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Found It = Didn't Find It

Jamie Z

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Speaking of the high logging group in Missouri, anyone talked to them about it?

They're only after the numbers. They don't care.

Same with another high number guy from Peoria, IL area.

It's all about getting the high number. If someone doesn't check their actual stats and just sees their numbers then no one knows they're padding the find count.


well we drove up from Arizona and made a special detour to attend this exhibit! when we got there we were told it cost 15 dollars per person to enter the wildlife sanctuary, inside of which is the exhibit! we were thoroughly disappointed because we just couldn't pay 30 dollars to go into this place the cache page mentions nothing of this fee to get in, so to those who are planning to go be prepared to hand over a leg and arm to get in we are logging an attended on this due to the effort put into getting to this event, as we are from Oregon and were driving up from visiting in Arizona. we would have loved to have gone in!


Here's what we wanted to post before the distraction:


:P July 24 by bugsscareme (27 found)


Nice hide. Didn't sign the log because of the mosquitoes....couldn't spare the blood. :) TFTC


You need to sign the log in blood?


Now that's quite the ALR!


Came across these logs as we were passing thru Kansas.

Guess Phoney Finder 2 & 3 forgot that cheating in the "old college try" will get them expelled from college.

Phoney Finder 1 is pretty safe knowing the CO wouldn't "disagree" with their "find". The CO hasn't even logged onto Geocaching.com in over a year.


:P May 2 by Phoney Finders 2 & 3 (1267 found)

We were with Phoney Finder 1 and completely agree with his comments. We did give it the old college try to locate it.


;) May 2 by Phone Finder 1 (2037 found)

Note to owner and following cachers at this site: We stopped at this one with skepticism, knowing it hadn't been found for the past 1/2 year and a previous DNF and realizing its difficulty was a 1 1/2. With Phoney Finders 2 & 3, we thoroughly scoured the area, finding the "obvious" neat place where the container should be. We assumed it was muggled; therefore, we're logging it as a find to justify our time spent here. If the CO disagrees with this, please edit accordingly. Our apologies for not having a container to place here to help the situation. A virtual SL on this quiet little area.


got this in my email today:


Found it while in the Park 8/13/2010. Biked to it. Did not handle or sign but we sighted the cache.




and it figures, they only found 4 caches so far


here's an example of what you SHOULD do, logged by a friend of mine:


Actually - I found this one a while back when I was on a ride with the wife...Since I use the Dakota for cadence and tracks on bike rides, I noticed the cache as we rode past on the way to Rt.22.

On the way back I stopped to look for it and found it...Though - as I hadn't planned on cachin' - I did not have my trusty pen. I had planned on emailing Red with the particulars of the hide and in what color a certain log was written. However - I don't think it proper to claim a find when you don't sign the log (for whatever reason) so I had to wait until I finally had the extra couple minutes to find a couple of local caches...And go back for it...

Thanks for the Smiley


A longish tale here, close reading may be required _ edited to remove username references - logs stacked in reverse of the order on a cache page:


Published April 2007


icon_note.gifJune 3, 2007 by Paddle_Cacher


I am not going to log a DNF because I really didn't look for it. I set off to try this cache in my kayak but the water was way to low. I really didn't feel safe because all the gators were everywhere. I even saw one bigger then my kayak and that's when I turned around and got out of the water. You really need an airboat to do this cache


icon_sad.gif January 5, 2008 Honest Air Boating Cacher


Cacher and I took my air boat out to the location listed on a small island out in the lake and both of us hunted for about 45 minutes in the maiden cane and dead trees with out any luck. I need a hint to find this one. It may have been muggled as boaters can come up on the island and camp,eat lunch or pit stop and may have found it!!

Yes Paddle_Cacher said it good. A lot of BIG gators in the creek sunning themselves today.


icon_smile.gifJuly 5 by ThrowDown Carrier


There had been a few attempts to find the cache in the past but large alligators in shallow water will deter most cachers. I'd been interested in the cache since first noticing it on a trip to Lake Placid in 2008. But having no airboat meant finding the cache would require the unthinkable task of canoeing or kayaking out to it. Or swimming I suppose but that's plain stupid. Paddle_Cachers initial attempt was in 2008 when Lake O was setting record lows and alligators had no where to go but in the path of a boat. This time some would go by canoe while some use sit on top kayaks (thanks again for that). We ascended from all points in the state to the boat launch to the North of the cache and set off from there. Radar showed most of the rain moving north with the potential for rain later in the day. I knew it was at least 5 miles from launch to cache site and back - turned out to be about 7. We cut across the shallow cattails and made a beeline for the cache with the wind in our face and a mild chop. No gators in sight. Once out of the cattails we headed across a mile of open water and small white caps to the island at GZ, ringed with more cattails and giant yellow lilies of some sort. We got within 120 feet and shoved our way through water Hyacinth. Still no gators. dadgum. Gotta get out.


