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Portland Cache Machine


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I just posted this note on the cache page:


Bunches of things:


- I've posted two images of the Day 1 and Day 2 routes. They are extremely tentative, and will definitely change, but it should give you a rough idea of what I'm thinking.


- The starting point for both days will be the parking lot of the Edgefield McMenamins (the coordinates at the top of this page). That's also where we'll have the pre-CM dinner and dinner Saturday night.


- According to their web site ( http://www.mcmenamins.com/index.php?loc=3&id=30 ) rooms are available at the Edgefield McMenamins at prices from $20 (hostel) to $130 (king suite with bath). There will be some sweet irony that we techie geeks will be calling this our home base, in spite of the fact that "Each spacious room is furnished in soothing turn-of-the-century decor. There are no televisions or telephones in the rooms, encouraging tranquility as surely as do the rocking chairs on our verandas."


- The Travelodge (23705 NE Sandy Blvd, Troutdale) is about 0.6 miles away, and has rooms listed on Travelocity for $38.13 (single) or $47.67 (double)


- Yes, a pilgrimage to the Original Stash Tribute Plaque is on the route (as the second most southern cache, near the end of day 1.)

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FYI - The Pipeline* cache is only about 45 miles from the cache machine start. If you're coming down early Friday this would be an excellent way to start the weekend. We did it on Saturday and it was a blast (figuratively and with the water leaks, literally). :) It's about a 3.3 mile (round-trip) fairly flat hike.

Edited by gaviidae
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There's 103 caches, plus the event, for 104 total.


The numbering in the PDF files includes the start (McMennamin's) and end points, so subtract two from each day.


I'm a bit concerned about not having enough on Saturday, with only 44 caches to hunt. I may create a brief supplemental file to tack a few more on to the end.


On Friday, I'm thinking I might try to clear out that cluster across the river in Camas.


TMG: sorry to hear you can't make it to this one :tongue:

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There's 103 caches, plus the event, for 104 total.


The numbering in the PDF files includes the start (McMennamin's) and end points, so subtract two from each day.


I'm a bit concerned about not having enough on Saturday, with only 44 caches to hunt. I may create a brief supplemental file to tack a few more on to the end.


On Friday, I'm thinking I might try to clear out that cluster across the river in Camas.


TMG: sorry to hear you can't make it to this one :lol:

or just move 15-20 caches from Sunday to Sat

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I'm a bit concerned about not having enough on Saturday, with only 44 caches to hunt. I may create a brief supplemental file to tack a few more on to the end.


On Friday, I'm thinking I might try to clear out that cluster across the river in Camas.

Did you create your own gpx file or is it a result of doing a query on gc.com?


I'm thinking about doing a query based on the cachemachine as a starting point and going out 35 miles or so. Would that work in case there aren't enough caches for saturday? Keep terrain under 2.5 and the same with difficulty. No multis or puzzles.

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Slightly tangential topic(s):


1. I'm planing on leaving early on Friday from Seattle, and picking up the rest stop caches along the way. Does anyone know an easy way to flush those out of PQs or other searches?


2. I hope to bring the afternoon to a fitting culmination with a pilgrimage to The Contact Cache. I solved this over a year ago and this will be the first opportunity I've had to actually log it. Has anyone else out of the area done the same? And would you like to arrange a meeting to go find it as a group before the pre-CM dinner?


3. If there's time, I'll try to pick up another fractal cache Top Score, which is much easier to solve :lol: unless you decide to get top score on a certain nuclear holocaust <_< themed game after I get done with it. :lol:

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I'm thinking about doing a query based on the cachemachine... 35 miles... No multis or puzzles.

It is imposable to weed out puzzles without looking at each cache, because some puzzles are listed as traditional. Thats why I feel that if there is not a cache at the listed coordinates it should not be listed as a traditional.


This one for instance would show up in your query but I know this isn't a lazyboy kind of cache. This is the kind of cache that made me buy a PDA...


Now it sounds like a fun cache but not one I want to run into if I just have coordinates plugged into my GPS.


Just thought I'd warn you...

