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Release Notes (Website: Progressive release, new Search/Map) - September 14, 2018

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Going to second the request for the return of the list view as well. Sometimes I want to search on a map sometimes I don't.


Love the latest installment giving a lot of the filtering that was missing. Thanks for listening to our feedback.


One thing I see missing if we are only going to have a map view. Is the historical found it caches that are now archived. Previously when filtering "Found" this would show both active and inactive. This is very valuable along with the list view to those of us who data mine our found caches to see if we qualify for challenges.


Keep up the great work. Now if only you'd improve the hiding a cache and getting it published process.


The new map is constantly causing high CPU usage of the browser.

As soon as you switch to another tab CPU usage is back to normal.


This holds true for Firefox and Chrome (actual versions).

  • Upvote 3


I noticed only today that I've been opted in, so here's my first thoughts about the new search:

  • I can see that you work towards getting the features Search, Map, Pocket Queries and Lists closer together; I wholeheartedly approve of this. Displaying Search results on the map was a goot idea, as was putting PQs on the map, and integration with Lists, too.
  • But there's still a long way to go. The Search filters do not give me the same flexibility yet as Pocket Query properties give me, e.g. concerning attributes or publishing dates. Also, there is the caches-along-a-route feature, which can only be done with a Pocket Query. So all in all, PQs are a more powerful tool than the Search, so sometimes I miss things when searching.
  • Displaying the search results, I am now restricted to the Geocaching map, Google Roads ans Google Satellite. I very much hope this choice will be expanded, as I normally use OSM Default and one of the topogrpahic maps with contours of elevation. At lower zoom levels, the Geocaching map does not give me enough details.
  • I'm a little puzzled about the way the interfaces to the game are develping. On the one hand there's the app, specializing on smartphone users, with large controls, fonts and symbols on comparativeley small touchscreens - and not providing all of the features (e.g. PQs are missing). On the other hand there's the website for users with a larger screen and a mouse or such, which could and IMHO should aim at putting a lot of information and controls on one page, with smaller print and smaller controls closer to each other. But what I see is a "smartphonification" of the website, making it unwieldy (examples: the Dashboard (I still very much prefer the old one) and the new My Lists page). Should I use both app and website on a smartphone? Not a good idea, better get all of the functions into the app and consistently optimize the website for computer screens.
  • A minor point: The previous search could display the total number of caches if no filter and no point of origin was applied. I kind of miss that now...
  • ...and while I'm at it: why not integrate Waymarks in some way? I know that many cachers don't like them, but if we want to keep alive that particular dialect of the Language of Location, it probably needs a better website with better maps than it has now.

Kind regards


  • Upvote 4
On ‎11‎/‎2‎/‎2018 at 1:51 PM, barefootjeff said:

Another thing I've noticed is that the cache information panel that appears when clicking on a cache in the map or the list doesn't show who the CO is. Some COs have reputations for very good (or perhaps very bad) caches and it'd be nice to be able to see who's responsible for the one I'm looking at. Also fair's fair, you're showing all the other details in that panel (apart from the attributes) and all the logs so at least give the CO some credit for creating it.

Good catch. They seem to show everything except the owner/placed by. However, when events are in the list, they do show the owner in the summary.


Another bug I noticed is that when events are shown in the list, the date of the event is shown, but my chosen date format preference isn't respected and the date is forced to the MM-DD-YYYY format. The GC code is also missing from events in the list.

  • Upvote 1

Here's another one.


The list will show any caches that are within the current view of the map. One problem is that it includes the area hidden by the sidebar. When you hover over a cache in the list that's located behind the sidebar, you can't see it get highlighted. You can hide the sidebar to view the caches behind there, but then you lose access to the list. The area considered by the list should only be that which is visible to the right of the expanded sidebar.



It should be noted that I'm only pointing out these various bugs for the sake of completeness. I do not agree with the concept used by this new page and most of these issues would likely become moot if/when a new and more useful tool (or tools) is implemented.