At GZ the mosquitoes did buzz and the birds did squawk. Least bitterns, Common moorhens, anhingas, Great Egrets, Snowy Egrets, Great Blue Herons, Boat-tailed Grackles all took flight. We were on a rookery. Not a good place to be for the baby birds sake.


We didn't find the cache, but signed the log on the ammo can I was carrying. Then we decided not to leave the can. We decided this spot was too intrusive to the birds for a cache and it was removed.


Was it a beautiful spot and a nice place for a paddle? Absolutely. Remote unexplored areas are fun for the curious person, but no need to disturb the birds.


The paddle back, with the wind at our back was no less difficult. Arms sore, ankles and inner knees reddened by the sun, the storms rolled in just as we loaded up the boats to head home. A fun afternoon on the lake.


icon_smile.gifJuly 5 by Signed ThrowDown Log


My #500!!!!


Caching along with friends today out on my quest to get my #500.


We embarked on this great journey with our minds set to paddle 2.57miles to the cache, with a storm closing in on us, but yet we still had a great sunny day. Well jumped in our vessels and off we go.


Had a great time chatting with all them on the way there making jokes about the gators, and talking about papaya harvesting along the way since we saw a lot of papaya plants


About 1.5 mile in the lake we came across this beautiful flower field in which we stopped for a few to enjoy the amazing sight and to take great shots as well, with only one mile to the Gz I was only worry about the storm, but it is all good when you are surrounded by crazy geocachers like myself LOL .


After a few more minutes, well a lot more we got closer to the GZ, and started searching for a closer way to the island, hmmm gator land hmmm we really had to think about walking here since we could not see the floor, so we all started poking the ground with our paddles to make sure we did not step on any unfriendly gator .


Finally we made it within 15ft of the GZ, WOW never seen so many wading birds in one place. So Cacher and I decided to get to the GZ and bush whack our way in when we got attacked but a mosquito cloud yes no joke. Made our way in just to find about 5 or more bird’s nests oh no way we need to get out of here so we don’t disturb them very bad place for a cache’s GZ . Well needless to say we got out there as fastest as we could covered with bird poop lol, but it was fun.


ThrowDown Carrier was kind enough to bring his ammo can for the photo and we made a symbolic log book to record our "find."


I made this find my #500 . As I always say what really matters is the journey to the cache sometimes even more than the container itself, and this time it was one of the best trips ever in company of great crazy friends. I would have never made this journey alone it would not had been this much fun.


THANK YOU GUYS!!! . Until next time hmmm wonder what’s next LOL .


Wow taking throwdowns to a new level. Just bring a container with log with you to GZ, sign it, and place it back in your pocket. I bet I can rack up 1000 this month by doing this instead of wasting time actually looking for a cache.


"We didn't find the cache, but signed the log on the ammo can I was carrying. Then we decided not to leave the can. We decided this spot was too intrusive to the birds for a cache and it was removed."


Holy Cow!


A throw-downer cheating on a throw-down! :D


What's next? :D


How about this one:

:D May 10 by throwdown cacher (9377 found)




Not that significant until you read the logs we made when we found the cache:

:D August 15 by Mistikal68 (736 found)


This cache required patience and determination...these are the kind of finds that give a person a real smile, not just the little computer generated ones. As Geojunkie mentioned we found a throw down cache first...but when comparing the logs on this cache to signatures we knew it was not the actual cache. I prevailed on this one and located the cache in a place we had both been peeking and poking around in a couple times. TFTC


:) August 15 by GeoJunkie (1188 found)


Out caching with Mistikal68 while waiting for El Bandito Poquito to finish at the vet. We searched for a while and found a throwdown cache that a previous "finder" had decided to put out instead of taking the effort to find the actual cache. We decided not to give up as easily as that cacher and eventually found the real cache. I took the throwdown cache so others won't make the mistake. I'm posting the photograph of the log so the owner can decide whether to allow the May 10th log to remain since that person never actually found the cache.


Not even admitting to the cheating. Wonder how many of those 9000+ "finds" are real...


THANK YOU GUYS!!! . Until next time hmmm wonder what’s next LOL .


Great story!


