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Moderation In Moderation

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Is it not a fact that the AS thread jumps subject every few posts?


Is it not a fact that those that lack a lengthy attention span prefer to have things limited to 2-3 posts?


There was nothing insultory in saying that AS fits a person with attention-deficit because of the style forced upon it by the linear nature of a single topic as opposed to the branching nature of an OT forum.


Even the 2-3 responses to my post were not insultory back and discussion was more than civil.


If another post comes up to discuss the annoyance of not having an OT forum in which to discuss things non-geocaching with other geocachers here at the same site we use for geocaching, then it's clearly something we would like to discuss AND it pertains to geocaching, so it's not off topic.


If it's not off-topic and the discussion is on-topic and civil (the most recently closed thread was *FAR* from a "flame-fest" and didn't attack anyone personally), then it should be left open for discussion. If the actions of the poster are such as to generate a flame-fest, then the specific poster should be punished appropriately. The thread should only be closed when it has no redeeming value based on its topic (due to digression or being begun in an off-topic nature).


Moderate in moderation.

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AS is currently only good for the attention deficient who live for either piecing together the past day's thoughts in 2-3 post chunks amid other 2-3 post chunks or for those who want to know the last 30 minutes of thoughts from the group...since to know any more would require thumbing through pages of posts.


There was nothing insultory in saying that AS fits a person with attention-deficit because of the style forced upon it by the linear nature of a single topic as opposed to the branching nature of an OT forum.


you didn't say attention deficit, you said, attention deficient. a big difference there. i am not aware if you have any medical degrees that would lead you to assume either term applies to someone who posts to the AS thread. if you do happen to have a medical background that enables you to make that kind of diagnosis simply by reading a few posts in a thread, then by all means start yourself a medical practice by mail. charge by letter and you should soon become wealthy enough to afford your own geocaching service where you can make the rules you want. until then insulting people because they post in a thread you don't like is just "not nice".

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Is it not a fact that the AS thread jumps subject every few posts?


Not really a fact, some subjects last days, some hours, some go away and come back months later (all those evil inside jokes that are referred to so often). It's pretty obvious you are talking without first hand knowledge.


Is it not a fact that those that lack a lengthy attention span prefer to have things limited to 2-3 posts?


Not fact, your opinion nothing more.


There was nothing insultory in saying that AS fits a person with attention-deficit because of the style forced upon it by the linear nature of a single topic as opposed to the branching nature of an OT forum.


Again your opinion, one not shared by many. It was taken as an insult by other (non-AS regulars). Me I could care less about your opinion.


If you were to do any amount of research on ADD/ADHD you would find that those who suffer from this disorder tend to be more intelligent than the average kid on the block. The also have an intuitive grasp of very abstract concepts that baffle most people.


Edit:Because I lost track of what I was saying in the middle of a sentence and repeated myself. :blink:

Edited by rusty_tlc
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For me I just have to now remember that we can not insult an inanimate object like a thread.

he insulted posters. using the word "live" presumes something alive. a thread isn't alive. he insulted people with feelings. maybe he is beyond caring about people who have feelings. i would hope not.

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Sorry but in reading the entire paragraph I did not see it as insulting. I took it as a general observation on how the AS thread works, which is pretty accurate.


Understand also that I read the AS thread as it was starting and thought it was going nowhere fast and have not really paid it much mind until I have seen threads that have discussed if it should stay or go. I have to stand by my original opinion of it. But to each his own.


But it was also stated, "This thread has degenerated into a flame fest about AS." Which is what my original statement was referring to.

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Seems the admins are content with keeping the patients in 1 padded cell.


AS is not unlike what this thread has quickly become... A poster quotes the entire previous post, makes a comment about it, adds some smileys and it continues on and on. Like what the same posters will do to this post.

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and points out that an Off Topic forum would allow more freedom and fix what those who do complain about AS don't like.

And what there have been threads on almost weekly but it's not been done. From comments admins have posted, it likely won't happen either.

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Moderation in defense of moderation is no vice.

