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I know who the pirates are.


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If anyone is talking about me, feel free to discuss it with me, right here if you want. I'm made my reply to Jeremy's comments in the thread El Diablo is referring to above.


I welcome any accusations.




Here there be tigers. - My response when asked by a fellow Geocacher to describe the attitude of the forums.


Does anyone else feel like they just read up 6 pages of nothing? I've been following this thread the whole time and am left feeling empty inside icon_frown.gif




Caching with a clue....




"You can't make a man by standing a sheep on his hind legs. But by standing a flock of sheep in that position, you can make a crowd of men" - Max Beerbohm


Can one person sum this all up for me??? I have to pee and get to karate - and if there is a list or a way to get a copy of the private thread, please send it on over. I want to get in on the burning.


This work thing sucks - no time to cache or read this nonsense!


Shut up and cache!


I will admit not paying attention to the forums lately so this entire piratecaching.com thing went right by me unoticed. I got invited to a private discussion and naturally had to read all 5 (!) pages of this thread.


all I can say is as soon as I realized what was going on, one person did leap to mind. I had no real basis but this person has been associated with sock puppets and causing trouble (if you read closely that is, his assocation is tenuous but its there) so anyway, based on posts by that person, and posts by jeremy, I think its pretty obvious who Jeremy believes is involved.


I won't elaborate publically or privately because I could quite easily be wrong...




jeremy indicated there were several, so even if you know one indidual, there are still others to be outed.....


Originally posted by BrianSnat:



_"You can't make a man by standing a sheep on his hind legs. But by standing a flock of sheep in that position, you can make a crowd of men" - Max Beerbohm_


I've already suggested that. Those things are hard on old eyes. icon_smile.gif


El Diablo


Everything you do in life...will impact someone,for better or for worse.



Originally posted by Gwho:

I will admit not paying attention to the forums lately so this entire piratecaching.com thing went right by me unoticed. I got invited to a private discussion and naturally had to read all 5 (!) pages of this thread.


all I can say is as soon as I realized what was going on, one person did leap to mind. I had no real basis but this person has been associated with sock puppets and causing trouble (if you read closely that is, his assocation is tenuous but its there) so anyway, based on posts by that person, and posts by jeremy, I think its pretty obvious who Jeremy believes is involved.


I won't elaborate publically or privately because I could quite easily be wrong...




jeremy indicated there were several, so even if you know one indidual, there are still others to be outed.....


Just "xx Who" can you be thinking of?



War is God's way of teaching Americans geography.


-Ambrose Bierce, writer (1842-1914)


Originally posted by BrianSnat:



LOL...I was wondering how long it was gonna take...One person said something the otherday, but I was waiting to see if anyone else said something. I had something else I was gonna put as my avatar, that might of even beat kealia and snoogans, but I chose otherwise, as it scared the crap out of me...But since you asked nicely Brian (lmao) and have had a bad week...I'll do it just for you! icon_wink.gif





Mark 42

Prime Suspect

cachew nut


Team GPSaxophone








Mark 42



Team Og Rof A Klaw



Team Geo-Remdation

Tsegi Mike and Desert Viking






Mark 42


Woodsters Outdoors






CT Trampers


The Cache Couple



Team Tecmage




Bull Moose



Mark 42



Lake Tahoe Geocacher




Don't try and sort out who they are. I will hold to my word that I won't out them publicly, since it will do more harm than good, IMO.


As always, if you find out there is "pirate behavior" going on that is affecting people in your area, any information would be helpful. Just email contact@geocaching.com and we'll try to respond quickly. We do have some tools to combat this kind of activity.


I said my personal opinion about any sort of "pirate" behavior. We get enough phone calls about caches placed illegally, I don't want the additional calls from upset parents whose caches are plundered, etc. Just understand that I don't like it as much as you don't like it.


smile.gif Jeremy Irish

Groundspeak - The Language of Location


Originally posted by Squealy:

Can one person sum this all up for me??? I have to pee and get to karate - and if there is a list or a way to get a copy of the private thread, please send it on over. I want to get in on the burning.


This work thing sucks - no time to cache or read this nonsense!


Shut up and cache!

To summ it up in one sentence, jeremy is tired of the pirates and wants everyone to know it.