What's next? Simple. Find a highway. Create a power trail by submitting caches for every 528' feet. Then, walk--er, drive--along with your film can in hand, slowing down briefly every 528' and signing its log. Each pause you'll "decide not to leave the can." Log all of your "finds" on line (yes, on your own caches; we've seen it done, this just takes it up a level! Though you could always have a friend or a sock puppet account place the finds for added legitimacy). Back at home, archive all the caches so that you don't have to deal with all the pesky DNF's. (Or encourage other cachers that it's a BYOC trail.) Voila! Huge numbers without the expense of all those containers or the effort of trying to find so many caches!




This is a good one. A cacher hides a cache inside a porta-jon located in a park. Local community complains that it's a horrible place for a cache so after about a week, the owner archived it.


A week later another cacher comes along and can't find the now archived cache. What does he do? He signs the toilet maintenance log that is pasted inside the toilet, then logs a find online.


Aug 16 by HonestHelpfulCacher (Needs Maintenance)

Cache definitely gone, debris everywhere, windows smashed out, I fear the cache may have had a watery end.


Aug 23 by LogItAnyway (Found)

Im saying I found it as I was definitely in the right place but as the previous log, definitely not there any longer.




The long slow descent of a nano cache.... if you read from the bottom up.


[Archived] Local Reviewer

... archived ...


[:)] August 25 by HonestCacher#2 (460 found)


Didn't even find half! CO should check on this one.


[sBA] August 22 by FirstHonestCacherIn6Months (731 found)


Found half the cache with PriorFinder, but... i refuse to log half a nano with no log book. The owner has not logged in to geocaching.com since March. This should be archived until/unless it is replaced with an actual cache.


[:rolleyes:] August 7 by LogIsMissingClaimingFindAnyhow#7 (597 found)


Visiting from Chicagoland and this is very close to where my friends live. As others have noted, half of this is missing and there is no log. But one half is right there. I took a picture in case the CO would like to see it. And yes, the sliding hill is still as reported. TFTC! #553


[:(] July 27 by LogIsMissingClaimingFindAnyhow#6 (308 found)


Too bad there isn't a "type of log" for found half of it! Like many others have reported, only half of the nano container is there. No log in sight. If it gets replaced I will swing by and sign the log.


[:lol:] June 24 by e-LogIsMissingClaimingFindAnyhow#5 (120 found)


Didn't see the comments before I searched for this one. Yes, a crucial part of the container is missing, along with the log. Looks like you've been muggled.


[:)] June 21 by LogIsMissingClaimingFindAnyhow#4 (180 found)


Found the magnetic 1/2 of a "bullet" type cache. No screw top and no log... otherwise it was just fine. TFTH


[:)] June 19 by LogIsMissingClaimingFindAnyhow#3 (6203 found)


Caching the area with TrueNanoFinder. Like others have mentioned the container (well half of it anyway) was the only thing there but for me it was out in the open and the log was long gone.


[:)] April 3 by LogIsMissingClaimingFindAnyhow#2 (444 found)


TFTH Only found part of the container.


[:)] March 8 by LogIsMissingClaimingFindAnyhow#1 (878 found)


Found the bottom half of a nano with no log. I assume that was the cache. It needs maintenance.


[+] March 5 by LogIsSignedAgain (1606 found)


This one needs a new container. There is only half of the container left. Luckily with the log, but unfortunately with rain the log will become mush.


[:)] March 5 by LogIsSignedAgain (1606 found)


Hmmm Quick find tonight it was out in the open. Only one problem. The container only had the lid. I could find no other part of the container. The log was dry however. I placed it back into its hiding place, but this one needs some TLC soon or the log will be mush. TFTC.


[:)] February 28 by StillSignedLogSoItCounts (798 found)


Half of the container is missing but fortunately the half that is there contains the log. I looked for the other half but couldn't locate it. TFTC!


[:)] November 1, 2009 by TrueNanoFinder (1006 found)


Not too hard. TFTH!

Posted (edited)

This phony find was in a cemetery. The cache is located in a bush near the grave marker of a family member of the cache owner.

:) August 20 by Phony Finder B (2 found)

Found spot and message NO geocache.

The phony finder then posts a picture of the grave marker surrounded by their 5 kids with the note

"Found spot where geo should be. "

Note to Phony Finder B:

Nope, Phony Finder B, you didn't find "spot where geo should be". You found a grave marker about 30 feet from where the cache is located. Others have found the actual since your phony find.