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2 hours ago, The A-Team said:

Another bug I noticed is that when events are shown in the list, the date of the event is shown, but my chosen date format preference isn't respected and the date is forced to the MM-DD-YYYY format. The GC code is also missing from events in the list.


This is a big problem for anyone who isn't an American, particulary if the day and month digits are close together. For example, is 5/4/2019 the 5th of April or the 4th of May? For me, it's the former and if I saw an event with that date I'd be turning up on the 5th of April, a month early.

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Posted (edited)

Another reason I prefer a universal yyyy-mm-dd.  No one ever writes yyyy-dd-mm, so if you see the year first, you know it has a logical order and can glean that 2019-05-04 is May 4th, not April 5th, with high confidence :)

Edited by thebruce0
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Posted (edited)
On 11/4/2018 at 11:58 PM, Teuto-Yachter said:

I'm a little puzzled about the way the interfaces to the game are develping. On the one hand there's the app, specializing on smartphone users, with large controls, fonts and symbols on comparativeley small touchscreens - and not providing all of the features (e.g. PQs are missing). On the other hand there's the website for users with a larger screen and a mouse or such, which could and IMHO should aim at putting a lot of information and controls on one page, with smaller print and smaller controls closer to each other. But what I see is a "smartphonification" of the website, making it unwieldy (examples: the Dashboard (I still very much prefer the old one) and the new My Lists page). Should I use both app and website on a smartphone? Not a good idea, better get all of the functions into the app and consistently optimize the website for computer screens.

^This 1000x ^This


I also agree with The A-Team in his summary of issues.

Edited by Hynz
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Posted (edited)
6 hours ago, thebruce0 said:

Another reason I prefer a universal yyyy-mm-dd.  No one every write yyyy-dd-mm, so if you see the year first, you know it has a logical order and can glean that 2019-05-04 is May 4th, not April 5th, with high confidence :)


Yes, that'd be fine but it really needs to be consistent across the site. They already have a date format preference setting which is honoured on most pages, except I see the Friend League is showing American-style dates when you click on someone to see the breakdown of their points, and now this.

Edited by barefootjeff
  • Upvote 1
Posted (edited)

1) please add an Openstreetmap Mapnik layer!
2) the page Javascript takes about 14% of CPU constantly on my PC, all the time, even if don't touch my mouse or keyboard. Once I switch to a different browser tab the CPU usage goes down to nearly 0%.
3) as already someone mentioned, you display basic cache data and recent logs on the left after clicking a cache icon but you forget the CO name which often tells me more about the cache quality than anything else.
4) open the cache page (link "More info") in a separate browser tab and do not leave the map which the browser had a hard time loading and rendering.
5) I am playing with the filters. Everytime I change something and click "Done", the map is updated (which is OK) and the filters are replaced with the cache list (which is not so OK) so I need to open the filters again and eventually scroll down (to the "Not found by" and "Hidden by" fields). That is inconvenient. I'd prefer to get back to the cache list manually by clicking the left arrow icon once I'm done with filters adjusting.
6) the "Geocache name contains" field searches only from a word beginning e.g. if a cache has "Czechoslovakia" in its name you can find it with "czech", but not with "slovakia" (example)
7) if I accidentally click in the location field, a drop-down with "Home location" or "Current location" pops up covering the "Filters" button which I was just about to use. Intuitive clicking outside the location field does not help. I have to choose either option or enter text which I do not have to submit but anyway, that's not user friendly.



I would actually love if the "geocache name contains..." field supported regex. :rolleyes: We could deal with diacritics in cache names (e.g. "t[rř]e[sš]n[eě]") this way.


But in general I like it.


Edited by Pontiac_CZ
  • Upvote 2

I'm also seeing a constant CPU usage of between 20 and 25 percent on a 4-core processor whenever the tab showing the map/search page has focus. This suggests it has a thread running pretty-much flat-chat, which is likely to be a problem for anyone using a battery-powered device like a laptop.

