+trippy1976 Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 in another post... removing giant list. [This message was edited by trippy on September 23, 2003 at 01:24 PM.] Quote
+JoGPS Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 cachew nut sept1c_tank Team GPSaxophone Stunod geospotter beckerbuns Doc-Dean carleenp BrianSnat Gorak Planet scoobie10 Team Og Rof A Klaw SLCDave clearpath Team Geo-Remdation Tsegi Mike and Desert Viking Pantalaimon BrianSnat enfanta Jeepers_Keepers JoeCthulhu Micqn Woodsters Outdoors Strapped-4-Cache StarshipTrooper umc RuffRidr trippy1976 JoGPS Quote
+leatherman Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 cachew nut sept1c_tank Team GPSaxophone Stunod geospotter beckerbuns Doc-Dean carleenp BrianSnat Gorak Planet scoobie10 Team Og Rof A Klaw SLCDave clearpath Team Geo-Remdation Tsegi Mike and Desert Viking Pantalaimon BrianSnat enfanta Jeepers_Keepers JoeCthulhu Micqn Woodsters Outdoors Strapped-4-Cache StarshipTrooper umc RuffRidr trippy1976 JoGPS leatherman POWDER!!!!!! Quote
iryshe Posted September 23, 2003 Author Posted September 23, 2003 quote:Originally posted by pnew:Jeremy can you just tell us who they are? two caches in Houston were pirated 3 weeks ago by a guy who calls himself the exterminator. He hit two caches within 2 miles of each but both caches were owned by the same team. Who is it? who is it? I don't know *every* pirate. The best way to start locating a pirate is to email contact@geocaching.com with any information and logs entries that you know of. We've quietly reacted to many pirates in the past, and we've gotten better at it. Most of them aren't very smart. For example, there was one "pirate" who we contacted their mom about. She wasn't very happy. Jeremy Irish Groundspeak - The Language of Location Quote
+sept1c_tank Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 quote:there was one "pirate" who we contacted their mom about ==============="If it feels good...do it"================ **(the other 9 out of 10 voices in my head say: "Don't do it.")** . Quote
+southdeltan Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 quote:Originally posted by ju66l3r:Congratulations, Jeremy, I think you've brought us all back to 1692 (and Salem is only a stone's throw away from my apartment!). It's comical to watch everyone who gets really upset about these things, since when it is done correctly there's little difference between a "pirated cache" and a "multi-cache" AND the prize is bigger (and there's still "booty" for the kids). I think the original piratecaching.com pirate went far out of their way to make it something that could be enjoyable, temporary, and a fun surprise when you went out geocaching for the day. Anyone who wasn't following those guidelines was no better than the people who don't even know what geocaching is but take the whole cache when they stumble onto it. They were not pirates, they were plunderers and they have always been shunned by the sport, since they actually destroy the cache. Disclaimer: I am not a pirate, but more of a sympathizer. I think that creativity is a virtue and that some people really just need to chill out about a box of toys in the woods. If I want a surprise, I'll go after mystery caches. If I place a geocache, I wan't it left where I placed it. I have to drive a long ways to get to a geocache I haven't found and I don't want unexpected surprises. If there intentions were truly honorable - there is no reason to hide in anonymity. If what Jeremy says is true, and I doubt seriously that he would make such a bold statement without proof, then these people have been pirating and possibly arguing against the pirate on the forums. That's hypocritical, to say the least. I doubt they had any honorable intentions - they knew that copycats would likely not follow the rules. It all seems a carefully planned attack on forum members who have different views than the pirates. BrianSnat is an opinionated guy (I mostly agree with them, but not always) so it's logical that he'd make some 'enemies'. This seems like a stab at BS and other vocal forum users. It also is probably a stab at the geocaching.com admin. It is sad. It's also not about a 'box full of toys in the woods'. It's about trust. It's about time and money spent placing the cache. It's also about expectations. I don't expect somebody to make up rules as we go. southdeltan "Man can counterfeit everything except silence". - William Faulkner Quote
