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Thanksgiving (Harvest Day) Geocoin Mission


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I love that pin! Anyone have one to trade? (sorry for being off topic!) Anyway Happy Thanksgiving!


Yes... I was thinking the same thing about that pin...

Posted (edited)


Mission Recieved-Yes

Mission Mailed- Yes

Recieved package- Yes :D


I got my package today and all I can say is wow. I was not expecting it so soon though I was hopeing. I new it was the mission because of all the great turkey stickers on the package. I took the package inside and had some other things to do first so I had to wait. Well finally I got to open it and I almost cried when I saw West pottery coin and the Japan coin plus I got a bunch of other great stuff. I also recieved a TB, pin, a tropical fish non-trac, a turkey dog toy, and a address book. I especially like that you wrote a little letter to put on each item saying what you were thankful for. The address book is going to be my offical geocacher address book, and my dog is in heaven with his new toy. Thank You so much to my secret sender. ;)



PS your tb number is showing :) Edited by Ble68

1. Participating-Email Sent!!

2. Received Name - Mission Received!

3. Mission Complete - Mailed

4. Package Received ... YES!

I sure didn't exepect all the fun stuff I received! Thanks to who ever sent it!! ;)

I guess I need to step up and send more stuff for the Christmas deal. :D


1. Participating-Email Sent!!

2. Received Name - Mission Received!

3. Mission Complete - Mailed

4. Package Received ... YES!

I sure didn't exepect all the fun stuff I received! Thanks to who ever sent it!! ;)

I guess I need to step up and send more stuff for the Christmas deal. :D


So what did you get?? Pics??


Mission 1


1. Participating - Yes (10/14)

2. Received Name - Yes (10/17)

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received! YES (10/26)


Mission 2


1. Participating - Yes (10/14)

2. Received Name - Yes (10/19)

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received! - YES! (10/31)


I wanted to post that mission 2 had been received. I'll post a description and pictures later. For now, suffice it to say that I am quite happy again!


E-mail sent


1. Participating----Yes

2. Received Name----Yes Researching

3. Mission Complete----Shipped 10/17/07 11:30 MST

4. Package Received!----Yes 11/03/07


1. Participating----Yes

2. Received Name----Yes Researching

3. Mission Complete----Shipped 10/17/07 11:30 MST

4. Package Received!


I received a package today and almost hurt myself when 5 coins and a pin fell in my lap. Thank you so much M.C. I will add the non-trackables to my collection and somehow I am getting a pin collection also.


Thanks again.


1. Participating - Yes, email sent

2. Received Name - Got the name:) 10/16/07

3. Mission Complete - Received everthing needed and it will be shipped Mon or Tues at latest.

4. Package Received!


Well I'm just having some lousy luck :blink:


It looked as though I had a three coin trade going for three coins that my recipient was looking for. My last email from the trader said, "Sounds good. I'll get back to you." And it's been over a week and no reply to three emails. Arrrgh! :ph34r:


I'm now frantically trying to find other traders who have what I'm looking for and need what I've got.


We'll have to see what I can pull off in a week now... :)

Posted (edited)

Mission 1

1. Participating - Yes

2. Received Name yes

3. Mission Complete Mailed 11/01

4. Package Received! Yeppers...posted above


Mission 2

1. Participating - Yes

2. Received Name Yes

3. Mission Complete Mailled 11/01

4. Package Received! Oh yeah...received this very musical box in Saturday's post...very light, but musical when tipped...the lablel said Happy Harvest Days, so I knew it was a mission...I carefully opened it to find....lots of newpaper wadding!!!...and beneath the papers...a charming small farmer's basket chock full of fall color...orange leaves, pumpkins, and a CROWBELL...no, not a cowbell...a crowbell...a giant jinglebell with a crow dressed as a scarecrow attached to the top!!! I laughed 'til I cried...'cause now I suspected who my Harvest Day buddy might be...searching through the leaves revealed little blue and red packages with smiley face stickers...shredding the first wrapper I found...a Silly Boys pink ammo can...been trying to get that one forever!...the next wrapper gave me a Crowesfeat30 GW5 red chick,,,the next, a Crowesfeat30 orange chick, and the final package was a Crowesfeat30 Copper!!! All coins I did not have...Thank you, thank you, thank you, Crowesfeat30...for a wonderful Saturday surprise!