Ok I am scratching my head on that one. I am not sure if I agree or disagree, only beacuse I am not sure I understand what you are saying. :blink:


But the point I would make is that moderation is uneven. Today a thread was closed that pointed to a news article about a site that contains ancient native american relics. It was closed because it had nothing to do with geocaching. OK. There is also another thread about a geocacher's accident in his jeep. It is an amazing story and I am glad the cacher lived to tell it. But it has nothing to do with caching yet it remains open. My hope is that is does not now get closed and I get blamed for it!


For my money I think they are both of interest to the community here. The first one because it is possible there are caches in this area and cachers should be aware of what is going on around there. The second one because it does concern a member of our community and some of us do care and would want to know.


I guess I just thought of something as I typed that last sentence. I don't know that this is really our community. It is up to some point but we are reminded that at any point it can be closed and only go in a direction that is not our choice. Maybe not the best way of trying to explain my point but the only words I can come up with now.

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The only reason that I can see for AS to close is that the original poster asked for it to be closed when it hit ten pages. I don't know if the poster changed that request, but it never did. That being said, I think that AS should have its own forum, just so people can spread out and have more fun at once. If all of the cachers who wanted this got together with Groundspeak, and worked out a donation scheme, I am sure it could happed. I am all for AS.



*Note the donations would be to buy a new server to run the forum, not to buy Jeremy. :blink:

Edited by Beta Test
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Why does it need it's own forum? It needs it's own section in the existing forum where it (or multiple off topic threads) can reside.


That way, maybe folks could have an off-topic conversation without having to go someplace else or deal with the AS thread.

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But the point I would make is that moderation is uneven. Today a thread was closed that pointed to a news article about a site that contains ancient native american relics. It was closed because it had nothing to do with geocaching. OK. There is also another thread about a geocacher's accident in his jeep. It is an amazing story and I am glad the cacher lived to tell it. But it has nothing to do with caching yet it remains open. My hope is that is does not now get closed and I get blamed for it!



What about the thread about the picture of the animal they couldn't identify?


Umm...what do pictures of strange animals in your backyard have to do with geocaching?


Maybe that thread was closed, but I don't think so.

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and points out that an Off Topic forum would allow more freedom and fix what those who do complain about AS don't like.

And what there have been threads on almost weekly but it's not been done. From comments admins have posted, it likely won't happen either.

You speak the truth. However you have to remind them that they are running the site agasint the wind at times.

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Then why do you think it would be more money? Does each forum on this board cost gc.com money? If so, I think they can consolidate some forums to save cash (no pun intended). If not, it's likely about 5 mins of work to pick someone to moderate and then create the forum.

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AS is currently only good for the attention deficient who live for either piecing together the past day's thoughts in 2-3 post chunks amid other 2-3 post chunks or for those who want to know the last 30 minutes of thoughts from the group...since to know any more would require thumbing through pages of posts.
AS is currently only good for the attention deficient who live for either piecing together the past day's thoughts in 2-3 post chunks amid other 2-3 post chunks or for those who want to know the last 30 minutes of thoughts from the group...since to know any more would require thumbing through pages of posts.


There was nothing insultory in saying that AS fits a person with attention-deficit because of the style forced upon it by the linear nature of a single topic as opposed to the branching nature of an OT forum.


you didn't say attention deficit, you said, attention deficient. a big difference there. i am not aware if you have any medical degrees that would lead you to assume either term applies to someone who posts to the AS thread. if you do happen to have a medical background that enables you to make that kind of diagnosis simply by reading a few posts in a thread, then by all means start yourself a medical practice by mail. charge by letter and you should soon become wealthy enough to afford your own geocaching service where you can make the rules you want. until then insulting people because they post in a thread you don't like is just "not nice".

When I read the post in the closed topic, I just about fell out of my chair this evening. It was absolutely uncalled for. ju66l3r, you need to respect the people who post on these boards. If you want to pass out broad-brushed insults to the members, please leave the board and do it elsewhere. The funny thing is that you actually have to have quite the attention to the topic to keep up with AS. Your comment is not only insulting but is absolutely and totally incorrect.


