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Wherigo Geocache


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Posted (edited)

What do you think about Wherigo as a new cache type and how it will be used? It has already been announced in case you did not check your weekly notification.


(Fixed. Wherigo doesn't capitalize the I - Jeremy)

Edited by Jeremy
Posted (edited)

I was going to get a Colorado 400 to replace my 60CSX and do Where-I-Go...but there seems to be too many problems with the Colorado...So, I am holding off.


I would get some GPS enabled PDA but in the hardware forum I have not see something that works 100%...so I am holding off on that too.


Otherwise, it looks interesting and I would like to try it.

Edited by Drooling_Mongoloid

I changed the thread title both to correct the misspelling of Wherigo and to clarify that the discussion is just about the new cache type for Wherigo geocaches.


For general discusssions of Wherigo, please see the Wherigo section of the forums.


For technical questions and bug reports about Wherigo geocaches, please post in Jeremy's thread over in the Geocaching.com website forum.

Posted (edited)

I'm confused by it. I guess its some kind of high tech multicache. I'm certainly not replacing my 60Csx anytime soon. Makes me wonder why a Groundspeak game (that requires a new product) was invented at the same time that Garmin product hit the market. Hmmmm...

Edited by Okiebryan

Thankfully the Colorado isn't the only device that works with Wherigo. You can also use a Pocket PC PDA, which you can find for a fairly reasonable price on ebay (I saw a few for under 50 bucks). Pick up a cord to connect your GPS and you're in business.


There's a definite learning curve here but it looks like there's a huge possibility for a lot of fun too.


Not all Pocket PCs work witn Wherigo. I have one that is 4 years that is too old, and I had one that was a just over a year old that would not work (it just got stolen)

And from what I have read in the Wherigo forums PDS do not work.

Posted (edited)
Makes me wonder why a Groundspeak game (that requires a new product) was invented at the same time that Garmin product hit the market. Hmmmm...


I think that's called synergy....it's a good thing. That way, the game can hit the ground running.


Instead of saying, "Hey here's a new game that no one can play right now because it doesn't work on anything." Seems smart to me....no black helicopters.


Next thing you'll be telling me that the sport of Geocahing actually promotes the sales GPSrs. Makes me wonder...hhhnmmmmm.....

Edited by PhxChem
Posted (edited)

My first thoughts? Clearly a marketing ploy to push interest to Wherigo.


If I'm reading the buzz and hype correctly a Wherigo cartridge is pretty much an electronic paperless multistage virtual. It replaces the paper and reveals the storyline as you move from place to place as sensed by the device on which the program runs. The concept is very interesting. Proper integration into geocaching would solve many issues in creating multis and puzzles in respect to having to interact with something in the real world when that something doesn't exist.


Anyone think Jeremy's past adventure role playing experiences may have influenced the creation of the ability to "adventure" and create full-blown campaigns in the real-world?


It's a bummer that the program doesn't work on other platforms. I'm not going to buy a PPC simply to play cartridges that might be interesting. The emulator on a PC, a phone, and person willing to stay home may work--as long as I'm not the one having to stay home. :blink:


Judging from past moves by Groundspeak, I doubt whatever scripting scheme is created is going to be open source so that if someone choose they could write a third-party player for other devices. Also, seeing Groundspeak is so Microsoft oriented I also don't see a Palm-based player any time soon. That's too bad. I don't see how I can justify the expense of a device--at least $50 used, by accounts above--and the hassle of getting to work with a buggy player and hooked to a GPS. It's not worth it to me.


As for making a separate cache type? There's no way a Wherigo-based cache warrants its own type on its own merits and the criteria that other types have been shot down. But, it's Groundspeak's sandbox and they can do however they please.


Speaking of Podcaches, I think it a mistake for Groundspeak to ban* (or whatever) them. MP3s have a ridiculously higher percentage of compatible players than the Wherigo file. Instead of banning the concept, along with others, they could have embraced it and then moved to accommodate the file type directly on the cache page. Folks aren't going to go to a different website if they don't have to. The folks at Terracaching know the pressures of not supporting photo hosting. Groundspeak was smart in the beginning to host photos. It makes me scratch my head they don't follow suit with other file types with MP3s being one. A Podcache should be a no-brainer in the marketing department. Host a sound file to keep folks from going to another site and so you can keep an eye out for malicious activity--and make folks happy. That's not mention not having to defend the position of a double standard.


On a whole, I welcome anything that enhances the geocaching experience. It remains to be seen this new cache type does that.