Mission 3

1. Participating - Yes

2. Received Name Yes

3. Mission Complete Mailed 11/01

4. Package Received not yet...pleanty of time remaining...

Edited by Team OleOmi
Posted (edited)

Mission 1:

1. Participating: yes, e-mail sent

2. Received Name: yes

3. Mission Complete: yes

4. Package Received! yes!


When I came back today from a weekend-trip I found a big mailer with some cats and dogs on it, and inside it was clearly labeled as my thanksgiving mission! Safely fixed on a piece of cardboard (decorated with more cats and dogs :ph34r: ) I found a "Masters of Space", a "Team Geocache Hockey" Coin (Team Number 50!) and a wonderful "Letterboxing" coin (I have to search for my loupe to find all the details in that coin :blink: )!

Thanks so much, mrjiffy! :)




Mission 2:

1. Participating: yes, e-mail sent

2. Received Name: yes

3. Mission Complete: yes

4. Package Received!

Edited by Steinwälzer

Got my first mission in the mail today, wow is it cool! :cool:


Hadn't gotten diddley-squat the last few days (substitute carrier :rolleyes: ) so I was expecting a bunch of mailers today and wasn't disappointed (eight packages total, including a bunch of trades, the GW5 DVD and some new coins)


One of the packages was suspiciously addressed from me to myself and was decorated with a bunch of leaves, hmm! :P


Once opened, found not one, not two, not three, but FOUR nifty origami hand-made envelopes inside! This was especially cool, as we went to an international festival in Raleigh yesterday, where our 5 yo son liked making an origami bird with flapping wings the best of all the food and activities there. Now we'll have something else to show him how to make, see if that keeps us out of the local B&N (always a dangerous place to go if you like books! :D ) The images on the one envelope really had me saying "Hmmm!" :P




Opened up the envelopes, and WOW was there a lot of goodies in those 4 envelopes!!! First one I picked had Pirates of Harriman IV coin (AG w/S skull) and the Pirate's Plunder from the event as well (gold doubloon looking coin and a pin, woo!) Second envelope had 3 TB protectors and a bracelet, someone must know I've been dragging my heels on releasing a few TBs that I've got mostly prepared! :rolleyes: Third envelope had a sample Nerds coin (hmmm! :ph34r: ) and a Wildlife Muggles Finders Fox LE Copper! :anibad::) Final envelope (the froggy papered one) had a frog figurine, a frog "shooter" toy and the tell-tale tadpole379 signature item! :D




Thanks a bunch Jackie, you certainly gave me reason to smile today, and can't wait to show the pirate goodies and origami to my son when he gets home tonight! B)


Got two packages in the mail today. One was a purchase, and one was a Turkey Day package. Whoo-Hoo!


In it, I got a whole mess of stuff - OleOmi personal coin, Keeper of the Mountain cache (neat mountain lion head shape), caching in the leaves (geoswag coin & pin club) coin and pin, The unexpected Wisconsin (non-trackable), a GeoWoodstock wooden nickel, a pumpkin mini-coin (non trackable), a cacher patch, bracelet, and a sig item from my mystery person (I know I've seen that on here somewhere!).

Thanks for all the cool stuff!


Now, I just need to get my packages out in the mail - tomorrow!


1. Participating

2. Received Name

3. Mission Complete Sent 11/1

4. Package Received! ???? 11/5 ????


We got a white padded mailer at our new house today, and I think the only coiners that have this address are from the mission, soooo I THINK these coins are one of our missions, but I don't know???

  • Thank You coin from Coins and Pins
  • Caching the Pumpkin Patch (looks great next to our Great Geo-Pumpkin!)
  • Henry David Thoreau "In winderness is the preservation of the world."


I'd only ever seen the pumpkin coin before, but I hadn't ever even heard of the others. Thanks so much mystery sender!


1. Participating - Email sent 9/30/07

2. Received Name - Received 10/17/07

3. Mission Complete - Mailed 11/5/07

4. Package Received! - 11/5/07


Wow! What a package! Not just two, not just three, but FOUR coins I didn't already have - a Cache Counter, a TR Caching Through the Snow Too, and a Fazanten coin which were all on my seeking list AND a Donauschwaben-Schwarzwald which I hadn't really seen before. Not only that, but also an organ donor pin, a geocaching bracelet, and a GeoWoodstock IV Wooden Nickel! Man - what a generous person - if only I knew who it is!! All I can say is THANK YOU. I'll post a picture of all the loot as soon as I can find my (hopefully only misplaced) camera! :D