  • Upvote 3

Thanks Pontiac_CZ and barefootjeff.  My laptop shows 20-49% CPU when on the new map and slows to a crawl for some time. The previous map was a quick peak of around 15% returning to a more usual 5%. I thought I was imagining this. I hate to think how much data it needs every mouse move. 


  • Upvote 2

I am opted-in only from a few days ago - I like many of the new zoomable map search features but issues noticed so far that definitely need to be changed:


(1) "FILTERS" not available on the main (first) screen - also cache "LIST" moved to second screen

Following introduction of the new map search, "FILTERS" is no longer available when you first call-up the map search feature. Almost ALWAYS "filters" are needed when using this search feature, so the "FILTERS" button SHOULD be displayed on the first screen as in the previous version. With the new version, the user needs to click "go" (box usually empty) and only then can "filters" be selected on the second screen. I almost never use the main search box, needing to select multiple filters.

I preferred seeing included caches LISTED on the main (first) screen - the new version main screen looks like adverts rather than features and requires moving to the second screen before caches are listed.


(2) Drop-down "Loading geocaches" message on map search is really annoying

This drop-down message is really annoying, constantly appearing & disappearing - particularly annoying when the map is being used on a phone. Visually appears to be like a 'flashing' image. Would be better to have a small symbol in a corner that whirls whilst loading (like a mouse pointer in Windows).



Desk-top PC running Windows 10 and iPhone 7 Plus running 12.1 with browsers Firefox Quantum (63.0.1 32-bit) and Google Chrome (70.0.3538.77 Official Build 64-bit)

Geocaching map search tool.jpg


For us it's not an improvement. 

Why can't I open a cache description by clicking on the Icon on map?

How can I toggle my found caches on and off? Old version just one click, new version: 1 click on filter, scroll down, 1 click on not found, 1click on done. Not really a simplification :-(.

What I really would like would be a toggle to switch between listing cooordinates and corrected coordinates regardless if I found the cache or not.

How do I show the results of my pocket queries on the new map? That is one of the most used funktions on the old map for me.

How do I recognise my ownes caches on the map?


Please work on improvements and not on deleting funktions.

I really apreciate to use more robust program coding and speed improvements. However if the tradeoff is a loss of funktionality I will opt out permanently, like on the dashboard.

  • Upvote 1
Posted (edited)

I got the option to try the new map this morning. I was very excited, however I've got a problem - the map does not appear. Instead I get a blank white screen. No error messages, no text. Just blank. I'm using Chrome Version 70.0.3538.77 (Official Build) (64-bit) on a very old macbook pro, so please tell me that the new map experience does not require the ability to run WebGL.

Edit: It seems to be working fine with Firefox, so it must be a browser setting issue with my Chrome.

Edited by Mineral2
Posted (edited)

First of all, I would like to say, that I really like it! With some bugfixes and improvements, it will be superb.


Here are some comments from me at this time, sorry if something has been mentioned before:

  • I’m missing a tab with Pocket Queries, that I’m using really often. If you do not plan to implement this, it can be replaced with next point.
  • It will be useful, if I can predefine some filters and save them - real life scenarios: “Caches that has not been found in Czechia”, “T5s in country that I have not found” etc.
  • I don’t understand, why filtering is on server-side, if it could be on client-side and will be much more faster, real time. All data are already in clients browser, so it is useless to download them again.
  • I’m not happy with vector maps. It’s slow even if I have rocket machine, and CPU load is high. The data load is on average higher then classic map tiles, so I don’t see improvement in this. I could be a choice, but not a primary map.
  • In filtering, I’m missing a choice “has not been found” in Cache status, and also filtering by favourite point percentage.
  • I think, that at search textbox could be a dropdown with two choices – places / caches. For searching places or for searching caches by name or GC code. Off course, support for diacritics will be welcomed, not only for Czechs, but all German speaking countries and any others.
  • Description, hint, logs etc. in side bar after click on cache is useless. I think, that it is confusing and it doesn’t respect any UX rules. After a while, I must say that this is probably a question of habit.



  • dropdown at search box is not disappearing after some actions.
  • owned caches are not marked with a star.


