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Found It = Didn't Find It

Jamie Z

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I've claimed one find that I didn't sign... There was no pen, I forgot to bring a pen, and the cache wasn't marked "bring your own pen".


I've claimed two Virtual finds that I didn't get the correct answers to the questions... One of them I was talking with the owner and mentioned that I'd not been geocaching when I went to where the Virtual was and had photographed many plaques but obviously not got the right one. He told me to take it as a Find. I was hoping to get back and find the proper one myself. The second one was similar but in a different location. Obviously with a Virtual Cache it's not possible to sign the log.


I've also claimed four DNFs. One is confirmed as being gone, one I'm sure has gone, one may or may not still be there, I don't know, and the last one I later found and logged as a find.


I think to some extent it's a matter of honour... I wouldn't think of claiming a find that I hadn't found. The two Virtuals are slightly different. I was in the right place but without the questions and so I couldn't get the right answers. However I was where I was supposed to be, so I "found" them, they were logged with the approval of the owner. But if I was in the right spot for a physical cache and didn't find it... That's a DNF.




:blink: May 24 by iwasthere (756 found)


Logging in as co hider and creator of this one.


You can log a find on a cache you helped place?




This is getting really easy!!!!!


Y'know, I don't often see much in the way of faulty finds here (or failing that, don't notice them), but this one... wow. Just wow.


July 19, 2008 by meh_whatever (xxxx found)


Today I'll log this one as found, as I visited the other two locations (found the main cache on May 4th as per my previous log). Interesting spots but couldn't find the caches at either one of them. I'm guessing xxxxx was removed by nervous area residents some time ago. It was tough getting to ground zero without trespassing. As for xxxxxx, I was just so happy to finally have seen that thing, I didn't really care if I found the cache or not.


Yyyyeah. I didn't find it, but I don't care. I'll mark it as found anyway. Not often someone's all that blatant about it. Looks like this was several years ago, but still...

Posted (edited)

More throwdowns by the St Charles MO crew.

When they can't find a cache they throwdown another one, and lo and behold, WE FOUND IT! Then they thank the CO for placing the cache. :P Also includes the "Good job" when they place a throwdown.


Cache #1...

:P May 29 by (MO Throwdown Cacher #1) (9583 found)

Caching with (MO Throwdown Cacher #2) on our way to Pana. Per the logs this one appears to have sprouted legs so we surreptitiously left a replacement. Signed log (MO #1, MO#2, and MO#3). Good job. Thanks, (Cache Owner), for placing this cache. – (MO Throwdown Cacher #1 and MO Throwdown Cacher #3), St. Louis MO

MO Throwdown Cacher #2 wrote in his log:

:P May 29 by (MO Throwdown Cacher #2) (8572 found)

Geocaching with (MO Throwdown Cacher #1 and MO Throwdown Cacher #3) signing logs as (MO#1, MO#2, and MO#3) for brevity, on a warmish late spring day in and around Pana. This was a quick replacement on a bright and sunny morning. TNLNSL. Thanks, (cache owner), for placing this cache! -- (MO Throwndown Cacher #2), St. Charles, MO.


Same thing on another cache...

:) May 29 by(MO Throwdown Cacher #1) (9583 found)

Caching with (MO Throwdown Cacher #2) on our way to Pana. After a thorough search and noting the low difficulty rating we decided to leave a replacement. Signed log (MO #1, MO#2, and MO#3) . Good job. Thanks, (Cache Owner), for placing this cache. – (MO Throwdown Cacher #1 and MO Throwdown Cacher #3), St. Louis MO

MO Throwdown Cacher #2 wrote this one:

:D May 29 by (MO Throwdown Cacher #2) (8572 found)

Geocaching with (MO Throwdown Cacher #1 and MO Throwdown Cacher #3) signing logs as (MO#1, MO#2, and MO#3) for brevity, on a warmish late spring day in and around Pana. We looked in the places we thought lived up to a 1.5 rating and came up empty, as had stillus03 before us, so we improvised a replacement. TNLNSL. Thanks, dwebl, for placing this cache! -- (MO Throwdown Cacher #2), St. Charles, MO.


Maybe #2 covered his eyes when #1 put out the replacement.