Got my first mission in the mail today, wow is it cool! :P


Hadn't gotten diddley-squat the last few days (substitute carrier :anibad: ) so I was expecting a bunch of mailers today and wasn't disappointed (eight packages total, including a bunch of trades, the GW5 DVD and some new coins)


One of the packages was suspiciously addressed from me to myself and was decorated with a bunch of leaves, hmm! B)


Once opened, found not one, not two, not three, but FOUR nifty origami hand-made envelopes inside! This was especially cool, as we went to an international festival in Raleigh yesterday, where our 5 yo son liked making an origami bird with flapping wings the best of all the food and activities there. Now we'll have something else to show him how to make, see if that keeps us out of the local B&N (always a dangerous place to go if you like books! :rolleyes: ) The images on the one envelope really had me saying "Hmmm!" :P


Opened up the envelopes, and WOW was there a lot of goodies in those 4 envelopes!!! First one I picked had Pirates of Harriman IV coin (AG w/S skull) and the Pirate's Plunder from the event as well (gold doubloon looking coin and a pin, woo!) Second envelope had 3 TB protectors and a bracelet, someone must know I've been dragging my heels on releasing a few TBs that I've got mostly prepared! :rolleyes: Third envelope had a sample Nerds coin (hmmm! :) ) and a Wildlife Muggles Finders Fox LE Copper! :DB) Final envelope (the froggy papered one) had a frog figurine, a frog "shooter" toy and the tell-tale tadpole379 signature item! :D


Thanks a bunch Jackie, you certainly gave me reason to smile today, and can't wait to show the pirate goodies and origami to my son when he gets home tonight! B)


:D:D Glad you liked it!!!

It was just as exciting waiting for the package I sent to arrive to you, as waiting for my mission to get here :D:D


-Your not so secret mission :ph34r::D:cool:


I just received an amazing package. (Still not sure if this is my first or second Thanksgiving Mission Package.)


The return address said Thanksgiving Mission and the back was covered in some cute stickers. (I love the Native American and Pilgrim Doggies!)


Inside were two sticker covered envelopes and a lot of Fall Leaves confetti. The first envelope contained a sweet card and a Happy Caching - Chimney Sweeper micro geocoin. Inside the second envelope I found a silver 2006 Team Sand Dollar geocoin (I've been wanting one of these since the first geocoin mission I ever participated in), a black nickel Geocacher's Day geocoin (another geocoin I've been seeking for a long time), and an adorable gold TGBear trackable pin (I've never seen one of these before!). I was counting my blessings for having such a great Harvest Mission Package and collecting all the Fall Leaves confetti that fell out of each envelope when I noticed one more item taped inside the outer mailer, a Wsgaskins geocoin with a real swaroski crystal (a real beauty!).


Thank you Thank you Thank you Thanksgiving Mission Agent! This package was full of great surprises and cuteness; it really made my Monday! I am very thankful :rolleyes::D:rolleyes:










Thanksgiving (Harvest Day) Geocoin Mission #1

1. Participating -

2. Received Name -

3. Mission Complete - 10/30/2007

4. Package Received! - Maybe? (page 5 post #250)

Thanksgiving (Harvest Day) Geocoin Mission #2

1. Participating -

2. Received Name -

3. Mission Complete -

4. Package Received! - 11/05/2007


Glad to see these missions are making everyone think about what to be thankful for. Reading some of the stories here really makes you think about what is important in your life. Thank you all - I am really glad you have allowed me to run this mission.





:) I know it is still early but I got my package today and it wasn't too hard to figure out who it came from. It was very cool to get a package from overseas to start and it only took 5 days total. I haven't been home much in the last week since I have been working on the wildfire here in Southern California. I received two very nice coins from the United Kingdom, a Stone Circles of the United Kingdom and a Best of British. Also received a Snoopy dog from Geo-Dog and I know this is going to sound dumb but even more impressive than the new geocoin was a REAL FOSSIL from Dorset, UK. ;);):) It is a really cool Crinoid stem that is a perfect star shape and only 157 million years old. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. Hope your trip to Germany was profitable.

The Fossillady


I'm now home from a successful but exhausting trip to a conference in Germany.


Delighted to see the package arrived safely and that you enjoyed receiving your own little bit of Dorset!!