*EDIT: I've been informed certain restrictions have been eased. This may be old news to some, it is good news to me. Thanks, Groundspeak.

Edited by CoyoteRed

Speaking of Podcaches, I think it a mistake for Groundspeak to ban (or whatever) them.

Off topic, but I wanted to note that you're mistaken, or reacting to outdated information, so that nobody is confused by this portion of your post.

Makes me wonder why a Groundspeak game (that requires a new product) was invented at the same time that Garmin product hit the market. Hmmmm...


I think that's called synergy....it's a good thing. That way, the game can hit the ground running.


Instead of saying, "Hey here's a new game that no one can play right now because it doesn't work on anything." Seems smart to me....no black helicopters.


Next thing you'll be telling me that the sport of Geocahing actually promotes the sales GPSrs. Makes me wonder...hhhnmmmmm.....

As I understand it Wherigo and the Colorado GPS are ideas that both by Garmin and Groundspeak discussed in the early stage of the Colorado design.

Wherigo does offer the ability of being played in areas that do not allow geocaching such as Natioal Parks.

I went to the Wherigo event in San Jose Ca it got a chance to play a cartridge. I would like to play a few more, but spending $400.00 on a GPS to play the game is not something I want to do. And my older PPC will not work.


I need to remind everyone yet again about the narrow scope of this topic: the new Wherigo geocache type. There is a whole separate section of the forums for Wherigo, with subforums to discuss hardware, player and builder issues. That is the place to talk about Wherigo cartridges that aren't part of a geocache. This thread is only in the Geocaching Topics forum because Wherigo geocaches are, well, geocaches.



Posted (edited)

***Off topic, but I wanted to note that you're mistaken, or reacting to outdated information, so that nobody is confused by this portion of your post.***


June of last year I was not allowed to do a true POD-Cache...I had to also include a Transcript of that audio file to get it published.


When did things change?

Edited by Drooling_Mongoloid

I don't think it's going to see much use unless some accomidation is made for finding them with current hardware.


The cell-phone/emulator idea might be a bandaid measure that will appeal to a few, but not everyone has an understanding friend who would be willing to stay home and talk them through finding a cache. Certainly not very often. Either the friend wants to cache with you (and be there) or they aren't interested in caching at all.




I was able to get out today with a borrowed Pocket PC and play through a couple of the Wherigo "play anywhere" cartridges. They were both pretty basic, which was exactly what I needed, but it was a lot of fun. I immediately saw some great possibilities for the game itself and for Wherigo caches.


I don't know how many times I've read comments in the forums like, "What's the point of geocaching? You just follow the arrow to the box, right?" And comments like, "What's going to happen to geocaching when GPS's get more accurate?" Well--among other things--this is what's going to happen to geocaching: the ability to incorporate new technology and new challenges.


I seriously doubt Wherigo will ever supersede geocaching. For one, there's the equipment cost and then there's the fact that you're not going to be able to play 50 Wherigo cartridges/caches a day (personally I think that's the biggest issue). But for those who are up to it, I think there are great possibilities for fun and building some great adventures with this system. I'm eager to get started.


What do you think about Wherigo as a new cache type and how it will be used?...

Sounds bizarre to me, and I will never use it for the following reasons:

  • I largely cannot understand the concept, and, due to my extremely limited intelligence and my entire lack of interest in the topic, I never will understand much more about it.
  • due also to an aversion to the little that I do understand of the general concept, I will never bother to learn more about it, even if my poor little mind could wrap itself around this strange animal.
  • beyond owning a basic GPS or two to be used for basic geocaching, I tend to have a real and major aversion to new twists on games/sports that require not only investing in expensive new high-tech technology but also going through a learning curve on all sorts of new high-tech technologies that I would rather ignore.
  • frankly, the little that I do understand of it sounds incredibly complicated and also totally boring.

Oh, and since folks keep raising the issue here, I have no interest in Podcaching either, whatever that is, for the same reasons as iterated above.


Thank you for having asked! :D

Judging from past moves by Groundspeak, I doubt whatever scripting scheme is created is going to be open source so that if someone choose they could write a third-party player for other devices.
This is untrue. The scripting used is Lua. See http://www.lua.org/ for more info on the scripting languate. All you really need is a text editor to create cartridges, if you know what you are doing (according to Jeremy).


Also, seeing Groundspeak is so Microsoft oriented I also don't see a Palm-based player any time soon. That's too bad.
This is also untrue. They have plans to increase the number of platforms, they just choose PocketPC first, and the Colorado second. I'd expect Palm would be next, followed by maybe the iPhone once the SDK for that is released, and it gets some GPS capability.