I’m looking forward for any improvement. Thanks

Edited by Y&MD
  • Upvote 1

Further testing has picked-up following issues from user's point of view:


(1) Owned caches are NOT identified with owner's "star" icon on Geocaching map (shows normal icon) BUT Google Road & Satellite Maps DO display as "star" (bug)


(2) User's choice of map should be "remembered" (requested feature)


(3) "Sort" choice for 'List' of caches is too limited (i.e. Favourites, Newest, Oldest) - definitely needs two "Distance" choices: (a) from 'Home' and (b) from current 'Map Centre' (requested feature)


(4) After selecting "Filters" should NOT automatically revert to list - when satisfied with choices on the map, the user should manually click 'finished' (requested feature)


(5) 'Filter' search box: "Geocache name contains..." only searches using beginning of a word, not within a word in the cache name (e.g. name = 'Prestwold Amble #27' - finds caches with 'Pres' but not 'wold' (bug)



I hope the development team are reading and noting user's comments! Better still accept the suggested changes!!


Hi there,

here are my insighst for the new map:

First of all, generally I love it. I was always kind of sad that the map and the filter are not in one. 

Also the "quick view" of the cache details is brilliant and helpfull.

What I would love to have changed:

1. the most annoying thing for me is when you select a cache and you want to go to the cache details via "more info" button it opens in the same tab, I would prefer these to be opened on a new tab.

2. I would love some option for either user defined default filter (for example I usually like to see only "not found" caches, so I would have this filter as default for sure) or maybe some option to save my filters (stuff you check regularly so you do not need to click all the details every time) so I can have these predefined and used by one click.

3. if the predefined filters is not an option, I would at least vote for the one click filters on the previous map (hide my finds, hide all traditional...etc)

4. the search field should also be able to find by cache name, not only location.

5. And another thing I miss in filters here is an option to add location to filter and for all the "county challenges" it would be great to be able to search also by county. I know it is possible to search by this but this will only center map on the county or city and I would like to be able to filter it this way and only see caches in that county for example.


Thanks :)

On 11/9/2018 at 8:39 AM, PlasmaWave said:

(5) 'Filter' search box: "Geocache name contains..." only searches using beginning of a word, not within a word in the cache name (e.g. name = 'Prestwold Amble #27' - finds caches with 'Pres' but not 'wold' (bug)

This is now possible. ?

I'm hardly missing a sort by distance and a raise of the arbitrary limit of 500 caches.
A raise of all limits (PQ, Bookmark lists, maps and map search) to a reliable 5/6000 would be nice.

A Send to GPS (with a raised limit of course) directly from the map would make a lot of sense as well. Specifically when on holiday.

Settings (map type, last filter) should be sticky.




With the new view, I like the ability to see recent logs for a cache without having to open the cache page. If I'm picking out a couple caches to view, it's nice to be able to easily see if the cache has been found recently or if it has a string of DNFs.


I can see options to view Google Road Map and Google Satellite. Please add Google Terrain. Getting an idea of the lay of the land is helpful and sometimes I want Google's map data specifically rather than OSM.

Posted (edited)
On 11/9/2018 at 7:39 AM, PlasmaWave said:

(5) 'Filter' search box: "Geocache name contains..." only searches using beginning of a word, not within a word in the cache name (e.g. name = 'Prestwold Amble #27' - finds caches with 'Pres' but not 'wold' (bug)

HHL - Hans said: This is now possible. ?



Re HHL (Hans) ... Partial name search is not working for me when tested again 11/11/2018 ...

Edited by PlasmaWave
missing quoted item

(1) When viewing "Filters" on an iPhone 7 Plus (i.e. large screen) in portrait, using any browser (e.g. Safari/Chrome), the "Sort by ..." feature is NOT displayed at all - have to turn phone 90 degrees to landscape to see the sort list menu (Bug) ...


(2) Ref Han's HHL comment on "Geocache name contains ..." - I have confirmed partial word search in cache name is NOT working on both Win 10 PC and iPhone ... it only searches for START of a cache name.

Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, PlasmaWave said:

(2) Ref Han's HHL comment on "Geocache name contains ..." - I have confirmed partial word search in cache name is NOT working on both Win 10 PC and iPhone ... it only searches for START of a cache name.

NO. It works. Keyword is "Hamburg":



Edited by HHL

The new maps lack detail, they have no distance scale, the search facility is hopeless, and in the wrong place.

Searching a location with many known caches, only brings up a few, as the distance from origin appears to be set at 1 mile.

Please leave them as they are, they are excellent here in the UK using The Open Street Map (default) option.

There is a well known saying "If it isn't broke, don't fix it", something HQ would do well to remember in several instances !!!! 

  • Upvote 2
On 8 november 2018 at 8:46 AM, PlasmaWave said:

I am opted-in only from a few days ago - I like many of the new zoomable map search features but issues noticed so far that definitely need to be changed:



(1) "FILTERS" not available on the main (first) screen - also cache "LIST" moved to second screen

Following introduction of the new map search, "FILTERS" is no longer available when you first call-up the map search feature. Almost ALWAYS "filters" are needed when using this search feature, so the "FILTERS" button SHOULD be displayed on the first screen as in the previous version. With the new version, the user needs to click "go" (box usually empty) and only then can "filters" be selected on the second screen. I almost never use the main search box, needing to select multiple filters.

I preferred seeing included caches LISTED on the main (first) screen - the new version main screen looks like adverts rather than features and requires moving to the second screen before caches are listed.



(2) Drop-down "Loading geocaches" message on map search is really annoying

This drop-down message is really annoying, constantly appearing & disappearing - particularly annoying when the map is being used on a phone. Visually appears to be like a 'flashing' image. Would be better to have a small symbol in a corner that whirls whilst loading (like a mouse pointer in Windows).




Desk-top PC running Windows 10 and iPhone 7 Plus running 12.1 with browsers Firefox Quantum (63.0.1 32-bit) and Google Chrome (70.0.3538.77 Official Build 64-bit)

Geocaching map search tool.jpg

We notice trouble with the tiles at the first screen. When we select a tile we got an annoing white screen. We can do any thing any more. Who can help me out with this.


Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, PlasmaWave said:

(2) Ref Han's HHL comment on "Geocache name contains ..." - I have confirmed partial word search in cache name is NOT working on both Win 10 PC and iPhone ... it only searches for START of a cache name.

NO. It works. Keyword is "Hamburg":


HHL - Hans ... you are searching for "Hamburg", so yes it finds any caches containing a word within the cache name starting with "Hamburg". You try the same search but enter "burg" ... only caches STARTING with a word beginning with "burg" will be displayed (probably find none). The problem is their search cannot find partial words like any normal search engine.

Edited by PlasmaWave
  • Upvote 2

What I do and I do not like about the new maps.

  I had no warning about the new system being tried out. I have a message box, but don't believe I ever got a message from headquarters so was surprised when I came to the website and found myself with this new system and no trace of the old. Couldn't figure out what was going on so went to the forums for help. I was directed to the release report about the new system.

  Ok, so on to my opinion about the new system...since you asked. As a cache hider I'm concerned that people are not going to look at the cache page. The information they show about the cache in the description on the new map page at times seems limited from the original.  Sometimes it is imperative that they look at the info on the original cache page (not that they necessarily do anyway) because that is where I put notes with things they need to be cautious about like property lines that could get them in trouble if they cross them, places where they are not permitted to park or anything that might be dangerous like a big cliff drop off near the cache, etc.. I'm not sure whether that info is transfered in the description on the new map page . For my cache, James Fenimore Cooper's Town, it left off the short description which tells how the cache works. Not sure if the short descriptions for any of my caches were included.  Looking at the size of the new map cache information it seemed maybe you were trying to make it more in keeping with something that can be used (size-wise) with the phone apps. (I don't own a smart phone. I have a Garmin GPS.)

  My caches don't show up as stars on the new map. Had to click on several smilies before finding it.