When I saw that I had been allotted someone called The Fossillady, I thought what else could I possibly send? :)


Mission 1


1. Participating - Yes (10/14)

2. Received Name - Yes (10/17)

3. Mission Complete - Yes, at last (11/6)

4. Package Received! YES (10/26)


Mission 2


1. Participating - Yes (10/14)

2. Received Name - Yes (10/19)

3. Mission Complete - Yes, at last (11/6)

4. Package Received! - YES! (10/31)


At last!! Mission on the road courtesy of USPS!!!!




Thanks muchly to GPX Navigators for trading a coin to me that was on my person's seeking list !! You facilitated what I hope is a successful mission !!

Posted (edited)

1. Participating - Yes

2. Received Name yes

3. Mission Complete: not yet!


4. Package Received! Yes!




My lovely package arrived yesterday. I was very lucky, and received some great coins and some signature items! I'll post a photo in the next couple of days when I have time to upload. In the meantime, here's what came in my package:



A Canadian micro puck


An Interstate 10 coin


A Ladycacher coin


a Tatanka Pejula coin (one of my most hoped for coins!!)


a Cacher patch


a Geowodstock wooden nickel


a geocaching bracelet


and a cool pen

and two great pins!


Thank you very much to my secret mission person. You did a great job of researching, and I appreciate all you did for me.

Edited by 4BOWS

E-mail sent


1. Participating----Yes

2. Received Name----Yes Researching

3. Mission Complete----Shipped 10/17/07 11:30 MST

4. Package Received!----Yes 11/03/07


1. Participating----Yes

2. Received Name----Yes Researching

3. Mission Complete----Shipped 10/17/07 11:30 MST

4. Package Received!----Yes 11/06/07


I received my second mission package today and was thrilled to get an Anthus decoder from my want list. Thank you so much whoever you are. The package was to me from me, so I guess I can thank me too.

Thanks again.


1. Participating...email sent

2. Received Name...10/16/07

3. Mission Complete...mailed 11/5/07

4. Package Received...YES




A great package arrived today and as soon as I figure out how to add a picture I'll post one.


Mission 1


1. Participating - Yes (10/14)

2. Received Name - Yes (10/17)

3. Mission Complete - Yes, at last (11/6)

4. Package Received! YES (10/26)


Mission 2


1. Participating - Yes (10/14)

2. Received Name - Yes (10/19)

3. Mission Complete - Yes, at last (11/6)

4. Package Received! - YES! (10/31)


I finally got the pictures from my second mission received uploaded. What joy there is in uninstalling and reinstalling my FTP client after midnight :( .


The second mission was great. The picture below shows all the cool swag I received. The coins were a Geocoin & pin club Valentines Day coin - I think it's a beautiful coin and I didn't want to give it up to release it. I had a second one on my wanted list so that I could share one in the wild. Look for it in a cache near someone next year. I also received a 57 Chevy Thanks for The Cache coin and the 57 Chevy Whitebear diner coin. The latter was also on my list as it is a cool coin!


The box also contained personal trade items, hot hands (that season isn't too far off), wipes, a fan, Chinese coins and a few other misc. items. MANY Thanks for the cool box!



Posted (edited)

Mission #1

Participating - Email sent

Recieved name - Yes

Mission Complete- was sent on Nov. 3rd

Package Received - None


Mission #2

Participating - Email sent

Recieved name - Yes

Mission Complete - was sent on Nov. 3rd

Package Received - Yes!


Yesterday a big packet arrived, coming from the US. A packet? Where did I order so many coins? :P


After unwrapping I found a lovely coin-loving turkey guarding a box with some little bars of chocolate, two micro-caches, 2 little scarecrows, a logbook a cloth to remove poison-oak and 4 (in words: four!) coins: a non-trackable coin (could be a Cherry of a cache - will search for it) and 3 trackable coins: a white dragon clan (as I remember, the packet sits at home, i must sit at my office), an adopt a site and a dark side of the cache coin, all lying on lots of fall leaves. I was out of words! Thanks a lot, you secret mission sender. You made not only my day, but also my son's (with the chocolate, he loves mint :( )! Thank you very much!

