is number 3 :D


Hi Pingos,

I may be in Hamburg in June :)


I am thinning out my collection and have many of the coins mentioned on this thread. Here are some that I noticed people are looking for:

Johnny Lacy

Waypoint 15

Captain Prozac

Delft Blau klomp

MIGO Seasonals (all four)

Buffalo Wings



Groundspeak Volunteer

Belted Kingfisher

Tiki (Pomsby, Hoard,Bikki,Mojo &Yawp)

Alaska 2006

PI ( red, blue)

Saffier & Stekelsteef



Dorkfish (Aquariam and others)



Rey Del Roble

Pengy & Tigger

IceCream man


Anthus Laptop

Project Fred (the face and the round one)


reasonable offers considered, thanks



Email sent. Fingers crossed

Posted (edited)

I may be in Hamburg in June :)


Coinfest is in August! :P

and Geowoodstock is in July ;)


I will be dropping me anchor off of Smithfield Beach and send one o’ me scurvy dogs over to GWIX to drop some coins. Arrrgh!!!


P.S. My favorite coins are mystery coins! Anyone have any extras?

Edited by Captain James Hook

I may be in Hamburg in June :)


Coinfest is in August! :P

and Geowoodstock is in July ;)


I will be dropping me anchor off of Smithfield Beach and send one o’ me scurvy dogs over to GWIX to drop some coins. Arrrgh!!!


P.S. My favorite coins are mystery coins! Anyone have any extras?


I'll also be attending GWIX with a coin or two


Carpe Diem !

my top 4 (or 11?) are:


- BRAHEAN 3-tone LE OR 2-tone AE OR mars OR neptune

- TITANIC satin silver OR one of the other silver daytime

- BIRKA gold + foggy gold (SG02-4) OR 2-tone gold & silver + color (SG02-1)

- CELTIC TREE OF LIFE Blue on .925 Shiny Silver OR Blue on .925 Shiny Silver & Brass 2-Tone


I do not believe to get one of them but maybe someone will hear my prayers :)

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