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If you leave a condom.....LOG IT! Better yet Don't leave it.

The 4 Childs

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Originally posted by Renegade Knight:

Speaking of condoms my wife called me over and said "check this out" and she showed me these little things all rolled up that looked like condoms but were just too small. Turns out they were 'finger protectors' for her quilting. Go figure.


No wonder they fit so tight. icon_frown.gif

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Originally posted by The 4 Childs:

...I think it is ... unsafe to leave a condom in a cache

This comment made me laugh. I suppose if you put a condom over your head, you could suffocate... icon_wink.gif (the one on your shoulders you silly git!)



"All of us get lost in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer with a backlit GPSr"

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Originally posted by Priscilalepew:

oh.....I forgot something.....I'm apologizing again for the brown bag. the brown bag was neatly folded with brand new "stuff" in it, sealed and taped with a written warning note about the content. And if one of my children would found this cache and asked question, I would feel that it would a good oportunity for me to explain them the "birds and the bees theory"


That is a tactful alternative.

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Originally posted by cmachler:

Are condoms really still adult-themed items? I'm 25 and there are 15-year olds who see way more action than I do. :-)




And I'm afraid to say, it only get worse from there!


Joel (joefrog)


"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for ye are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!"

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First of all, If someone poked a hole in the condom with an AIDS infected needle, the only thing that you would get is a chance of getting pregnant. Aids will not live outside the human body for any real length of time, especially not sealed in an ammo can in B.F.E. for a few months (although, if you ARE dumb enough to "Sheathe the Shaft" with a condom found in a cache, or anywhere but your medicine cabinet or the drug store, you probably deserve it).


Second, if your kid finds it, and you don't want to deal with it, do what I do when my wife asks me a question I don't have a good answer for: PLAY DUMB! Hell, I think this is getting taken way too seriously, people! I wouldn't leave one, I wouldn't use one I found, and I wouldn't recommend leaving one, but I'm not going to petition Congress (or Jeremy) or burn crosses on the lawns of those who do. IT'S JUST A CONDOM.


"I'm 35 Years old, I am divorced, and I live in van down by the river!" - Matt Foley

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You can always use the condom as a waterproof GPS protector. Insert your unit and tie the end! Works best with transparent condoms, some are only translucent. Also best with non-lubrcated varieties. I don't think ribs will have any effect on seeing the screen, but may help you get a better grip on it.


Took sun from sky, left world in eternal darkness bandbass.gif

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Originally posted by Team GPSaxophone:

You can always use the condom as a waterproof GPS protector. Insert your unit and tie the end! Works best with transparent condoms, some are only translucent. Also best with non-lubrcated varieties. I don't think ribs will have any effect on seeing the screen, but may help you get a better grip on it.


Took sun from sky, left world in eternal darkness http://mywebpages.comcast.net/ihazeltine/bandbass.gif


Ribbed for your GPSr's caching pleasure.

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icon_confused.gif I was the dummy one who started this discord! Not copy cat for sure, I didn't even know this is a common item in caches! neither I knew how people feel about this stuff. But just let me tell you this: "the brown bag in this cache was brand new! we actually play with them when they first come from the manufactor and assort them together, we wrapped carefully and count them. I think this little brown bag was more thrusworty than the ones at K-mart of aile 9 @ your local wallgreen, not to mention Walmart. They make great "poodles balloons" and when you're short of cash they also can become "birthday balloons" I didn't hear if I offended the "unbelievers" because in this cache is a bible also. I liked BRAHMIN statetment: "the real place for this condom is on that naked monkey equipped with a full package that cause a little discord"! I had a few experiences last year finding caches, one was around Springdale, AR, after hours of hunting we found "our cache" it was completly empty in a rusted metal container, the only thing in it was a empty can of beer, but I didn't complain, (even thou I had poison ivy and ticks all over me) but to my amazement, I get to visit one of the most beautiful sites I've ever seen, THE THORN CHAPPEL" I didn't even know this place has been there forever no to mention the wonderfull water fall around there, so you see, you might get a little dissappointed in what you found but just think in the wonders that nature has to show you and I suppouse this is the main reason of this hobby. Your kids can easily be explained anything you find if you are really the kind of parent that you suppouse to be. Just be still and seat around and you will understand what I mean.
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I once had a Christmas Tree that was decorated with (unwrapped, new in package) Trojans and Labatt and Bud cans.


We used paperclips through the corners to hang the Trojans and stuck the beer cans on branch tips. With white lights and a bit of tinsel, it was actually a pretty nice tree.