+The Cache Couple Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 Add me to the private topic list as well. Way to go Jeremy! cachew nut sept1c_tank Team GPSaxophone Stunod geospotter beckerbuns Doc-Dean carleenp BrianSnat Gorak Planet scoobie10 Team Og Rof A Klaw SLCDave clearpath Team Geo-Remdation Tsegi Mike and Desert Viking Pantalaimon BrianSnat enfanta Jeepers_Keepers JoeCthulhu Micqn Woodsters Outdoors Strapped-4-Cache StarshipTrooper umc RuffRidr Seneca CT Trampers WildGooseChase The Cache Couple By the way, has anyone else noticed a few "regulars" that have not posted on this topic at all? Wonder if this means anything or just a hunch? hmmmm Quote
+southdeltan Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 cachew nut sept1c_tank Team GPSaxophone Stunod geospotter beckerbuns Doc-Dean carleenp BrianSnat Gorak Planet scoobie10 Team Og Rof A Klaw SLCDave clearpath Team Geo-Remdation Tsegi Mike and Desert Viking Pantalaimon BrianSnat enfanta Jeepers_Keepers JoeCthulhu Micqn Woodsters Outdoors Strapped-4-Cache StarshipTrooper umc RuffRidr Seneca CT Trampers WildGooseChase The Cache Couple southdeltan quote:By the way, has anyone else noticed a few "regulars" that have not posted on this topic at all? Wonder if this means anything or just a hunch? hmmmm I was wondering the same thing.... southdeltan "Man can counterfeit everything except silence". - William Faulkner Quote
ju66l3r Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 quote:What an asinine comment. It's comical for someone to justify the actions of a geocacher whose misguided intentions blow up in their face, creating a number of "copycats" who don't play by their "good" pirate rules. It's ironical for someone to comment on the actions of others when he, himself, has setup the architecture for these misguided intentions to spawn these pirate games. Blaming someone for their "copycats" gone evil is absurd. No one blaims you for navicache's listing of caches on NPS land, right? quote:The last log in my plundered cache said "what kind of person would do such a thing?" It doesn't sound like he was having all that much fun. A log from another nearby cache that had been plundered by this bozo said "...This was the first time we ever seen this. The kids were disappointed.". Yep, sounds like they had a real blast. If you're going to quote my lines, please read them first. I said anyone who takes logbooks and does not actually leave some goodies for children (if the person is not interested in looking for the original cache contents) is not a "pirate" (by the definition of piratecaching.com), they're a plunderer and ruin a perfectly good sidetrack. I do not agree with their actions, only with those outlined on the website. quote:Ummm...if pirating is creative, then why can't those who would pirate be creative enough to place their own multi-cache? If you are saying there aren't enough multi-caches, why don't you place some yourself? Who says they aren't? Besides, which is more creative: a completely new idea or another multi-cache? It's not a matter of how many multis..it's a matter of how interesting/intriguing. I'd rather be completely surprised by a pirate's note in a cache (WHEN DONE BY PC.com's RULES), than open just another tupperware container with a few McToys and a Where's George dollar. and finally... quote:"If you're not with us, you're against us!" - The President of the United States Of America "They can play their game, but they can't use my ball!" - BrianSnat And by the way, your avatar looks an awful lot like this one: The PotUS also said, "We cannot let terrorists and rogue nations hold this nation hostile or hold our allies hostile." It does doesn't it. Consider it an homage, but twisted. I've added the relevant link to where I got my avatar from in my signature now. It's pretty funny...Kealia might want to watch it. http://www.nedevett.com/gollum.swf Quote
Pantalaimon Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 FYI: I think there is a limit on how many people can be invited to a private topic. And for some reason, I think that limit is 22. Go figure. Can anyone confirm the limit, because we've already passed it. Pan Here there be tigers. - My response when asked by a fellow Geocacher to describe the attitude of the forums. Quote
Pluckers Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 Describes the mood or content of the topic posted September 23, 2003 01:16 PM September 23, 2003 01:16 PM cachew nut sept1c_tank Team GPSaxophone Stunod geospotter beckerbuns Doc-Dean carleenp BrianSnat Gorak Planet scoobie10 Team Og Rof A Klaw SLCDave clearpath Team Geo-Remdation Tsegi Mike and Desert Viking Pantalaimon BrianSnat enfanta Jeepers_Keepers JoeCthulhu Micqn Woodsters Outdoors Strapped-4-Cache StarshipTrooper umc RuffRidr Seneca CT Trampers WildGooseChase The Cache Couple southdeltan Pluckers Quote