Edited by Wadcutter



icon_smile.gif 06/05/2010 AlongWithThrowdown2

Hurry if you want this smiley! Neighbors are curious!! TFTC and thanks Throw!


icon_smile.gif 06/05/2010 AlongWithThrowdown

Thanks to our fellow cacher, Throwdown, replacing the cache I was able to sign the log. I would be careful with the very curious neighbor which seems to always be out and about. 2nd time we see him watching us!


icon_smile.gif 06/05/2010 Throwdown_is_EZ

Well since we were with a previous finder who confirmed it missing, I went ahead and placed a replacement container in the proper spot. It prob won't last long so come get it quick. Wasn't going to let this one go.


icon_remove.gif 06/04/2010 Geocacher

C.O. does not seem to be playing any more and the cache is no longer here.


Another helper:


:angry: March 24 by happy2help (501 found)


I helped cacheowner place this cache, now that its been found I'm logging it.


E-z, P-z, Lemon Squeezie!


My husband and I have been to the same cache five times. We just can't find it. No way would I ever claim a smiley just because I have been their 5 times. By the way, How many times do you all search before you surrender, say Uncle or just plain give up? GLK1 Gail


:blink: June 9 by helpmemabell (382 found)


It was a nice walk out here on this sunny day,but nothin' to show for it. I spoke with 2 previous finders on the phone while at GZ and I still never spotted it.


My latest idea for an icon, the phone smiley.


Lots of helpers here!


;) January 11 by lendahand (67 found)


Part of the extraordinaire hide team.



:D January 11 by gladtohep (429 found)


Helped hide this one too.



:D January 11 by showdemhow (1853 found)


We were all there as the "hide" team to teach cacheowner how to hide caches now that he's not a newbie anymore.


Anybody out there need some help placing caches?


I need to pad my numbers a bit. :blink:


yesterday I found out there was a cache a block away. I put on my inconspicuous jacket and hat and headed out. The thing is, I know EXACTLY where the Cache is, and when I saw it, I was extremely happy. But then some muggles started asking questions as to why I was sticking my hand into the pile of trash and old cigarette butts (GROSS!) that was covering the cache and I had to abandon ship. But I'm going to try again probably on monday with my friend.

well it's not a very interesting story but it's true!!


Yup! Three cachers can get a find for replacing the MKH. On a different bench, no less.


icon_enabled.gif June 7 by CO (359 found)

Some friends in the area placed a new MKH while caching through the area, thanks guys! The hide has been moved about 10 feet, but it is still an easy grab once you have a seat.


icon_smile.gif June 6 by Rehider A (5399 found)

#5387 After a full day of caching in the area after the CITO event at xxx, we were finally starting to wind down. We had been asked by the CO to replace the container for him while we were in the area, so we knew that we were guaranteed a find. Due to some muggles sitting at the intended GZ, we had to move the cache ever so slightly from the original placement. Magnet didn't seem to be sticking very well, so be careful when replacing and make sure that it really is stuck there before letting go. TFTC


icon_smile.gif June 6 by Rehider B (1539 found)

[#1534. Found while on major cache spree with REhider A & Rehider C. As RHC mentioned in his log, we took a very unusual and entertaining route to this cache. Eventually we parked a few tenths of of a mile south and walked in. There was a muggle family sitting on GZ so we continued past to the next cache which was equally muggle troubled. The family was still perched on GZ.] The cache is now on the middle bench. [TNLNSL TFTC & Happy to help!]


icon_smile.gif June 6 by Rehider C (146 found)

Replaced this today with Rehider B and Redhider A, and also recorded it as found. Had the very interesting experience of ending up, somehow, in the Puerto Rican Day Parade. We turned down the street...the police barricaded it behind us...there was one way out. We waved to the people as Latin dance music pulsed. Definitely one of my more interesting cache journeys!


icon_disabled.gif April 17 by CO (359 found)

I will get to the area in the next couple weeks, maybe sooner to replace it if appropriate. This is unfortunate as it seemed to be a popular find. Perhaps I will change the MKH to a nano. I will post after I take a look.


icon_smile.gifJune 12 by thxforthesmiley (104 found)


Am logging as a find at the suggestion of the CO- would have been an easy one except the stars are missing! It was really disappointing- but the rest of the sculpture was really neat! Thanks for all the info on the Tabletop! Hope they replace it soon!

Posted (edited)

Responsible cache owner archives virtual:


April 30 by cacheowner (79 found)


Archived, as construction has gotten to the point that area is inaccessible and the plaque that was the cache is removed.