If you cannot keep up and do not like the topic, then don't read it. If there is a TV show that you don't like, don't you just change the channel? Surely you just don't sit there and watch it and complain about it.

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I checked out the AS thread early on and found quickly that it was something that wasnt interesting to me. Does it bother me that it is in between two threads that i find more appealing? NOPE!!! Why does it's appearance on the forums bother some of you?


Closing other threads because they are off topic kinda makes me raise an eyebrow. There doesnt seem to be a line where the decision to keep or close a thread is made. Seems that some threads are closed unecessarily and others just as OT, live on forever. Maybe an off topic posting section is the ticket!

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As popular as the AS thread is, it isn't something I have time to keep up with. I think it is pretty accurately described as a forum instant message area that a good number of people use. For me it is somewhat of an annoyance to keep seeing it at the top of the list, so I just bypass it.


I think, however, that because of its popularity, it deserves a special place. Perhaps it can be pinned to the top, or pinned to the bottom of the first page. That way it would always be in the same place for those who use it, and out of the way for those who don't.

Edited by cachew nut
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Regardless of phrasing this a bit off,

There was nothing insultory in saying that AS fits a person with attention-deficit because of the style forced upon it by the linear nature of a single topic as opposed to the branching nature of an OT forum.


This is funny. I am ADHD, yeah, whatever, I did well in school. I don't have any filters in my brain. I consider it just a different method of brain functioning, of which there are multitude.

I don't find AS extremely stimulating, although it is fun from time to time. I more enjoy jumping about between threads With well developed topics, because I enjoy the depth, as well as the breadth. :)


ps. this is not to say that there is no depth in AS, please don't think that. I believe there is, but it is a different type of depth. :blink:


edited to add: oh, I sorta think that this thread is technically OT, as are the other numerous threads with the similar topic that keep cropping up. Is there a Meta-Forum, to discuss the forum. Hmmm....sounds like the Moderators forum. Is there a way to open a thread or two there? Or make a Meta-Forum here??

Edited by norbu
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As popular as the AS thread is, it isn't something I have time to keep up with. I think it is pretty accurately described as a forum instant message area that a good number of people use. For me it is somewhat of an annoyance to keep seeing it at the top of the list, so I just bypass it.


I think, however, that because of its popularity, it deserves a special place. Perhaps it can be pinned to the top, or pinned to the bottom of the first page. That way it would always be in the same place for those who use it, and out of the way for those who don't.

Yeah, because since it's not pinned now we have something else to talk about in there when it occasionally slips to page 2 of the topics with new replies.

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Seems the admins are content with keeping the patients in 1 padded cell.

Oddly enough the sometimes mods drop by AS to, as they imply, "take a break from the asylum".

Have a few smilies



Edit: punctuation

Edited by rusty_tlc
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AS is currently only good for the attention deficient who live for either piecing together the past day's thoughts in 2-3 post chunks amid other 2-3 post chunks or for those who want to know the last 30 minutes of thoughts from the group...since to know any more would require thumbing through pages of posts


Kind of like 10 second Tom in the movie 50 first dates? I can see that too.

But what I find very interesting is it was CO Admin that shut it down. Cant he stay out of contraversial stuff for more than a week?


I read the thread and didnt consider what some percieve as a literal fact to be flaming or bashing AS. But I dont have super powers like some others do. :blink:

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Kind of like 10 second Tom in the movie 50 first dates? I can see that too.

But what I find very interesting is it was CO Admin that shut it down. Cant he stay out of contraversial stuff for more than a week?


I read the thread and didnt consider what some percieve as a literal fact to be flaming or bashing AS. But I dont have super powers like some others do. :blink:



In general we will leave it to you the community, to police yourselves. Treat others with respect. Remember that this is a public venue read by many people spanning all walks of life.