Can one person sum this all up for me??? I have to pee and get to karate - and if there is a list or a way to get a copy of the private thread, please send it on over. I want to get in on the burning.




1- Someone started stealing cache contents and thought it was funny.


2- This person started a website to encourage others to do it.


3- Other geocachers; some who are somewhat "prominent" in the community decided it would be "fun".


4- Many cache owners were very angry at the thought of their caches being tampered with.


5- Some members of the geocaching community thought stealing (and rehiding) cache contents was a grand idea.


6- Many people disagreed.


7- Those who disagreed, esp. those who were victimized, were a bit miffed.


8- The "pirates" began taunting GC.COM on their website.


9- Jeremy figured out who the pirates were.


10- And now...the rest of the story....


"You can't make a man by standing a sheep on his hind legs. But by standing a flock of sheep in that position, you can make a crowd of men" - Max Beerbohm


Originally posted by Woodsters Outdoors:

Originally posted by BrianSnat:



LOL...I was wondering how long it was gonna take...One person said something the otherday, but I was waiting to see if anyone else said something. I had something else I was gonna put as my avatar, that might of even beat kealia and snoogans, but I chose otherwise, as it scared the crap out of me...But since you asked nicely Brian (lmao) and have had a bad week...I'll do it just for you! icon_wink.gif





Thank you!!! I'll give you a discount on a staff. icon_biggrin.gif


El Diablo


Everything you do in life...will impact someone,for better or for worse.



Originally posted by Jeremy:

Don't try and sort out who they are. I will hold to my word that I won't out them publicly, since it will do more harm than good, IMO.


Jeremy, I would appreciate clarification in THIS topic that 6000 people have read in less than nine hours, and that 500 people have posted to in the same time frame, why you implied in another thread that I have "full knowledge of who the piratecaching.com folks were."


I think it would be more beneficial coming from you, but if you don't want to, I will.




Here there be tigers. - My response when asked by a fellow Geocacher to describe the attitude of the forums.


Since there has not been any pirates in my area so far, I will give up my slot to Jolly if he wants it. I am not even sure if my name is even on the top 22 or 23 since it has been moved around some I think.

Oh well, if there is room then I still would like to be on the list but not if the main topic is going to be just finger pointing and taking bets on who Jeremy has in his cross hairs. I am sure he has the details to back up what he is saying or he wouldn't make such statements.

Good job Jeremy and crew, pats on the back from us!! icon_biggrin.gif


Originally posted by Pantalaimon:

I think it would be more beneficial coming from you, but if you don't want to, I will.


Come on, don't make us wait.




Caching with a clue....


Originally posted by Pantalaimon:

Originally posted by Jeremy:

Don't try and sort out who they are. I will hold to my word that I won't out them publicly, since it will do more harm than good, IMO.


Jeremy, I would appreciate clarification in THIS topic that 6000 people have read in less than nine hours, and that 500 people have posted to in the same time frame, why you implied in another thread that I have "full knowledge of who the piratecaching.com folks were."


I think it would be more beneficial coming from you, but if you don't want to, I will.




_Here there be tigers._ - My response when asked by a fellow Geocacher to describe the attitude of the forums.


Are you time warping? I only count 266 post, and that is probably by less than 100 members.


El Diablo


Everything you do in life...will impact someone,for better or for worse.



I will hold to my word that I won't out them publicly, since it will do more harm than good, IMO.


I agree. I will say that your original post seemed to carry a threat to out them if they continued their activities. I suggest that such a threat remain as a deterent.




Originally posted by El Diablo:


Are you time warping? I only count 266 post, and that is probably by less than 100 members.


El Diablo


Sorry. I didn't time warp. I read too quickly.




Here there be tigers. - My response when asked by a fellow Geocacher to describe the attitude of the forums.


Originally posted by carleenp:

I agree. I will say that your original post seemed to carry a threat to out them if they continued their activities. I suggest that such a threat remain as a deterent.


You're right, but I have been asked to hold back on that threat for now.


smile.gif Jeremy Irish

Groundspeak - The Language of Location


Originally posted by Woodsters Outdoors:

Originally posted by BrianSnat:



LOL...I was wondering how long it was gonna take...One person said something the otherday, but I was waiting to see if anyone else said something. I had something else I was gonna put as my avatar, that might of even beat kealia and snoogans, but I chose otherwise, as it scared the crap out of me...But since you asked nicely Brian (lmao) and have had a bad week...I'll do it just for you! icon_wink.gif





(Hey Woodsters, slip me the pumpkin thingy, I need the discount thing for a staff...heheheh.)



