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Release Notes (Website: Progressive release, new Search/Map) - September 14, 2018

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BUG ... Totally WHITE SCREEN when ZOOMING-OUT on SEARCH MAP using Firefox Quantum


On 8th December I noticed this bug for first time after it was described by another user ... the "white screen" happened when zooming-out on the map (Firefox Quantum 63.0.3 (32 bit) browser plus a Windows 10 Desktop PC). If I clicked the browser 'page refresh', the "Loading Caches" message and part of the upper background appeared briefly before returning to the "white screen" of death. Had to start from scratch in a new tab via "Play >> Search". Chrome did NOT show this issue.

Latest "Map Search" update on 20th December followed a couple days after Firefox Quantum 64.0 (32 bit) browser update was applied. Hoped between the two updates this bug might have been resolved, but same "white screen" still occurs when the map is zoomed-out from the default level. If the "+/-" buttons are used to zoom-out, the "white screen" happens on/after the third click of the "-" button and same "white screen" appears when using the mouse wheel to zoom-out (again, third click). Tried clearing/disabling AdBlocker for the site and re-instated trackers, etc, but the problem persists. As earlier, the "white screen" does NOT occur when using Chrome, where I can zoom 'out/in' using "+/-" buttons or the mouse wheel to any zoom level without problem.


Is anyone else experiencing this issue with Firefox?

On 12/21/2018 at 8:29 PM, Windstorm+ said:


I wasn't part of the original group, but a while later, I think they opened it up to everyone. The way I get to it is by starting a search (I have to hit the search button and it gives me a list of caches). Once the list of caches comes up, there's also a blue ribbon near the top of the screen with a link to "Go to new map."


Thank you Windstorm+ - I now have it

On 12/20/2018 at 8:21 AM, TeddyTheToad said:

Is it possible for you to amend the behaviour so that the search automatically updates after you drag the map or zoom out? It's going to get tiring (mentally!) to hit the 'Search this area' button every time you adjust the view. Perhaps you need a 'browsing the map' option as well as a 'search results' mode. I often just want to browse, starting centred at my home location without a specific search in mind.


Searching (and displaying the results on the map) when starting at a specific location then viewing contiguous section of the map is just one use case where refreshing automatically would work better.  However, one might also start with the map centered on ones home location (and see caches in that area) but want to view the map at some other location far away.   In that case, I would not want the map to search automatically as I re-center to some other location.  For example,  if I am going to be traveling to the other side of the country (or another continent)  I will zoom out quit a bit so that I can recenter the map to, for example,  Rome, Italy.  When I move the map from the U.S. to Europe, "searching automatically" will display cache icons that completely cover the map and make it difficult to see where Rome is on the map.  In that case, I want the map to be clear of cache icons until I've zoomed into the specific area where I want to start browsing/searching.  The way I've seen this implemented on other sites is to have a "refresh results when moving the map" checkbox that can be checked when moving the map large distances.  

Posted (edited)

I keep peeking in at the new map to see how it's progressing.  I'm still not finding it very useful for the way I like to plan things, but I have seen enough times that that is how the new tools at Geocaching.com start, and eventually they become more useful, so I have faith.  I haven't read through the whole forum to see everyone else's comments, but I thought I would point out what I consider to be the biggest deficiency. There is no way to specify a radius like in the old search.  To me this is the most fundamental feature.  I know I will be at a certain location, show me all the caches in a 2 km, 5 km or 50 km radius that meet my criteria.  Am I missing it somewhere?  You can sort of alter the search radius by zooming in and out of the map and hitting 'search here', but this seems to jump too dramatically between zoom levels to be useful. 


It would actually be even more useful if I could specify the number of search results I wanted (show me the closest 10, 20, or 30 caches to this centre point that meet my criteria), but I realize that goes beyond even the current search abilities.



Edited by m0bean

I’m new to the forums but I’ve gotten much more into caching this year. With this new update, I’ve noticed that when I have a list mapped, scrolling in or out moves the placement of the icons. I primarily use my iPad for browsing and I’m on iOS 12.1.1 using Safari. I’ve included a couple screenshots showing what I’m talking about. I have the same cache selected but it appears in the middle of the lake on the second shot. It’s been happening for a while and not improving so I’m finally taking it to the forums. Anyone else have this issue?




I've seen that on my account. I suspect it's just a matter of the zoom level: when the map is zoomed in it shows a more accurate location of the cache, and when zoomed out, it's very very close, but not on the spot. That's my best guess.