  When I put my zip code, 13820,  in the search box for caches one came up. We have more than one cache at that zip code. When I put Cooperstown's zip code, 13326, in it said it had no matching results, but then I moved the map around until I found some. Apparently if the map opens up to an area where there are no caches you have to move the map around until some show up. That could be confusing.

  I do miss having a listing of the caches for an area. If I am searching for a cache it seems a lot easier to find on a list, but then when I make a list of caches that I need to look for I usually make that list using the map anyway rather than the cache listings. I am so glad the map shows ALL the caches as I move along a route so I don't have to try to figure out how to see those caches where the route extends beyond only that area that shows caches.

I guess if I still want a printout of the cache page (With my Jame's Fenimore Cooper's Town cache I tell people to bring one) then I have to go to the original cache page. I don't see any way to print things out from the new map page.

  It seems the hints I had encrypted on the original cache page are not encrypted in the hint on the new map page. For that matter nothing is encrypted.


  • Upvote 1
51 minutes ago, Luckless said:

For my cache, James Fenimore Cooper's Town, it left off the short description which tells how the cache works. Not sure if the short descriptions for any of my caches were included.


Good catch. I see the Short Description is left out on all my caches where I've used it, and in most of those prior to a year ago when that field was removed from the cache creation page, I used that as an introduction to the cache, often with some helpful information for searchers. That, along with the decision not to show attributes anywhere, has the potential to expose seekers to dangers they would otherwise be made aware of.

  • Upvote 5

Okay, I've been reading this thread but hadn't been able to see the new search until today so this has probably already been covered but I don’t honestly remember.  I was doing a search of all caches by a particular cacher.  On the current/old system there are 27 caches, 4 of which are currently disabled and I get a list of all of them.  When I do a search using the new system, I get shown 2 caches.  What gives?

7 hours ago, barefootjeff said:


Good catch. I see the Short Description is left out on all my caches where I've used it, and in most of those prior to a year ago when that field was removed from the cache creation page, I used that as an introduction to the cache, often with some helpful information for searchers. That, along with the decision not to show attributes anywhere, has the potential to expose seekers to dangers they would otherwise be made aware of.

That's disappointing.

Seems everybody using the short description as an introduction to the long description is now forced to rework the description and to delete the short description.

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Sorry this is long, I have only looked at it a little here and there and have been trying to keep a list of my likes and dislikes.  I still don't like it.


I do like that when you highlight a cache it shows the location on the map. 


I'm glad see the "send to Garmin" feature is back, now I have to try it to see how it works.


I do like that you brought back the ‘Geocache name contains’ but I can’t seem to get it to work unless that cache is already on the map.  I have had people tell me about a cache in another state or in another part or my state and I used to look them up that way (still do in the very old search), also to be able to look for specific ones for challenges. I also still search ‘found by username’ and ‘hidden by username’ in the really old search – I’m glad that is still available.


The sort by pull down only lists FP, Newest, Oldest, is too limiting, what happened to last found and I am sure I am missing some.  As long as you are changing it how about sorting by cache owner.


I do miss the sort by distance so if I want to see 10 miles or 25 miles from my home all in that view is shown.  (From anywhere actually) But I also like that the map refreshes as I go to a new area, I don’t know what the best solution for that is.


After reviewing the cache info and you go back to the map it is zoomed all the way in and you have to go through everything all over again (zoom out the map to see more caches, put the map back to the one you were using if not using the default one) And what happened to out other map choices?  I liked before with more map options, especially the map that showed me county names and lines, and city outlines.  Also there is no scale on the Geocaching map, can that be added back and is there a way to have that be in standard and not just metric?


I liked the old way of indicating an owned cache of mine, I've noticed my hides have a star on the cache list on the left but the map icon shows the usual green unfound icon, please put the star back on all maps.


I agree with Twinklekitkat: you should provide the same filtering options as before. Not remove functionality.  


The pocket queries tab is still there, how come I can’t access it anymore?