"Afghanistan was a battle. Iraq was a battle. The war goes on."


UmmmmWoodster...the pumpkins


"You can't make a man by standing a sheep on his hind legs. But by standing a flock of sheep in that position, you can make a crowd of men" - Max Beerbohm


Originally posted by Jeremy:

Originally posted by carleenp:

I agree. I will say that your original post seemed to carry a threat to out them if they continued their activities. I suggest that such a threat remain as a deterent.


You're right, but I have been asked to hold back on that threat for now.


smile.gif Jeremy Irish

Groundspeak - The Language of Location


Actually, I think this whole thing has been a HUGE waste of your time. I'm sure you had much better things to do, and issues to work on. Thus is the life of the CEO... kudos to you my friend, you have handled it pretty darn well in my book.



"Afghanistan was a battle. Iraq was a battle. The war goes on."




Finally caught up with this thread.


Go out for a meeting and a quick cache afterward and the board go bonkers.


Good form Jeremy!


Stick to your guns and let em have it if they so much as hint about pirating another cache.



I have never been lost. Been awful confused for a few days, but never lost!

N61.12.041 W149.43.734


I just went to their website and read the most resent threads. There only seems to be a few of them that are active and one real a$$hole who enjoys stealing everything. There is talk that this person is a fake just trying to stir up trouble. Is this problem as wide spread as it seems or is it just happening in a few places. I live in NH and have not heard of it happening here. Can we get a poll of how many states are having this problem.


Dang this has been a long one to catch up with. I tried reading it a couple hours ago and it kep hanging up. All these comments have been overloading the internet all by itself icon_wink.gif

When it was first brought up, I was concidering asking to be in the group, but after some thought, I'll be happy to just see how it turns out in the end.

Thanks for your time with this matter Jeremy, I have a buddy that runs a board and he seemed able to run down offenders pretty easy, I was wondering when you'd do something.


(ppsssst... Woodster, send me the pumpkins too, that discount on a walking staff sounds like a good deal! icon_cool.gif




Originally posted by El Diablo:

Woodster...I'll give you a big discount not to send anyone those pumkins!


El Diablo


Everything you do in life...will impact someone,for better or for worse.



Awwwwww man, you spoiled it.... oh, wait, you're the one with the discounts in the first place.... dang, I hate it when that happens....


How's my staff coming? Oh, wait again, I haven't finished telling you what I want on it... cripes!!!!



"Afghanistan was a battle. Iraq was a battle. The war goes on."


Originally posted by Jolly B Good:

It's like joining in on a soft ball game and deciding you're going to run to the bases from right to left instead of from the left to right.


Umm, Jolly...running the bases counter-clockwise would be right to left, wouldn't it? Unless you're looking in from the outfield...then it's left to right. Now I'm confused... icon_confused.gif



"Just because I don't care doesn't mean I don't understand." - Homer Simpson

Eamus Catuli AC145895


Well, this one blowed up real good. icon_rolleyes.gif



Caching without music is like swimming without water.



I just read more of the pirates logs on their site. I had to stop reading the logs because it made me visualize a bunch of 12 year olds sitting around talking about how much they know about everything. After about the 30th "arr we be" I had to leave. I still think the idea could work, but the cache owner should be contacted in advance and asked if he would like to be involved, if not then the cache should left alone. As for the pirate page it should be ignored as there is nothing of any value there. As for the NJ Pirate, if you find him stealing caches, use you best judgement on how to handle it, I'd recommand calling his mother.


Thanks Jeremy, I hope this squashes the whole idea of piracy or at least makes it so taboo that it is extremely limited. I was very upset about it when it first surfaced and now I feel vindicated and protected.


"Do the thing you fear most and the death of fear is certain." -Mark Twain


Thanks Jeremy for taking such decisive action. As I stated in another thread I too had a cache pirated, and they even left a ransom note made of cut out magazine letters (some people have too much time). I have been up to eyeballs at work today and just finished so thought I'd check in here.