Edited by Wadcutter

I have never logged a find without having my hands on it, and I never will. This is a game, and if you cheat, you only cheat yourself.


WELL SAID. What's the point of cheating? That takes the fun out of it. FINDING the cache is the best part!


I had my hands on a cache today and could not get it open and I refused to leave before I got into that beast and signed the log which involved a half hour of me wrestling on the ground with it. I suppose I could have taped a piece of paper to the outside and say I saw it and found it but no way.


I had my hands on a cache today and could not get it open and I refused to leave before I got into that beast and signed the log which involved a half hour of me wrestling on the ground with it.

Well if that occasion happens again, besure to have somebody video the wrestling match. :D


I had my hands on a cache today and could not get it open and I refused to leave before I got into that beast and signed the log which involved a half hour of me wrestling on the ground with it.

Well if that occasion happens again, besure to have somebody video the wrestling match. :laughing:


I bordered on getting muddy. Mom regretted not pulling my camera out and taking pictures of the events as they unfolded. I'm glad to not have those pictures floating around. Nothing cute was going on and I emerged from the woods with plenty of stuff stuck to me.


Some high number Kansas cachers coming thru IL.

What do you do when you can't find a cache? You just "fix it". The problem is the ones they "fixed" were part of a series where on each cache they "fixed" was also a clue to a final cache. So they really didn't "fix" anything but just did some throw downs.

9 throwdowns in one day.


This one hasn't been found since March 13. 3 previous DNFs. They "fixed it".

:) September 6 by Kansas Throwdown Fixers (12926 found)

We fixed up this cache too, the only thing we can't fix is whatever code (cache owner) had on here originally. We may have a new geo-cacher in the area soon too! The guy at Walgreens wanted to know what we were doing with all of "these" so we explained geocaching. He thought it was really cool!


This one was last found on May 19. Logged 3 previous DNFs. Now it's "fixed".

:) September 6 by Kansas Throwdown Fixer (12926 found)

We knew two of these were missing so after caching all day we finally found a Walgreen's and stocked up! Decided to head back this way and fix them up! Just hate to see a series broken up!


Last found June 18. Logged 3 previous DNFs.

:) September 6 by Kanas Throwdown Fixer (12926 found)

It's not every day you see a structure like this one, so we decided to replace this one for all to enjoy and to give (cache owner) a helping hand.


Last Found July 8. 2 previous DNFs:

:) September 6 by Kansas Throwdown Fixer (12926 found)

We knew two of these were missing so after caching all day we finally found a Walgreen's and stocked up! Decided to head back this way and fix them up! Just hate to see a series broken up!


Last found July 31. 2 previous DNFs:

:D September 6 by Kansas Throwdown Fixer (12926 found)

Thanks to (deleted) this one is back in action in the usual place and ready to grab again.


Last found April 18. 2 previous DNFs:

:D September 6 by Kansas Throwdown Fixer (12926 found)

This one was certainly gone so we repaid the favor to (cache owner) for all the hides they've put out for us and we replaced the cache for them.



Last found April 25. 2 previous DNFs.

:D September 6 by Kansas Throwdown Fixer (12926 found)

Looks like the pole that was crashed into has now been replaced so we replaced the booze. Hope that's OK with (cache owner)!


Last found July 3. 2 previous DNFs

:D September 6 by Kansas Throwdown fixer (12926 found)

We just happened to have another replacement cache in the car so we fixed this one back up and it's ready to go.


Last found July 18. 3 previous DNFs.

:D September 6 by Kansas Throwdown Fixer (12926 found)

We were very puzzed when we discovered that the cache had disappeared, so our solution to the puzzle? We replaced it with a new cache to others can continue on with the series.


I DNF'd this cache (I only looked for a couple minutes).


:) May 9 by KnowsBetter (966 found)

Logging this one as a find, we found the Top. The rest of the Cache is missing.


:laughing: May 22 by NewMember1(6 found)

The lid is still there. We put the lid back. Looked for the rest of the cache with no success.


:rolleyes: May 22 by NewMember2 (4 found)

Found it on second try.


:huh: May 31 by WithThrowDown (3008 found)

Caching in the rain..That is the way Throwdown and I got 34 caches today. In the rain. We got wet and had fun doing it.


:) May 31 by ThrowDown (5102 found)

Out on a rainy caching day WithThrowDown.. Also found nothing but a piece of the container. Just happened to have one in the geomobile. Signed a new log and replace the entire container. Hope it was where the owner intended. Nice area, thanks for bringing us here!...ThrowDown


icon_smile.gif September 13 by Throwdowner (10 found)


I did "find" the location of the cache. I went inside the museum, and talked to the president of the museum who gave his permission to place the cache in the (here). It is NOT THERE anymore. I am replacing the cache with a new one in a tiny brown and white duffel bag-Mon. Sept 13th. Therefore, I should get credit for finding it, since I am the one who put it there in the first place!


