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Challenges: Now that they are released

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Folks who vote up or down should be required to post a comment about why they voted that way. Mine has one completion (which I know to be legitimate) and 5 (edit: 7 now) down votes, but I have no idea why those 7 didn't like it.


I suspect that some silly folks who just don't like the whole concept are spending their day voting them all down.




I voted it down because it isn't location specific. The action can be completed anywhere and as I understand it these are supposed to be location specific unless they are a world challenge created by Groundspeak.

Thanks for your input, it is always appreciated! I would just note that the Challenge Cache my Challenge is based on is not location-specific either. Anyone anywhere who has found all 81 D/T combinations can log a find on it. Not sure then why my Challenge would need to be location-specific if the cache itself isn't.


I like this usage of the challange caches better than the kiss a frog, hug your dog things. At least there is a legitimate tie into geocaching. Not necessarily location specific but it does incorporate the core activities of the hobby.


I didn't do the other challenge caches where you do the challange and find the cache since they were all far away from me. This is nice because I could log that I completed the challenge without having to drive 200 miles and find a film canister in a tree on top of it.

Not unless they are location specific and you can see them on a map - and they show up in PQs.

List a specific benchmark, not "find any benchmark". That's location specific. Whether you can see challenges on a map and if they show up on a PQ, that's up to Jeremy, who apparently aren't that interested in what we think.


Well, Here's my "First" Impression of Challenge caches.


1) They are NOT to confused with A Challenge Cache(i.e. Delorme, Fizzy, Steaks, etc...)

2) I will only publish a few. 1 near home, and 1 as an extension to my Favorite Earthcache(One I own as well)!

3) MANY will come and go, but a few will turn out to be good.

4) Read this in the FAQ:

"So is this a virtual geocache with another name?


Yes and no. Although Challenges can serve as a virtual cache replacement, they offer many more options. You can think of Geocaching Challenges as a combination of virtual, challenge, and locationless caches. The basic idea, "go somewhere, do something," can find expression in many different forms."


My response to 4) is verry Simple. FAIL! Bring Back Virtuals - as VIRTUALS, Bring Back Locationless - as LOCATIONLESS, and Create a new Category that would be a Challenge Cache. NOT Challenge caches as virtuals/locationless, but one that a Challenge Cache has to have a Physical Container and have all the requirements of all other regular caches as well as Clearly Defined requirements to log the cache as a find(By the Owner). Thus we could SOLVE the "I Created a Challenge cache, but its not a Regular, or Multi... so it gets stuck with a measly ? for its icon.




So far, based on reading the guidelinesand seeing one published for my area that I really don't understand the specifics, I think I'll pass for the time being. That said, I really enjoyed and would like to see the "old" style virtual caches return.


P.S. Is logging your own challenge acceptable?

By definition, even if I created it, I do not own it. I have no responsibility for it, nor can I take any even if I wanted to. Of course I can complete it.


Bad form went out the window once I kissed the frog and it added to my tally.


I would just like to put my 2 cents worth in on the subject of Challenges. If things don't get better, there will not be any finds from me. I have been trying for the last 3 hours to get a challenge completed to see what happens. I am still waiting. My internet keeps locking up. My screens just sit there with a little wheel turning waiting for something to happen.


Yes. Completely freezes up my computer. So, I guess I'll never try to log one of these. Hope the 'ignore' button works.

Is somebody going to be working the night shift at the Lilly pad to monitor all this foofaraw?

Why bother? Jeremy wants it, and nothing anyone says is going to change his mind, apparently.


(yes, this is my passive aggressive way of protesting his unwillingness to listen to feedback on the "don't bother giving feedback" site)


I think the whole idea of challenges is ridicules, it is not real caching at all, and it will be open to fraudulent misuse to boost your find count.

If we must have them, why can't there be a seperate listing of finds for challenges vs actual cache finds, without having to do it manually?


Seriously tho.. I thought this would be based off a gps , and have the elure of a virtual, but that is not happening fer sure, but think that soon will change, as I am sure by now they GS has heard a lot of feed back by now!


Given that people are making suggestions on the feedback site that challenges should move to a separate site or at least not count toward total finds, and those suggestions are being declined within an hour or so, while they're still racking up hundreds of votes, I would not bet on that.


Maybe I'm wrong, which is why I'm not cancelling my premium membership yet.


Don't know about the US? but here in Belgium April Fools Day is still far off! A bug in GC date-system?