All of a sudden, I feel really old. icon_frown.gif



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Originally posted by Team 5-oh!:

I now log traded items only in the cache log book. As for condoms I really dont see the point of leaving them. Would anybody actually use one found in a cache?


I guess they figured that anyone doing it out in the woods might need it in a pinch?


(would only use a condom to get pregnant because I know quite a few condom babies and not one of my friends has used them successfully up to this point... but that's another topic, too)

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Originally posted by TEAM 360:

Originally posted by Team GPSaxophone:

You can always use the condom as a waterproof GPS protector. Insert your unit and tie the end! Works best with transparent condoms, some are only translucent. Also best with non-lubrcated varieties. I don't think ribs will have any effect on seeing the screen, but may help you get a better grip on it.


Took sun from sky, left world in eternal darkness http://mywebpages.comcast.net/ihazeltine/bandbass.gif


Ribbed for your GPSr's caching pleasure.

That's funny!

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I was the "dummy" who placed the "brown bag" without thinking that it would create a discord. I haven't hear any complaits yet from the "unbelievier" cause I left a bible there too. This brown bag was direct from the manufacture, safer than the one @ aile 9 wallgreen, walmart, K-mart. Why don't you seat quietly and listen to the whisper of nature while hunting and enjoy what mother earth has to offer and leave critisism behind?

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Originally posted by Team GPSaxophone:

You can always use the condom as a waterproof GPS protector. Insert your unit and tie the end! Works best with transparent condoms, some are only translucent. Also best with non-lubrcated varieties. I don't think ribs will have any effect on seeing the screen, but may help you get a better grip on it.

I tried it with a spermicidal one, and the little track-walker guy died.



Well the mountain was so beautiful that this guy built a mall and a pizza shack

Yeah he built an ugly city because he wanted the mountain to love him back -- Dar Williams

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Originally posted by Priscilalepew:

icon_biggrin.gifEvergreenhiker, you are right! they also can be used when you're broke as "birthday balloos", you can make "poodle dogs baloons" or you can even stick one in each of your fingers while you're typing and visiting sexy sites, lol.lol.lol.lol. icon_wink.gif

Actually TeamGPSaxophone mentioned that. I was replying to the statement Team 360 said.

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i'm always interested when people bring up maniacs stalking the land with h.i.v. positive needles clutched in their hands... or perhaps between their teeth.

you know - that's going to be my hiking accompaniament of choice from now on...

come on. that's ridiculous. doesn't happen.




who's got the pig?

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icon_biggrin.gificon_razz.gificon_cool.gifso far I've read two inteligents comments here: one from SLCDAVE who knows that the Hiv virus won't survive the contact with air (good for you Dave!) it will only contaminate you with direct contact from blood to blood or blood to body fluids and that's only if you have an open sore..... and the other one was from Team 360 who knows how to use them to protect your GPS from bad weather and don't forget....you also can use them as "birthday ballons or poodles ballons", this argument is silly and it sounds like the argument someone started about "warmfuzzies" leaving a butt naked pic in his cache, lol.lol. I bet "popupcop" started that mess too, which by the way, I don't think he is a real cop, because "real cops" don't fight with girls....... frog.gificon_biggrin.gificon_eek.gificon_wink.gificon_razz.gif
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Prissy...I am a real cop. My 20 year aniversary was last Friday. If you would read this thread from the beginning, you would see that you, in fact, were not the original subject of this post which started long, long before your placed your cache. I merely looked up this thread and referred you to it in my find log so you could see that not all of us share your thought that condoms are a perfect geo-caching item. You might also note that I have not posted anything on this thread until now so it would be unlikely that I have been "fighting." Thanks for flattering me though...

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This is kinda gross...in fact, it is really gross, but a condom with DNA in it (being somewhat polite here) could be the ultimate signature item...I know, I know...ick...And, definitely said in jest...


The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.---Matthew 13:44


Matt & Julia


To view our online geocaching diary/blog, click here

I wish outer space guys would conquer the Earth and make people their pets, because I'd like to have one of those little beds with my name on it.