I was just randomly opted-in to the new map/search. So far so good. Everything looks fine. 


Feedback so far. I use MS Edge by default
1) The list of caches on the left-hand side shows everything I want to see EXCEPT the distance from my "location" (ie Search point). It's odd that this is missing as the list can be sorted by distance, so the information is present - just not displayed - see Capture 1 (attached). Also see Capture 2 (attached) which also doesn't show the distance

2) Refer to Capture 2 (attached). When I click on the "back" arrow, nothing happens! I can't return to the main list (this problem only occurs when using MS Edge - Chrome and Firefox work fine!)

Capture 1.JPG

Capture 2.JPG


Well, I'm happy to say that the new mapping experience finally works for me. Whatever the problem was, it was fixed with a Chrome update.

I'm just going to add my 2¢, much of which has probably been discussed as long as this thread has become.

1. Let me start by saying Thank You (again) for making a more interactive map and search experience. I know back in the days of Opencaching, this was more of the format they had and it was quite efficient. This new map is getting there, but still needs some work. For those of us with older computers, the new map is quite resource heavy. I suspect with newer hardware, it'll run a bit smoother. But still something to consider.


2. Let's talk about aesthetics. There's a lot of unnecessary and wasted space in that side bar. Can we eliminate some of that padding, and maybe only display the cache name along with its small type symbol to display more caches in the list on a single page, letting the rest of the details become visible when clicking on a cache or its name. We don't all have large screens to work with. So let's minimize the amount of wasted space.

3. Auto-refreshing. I think this was initially part of the new map? At any rate, it's kind of a pain to have to click the refresh button on the map after zooming or moving the map. Maybe some users like it. Can we add automatic refreshing and make it an option that can be turned on or off by the user?


4. Raise the 500 cache limit. At least to the 1000 caches limit to make the search compatible with pocket queries and lists.  


5. Pocket Queries and Lists. Next to the filters button, perhaps we need another button to let us select lists and PQs to view/preview on the map. Also, the old map had the option to use the map view as a start for a PQ. I think with the new map and the filters, we have the opportunity to make that feature even better. But first it needs to be brought to the new map.


6. Selectability. It's nice that we can bulk add the results to a list. But sometimes we just want to select specific caches and bulk add them to a list, as we did in the old search results page. Please bring this option back.


7. Old search results page. As great as the new map is, the old table format for search results had its benefits too. I think both formats complement each other, and both should be available for users to have at their disposal.

8. Direct download of search results. This is one of the features that made Opencaching great (of course, the rest of the site/service was terrible and unable to compete with geocaching.com). The results on the map/list could be downloaded in bulk as a single GPX file on the fly. I feel this should be one of the goals to accomplish here. Adding to a list is great, but directly exporting the search results to a file on the GPS would streamline the process. 

  • Upvote 4
3 hours ago, Mineral2 said:

8. Direct download of search results. [...] The results on the map/list could be downloaded in bulk as a single GPX file on the fly. I feel this should be one of the goals to accomplish here. Adding to a list is great, but directly exporting the search results to a file on the GPS would streamline the process. 

Definitely +1

  • Upvote 1

I really do like the map mode - the old map was very frustrating to navigate, and I feel the new map mode lets me enjoy the things I like about the map on my app, now on my laptop.


That being said, I DO very much miss the "list mode" as well - and enjoy being able to search "regionally" and within certain specific filters.


For example:


If I'm trying to see if I qualify for a challenge cache that asks about favorite points, it was very easy for me to search without a location for "Caches I've Found" and then sort by favorite type. Right now, I have to either:


Go to "My Profile", click on Caches, All Caches, and then sort by favorite points or request a pocket query. There are a lot of other examples of this, just things that you can't do because all map searches have to have a location.


Again- LOVE the map though!


Also, is it possible to "Toggle" back and fourth between the new test items and the old? I don't want to opt-out of seeing new features, but once I've seen them and tried them (and, in this instance, miss some of the old features). I fear if I click on "opt out", I will no longer be considered for the tests. Thanks!


1 hour ago, jens985 said:


Also, is it possible to "Toggle" back and fourth between the new test items and the old? I don't want to opt-out of seeing new features, but once I've seen them and tried them (and, in this instance, miss some of the old features). I fear if I click on "opt out", I will no longer be considered for the tests. Thanks!


You can opt-out and opt-in as many times as you want it is no longer in the test period. But you arent the only one that asked to be able to have both.