I hope I wake up tomorrow and this seems to be a bad dream!


This has nothing to do with 'geo'caching ... where's the 'geo' in this game?


I just won't do a challenge unless it fulfills my criteria of being like a cache. If it takes me to some place and makes me see something, then I'd be willing to log it and take the smilie....


So far this is the best response I've read. I have only seen 2 or 3 challenges, since almost all the others everyone is linking to have been archived, and apparently there are none near me, so I can't say anything good or bad about them. But as almost all the forum regulars' mantra goes "just because it's there doesn't mean you have to do it." Who cares if someone else' smiley count goes up. I don't see how (I may be overlooking something) a bogus log will affect you, it's not like a missing cache has been logged as found and you decide to go find it now.


It's if very strange for me to be on this side of the argument, I almost never like change and usually resist it to a fault. :laughing:


If I may, I think that the challenges being put out right now are basically folks kicking the tires, seeing how it works, etc. I think there will be some very interesting challenges once people digest the idea more; geocaching itself has been made far more interesting (for me, anyway) with the inclusion of "unknown" caches, Wherigo (even though it really hasn't taken off much), even events. If challenges (puzzles, Wherigo, events, letterbox, earth caches) aren't your thing, that's cool, it's all good; the only reason to do any of it is to have fun.


As far as I can Figure, Tehy are not showing up on PQs Yet... and Heck, they don't even show up in SEraches off the /seek page yet...


The Steaks

Not unless they are location specific and you can see them on a map - and they show up in PQs.

List a specific benchmark, not "find any benchmark". That's location specific. Whether you can see challenges on a map and if they show up on a PQ, that's up to Jeremy, who apparently aren't that interested in what we think.


What I meant was, when I can see the challenges on the beta map and they show up in PQs, if I like what I see there, I'll be interested in creating a trig point Challenge or two. (A bench mark is not a trig point, but a trig point pillar in the UK usually has a benchmark on the side.)


I can only shake my head in disbelief.


Totally pathetic.


Well, perhaps not TOTALLY...but like whymarks it will take much more effort than is justified to find the worthy ones.


There was a time when a cacher would proudly boast that they had never logged a virtual.


And now is the time when a cacher can proudly boast they have never 'played' a favorite, and have never touched a 'challenge'.


Beam me up Scotty, there is no intelligent life down here.


If I may, I think that the challenges being put out right now are basically folks kicking the tires, seeing how it works, etc. I think there will be some very interesting challenges once people digest the idea more; geocaching itself has been made far more interesting (for me, anyway) with the inclusion of "unknown" caches, Wherigo (even though it really hasn't taken off much), even events. If challenges (puzzles, Wherigo, events, letterbox, earth caches) aren't your thing, that's cool, it's all good; the only reason to do any of it is to have fun.

Agreed. I wasn't around for the earliest days of geocaching, but I imagine the game wasn't born fully formed the first day.

Posted (edited)

This is the sort of thing I think was intended:



Interesting object, nice writeup with the history, goal related to the object. Very virtual-like.


According to Jeremy in the podcast, a third type will be introduced that will be even more virtual-like, in that you won't know what it's going to be until you're there.

Edited by Dinoprophet

This is the sort of thing I think was intended:



Interesting object, nice writeup with the history, goal related to the object. Very virtual-like.


According to Jeremy in the podcast, a third type will be introduced that will be even more virtual-like, in that you won't know what it's going to be until you're there.

Yes I've seen two great challenges in the last 10 minutes. There is hope!




It's rather evident that there seems to be a fair amount of angst about this new feature. :laughing:


As such, I imagine that Challenges will be a hot topic and will be discussed at length with the numerous lackeys in attendance at the Block Party this weekend. I hope that the in-person discussion about the good and bad aspects of this initial rollout don't take too much away from what is supposed to be an awesome time for those attending. By the same token, I hope that the feedback given doesn't fall on deaf ears (similar to the feedback threads) either.


I am hoping that when the dust settles on this new toy, it becomes a fun part addition to Geocaching as we know it, so I'm not about to take any firm stance on Challenges just yet, but I have to admit to being slightly unimpressed with the format thusfar.


I can only shake my head in disbelief.


Totally pathetic.


Well, perhaps not TOTALLY...but like whymarks it will take much more effort than is justified to find the worthy ones.


There was a time when a cacher would proudly boast that they had never logged a virtual.


