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Cache book found...


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lol !! allright, well then.. update it is ! My mom and dad came down from Canada on Thursday... which was cool because my entire life, this has been the longest that I have ever gone without seeing them... the odd twist to this story is that this was also the first time they were meeting my fiance.... (two days before the wedding) lmao ! ... anyway, to make a long story short, they LOVE him... accepted him whole heartedly into the family.. and finally agree witn a decision that I made with my life... (for the first time too I might add !) The wedding was on Saturday at his mom's house, very small, just 18 people (all near and dear to us)... then on Sunday, the parents (both sets) Dave and I went out for brunch and my parents flew home afterwards... Dave had monday and tuesday off from work so that was our honeymoon.... and now we just got back from opening our first joint bank account (yay us ! )

So there in a nutshell you have it... Oh and for those of you wondering how come this was the first time my parents met him..... we met online lol and I just up and packed up my stuff and my son and high-tailed it down here ... and the rest is history =)




You know, I never thought to ask him that .... maybe I should have just posted the coords ? It would have been a next to impossible hike though, climbing over the mountains of "crap" in his room to navigate to the cache... Definately not recommended for small children or anyone with a heart condition....


Lysa ~ icon_wink.gif


Ok..Im gonna cut off the gift giving now.....but feel free to post well wishes on this thread!!!


We have just over $200 plus a few more expected by snail mail. Will keep you informed on which unit we buy and when we give it.

Thanks again!



Keith wrote:

Ok..Im gonna cut off the gift giving now.....but feel free to post well wishes on this thread!!!


We have just over $200 plus a few more expected by snail mail. Will keep you informed on which unit we buy and when we give it.

Thanks again!



Maybe someone could have a digital camera standing by for prosperity? icon_smile.gif


That Lysa sounds like a nice lady. I have an idea about the GPSr gift. How's about one of you rich bas..., icon_razz.gif oops, I mean independantly wealth individuals purchase the GPSr, let us know what he paid, and we could send him our donations? Just a thought that came to me after only the first cup of coffee.





....purchase the GPSr, let us know what he paid, and we could send him our donations? ...


We already collected donations. (Read above).

If you want to help, contact drpepper directly, but I think he cut off the donation period already.



...If life was fair, a banana split would cure cancer.




I guess you now know what a great group of people are into geocaching.

I read this long thread with great anticipation like reading a well written novel. It has had all the items that make any story interesting from the discovery of the book to the happy ending with a wedding (and gift thanks to all) and introduction of a new family into geocaching.


Please keep us all posted about your expericences when you get 'caching.




Oh yea....BUMP


I like the paypal idea, and I believe you can now send money to an account holder through paypal without HAVING an account yourself. Being a hassle-free way to contribute, I would partake. Perhaps, a mailing address for those who don't like paypal, and a secondary method of payment using paypal for those who do. Just my two cents icon_smile.gif




I guess you now know what a great group of people are into geocaching.

I read this long thread with great anticipation like reading a well written novel. It has had all the items that make any story interesting from the discovery of the book to the happy ending with a wedding (and gift thanks to all) and introduction of a new family into geocaching.


Please keep us all posted about your expericences when you get 'caching.


I think you guys are GREAT... I have been quite hooked just by reading the forums.. I have read at least 300 threads and counting... It is amazing what a wide scope of people seem to love this sport ! I know my husband ( icon_biggrin.gif ) will love this he is so techy !!! ... And of course I will keep everyone posted as to how this all turns out !


DrPepper: email me whenever you would like to arrange a time to return your stuff to you... I have gathered up some new stuff to add to your cache... to get it up and running again... I am home most days because I don't work yet ...(pesky INS paperwork and all... red tape lol) but I do volunteer at the local animal shelter... so other than that, I am pretty much free anytime you are.


Looking forward to meeting some of you people along the way !!!


Lysa icon_wink.gif


Lysa wrote:

but I do volunteer at the local animal shelter...

Lets see...honest, articulate, a good mother, and now we find out a volunteer...sheesh...what a catch! icon_wink.gif


But it's always wonderful to read nice stuff about yourself !!! (besides I like to point it out to my husband to remind him what a lucky guy he is ...repeatedly lmfao !!! ) jk


lysa icon_eek.gif


Originally posted by Rygel:



Lets remember, she's married.