I so wanted to opt out of the new search, but I didn’t have time yet to look at it much to see what I did or did not like about it but now I see I can opt out and still try it again if I want to.


Being able to map bookmark lists will be wonderful!



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Here's an aspect of the new search that just really doesn't seem to be useful. I want to see what new caches there are in my area, so I zoom and pan the map, select Sort by Newest and add a filter to exclude Events, giving me a bunch of 500 caches.




But which of these are actually new? Were they all published in the last week or are some many months old? The list in the left panel doesn't show the hidden or published date, nor does the summary panel if I click on one of the caches. Even the list of logs doesn't help if there've been more than eight since publication, as clicking on View All Logs actually opens the full cache page and, if I then try to go back, I end up with a zoomed-all-the-way-in map centred on that cache, with sorting by favourites and my filter wiped, meaning I have to go right back to square one again.


With the old search this was trivial, just set the origin and radius, exclude events, click on Hidden Date to set the ordering and all the information is shown right there in the list.

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3 hours ago, barefootjeff said:

But which of these are actually new?

Not to dispute your point, which is, of course, quite valid, but this isn't the first time on the website where I've had to look at the GC code to get a feeling for how new a geocache was.

3 minutes ago, dprovan said:

Not to dispute your point, which is, of course, quite valid, but this isn't the first time on the website where I've had to look at the GC code to get a feeling for how new a geocache was.


Fair point, except of course in the list view you can't see the full GC code - in the bottom three on my screen shot, all that's visible is GC7 which puts it sometime after early 2017.

The marking of own caches and solved puzzles is not the same in the map and the list. It is not clear in the list, which puzzle has already been solved. It is not recognizable in the map which cache is your own.




9 hours ago, barefootjeff said:

Fair point, except of course in the list view you can't see the full GC code - in the bottom three on my screen shot, all that's visible is GC7 which puts it sometime after early 2017.

Yeah, I noticed that, but I consider that a different, and somewhat stupider, problem.

  • Upvote 1

When I am working on the map I often open a page, and come back to the map for another page (eg caches), etc. On the old map this was easy, where every link opened a separate page. On the new map this is frustrating, as every link open in the same page. Yes, I know that shift-click opens in a new window, but given that the map is specifically designed to make it easy to access multiple caches, it should, well, make it easy to open multiple caches.

  • Upvote 1
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Posted (edited)

1. I opted out of the new map system.

2. It might be a coincidence (I just got new monitors), but I'm suddenly noticing the current map looking very washed out. (I can see road names, but not the roads themselves.) If I change to satellite view, everything is dark enough, but I'd still prefer seeing the plain map.


Is this a problem at my end (i.e my set-up)? Or are others experiencing it?


EDIT: houses on the roads are also very washed out (in map view.)







2018-11-13 20_53_56-Window.jpg

Edited by geoBirder
added screen shot

Interesting. I guess it is my monitors. Looking at the screen shot above on my iPad, the white roads are viewable. Where on my PC they are not at all. 


Hello All,

i like the basic design of the new map. However, I miss the possibility to hide already solved but not yet found mysteries. Already in the old map I missed the filter "DON'T show geocaches containing..." to hide all BONUS caches when searching for interesting mysteries.
But the missing Openstreetmap made me go back to the old map display for now.


I like the new map and the way the drop down list appears on the left, also the list changes to the cache details when selecting a cache which reduces the number of steps needed  to get the information needed. 

I am also looking forward to the new updated app for my android phone, if the navigation aid works as detailed this will be a great inprovement.


Hi all,


I just wanted to take a moment to share some a quick update we rolled out for the new map and search experience.


Today’s update includes:

  • GeoTours toggle in the filters and sort panel

    • Toggle this on to see only caches that are part of GeoTours!

  • Fixed a bug with the newest cache sort not properly sorting newest placed caches

  • Fixed a bug with opening/dismissing the left hand list view menu on the map

  • A newly designed list item:

    • GC Code and Favorites are moved above the cache name

      • GC code will no longer truncate

    • New fully tested and validated display of the the difficulty, terrain and, size attributes




As I mentioned in the previous update and post, this is what we are continuing to work on.  