And now is the time when a cacher can proudly boast they have never 'played' a favorite, and have never touched a 'challenge'.


Beam me up Scotty, there is no intelligent life down here.


So long. Send us a postcard when you get to the neutral zone.

Posted (edited)

I'm going to hide a container, then post the coordinates as a Challenge. You can log the challenge when you find the container, open it, and sign the log. No reviewer! This will be great.

Edited by JJnTJ

I'm going to hide a container, then post the coordinates as a Challenge. You can log the challenge when you find the container, open it, and sign the log. No reviewer! This will be great.


Hahahahahahahaha! Another excellent point! Reason 1001 why I HATE these things already!



I think there will be some very interesting challenges once people digest the idea more


Although this is true in theory, the fact that there are no rules or review process ensures there will always be thousands and thousands of stupid, silly, and just idiotic Challenges.



How negative does it have to be to be removed? People are downvoting mine because, this is just an ASSumption, that they live in Germany and/or the UK. My challenge can come off as VERY commercial. However, buying a cheese steak at Pat's and Geno's is something EVERY tourist does. They have a long-standing rivalry. Trust me, i've been there plenty of times, you see so many tourists its ridiculous.


If you, however, have never been to Philadelphia, or have don't live in the US, you wouldn't know it was a tourist attraction. So you would be led to believe that it is strictly commercial.


I am not liking the rating system, you don't even have to live within 5000 miles of the challenge, or even attempt it in order to rate something you have no idea about.

Oh that was yours. Sorry but I do not think that challenges should be commercial. Next thing you know you get a find every time you drive thru McDs

And that's fine that you think that, but it is not what GS thinks. I heard JI talking about putting challenges in Disney World or something like that. Pat's and Geno's are well within the parameters of what action challenges can be about.


A challenge to drive through McDs and order one of everything on the dollar menu would have more merit than some out there. Unfortunately, it would also be right up my alley. In fact, I might go do this without the challenge. I'd rather go grab a cheese steak, though.


I'd suggest to Coldgears to try again tomorrow but do something like create a challenge called "Cheesesteak Wars", use a set of coordinates in between the two places (and don't necessarily mention them by name) and Challenge us to choose the best cheese steak near that location. You might mention briefly mention something about Philly being a mecca for cheese steaks and that arguments have ensued for years about the best cheese steak in Philly.


You can pretty much remove all commercialization on the Challenge listing and those that choose to accept it will figure out which two places you're suggesting for the battle. Take a deep breath, try again tomorrow, and try to come up with a Challenge that people will like. Then come back and post the challenge number and some of us might even go to the site and give it a thumbs up.


BTW, I've been to South St. on Philly where I had a really good cheese steak at a place that was supposed to be famous but it was many years ago and I don't remember the name.


This is the sort of thing I think was intended:



Interesting object, nice writeup with the history, goal related to the object. Very virtual-like.


According to Jeremy in the podcast, a third type will be introduced that will be even more virtual-like, in that you won't know what it's going to be until you're there.

Yes I've seen two great challenges in the last 10 minutes. There is hope!




Yes. And the write up for both of them was well done. Give a little history about the location (why would someone want to go there) then state the challenge explicitly. I wonder how long it will take before someone arm chair completes it.


As far as I can Figure, Tehy are not showing up on PQs Yet... and Heck, they don't even show up in SEraches off the /seek page yet...


The Steaks


Jeremy mentioned in the podcast that they haven't started work on including them in PQs yet and that they're going to maintain a separate search mechanism from the Hide and Seek a Cache page.


I'm going to hide a container, then post the coordinates as a Challenge. You can log the challenge when you find the container, open it, and sign the log. No reviewer! This will be great.


Now yer onto something!

Why didn't I think of that!


This is the sort of thing I think was intended:



Interesting object, nice writeup with the history, goal related to the object. Very virtual-like.


According to Jeremy in the podcast, a third type will be introduced that will be even more virtual-like, in that you won't know what it's going to be until you're there.

Yes I've seen two great challenges in the last 10 minutes. There is hope!




Yes. And the write up for both of them was well done. Give a little history about the location (why would someone want to go there) then state the challenge explicitly. I wonder how long it will take before someone arm chair completes it.


What's with all the "Comment Removed" notes, though?


