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Top Five Sought After Geocoins.

legna and sOulbAit

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Our present wish list seems like it might be a little simpler than most.


1 Thurus - Mystery edition

2 Cacher Micro - all versions (I think we've seen 10 versions we don't have)

3 Canoeman 2006 (NT) (Summer - gold and silver , Winter - gold, silver and copper.)


I guess that's more than 5, but these are the sets we are looking to complete first.

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I don't know the names for most of the ones I like. :(


1 carousel horse (just been outbid on one on eBay :()

2 (don't know it's name) it's a unicorn all glittery and perdy :)

3 geojellies coin

4 the nerds one (that's awesome) I got outbid on one of these also just last week.

5 this one is one I've actually held and loved (had it a little too long) winter wonderland jan 08


Shame though with my lack of contracts in at the moment money is tight. :( still I WILL get them one day :)


Yay i got the Unicorn one I had been looking for. :)


Did you ever get the nerd you wanted? If not email me, I have extras.

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It's time for my annual Top Five Update!


1. Geocoin Nerds. I picked up some great ones over the last year, but still have a long way to go!

2. MAMD GeoWoodstock 5 peeps. A yellow one and a pink one are the last two I need.

3. Electric blue starfish. This was one of the versions sold by Oakcoins. Atlantagal says there was 150 of them minted. Someone out there has got to be willing to part with one!

4. Czech Wood (light colored, and not the wooden nickel kind), Czech Stone (round), Czech Cloth (red thread)

5. The Warrior mystery coin. Mastery of the Force still eludes me.

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I don't know the names for most of the ones I like. :(


1 carousel horse (just been outbid on one on eBay :()

2 (don't know it's name) it's a unicorn all glittery and perdy :)

3 geojellies coin

4 the nerds one (that's awesome) I got outbid on one of these also just last week.

5 this one is one I've actually held and loved (had it a little too long) winter wonderland jan 08


Shame though with my lack of contracts in at the moment money is tight. :( still I WILL get them one day :)


Yay i got the Unicorn one I had been looking for. :)


Did you ever get the nerd you wanted? If not email me, I have extras.


*POKE* I have sent you an email. :) (this is in case you have missed it)

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  • Dutch Halloween-event 2008 GOT IT!
  • Gele Bussie black nickel
  • Klavertje 4 van Vlaardingen
  • PREPARED Geocoin
  • Team Geocaching Hockey Jersey #8: Wilg




This time I am going to add one of the VGC coins to my list:


  • VGC 2006 Team Wofje silver
  • Gele Bussie black nickel
  • Klavertje 4 van Vlaardingen
  • PREPARED Geocoin
  • Team Geocaching Hockey Jersey #8: Wilg

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I've never posted my most sought after geocoins, so thought it was time.

In no particular order:


1. Oak Island AE

2. 2011 Groundspeak Lackey (SG SE Lackey version)

3. kaleidoscope XLE Matte Gold

4. Dwarven Soul - The Geometry of Light

5. Colonel Cachington Unicorn

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I can't believe I need to update this already! The Warrior's son sent his awesome mystery coin my way!


So I need a new #5...


1. Geocoin Nerds. I picked up some great ones over the last year, but still have a long way to go!

2. MAMD GeoWoodstock 5 peeps. A yellow one and a pink one are the last two I need.

3. Electric blue starfish. This was one of the versions sold by Oakcoins. Atlantagal says there was 150 of them minted. Someone out there has got to be willing to part with one!

4. Czech Wood (light colored, and not the wooden nickel kind), Czech Stone (round), Czech Cloth (red thread)

5. The Warrior mystery coin. Mastery of the Force still eludes me is now mine!


5. Flame (the red/gold one) and Buddy (the yellow/BN one) Pick Me Up! micro geocoins. These little guys are so cute!

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I don't know the names for most of the ones I like. :(


1 carousel horse (just been outbid on one on eBay :()

2 (don't know it's name) it's a unicorn all glittery and perdy :)

3 geojellies coin

4 the nerds one (that's awesome) I got outbid on one of these also just last week.

5 this one is one I've actually held and loved (had it a little too long) winter wonderland jan 08



and then there was one... I suppose I should make a new list? I will have a look see but the only other coin that I have fallen in love with is a tadpole looking one. :)


Thanks six little spookies for helping me with this also.


EDIT for typo

Edited by sparklefingers
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2 Cacher Micro - all versions (I think we've seen 10 versions we don't have)



I know a cacher who has pretty much extras of all of them. I almost picked them up for you when I was purchasing from him this weekend, but didn't want to get stuck with the leftovers. I'm sending you an email to get in touch with this person.

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MS Bike 2008 - any version

COWWS - [deleted - got it :D )

Yellowstone National Park


I'll add 2 more later if I find any worthy of this list.