  • Lists - specifically the ability to map bookmarked Lists.  The major work on this is close to completion. We are polishing and nailing down edge cases.

  • Multi-select control from the list view on the map.  

  • Search and sort by distance

  • Edit default zoom levels for specific use cases

  • Decoupling the search results list and map - this is a very common request!




  • Upvote 5

Hi Brendan,


just wonder where the PQs are in your to-do-list? As well as the ability to show more than 500 caches. In my area there are thousands of caches within a few miles so showing just 500 isn't enough :(

I really rarely use filters, I'm relying on PQs that I defined long time ago and that work for me for years now. I also need them to get the caches to my GPS device and not being able to use them any longer on the maps would really kill my geocaching experience so I'm looking forward to see that feature in the new maps.
Until then I absolutely need to stay with the old style!




  • Upvote 1

I appreciate continuous iteration on making the map better.



Today I was looking for some future events to attend in my area through map. 

I noticed that preview of Event does not tell me most important information - DATE WHEN will Event happen. I have to click Description & Hint and scroll to find it out.

There's some work to do.




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Posted (edited)

The new map is not trustworthy. As others have noted, it doesn't show all the caches. What's strange to me is the inconsistency between zoom levels - at least in my test case, it gets WORSE when you zoom in. Changing from the GS map to Google Roads changes the display of the geocaches, i.e. it shows the ones I own, but it does change which caches are shown. Obviously, my example is using an area with a lot of corrected coords showing, or so you'd think. In fact, in EVERY case, the cache shown as corrected coords (and has corrected coords on the individual cache page) is depicted at the PUBLISHED coords location. Using my wife's account (since she was smart enough to no opt into the new map), all of the current caches show, and her corrected coords caches show at their corrected coords rather than their published coords. (But I'm not going to show you those!) 


Map 1 is significantly cropped so that approximately the same land area shows in each screen shot. Map 1 is the most zoomed out, and shows all 13 of the question mark caches. Map 2 loses three of the caches, while map 3 (GS) has lost seven of the caches even though it is the most zoomed in - where you'd expect to have the MOST detail. Switching to Google Roads (or Satellite) shows the same caches, but now indicates which ones I own. Meanwhile, the old map shows all of the active caches in the depicted area no matter the zoom level.


I don't want to whine, but I do wish that GS improvements would be tested by active, involved geocachers who are experienced testers, and submitted to usability reviews BEFORE they're rolled out.

Map1 GS.jpg

Map 1


Map2 GS.jpg

Map 2


Map3 GogRds.jpg

Map 3 Google Roads


Map3 GS.jpg

Map 3 New GS map


Old Map.jpg

Old Map, zoomed in.

Edited by JustFindingOurWay
labeled screenshots
  • Upvote 2
On 11/4/2018 at 1:04 PM, Die Batzen said:

The new map is constantly causing high CPU usage of the browser.

As soon as you switch to another tab CPU usage is back to normal.



for opera too


Bonjour à tous,


Premiers petits tests rapide et feedback pour les amis:  

Ca semble pas mal du tout cette affaire. Tout est sous la main, de la création d'une liste au log final.

Le bouton "Plus d'info permet de retrouver une présentation de la cache plus traditionnelle.

Je ne vois rien qui choque et comme c'est en test, ça nous promet de belles choses.


Une critique négative, parce qu'il en faut au moins une ?

La carte est plus lente, plus lourde. L'affichage est saccadé. Je mets ça sur la phase de test en cours.

Voilà pour les news du jour.




Translated with GG


First quick tests and feedback for friends:
It does not seem that bad at all. Everything is at hand, from the creation of a list to the final log.
The button "More info allows to find a presentation of the more traditional cache.
I do not see anything that shocks and as it is in test, it promises us beautiful things.


A negative criticism, because it takes at least one ?
The map is slower, heavier. The display is jerky. I put this on the current test phase.

 So much for the news of the day.

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