Respect: Respect the guidelines for forum usage, and site usage. Respect Groundspeak, its employees, volunteers, yourself, fellow community members, and guests on these boards. Whether a community member has one post or 5,000 posts, they deserve the same respect.

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I've been known to have posted inappropriately on occassion. I've been chastised and reminded of the rules. I took my lumps and moved on.


The guys and gals and myriad creatures that monitor our activities on this site have a lot of work and very little compensation. I'd rather lose a few arguments and keep the site than win won and lose it.


Let it go. Breathe in. Breathe out. All is well.

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I've been known to have posted inappropriately on occassion. I've been chastised and reminded of the rules. I took my lumps and moved on.


The guys and gals and myriad creatures that monitor our activities on this site have a lot of work and very little compensation. I'd rather lose a few arguments and keep the site than win won and lose it.


Let it go. Breathe in. Breathe out. All is well.

Hear Hear Torry!!



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AS is currently only good for the attention deficient who live for either piecing together the past day's thoughts in 2-3 post chunks amid other 2-3 post chunks or for those who want to know the last 30 minutes of thoughts from the group...since to know any more would require thumbing through pages of posts.


When I read the post in the closed topic, I just about fell out of my chair this evening. It was absolutely uncalled for. ju66l3r, you need to respect the people who post on these boards. If you want to pass out broad-brushed insults to the members, please leave the board and do it elsewhere. The funny thing is that you actually have to have quite the attention to the topic to keep up with AS. Your comment is not only insulting but is absolutely and totally incorrect.


If you cannot keep up and do not like the topic, then don't read it. If there is a TV show that you don't like, don't you just change the channel? Surely you just don't sit there and watch it and complain about it.

There is nothing in my post that insults any specific person or even groups of people. Simply because someone takes offense at something they misunderstand or choose not to understand does not suddenly put an onus on me to explain myself.


Deficient or Deficit are total equivalents in this usage. Those that are deficient in attention have a deficit from those that are not. Regardless, anyone with a normal attention span can only find AS useful if they read it at IM-like speeds (checking every minute to half hour at most for new posts). Either way, the posts are useful in 2-10 post chunks.


It is completely obvious to those who have enough breadth of sight (because they are not so close to the issue or because they don't have their head up their rear with prejudicial opinions) that AS is useless for the function that the administration of this site have forced upon it. As such, topics will continue to be opened and forced closed that do little to harm anyone and damage potential ties among the community because an OT forum is absent here.


Of course, this previous paragraph would have best been applied to the discussion in Snoogan's thread, but it was closed far too prematurely. This post is for the discussion of how poor the moderation was there and how quickly I have picked up my first warning regarding my posting on-topic and without specific harm (hours after the posting, and in a closed thread no less).


As RK has pointed out, there has been nothing but respect for AS and what it and the people posting in it are attempting to accomplish, but the forum and thread-based method for accomplishing it is poor at best for this purpose. I am not alone in saying this and the facts continue to hold that the IM nature of the AS beast is horrible at attempting to sufficiently replace the need for an OT forum on these boards.


If you continue to believe I post in opposition to the "respect rule" because I voice my opinion on the uselessness at maintaining the AS topic due to its linear nature of posting, then warn me until you and I are blue in the face and you sufficiently silence me on these matters in this forum. Until then, I carry on.

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There is nothing in my post that insults any specific person or even groups of people.  Simply because someone takes offense at something they misunderstand or choose not to understand does not suddenly put an onus on me to explain myself.


Yes, there was. You labeled anyone who particiaptes in AS as having ADD. Show me a valid medical degree with your name on it and maybe I'll believe you.


Coincidentally, that dress your wife was wearing makes her look like a fat pig. Now, even if it were true that I saw your wife wearing an ugly dress, would it make it OK to come in here and say that she was a fat pig? You did this same thing by addressing the AS crowd as having an attention deficit, whether or not it was true. Frankly, I don't care if you 'explain' yourself or not. You were crystal clear in that post.