But this person wasn't going to let a little thing like the cache being missing stop them:


:blink: May 17 by wellIreadaboutit (217 found)


Pulled a paper copy of this cache when I was supposed to come here in early April on business, but my son was injured. I have been here many times before I knew about Geocaching and wanted to log that I came back. I did not know the extent of the construction but was suprised at how far along it has come in a relative short time for xxx. Looking foward to the memorial. #12 for today / #6 for this place!

Edited by JASTA 11

Hmm there was an easy magnet transformer cache.. I showed up and found the magnet on the underside of the transformer with piece of glue still on it. I claimed it as a find, and then filed a maintenance request post as well. Does this make me bad? :blink: it's the first time I've ever done that.


Hmm there was an easy magnet transformer cache.. I showed up and found the magnet on the underside of the transformer with piece of glue still on it. I claimed it as a find, and then filed a maintenance request post as well. Does this make me bad? :) it's the first time I've ever done that.

Did you find the cache?


Hmm there was an easy magnet transformer cache.. I showed up and found the magnet on the underside of the transformer with piece of glue still on it. I claimed it as a find, and then filed a maintenance request post as well. Does this make me bad? :) it's the first time I've ever done that.

Did you find the cache?

I found half of it!, so instead of a smiley, I'll just claim a smug grin.


Another one today by the bunch from the St Louis area who are known for constantly throwing down caches then claiming finds.


:) May 15 by LastFinder (150 found)

Found log in the open. Bag was shredded and everything was wet. Needs repair!


DNF May 30 by No Finder 1 (281 found)

At first we were looking for the ammo box, then I checked the logs on my phone and seen that it was just a bag. But we couldn't find it either.


DNF May 31 by No Finder 2 (13 found)

Could not find any evidence of the cache at all. We were looking for an ammo box though, not a shreded bag.


:lol: June 19 by St Louis Throwdown Cacher 1(9675 found)

Caching with (St Louis Throwdown Cacher 2) on a summer like day in the Springfield area. This was our first cache of the day and it seems like this one has sprouted legs so we left a replacement. It is only a camouflaged 35mm but it should be findable. Good job. Thanks, (Cache Owner), for placing this cache. – (St Louis Throwdown Cachers 1 & 2) , St. Louis MO


Not only do they throw down a cache and claim a find but they then thank the cache owner for placing the cache. Maybe they should just thank themselves since they are the ones who placed the cache.


More can't find it so just put one out then claim the find....

;) June 19 by (St Charles MO Thrown Down Cacher) (8598 found)

Geocaching with (St Louis Throw Down Cacher 1 and Throw Down Cacher 2) in the Springfield area, logging caches as “(SC/SL1/SL2)” for brevity, after a couple of weekends “off” doing family duties. Our first cache of the day. We'd been near here for Island View and Movin' On when they were active and were surprised to see the area nearly muggle free. From the logs and a search we determined that even the shredded bag was likely gone, so we replaced the cache with a camouflaged 35mm container at the posted coordinates. TNLNSL. Thanks, (cache owner), for placing this cache! -- (St Charles Throw Down Cacher), St. Charles, MO.

Posted (edited)

Saw this one while doing some recon for a potential trip:


June 5 by XxXxXx (2785 found)


Found on a geocaching trip with XxACCOMPLICExX. Wasps, the lack of wasp spray, and an aversion to pain prevented us from signing the log. TFTC



edited to redact accomplice's name, who left this "SMILEY" log:


June 5 by XxACCOMPLICExX (4209 found)


Found while geocaching around parts of SoMeWhErE and parts of SoMeWhErE ElSe with XxXxXx. Getting to the log was definitely a problem for us today, as we were unable to retrieve the cache container from its hiding place due to a very active wasp nest only a couple of inches away. Otherwise, I believe we would have been able to sign the log. However, considering that part of the challenge was to actually get to the log, if the cache owner doesn't think our efforts are sufficient to deserve the smiley, please feel free to delete this log. TFTC

Edited by mndvs737

Cache description says specifically: "Bring your own writing implement. A fine point sharpie is recommended."


:laughing: June 21 by [Pen-less] (xxx found)

I think I found it... said GC and had at least one set of intials that I could see. No pen this small so did not log. TFTH (I think).