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Did you create your own gpx file or is it a result of doing a query on gc.com?


I'm thinking about doing a query based on the cachemachine as a starting point and going out 35 miles or so. Would that work in case there aren't enough caches for saturday? Keep terrain under 2.5 and the same with difficulty. No multis or puzzles.

To create the GPX file on the Cache Machine page, I did a pocket query of 500 caches centered around 97201, with no restrictions. This gave me a GPX file with all caches in a 16 mile radius.


I opened it in GSAK, then manually marked each cache on the route. A few of them didn't make it into the GPX file (outside of the 16 mile radius), so I added them manually. I filtered based on whether I'd marked it or not, and saved it as a new GPX file, as a LOC file, and as a CSV.


If I were to extend the Saturday route, I'd hop across the Willamette River mid-day and hit the cluster of caches just north of Lake Oswego and swing down into Oregon City. This could add another 30+ caches to the day.




The risk is that it'd take too much time, and we'd not make it to Original Stash Tribute Plaque.

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That is a problem Blazerfan. When that cache was first placed it was incorrectly classified by its owner <_< Now it is locked in as traditional. The option to change it is gone. Sorry about that.


It's really not that hard - and the walk isn't too far either :lol:


There are a number of other caches in the Tigard/Beaverton area that are not on the Cache Machine list (probably because TravisL already found some of them during the Beaverton Cache Machine event :lol: )


For those of you coming from the south, make sure to grab the cache that is laying in the Middle of the Road. A quick off, and back on the road cache.


Here are a handful of other traditional caches that can be added to any part of the weekend. Maybe grab these at the end of Day 1 or the middle of Day 2.


But don't forget lunch at GCGVT7 from about 11:30 to 1:30 on Sunday provided by the Portland area Westsiders (and honorary westsiders).


Here's the list I cobbled together...


Inside the red line of TravisL's post


Are You the One #1



A Short Stop


Also these 3 are close together (1 is a very simple multi, but in the same park as another) - Also inside the red line of TravisL's post

Atherton Heights

Palisades Crest

Cooke's Butte (multi)


And these two are near each other in Tigard

Ponderosa Parent (virtual)

Twin Towers


The South Beaverton Swing...

Are you the one #8

The Shadow Knows

Lowami II

End of the Sidewalk

Wood Nymph's Lair

Finding Bruno

Tiny Dancer


Apologies if any of these are already on the route (I don't think any are).

Edited by pdxmarathonman
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That is a problem Blazerfan. When that cache was first placed it was incorrectly classified by its owner :lol: Now it is locked in as traditional. The option to change it is gone. Sorry about that.

I've changed the cache type to a mystery/puzzle for you. Let me know if you would prefer it to remain a trad.

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I'm planing on leaving early on Friday from Seattle, and picking up the rest stop caches along the way. Does anyone know an easy way to flush those out of PQs or other searches?

I created overlapping PQs for the drive and merged them together in Watcher. I also converted that list to a .CSV file and opened that in MapPoint. I then map the route in MapPoint, select the route, and then tell it to give me all POIs with X distance of the route. Then, using Watcher I select the caches that it returns as within those criteria and save *that* out as a separate GPX file. It sounds complicated, but it is pretty easy to do for a short drive like Seattle-Portland.


I'd be willing to email you my resulting GPX file, but it does not contain any of the caches I've already done, and I've been able ot pick up most of the rest stop caches along the way on previous trips.

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When that cache was first placed it was incorrectly classified by its owner :lol: Now it is locked in as traditional. The option to change it is gone. Sorry about that.


Slightly off topic here but, if anyone has this problem with one of their own caches, or a cache in their area feel free to email us with the GC# and we'll take a look at it.

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That is a problem Blazerfan. When that cache was first placed it was incorrectly classified by its owner :lol: Now it is locked in as traditional. The option to change it is gone. Sorry about that.

I know there are a lot of caches that are labled traditional that aren't


Yours was the first one I found in a quick search of the area so I hope you don't mind that I used it as an example. It does sound like fun.


