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Originally posted by drpepper:

Being the owner of the cache, I think that's a great idea and will contribute as well. Does anyone have any ideas how I should coordinate it? (Like a paypal acct or an address where people can send their wedding gift money to?) Maybe I can meet up with them when I go out to replace the cache and give the gift at that time. Great idea folks!!!



You could bid for the GPS on ebay, then post the auction link here. That way, all involved could see the final price with shipping.


I'll chip in too, let me know...


I've been going in circles my whole life. May as well make a hobby of it.


I can't believe how nice you guys are .. even that you would have thought of doing that is mind boggling. I am definately interested in getting into it, and as flattered and touched as I am that you are all willing to do something like this... I think to promote your sport, perhaps the donations could be used to somehow get the word out to more people! Perhaps someone who knows alot about it could put an ad in some major papers and direct people to the web site ??? I will gladly however take the offer of going along with someone at some point to see how its done and learn from someone who knows the ins and outs !!!!


Again, thank you so much for your warm thoughts and wishes !!! My faith in human nature has been restored and that in itself, is MORE than enough of a wedding present !!!


Lysa xoxo icon_biggrin.gif


And, I will be in for $5.00


If you purchase it from the gc.com website, we all will know the price (Now $114.95 ) and we also will be helping out Jeremy.


Get her a new one, not an ebay one. My opinion anyway.


stealyourcache.gif Ever notice that anyone that caches less than you do is a moron, while anyone that caches more than you do is a maniac? -Dru Morgan


Man I wish the person who pludered my cache(s) had a mother like this! Very touching story! If a pay pal account is setup I'm in too.


If Drpepper has no PayPal account, I could host it. Plus, then make the purchase and hand it iver to drpepper for the presentation.



...If life was fair, a banana split would cure cancer.


Originally posted by lysa:

I can't believe how nice you guys are .. even that you would have thought of doing that is mind boggling. I am definately interested in getting into it, and as flattered and touched as I am that you are all willing to do something like this... I think to promote your sport, perhaps the donations could be used to somehow get the word out to more people! Perhaps someone who knows alot about it could put an ad in some major papers and direct people to the web site ??? Lysa xoxo icon_biggrin.gif


I think I speak for the majority of geocachers when I say we want quality not quantity. Besides I expect posted pictures and a log of your first geocaching expedition using your GPS.


Let my heart be still a moment and this mystery explore


Paypal to Dustyjacket is good for me. Can you two get together on it?

We're burning daylight, Capi-tan


I have flouted the wild, I have followed its lure, fearless. familar, alone; yet the wild must win,

and a day will come when I shall be overthrown. By: Robert Service


As soon as I get a response from drpepper, we can proceed. He may have a paypal account all set up.


If not, we can use mine - I have a PayPal debit card that would allow a purchase from any store, in addition to eBay.


(Before anyone objects, yes I get a 1% cash back using the debit card, but I will also be paying over 2.3% on each donation out of my pocket. The full donation amount will go towards the GPS.)


If he wants to do a straight purchase, then I can collect donation in PayPal and pay him for his purchase. I am flexible.


Yes, let's move on this.



...If life was fair, a banana split would cure cancer.


Hey guys....I think the easiest way for me to do this is paypal. I set up a special email for this. You can send to gpsweddinggift@hotmail.com.


Please be sure to include your name and email in the additional comments when you send your gift money so I can include it on a card!


Of course if you dont have paypal, please email me and I will give you my snail mail address.


Thanks to those who have already contacted me. I will email those who contacted me with this information as well.


So far we dont have quite enough for a yellow etrex...but hopefully we will have enough soon.


Thanks everyone!!!



Just sent 10 bucks to gpsweddinggift@hotmail.com. Enjoy the gift, lysa. I'm a newbie myself, as I just got my GPSr a week ago, but I already know what great joy it has brought me. I hope the sport will do the same for you.





aka rag-a-muffin


Hey drpepper...


got an update for us? how close are we to gettin the unit? have you decided on what unit to buy? i didn't see anywhere in the discussion where it was a definite on which unit to get. just curious.


Will decide on a unit once I see how much money we get together. I will add all people who contribute to an email address book so I can email you with updates on what we get etc.... Thanks again!


I was going to send the money snail-mail, but some of you have got your panties in a bunch and want it right now, so I set up a pay pal account and sent in $6.


If we wait a little bit until all of the money rolls in maybe we'll be able to get them something nicer than an etrex, but if that's all we get, then that's all we get.