Super easy 4 star


:laughing: May 15 by GrabASmileAnyways (253 found)


Found this one, but was unable to retreive the container to sign the log as someone had placed it to far to reach without going for a swim. assuming a muggle found it and relocated it. The friendly neighbor saw us and confirmed it was the cache container. XXXXX

Posted (edited)

:lol: June 29, 2009 by "Experienced - And should know better" (6000+ found)


Out for a day of caching from Bakersfield to Porterville. I had no trouble with the road but finding the cache proved to be another story. I searched every bush within 50' of GZ and found nothing. If it's here, its buried or gone. Sad to say, the travel bugs might be history. So future cachers will have something to find, I left a small cache right at GZ @ 6:53am. A small M&M tin painted to some what blend in with the area. TFTC SL


Not only was this throw-down a POS candy tin, but the regular sized cache was still there in perfect condition with all the trackables intact. Instead of taking a DNF, this cacher replaces caches he can't find under the banner of "being helpful." The cache in question had no previous DNF's, NM's, or anything to lead one to believe it was missing, yet this cacher was so confident that if he couldn't find it then it MUST be missing.


The same cacher replaced another large cache up the road with a non-watertight micro and posted a find. That cache turned out to be missing, but the replacement cache was sub-par and ruined in the spring rains. Again, no prior DNF's. Once the CO did find out the cache was missing she immediately went and did maintenance on her cache (something this "Angel Cacher" refuses to believe many of us are capable of.)


From an ethical gaming standpoint there are just so many things wrong with refusing to post DNF's and then replacing a cache without the CO's permission.


I was lucky to have come across the following Cacheopedia page when I started caching and I'm glad I learned this from the start. http://www.cacheopedia.com/wiki/Throw-Down_Cache

Edited by lavender_rabbit

:lol: June 29, 2009 by "Experienced - And should know better" (6000+ found)


Out for a day of caching from Bakersfield to Porterville. I had no trouble with the road but finding the cache proved to be another story. I searched every bush within 50' of GZ and found nothing. If it's here, its buried or gone. Sad to say, the travel bugs might be history. So future cachers will have something to find, I left a small cache right at GZ @ 6:53am. A small M&M tin painted to some what blend in with the area. TFTC SL


Not only was this throw-down a POS candy tin, but the regular sized cache was still there in perfect condition with all the trackables intact. Instead of taking a DNF, this cacher replaces caches he can't find under the banner of "being helpful." The cache in question had no previous DNF's, NM's, or anything to lead one to believe it was missing, yet this cacher was so confident that if he couldn't find it then it MUST be missing.


The same cacher replaced another large cache up the road with a non-watertight micro and posted a find. That cache turned out to be missing, but the replacement cache was sub-par and ruined in the spring rains. Again, no prior DNF's. Once the CO did find out the cache was missing she immediately went and did maintenance on her cache (something this "Angel Cacher" refuses to believe many of us are capable of.)


From an ethical gaming standpoint there are just so many things wrong with refusing to post DNF's and then replacing a cache without the CO's permission.


I was lucky to have come across the following Cacheopedia page when I started caching and I'm glad I learned this from the start. http://www.cacheopedia.com/wiki/Throw-Down_Cache


My favorite story along these lines is the local cacher that couldn't find the cache, so he put a film container down to be "helpful". He then covered it up with the fake rock that was the original cache. Worse, he claimed a FTF on his throwdown.


Here's one on a cache that took me about 3 hours to get to and required a chest deep wading of a river. Times they are a changin. :mad:


"I did not find this cache, but after water, mud, stinging nettles. I'm logging it. It appers to be gone. I searched for about an hour. Figured for what I went through to get there I wasn't giving up. Alas to no avail Well I tried."


Looking for a weekend break I just came across these logs for a small 3/2:


[Didn't find it] January 16 by Honest1 (1 found)


[Didn't find it] January 30 by Honest2 (167 found)


[Didn't find it] March 28 by Honest3 (253 found)


[Didn't find it] April 8 by Honest4 (58 found)


Hard to find or maybe simply gone...Then the next cacher comes along and given his/hers log coulnd't find it either:


[Needs Maintenance] June 9 by NotQuiteSoHonest (466 found)


Ok, well, not everybody logs DNFs but then (s)he tries again a few days later:


[Found it] June 11 by NotQuiteSoHonest (466 found)


Found the place although there is a big reconstruction ongoing.





Mr. Terratin

Visiting from Arizona and caching on the Fourth of July holiday with cousins. As we approached GZ, a landmark became apparent. We frisked the landmark and quickly found it. We opted not to sign the log due to the size, but it appeared to be in good shape. TFTC!