Edited by wutzebear

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dont have time to tell everything, but just wanted to say THANKYOU to 57 Chevy, for your marvellous Thanksgiving package!! I LOVE it! B)


Photos and more exclamations to come later! :huh:


1. Participating - Yes, email sent

2. Received Name- Yes

3. Mission Complete- Yes, Nov 7 - Sent out a little later than we planned but we had to go get a box to ship it in.

4. Package Received!



1. Participating - email sent

2. Received Name - 17/10/07

3. Mission Complete - POSTED

4. Package Received - Yes, details to come later today



1. Participating - email sent

2. Received Name - 17/10/07

3. Mission Complete - POSTED

4. Package Received - Yes, details to come later today



1. Participating - email sent

2. Received Name - 17/10/07

3. Mission Complete - POSTED

4. Package Received - Yes, details to come later today



1. Participating - email sent

2. Received Name - 17/10/07

3. Mission Complete - POSTED

4. Package Received



1. Participating - email sent

2. Received Name - 17/10/07

3. Mission Complete - POSTED

4. Package Received



1. Participating - email sent

2. Received Name - 17/10/07

3. Mission Complete - POSTED

4. Package Received



1. Participating - email sent

2. Received Name - 17/10/07

3. Mission Complete - POSTED

4. Package Received


And for rattusbaggus:

1. Participating - email sent

2. Received Name - 17/10/07

3. Mission Complete - POSTED

4. Package Received

Posted (edited)

1. Participating - e-mail sent 10/1/2007

2. Received Name - Received 10/17/2007

3. Mission Complete - Mailed 11/7/2007

4. Package Received!

Edited by moscow32

Thanksgiving (Harvest Day) Geocoin Mission #1

1. Participating -

2. Received Name -

3. Mission Complete -

4. Package Received! - 11/05/2007

Thanksgiving (Harvest Day) Geocoin Mission #2

1. Participating -

2. Received Name -

3. Mission Complete - 11/06/2007

4. Package Received! -


1. Participating - Email Sent


2. Received Name - Name(s) Received


3. Mission Complete - Mailed 11/02


4. Package Received! - YES!!



1. Participating - Email Sent


2. Received Name - Name(s) Received


3. Mission Complete - Mailed 11/02


4. Package Received!



I got home yesterday after a VERY long and challenging day at work - checked my mail, and was blown away!


I received a fat (or is it Phat?) package. Well, the cats wanted to be fed, but I grabbed my camera and opened the package. It was beyond my wildest expectations. Thank you, thank you, thank YOU - mystery person! You REALLY made my day!!


When I opened the package, there was a FANTASTIC, soft bag with fall leaves covering the front. I snapped a picture, and slowly opened the package. I would have posted this last night, but I was too busy putting my keys on my new Geocaching Keychain!


My mystery person really did their homework!! I received a "Red Handed Micro (BN)" (now I'm torn... do I release it into a cache??? - maybe I'll keep it for a while, stare at it, then release it!!). I also received a "Canadian Hockey Puck Micro" - wow, I will design a special page in my coin book with the Puck - surrounded by my Team Geocache Hockey Geocoins!


That would have been enough to make my day, but ther was also a (much wanted) "What was in your mailbox today?" coin (Shiny Nickel) AND a "MWGB Duckie" geocoin - sparkling blue (AWESOME coin - the pics don't do it justice!!


Thank you SO MUCH!! You really made my day, week, month!! This community is so awesome! I can't thank you enough!















Awesome, awesome, awesome. Thanks! and thanks for making my day!!!


Mission 1:

1. Participating: yes, e-mail sent

2. Received Name: yes

3. Mission Complete: yes

4. Package Received! yes (see above)


Mission 2:

1. Participating: yes, e-mail sent

2. Received Name: yes

3. Mission Complete: yes

4. Package Received! yes!


My second mission arrived today! A brown mailer with lots of little turkeys and some dog paws on it. Inside I found SIX :( coins!!! Lets see... a antique gold (or bronze?) "TFTC" non-trackable, a cute little Dhenninger pathtag (I love that little bear :blink: ), a antique gold (or bronze?) "Geocaching the Appalachian" coin, a silver coin from an 1st April event "Pants on fire" (never heard of this one before, but looks good!), and two cute little dogs named "Zephyr" and "Carwyn" (I guess in real life they are nice big dogs and not really cute :D can't remember that I have seen these coins before, too)


Thank you very much, secret person, for this big mailer full of surprises :huh: !!! And Happy Thanksgiving!


Mission 2


1. Participating

2. Received Name

3. Mission Complete Sent 11/1

4. Package Received! 11/7


I arrived home yesterday to find a box with the mail--yay--our first real "package" at our new home! :huh:


We received:

  • Geocaching the Top 40: uotrackers
  • Go 4x4 It

The box was also filled with an organ donor pin, a yummy sounding recipe and other Thanksgiving goodies! Thanks so much mystery sender! We have no idea who you are! :blink:

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