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GeoTag Trading Thread

Team Sand Dollar

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Mine are awaiting me at GW5! B) wsgaskins sent me a couple of pictures. Take a gander at these babies!





CF30'Tag - Nickel (Also comes in Brass)





Strider'Tag Nickel/Blue (Also comes in Brass/Green)


(looks purple in the pic but it is blue...)







I would so love to get ahold of this, however since I did not do a Geotag I am not sure what we could work out. Can you please email me if you think we can make a deal?




I got mine today too (both bunches) and I like all the coins but I have 4 coins with the same number in one bunch and 2 sets of coins with duplicates in the other bundle. That essentially allows me 5 less coins to trade or give away than if there were no duplicates. A little disappointing but not a huge concern. I will be trading and giving away my personal coins. The 2nd Annual Rawlins Brownbag coins will be door prizes, raffled, sold and auctioned to raise a little money for the event and WyoGeo.net Thanks for making this project happen, Mike!

I am working on that and trying to figure out what to do. If you count the tags you received 2 extra of each metal so it sounds like you are only 1 short from the but I am not 100% from your comments. Will get back to you when I figure this out.


We would gladly donate one for a charitable donation(Lunenburg County Cachers), just let us know where to send it. The rest of what we ordered are for trade/swag. Can't wait to see them in real life.

Awesome job!


Ours arrived today. Thanks so much Mike for ALL the amazing work you put into this project. You went above & beyond. Jamie of Mad Hatter's Neverland did our artwork and did a great job. Thanks to all involved including our fellow taggers that helped make this a personal yet affordable project. :(




I got mine today too (both bunches) and I like all the coins but I have 4 coins with the same number in one bunch and 2 sets of coins with duplicates in the other bundle. That essentially allows me 5 less coins to trade or give away than if there were no duplicates. A little disappointing but not a huge concern. I will be trading and giving away my personal coins. The 2nd Annual Rawlins Brownbag coins will be door prizes, raffled, sold and auctioned to raise a little money for the event and WyoGeo.net Thanks for making this project happen, Mike!

I am working on that and trying to figure out what to do. If you count the tags you received 2 extra of each metal so it sounds like you are only 1 short from the but I am not 100% from your comments. Will get back to you when I figure this out.


I too have dupes, but it seems that mine have four extra coins that are the dupes so if I take those out of circulation I still have my complete order. The extras were even wrappped seperately so were easy to pick the numbers out of the set. As long as you either send them out in the wild and never release your extras there will be no issue. I think that is what I will do with mine, that way I can still have a set to show for discovery. :(





I got mine today too (both bunches) and I like all the coins but I have 4 coins with the same number in one bunch and 2 sets of coins with duplicates in the other bundle. That essentially allows me 5 less coins to trade or give away than if there were no duplicates. A little disappointing but not a huge concern. I will be trading and giving away my personal coins. The 2nd Annual Rawlins Brownbag coins will be door prizes, raffled, sold and auctioned to raise a little money for the event and WyoGeo.net Thanks for making this project happen, Mike!

I am working on that and trying to figure out what to do. If you count the tags you received 2 extra of each metal so it sounds like you are only 1 short from the but I am not 100% from your comments. Will get back to you when I figure this out.


Hey Mike, not a big deal! I wish I didn't have the dups but I am perfectly happy right where I am, no gripes at all, maybe it sounded more complaint than comment. I am just thrilled to have coins which are trackable at the price. I'm all fired up to do some trading, giving away and sending some out traveling.


Ours arrived today. Thanks so much Mike for ALL the amazing work you put into this project. You went above & beyond. Jamie of Mad Hatter's Neverland did our artwork and did a great job. Thanks to all involved including our fellow taggers that helped make this a personal yet affordable project. :(




Same thing with you Michelle, I would love to get your Geotag since I was just at MRM last year. However I do not have a Geotag to trade you.


What would it take to trade for one?

Posted (edited)


Same thing with you Michelle, I would love to get your Geotag since I was just at MRM last year. However I do not have a Geotag to trade you.


What would it take to trade for one?


Thanks D - sent you an email.


I am holding off on trades till after June 4th. Should have waited to post but could not contain excitement. I have 3 activated already and one is going to Australia this weekend. These tags are great. I think everyone should have them! ;);)


Please do email me though if you want to trade. I am going to try for a bunch in caches but plan to set some aside for trades - Geotags or other coins.