It's your standard nano. Don't like nanos yet still claim the find? :blink:


I guess when it comes down to it we all play by our own rules. I know I have personally logged a find that some would not consider a find.


Example: could see the container but a snake had claimed the same hidding spot. I count it as a find because I DID find it I just didn't want to risk upseting a rattle snake. Of course I did go back later to find other caches in the area and stopped by the sign the log months later.


Everyone takes what they want form the game and has differnt expectations of themselves and thier hunt.

Posted (edited)

I've logged a find on a cache where the cache lid was attached to where it was supposed to be, but the remainder was lost over the cliff. Took a picture, logged the find, noted "I took a pic of the remnants of the cache if the CO needs proof."


Had another find where I felt pretty sure that I knew the cache was supposed to be, but what it was attached to was gone. I logged a DNF & emailed the CO, he responded "log a find, I'll disable & check on it." He later confirmed that the cache was missing.

Edited by dakboy



We cannot go along with finding "where the cache is supposed to be", photo or no.

If we find remnants of a cache, well that just means the cache was destroyed; likewise a portion of the cache means the cache itself is missing. How do you find what is missing?


It's like looking at your wrist and saying "the time is......", even though you misplaced the watch months ago.


The one that we did photo, but did not post a find until the CO said to, was one that would have required destruction of the cache in order to open it for signing of the log. The CO eventually went out and repaired it, so that it could be opened.


I have had two different finds but didn't sign the logs (at that time).


The first one was in a high muggle rest stop. I could spot the lid of the cache, but had a muggle sitting on the bench right in front of it. Signed that one at a later visit.

The second one was a micro that was pushed into the hole it was in too far for myself to get out. Haven't been back that way, so I logged the find as a note and msged the CO to indicate it was physically unreach about (could see the top of the 35mm film canister, just couldn't get my hand down to reach it).


Had a couple I almost didn't sign because I arrived at the cache, to figure out that either the pen I had didn't work, or I left it in the car some distance back. All cases so far, I made the treck back to the car for a writing tool.


Here's a recent "Find" log in my area:

Found the two zip locks ties that looked like they *should* attach the cache to the shrub (one attached ot the shurb, and one inside that loop). Expanded search and looked in all of the shrubs but there was no sign of any other part of the cache. It lokoed like there has been recent landscaping and mowing in the area - perhaps they groundskeepers snagged the container.



Cache hasn't been found in 3 months? No problem. Just replace it and then have your team claim a find as if it's been there all the time.


(DNF) April 30 by (Honest Cacher 1) (624 found)

I looked all the obvious places, but didn't come up with anything on this one.


(DNF) May 15 by (No Find #2) (3409 found)

Making the trip to Villa Grove. Grabbing a few caches on the way over and back.

Thought we looked everywhere for this one. The state/county/town has done quite a bit of cleaning, mowing, and digging around all the objects at the location. The ground is bare dirt in places. Wonder if someone found it and removed it.


(DNF) June 27 by (3rd Honest Cacher) (73 found)

Looked all over and still didn't find it. Is it still there?


(DNF) July 11 by (#4 Honest Cacher) (222 found)

didnt find ,,, looked where I felt it should be and other places too , and nothing ,,,, will come back another day , thanks ,,,


(NOTE) July 18 by (1 of 100) (2569 found)

Replaced by the (100 caches in 2 cars). The cache is in a pill bottle and has a nice new log in a baggie.


:laughing: July 18 by (2 of 100) (876 found)

Out with team (100 Caches Team) on our run to do 100 caches. I had alot of fun with a great group of people. Thanks for placing and maintaining all of the great caches.


:laughing: July 18 by (3 of 100) (6174 found)

Out with the (100 caches team) from the Land of (GO)NIL (Chicago).

Had a great day dashing around the cornfields on our quest to find over 100 caches. Mission Accomplished!

Thanks for the caches and the awesome day!


:laughing: July 18 by (3 of 100) (488 found)

A great day out with others from the Chicago area - one of the (100 caches team). Lots of fun and caching was had by all. TFTC!


:laughing: July 18 by (4 of 100) (2887 found)

Doing a cache run with 12 others between 2 cars from the northern Illinois area. For the day, we called ourselves (100 caches team), a name devised by the organizer of the run (1 of the 100). Knowing now what packing popcorn must feel like in the box, we still managed to have a blast.

