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Why are Trig Points not loggable?


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Hi all.


I was just wondering why OS Trig Points aren't loggable on geocaching.com when US Benchmarks (which are the same thing) are.


I know that Trig Points can be logged on tripointinguk.com but it would be nice if they were integrated into geocaching in the same way the the US benchmarks are.




The reason goes back to the early beginnings of GC, when there were very few Geocaches to find. The US Bench Marks were added to give something to find whilst the No of caches built up on the site.


Would it be possible to add the benchmarks feature for the UK so that we can log trigpoints and other OS benchmarks?


There are so many caches here in Wales that are near trigpoints that it seems a shame that we cannot log them here on GC.com (and tripointinguk.com unfortunately seems to be down as often as not).





Would it be possible to add the benchmarks feature for the UK so that we can log trigpoints and other OS benchmarks?


There are so many caches here in Wales that are near trigpoints that it seems a shame that we cannot log them here on GC.com (and tripointinguk.com unfortunately seems to be down as often as not).





Sorry but there is no chance of that happening, Groundspeak decided to return the site back to its roots several years ago, to that of listing geocaches with a physical container and log book. Resulting in Locationless caches becoming part of Waymarking [GC's sister site] and all other non container caches being Grandfathered in, with no new ones listed. You can log UK and RoI trigpoints in a category on Waymarking [just suggesting that will start the stone throwing at me off :lol: ]


Alternatively if your planning on finding a particular cache with a Trig Point nearby, which has not yet been listed by the YOSM cache. Contact the owner and see if he will move the cache to it so that it does become loggable on GC B)

The reason goes back to the early beginnings of GC, when there were very few Geocaches to find. The US Bench Marks were added to give something to find whilst the No of caches built up on the site.

So shouldn't that also have applied to trigpoints in the UK??

Posted (edited)
The reason goes back to the early beginnings of GC, when there were very few Geocaches to find. The US Bench Marks were added to give something to find whilst the No of caches built up on the site.

So shouldn't that also have applied to trigpoints in the UK??

Possibly but it's a moot point now. :lol:

Edited by Lactodorum

I was just wondering why OS Trig Points aren't loggable on geocaching.com when US Benchmarks (which are the same thing) are.

US benchmarks are anomolous by being in, rather than UK ones by being out. No other country's survey stones/marks are in.


Trigpoints are not geocaches and should be enjoyed for what they are. :D


Absolutely :P . It just seems a little unfair that if I go to the states I can log a bench mark and get a shiny little icon on my GC profile but that I cannot do it here (indeed, I have to use an entirely separate website :lol: ).


It strikes me that not only are benchmarking/trigpointing and geocaching natural and complementary companions but that US geocachers get preferential treatment and/or a better product for their £1.50 a month... :lol:


Mike (who is about to stop, drop and roll for cover)

Posted (edited)


It strikes me that not only are benchmarking/trigpointing and geocaching natural and complementary companions but that US geocachers get preferential treatment and/or a better product for their £1.50 a month... :lol:


Mike (who is about to stop, drop and roll for cover)

Dangerous ground this..terrain 5 at least! :lol:

But the trigpoint site mentioned above by Deceangi is also Groundspeak (the same as Geocaching and Wherigo) so it's all part of the same site really and isn't limited to US benchmarks. The fact that the trigpoint icons don't appear on your geocaching profile is a downside, but perhaps this will be fixed in the imminent new version.

Edited by Happy Humphrey

Or you could use (as mentioned above) tringpointinguk website. All trigs are listed and we have a great leaderboard (i have to stick up for it when i have logged over 800). It would take me an age to relog onto this site lol


... US geocachers get preferential treatment and/or a better product for their £1.50 a month... <_<


I think you've hit the nail on the head there. And the reason is.... Groundspeak is a US company. :)

It's always going to be a bit uphill, trying to get TPTB to listen to new features, attributes (not to mention county listings) which don't really affect the US, but unfortunately that's just the way it is!

