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Let's create the lamest cache ever!

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I know there is always people gunning for the BEST but I think we should attempt to do the opposite and create the lamest....


My idea:


The Setting would be at a Walmart parking lot in a small town (20 thousand or less) the town has no significant importance as far as history or anything worthwhile to visit the cache would be hidden under a light post skirt...the cache itself would be an empty tic tacs container with the log sheet made from the receipt (a previous suggestion by several cachers on here).........now all that would obviously make it lame but I want this to be MEGA LAME...I would accomplish this by hyping it up on the cache page saying how it's one of a kind.....I would then add and beg my friends for favorite points and to leave extremely over the top entheastic reviews of the cache in their logs...this would build up anticipation and then BAM tic tac LPC at Walmart.


I know it's lame but can we make it lamer?

Edited by Dan2099
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Add pictures of something beautifull in the environment, so they will expect some nice and quiet place, but then bamm walmart :rolleyes:




I know we all will probably never meet but I think for each person who helps with suggestions I will add their name saying they helped on "the build" that would probably also build up the anticipation...

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Add pictures of something beautifull in the environment, so they will expect some nice and quiet place, but then bamm walmart :rolleyes:




I know we all will probably never meet but I think for each person who helps with suggestions I will add their name saying they helped on "the build" that would probably also build up the anticipation...

Yea, i will probably never get the chance to log this one :(, you probably live in the USA :o!


An other idea, you should post it on april fools day! :laughing:

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Posting on Aprils fools day is a dead give away. I just thought of something else. Post on the cache page there is a FTF coin, but its actually one of those plastic gold coins that are a dozen for a dollar.. Also Get a few friends with extra fav points and have them drop a couple onto it.

Edited by ghosthunterlogan
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No no. Add one of those chocolate coins wrapped in gold foil. Make sure it's a hot day out so it melts. Don't mention the size and drop some geocoins and TB's in but don't leave them at the cache. Make sure it is labeled but spell geocache wrong. take the co-ords about 10 feet away from the cache. Make sure it is in plain view of the main doors.

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Dunno. Think BrianSnat beat you to this idea by four years. No Redeeming Value: NJ's Worst Cache

Park at the strip mall, walk through the construction debris, trough mud and poison ivy and sticker bushes. To find a Scottish Oats container in a rock pile, with a minimal, torn log sheet, and the TB was missing!

You're going to have to work hard to beat that one!


Basically the same except I want people to see the cache page and think "whoa I gotta find this cache!" I am wanting the allusion of a super awesome cache that's one of a kind.

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Posting on Aprils fools day is a dead give away. I just thought of something else. Post on the cache page there is a FTF coin, but its actually one of those plastic gold coins that are a dozen for a dollar.. Also Get a few friends with extra fav points and have them drop a couple onto it.




Anyone I give a +1 if you like gets a special thank you on the cache page for helping build the most epic cache.

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Sure if you want you can add me to the page. Ill be dropping more ideas as I come up with them. heres another one, Go to all the Lamp posts near Ground Zero, and add a Fim can micro with a note inside that says "Not the Cache keep looking."

Edited by ghosthunterlogan
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I know it's lame but can we make it lamer?


Don't forget to use "soft" coordinates to "make it more of a challenge." 50+ feet off recommended. Add something like "use your geosense" to the description.


Also, put a small sponge into the container (inside a mini-ziplock) to ensure a wet logsheet.

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I got one and here its. http://coord.info/GC2K4QY


Its 2 feet from sidewalk and 4 feet from a major road (alot of traffic) and last, right next to Good Will. I will say this, I placed that cache before Good Will moved in to the hood and yep, it did made hunting for it without be seen all the harder.


I am really surprise how long this cache lasted! Right out there where everybody can see YOU hunting for it!

Edited by SwineFlew
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  2. Use a hard charcoal pencil to draw some mildew on the log sheet.
  3. Make sure the log sheet stays wet.
  4. Crack the container.
  5. Add some black dollar store slime to the container.
  6. Occasionally spray the outside of the container with fast tack so that it is sticky.
  7. Keep lacing the hiding spot with sugar to attract ants.

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There's a duplicate of that up here: NRV


The CO challenges finders to only log a note instead of a find.


Amazingly, it has 138 finds on it. As the CO states, resistance is futile!


I love it, someone logged that one and called it a "confidence builder" :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


I think that's great that people can find something positive to say about almost any cache

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Use all the intimidating attributes like Dangerous Area, Poisonous Plants, Snakes, Falling Rocks etc. Or don't use any attributes at all.


Use lots of colorful text on the listing of different sizes and fonts. And instead of typing it and using HTML, make the whole thing a big .PNG file to thwart people with mobile devices. Then add an actual photo of the location but Photoshop nice scenery into the background.

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I'd make it a multi (5+ stage) or an ultra hard puzzle cache. Make em work hard for this broken, sticky, dirty tic tac container.


I was going to say make it a series, place one in each corner of the parking lot if it's big enough. Make sure that at least one of them blocks the placement of a nice cache in the local park.

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ask for favorite points,

and note you will delete all "TFTC" logs,

and you will check for names in the log, if not ok you delete,

and note it as a TB hotel,

drill hole in LPC so all water go into cache

put a dog poop under the LPC too, just to add a natural smell for the area.