+Breaktrack Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 cachew nut sept1c_tank Team GPSaxophone Stunod geospotter beckerbuns Doc-Dean carleenp BrianSnat Gorak Planet scoobie10 Team Og Rof A Klaw SLCDave clearpath Team Geo-Remdation Tsegi Mike and Desert Viking Pantalaimon BrianSnat enfanta Jeepers_Keepers JoeCthulhu Micqn Woodsters Outdoors Strapped-4-Cache StarshipTrooper umc RuffRidr Seneca CT Trampers WildGooseChase The Cache Couple southdeltan breaktrack I added my name, but I almost went ahead and put it at the top...lol, I hate to be last..... "Afghanistan was a battle. Iraq was a battle. The war goes on." Quote
+StarshipTrooper Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 quote:Originally posted by The Cache Couple:...By the way, has anyone else noticed a few "regulars" that have not posted on this topic at all? Wonder if this means anything or just a hunch? hmmmm Be careful, now. I wouldn't read too much into that. Remember - not everyone checks in here every day, and this thread is actually very young. "...clear as mud?" Quote
+planetrobert Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 i have been watching their boards and they watch ours. it seems they like the attention they get. this seems to be like shouting at them and cheering them. i say we all forget this is happening and just let jeramy handle it in his own ways. Now where did I set my GPS??? planetrobert.net Quote
+carleenp Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 AS UMC noted earlier, apparently private topics are limited to 23 people. So perhaps several should be started with some cross over of people who will be authorized to cross post between threads? Or, does the response here mean that perhaps it should just be public where anyone accused could get a chance to speak (seems fair)? Of course that might keep people from speaking as freely, could reinforce the pirate's actions, and will likely drive the moderators nuts! There is probably no correct answer to those questions, I just throw them out for thought ..... Quote
+jeeplife Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 cachew nut sept1c_tank Team GPSaxophone Stunod geospotter beckerbuns Doc-Dean carleenp BrianSnat Gorak Planet scoobie10 Team Og Rof A Klaw SLCDave clearpath Team Geo-Remdation Tsegi Mike and Desert Viking Pantalaimon BrianSnat enfanta Jeepers_Keepers JoeCthulhu Micqn Woodsters Outdoors Strapped-4-Cache StarshipTrooper umc RuffRidr Seneca CT Trampers WildGooseChase The Cache Couple southdeltan breaktrack jeeplife Quote
+sept1c_tank Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 quote: I think there is a limit on how many people can be invited to a private topic. I believe the limit is 23 plus the topic starter. ==============="If it feels good...do it"================ **(the other 9 out of 10 voices in my head say: "Don't do it.")** . Quote
+trippy1976 Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 Added my name back in after ruffridr. I got squeezed out by an in-between post. see newer post for list. -------- trippy1976 - Team KKF2A Assimilating golf balls - one geocache at a time. EDIT: Put in the others that got skipped too. Quote
+cachew nut Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 Darn 23 people limit! What should we do? Quote
+Team Tecmage Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 Hmmm, Add us to the list: cachew nut sept1c_tank Team GPSaxophone Stunod geospotter beckerbuns Doc-Dean carleenp BrianSnat Gorak Planet scoobie10 Team Og Rof A Klaw SLCDave clearpath Team Geo-Remdation Tsegi Mike and Desert Viking Pantalaimon BrianSnat enfanta Jeepers_Keepers JoeCthulhu Micqn Woodsters Outdoors Strapped-4-Cache StarshipTrooper umc RuffRidr Seneca CT Trampers WildGooseChase The Cache Couple southdeltan Pluckers Team Tecmage Quote
+trippy1976 Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 cachew nut sept1c_tank Team GPSaxophone Stunod geospotter beckerbuns Doc-Dean carleenp BrianSnat Gorak Planet scoobie10 Team Og Rof A Klaw SLCDave clearpath Team Geo-Remdation Tsegi Mike and Desert Viking Pantalaimon BrianSnat enfanta Jeepers_Keepers JoeCthulhu Micqn Woodsters Outdoors Strapped-4-Cache StarshipTrooper umc RuffRidr trippy1976 JoGPS leatherman Seneca CT Trampers WildGooseChase The Cache Couple southdeltan breaktrack Pluckers Team Tecmage -------- trippy1976 - Team KKF2A Assimilating golf balls - one geocache at a time. Quote
+trippy1976 Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 might make more sense to gather in official chat and talk openly. -------- trippy1976 - Team KKF2A Assimilating golf balls - one geocache at a time. Quote
