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Gpxsonar V1.5 In The Making...


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I'm defining the feature set for GpxSonar v1.5 and I'd like your input to prioritize the lists below.


Proposed features:


. Sorting of field notes by timestamp

. Ability to record field notes using voice records.

. Export to Mapopolis Maplet

. Export to .wp2 format for oziexplorer.

. Export to .ov2 format for tomtom.

. Export a single waypoint at a time from the waypoint list

. Export to .gpx format (for compatibility with boulter express logger)

. Export of waypoints from the cache manager

. Command line option to generate a web page given a waypoint

. support for TerraCaching.com gpx files.

. Support for Pocket Queries in .zip format

. Ability to turn off downloading of background images in cache pages

. Bluetooth GPS support + navigation to cache

. VGA Support (PPC 2003 SE or above)

. Auto-insertion of a timestamp when creating a new field note

. Ability to cut, copy, paste to / from field notes


Proposed Bug fixes:


. Preventing GPXSonar.dat file corruptions

. Enhanced error handling


Also, I am looking for people willing and able to test the application on their respective Pocket PCs. If you want to help out, please let me know in this forum and be sure to tell me what kind of Pocket PC you're using.


Thank you.




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Sorting of field notes by timestamp

On export to GSAK, I hope? Yes, please. This would be useful.


Ability to turn off downloading of background images in cache pages

Oh, please, yes! In fact, the ability to remove all external content from the generated page would be most welcome. It'll stop the PDA trying to dial out constantly.


Auto-insertion of a timestamp when creating a new field note

Yes, please




Fix bug whereby timestamps are missing leading zeroes.


Remove field labels from GSAK export if the field is empty (e.g. don't export actual coords if there are none in the note).


Extending the last request, option to remove everything from the GSAK export except the actual text of the log (including the timestamp), and prefix it with $~. Also terminate each note with carriage return. This will enable the easy transfer of logs straight to GSAK without the prior fixing I have to do at present.


Thanks for listening.

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It would be cool if my flash GPS unit could send current coordinates to GPXSonar.


The way I undertand it though, only one program can access a port at a given time... so my port 5 is locked by my navigation program.


But there are times when I'm setting up center coordinates, etc. when it would be nice to say to GPXSonar, "This is my center coordinate" simply by clicking a button. Then it would query the GPS Unit for the current xy position...?


Does that wordy explanation make any sense at all??




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Coordinates to my Vista would be nice. If that can be done, some way to select which waypoints arte transferred using let's say distance from home coordinate (I use GHSAK to create those flags) or by type, etc.


I have an Ipaq 2215 for beta.


Oh one other thing, I have to split my files into smaller megs no more than 9m or 10m about 1,000 waypoints each. I'm not sure if this has to do with the memory of the 2215 or a "problem" with program but when I go over 12M or so it just has problems loading.


Tks for the great program.

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Yes, moving between GPS and GPXSonar with waypoints in both directions would be fantastic! How about a way to click on field notes link in some way to actually go to the cache's log page? That would be very nice indeed. Maybe even figure a way to communicate with the web site directly using a web service to automate the log entry :o


The VGA would be nice if it was 'ok' with 640x480 'Real VGA' mode too. That is kind of iffy right now.


Also, there are some memory leaks or memory corruption issues that crop up when I use GPXSonar in conjunction with wifi. I have ended up with my PDA reset to factory defaults three times while out geocaching. That turns things into a whole new experience. When I don't run GPXSonar with wifi, or don't enable wifi with GPXSonar, all is good though.


I'll be happy to test as well. Toshiba E805.


I also have the Garmin cfQue GPS card. It would be truly sweet to figure out how to load waypoints between GPXSonar and that widget, but that's too much to ask. GPXSonar and the Garmin cfQue software really dislike each other. It will crash the system fairly quickly.


As a nuisance report, when I have been out caching, at some point the field notes blew themselves completely away and the software shutdown. Another scenario was when it would make previously dismissed items suddenly show back up again. These are minor but to tend to show areas where perhaps the memory leaks / corruptions start.



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I don't know if GPXSonar does this right now but it would be nice if after adding your field notes into the program, if it could automatically sync back with Geocaching.com and enter all of your visits automatically. Does it do this now?


Also, it would be nice if some program would let you send waypoints from your PDA to the GPS like EasyGPS does from the PC. I regularly download my .gpx files to my PDA when I get the files but I don't always get them moved to my GPS. Would be nice to be able to send them in the field since I already have a serial to GPS cable hooked up to my H4150

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Does the command line feature support linking to gpxsonar from other applications to open the cache detail page.


For example my pocket streets file has a hyperlink in it on the push pin. When I double click it I want to get my offline cache page rendered by something on my pocketPC. That something coudl be gpxsonar.



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I think I like the idea of "voice notes" best. Don't know about others, but standing there, balancing a cache container on a tree trunk, while finding a place to put the GPSr, etc etc while holding a stylus and trying to write in the PDA is a pain. A simple mechanism to capture some brief voice notes would allow me to transcribe them later if I wish.

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I just realized something that would be nice. My caching area includes about 10 mapsets in Streets and Trips. Each time I cross a boundary I have to export the GPX to S&T which is ok. However I also have to rename the file name.


If it could read my Map files in my (definable or default) map directory and present me a list of maps and I could tap one so it fills in the blanks automaticly that would be cool.