Edited by GPX Navigators



My Geo-Tags have arrived........they look great too (all 10 colors that I paid for, dearly) I think that I must have the most expensive Geo-Tag made so far.



Anyone wanna trade?.....contact me...




My Geo-Tags have arrived........they look great too (all 10 colors that I paid for, dearly) I think that I must have the most expensive Geo-Tag made so far.



Anyone wanna trade?.....contact me...


Jaybee, I would like to have yours as well, but once again I did not have one made, can we work something out?


Ours arrived safely today. I do have 3 of one number , 2 numbers I have 2 coins each of...I guess that makes 7...3 of those can get released, 4 can't. I figure they can be replacements if the original gets lost in the big wide world! I do have a question though....what do I use as the activation code or how do I get it??


Ours arrived safely today. I do have 3 of one number , 2 numbers I have 2 coins each of...I guess that makes 7...3 of those can get released, 4 can't. I figure they can be replacements if the original gets lost in the big wide world! I do have a question though....what do I use as the activation code or how do I get it??


Nevermind on the activation problem...figured it out!

Posted (edited)

I just went through mine. I have 4 that have doubles in tracking numbers. So, in essence, I have 21 coins that are unique in numbers. The way I look at it, I have four that I can release and always have a back up for if they get stolen or lost. I can live with that. Thanks Mike for all your hard work on this project!


ETA: W8NC and I are both interested in a few trades. Send me an email through gc.com if you are interested in trading with us.

Edited by Team Owl

Back home from GW5 (and what a blast that was!!!). Both Strider and I are now ready to trade 'Tags (see pics above). E-mail me or Strider if interested. I will be making a lot e-mails myself! :) Looking forward to the trades!




Also, just got back from GW5, I gave away about half there I will be releasing 20 to different people who I met there and hope they finish their mission and get to each of the individuals.


Greetings. My GeoTags will be late in delivery. But I will be doing some trading once in hand. All I have at this point is the art. I will post a photo once in hand. Glenn






YAY - mine arrived today so let the trading begin. Unfortunately I'm now away for the weekend so it will have to wait for my return. Will post photos then.

OK, here's the photo of my keewee 2007 GeoTag:



The tag has:

- my caching name and home town/country on it's rim;

- the background is the colours of GC set behind a raise outline of New Zealand;

- the point where the 4 colours meet is the location of Ashburton (there is also a recessed dot at that point);

- in the yellow quarter is the Southern Cross and my home coordinates;

- in the orange quarter is my geocaching logo;

- crossing between the blue and orange is the date I started geocaching;

- and finally the little blob (not visible in the photo) sitting on the horizontal line between the green and orange is the Chatham Island, which is where my Grandfather was born (a special place that I'd love to visit one day).


I have a number of tags in nickel to trade, and a handful in bronze. Anyone interested in a trade, please contact me craig.elms@gmail.com.


i'm back from GW5, not sure how many i came back home with (quite a few)... now opening up trades!


i will be doing re-orders as the supply runs out... initial run was 75




I have been sending out a lot of requests for trade but I am sure I have not reached all of you yet!


I am interested in trading for 3 of each of the geotags designs. One is for myself, one is for


my dad Buffalo Wings, and one is for my sister edugator. I will be handling the trade for the 3 of us.


I have the following geotags to trade


Team Sand Dollar

Buffalo Wings




Team Sand Dollar

Posted (edited)

I've been holding off on posting anything until I had a chance to go through all our tags, looking for number probloems: none found :blink: Also had some mundane things in the way :D


Anyway, we have about a dozen or so that we can trade. Can't seem to get coding to work properly, but you can see our artwork on this link... GeoTag artwork page; chaosmanor is five rows from the bottom, next to keewee. EDITED TO FIX URL GLITCH :P Thanks to TSD for pointing out the problem.


Amazingly, the finished coin and the artwork came out very similarly; there is always a difference between the art and the metal, but I guess ours was less than some. In any event, if anyone would like to trade, please write. I have to say that we won't be able to accept all trades; if you ask and we turn you down, it isn't personal. It'll mean that we just ran out. We have a few that we are going to give away to friends, and we still have to put some into caches. We got some of each metal.


Also, we are going to ask a few of you to trade. If you can't, that's fine! I'd rather ask and be turned down than not ask at all :D We really are impressed with the range of themes and artistic expression. Everyone who had one of these made did a marvelous job :D


I should also mention that we are willing to consider trading with anyone who did *not* make a GeoTag. There should be a way to make such a trade work :D Same caveats apply.