Posted (edited)

US geocachers get preferential treatment and/or a better product for their £1.50 a month... <_<

Hmmm... that's not strictly true is it, because the benchmarks are provided (or not provided!) for free. What you get for your PM subscription is premium member features like bookmarks and PQs and so on, and I don't think they don't differ by location do they? (I don't think so but I could be wrong)


And we get FREE and GRATIS an amusing and inaccurate OS GR conversion! What are you complaining about? :)

Edited by Team Sieni
The reason goes back to the early beginnings of GC, when there were very few Geocaches to find. The US Bench Marks were added to give something to find whilst the No of caches built up on the site.

So shouldn't that also have applied to trigpoints in the UK??

It would have been more difficult - unlike the USGS, the OS' trigpoint data was not freely available from them at that time.


I believe the USGS actively encouraged people to find their benchmarks at one time.


Thanks for the answers, everyone.


Guess I'll just have to make do with the twenty-something thousand caches that are in the UK then.... :)


At least I won't have to climb Ben More again just to get the BM number from the trig point...


Surely another reason would be that caches are listed with public RoW in mind. Trig points were placed with mapping/triangulation in mind and an awful lot of them (most?) were just plonked down on private land in in the middle of some farmer's field with no footpath, etc running past.


There used to be a greasemonkey script that added a trigpoint icon and number of finds to your cache page by taking the data from Trigpointing.co.uk.


I daresay someone will come along who knows about it - I beleieve there was one that would show how many Simply paul caches you had found too.


It was a gratefully recieved answer when I was active many moons ago.




Trigs are loggable, just not on GC.Com!


I daresay someone will come along who knows about it - I beleieve there was one that would show how many Simply paul caches you had found too.


Trig icon/script here


And, not only, but also... Not only Simply Paul caches -script here




And, not only, but also... Not only Simply Paul caches -script here

Old versions of this script will fail to function correctly due to GeocacheUK changes.


Newly generated versions should work as soon as G:UK recovers from a crashed state...


Would it be possible to add the benchmarks feature for the UK so that we can log trigpoints and other OS benchmarks?


There are so many caches here in Wales that are near trigpoints that it seems a shame that we cannot log them here on GC.com (and tripointinguk.com unfortunately seems to be down as often as not).





Sorry but there is no chance of that happening, Groundspeak decided to return the site back to its roots several years ago, to that of listing geocaches with a physical container and log book. Resulting in Locationless caches becoming part of Waymarking [GC's sister site] and all other non container caches being Grandfathered in, with no new ones listed. You can log UK and RoI trigpoints in a category on Waymarking [just suggesting that will start the stone throwing at me off :lol: ]


Alternatively if your planning on finding a particular cache with a Trig Point nearby, which has not yet been listed by the YOSM cache. Contact the owner and see if he will move the cache to it so that it does become loggable on GC :lol:

Can we assume that bench marks are on their way out then - as they dont have a log??? :unsure::unsure: Well it only seems fair from here......



Can we assume that bench marks are on their way out then - as they dont have a log??? :D:blink: Well it only seems fair from here......


Exactly my thoughts, why did US Benchmarks not go the same way as the Locationless Caches? (ie onto Waymarking.com)



Can we assume that bench marks are on their way out then - as they dont have a log??? :D:blink: Well it only seems fair from here......


Exactly my thoughts, why did US Benchmarks not go the same way as the Locationless Caches? (ie onto Waymarking.com)


On the same sort of theme why did earthcaches come back to geocaching.com after they moved to Waymarking.

On the same sort of theme why did earthcaches come back to geocaching.com after they moved to Waymarking.

Perhaps TPTB thought earthwaymark was too much of a mouthful???? :D


I think we have a reasonable case to put forward here - it should be as simple as "If the US can have benchmarks then we should be able to have trigpoints".


Whether or not Groundspeak is moving away from locationless should be irrelevant, the original point stands - both or neither. Surely? Besides, Groundspeak are probably moving away from Waymarking tbh, with Earthcaches back, and the advent of Wherigo.


I'd find it great to be able to count trigs towards my cache count, as I'm sure our US friends find with Benchmarks. I'd be happy with the same icon.


A few points to consider, Benchmarks were added to the site at the beginning as there was very few Geocaches to find and log.