Karma Geocoin 2010 Enchanted Pixie / (purple / green)


now I still need to add 2 more - LOL

Edited by nevadanick
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1. Morpho Butterfly 2010 Orange

2. Marvelous Nature - GCF Europe Special Edition

3. Pursuit of Caching Magnetic Pie – Green

4. Turlutortue Geocoin XXXLE - BELLA TERRA

5. Monster in a Box Purple




1. Marvelous Nature - GCF Europe Special Edition

2. Pursuit of Caching Magnetic Pie – Green

3. Turlutortue Geocoin XXXLE - BELLA TERRA

4. Monster in a Box Purple

5. Pax Dragon Aussie Fire Breather (Red)

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I can only think of two...

2005 Utah UTAG, since I live in Utah and would love this coin,and

2006 Navigating By The Stars... Scorpio...gold on black, since I found a Virgo for my wife, I can't seem to find a coin for myself....

Someday....... [:)]


Thanks to a very generous collector (Lenny) I now have a 2005 Utah UTAG.....Thank You SO Much!!

Finally found the Scorpio geocoin!


The next two we are looking for are....

2007 Utah, with a sego lily on the backside

Orange County Geocoin,, it looks like a slice of an orange.

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After geocaching for a while now, and only seeing "real" (non-proxy) coins a handful of times in caches... my list is different. I am really drawn to the compass rose ones and sun-catcher coins. I have a dream of having a compass rose with a sun-catcher center (ala the medallion in Raiders of the Lost Ark). Unsure if such a coin exists - but that's what I want. An intricate and colorful compass rose with a sun-catcher center.

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After geocaching for a while now, and only seeing "real" (non-proxy) coins a handful of times in caches... my list is different. I am really drawn to the compass rose ones and sun-catcher coins. I have a dream of having a compass rose with a sun-catcher center (ala the medallion in Raiders of the Lost Ark). Unsure if such a coin exists - but that's what I want. An intricate and colorful compass rose with a sun-catcher center.


You should look into Crake Productions suncatcher series, especially 2007 and 2008. Seen some of them for sale on Ebay for a modest price.

Edited by wellner
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After geocaching for a while now, and only seeing "real" (non-proxy) coins a handful of times in caches... my list is different. I am really drawn to the compass rose ones and sun-catcher coins. I have a dream of having a compass rose with a sun-catcher center (ala the medallion in Raiders of the Lost Ark). Unsure if such a coin exists - but that's what I want. An intricate and colorful compass rose with a sun-catcher center.


You should look into Crake Productions suncatcher series, especially 2007 and 2008. Seen some of them for sale on Ebay for a modest price.


o_O I will! Thank you!

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4. WOODLAND FAIRY - Purple - any metal


There's only 1 metal in each of the 4 color versions. I think purple is gold, but it may be copper. Hard to tell the difference.


Thank you for the info. It's always hard to tell since so many coins have NO definite or complete info on exactly what was minted.


I try to add as many choices as possible since I recently missed a coin when someone told me later they had it in a 'different' metal and didn't think I would want it. Even when variations and versions are listed somewhere (like the forums) it seems not all options are ever accurately listed or tracked.


Do appreciate you taking the time to post a reply. 'Purple' is my coin addict's favorite color so I tend to 'chase' those a bit more than other cool coins and colors.

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1. MS Bike 2008 - any version (Multiple Sclerosis fund raising coin series)


2. Little Wing Lady Bug


3. Karma Geocoin 2010 Enchanted Pixie -- (purple / green)




5. VW Bug (any color)


'Finally' got a complete list of 5 to post. Now crossing fingers .... :yikes:


6. Police Call Box - Tardis - blue (the only color minted afaik) << added as bonus 'seeker'

Edited by nevadanick
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So, I've been away from caching and coining for a while due to the new addition in my household, but I've been thinking about this a lot lately. So, here's my list:


1) Neptune's Compass (Artic Ocean)

2) Elements Compass: Earth (Shiny Gold)

3) Earth Turtle Oceania (Tahiti or New Zealand)

4) Colonel Cachington (Copper Dragon)

5) Colonel Cachington (Silver Unicorn)


And now I think I'll go see if there is other cleanup I need to do on my seeking list. :)



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Here is my list of the top 5 (for now)-

#1 Moun10Bike 1st Ed

#2 Scout Knife Red or Blue

#3 Golden Spike

#4 Pennsylvania Train 2009

#5 Tardis Geocoin


I now have to change my list! I just received a trade for #2 Scout Knife Red.

Thanks Roy and Darcy.


Received the awesome Roundhouse coin ... PERFECT !!


Gotta love it when a plan comes together ... :D

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... bumping ...


1. Police Call Box - Tardis - blue


2. Little Wing Lady Bug


3. Karma Geocoin 2010 Enchanted Pixie -- (purple / green)




5. VW Bug (any color)


is a "geocacher on board" of interest to you?



Didn't have this topic on 'notify' until ... NOW ... :laughing:


Thanks for asking, but it's the 'VW' shape we're after. Already have an 'on board'.

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In no particular order:


Beach Cachoid (hoping to complete the series)


Mountain Cachoid (hoping to complete the series)


Biological Imperative (monarchs are cool and so are spaceship rockets)


Navstar GPS (moved this coin along and really liked it for some reason)


Art Noveau "Spring edition" (although all of the seasons are really gorgeous coins)

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