- Jack Handey (aka Jack Handy)

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icon_cool.gifI'm on 06 (cooking dinner) 12 it's getting upset worried about 13, he wants me to 18, if I don't come on 19, he will wonder what's my 20. I will have to 21 him. 22 my silly cache, I know it was not original, just silly! Please 23 for next cache.Sorry for 30. If I'm correct my 36 it's OK but I would rather to take a 100. My 60 needs also a 100. Have a good evening. icon_biggrin.gif
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Originally posted by Priscilalepew:

icon_biggrin.gificon_razz.gificon_cool.gifso far I've read two inteligents comments here: one from SLCDAVE who knows that the Hiv virus won't survive the contact with air (good for you Dave!) it will only contaminate you with direct contact from blood to blood or blood to body fluids and that's only if you have an open sore..... and the other one was from Team 360 who knows how to use them to protect your GPS from bad weather and don't forget....you also can use them as "birthday ballons or poodles ballons", this argument is silly and it sounds like the argument someone started about "warmfuzzies" leaving a butt naked pic in his cache, lol.lol. I bet "popupcop" started that mess too, which by the way, I don't think he is a real cop, because "real cops" don't fight with girls....... frog.gificon_biggrin.gificon_eek.gificon_wink.gificon_razz.gif

Actually, I was the one who suggested the waterproof GPS holder icon_smile.gif


Took sun from sky, left world in eternal darkness bandbass.gif

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Originally posted by Priscilalepew:

icon_wink.gifthanks for your great sugestion GPSaxophone! I'm going to carry one of those "nasty things" in my purse just in case it rains while caching.....I bet you really know how to play that sax! icon_smile.gif

Put you lips on it and blow. It helps to wiggle your fingers around it also.


Edit: Did I say that? icon_eek.gificon_rolleyes.gificon_wink.gificon_biggrin.gif


Took sun from sky, left world in eternal darkness bandbass.gif

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Originally posted by sept1c_tank:

So, if condoms had serial numbers, we could log and track them, and see where they've been! icon_eek.gif


===============_"If it feels good...do it"_================


**_(the other 9 out of 10 voices in my head say: "Don't do it.")_**



THey do have numbers on them, of sorts. They are printed with batch numbers and dates and stuff. You just have to roll them out far enough to see icon_biggrin.gif.


When in doubt...hit it with a big hammer.

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icon_razz.gifHey GPSAX, when I blow my CONN sax it turns into a "Condom" then I get really dizzy so I had to wiggle my fingers and change the pad...... when I blow a high note I get a headache but when I blow a lower note it feels much better, but then again, that's part or been a librarian, geocacher nutt and virtual world researcher.... frog.gif
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I have 4 saxes. My favorite is my Selmer Paris Super Action 80 Series II Low-A Bari Sax. (try saying that real fast!)

I also play a vintage 1923 Buescher silver alto and a Monique black and gold curved soprano. I have a Bb Bari that doesn't play, but I don't need it to since I've got the Selmer.

I don't take any of them geocaching as scratches don't easily come out of brass.


I also play the bass guitar, but that's a different thread.


Took sun from sky, left world in eternal darkness bandbass.gif

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Anyone find the title of this thread humorous? ...If you leave a condom...."LOG IT"....hehe


Be glad the condom was in the cache and not used (hopefully)...Imagine explaining to your kids along the way if you saw an used one laying on the ground or hanging from a tree branch. Or even better coming across a couple actually using one in the woods.


My son is 13 and i've censored as much as I can and that I feel necessary. But there are times and things you can't do that. He, just like most of us, learn more at school and from our peers than anywhere else. I have no doubt that he knows what a condom is. He would probably be embarassed if he saw one and would not mention it. If you feel your kids are too young, then you might not want them to open the caches in the first place. As one stated about spiders, there are other things to be concerned about as well. Imagine if someone put a snake in one or if someone didn't close the lid good and one crawled in it.


If your kids see it, don't know what it is and ask you. Then you can come up with something to say, like, it's trash.




As long as you're going to think anyway, think big. -Donald Trump

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Condoms in a cache, i would not use. My kids seeing it, not a problem. I realize that some might have a problem with it, and some think it is funny. What is not funny Woodsters Outdoors, Woody you state in your title that you are Opinionated. Maybe as such you should learn to keep it to yourself. I dont like posting to the forums, but i like reading your replys and seeing your avatar a lot less. Try looking for some caches. That is what caching is about, getting away from the computer. Have a nice weekend all

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Mr Woodster,

I, for one, do not appreciate being accused of not having the ability to close a tupperware container, or ammo box, or worse!!!! of putting snakes in caches. There isn't a cacher I know who would even dream of such a thing!


I have found a used condom at a cache, there were 9 of us searching the cache in Central Park at night. It was gross. I took a picture but for moral decency I deleted it. Condoms, like food are not a good trade item.


Cache you later,



So many caches, so little time.

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