I agreed with Locationless being taken away. I agreed with Virtuals and Webcams being frozen. I agreed with ALRs being outlawed. These were all (well, OK, not ALRs :anibad: ) a bitter pill to swallow at the time, but it felt as though this was the right direction for the site...let the "other sites" pursue those if people rally want to do silly challenges, virtuals etc. The right direction has now been blown away, and the unique sensible side of geocaching also blown away.


Just make them a different website, just because Waymarking.org didn't take off with geocachers as the finds weren't "included", doesn't mean you should knee jerk that Challenge caches should be included as well. The visibility of a smartphone app should be enough to attract new users this time around.


Allowing a smiley for riding a Disney World ride is just going to really, really (yes, 2 reallys) annoy established "physical" geocachers.





CX2DB I was under the impression that the Challenge lister has no control over the posted logs?

Is this true? And if so, how can he claim only those with pics can log it?

I might go test this out.


I've listed my first challenge: a Photo Challenge to find a gopher tortoise at the large state park near me - http://www.geocaching.com/challenges/view.aspx?cx=CX19D


I have two other Challenges set up to publish once 24 hours passes since my previous publication:


1) Photo Challenge: photograph an alligator on the Loxahatchee River, one of two designated "Wild & Scenic" rivers in Florida.


2) Action Challenge: there is a boardwalk in my town that passes under a railroad bridge. So your head is only a few feet under a freight train rumbling along. It's a really cool experience and I want to encourage others to visit it. Last year I Waymarked the location for just such a reason. ;)

...but challenges should absolutely not be considered a geocache find.

I like the way Groundspeak handles Benchmarks. They maintain a physical count of how many you've located, without that number changing the "Total Caches Found" tally. I'd like to see Challenges treated the same way, if they aren't already. I would also like to see virtuals, webcams, events, locationless, CITOs and earthcaches counted the same way, since a roadside plaque, a video camera with a live feed, a bunch of nerds eating hotwings, a yellow jeep traveling down the road, a bunch of geeks picking up litter and a sinkhole are every bit as much Geocaches as taking a picture of yourself at three bridges along a river.


I'm going to hide a container, then post the coordinates as a Challenge. You can log the challenge when you find the container, open it, and sign the log. No reviewer! This will be great.




This is the sort of thing I think was intended:



Interesting object, nice writeup with the history, goal related to the object. Very virtual-like.


According to Jeremy in the podcast, a third type will be introduced that will be even more virtual-like, in that you won't know what it's going to be until you're there.

Yes I've seen two great challenges in the last 10 minutes. There is hope!




Yes. And the write up for both of them was well done. Give a little history about the location (why would someone want to go there) then state the challenge explicitly. I wonder how long it will take before someone arm chair completes it.


And so what if they do? The people who actually do the challenge can still go out and enjoy it. It would be nice to have a mechanism to hide or remove obvious armchair logs though.


Actually, unless/until they change the search mechanism, it's kind of hard to find the good challenges, unless they are in your area. Right now people are just finding listings by monitoring the "recent activity" scroll. Once people aren't parked in front of their computers refreshing the screen every 2 minutes, they won't even notice a lot of the good ones that get listed. Right now the bad ones are so noticeable because people keep accepting and completing them right away. Assuming Groundspeak keeps archiving the inappropriate ones, the good ones aren't going to get as much attention because they won't be as easy to complete.


This is the sort of thing I think was intended:



Interesting object, nice writeup with the history, goal related to the object. Very virtual-like.


According to Jeremy in the podcast, a third type will be introduced that will be even more virtual-like, in that you won't know what it's going to be until you're there.

Yes I've seen two great challenges in the last 10 minutes. There is hope!




Yes. And the write up for both of them was well done. Give a little history about the location (why would someone want to go there) then state the challenge explicitly. I wonder how long it will take before someone arm chair completes it.


And so what if they do? The people who actually do the challenge can still go out and enjoy it. It would be nice to have a mechanism to hide or remove obvious armchair logs though.


Actually, unless/until they change the search mechanism, it's kind of hard to find the good challenges, unless they are in your area. Right now people are just finding listings by monitoring the "recent activity" scroll. Once people aren't parked in front of their computers refreshing the screen every 2 minutes, they won't even notice a lot of the good ones that get listed. Right now the bad ones are so noticeable because people keep accepting and completing them right away. Assuming Groundspeak keeps archiving the inappropriate ones, the good ones aren't going to get as much attention because they won't be as easy to complete.


So why is it easier to archive all these challenges than to review them before they get posted?