I am still waiting before trying this new maps experience that began 3.5 months ago because I want more than 500 results in my search.


  • Upvote 1

There are benefits to both, as I've described earlier. Having both wouldn't be a Bad Thing. The old one is best for quick worldwide browsing without details search filters.  The new is good for plotting search results visually.  The list view (assuming it makes a comeback) is the 3rd option for view a search result.  Having all 3 available would be ideal, IMO. And I see no reason why that would be an issue (as long as the old map isn't being phased out for problematic technological reasons).

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18 hours ago, JRMFam said:

I REALLY dislike having to click on Search this area. Why can't we just zoom out and see them? Then I'm limited to 500 in a view, it's a very poor experience...



Ugh, it's terrible- I don't mean to be dramatic but searching my home State for caches used to be fun, now I'm limited to 500 block segments- sometimes I just want to zoom out and zoom into an area but now I can ONLY see 500?


Edit 2: added Screen shot






Because it acting just like the old SEARCH function. Prior, you had to specify a search criteria, click Map These Geocaches and you got a map display with the SEARCH results. If it didn't look "right" you had to redo your search criteria and remap everything. Now the SEARCH filters and map are on the same page.

Do not confuse the new SEARCH map with the current VIEW map. With the VIEW map  you can pan around and it will reload the caches as you move.


I haven't tried the New Search Map in a couple of weeks (I opted out after trying it for a month)......


Looking at how I use the Search Map and View Map, I tend to use the View Map more often for two reasons: viewing Pocket Queries and the additional maps (I use the Topo Map a lot). If both of those were integrated into the Search Map,  I'd probably be more inclined to use the New Search Map.



I actually like the MAP Search,

BUT i have one major Problem: When i zoom or zoom-out with my mouse wheel, the step from one zoom to the next if far to big.
(from my town one zoom-out step on the Wheel, shows whole switzerland)
the only browser which behaves OK is Opera,

I tried it with FireFox, (my default) / Chrome / Hedge
any Issues here ?

Posted (edited)
21 hours ago, JRMFam said:

I REALLY dislike having to click on Search this area. Why can't we just zoom out and see them? Then I'm limited to 500 in a view, it's a very poor experience...



Ugh, it's terrible- I don't mean to be dramatic but searching my home State for caches used to be fun, now I'm limited to 500 block segments- sometimes I just want to zoom out and zoom into an area but now I can ONLY see 500?


Edit 2: added Screen shot



This! Soo much! Its terrible when youre trying to scan a bigger area, which i do pretty much every time i look at the map. Thats the main reason why im not even bothering with the new map. Second thing is that its painfully slow to load anything. I want it quick and lagfree, the new map is not by a long shot. Old one is smooth and fast.

Edited by !Lux
  • Upvote 2

Once again, if you treat the new map like the search result plotter, it makes more sense. The problem is the presentation that confuses people.  It works too much like the old browse map so people expect to see all results all the time. That's not how this one works.


Think of the mobile apps. Many searches will show results on the map, but you tap a button to expand the search results, or start a new search in a new location and clear the other results.


One of the issues is this mechanics seems to work better, and make more sense, on a mobile device. On desktop we're used to the see-everything-and-browse functionality, but with fewer filtering options.  Now with more filtering options, it's an attempt o merge both map styles... It still needs some UX work.

On 12/23/2018 at 5:51 AM, PlasmaWave said:

BUG ... Totally WHITE SCREEN when ZOOMING-OUT on SEARCH MAP using Firefox Quantum


On 8th December I noticed this bug for first time after it was described by another user ... the "white screen" happened when zooming-out on the map (Firefox Quantum 63.0.3 (32 bit) browser plus a Windows 10 Desktop PC). If I clicked the browser 'page refresh', the "Loading Caches" message and part of the upper background appeared briefly before returning to the "white screen" of death. Had to start from scratch in a new tab via "Play >> Search". Chrome did NOT show this issue.

Latest "Map Search" update on 20th December followed a couple days after Firefox Quantum 64.0 (32 bit) browser update was applied. Hoped between the two updates this bug might have been resolved, but same "white screen" still occurs when the map is zoomed-out from the default level. If the "+/-" buttons are used to zoom-out, the "white screen" happens on/after the third click of the "-" button and same "white screen" appears when using the mouse wheel to zoom-out (again, third click). Tried clearing/disabling AdBlocker for the site and re-instated trackers, etc, but the problem persists. As earlier, the "white screen" does NOT occur when using Chrome, where I can zoom 'out/in' using "+/-" buttons or the mouse wheel to any zoom level without problem.