:) September 9 by SmilesDon'tMatter (1000 found)


7,000+ miles and this one turns out to be M.I.A. ;( Ah but with precise pics of the cache hidey, the CO gave his blessing on this lone (country omitted) smiley. A fine series, I only wish I'd had more time to hunt caches while briefly on that side of the World.


One time I found the cache container but after spending 5 minutes trying to open it I just put it back. Man that lid was on tight! I still logged it as found though.


This cache was a D1/T5. It took some real figuring to get it and then return it to its hiding place. Instead of posting a "needs maintenance" or "archive" they replace it then claim a find.


:P September 25 by Savoy Throwdown Cacher (1219 found)

Had been out with (another cacher) and noticed this one was missing. This was such a cool cache I hated to let it stay unavailable. I had an extra cache container so I got up this morning, camoed it, grabbed the proper geotools and headed out there. I put the cache in the exact location where (another cacher) found it. Hopefully it won't get muggled this time. Enjoyed this spot and the interesting challenge. TFTC.


Sometimes its just ignorance of the "mores" of this sport. A new geocacher logged a find on the first stage of a 4 stage multi near me. I sent him a gently worded e-mail informing him it was considered to be bad form and he thanked me and changed it to a note.


:P I'm a newbe and just made that same mistake....I didn't read that in the directions...guess I better change mine to a note too.....Thanks for the info.... :D


I thought the whole point was to actually find the cache and log the log book and see the other stuff in the container. I have been out to one cache about 5 times now, probably have spent about 2 hours looking for it. Others have found it, so do I get to log it as found by default? I DON'T THINK SO! If I don't find the cache, I don't log it.


I picked up a TB in Quebec and, when I checked the TB Map a few days later, someone had discovered it, on a day when the TB was in my geocaching fanny pack. Upon further investigation, this cacher has "discovered" 37 TBs in the last 14 days, some hundreds of miles apart on the same day. I suppose it could be done, but I know for a fact that I did not show this TB to a 4 figure cacher. Perhaps they are a "four flusher"?


I am getting better about finding time to log my finds. I have missed logging quite a few, so maybe that can make up for some of the others. HA HA, I love the Geocaching scene & will do my best to play fair!


I picked up a TB in Quebec and, when I checked the TB Map a few days later, someone had discovered it, on a day when the TB was in my geocaching fanny pack. Upon further investigation, this cacher has "discovered" 37 TBs in the last 14 days, some hundreds of miles apart on the same day. I suppose it could be done, but I know for a fact that I did not show this TB to a 4 figure cacher. Perhaps they are a "four flusher"?


They have a 'pal' who saves TB codes and passes them along.


Cheaters, both of them.


No wonder they have over 10000 finds


:blink: October 7 by PumpUpTheNumbers (10274 found)


I looked for this one today with XXXXXX and XXXXXX. We came up empty handed on this one. PumpUpTheNumbers


I posted about this guy before, logging finds for every time he visited his own caches for maintenance or a trackable drop. Well, he's still at it:


:blink:February 18 by CacheOwner (1113 found)


Logging this one as a find for my nephew to remember which ones he's found and can go back and log them for himself.



For your nephew? Sure you are....


:) May 31 by CacheOwner (1113 found)


Finding this one for my nephew to count. CacheOwner


Another nephew? You're an awesome uncle!


I have a feeling the finds are as ficticious as the nephew(s).


It's a shame because this person is a servicemember, and among the values he's supposed to adhere to are Integrity and Honor.


Here's another good one.


Cache is MIA, throwdownder comes along and does a 'good deed' and replaces the cache, logging a 'note'. Then comes back three weeks later and logs the find:


(NOTE) May 23 by THROWDOWNER (650 found)


I replace the cache.


You replace cache? Me Tarzan, you Jane...


:blink: June 16 by THROWDOWNER (650 found)




You mean to say TMFC! (Thank ME For Cache!)