btouch Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 cachew nut sept1c_tank Team GPSaxophone Stunod geospotter beckerbuns Doc-Dean carleenp BrianSnat Gorak Planet scoobie10 Team Og Rof A Klaw SLCDave clearpath Team Geo-Remdation Tsegi Mike and Desert Viking Pantalaimon BrianSnat enfanta Jeepers_Keepers JoeCthulhu Micqn Woodsters Outdoors Strapped-4-Cache StarshipTrooper umc RuffRidr Seneca CT Trampers WildGooseChase The Cache Couple southdeltan Pluckers Team Tecmage Btouch Quote
ju66l3r Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 Topic Tangent (i.e. don't respond or start a private thread with me, but since 2 people have commented, I thought I'd clear some air): quote:Originally posted by Kealia: FYI - I'm just catching up but but to be clear, this is NOT me although the avatars are obviously close. My avatar is no closer to your's than Criminal's finger to the dog's face is to Jeremy's (consider it homage). If anyone has confused the two, they need a lesson in reading comprehension. I saw a funny flash video today and it reminded me of your avatar, so I screen caught it. The novelty of it will probably wear off in a few days. In the meantime, I put the link to the funny flash video in my sig, in case you or anyone else wants to watch it. http://www.nedevett.com/gollum.swf Quote
+carleenp Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 quote: might make more sense to gather in official chat and talk openly. Well, I was thinking that the chat room could be interesting tonight, so I'll probably drop in at some point. I'm not sure that pointing fingers at people would be very appropriate during the Monday official though. Quote
mckee Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 quote:Originally posted by carleenp:AS UMC noted earlier, apparently private topics are limited to 23 people. So perhaps several should be started with some cross over of people who will be authorized to cross post between threads? Or, does the response here mean that perhaps it should just be public where anyone accused could get a chance to speak (seems fair)? Of course that might keep people from speaking as freely, could reinforce the pirate's actions, and will likely drive the moderators nuts! There is probably no correct answer to those questions, I just throw them out for thought ..... http://outbreakcorp.hypermart.net/animation/pokemon/pokeanim3.gif I suspect it will leak out onto the public forums anyway, as that's how people work. Throwing accusations isn't going to solve anything, and it certainly won't find out the Final Truth regarding "who it is." My suspicion is that the topic will merely be thrashed out in the public forums at the end. -------------------- Searching for the lost, Geocache....... Quote
+planetrobert Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 cachew nut sept1c_tank Team GPSaxophone Stunod geospotter beckerbuns Doc-Dean carleenp BrianSnat Gorak Planet scoobie10 Team Og Rof A Klaw SLCDave clearpath Team Geo-Remdation Tsegi Mike and Desert Viking Pantalaimon BrianSnat enfanta Jeepers_Keepers JoeCthulhu Micqn Woodsters Outdoors Strapped-4-Cache StarshipTrooper umc RuffRidr Seneca CT Trampers WildGooseChase The Cache Couple southdeltan Pluckers Team Tecmage Btouch SirRalanN Now where did I set my GPS??? planetrobert.net Quote
+woof n lulu Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 quote:By the way, has anyone else noticed a few "regulars" that have not posted on this topic at all? Wonder if this means anything or just a hunch? hmmmm I was wondering the same thing.... southdeltan That is how the witch hunts started...remember some people work for a living ....sheeeeeeeesh Quote
+robert Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 I wouldn't mind knowing, but after it's been proven. Not enough time to spend on speculation. ~robert www.CacheGear.com Quote
+charis_sophia Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 Good afternoon! I do not need to join the private topic, but would like to go on record with a plea for that thread. Please, when you are discussing remedies for piracy, please be clear on which proposed remedies belong with which activities. Remember that you have different groups of people with different agendas on these various activities. The pirates on piratecaching.com are different from pirates who do not follow their rules are different from vandalous geo-muggles are different from thoughtless cachers are different from . . . (you get the idea). If you lump all of these together, any remedy you come up with will not change the behaviour you are trying to change. Please also be specific in what you are trying to prevent. Generalizations such as "people messing with my cache" are not helpful. You have to define "messing with". You also need to consider what the problems are by geographical region. The issues in AZ are likely not the same as the issues in BC are not the same as WA are not the same as NJ, etc. You might consider a private thread by region rather than a general one. Please be thoughtful about what you are doing. I know your feelings and/or belongings are hurt. It is perfectly understandable. That should make you more careful to prevent hurting someone else unintentionally. Good luck! I'm curious to see how it all comes out! Peace be with you! charis Quote