Alternatly if it remembered my last 10 map names and locations so that once you do it once, it remembers.

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Some GPS programs allow you to click on a waypoint icon and will connect to "The Internet" and access geocaching.com to bring up the webpage for the waypoint... MS Streets and Trips, and GPS Tuner are a couple examples. A great feature to add would be to add a proxy server to your software to allow the click throughs to work. Sonar generates a web page using GPX data... why couldn't it act as a proxy server... serving up the pages just like geocaching.com does? A little proxy configuration and clicking on web links from streets and trips or GPS Tuner could bring up the web page, already formatted for the pocket PC. Seamless integration!


I can BETA test as well.


Pocket PC 2003

HP iPAQ 5450

CF-Card Expansion Pack

Holux GM-270 GPS Ultra




Slewfoot (Team GRTG)

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I have a NEW Ipaq RX1950 trying to user your current software and can not save field notes. Would love to use this product and test the new version if I can save field notes


Interesting. The RX1950 runs Windows Mobile 5.0 and I've never been able to test GpxSonar on this platform. It's odd to me that everything else runs OK except the field notes...


Is there anyone else on this thread running GpxSonar on Windows Mobile 5.0 who could share their experience with it? Btw, this is why testers are SO needed.




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These would be on my list:


. Sorting of field notes by timestamp

. Auto-insertion of a timestamp when creating a new field note

. Ability to cut, copy, paste to / from field notes

. Preventing GPXSonar.dat file corruptions

. Enhanced error handling


The only other issue I have is selecting a subset of caches for export. Typically I want to limit to export to below 500 so I have all that are available and the most I can fit in my unit. I twiddle with direction and bearing filter, export and check results until I achieve the desired amount.


Otherwise its a great utility.

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Just out of curiosity, in the present version, how can the software recognize my own caches??


Will the new version read my caches and give me a special icon in the list of caches??


Check out the manual here.




Thank you very much Fabien.


The problem was that I was entering the user ID number instead of the unser Id name.


A million thanks.


Cant wait for the 1.5 version LOL


Take care


PS Audiovox PPC 6600 directly connected to the net with 2003 mobile.

Edited by unoyt
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About VGA support in GpxSonar:


This evening, I loaded up GpxSonar under a variety of Pocket PC emulators (PPC 2003, PPC 2003 SE (porttrait + landscape), PPC 2003 SE VGA (porttrait + landscape) and PPC 2003 SE VGA with square screen.


The only issues that I've noticed were related to the size of some dialogs in landscape mode and on square screens (VGA or not). However, the application was functional and would display cache pages just fine.


If you have experienced problems other than those that I've described above in VGA mode, please let me know what they are.




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I have a NEW Ipaq RX1950 trying to user your current software and can not save field notes. Would love to use this product and test the new version if I can save field notes


Interesting. The RX1950 runs Windows Mobile 5.0 and I've never been able to test GpxSonar on this platform. It's odd to me that everything else runs OK except the field notes...


Is there anyone else on this thread running GpxSonar on Windows Mobile 5.0 who could share their experience with it? Btw, this is why testers are SO needed.




I am the same person who posted a discussion on your website.


Field Notes Issue


I am using an HP IPAQ RX1950

OS is Microsoft Windows Mobile Version 5.1.1702

I down loaded the GPXSonar - PPC 2003 from your website

I want to use field notes to log in finds. I select the Cache, then select Field notes and timestamp found it. The only way to close this screen is with the "X" It will save the field note in the cache entry. However when I reopen GPXSONAR the filed not is gone.


I have not tryed to many other features of the System to date. I am just getting into Paperless Cacheing. Hope this info will help.


I would be Very Willing to test your new release on my IPAQ

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Wow... exciting changes coming into the next version. I'm pretty excited.


I would love to see the following towards the top of the list. I've taken the liberty to make a few comments as well


Export to Mapopolis Maplet

You get this to work and I no longer even need my laptop for any of my cache planning. I would also dedicate a wall in our living room so the entire family can pay homage to you. :cool:


Ability to record field notes using voice records.

I have been actually creating audiologs and attaching them to our cache logs for some time. You can probably pick just about any of our logs for an example. Any way to have it record as an mp3 file with the waypoint as the file name?


Bluetooth GPS support + navigation to cache

Another awesome idea. It would be pretty cool to have it automatically sort by nearest caches. Or better yet, display only caches with x miles from you.


VGA Support (PPC 2003 SE or above)



Support for Pocket Queries in .zip format

This is a great idea... and I thought I was an idea man.


Ability to cut, copy, paste to / from field notes



I currently have an X50v and a bluetooth GPS. I have the upgrade in the mail as we speak to upgrade it to OS5. I would be happy to help you test. We get out caching just about every weekend.

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I'm testing GpxSonar and find it most usefull. However ...


Is it possible to introduce a visible column with the "date found"?


When uploading a .GPX file with all my caches found, it is not possible to sort the caches on this date.



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Unless the PQ referencing all of your finds also contains all of your logs, there's no way to do what you're asking for: currently, PQs only contain 5 logs and if yours isn't included, there's no way to know.


As far as I'm concerned, your scenario is out of the scope of GpxSonar.


You may want to talk to Clyde the owner of GSAK about this though.

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