ARCHIVE October 20 by admin (43 found)

please list this on velcrocaching.com thanks


Needs Archived October 19 by cacher (285 found)



Found it October 17 by VelcroCacher (1863 found)

On a great caching run w/ users (found 104 all told). Found the place where this used to be...but no cache container could be found. Signed the velcro


Found it October 17 by VelcroToo(1580 found)

On a numbers run with users today. We visited 114 caches. 4 I had previously found and 10 DNF's. A total of 270 miles on the GPSr today and 260 miles on the geomobile. Would like to thank all cachers that put the time and effort into placing caches on out path today. We had a skip over a few but it gives an excuse to come back again.


Needs Maintenance October 13 cacher (285 found)

Need to replace cache or archive it.


Found it August 28 by VelcroCaching (12 found)

Found the piece of velcro like everyone else.


Didn't find it July 22 by cacher (285 found)

Same luck as the last few people, but no luck finding the cache container.


Found it July 8 by MoreVelcro(453 found)

... Looked all over for this one. ....we located the velcro where a micro was attached. Looks like the container has fallen off though.

Didn't Find it June 22 by huntsCaches (5218 found)

Found velcro, but no cache. .... You probably need to check on this one.


Gotta love it! Signed the velcro!


Found it October 17 by VelcroCacher (1863 found)

On a great caching run w/ users (found 104 all told). Found the place where this used to be...but no cache container could be found. Signed the velcro


icon_smile.gif October 12 by New to Area (825 found)

Well like I posted yesterday I hiked up her with (child) and joyous to see if we could locate the original hide. It appears to be gone but the hiding spot exists, so we placed a new cache and will see if Reviewer will let me take it over. In any case I will maintain it for now.


icon_note.gif October 11 by New to Area (825 found)

I will check this spot out and see if I can find the original spot, doesn't sound to hard I am thinking a tree by the hint. If I can find what I think is the spot I will stash a new cache and adopt this cache, however that works. Stand by!


icon_disabled.gif September 30 by Reviewer (106 found)

The cache appears to be in need of owner intervention. I'm temporarily disabling it, to give the owner an opportunity to check on the cache, and take whatever action is necessary. Please respond to this situation this in a timely manner (i.e., within 30 days) to prevent the cache from being archived for non-responsiveness.


icon_remove.gif September 19 by Concerned Cacher (3839 found)

Too many DNFs. Cache owner last Visit: Monday, 10 March 2008


This after seven DNFs and 2 NMs.


:sad: [Found it] November 28, 2008 by Liar1 (258 found)


Well we didn't really find it because the cache is not there, as was noted on the logs of previous cachers. But we found the place where it was supposed to have been hidden, so it would have been a great find if it would have still been there. Great afternoon for a hike in the park (better than shopping).


:) [Found it] November 28, 2008 by Liar1 (258 found)


Well we didn't really find it because the cache is not there, as was noted on the logs of previous cachers. But we found the place where it was supposed to have been hidden, so it would have been a great find if it would have still been there. Great afternoon for a hike in the park (better than shopping).

:sad: I love how people "justify" claiming a find when it is not there. :(


This fellow posted two finds on one of our caches on the same day. Probably a mistake, right? Fat fingers, trigger-happy index finger on the mouse?


Time goes by and I come across this:


:D October 17 by shameless (71 found)


Found at 4:05 PM Took a while as the 2 GPS's couldn't agree within 2 to 25 ft. Put them down and used the eyeball method. Walked right to it ! TNLN TFTC SHAMELESS


:D October 17 by shameless (71 found)


Found at 4:05 PM Took a while as the 2 GPS's couldn't agree within 2 to 25 ft. Put them down and used the eyeball method. Walked right to it ! TNLN TFTC SHAMELESS


:D October 17 by shameless (71 found)


Found at 4:05 PM Took a while as the 2 GPS's couldn't agree within 2 to 25 ft. Put them down and used the eyeball method. Walked right to it ! TNLN TFTC SHAMELESS


:D October 17 by shameless (71 found)


Found at 4:05 PM Took a while as the 2 GPS's couldn't agree within 2 to 25 ft. Put them down and used the eyeball method. Walked right to it ! TNLN TFTC SHAMELESS


:D October 17 by shameless (71 found)


Found at 4:05 PM Took a while as the 2 GPS's couldn't agree within 2 to 25 ft. Put them down and used the eyeball method. Walked right to it ! TNLN TFTC SHAMELESS


:o October 17 by shameless (71 found)


Found at 4:05 PM Took a while as the 2 GPS's couldn't agree within 2 to 25 ft. Put them down and used the eyeball method. Walked right to it ! TNLN TFTC SHAMELESS


:D October 17 by shameless (71 found)


Found at 4:05 PM Took a while as the 2 GPS's couldn't agree within 2 to 25 ft. Put them down and used the eyeball method. Walked right to it ! TNLN TFTC SHAMELESS.