Judging from past moves by Groundspeak, I doubt whatever scripting scheme is created is going to be open source so that if someone choose they could write a third-party player for other devices.
This is untrue. The scripting used is Lua. See http://www.lua.org/ for more info on the scripting languate. All you really need is a text editor to create cartridges, if you know what you are doing (according to Jeremy).
That's not the point. I already have a way to create a cartridge. I don't have a way to run a cartridge. Do you have any information on running Wherigo cartridges on a third party Lua player?


Also, seeing Groundspeak is so Microsoft oriented I also don't see a Palm-based player any time soon. That's too bad.
This is also untrue. They have plans to increase the number of platforms, they just choose PocketPC first, and the Colorado second. I'd expect Palm would be next, followed by maybe the iPhone once the SDK for that is released, and it gets some GPS capability.

According to this post I am correct.

Quoting here for your convenience:

There is currently no development effort for the Palm. This doesn't mean that we won't develop a version for the Palm but we're currently concentrating in improving the engine and the existing Player experience.

As I said, "...I also don't see a Palm-based player any time soon."


With that said, I'd love to be wrong. I don't see a PPC in my future anytime soon so I'll have to miss out until a Palm player is developed.


What do you think about Wherigo as a new cache type and how it will be used? It has already been announced in case you did not check your weekly notification.

I really like the concept. As for how it will be used, the possibilities are endless.


I took some time yesterday to read some of the Wherigo forums. The website wasn’t very helpful but I learned a few things in the forums. I then downloaded the Builder, the Tutorial and a cart that could be played in “Local” mode or “Out Of Area” mode. This helped me wrap my old brain around this new game. It’s over 400 miles to the nearest Wherigo but soon I hope to see some in this area. Maybe by then I’ll have figured out a hardware set up to “go outside” and play. (My 60CSx and Palm are only a year old.)


And Vinny & Sue Team, don’t dismiss Wherigo yet. From the look of some of your caches, you could come up with a great cart. “Wherigo Phycho.”:D


What do you think about Wherigo as a new cache type and how it will be used?...

Sounds bizarre to me, and I will never use it for the following reasons:

  • I largely cannot understand the concept, and, due to my extremely limited intelligence and my entire lack of interest in the topic, I never will understand much more about it.
  • due also to an aversion to the little that I do understand of the general concept, I will never bother to learn more about it, even if my poor little mind could wrap itself around this strange animal.
  • beyond owning a basic GPS or two to be used for basic geocaching, I tend to have a real and major aversion to new twists on games/sports that require not only investing in expensive new high-tech technology but also going through a learning curve on all sorts of new high-tech technologies that I would rather ignore.
  • frankly, the little that I do understand of it sounds incredibly complicated and also totally boring.

Oh, and since folks keep raising the issue here, I have no interest in Podcaching either, whatever that is, for the same reasons as iterated above.


Thank you for having asked! :D

Pretty much, DITTO!


I too admit that i don't understand the concept right now and to be honest, i'm not really interested in trying to learn it at this time. On top of that, and from what i understand, i would also have to invest in more equipment to play, which is something i do not wish to do.


To be honest though, i think the main thing for me is that i like having everything under one roof. I'd probably be more interested if this was somehow introduced on the GC.com site. Maybe as another type of geocache that counted in the general stats. This is the main reason i don't use the Waymarking site.


***I was able to get out today with a borrowed Pocket PC and play through a couple of the Wherigo "play anywhere" cartridges.***


What did you use that worked?


I've looked at the Where-I-Go hardware forum several times but everyone seems to report some kind of problems with various PPC's.


Since I won't get a Colorado yet...I might invest in a PPC that I knew worked with Where-I-Go.


What do you think about Wherigo as a new cache type and how it will be used?...

Sounds bizarre to me, and I will never use it for the following reasons:

  • I largely cannot understand the concept, and, due to my extremely limited intelligence and my entire lack of interest in the topic, I never will understand much more about it.
  • due also to an aversion to the little that I do understand of the general concept, I will never bother to learn more about it, even if my poor little mind could wrap itself around this strange animal.
  • beyond owning a basic GPS or two to be used for basic geocaching, I tend to have a real and major aversion to new twists on games/sports that require not only investing in expensive new high-tech technology but also going through a learning curve on all sorts of new high-tech technologies that I would rather ignore.
  • frankly, the little that I do understand of it sounds incredibly complicated and also totally boring.