Posted (edited)

I'm going to hide a container, then post the coordinates as a Challenge. You can log the challenge when you find the container, open it, and sign the log. No reviewer! This will be great.


Ha! Laughed out loud at that one :D

Edited by baax

I'd like to see these Challenges counted separately, or at the very least "itemised" like Earthcaches. Other than that, the Challenges are up to us to make as good/great as we can. And if we can incorporate some fun along the way, I'm willing to give them a try.


So far, based on reading the guidelinesand seeing one published for my area that I really don't understand the specifics, I think I'll pass for the time being. That said, I really enjoyed and would like to see the "old" style virtual caches return.


P.S. Is logging your own challenge acceptable?

I would assume so, rather like it is okay to log an Attend on your own event.

Although is it okay to log your own Earthcache?

It is possible to log finds on your own caches and on your own challenges. Whether it is okay or not will be up to each person.


This is the sort of thing I think was intended:



Interesting object, nice writeup with the history, goal related to the object. Very virtual-like.


According to Jeremy in the podcast, a third type will be introduced that will be even more virtual-like, in that you won't know what it's going to be until you're there.

Yes I've seen two great challenges in the last 10 minutes. There is hope!




Yes. And the write up for both of them was well done. Give a little history about the location (why would someone want to go there) then state the challenge explicitly. I wonder how long it will take before someone arm chair completes it.


And so what if they do? The people who actually do the challenge can still go out and enjoy it. It would be nice to have a mechanism to hide or remove obvious armchair logs though.


Actually, unless/until they change the search mechanism, it's kind of hard to find the good challenges, unless they are in your area. Right now people are just finding listings by monitoring the "recent activity" scroll. Once people aren't parked in front of their computers refreshing the screen every 2 minutes, they won't even notice a lot of the good ones that get listed. Right now the bad ones are so noticeable because people keep accepting and completing them right away. Assuming Groundspeak keeps archiving the inappropriate ones, the good ones aren't going to get as much attention because they won't be as easy to complete.


So why is it easier to archive all these challenges than to review them before they get posted?


That's where I think Groundspeak goofed in the implementation. More explanation and instruction *before* they went live. And "Kiss a frog" was a bad example to put out there right away. Simply making it known that listings that aren't location-based will be archived would probably have cut down on the stupid stuff people have been listing. Not the best start, but that doesn't mean it can't be fixed. Perhaps they underestimated just how many people would start listing stuff right away. I just don't think it's fair to judge challenges solely on the first 8 hours of existence.


Well I was excited about this new category, but did not turn out the way I thought it would. Seems there is junk, but as with anything there are growing pains. I will give it some time, see how it goes...


Absolutely agree that they need to implement a location-based component for ALL challenges. That is the core of all things geocaching. It is common to all types of caches! That would be a good start to the process of trying to put out this fire.


Okay, I would love to search outside my area please, so can I get more than just a couple of miles. Map feature would be nice. Heck state level... etc... where is the physical cache container requirement we supported? I am confused...


So I am looking at these new things and find only one in the local area that I am not really interested in. Then there is the world wide. Ah ha. Picture of you hiking. Well we did that today. In the time it took me to upload the picture and type up a nice comment the darn thing gets archived! What a rip-off! Come on, it is some what location based, you get to share pictures of your kids at a great location. Now all that is left is kissing a frog.


What I see is that the World Wide locations are going to get all the hate and they are not going to last. Shame on you all.


So... Challenge (CX1) Snoqualmie Tunnel of Light. I'm going to travel all the way there to make my way through the tunnel, THEN log the challenge complete. This is 185km from my home as the bird flys, but people are logging accept then 1 or 2 minutes later logging completed. :mad:


Well I was excited about this new category, but did not turn out the way I thought it would. Seems there is junk, but as with anything there are growing pains. I will give it some time, see how it goes...


That's it. Just like bookmarks, friends, souvenirs, and so many other things that were poorly or inadequately implemented and received originally. Give them time. Optimism always pays off in the long run. Hope springs eternal.


Personally, I believe that ALL these challenges are DUMB!


Ok, let's do a tribute to 911. Then all these foreign geocachers come and mark it completed!

The original Idea was good but the resulting outcomes are so severely OFFENSIVE that I just

wish that they would all just disappear!


No rules doesn't work!

PLEASE delete any named cacher with only challenges and BAN THEIR IP address!


Give me a break!

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