Earthcaches are only hosted by Geocaching.com on behalf of GSA. No GC Reviewer has anything to do with Earthcaches, which are Reviewed and Published by a seperate team of Reviewers who are employed by GSA and not Groundspeak and who are not Geocaching.com Volunteers either.


Wherigo is a seperate project owned by Groundspeak, who also own Geocaching.com and Waymarking.com. At the end of the day a Wherigo Cache is still a Geocache with a log book to sign on finding it, allowing for a find on Geocaching.com. A Wherigo Cartridge on the other hand does not involve finding a container, and so does not lead to logging a find on Geocaching.com


The Geocaching Maze is another seperate project which allows a visit to be logged on GC as a find.


Geocaching.com, Waymarking.com, Wherigo.com and the Geocaching Maze all seperate projects owned by one company, which allows them to be interlinked :D


For the record benchmarks do not count towards your find total. I find them when I see one near a cache, I don't go looking for them. I wouldn't mind them being moved to Waymarking since the gc.com database is at least 10 years out of date.


Thought I would add an opinion from across the pond :D


Trigs are loggable, just not on GC.Com!


Trig icon/script here



I too was puzzled by this, after trying a Search for Benchmarks near my home location, to be returned a blank search - as I have visited hundreds near me (and >5000 in the UK, not counting Trigs). Benchmarks (with Flush Brackets) aren't only on trigs, but also on houses, bridges, churches etc: see www.bench-marks.org.uk for a more or less complete list of Flush Brackets in the OSGB area (which even includes a couple in Gibraltar!). These too are loggable. So are Cut BMs for that matter!


The idea of getting a few armchair ticks via my TrigpointingUK profile is tempting - if I ever figure out this greasemonkey stuff :)


Or you could use (as mentioned above) trigpointinguk website. All trigs are listed and we have a great leaderboard (i have to stick up for it when i have logged over 800). It would take me an age to relog onto this site lol


Leaderboard? You mean TrigpointingUK.com / Info / List of users / then sort by Trigpoints logged? Or have I missed something? If it defaulted to Trigpoints logged in descending order then I guess that page would be.


Great site, anyway :)


I found a couple of Canadian benchmarks recently, and a Spanish one (and failed on a couple of US ones). I think I've only logged one of them so far (there are so many waymarks of various types now that logging them is getting a bit daunting, so I'm a bit behind!).


But the point is, these also are not loggable on geocaching.com. So Groundspeak isn't just picking on us. In fact, US benchmarks are also on Waymarking (4000 of them, anyway), so I guess that eventually the Geocaching variant will be "grandfathered". Get the icon while you still can. :)


The other point is that there's a choice of places to log these things: the UK waymark category has about 1400 benchmarks and trig points (increasing VERY quickly too), and other sites are mentioned above. Take your pick! The only consideration is that logging them on Waymarking will make them appear on your profile (once it's combined with your geocaching profile, as we're promised).


Or you could use (as mentioned above) trigpointinguk website. All trigs are listed and we have a great leaderboard (i have to stick up for it when i have logged over 800). It would take me an age to relog onto this site lol


Leaderboard? You mean TrigpointingUK.com / Info / List of users / then sort by Trigpoints logged? Or have I missed something? If it defaulted to Trigpoints logged in descending order then I guess that page would be.



That's the one Rob! Not many left for you though, apart from those pesky "User Added" which keep appearing polluting my cleared areas! :)

That's the one Rob! Not many left for you though, apart from those pesky "User Added" which keep appearing polluting my cleared areas! :)


Don't knock the User Addeds, Paul - some of them really are there :) . The duplicates are a bit annoying though.


Fair few left for me in Scotland. Just 3 in Wales - look out for a Party invite soon :)

That's the one Rob! Not many left for you though, apart from those pesky "User Added" which keep appearing polluting my cleared areas! :)


Don't knock the User Addeds, Paul - some of them really are there :D . The duplicates are a bit annoying though.


Fair few left for me in Scotland. Just 3 in Wales - look out for a Party invite soon B)


Good going Rob, look forward to the invite! Found a few of "UAs", I notice though that TP7464 - Hermitage is awaiting your visit!