Oh, and since folks keep raising the issue here, I have no interest in Podcaching either, whatever that is, for the same reasons as iterated above.


Thank you for having asked! :unsure:

Pretty much, DITTO!


I too admit that i don't understand the concept right now and to be honest, i'm not really interested in trying to learn it at this time. On top of that, and from what i understand, i would also have to invest in more equipment to play, which is something i do not wish to do.


To be honest though, i think the main thing for me is that i like having everything under one roof. I'd probably be more interested if this was somehow introduced on the GC.com site. Maybe as another type of geocache that counted in the general stats. This is the main reason i don't use the Waymarking site.




It is another type of cache that's counted in the general stats.


What do you think about Wherigo as a new cache type and how it will be used?...

Sounds bizarre to me, and I will never use it for the following reasons:

  • I largely cannot understand the concept, and, due to my extremely limited intelligence and my entire lack of interest in the topic, I never will understand much more about it.
  • due also to an aversion to the little that I do understand of the general concept, I will never bother to learn more about it, even if my poor little mind could wrap itself around this strange animal.
  • beyond owning a basic GPS or two to be used for basic geocaching, I tend to have a real and major aversion to new twists on games/sports that require not only investing in expensive new high-tech technology but also going through a learning curve on all sorts of new high-tech technologies that I would rather ignore.
  • frankly, the little that I do understand of it sounds incredibly complicated and also totally boring.

Oh, and since folks keep raising the issue here, I have no interest in Podcaching either, whatever that is, for the same reasons as iterated above.


Thank you for having asked! :unsure:

Here is something enlse that sounds very limitiedwifi army


To be honest though, i think the main thing for me is that i like having everything under one roof. I'd probably be more interested if this was somehow introduced on the GC.com site. Maybe as another type of geocache that counted in the general stats. This is the main reason i don't use the Waymarking site.

It is another type of cache that's counted in the general stats.

From what I understand, that is true only of the "crossover" Wherigo caches, i.e., ones that are cross-listed both on geocaching.com as a Wherigo cache, and on Wherigo.com as a Wherigo ... um.. what's the noun over there? as a Wherigo thingy. There will be lots of Wherigo...thingies... that are not Wherigo caches.


I could be wrong, but that's what I got out of this post from the Wherigo Cache Type thread in the website forum:


Man, I wish I could play :unsure: .


I guess I'm confused here... we have both Wherigo cartridges, and Wherigo caches? Do all cartridges end in a physical cache, or is that only a requirement for cross-listed ones?



You aren't confused. You have it completely right! Cross-listing on Geocaching.com requires a cache as part of the experience, like a multi or puzzle cache.


It seems like some people are confused between "Wherigo" and "Wherigo caches".


Wherigo is a completely separate "experience", in the same way that Waymarking is. For some reason the Wherigo cache announcement seems almost to have generated more interest, at least here, than did the launch of Wherigo in early January. I think it would be a shame if the main usage of this technology were to be just another more exclusive way of finding caches. But maybe Wherigo caches will bring critical mass to Wherigo.


***Please discuss Wherigo hardware questions in... of all places... the Wherigo Hardware forum. This thread is about Wherigo geocaches.***


Since a "Moderator" mentioned that they went out with a workable PPC...I thought that just maybe I could get an answer here of what he used that worked...since just about everyone else in the Where-I-Go Hareware forum has problems.


But never mind with a quick answer...I'll re-read all the problems in Where-I-Go hardware forum..."Of All Places".


I have a GPSr, I have notifications, and I have physical locations that I can get to and find a physical container. Any more than that is more than this 55 year old brain wants to wrap itself around at this time.


Wherigo is physical for me.


I have a GPSr, I have notifications, and I have physical locations that I can get to and find a physical container. Any more than that is more than this 55 year old brain wants to wrap itself around at this time.


Wherigo is physical for me.

I think Wherigo is going to appeal to a younger demographic. At least that is my impression after going to the Wherigo event on San Jose.

But I am just an traFdlO,

I think Wherigo is going to appeal to a younger demographic.


Obviously, that type of cache is going to be slow to roll out considering the devices needed. I will save my praise or derision until more of these caches have been place and I have the hardware to access one.

There is currently no development effort for the Palm. This doesn't mean that we won't develop a version for the Palm but we're currently concentrating in improving the engine and the existing Player experience.


As I said, "...I also don't see a Palm-based player any time soon."


With that said, I'd love to be wrong. I don't see a PPC in my future anytime soon so I'll have to miss out until a Palm player is developed.