:D October 17 by shameless (71 found)


Found at 4:05 PM Took a while as the 2 GPS's couldn't agree within 2 to 25 ft. Put them down and used the eyeball method. Walked right to it ! TNLN TFTC SHAMELESS


Yep, no less than EIGHT finds logged on the same day.


This is a worthwhile cache, but to visit it eight times in one day?


This fellow posted two finds on one of our caches on the same day. Probably a mistake, right? Fat fingers, trigger-happy index finger on the mouse?

Yep, no less than EIGHT finds logged on the same day.


This is a worthwhile cache, but to visit it eight times in one day?


I think there was a problem logging from IPhones that day. The system said that it didn't go through, so she kept trying. I had that problem on one of my caches. I deleted all but one find, and e-mailed the cacher. That was the explanation that she gave me, and others on the forum noticed this problem as well.


Then's there's the folks who 'find' virtuals all over the world without leaving their house:


:) (1/1)

1 Nov 01 Ndebele 1 by RadManZulu (GC26A9) Mazowieckie, Poland 19 Mar 08


:) (1/1)

16 Feb 02 Atlas by Saros and Luna (GC3A87) California 19 Mar 08


:) (1/1)

19 Jul 01 Elijah Cornell Chase House by Todd & Tracy (GC117B) Kansas 19 Mar 08


:D (1/1)

19 Jul 01 Washington and Nancy Cross by Todd & Tracy (GC117C) Kansas 19 Mar 08


:) (1/1)

29 Mar 02 Kanab History Cache #1 by David (GC46A3) Utah 19 Mar 08


:D (1/1)

9 Aug 02 Billy Bowlegs by Firemedicwhite Adopted By Lehigh Mafia (GC7C9F) Florida 19 Mar 08


:D (1/1)

23 Mar 03 Centinial by jhmw (GCEABB) Oklahoma 19 Mar 08


:D (1/1)

26 Oct 02 911 Memorial by pkpaul (GCA072) Virginia 18 Mar 08


:D (1/1)

19 Mar 03 Sammie by Kimmies (GCE84E) Texas 18 Mar 08


Seven states and Poland in only two days. This guy gets around!


This is only a small example, there were dozens more across the country for that month alone.


The sad thing is, he thinks he's impressing somebody.

:laughing: November 9 by Dude (1814 found)


After reading the logs, and looking up the bio of the owners, I see that the owners haven't been around for 4 years, so the cache is maintained by other random cachers. So, although Chick and I didn't find it, we found the obvious location, so we are going to log it. Perhaps a local cacher will adopt it, since "Cache Owners" have been MIA for 4 years.


I do agree that the cache should be adopted and replaced. It's a great place.



Posted (edited)

In reverse order (because I'm lazy right now):


[Needs Archived] November 18 by IkeHurley13 (1488 found)


Sorry to do this, but it appears the last actual find was March 25th. There have been 3 NM's posted with no response. It appears the recent 'finders' have only found a lid.


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[Didn] October 27 by Honest14 (83 found)


Stopped in on a restroom break from a road trip. Couldn't poke around enough to find because of allergies, but my son enjoyed seeing all the cats running around.


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[Found it] October 24 by IDroveBy (268 found)


Found this CACHE while on a return trip from South East Georgia.

Thanks for the Cache Owner for placing this Cache.

Hoorah IDroveBy was here.

Thanks for the hunt. TNLN

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[Didn] October 15 by Honest13 (22 found)


Like several before us, we didn't find it. Several stray animals running around and the area smelled. Not my favorite search.


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[Found it] October 3 by MonkeyDo (197 found)


Hope this one will get replaced someday...


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[Found it] September 24 by MonkeySee (81 found)


cache destroyed but am logging it as found.


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[Needs Maintenance] September 10 by Yay_A_Lid! (1030 found)


This cache is destroyed and needs to be replaced.


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[Found it] September 8 by Yay_A_Lid! (1030 found)


Well, I'm in from Alabama doing some work and grabbing some caches. Also, getting 2 new states added to my find list. I found the lid to the cache, but there wasn't anything else there. I know that it went to the cache by the writing on the top. Anyways, I'm gonna mark it as a find but also put an entry for needs maintenance. TFTC


Happy Caching !!!!!


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[Needs Maintenance] September 7 by Honest12 (21 found)


I am sad to say all we could find was the lid. I did see a little black kitten peeking up over the small bank but that was it.