I was just warning lazyboy that you can't assume a pocket query will give you easy caches to grab. After all even simple math puzzles can take lazyboy hours <_<

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There are a number of other caches in the Tigard/Beaverton area that are not on the Cache Machine list (probably because TravisL already found some of them during the Beaverton Cache Machine event  :lol: )


*grin* Yeah, that's the primary reason I didn't send the route further west in that area.


But don't forget lunch at GCGVT7 from about 11:30 to 1:30 on Sunday provided by the Portland area Westsiders (and honorary westsiders).


I think I missed the memo on this one. I'd heard a tiny bit of chatter early on about an organized lunch stop, but hadn't heard anything about it since. Is this a for-sure thing I should add to the event cache page description?


Here are a handful of other traditional caches that can be added to any part of the weekend.  Maybe grab these at the end of Day 1 or the middle of Day 2.  ... Apologies if any of these are already on the route (I don't think any are).


Nope -- none of these are on the route.


I think at around cache #34 on Saturday, I'll try to get a feel for how we're doing on timing, and maybe get a few of these.


Sunday, I really think we'll end up skipping a few to make it to dinner on time.

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While I'm gone can you paint my house?????

I've got a lot of old paint cans I need to use up. A bright candy-stripe pattern would look real nice. Or would you prefer we mix them together for a muddy gray look? You might want to cover your windows before you leave. Should we paint your cache machine, too?


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Should we paint your cache machine, too?

Dear God man is nothing sacred to you? Don't paint the cache machine, it's perfect.




I've spun and plucked the caches and I've gassed up the Olds. Nothing left to do but to wait for Rooster to show up and then I'll load his chicken butt in the Olds and we'll head north.


The one thing I can say now before we leave is this appears to be the most well organized event I've ever attended. Travis you do such a good job that it's made me not want to put one of these on, I'm afraid too many would be dissapointed.

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this appears to be the most well organized event I've ever attended


Wait until Monday. Then you'll know how disorganized this thing really is :blink:


No battle plan ever survives contact with the enemy.

:lol: LMAO! Ain't that the truth!


Here's wishing I could join you folks! Hope y'all have tons of fun!

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1. I'm planing on leaving early on Friday from Seattle, and picking up the rest stop caches along the way. Does anyone know an easy way to flush those out of PQs or other searches?

I have previously created a GPX file of all the caches that are:

  • Less than or equal to 2.5 D/T
  • Are Traditional or Virtual cache types only
  • Follow I-5 from the Canadian border to Portland
  • Fall within 1.0 kilometre range of I-5

Anyone is welcome to use it:




In addition, I have a cache list page complete with links to the printer friendly cache pages for the Cache Machine itself, if anyone wants it:



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I'm not going to be able to post updated files (no time left to upload files to my server), but regarding supplemental caches for day 1:


I think that if folks arrive at stop 34, GC829E, ''Frogs and Fun'', before 2:30 p.m., they can jump into a ''day 1 supplemental route'' that I've developed. Hopefully, they'll arrive back at stop 35, GCH945 ''ON THE WAY TO THE MALL'' no later than 5:00 p.m., and can continue the posted route from there.


I'll have a few copies of the supplemental route, with maps, to hand out on Friday night.


The supplemental route:


Short version:

GC829E Frogs and Fun (stop 34)

GCGYTY Last Minute Cache (stop 34a)

GCJK9Q The Wilds of West Linn (stop 34b)

GCJBRA I Hate Jocks (stop 34c)

GCGM13 We Mean Business (stop 34d)

GCGH0D Singer Creek Cache (stop 34e)

GC8CE2 I hate the Railroad: Chandler Pond Troll (stop 34f)

GC59CF Clackamas River Side (stop 34g)



Long version (I hope this is acually readable):


Time Distance Instruction

12:43 PM 0.0 1 Depart GC829E Frogs and Fun by Time4Us (2/1) on SE Risley Ave (East) for 120 yds

12:43 PM 0.1 Turn RIGHT (South-East) onto SE Hugh Ave, then immediately turn LEFT (East) onto SE Concord Rd for 0.6 mi

