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Vegas Gamblers first personal coin

Vegas Gamblers

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Well, we have finally taken the leap into getting our own personal coin.


The background on us and the coin has to deal with a Vegas theme. We vacation in Vegas about four times a year. This coin represents our geonick and our favorite vacation spot. The front of the coin has a replica of the "Welcome to Las Vegas" sign with our geonick in it. The lower left shows "777" to represent slot machines and the lower right is a roulette wheel. Both of these are some of the games that we play in Vegas.


The back of the coin represents our favorite game to play, Craps. The dice are tumbling across the table as if they had just been tossed. I hope you enjoy them.


The coins will be in our hands in about two weeks. Pictured are the Black Nickel and the Nickel. There will also be a Gold version. The only change from the pic is that the BN will have lighter blue writing below our name to help the wording show up better.


These are going to be for sale and trade. Check out our list below in sig line. The coins will be $8.50 each with $1.50 shipping, U.S. and Canada. $2.50 for Internatioinal shipping. Order more than one coin and shipping will be .50 cents more for each additional coin.


Post any questions here.


If you want to purchase these coins, please email me at vegasgamblers@wi.rr.com the below information.


Geocaching name:


Real name:


Paypal email address:


How many of which coin:


Black Nickel






Now for the details.


2” tall (50mm for the metric folk)


3.0mm thick


Black Nickel 84


Polished Nickel 83


Polished Gold 83


Paint: Imitation hard enamel and translucent imitation hard enamel used in combination



These are trackable with their own icon 16bitdie.gif32bitdice.gif





Edited by Vegas Gamblers
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Just a note to tell you all that the coins are being shipped on October 25th. Once I hear that they are being shipped to me I will starte sending out Paypal payment forms.


All trades I am responding to. If you don't here from me by Thursday let me know.


Thanks for all the nice comments and interest.


There are plenty left for purchase or trade.

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Id hate to see anyone miss these coins - they are incredible in person! I got to see the samples a few weeks ago. VERY NICE!!


Ditto that. I was with Team CinemaBoxers when Vegas Gamblers showed them off. They are VERY nice in person. The pics don't do them justice at all.


I am glad I got a trade in for one of these. B)

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