The better question to me is: why is the file format closed-source? What is it buying Groundspeak to not publish the file format details so other people could help write readers for it?


To keep this post on topic about what I think about the new caches? I don't think about them since I don't have the hardware so I can't. I'd like to think about them, but...


What do you think about Wherigo as a new cache type and how it will be used? It has already been announced in case you did not check your weekly notification.


I am brainstorming some ideas for Wherigo. I'm guessing that initially I will make a simple cache hunt cartridge to learn things, but then I would like to do some more complex adventures. I have a few areas in mind where playing a cartridge could provide a neat adventure type tour that might also allow for some cache finds or waymarks along the way. The potential for more complex items such as that intrigues me, so I am looking forward to seeing what it brings.


Personally, I love it. I attended the event in Seattle and played the demo cartridge they set up and the possiblities are endless. I think this adds a whole new level of interaction to things like puzzle caches and and multis.


I have a multi that takes you through a tour of the mountains where I live with old historical locations (lsot train tunnels, etc.) and you have to gather information at each stage from an old artifact/sign, etc. I love the idea of making this more interactive and have virtual people who up that you have to talk to to get the clues needed to find the next stage.


And to have a cache at the end as a reward? Woot!


There are a handful of cartridges around me (4 in about 30 miles I think) so I'm lucky that I can go after these as soon as I get the right hardware. I won't be buying a Colorado, but I may be able to borrow somebody's or get a cheap PPC.


Love the idea.


Keep in mind that if there are no cartridges near you that you can also play one of the play anywhere cartridges to get an idea of what Wherigo can do. I think once a person plays a cartridge they are more likely to see the potential for integrating Wherigo with a geocache hunt. I'm hoping someone in my area gets one of the new Wherigo caches, or any Wherigo cartridge for that matter, up soon. I'm working on it, but between the weather and my slow learning curve, it is going slowly!

Posted (edited)
Keep in mind that if there are no cartridges near you that you can also play one of the play anywhere cartridges to get an idea of what Wherigo can do. I think once a person plays a cartridge they are more likely to see the potential for integrating Wherigo with a geocache hunt. I'm hoping someone in my area gets one of the new Wherigo caches, or any Wherigo cartridge for that matter, up soon. I'm working on it, but between the weather and my slow learning curve, it is going slowly!
I did play the demo cartridge at the Wherigo event in Vegas and I can clearly see how this could be very fun. I think it would really be a great tool to use as a tour guide. A long drive could be very fun if a Wherigo cartridge took you to all the cool spots along the way and explained the signficance/history behind each of them! ;) Edited by TrailGators

OK, so I finally got the chance to play with Wherigo.


I used an Windows XP-based HP laptop with a usb Earthmate external GPS.


Turns out that there's an emulator built in to the Wherigo Builder that allows you to download and play the PocketPC version of Confederate Park cartridge on a Windows machine.


Man I hate that name, 'cartridge'... it makes me think of the cartridges I had to use for one of my first computers, a TI99-4A way back in the day... why tag new technology with antiquated images?


Anyhoo, using the Builder's PPC Emulator I could look over this new cache type and, I gotta tell ya, if they work out the hardware platform (Pssst... PALM!) this thing will rock!


MScapes seems to have worked out the hardware issues, so I am quite sure Groundspeak will as well.


My opinion? This cache type should totally shut down the "Bring back virtuals" outcry!


It's a Kewl cache type and I look forward to finding lots of them when the hardware issue is resolved.


Oh - if you are creating a cartridge, maybe think about putting a stealth log in one or more of the stages, because you can read the cartridge in Notepad to get the final coords! If the sig is in the final but not in the stage(s) then you might wonder if someone went straight to the final. :)


As the owner of the only one in my country (sigh.. how am i supposed to get the icon?) - I think there isn't anything a Wherigo can really do that a well thought out multi couldn't do; and you can do a multi with a 20$ fishfinder as opposed to a 500$ uber-gps.


It is neat, and a good idea - but still requires writers to have a good understanding of programming concepts, which will limit the owners of the caches to people of a certain rarity.


But then again, You would have a hard time linking to a sound file on an external website with the new guidelines in place; which came out at a very oppurtune time, no?


I have created far more complicated caches with far less effort then was needed for a Wherigo. I expect there won't be too many Wherigo-fanatics, just people looking for the icon, IMHO.


As the owner of the only one in my country (sigh.. how am i supposed to get the icon?) - I think there isn't anything a Wherigo can really do that a well thought out multi couldn't do; and you can do a multi with a 20$ fishfinder as opposed to a 500$ uber-gps.