Good thing these were back roads as covert was not going to be an option. Several "technologies" were used in both planning and implementation however in the end the only one really used was (1 of the 100's) nose as we tended to go where it pointed. Thought I was going to have a bunch I already did, as we had about 130 or so of these in the logs, however the route minimized the overlap.

Started at around 9:15, ended at almost around 8:30 PM (I think) with about a 45 minute break in the middle and another 15 or so for pix at the 100th find for the day, the leisurely pace was just what was needed on a day where the weather was perfect and the camaraderie even more so. Thanks for the caches and the back country road tours.


:D July 18 by (5 of the 100) (5926 found)

Found with 12 other cachers from the GONIL region on a (100 caches team). I was in the car with the newer recruits that (1 of the group) had recently introduced into geocaching like (3 of the group). These two had a lot of fun trying to beat the other car to each cache since they were the lead car. I guess they just wanted to earn their geocaching badges. The LEGS portion of the Quest stayed a little longer into the dark so we could finish the county line that we all had started and make sure all five of us in the car made one day records for cache finds. Mine was the Dandy Horse before the County Line Series. We definitely had fun keeping each other motivated through driveups and harder to find ones.


:D July 18 by (6 of the 100) (170 found)

Group Outing =) (100 caches team). Our Goal was 100+ run



Hi I'm new. I can't see why someone would cheat in a game with no real prize to be had. My understanding is this is a game where the hunt and the find are the real prize, not the item. If you don't find it, and say you did, is like cheating at solitaire.


I went out on my first hunt just the other day and did not find the cache, but we were in the right place, just no GPS and not really sure what we were looking for. Eitherway, we did not try to say we fopund it, we will go back and find the dang thing, once someone can verify it's still there. The last 2 people who reported on it said they could not find it. So maybe when the city mowed the tall grass it got removed. Who knows? but why cheat? i don't get it.


I have done a few Virtual caches that I had not been to since I started caching. They were areas that I had been to before and new the answers without having to return to the area. I don't feel this is cheating. I did email the owner and got the questions correct.

I have also foundd a few diffrent caches that I was unable to sign the log because the pen died or didn't have a pen. During them times, i have takin a picture and notified the owner that I could provide the picture but would not post on line because it would give up to much info about the cache.

I also found a cache one time while looking for a diffrent cache. I had stopped to look for a puzzle cache that I felt I had figured out. knowing the owner and the area, I stopped to look and found "IT". Logged my find with a note to the owner about what I did. He called me to laugh and let me know that I did not find THE CACHE I had logged and that I was almost 1 mile off :wacko: . I had found a diffrent puzzle cache of his. He let me post a find on that and after a good laugh, gave me the readings for the one I had been looking for out of pitty :laughing:


I only found this humerous because my friend found it the day before and went in to the cave. I found it awhile back and waded in resulting in a wet walk back to the car and it was the start of what became a very wet caching day (found myself in a lake for the cache after that). Yes it was gross and wet and uncomfortable but it was only about 6 feet into this cave.



[Found it] July 18 by someone's friend (341 found)


Saw the cache but there was a few inches of water in the cave and we didnt have boots with so we couldnt get to it.


View Log

[Found it] July 18 by someone (293 found)


On a road trip with someone's friend today. someone's friend made the find but we did not sign the log. We could see the cache, but there was water covering the cave floor. We didn't know how deep it was and didn't want to go bear foot. Cool spot. TFTC


Here's what happens when someone can't find a cache so they replace it (and then claims a find):


:blink: May 29 by (St Louis Throwdown cacher #1)(9832 found)

Caching with (St Louis Throwdown cacher #2) on our way to Pana. Per the logs this one appears to have sprouted legs so we surreptitiously left a replacement. Signed log (Throwdown cacher #1, #2, #3). Good job. Thanks, (cache owner), for placing this cache. – (St Louis Throwdown Cacher # 1 and #2), St. Louis MO


(note) July 23 by (Cache Owner) (271 found)

sometime back someone said they couldnt find the cache so they replaced it. Cache has been found since so alls well. Recieved an email recently saying it couldnt be found again, so today while in the area I checked it out and found two caches. The original and the replacement. So I combined the two logs and left one container. Feel free to sign either log. Cache was also found today !! HAPPY CACHING TO ALL !!!!