12:47 PM 0.6 Turn RIGHT (South) onto SR-99E [sE McLoughlin Blvd] for 1.9 mi

12:51 PM 2.5 Bear LEFT (South-East) onto SR-99E [McLoughlin Blvd] for 1.3 mi

12:54 PM 3.8 Take Ramp (LEFT) onto I-205 [East Portland Fwy] for 2.8 mi towards I-205 / OR-43 / Lake Oswego / Salem

12:57 PM 6.6 At exit 6, turn RIGHT onto Ramp for 0.3 mi towards 10th Street / West Linn

12:58 PM 6.9 Turn LEFT (South) onto 10th St for 0.2 mi

12:59 PM 7.1 Turn RIGHT (West) onto Willamette Falls Dr for 0.1 mi

12:59 PM 7.3 Turn LEFT (South-East) onto 12th St for 0.4 mi

1:02 PM 7.6 Turn LEFT (East) onto Volpp St for 120 yds

1:02 PM 7.7 2 Arrive GCGYTY Last Minute Cache by Luceelou & Rockford (1.5/1)

1:09 PM 7.7 Depart GCGYTY Last Minute Cache by Luceelou & Rockford (1.5/1) on Volpp St (West) for 109 yds

1:10 PM 7.8 Turn RIGHT (North) onto 12th St for 0.4 mi

1:12 PM 8.2 Turn RIGHT (East) onto Willamette Falls Dr for 2.0 mi

1:17 PM 10.1 Bear LEFT (North) onto Chestnut St for 0.1 mi

1:18 PM 10.3 Turn LEFT (West) onto Sunset Ave for 0.6 mi

1:20 PM 10.8 Turn RIGHT (North) onto Exeter St for 0.3 mi

1:22 PM 11.1 Turn LEFT (West) onto Oxford St for 142 yds

1:22 PM 11.2 Bear RIGHT (North) onto Bonnet Dr, then immediately turn RIGHT (East) onto Oregon City Blvd for 0.2 mi

1:24 PM 11.4 Turn LEFT (North) onto Local road(s) for 0.1 mi

1:24 PM 11.5 3 Arrive GCJK9Q The Wilds of West Linn by daveinoregon (3/2)

1:31 PM 11.5 Depart GCJK9Q The Wilds of West Linn by daveinoregon (3/2) on Local road(s) (South) for 0.1 mi

1:32 PM 11.6 Turn RIGHT (West) onto Oregon City Blvd for 0.1 mi

1:33 PM 11.8 Turn LEFT (South) onto Bonnet Dr, then immediately bear LEFT (East) onto Oxford St for 0.1 mi

1:35 PM 11.9 Turn RIGHT (South) onto Exeter St for 0.3 mi

1:36 PM 12.2 Turn LEFT (East) onto Sunset Ave for 0.5 mi

1:38 PM 12.7 Turn LEFT (North) onto Walnut St, then immediately turn RIGHT (East) onto Maple St for 0.1 mi

1:39 PM 12.8 Road name changes to Chestnut St for 87 yds

1:40 PM 12.8 Turn LEFT (North) onto Local road(s) for 0.2 mi

1:40 PM 13.0 4 Arrive GCJBRA I Hate Jocks by Poopdog (2.5/2)

1:47 PM 13.0 Depart GCJBRA I Hate Jocks by Poopdog (2.5/2) on Local road(s) (South) for 0.2 mi

1:48 PM 13.1 Turn RIGHT (South-West) onto Chestnut St for 87 yds

1:49 PM 13.2 Road name changes to Maple St for 76 yds

1:49 PM 13.2 Turn LEFT (South) onto Walnut St, then immediately turn LEFT (East) onto Sunset Ave for 0.3 mi

1:51 PM 13.5 Bear LEFT (North-East) onto Willamette Falls Dr for 0.3 mi

1:53 PM 13.8 Turn RIGHT (South-West) onto SR-43 [Willamette Dr] for 0.2 mi

1:53 PM 14.0 Turn RIGHT (South-West) onto SR-43 [Main St] for 0.1 mi

1:53 PM 14.1 Turn RIGHT (North-West) onto SR-99E [5th St] for 98 yds

1:53 PM 14.2 5 Arrive GCGM13 We Mean Business by Doodlecat and MisterKrrk (1/1)