ju66l3r Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 Hey, wait, I've seen this movie before! This is the good part where they all start turning on each other and the only one left alive in the end is the nerd and the beautiful girl! -- http://www.nedevett.com/gollum.swf Quote
+mtn-man Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 cachew nut sept1c_tank Team GPSaxophone Stunod geospotter beckerbuns Doc-Dean carleenp BrianSnat Gorak Planet scoobie10 Team Og Rof A Klaw SLCDave clearpath Team Geo-Remdation Tsegi Mike and Desert Viking Pantalaimon BrianSnat enfanta Jeepers_Keepers JoeCthulhu Micqn Woodsters Outdoors Strapped-4-Cache StarshipTrooper umc RuffRidr Seneca CT Trampers WildGooseChase The Cache Couple southdeltan Pluckers Team Tecmage Btouch SirRalanN mtn-man mtn-man... admin brick mason Quote
cachewidow Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 Ooch, an' t'were just gettin' innerrestin' like, leastways in thisahere's wadders. Ye can castigate me, ifn it suits ye, herself thot t'were a funlike idear. Not like oive ackchully done t' deed meself, ye gots ta be sneeky-like fer that, an' truth be told, I be no good-like cacher like youse good peeples wit a passel o' booty ant'all. cachewidda "Thank you for calling Mom's Travel Service. Guilt Trips our specialty. Where would you like to go today?" Quote
cachewidow Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 caint' work no dashed keyboard neither "Thank you for calling Mom's Travel Service. Guilt Trips our specialty. Where would you like to go today?" Quote
do-not-contact Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 I was so angry when I found out taday that one of my caches disapeared. Now I find out it was done through my account. I know it was my roommate (Kevin Hall). I had an argument with him last week and now he has screwed with everything i'm into on the computor. I went to lake Cushman for a few days to get away from the problems and now I come home to a complete mess. He screwed with everyone on Goecaching,he caused me problems on the Art Asylum boards, left nasty e-mails to playtrek, bid on a ton of stuff with my ebay account, He wrote my mom an e-mail stating that I was coming out of the closet and had a boyfriend.I have no idea what to do about it.I want he out of my house now!! but I just gave him his 30 day notice. Right now I am a angry nervous wreck. I've never had to deal with someone like this. I,m so sorry to everyone about this. It is my own fault for leaving my passwords out.I need to go and change every password and account for everything. If anyone has any good suggestion please let me know. Again I am so sorry about this. Troy Nelson Quote
+Bull Moose Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 posted September 23, 2003 01:40 PM cachew nut sept1c_tank Team GPSaxophone Stunod geospotter beckerbuns Doc-Dean carleenp BrianSnat Gorak Planet scoobie10 Team Og Rof A Klaw SLCDave clearpath Team Geo-Remdation Tsegi Mike and Desert Viking Pantalaimon BrianSnat enfanta Jeepers_Keepers JoeCthulhu Micqn Woodsters Outdoors Strapped-4-Cache StarshipTrooper umc RuffRidr Seneca CT Trampers WildGooseChase The Cache Couple southdeltan Pluckers Team Tecmage Btouch SirRalanN mtn-man Bull Moose Quote
iryshe Posted September 23, 2003 Author Posted September 23, 2003 quote:Originally posted by charis_sophia:The pirates on piratecaching.com are different from pirates who do not follow their rules are different from vandalous geo-muggles are different from thoughtless cachers are different from . . . (you get the idea). I find no difference between activity at piratecaching.com and any other piracy. I believe most people are fired up about all forms of piracy, not just the "bad kind." Frankly there is no active remedy. As before, people have said that pirates will go away if you ignore them. Now its gotten to the point where a contributor says "Hey! I got a bright idea! Let's become "pirates" and show them how to do it right." They then create a web site with its sole identity to "pirate" caches. Forget the unintended consequences of legitimizing the activity and making it "cool" for copycats to do the same thing. Whoop tee do. What a great idea. And worst off, the originator fails to step out behind their hiding spot and say "Hey! I'd be happy to justify my actions!" Instead he continues to hide behind fake domain registrations and stupid pirate names. Jeremy Irish Groundspeak - The Language of Location Quote
