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I know who the pirates are.


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Originally posted by Breaktrack:

Well, I'm going to go out on a limb here and state what I think is obvious. We all knew this sort of thing was a possibility, but we all hoped no one would actually be so immature as to do anything like *pirating* caches. Plunders had already taken place, just not with an organized method, as far as we knew.


I'm now against all pirates. Whether they be *good* pirates, or *bad* pirates, they be pirates! I was in sympathy with some who just wanted to come up with an interesting variation on the game, but it is not a variation, it's now an interuption.


Down with pirating! Down with pirating! Down with pirating!



"Afghanistan was a battle. Iraq was a battle. The war goes on."


I couldn't agree more.



Team A.I.


I usually agree with breaktracks statements, but not this time. If someone is making a bad pirate a good pirate then more power to em. One quick question, would you,

1. Rather see you caches taken and not logged or returned. or

2. You caches moved 100 feet away and returned by the next cacher?

I do not condone moving of the caches, I see why people would be pi$$ed if that happened, but if you had a choice of either losing the entire cache or having it moved a little distance and then replaced by the next cacher which would you perfere?


Originally posted by Xitron:

I usually agree with breaktracks statements, but not this time. If someone is making a bad pirate a good pirate then more power to em. One quick question, would you,

1. Rather see you caches taken and not logged or returned. or

2. You caches moved 100 feet away and returned by the next cacher?

I do not condone moving of the caches, I see why people would be pi$$ed if that happened, but if you had a choice of either losing the entire cache or having it moved a little distance and then replaced by the next cacher which would you perfere?


You make a good point, no doubt, but my point was actually that it has simply gone too far to be made into a *good* activity at this point. If those who want to participate can do so, great, but those who do not want to participate should be respected and left alone. Without question that is my greatest requirement.


However, right now just seems to be a bad time to try and modify the habits of the pirates and tell everyone, *It's okay now, they're tame!*


I'm just not so sure......



"Afghanistan was a battle. Iraq was a battle. The war goes on."


Sigh yep you're right. i think those that do not want their caches looted should have that choice, and those that do want to be involved should place their cache on a list.

Guess what? that wouldn't work. The "good" pirates would respect that and only loot those caches, but the "bad" pirates would continue to loot everyones. I do not think we will be able to stop the pirates, but i do think we may be able to minamize the damage they do. It will never be seen as a good part of geocaching, but I do think it is something we will have to deal with for some time.


Geocaching has become something of a interruption for the letterboxing community - it seems many letterboxes get confused/combined with the abundance of geocaches popping up out there (which greatly overwhelms the number of letterboxes)


Guess some of them might feel pirated by us cachers when that happens icon_razz.gif


Originally posted by MountainMudbug:

Geocaching has become something of a interruption for the letterboxing community - it seems many letterboxes get confused/combined with the abundance of geocaches popping up out there (which greatly overwhelms the number of letterboxes)


Guess some of them might feel pirated by us cachers when that happens icon_razz.gif

I bet they do. We just had a cache placed just 10 feet from an existing letterbox. One of my caches had a letterbox placed within 20 feet of it. Apparently, it goes both ways.



"All of us get lost in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer with a backlit GPSr"





Originally posted by MountainMudbug:

Geocaching has become something of a interruption for the letterboxing community - it seems many letterboxes get confused/combined with the abundance of geocaches popping up out there (which greatly overwhelms the number of letterboxes)


Guess some of them might feel pirated by us cachers when that happens



I bet they do. We just had a cache placed just 10 feet from an existing letterbox. One of my caches had a letterbox placed within 20 feet of it. Apparently, it goes both ways


At least your not stealing their stuff and claiming rights to it.


Originally posted by Dorkus&Co.:




Originally posted by MountainMudbug:

Geocaching has become something of a interruption for the letterboxing community - it seems many letterboxes get confused/combined with the abundance of geocaches popping up out there (which greatly overwhelms the number of letterboxes)


Guess some of them might feel pirated by us cachers when that happens



I bet they do. We just had a cache placed just 10 feet from an existing letterbox. One of my caches had a letterbox placed within 20 feet of it. Apparently, it goes both ways


At least your not stealing their stuff and claiming rights to it.


I'd imagine if someone took your handcarved stamp out of your letterbox, thinking it is a 'trade item', you'd probably consider it stolen


I think I'm going to do a multi with each part of the multi giving one of the numbers to a padlock combination on a cache in a 1/4" thick metal plate box bolted to a multi-ton boulder.


And fill it with happy meal toys!


Originally posted by Xitron:


Sigh yep you're right. i think those that do not want their caches looted should have that choice, and those that do want to be involved should place their cache on a list.



You objected to this for a good reason.


Furthermore, why should I have to opt-out of something? Why automatically include caches?


This whole diatribe is getting nonsensical.


Originally posted by Cholo:

Originally posted by Jeremy (Admin):

I now know who the pirates are,

Sure, they may continue their obnoxious attempt to take this sport to a place most people find abhorrent,


At this point I hope that they will stop. Otherwise I'll start outing the pirates.

smile.gif Jeremy Irish

Well, they're going to be at Wrigley Field in Chicago this weekend. Most people (Sox fans excluded) think it's a very nice place. If you could do something debilitating to the Pirates' balls, it would be appreciated by all Cubs fans. They might even pull some strings and move Boeing back to Seattle. Sounds like a good deal to me. icon_biggrin.gif

Thanks Jeremy. I don't know what you did, but it sure worked. icon_smile.gif


Originally posted by canadazuuk:

Originally posted by Renegade Knight:


Do you think this thread is real?


For the 4049th time, YES, it is real...


RK: You take the blue pill and the story ends. You wake in your bed and you believe whatever you want to believe.


ju: Somebody must have taken the blue pill.






Originally posted by ju66l3r:


ju: Somebody must have taken the blue pill.



Avatar bootlegger, you may take the red pill, and the consequences can be arranged afterwards... (and oh yeah: icon_wink.gificon_wink.gificon_biggrin.gif)


Originally posted by Webfoot:

BTW - that was my first post on this subject and this one will probably be my last.




I came...I saw...I geocached.



Webfoot's a pirate, Webfoot's a pirate, Webfoot's a pirate....?



When everything is comming your way, you're in the wrong lane.


Yep - that survey listed above says I should be a mad scientist as well.



When everything is comming your way, you're in the wrong lane.


Originally posted by Brian - Team A.I.:

A Test for the pirates.

According to that site, I should be a:



Brian, Team A.I.



"I'm not Responsible... just ask my wife, She'll confirm it"

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