[This message was edited by 3fros on February 22, 2003 at 12:11 AM.]


Dersu sent his PAYPAL $10.00plus contribution.

Thanks Drpepper for your effort in this.


I have flouted the wild, I have followed its lure, fearless. familar, alone; yet the wild must win,

and a day will come when I shall be overthrown. By: Robert Service


[This message was edited by Dersu on February 22, 2003 at 03:38 AM.]


We paypal'd our $6. Please use part of that to cover any paypal fees. Thanks so much for organizing this.........We'll see what the total works out to be, if you need more, we can help out.....


Children are natural mimics who act like their parents despite every effort to teach them good manners.


Well, I am sitting here ... one hand of wet nails, a towel on my head.... less than an hour and a half till we have to head to Dave's mom's house and I still felt compelled to check up on you crazy people ! lol Even though I still reiterate that this totally... TOTALLY isn't necessary I would like to say that what I see on this site warms my heart completely... people who do not even know each other reaching out and doing something so nice for someone else... IF nothing else about the sport interested me.. I would be drawn to it JUST for the type of people that it seems to attract... again.. I really do not know what to say except thank you ... all of you... and if everyone treated everyone this way... the world would be a much better place for it.


I have to run now... people are waiting and I can't wait to start the rest of my life with my son and my new (wonderful) husband !!


Have a stupendous day everyone ~ I know I will !




Originally posted by lysa:

Well, I am sitting here ... one hand of wet nails, a towel on my head.... less than an hour and a half till we have to head to Dave's mom's house and I still felt compelled to check up on you crazy people ! lol Even though I still reiterate that this totally... TOTALLY isn't necessary I would like to say that what I see on this site warms my heart completely... people who do not even know each other reaching out and doing something so nice for someone else... IF nothing else about the sport interested me.. I would be drawn to it JUST for the type of people that it seems to attract... again.. I really do not know what to say except thank you ... all of you... and if everyone treated everyone this way... the world would be a much better place for it.


I have to run now... people are waiting and I can't wait to start the rest of my life with my son and my new (wonderful) husband !!


Have a stupendous day everyone ~ I know I will !




Check out a few more threads and you'll see what we're like, zits and all. icon_smile.gif


You're still our heroine, though.


Always wear proper caching safety equipment!



Originally posted by Jeremy (Admin):

Originally posted by mcdefjef:

So who lives in the Kansas City area that is willing to take her & son out geocaching??


Unless it is a superkid they're probably near that cache in Kansas icon_wink.gif


Thanks mom! You rock.


Jeremy Irish

Groundspeak - The Language of Location


From the mom's letter,


"I live in Missouri, but we were visiting friends that live in kansas..."


This email confirms that you sent $12.00 to gpsweddinggift@hotmail.com.



Payment Details



Amount: $12.00

Transaction ID:

Subject: Wedding Gift


From Aristocracker

View the details of this transaction online at:


I've been going in circles my whole life. May as well make a hobby of it.


Ya'll were supposed to holler when this here collection plate got passed around!!


My contribution is on it's way!!


Let my heart be still a moment and this mystery explore


i'm sorta against going the eBay route. eBay is my lifeblood, but for a wedding gift, i think it might be nice to get a brand new unit instead of a hand me down. now, buying a brand new one off eBay...that might be okay, but let's get somethin nice.


Originally posted by rag-a-muffin:

i'm sorta against going the eBay route. eBay is my lifeblood, but for a wedding gift, i think it might be nice to get a brand new unit instead of a hand me down. now, buying a brand new one off eBay...that might be okay, but let's get somethin nice.


It is new, the guy's feedback is perfect, and the price is right. What's the problem?


I've been going in circles my whole life. May as well make a hobby of it.


The Legend is a good choice. How do I send money?

I'm in for a tenner or so.


A government that is big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take it all away. -Barry Goldwater


...drpepper, if there is anything left over after your GPS unit purchase, consider purchasing some RECHARGABLE AA BATTERIES AND A CHARGER with any money left over.


We've all been there, folks... icon_biggrin.gif


I just wanted to let you guys know.. that my son Jake has been shown this site and I think the best thing to come out of all this is that he learned that HONESTY also has its rewards .... for that I thank you all !!! there is no way just telling him that could have driven the point home the way seeing this thread could have... so again, I have to thank you all =)


Lysa icon_biggrin.gif

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