+woof n lulu Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 quote:And worst off, the originator fails to step out behind their hiding spot and say "Hey! I'd be happy to justify my actions!" Instead he continues to hide behind fake domain registrations and stupid pirate names. Jeremy Irish Groundspeak - The Language of Location Not only that but they are now pirating peoples names from GC and posting under them over on their own site...this is going to add some messy repurcussions on some innocent people I am afraid Quote
+Breaktrack Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 cachew nut sept1c_tank Team GPSaxophone Stunod geospotter beckerbuns Doc-Dean carleenp BrianSnat Gorak Planet scoobie10 Team Og Rof A Klaw SLCDave clearpath Team Geo-Remdation Tsegi Mike and Desert Viking Pantalaimon BrianSnat enfanta Jeepers_Keepers JoeCthulhu Micqn Woodsters Outdoors Strapped-4-Cache StarshipTrooper umc RuffRidr Seneca CT Trampers WildGooseChase The Cache Couple southdeltan Pluckers Team Tecmage Btouch SirRalanN mtn-man Bull Moose breaktrack Let's try that again..... "Afghanistan was a battle. Iraq was a battle. The war goes on." Quote
+southdeltan Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 quote:Originally posted by woof & lulu: quote:By the way, has anyone else noticed a few "regulars" that have not posted on this topic at all? Wonder if this means anything or just a hunch? hmmmm I was wondering the same thing.... southdeltan That is how the witch hunts started...remember some people work for a living ....sheeeeeeeesh Actually, I'm referring to people who normally post daily (during working hours) and are very vocally in support of the pirates. It is an interesting coincidence they're ALL busy. Of course some of them work and of course most of them are probably not involved. Of course, starting a private topic about this is a lot more like a witch hunt than my comment sd "Man can counterfeit everything except silence". - William Faulkner Quote
+charis_sophia Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Jeremy (Admin):I find no difference between activity at piratecaching.com and any other piracy. I believe most people are fired up about _all forms of piracy_, not just the "bad kind." I respectfully think this is a mistake. I believe there will continue to be no remedy if you treat all the groups as the same with the same motivations. How can you set up disincentives if you aren't aiming at their motives? By the way, I didn't intend to make any good or bad judgements on any of it. If you feel that everything that has been lumped anyuwhere under "pirating" or similar words needs a remedy, that's great. I am simply trying to suggest ideas for how you can be effective. Good luck! Peace be with you! charis Quote
+Team GPSaxophone Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 quote:Originally posted by woof & lulu:Not only that but they are now pirating peoples names from GC and posting under them over on their own site...this is going to add some messy repurcussions on some innocent people I am afraid I took a look over there and saw a post supposedly by Jomarac5. I saw some other names as well from here. I wouldn't trust any of those to be who they say they are. Took sun from sky, left world in eternal darkness Quote
+JoGPS Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 Folks are getting left off the list as it is copied, I started at the top of page four and myself and others are gone now……… Quote
+Sissy-n-CR Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 cachew nut sept1c_tank Team GPSaxophone Stunod geospotter beckerbuns Doc-Dean carleenp BrianSnat Gorak Planet scoobie10 Team Og Rof A Klaw SLCDave clearpath Team Geo-Remdation Tsegi Mike and Desert Viking Pantalaimon BrianSnat enfanta Jeepers_Keepers JoeCthulhu Micqn Woodsters Outdoors Strapped-4-Cache StarshipTrooper umc RuffRidr Seneca CT Trampers WildGooseChase The Cache Couple southdeltan Pluckers Team Tecmage Btouch SirRalanN mtn-man Bull Moose breaktrack Sissy-n-CR Let's see if it sticks this time... CR Quote