It is neat, and a good idea - but still requires writers to have a good understanding of programming concepts, which will limit the owners of the caches to people of a certain rarity.


But then again, You would have a hard time linking to a sound file on an external website with the new guidelines in place; which came out at a very oppurtune time, no?


I have created far more complicated caches with far less effort then was needed for a Wherigo. I expect there won't be too many Wherigo-fanatics, just people looking for the icon, IMHO.

You can set up a Wherigo in and area in which a regular is not allowed

My opinion? This cache type should totally shut down the "Bring back virtuals" outcry


You may be correct. Probably the only way I would 'play' Wherigo. But think about it - make a simple cartridge that takes you to a virtual and answer a verification question and there's your smiley. I don't think there are any rules that say how long or involved a cartridge needs to be. So make it one screen - you are here answer the question. Same as a virtual.


What do you think about Wherigo as a new cache type and how it will be used?


It sounds like an interesting idea. We've read the initial announcement, and there's been some limited buzz in the MSGA.Net forums.


I think this will eventually become a popular thing to do.


With any new technology or application, there's always a space of time between introduction and broad acceptance.


I recall when car cassette players first hit the market, and we all felt pretty smug in knowing our 8 track tapes would never be outdated. After a space of time, the 8 track became history, with cassettes now following their lead.


I recall when CD players first hit the market. Limited hardware producers, most of the music was classical, and aficionados of the LP claimed the new recording format lacked sonic soul. Soon after that, CD players dropped in retail price, and everything from Van Cliburn to the Rascals were available on CD. Today, after a space of time, MP3s on memory sticks are replacing CDs as the new rage for music storage.


I remember hearing about geocaching, and seeing my first geocache. "What a waste of money and time", i thought. After a space of time, I'm happy when a new cache is published, so my weekend will be a little brighter.


Windows? Heck, that'll never replace DOS 6.22. XP? That'll never replace the venerable W2K.


Starting to sound familiar?


Wherigo is a new thing, and there's always the chance it may not catch on. As technology driven as our society is, though, my guess is it will become a popular pastime, once that always necessary "space of time" has elapsed. Let the kinks get worked out, let more cartridges get written for the product, let more (and less expensive) hardware support the application, and let more people find their first target, and this app will probably become fairly commonplace and accepted.


I'm with Vinny & Sue Team. :o I don't understand it. However, I am also not a game player. Not that I have anything against that kind of thing...I've just never had time (or money) for video/computer games. I've never played a Gameboy, Nintendo, XBox or anything. So terms like "emulator" and "cartridge" just draw a blank stare from me. I'm not computer illiterate...just game illiterate. So it seems like this would appeal more to gamers/puzzlers. ??? But also, I don't have the money to go buy another device. My GPSr was a huge stretch to begin with...but I am thrilled to have it. ;)


I think Wherigo would only make sense to me if I had someone actually show it to me, explain it or experience it. If I understood it...it might be a lot of fun. :D I guess its like puzzle caches...I don't object to their existence but I choose not to do them (because I can't solve 'em!!). lol


I.. am an RPG nerd. Yes, that's right and RPG nerd who tromps about in the desert looking for tupperware! :o


I would LOVE a chance to try a Wherigo cache (or just standard cartridge) sometime.


It would be bloody well awesome for a cache concept I have for sometime in the future.


But alas, I lacked the money to buy a Colorado, so I got a Vista HCx, and presently speaking seriously lack the money to upgrade.


If someone should like to send me a Colorado to try them out in, I assure you I shall return it in just as good of condition as I received it >.>


Got the opportunity yesterday to try the first one in Michigan. The cache owner took a group of us out to try the one (and only one in MI at this time) out.


It is like doing a virtual, multi and letterbox all wrapped into one.


Will be neat to see more of these in the future. Hoepfully as the software improves, the technology can also improve and reduce in price.


My $0.02


I am completely unaware of Wherigo. I don't understand what it is, having been to the website; and I don't intend to pursue it. I have enough trouble wrapping my brain around some of the concepts, terms, and practices in GC.com; I don't need something else to completely fry my brain. Heck, I'm happy finding micro's, for crying out loud! Some of the puzzle caches that are popping up around here in Central Wisconsin are toooooo much for this bumpkin; don't ask me to accept any more technology. For me, there'd be no "learning curve", just a fast downward spiral, followed by a resounding crash, whether on the Wherigo concept itself or Wherigo caches.

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