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Hidey Ho Neighbors

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Wanted to say hello to everyone. Haven't been caching for a couple months as I've been wrokiing too much. Hoping to hit a few pretty soon. Any new changes I should know about ?

All caches are now required to no longer have paper logs... that's about all i can think of at the moment...

There is a ban on tupperware. Only ammo boxes are allowed.

Some similar rules for micros, I don't remember exactly.

All caches are now required to no longer have paper logs... that's about all i can think of at the moment...

There is a ban on tupperware. Only ammo boxes are allowed.

Some similar rules for micros, I don't remember exactly.

I think is was nothing larger than a Bison, but I don't remember for sure.

Posted (edited)
All caches are now required to no longer have paper logs... that's about all i can think of at the moment...

There is a ban on tupperware. Only ammo boxes are allowed.

Some similar rules for micros, I don't remember exactly.

I think is was nothing larger than a Bison, but I don't remember for sure.

Close. They must be able to fit IN a Bison! And they ain't talking logbooks...


edit: forgot word - leave out the negitive and it changes the whole meaning...

Edited by The Jester
All caches are now required to no longer have paper logs... that's about all i can think of at the moment...

There is a ban on tupperware. Only ammo boxes are allowed.

Some similar rules for micros, I don't remember exactly.

I think is was nothing larger than a Bison, but I don't remember for sure.

Bison, that's it. I had a blackout for that term for a moment. They have to be bison-size or smaller, and made out of metal. Plastic is out.


And indeed, TBs have considerably changed. They are now launched en-mass by corporations for commercial purposes, for instance the Yellow Jeep TBs, of which there are a couple of thousand identical ones. Most people seem to like these uniform McJeeps, but you can already see a lack of commitment to move them on, because after all, they don't belong to real people. Commercial TBs are still a minority, and there still is a good chance that real TBs which are made by people with a purpose will survive.


What else has changed? Cache density in urban areas. There are drive-thru caches now; you no longer need to leave your car.

All caches are now required to no longer have paper logs... that's about all i can think of at the moment...

There is a ban on tupperware. Only ammo boxes are allowed.

Some similar rules for micros, I don't remember exactly.

I think is was nothing larger than a Bison, but I don't remember for sure.

Bison, that's it. I had a blackout for that term for a moment. They have to be bison-size or smaller, and made out of metal. Plastic is out.

I thought it was anything LARGER than a bison. :o

Posted (edited)
Hidey Ho??


What the heck is that supposed to mean??





Hidey Ho good neighbor.

Tool Time

Wilson to Tim


OT Welcome back Woodsters


(edit to at least try to be on topic)

Edited by wvcoalcat

Find count numbers now determine who is winning. There will be a large bag of money given to the cacher with the most legitimate finds this year.


(The bag is probably green with a large dollar sign on the side of it.)

Jeremy moved to an ashram and gave Duane his job... anything else?

Comments like this are still causing potable liquids to shoot forth from my nares on a daily basis....nothing new there! :o:P:P:D

Wanted to say hello to everyone. Haven't been caching for a couple months as I've been wrokiing too much. Hoping to hit a few pretty soon. Any new changes I should know about ?

Hey, I thought we banned you? :o




( :P Just Kidding! Welcome back.)

Hidey Ho??


What the heck is that supposed to mean??





Doesn't Mopar watch Home Improvement? ;)

Actually, Mr. Hanky The Christmas Poo (South Park) says Hidey Ho too. B)

Homer's annoying neighbor says something similar, too


Yep sounds like things are the same. Well except it has probably been a little quieter with me gone. So who filled my shoes in the meantime?


By the way, for those who visited my website, I wanted to let you know that I took it down. Working the 2 jobs and not being able to put the time into the site and especially not having the time to really get outside myself, I figured I would just drop it. The domain name was coming up for renewal next month, so it came at a good time. Who knows, I may do another one sometime later.

Working the 2 jobs ...

Whoa, most regulars in this forum don't even work one job, let alone two. No wonder we don't hear from you much, you actually lead a productive life. One of these days I'll get out of sales and get a real job, until then, I'll keep sip'n the lemonade and watching the clouds roll by...

Working the 2 jobs ...

Whoa, most regulars in this forum don't even work one job, let alone two. No wonder we don't hear from you much, you actually lead a productive life. One of these days I'll get out of sales and get a real job, until then, I'll keep sip'n the lemonade and watching the clouds roll by...

Hey, I work. I just happen to have lots of free time at work :o

Hidey Ho??


What the heck is that supposed to mean??





I guess that means he either wants to hide you in a cache, or make you a cache. ;)

Wanted to say hello to everyone. Haven't been caching for a couple months as I've been wrokiing too much. Hoping to hit a few pretty soon.  Any new changes I should know about ?

Hey, I thought we banned you? B)




( B) Just Kidding! Welcome back.)

Really! Who are you and what are you doing in our forums? Friggin sock puppet. B) Welcome back Woody! The forums should be interesting again to say the least! :o;)B):lol:

Wanted to say hello to everyone. Haven't been caching for a couple months as I've been wrokiing too much. Hoping to hit a few pretty soon. Any new changes I should know about ?

Back to the topic....


They've initiated a new type of cache: the locationless, non-existent cache. So far there have been over 12,000 DNF's.


Caches may now be placed on highway department employees since it's been proven they rarely move.


MRE's now feature Pop Rocks and RC Cola.


You can make your own walking stick... First, you get a stick ... Ta-Dahhhh!

Find count numbers now determine who is winning.  There will be a large bag of money given to the cacher with the most legitimate finds this year. 

And the prize is paid by the person with the most forum posts.

Yep sounds like things are the same. Well except it has probably been a little quieter with me gone. So who filled my shoes in the meantime?


By the way, for those who visited my website, I wanted to let you know that I took it down. Working the 2 jobs and not being able to put the time into the site and especially not having the time to really get outside myself, I figured I would just drop it. The domain name was coming up for renewal next month, so it came at a good time. Who knows, I may do another one sometime later.

Yeh the more things change, the more they stay the same. The names have changed but the debates are the same.


Btw, meant to thank you for your web for the now defunct Cheers! gang.


Welcome back Woodsters!

Find count numbers now determine who is winning.  There will be a large bag of money given to the cacher with the most legitimate finds this year. 

And the prize is paid by the person with the most forum posts.

Whew! I'm safe for another day or two :(

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