Edited by chaosmanor
Posted (edited)

I have heard that geocoincollection will not post tags on their site. I was wondering if anyone is intersted in me creating a simple site that would help the trading process. I have a similer site set up for CacheTags that seems to be working well.


You can see what it looks like here.


Let me know if there is any intrest and if enough of you guys want it I will be more than happy to build the site.



Edited by Team Jsam
Posted (edited)

Please note that all activation codes are now hosted at coinswag.com under the activation code page. I will soon have the codes removed from coincodes as all new tag orders will only be hosted on coinswag and I do not want to create any confusion as to the location of the codes.


Here is a direct link: Visit Link



Edited by Team Jsam

Greetings. My GeoTags will be late in delivery. But I will be doing some trading once in hand. All I have at this point is the art. I will post a photo once in hand. Glenn






I would love to trade geocoins! I don't have a photo yet but the artwork is in the first batch of coins produced if you would like to check it out. Let me know if a trade would be possible. Thanks!

Posted (edited)

I have heard that geocoincollection will not post tags on their site. I was wondering if anyone is intersted in me creating a simple site that would help the trading process. I have a similer site set up for CacheTags that seems to be working well.


You can see what it looks like here.


Let me know if there is any intrest and if enough of you guys want it I will be more than happy to build the site.



Jake, I would argue that point about the Geocoincollection site reason::


Back when Mike (atwell) was starting this project, way at the beginning Groundspeak advised that they were to be named Geocoins from the get go, and when you activate them it automatically comes up with the name "GeoTag Geocoin".


They truly in some ways have all the bells and whistles a Geocoin would have. stamped metal, enameled, glow (on mine) Icon, and trackable They got "labeld" a TAG with the onset of the thread Mike started and also the verbage now on your website listing them as a"SIG" Item . I would not say they are in the same family of a Compass Rose .. But are way far from a wooden nickel LOL . Groundspeak Approved Art, GC . com trackable Icon , I would say they "are" a coin. Glenn

Edited by glennk721

I would love to trade geocoins! I don't have a photo yet but the artwork is in the first batch of coins produced if you would like to check it out. Let me know if a trade would be possible. Thanks!


Sure please either shoot me a email or PM, Thanks !


I have heard that geocoincollection will not post tags on their site. I was wondering if anyone is intersted in me creating a simple site that would help the trading process. I have a similer site set up for CacheTags that seems to be working well.


You can see what it looks like here.


Let me know if there is any intrest and if enough of you guys want it I will be more than happy to build the site.



Jake, I would argue that point about the Geocoincollection site reason::


Back when Mike (atwell) was starting this project, way at the beginning Groundspeak advised that they were to be named Geocoins from the get go, and when you activate them it automatically comes up with the name "GeoTag Geocoin".


They truly in some ways have all the bells and whistles a Geocoin would have. stamped metal, enameled, glow (on mine) Icon, and trackable They got "labeld" a TAG with the onset of the thread Mike started and also the verbage now on your website listing them as a"SIG" Item . I would not say they are in the same family of a Compass Rose .. But are way far from a wooden nickel LOL . Groundspeak Approved Art, GC . com trackable Icon , I would say they "are" a coin. Glenn

I argued all these points with the powers that be at geocoincollecting but they said no. They are just like the LP Top 40 and GeoJellies but I mistakenly put the word "tag" in the name. Without that I don't believe there would be an issue putting these on the site.


I finally got a chance to take a picture of my geotags. I am happy with the way they turned out! I had no duplicate tracking numbers. I can't figure out how to insert a picture as it keeps giving me an error, but here is a link to the picture. If anyone can tell me how to have it appear in my post that would be great!


Thanks again Mike for putting this whole project together!!


I only keep 40 of the edugator (my sisters) GeoTag coins to trade. I have already traded away 26 of them so I only have 14 left to trade.


These will go to the next 14 GeoTag owners, that I have not already traded with, will trade 3 of there GeoTags for our 3 GeoTags (Team Sand Dollar, Buffalo Wings, edugator)



Team Sand Dollar

Posted (edited)

We are finally getting around to doing trades. Here are some pics of our finished tags.






We would love to trade with anyone who is interested. Please email or pm and we will work it out.



Edited by hobbycachegirl

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