2:00 PM 14.2 Depart GCGM13 We Mean Business by Doodlecat and MisterKrrk (1/1) on SR-99E [McLoughlin Blvd] (North) for 0.3 mi

2:01 PM 14.5 Turn RIGHT (South) onto 10th St for 142 yds

2:02 PM 14.6 Road name changes to Singer Hill Rd for 0.2 mi

2:03 PM 14.7 Turn LEFT (South-East) onto 7th St for 0.6 mi

2:05 PM 15.3 Road name changes to Molalla Ave for 0.3 mi

2:06 PM 15.6 Bear RIGHT (South-West) onto Pleasant Ave for 0.1 mi

2:07 PM 15.7 Turn RIGHT (West) onto Sommer St for 0.1 mi

2:07 PM 15.8 Bear RIGHT (West) onto Local road(s) for 87 yds

2:07 PM 15.9 6 Arrive GCGH0D Singer Creek Cache by Doodlecat and MisterKrrk (1.5/2)

2:14 PM 15.9 Depart GCGH0D Singer Creek Cache by Doodlecat and MisterKrrk (1.5/2) on Local road(s) (East) for 87 yds

2:15 PM 15.9 Bear LEFT (East) onto Sommer St for 0.1 mi

2:16 PM 16.1 Turn LEFT (North) onto Pleasant Ave for 0.1 mi

2:17 PM 16.2 Bear LEFT (North) onto Molalla Ave for 0.3 mi

2:18 PM 16.4 Road name changes to 7th St for 0.5 mi

2:20 PM 16.9 Turn RIGHT (North-East) onto Washington St for 1.1 mi

2:22 PM 18.1 Turn LEFT (North) onto Local road(s) for 54 yds

2:22 PM 18.1 7 Arrive GC8CE2 I hate the Railroad: Chandler Pond Troll by Bird Dawg and Rizzo (1/1)

2:29 PM 18.1 Depart GC8CE2 I hate the Railroad: Chandler Pond Troll by Bird Dawg and Rizzo (1/1) on Local road(s) (South) for 54 yds

2:30 PM 18.1 Turn LEFT (East) onto Washington St for 0.3 mi

2:31 PM 18.4 Turn LEFT (North) onto SR-213 [Cascade Hwy S] for 0.2 mi

2:31 PM 18.6 Take Ramp (RIGHT) onto I-205 [sR-213] for 2.2 mi towards I-205 / Portland / Gladstone

2:34 PM 20.9 At exit 12, turn RIGHT onto Ramp for 0.2 mi towards OR-212 / OR-224 / Clackamas / Johnson City / Estacada / Mt. Hood

2:34 PM 21.1 Turn RIGHT (East) onto SR-224 [sR-212] for 0.5 mi

2:35 PM 21.6 Keep RIGHT onto Local road(s) for 87 yds

2:36 PM 21.7 Bear RIGHT (South-West) onto SE Evelyn St for 0.6 mi

2:39 PM 22.3 Road name changes to SE Mangan Dr for 0.3 mi

2:41 PM 22.5 Turn RIGHT (South) onto SE Water Ave for 0.1 mi

2:41 PM 22.6 Turn LEFT (East) onto Local road(s) for 0.1 mi

2:41 PM 22.8 8 Arrive GC59CF Clackamas River Side by The HappyRock Bunch (2/2)

2:48 PM 22.8 Depart GC59CF Clackamas River Side by The HappyRock Bunch (2/2) on Local road(s) (West) for 0.1 mi

2:49 PM 22.9 Turn RIGHT (North) onto SE Water Ave for 0.1 mi

2:50 PM 23.0 Turn LEFT (West) onto SE Mangan Dr for 0.3 mi

2:52 PM 23.3 Road name changes to SE Evelyn St for 0.7 mi

2:55 PM 23.9 Turn LEFT (West) onto SR-224 [sR-212] for 0.6 mi

2:56 PM 24.5 Take Ramp (RIGHT) onto I-205 [sR-213] for 0.5 mi towards I-205 / OR-213 / OR-224 W / Portland

