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Thanksgiving (Harvest Day) Geocoin Mission


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1. Participating - email sent

2. Received Name - 17/10/07 - Researching...

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received



1. Participating - email sent

2. Received Name - 17/10/07 - Researching...

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received



1. Participating - email sent

2. Received Name - 17/10/07 - Researching...

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received



1. Participating - email sent

2. Received Name - 17/10/07 - Researching...

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received



1. Participating - email sent

2. Received Name - 17/10/07 - Researching...

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received


And for rattusbaggus:

1. Participating - email sent

2. Received Name - 17/10/07 - Researching...

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received

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E-mail sent


1. Participating----Yes

2. Received Name----Yes Researching

3. Mission Complete----Shipped 10/17/07 11:30 MST

4. Package Received!


1. Participating----Yes

2. Received Name----Yes Researching

3. Mission Complete----Shipped 10/17/07 11:30 MST

4. Package Received!

Edited by Mr.Explorer3
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E-mail sent


1. Participating----Yes

2. Received Name----Yes Researching

3. Mission Complete----Shipped 10/17/07 11:30 MST

4. Package Received!


1. Participating----Yes

2. Received Name----Yes Researching

3. Mission Complete----Shipped 10/17/07 11:30 MST

4. Package Received!


Wow. Already shipped both your mission. That's fast. ;)

Haven't got my name yet. :huh:

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1. Participating - Yes (

2. Received Name - Yes (10/16)

3. Mission Complete- Yes (10/18)

4. Package Received!


I know it's a bit "early", but I'm trying to pack up the house and it was easier to go ahead and mail it so I wouldn't forget in the hecticness (although I apoligize for it not being a "secret".


Also, whoever has me...I"m leaving Colorado on Nov 3rd to go to IN...although the address is still good, it might be a while before I get it if it arrives in CO after I leave!

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Just a quick note for whoever ended up with me as teir target: I'm easy enoguh to please, but whatever you send me please list a value of only a few dollars on the mailer. The other day I received 4 coins from a trade with someone from the US and I had to pay about $16 to customs :P (listed value was $25 - in my experience if you list say $5, customs will ignore it).

My package is ready and will bring it to the post office on Monday - official status update to follow.

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1. Participating - yes

2. Received Name - yes

3. Mission Complete - researching....no seeking list <_<

4. Package Received - YES :(


Oh wow! I wasn't anticipating my Thanksgiving mission to come so soon. When I saw a package in the mail from Mr. Explorer 3, I just thought it was from the cointest I won. But, the package felt like 2 coins. I opened up the package and out came the Team Badger. Oh my! I thought I'd never get one of those. It's been on my want list from day 1 about two years ago. Thanks so much!! <does happy dance>. I also got one of those great Idaho 2007 coins!




Thanks so much Mr. Explorer 3!!! I'm still shocked that I have a Team Badger!



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Mission 1:

1. Participating: yes, e-mail sent

2. Received Name: yes

3. Mission Complete: research done, trades arranged, waiting for coins to arrive

4. Package Received!


Mission 2:

1. Participating: yes, e-mail sent

2. Received Name: yes

3. Mission Complete: research done, trades arranged, waiting for coins to arrive

4. Package Received!

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1. Participating - YES!!! B)

2. Received Name - Name received 10/16/2007 B) Research commencing... Getting packages ready to ship...

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received! - 10/22/2007 YES!!, YES, YES!!! THANK YOU!!!! :):D:D


:D Today I received a mysterious package. :D It was addressed from me, to me. :D I was hoping that it would be a CreepyCrawlyCachers coin but it was not. :) However, the contents of the package were absolutly amazing! B) There was:


--->Two Canada Micro coins (the one with the North American Native art of a beaver on one side and a cute cartoon beaver on the other side - one beaver has a Santa hat),


--->A nolefan9399 & KimbyJ Just Married coin




--->A SILVER Geocache America coin!!!




I'm not sure, because there was nothing to indicate who sent the coins or why, but I think that they are one of my Thanksgiving (Harvest Day) missions. If so, whoever sent these fabulous coins to me: THANK YOU!!!, THANK YOU!!!, THANK YOU!!! B):P:) I'm speechless...!!! WOW!!!



1. Participating - Yes!!! :D

2. Received Name - Name received 10/16/2007 B) Research commencing... Getting packages ready to ship...

3. Mission Complete

4. Package Received!



Edited by Crowesfeat30
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