+charis_sophia Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 quote:Originally posted by Team GPSaxophone:I took a look over there and saw a post supposedly by Jomarac5. I saw some other names as well from here. I wouldn't trust any of those to be who they say they are. Absolutely right! The webmaster only put controls on that board a couple of evenings ago. The posts with more info under the name are likely more reliable. Everything earlier is suspect. Peace be with you! charis Quote
+Prime Suspect Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 quote:Originally posted by ju66l3r: Who says they aren't? Besides, which is more creative: a completely new idea or another multi-cache? It's not a matter of how many multis..it's a matter of how interesting/intriguing. I'd rather be completely surprised by a pirate's note in a cache (WHEN DONE BY PC.com's RULES), than open just another tupperware container with a few McToys and a Where's George dollar. Don't fool yourself. This isn't a "completely new idea" by any stretch of the imagination. It's just a slight variation on what the "Cache Replacement Team" was doing a year or two back. Remember? (If not, check the archives.) The only difference is that they stayed a local problem, until they got bored and moved on. "Don't mess with a geocacher. We know all the best places to hide a body." Quote
+Mark 42 Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 cachew nut sept1c_tank Team GPSaxophone Stunod geospotter beckerbuns Doc-Dean carleenp BrianSnat Gorak Planet scoobie10 Team Og Rof A Klaw SLCDave clearpath Team Geo-Remdation Tsegi Mike and Desert Viking Pantalaimon BrianSnat enfanta Jeepers_Keepers JoeCthulhu Micqn Woodsters Outdoors Strapped-4-Cache StarshipTrooper umc RuffRidr Seneca CT Trampers WildGooseChase The Cache Couple southdeltan Pluckers Team Tecmage Btouch SirRalanN mtn-man Bull Moose breaktrack Sissy-n-CR Mark 42 [This message was edited by Mark 42 on September 23, 2003 at 02:53 PM.] Quote
+woof n lulu Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 quote:Originally posted by southdeltan: quote:Originally posted by woof & lulu: EXCUSE ME...I did not ORIGINALLY post this...the cache couple did....I quoted them. quote:By the way, has anyone else noticed a few "regulars" that have not posted on this topic at all? Wonder if this means anything or just a hunch? hmmmm I was wondering the same thing.... southdeltan THIS was posted by me...lulu That is how the witch hunts started...remember some people work for a living ....sheeeeeeeesh Answer: Actually, I'm referring to people who normally post daily (during working hours) and are very vocally in support of the pirates. It is an interesting coincidence they're ALL busy. Of course some of them work and of course most of them are probably not involved. My answer: You should have stated this when you posted the original statement to avoid confusion... You said: Of course, starting a private topic about this is a lot more like a witch hunt than my comment I answer: I do agree with this...that is why I did not ask to be on the list... sd "Man can counterfeit everything except silence". - William Faulkner Quote
+Prime Suspect Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 Prime Suspect cachew nut sept1c_tank Team GPSaxophone Stunod geospotter beckerbuns Prime Suspect Doc-Dean carleenp BrianSnat Gorak Planet Prime Suspect scoobie10 Team Og Rof A Klaw SLCDave clearpath Prime Suspect Team Geo-Remdation Tsegi Mike and Desert Viking Pantalaimon BrianSnat enfanta Jeepers_Keepers JoeCthulhu Prime Suspect Micqn Woodsters Outdoors Strapped-4-Cache StarshipTrooper umc RuffRidr Seneca CT Trampers WildGooseChase The Cache Couple southdeltan Prime Suspect Pluckers Team Tecmage Btouch Prime Suspect SirRalanN mtn-man Bull Moose breaktrack Sissy-n-CR And it's so easy! Just send $10 to the name at the top of the list, remove that name and add yours to the bottom. Then post this to 10 other forums. What could be simplier? In no time, you'll be richer than you ever imagined!!! (It was too tempting to resist!) "Don't mess with a geocacher. We know all the best places to hide a body." Quote
+Team GPSaxophone Posted September 23, 2003 Posted September 23, 2003 quote:Originally posted by charis_sophia: quote:Originally posted by Team GPSaxophone:I took a look over there and saw a post supposedly by Jomarac5. I saw some other names as well from here. I wouldn't trust any of those to be who they say they are. Absolutely right! The webmaster only put controls on that board a couple of evenings ago. The posts with more info under the name are likely more reliable. Everything earlier is suspect. Peace be with you! charis You seem to know an awful lot about this whole thing for being so new to the site Took sun from sky, left world in eternal darkness Quote
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