2:57 PM 25.0 At exit 13, take Ramp (RIGHT) onto SR-213 [Cascade Hwy N] for 1.2 mi towards OR-213 / OR-224 / 82nd. Ave. / Milwaukie

2:59 PM 26.1 Keep STRAIGHT onto SR-213 [sE 82nd Ave] for 0.2 mi

3:00 PM 26.3 Turn LEFT (West) onto SE Harmony Rd for 76 yds

3:00 PM 26.3 Turn RIGHT (North) onto Local road(s) for 54 yds

3:00 PM 26.4 9 Arrive GCH945 ON THE WAY TO THE MALL by LSwandering (1.5/1)

Edited by travisl
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Anyone driving out saturday from the Aloha, Beaverton, Hillsboro area? I'm in desparate need of a ride! I live near the 185th and TV Hwy intersection.


I will not need a ride back, because once we get to the meeting spot, I'll jump ship to a friends car.


Please email me if you are willing to give me a ride!


Anyone? Anyone? Please?

Edited by Martin_Lu
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If you follow the current route from GCJBRA I Hate Jocks to GCGM13 We Mean Business you will be on the wrong side of a very busy 4-lane highway. Dangerous to cross on foot. If you follow this little circle route it will put you right at the cache.


Also, if you go to Singer Creek Cache GCDH0D using the current directions you'll have a terribly difficult time. I think you'd have to climb down and up a canyon with no trail to get to the cache. Here is a better route.


* Just look for the "*"s.


1:47 PM 13.0 Depart GCJBRA I Hate Jocks by Poopdog (2.5/2) on Local road(s) (South) for 0.2 mi

1:48 PM 13.1 Turn RIGHT (South-West) onto Chestnut St for 87 yds

1:49 PM 13.2 Road name changes to Maple St for 76 yds

1:49 PM 13.2 Turn LEFT (South) onto Walnut St, then immediately turn LEFT (East) onto Sunset Ave for 0.3 mi

1:51 PM 13.5 Bear LEFT (North-East) onto Willamette Falls Dr for 0.3 mi

1:53 PM 13.8 Turn RIGHT (South-West) onto SR-43 [Willamette Dr] for 0.2 mi


* This puts you on the old bridge that crosses over Willamette River


* After crossing the old bridge, turn Right onto Main Street,

* Left on 6th St

* Left on Railroad Ave

* Left on 9th St

* Right on Main Street

* Left on 10th Street

* Left on 99E

* When the 99E makes a left curve (aka 5th St) pull over and either park in

the parking lot near historical markers/benches or at the curb on the highway

just past the parking lot.


1:53 PM 14.2 5 Arrive GCGM13 We Mean Business by Doodlecat and MisterKrrk (1/1)

2:00 PM 14.2 Depart GCGM13 We Mean Business by Doodlecat and MisterKrrk (1/1) on SR-99E [McLoughlin Blvd]


* Head South (Turn Right) onto SR-99E


* Look for the Traffic Light at Art's Cafe.

* Go left at the light onto South 2nd Street

* Left onto High Street

* Right onto 5th Street

* 5th Street becomes Linn Avenue.

* Park at the Singer Creek Park sign and follow the paved paths to the cache.





* Depart Singer Creek Cache - Turn Right onto Linn Avenue

* Linn Avenue becomes 5th Street.

* Turn Right on Washington Street

* Continue by following TravisL's directions.


Not sure exactly how far GC8CE2 I hate the Railroad: Chandler Pond Troll is from here, but if you go past a Home Depot you've gone too far.


2:22 PM 18.1 7 Arrive GC8CE2 I hate the Railroad: Chandler Pond Troll by Bird Dawg and Rizzo (1/1)

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All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go

I'm standin' here outside your door

I hate to wake you up to say goodbye


But the dawn is breakin', it's early morn

The taxi's waitin', he's blowin' his horn

Already I'm so cache hungry I could fly


So kiss me and smile for me

Tell me that you'll wait for me...

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