Isn't this refreshing seeing as we lost our forums with GCUK being offline. Any other Trigpointers want to join in and totally hijack this topic before we get an off topic lock out?!! :)



That's the one Rob! Not many left for you though, apart from those pesky "User Added" which keep appearing polluting my cleared areas! B)


Don't knock the User Addeds, Paul - some of them really are there :D . The duplicates are a bit annoying though.


Fair few left for me in Scotland. Just 3 in Wales - look out for a Party invite soon :)


Good going Rob, look forward to the invite! Found a few of "UAs", I notice though that TP7464 - Hermitage is awaiting your visit!


Isn't this refreshing seeing as we lost our forums with GCUK being offline. Any other Trigpointers want to join in and totally hijack this topic before we get an off topic lock out?!! B)




Hi Paul.... yeah... why not hijack it :) I spent a very pleasant couple of days in East Anglia last week and did 14 T/Ps. Pretty easy though, as there aren't too many hills in EA. I think the highest I got was just over 500ft :) and I'm pretty sure that was in Rutland !!



Hi Paul.... yeah... why not hijack it :) I spent a very pleasant couple of days in East Anglia last week and did 14 T/Ps. Pretty easy though, as there aren't too many hills in EA. I think the highest I got was just over 500ft :) and I'm pretty sure that was in Rutland !!


Yo dude! TP0540 - Buckland FBM, saw your photo of 1 Jun, thought it was Monkey World! :) What you done to your arm John? :D



Hi Paul.... yeah... why not hijack it :) I spent a very pleasant couple of days in East Anglia last week and did 14 T/Ps. Pretty easy though, as there aren't too many hills in EA. I think the highest I got was just over 500ft :) and I'm pretty sure that was in Rutland !!


Yo dude! TP0540 - Buckland FBM, saw your photo of 1 Jun, thought it was Monkey World! :D What you done to your arm John? :)

Monkey World indeed...Cheeky bugga... B) Fell off me bike and broke my left collar bone. Just about sorted now, though.


Right... you can stop laughing!! :D


Monkey World indeed...Cheeky bugga... :) Fell off me bike and broke my left collar bone. Just about sorted now, though.


Right... you can stop laughing!! :D


Pick myself up of the floor....! :) Seriously, glad to see you're OK, presume it was the bicycle you dropped and not the motorcycle?


I'm off to a motorcycling weekend 12/13 up in the Peak District. Haven't told them I'm not taking the Bandit, the campsite is at the foot of Kinder which has proved to much of a temptation! Walk off the site, 11 miles, 3 trigs, 2 mountains and back to site, quality! B) Suppose I ought to do a cache search on the area, oops back on topic.... :)



Alternatively if your planning on finding a particular cache with a Trig Point nearby, which has not yet been listed by the YOSM cache. Contact the owner and see if he will move the cache to it so that it does become loggable on GC :)


Yes requests are welcome :)



Fair few left for me in Scotland. Just 3 in Wales - look out for a Party invite soon B)


Good going Rob, look forward to the invite! Found a few of "UAs", I notice though that TP7464 - Hermitage is awaiting your visit!




Looking like weekend of 2/3 Aug for Wales - I'll post something in the proper place :D


Hermitage? Active Station?? Wash your mouth out B)


Had a chance meeting with Clochandighter and Coinea on Sat, en route to an obscure Northumberland trig ! http://www.trigpointinguk.com/trigs/trig-details.php?t=1438


Cool can we have the trig by here http://www.geocaching.com/seek/cache_detai...5c-7ddf11f6ffb0 please? :D:lol::D


In response : Thanks! :D



Shame I missed out that there was an earthcache here! Spotted the YOSM and as I had a PQ for the area as I was working locally, I decided to find the YSOM and its nearby cache. My PQ only had traditionals as I do not have time for much else, when working. I even wandered around the quarry and read a couple of the signs and took the photo, but had insufficent detail for the answers to the earthcache :D .


But thanks to PUP for the YOSM suggestion. :D

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