It is completely obvious to those who have enough breadth of sight (because they are not so close to the issue or because they don't have their head up their rear with prejudicial opinions) that AS is useless for the function that the administration of this site have forced upon it.  As such, topics will continue to be opened and forced closed that do little to harm anyone and damage potential ties among the community because an OT forum is absent here.


Damage to potential ties among the community come from members of the community just as easily, ju66ler. Thanks for calling me short-sighted and noting that I have my head up my a**. I feel all warm and fuzzy towards you now. Thanks! Oh, the joyous ties to community you are making. :)


If you even bothered to read, not everyone disagreed with the desire to have on off topic forum. Just that your approach was rather insulting. Your follow-up to that is even more so.


As RK has pointed out, there has been nothing but respect for AS and what it and the people posting in it are attempting to accomplish


MMmm yes, I can see that, now that I have extracted my cranium from my rectal orifice.

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I have been doing allot of SELF moderation today......... :)  :o  B)  :)  :o  B)  :o  :)

Yes...I admire your will power young grasshopper... :o

When you can snatch the pebble from my hand...it is time for you to go. Lets move on! B)

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Respect: Respect the guidelines for forum usage, and site usage. Respect Groundspeak, its employees, volunteers, yourself, fellow community members, and guests on these boards. Whether a community member has one post or 5,000 posts, they deserve the same respect.


Foul Language and obscene images will not be tolerated. This site is family friendly, and all posts and posters must respect the integrity of the site.


Personal Attacks and Flames will not be tolerated. If you want to praise or criticize, give examples as to why it is good or bad, general attacks on a person or idea will not be tolerated.

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I have to really treat what ju66l3r has said how I treat any sort of stereotype, if the shoe fits wear it. He made a broad statement based on his opinion. I don't think anyone actually ever takes such statements as all encompassing.


I know if something is said against my ethnic background, or whatever sort of group that a person may make up and lump me with, I look at it in a couple of ways. Either it is true at which point I really can't get upset. Or it is not true which means the person is not talking about me. So if they are not talking about me then I can't get upset. I think people tend to get upset at things that are true or generally true but don't want to admit about themselves or the group they are a part of.


If a person does not have what you feel to be the correct background or experience to make the type of judgement made, then what does it matter? If you say my wife looks like a fat pig, but have never seen her, what does it matter?


For me I just would have no time if I allowed everything to offend me that the population as a whole lets themselves be offended by. I just put a helmet on and move on.


But I still have not heard a reason of why people are so against an OT forum. It is like anything else, if you don't want to read then don't. How f-ing hard is that? There are posts I see here all the time that may very well have everything in the world to do with geocaching or maybe not. But I can read a subject line and know that I don't have any interest. So I just move along.


And repeating the guidelines over and over again does nothing. If you think the guidelines are being broken so often, I think either that means that the interpretation is way off base or perhaps the guidelines do not reflect the feelings of the community. But of course that is just my opinion which at this point in time I don't really know if it is against the guidelines or not.

Edited by GrizzlyJohn
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I don't know. I'm here to admit I have never read the AS thread, never posted to it, and I am not about to start now, now that it is 100000000000000000000 posts long. But I do have a short attention span. So, what was the question?

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Blah blah blah


If you continue to believe I post in opposition to the "respect rule" because I voice my opinion on the uselessness at maintaining the AS topic due to its linear nature of posting, then warn me until you and I are blue in the face and you sufficiently silence me on these matters in this forum. Until then, I carry on.

You got a problem with blue people now too? :)

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After reading many of ju66l3r past posts, I see many thinly vailed insults delivered in a smug way. Always made in broad sweeping statements, so that if someone calls him on it, he can manipulate his own words to suit his own purpose (what that is I have still to figure out), and so take some heat off himself.


Yes, another AS regular chiming in.

I am 55 yrs. old and I would have figured that by now someone with a degree in medicine would have diagnosed me with ADD, if I in fact had it.


You can sugar coat a piece of doot anyway you want, but it still leaves a bad taste in your mouth if you don't recognize it for what it is.

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