Since some folks seem to think absence from this thread is an indication of participation in parasite activity let me state in my best Richard Nixon voice " I am not a Pi&%#$e" icon_rolleyes.gif


These changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes;

Nothing remains quite the same.

Through all of the islands and all of the highlands,

If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane


Again Jeremy, great work as always, only you have enough information to make the call on this issue.


That said, I'm (albeit naively) in favor of 'outing' these transgressors, as it's a useful tool in future prevention.


In addition, communication is an important aspect of society. Ironically, sharing info on whom can be trusted is an important aspect of trust!


You'll notice that of those who patronize prostitutes (where it's illegal), it dramatically diminishes when threatened with having their names and pics published in the paper...


Were it possible to be included on the overloaded list, I would choose to (despite not being in an afflicted region) for my own edification.






Originally posted by RJFerret:

You'll notice that of those who patronize prostitutes (where it's illegal), it dramatically diminishes when threatened with having their names and pics published in the paper...



Ah, but there are also those who relish having their names and photos published on such account... so sometimes you just don't know what track to take...LOL. We might get lucky and it will diminish, and then again, some idiot would look at the attention it got and think it's a great idea to do it too.....sigh.


What's a parent to do? LOL.



"Afghanistan was a battle. Iraq was a battle. The war goes on."


Originally posted by ju66l3r:

Congratulations, Jeremy, I think you've brought us all back to 1692 (and Salem is only a stone's throw away from my apartment!).


It's comical to watch everyone who gets really upset about these things, since when it is done correctly there's little difference between a "pirated cache" and a "multi-cache" AND the prize is bigger (and there's still "booty" for the kids). I think the original piratecaching.com pirate went far out of their way to make it something that could be enjoyable, temporary, and a fun surprise when you went out geocaching for the day. Anyone who wasn't following those guidelines was no better than the people who don't even know what geocaching is but take the whole cache when they stumble onto it. They were not pirates, they were plunderers and they have always been shunned by the sport, since they actually destroy the cache.


Disclaimer: I am not a pirate, but more of a sympathizer. I think that creativity is a virtue and that some people really just need to chill out about a box of toys in the woods.


This is not a witch hunt. The game is played a certain way and we like how it's played. These people could have easily done this with cachers' permission but instead took things they shouldn't.


Maybe I need to chill out in your opinion, but frankly, your opinion doesn't concern me. Property needs to be respected.


Me and you and a dog named Boo...


First off I'd like to say "good job" to Jeremy and the GC & Groundspeak staff on this subject.

Second, I kinda like the treasure card idea someone mentioned, THAT is a good twist on the general idea of geocaching.

Third, I too was wondering if I should read more into Jeremy's posts, time will tell I guess.

Remember, wherever you go- there you are!


Just so y'all know, they are posting personal info. about cachers on their message boards. I've mentioned a few times their threatening behavior, but no one appears to have read it.


Get rid of them, but be careful.


Also, I say BAN THEM NOW. They've already started in on their message boards with the "call his bluff", "why hasn't he done it already" crap.


What a bunch of jerks.


Jeremy, if you DO know who they are, I'd like to know considering the threatening email they sent me... but I understand if that can't be done.




Me and you and a dog named Boo...


CZ chill out the info they e-mailed you is easily found and is not some super hacker tracking you down. If your number is listed in the phone book anyone can access it from the web and get all the info you mentioned. Also the ip address is logged on any web site you go to and from there they can connect to your isp and find info about you. If its a threat then its a lame threat and you shouldn't worry. If you are worried then just ask some of our members here that are police or former police officers on your rights to protect yourself.


This all feels like a bad game of Clue. You don't know who to trust. For instance. I posted today in the private forum, the speculation I had from back in August about a cacher who I thought could be the pirate in WA. I had emailed that person back then and asked them about it. We've had that discussion before and of course they denied. Even if they were the pirate, they would deny it, as the game would be over. But, you never know who you can trust as someone let him know about my specualtion I posted today. His name was not on the list of those in the forum. So someone squealed to him or he has a sock puppet account in there. Since there are only what 22 or 23 names in there, it narrows it down to a small group of who you definitely don't want to trust, or it narrows it down to who his sock puppet may be. Whatever the case is... Oh well.




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