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[Found it] September 5 by LidsCount! (28 found)


Found the lid after a long search. Wonder why the lid is the only thing that stays? Anyway-blessings to those of you that have set up and maintained the Furry Friend City! You will reap your rewards in heaven.


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[Found it] August 9 by PreviousFinder2 (244 found)


found as AnotherName


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[Needs Maintenance] July 15 by Really??(2083 found)


This one definitely needs maintenance, as I was only able to find the lid to the cache and some of the swag. Please check on this one. Thanks!!!


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[Found it] July 14 by Really??(2083 found)


I'm not sure if you'll call this a find or a DNF...lol. I found the lid to the container, I found several bits of swag, but did not find the rest of the container or the log. This one is definitely missing a few parts!! I gathered up what I could and put it all in one spot for the owner. We did not go in, however, as I've got 4 dogs and a cat already and KNEW I'd want to take at least two home!! Thanks for bringing us here!! And thanks to your daughters for being willing to help those sweet furry friends from the Humane Society. As I found a lot of the stuff, I'm going to log this as a find. But if the owner does not agree, please let me know and I'll change it. Thanks!!


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[Didn] July 4 by Honest11 (1721 found)


Uh... we didn't find. The area is a little scary. We did see some furry friends. We didn't see the cache.

And that dumpster reeks! We feel for the poor smokers whose smoking table is downwind from the dumpster. They haven't gone on strike in protest yet?


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[Didn] July 4 by Honest10(343 found)


Did not find. Found where it might have been but no luck


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[Didn] June 8 by HonestyAgain(12 found)


Lot of muggle activity did not find the cache but did go in and pet the critters. So still a "win" in the score-book. Wonder if this got "taken" a 3rd time?


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[Didn] June 5 by NewGuyGetsIt (20 found)


Was with MoreHonesty no luck but the cats were beautiful!! Well worth the stop


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[Didn] June 5 by MoreHonesty (75 found)


Couldn't find this one but just stopping at this cache and seeing where it was really touched my heart! Over the hill was a place for stray cats and there were all kinds of kinnels open so they would have shelter andnplenty off fod for them! Who ever takes care of this is a very special person and I give you lots of respect! Was in vacation but really wanted to take one of those kittens home with me although I already have 3 at home


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[Didn] May 30 by AnotherHonestCacher(2585 found)


Honest and Thoughtful and I headed into South Carolina after a tasty dinner so I could get South Carolina marked off the list of states I needed. Unfortunately all we saw was cats and no cache.


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[Didn] May 30 by Honest and Thoughtful (3521 found)


As soon as we pulled up to the general area, I had a bad feeling about this one. Having served on the Board of Directors for Arkansans for Animals and having worked with feral cats, I knew immediately that there were feral in the area. Ironically, this is the third time I've searched for a cache located near a feral cat colony. It is my first miss. I worry that caches near these sites do more harm than good. I suspect the cache is, once again, missing. If replaced, I would encourage the owner to move it well away from this area. It is good to call attention to the agency and I commend the work your family does with this organization, but think about the cats too. Even if every cacher that pulled in here sympathized with the cause, it would be very easy for a cat to get hit by a vehicle making the mad dash they did this evening.


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[Didn] May 10 by Honest4 (1 found)


Couldn't find.


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[Found it] May 5 by Understandable (189 found)


Found It. I am formally PreviousFinder and I am re-logging all of my caches


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[Didn] May 1 by Honest3 (337 found)


We looked for this with a little help from the locals, but could not find. They said it could have been snatched up by someone.


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[Didn] April 27 by Honest2 (5429 found)



Another Tuesday morning and another cache run through the area with Hurricanefan. With a lot of muggles out and about and the local residents voicing there displeasure with us. we looked fast but still no find.

Thanks for the cache and another fun time here.



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[Didn] March 30 by Honest (2590 found)


Couldn't find this one!


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[Found it] March 25 by Last True Find(1463 found)


I was in town for business from Minnesota and decided to give this a quick look. After a quick, stealthy search I made the find. SL, TFTC


Apparently there's a limit on emoticons and smilies. Too lazy to change

Edited by IkeHurley13

Speaking of the high logging group in Missouri, anyone talked to them about it?

They're only after the numbers. They don't care.

Same with another high number guy from Peoria, IL area.

It's all about getting the high number. If someone doesn't check their actual stats and just sees their numbers then no one knows they're padding the find count.


I know exactly who you are talking about. Recently, one of them got honored for hitting 10,000 finds by the local caching group and was given a personalized chair...

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