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To be even more lame, the following are a must:


1) coordinates off by about 30 meters

2) speeling misteakes on the cashe page

3) bad hint such as "why would you need a hint?"


+1 for #3 and #2


There are people around who actually defend worthless hints such as no. 3, because they say it tells them it's an easy cache, and they shouldn't overthink it. For a truly worthless hint that exhibits cluelessness for the instructions "if you don't have a hint, leave it blank", you must type the word "none", which encrypts to abar. :P


This needs to be in a totally garbage-filled area of the WalMart grounds. Which if anyone ever complained about, you could give them the automatic response "well, did you CITO?" However, I don't think Sam Walton, Inc. allows this to happen on any of their properties. Wholesome family atmosphere, and all that stuff. B)

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I know there is always people gunning for the BEST but I think we should attempt to do the opposite and create the lamest....


My idea:


The Setting would be at a Walmart parking lot in a small town (20 thousand or less) the town has no significant importance as far as history or anything worthwhile to visit the cache would be hidden under a light post skirt...the cache itself would be an empty tic tacs container with the log sheet made from the receipt (a previous suggestion by several cachers on here).........now all that would obviously make it lame but I want this to be MEGA LAME...I would accomplish this by hyping it up on the cache page saying how it's one of a kind.....I would then add and beg my friends for favorite points and to leave extremely over the top entheastic reviews of the cache in their logs...this would build up anticipation and then BAM tic tac LPC at Walmart.


I know it's lame but can we make it lamer?


Forget the tic tacs container. Write "Offishal Geocash" on the back of the receipt then wad it up and throw it under the cover.

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Dunno. Think BrianSnat beat you to this idea by four years. No Redeeming Value: NJ's Worst Cache


There's a duplicate of that up here: NRV


The CO challenges finders to only log a note instead of a find.


Amazingly, it has 138 finds on it. As the CO states, resistance is futile!


As I would have predicted before even clicking on the link, there are several n00b "TFTC" logs or "easy P&G" logs from people who oviously never even read the cache page. :)



Dont forget to place it within 1/10 of a mile from a historical point, or other POI...thereby forever denying any acess for other caches to the place...oh yeah! Who needs a civil war site when we have WallyWorld.


Awesome idea, if it can be done!!!


You know, in all my years of Geocaching only once have I ever seen a turd block out "good caches". Someone who was originally from the area but moved somewhere else dropped a "vacaction cache" on a visit home. It was a keyholder on a Town Park Nature Trail sign. It was the first cache in this entire park, and blocked the first 528 feet of the trail from having a cache. That's long gone, snd sure enough, there is a .30 cal ammo box cache 300 feet into the woods now. :P

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1. Forget the Tic Tac container, make it look like a pipe bomb. With a fuse and everything. And don't put it under the skirt, strap it in plain sight to the pole itself Some nice collateral damage for the bomb squad.


2. Choose the light pole closest to the entrance.


3. As long as you're making a pipe bomb, put a little LocTite on the threads before you put the caps on, and screw them on as tight as possible with a pipe wrench. Then delete any and all online finds for not signing the log.


4. Disable it as soon as it is published with an Owner Maintenance log saying you'll have it back up and running as soon as you have a chance (which of course you never do)


5. Place it at a WalMart at least 2,000 miles from your home location.


6. If you decide not to do #3, place a disposable camera in the cache and encourage finders to take a picture of themselves. Then, when the bomb squad inevitably becomes involved, anonymously forward the FTF's picture at the cache site to the police as a "person of interest".

Edited by Chief301
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Aren't there enough bad caches? This thread should not be allowed to continue.


I'm pretty sure that this thread is about describing all the attributes of the lamest cache ever and not a suggestion for anyone to place another lame cache. This thread should continue as it's becoming a pretty good summary of what makes a lame cache. I suspect that most of the readers of the thread know it's not an endorsement for placing lame caches and most cachers (with the exception of Briansnat :ph34r:) don't want to place a cache with No Redeemable Value.

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Building on what someone else said, make it a multi that leads to 4 or 5 lampposts around the parking lot. And don't make them go in order. Have the finder do maximum walking around the parking lot. And put the final in a lamppost on the other side of the street.

Edited by Academy61
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Dunno. Think BrianSnat beat you to this idea by four years. No Redeeming Value: NJ's Worst Cache

Park at the strip mall, walk through the construction debris, trough mud and poison ivy and sticker bushes. To find a Scottish Oats container in a rock pile, with a minimal, torn log sheet, and the TB was missing!

You're going to have to work hard to beat that one!


Sad thing is that a number of logs stated that they had found worse.

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Dunno. Think BrianSnat beat you to this idea by four years. No Redeeming Value: NJ's Worst Cache

Park at the strip mall, walk through the construction debris, trough mud and poison ivy and sticker bushes. To find a Scottish Oats container in a rock pile, with a minimal, torn log sheet, and the TB was missing!

You're going to have to work hard to beat that one!


Sad thing is that a number of logs stated that they had found worse.


What's worse than a cache with "No Redeeming Value"? How about a power trail of caches with "No Redeeming Value"?

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