Is anyone else experiencing this issue with Firefox?


I'm still seeing this "bug" with Firefox Quantum ... are the developers aware of this bug and will it be resolved?

Posted (edited)

Really like the cache 'identification' feature ... i.e. place cursor over a cache on the list and a blue circle appears around that cache on the map. Makes it very easy to identify caches on the map. Is this new? haven't noticed it before!

Edited by PlasmaWave
On 9/21/2018 at 2:08 PM, The A-Team said:

I'm not part of this test yet, but based on what I've seen in this discussion, I agree. Adding the filters directly to the map page is a great improvement, but there are many reasons why someone might want to use the list page (easier scanning, lower data usage, more data visible, etc.). Both should be available and linked together (ie. do a search in list view and click a link to switch to the map with the same filters applied, and vice versa).

Agreed on all counts.

There were good uses for the older 'list' page with its check-boxes.

It used to be possible to right click and open up a full cache page from the list without disturbing list position.

Scrolling down to a cache, opening it, and retreating to the 'new' list forces the result back to the top of the list, not where you were when you opened the cache info.

It was much easier when looking for a particular cache within the list, especially by GC code, to have the list available for a browser search.

  • Upvote 2

I would love to see the list page remain.  I have tested the new map and the map function is improved but there are several things missing which I can no longer do.  I don't see a way to search on the caches with the oldest find date.  I love to cache using older find dates and I cannot find a way to do so in the new layout.  The list allows me to search by find date.  I also like the sorting in the table view as I can quickly sort caches by placement date, favorite points or distance.  I have not found an easy way to print the list of caches and the map and the printing format seems limited.


Other members have mentioned the functionality in the list page - please leave it as an option.

  • Upvote 1
Posted (edited)

Improvements to the new map are slowly and surely coming and making it better. Today I notice there are more sorting options, which makes me happy. There's (at least) one more sorting option that is missing... sorting by date of last find. This was available as a field in the old table view and was valuable for seeing which caches have had recent activity, and which caches have been waiting years for a visit. Cachers do use this information - recent finds mean a cache is probably in good condition and therefore good to go after. And then there are people like me, who like to seek out lonely caches and give them some love and a check-up visit.

I'll also make the observation that when you click on a cache, either in the list or on the map, the preview information in the side bar contains a lot of good information. But nowhere in that sidebar does it actually list the user name of the cache owner.

Edited by Mineral2

On the cache "preview", can you add the date the cache was placed? Currently it only shows when the cache was last logged.

When you add the "placed date" it will do 2 things: (1) show the event date if the cache is an event (2) the placed date for non-event caches.

I am aware the recent activity is  shown in the same column but  it would be more efficient to see certain info together "at a glance" rather than in different screen locations.


As a previous commenter noted, the "last logged" does not mean anything since it can be any log like a note, DNF, Found, Maintenance etc. "last found" is more appropriate.


Back in November, I and several others reported that the Description panel that appears when clicking on Description & Hint doesn't include the content of the cache's Short Description field, but there's been no response to indicate whether this is by design or a bug. Now I see that the deprecated Short Description field is being reused in Event caches to show the start and end times, but because the search's Description panel doesn't include that field, this new time information isn't visible anywhere in the search results. The screen shots below are from the full cache page and the search's Description panel:



  • Upvote 1

What happened to the link to open the full cache details page? I noticed it was added to the action icon which was an improvement, but now that's gone and replaced by the checkbox.


All I want to do is scroll through the list of caches and quickly open desired ones with a single click (not open mini details and then click More info).

  • Upvote 1

Dear Lackies,

I've got to hand it to you for the speed with which you are able to integrate some of our suggestions. I made mine on Saturday and already there are new sorting options that include the date of last find, and there are check boxes so we can manually bulk add to a list. Perhaps these were already on your to-do list, and/or they were trivial to add, but thank you. I know you won't be able to handle every request, but we're grateful for the ones you can.



Tried the new search map again... back to the old search map.

Something that is still an issue.... On the old search map, when I use filters for caches with corrected coordinates and map the geocaches, the caches are marked correctly (CC Icon, Found It Icon, DNF Icon, etc). On the new search map, the Found it and DNF Icons weren't displaying properly. All caches had the CC Icon.

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