It's pretty easy to remember. Just look at her avatar. Prior to seeing Lysa's new wedding ring, the last thing I remember that was quite that big and shone so brightly was the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse.



I was formerly employed by the Department of Redundancy Department, but I don't work there anymore.


Originally posted by The Leprechauns:

seeing Lysa's new wedding ring...

Wouldn't her wedding ring be on her left hand? I think what you're seeing, Lep, is just some other large ring. The real ring was kept out of the photo.




Oops, that explains why I get the tar beat out of me so often for flirting with married women. I guess I don't know left from right; for the past 9 months, only longitude and latitude have mattered.



I was formerly employed by the Department of Redundancy Department, but I don't work there anymore.


well.... actually, I think that IS my left hand... but that picture was taken when I still lived in Canada. (that is my wedding band and (not-so-large) engagement ring from my first marriage...) It's actually only a 1/4 of a carat.. I'm not one for large flashy rings.... ~grins... I plan to have the diamond put into a pendant since my mother actually paid for the rings not my ex-husband.... I don't wear that anymore...


Hope that clears it all up for you =)


I posted a reply last week and couldn't find it. Today I figured out why. This thread had three pages of posts! I'm sort a newbie and had never seen one that long before. Then again, I never saw one with such an interesting story before. That explains why my first post seems "a day late and a dollar short". Oh well, if you don't learn at least one new thing a day; you're not paying attention.

Anyway, congrats, Lysa and all the luck in thr world.






Don't feel bad, I can't even tell left from right, or married pictures from single pictures, and I need to pay JamieZ to be a professional proofreader. His posts lately all begin with "What Lep meant to say..." And to think I'm supposed to be a lawyer.


So is it any wonder why JamieZ's avatar shows him being kissed by a drunk playboy bunny, and my avatar is a picture of my hamster in a tupperware container?



I was formerly employed by the Department of Redundancy Department, but I don't work there anymore.


If Lysa is into it, perhaps someone in the local area could contact the local newspapers -- they're always looking for positive human interest stories and would probably like to be there with a photographer for the presentation.


This would make a great story.


Not that I wouldn't love to help out your sport in any way, shape or form that I can.. but I would like to draw the least amount of attention to myself as possible untill all the i's are dotted and the T's are crossed with the INS ... I just found out that I need my son's certified birth certificate before I can file the papers, so I have sent off to Canada for it ... and cannot file till I recieve it ... wouldn't that be horrible if they deported us when we are so close to being all legal and happy ??? I hope you guys understand !!!!!


Lysa icon_eek.gif


I just realized that Lisa looks alot like my ex-girlfriend who was also named Lisa.


Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine.


actually... if we are going to be completely honest... it is Lisa... lol ( I went through an "I hate my name and want to be cooler phase...." and started spelling my name Lysa ....) I know, I know... pretty shallow and self-centered of me... I am weaning myself of it slowly..... I promise


LISA icon_biggrin.gif


Yeaaah, I went through that too. I used to spell my name "Fabio."


Man, I'm glad I got over that.




"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field.

When a man found it, he hid it again." Mt. 13:44


The worst was, my mother emailed me last week... and spelled my name Lysa... I was like... MOM !!! you don't have to..... so I guess at 33, I finally grew up... ( and besides my husband... you lovely people on this forum are the only ones that KNOW the truth about it ! ) I must like y'all... I am sharing my little quirk with you...




Just thought I would let you guys know I got Jake's birth certificate so am going to the lawyers on Friday !!! wish me luck icon_biggrin.gif


Good Luck, Lysa and family.

Anyone heard from Drpeeper, oops I mean Drpepper?

Would like to hear a report on wedding gift and the presentation. Or when it might happen.


I have flouted the wild, I have followed its lure, fearless. familar, alone; yet the wild must win,

and a day will come when I shall be overthrown. By: Robert Service


FYI ...


Mike emailed me, said he had been out of town for a while and was going to get in touch with Keith to see when a good time to meet would be...


Just thought I would update you all


Lis icon_biggrin.gif


Hey Lysa,


I've been lurking this thread for a bit now, hell..I've been lurking the whole board. icon_smile.gif I just wanted to add my congratulations! I also wish you luck at the lawyers office. icon_biggrin.gif



Live Long and Geocache!

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