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List Your Recent Archived, Disabled, Caches Here


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Hiya Weinerdog.

I too thought EGH was joking. That whole neighborhood is pristine. I've never seen that park other than that. Super clean and tidy. When I went to check on the cache the park was fine. The cache on the other hand had dissapeared. ??? oh well. Short lived for sure.

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I've disabled Centauri Alliance - Mars Responds"> until I can get in touch with Federal Way to get it back and (hopefully) restore it into place. I'd also like to add MANY thanks to 'IG-88' who sent me the attached (phone number removed here, of course). It's 'great' to see a forward thinking parks department....




G'day! I am an Employee of the City of Federal Way Parks Department and Adelaide Park is one of my responsibilities. While Checking the Park on the 29th of June I located your cache. It had been disturbed and the contents were strewn about the clearing so I gathered what was there and the Cache it's self and returned it to my office with the intention of returning it back to it's original location as per your coordinates. If you have any reccomendations as to how or where you would like it placed please call me at my Work Phone xxx/xxx-xxxx. Thanks and Happy Hunting.


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I've disabled Centauri Alliance - Mars Responds"> until I can get in touch with Federal Way to get it back and (hopefully) restore it into place. I'd also like to add MANY thanks to 'IG-88' who sent me the attached (phone number removed here, of course). It's 'great' to see a forward thinking parks department....




G'day! I am an Employee of the City of Federal Way Parks Department and Adelaide Park is one of my responsibilities. While Checking the Park on the 29th of June I located your cache. It had been disturbed and the contents were strewn about the clearing so I gathered what was there and the Cache it's self and returned it to my office with the intention of returning it back to it's original location as per your coordinates. If you have any reccomendations as to how or where you would like it placed please call me at my Work Phone xxx/xxx-xxxx. Thanks and Happy Hunting.


[...end attach...]

Cool! LIke to hear about Park people being positive about geocaching. Too often it's the other way.

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So, lessee here...


OhJoy! and I were the last folk to find Viffer's Wonderland in Portland, Centauri Alliance - Mars Responds, and one of the S.P.O.T. caches in Tacoma all within the last couple of weeks...


Clearly we're bad for your cache!






Well... what's in that box dear?

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I had Groundspeak archive "Depot Detour `Elua by hilogirls" because someone took the ammo box but left the contents scattered all over the ground. I have tried to get hold of hilogirls but no luck so far. The contents of that cache are in a paper bag in the back of my car.

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^_^ I have archived my TREE MAIL cache. The City of Milwaukie found it, and have threatened legal action. Actually, the first guy who contacted me was very pleasant about the whole thing. But, the second person wasn't quite so nice. Apparently, they assumed I hadn't gotten permission to hide it where it was. I guess I will need to visit the Milwaukie Police Department tomorrow. Will someone post bail???
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I just reactivated Martin. It had gone missing some time ago. I was planning on a fake electrical box, but discovered that there are several real ones in the area of the cache and so went back to the original plan on this one. I have all the materials to do a new cache for Seattle Sister City - Beer Sheva and will start fabricating it soon. I will probably not be able to place that until after August 8 since I will be gone most of that time.

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I had to disable and John since it appears to have been stomped to death. Thanks the Phil and Cathy for letting me know about the condition. My expectation is that I will archive the cache and replace it with the same puzzle leading to a different park. There were just too many homeless people in the park most of the time. I had placed the cache in Denny Park so that Seattle Parks big wigs could see a cache in operation. For those not familiar with the park, the headquarters of Seattle Parks is located there. It didn't hurt that the park is at Dexter and John.

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