High number throwdown cacher couldn't find it so that meant it MUST be gone. Nope, it was there. They just couldn't find it and threw down a trash cache so they could claim a find.


Trying to complete some of the challenges and needed a cache in this particular county. But wait, this cache is gone. No problem. Just replace it and then claim it as a find.


:lol: July 5 by (Another Throwdown Cacher) (4321 found)

Quick grab while on my mission to visit some hot spots I have been wanting to see and finish some challanges. This was one of the needed one. Had a replacment container with me so I thought i would help out and replace this one for the CO. TFTH.


I'm a newbie, and I'm a honest one... :(

But I think there are some hunters that really do not understand the game...

Like these who put out new containers when they can't find the original... :unsure:


I only got 10 logs, 8 found, 2 DNF.

And I log it as DNF to let the CO know, that (s)he might have to check it...

Am I doing it right?? :(


I'm a newbie, and I'm a honest one... :)

But I think there are some hunters that really do not understand the game...

Like these who put out new containers when they can't find the original... :(


I only got 10 logs, 8 found, 2 DNF.

And I log it as DNF to let the CO know, that (s)he might have to check it...

Am I doing it right?? :D

Sure sounds like it.

...on our way home from NSU, OK. registering my kid for college. didn't find the plastic container but logged it as found coz i found the big scrap metal container hiding the cache. :| i think this one may have been muggled, but TFTC!

Met up with Cache owner on our way to find this cache. As we get to final destination, are told it is missing in action. We would have got it if it was there! :yikes:


Yup it is a find in your own mind!


This is one of my biggest pet peeves in caching. I know it doesn't affect me or how I cache, but I HATE seeing it. I see many newer cachers doing it and I feel like most of them eventually learn but UGH!


The only time you should replace a cache is if it belongs to you or, as I've done twice, noticed a cache I've already found is having problems and offer to check on the cache if I'll be in the area and replace it if need be. I spend a lot of time doing rest stop caches that are out in the sticks so there are a decent number of caches that I at least go past at different intervals than the COs. But if you've already found it, you don't log it again? Right? Or is that another pet peeve?


This is one of my biggest pet peeves in caching. I know it doesn't affect me or how I cache, but I HATE seeing it. I see many newer cachers doing it and I feel like most of them eventually learn but UGH!


The only time you should replace a cache is if it belongs to you or, as I've done twice, noticed a cache I've already found is having problems and offer to check on the cache if I'll be in the area and replace it if need be. I spend a lot of time doing rest stop caches that are out in the sticks so there are a decent number of caches that I at least go past at different intervals than the COs. But if you've already found it, you don't log it again? Right? Or is that another pet peeve?

IMHO you are correct on both accounts. The second visit, log = note.


I enjoy this thread. It took a while, kind of my go-to thread when I had some time to kill, but eventually I did read all of it. I can appreciate some of the "gray areas" of DNF=Found, but then there's stuff like this:


[Recently] by XXX ([over 400] found)


Going to post a find even though the space the cache was supposed to be was empty(we think) we will email a photo of the spot with us there. If owner says we are wrong. We will delete the find.





Posted (edited)

Regarding the "I was with them when they hid it" finds: Okay, so what would you do? Never log the cache because you were there when it was originally hidden?


Throwdowns aren't a big problem here, but I've seen it happen and, in one instance, it did irk me a bit. After spending half an hour looking for a cache and not finding it, I logged a DNF. (it was, indeed, missing. the property owner found it and removed it) Before the CO could come out and get permission to replace it properly, the next group to come along threw down a film can and everyone logged it.


Personally, though, I'm not going to get my panties in a bunch because someone logged someone else's cache without actually finding it. Play the game honestly and don't worry about the other people.


Next on 'Dredging up 4 year old forum threads week'...

Edited by E = Mc2

My family and I are new to the hobby and are completely hooked now. I think the website terminology is a bit misleading. I don't believe caches are actually logged on the website. They are only logged in the cache's logsheet, thus it can only be found with physical manipulation.


"logging" on the website is just a means to track statistics but they are easily distorted. I see the website as more of vehicle for sharing the experience with other hobbyists and communicating cache conditions quickly and easily.


The main difference is that logging on the site leads to a more creative definition of "found it," whereas the physical log is more concrete but is also prone to getting lost. :)


In another thread, the topic of logging a find when the cacher really didn't find the cache was mentioned. Someone suggested it would make an interesting topic on its own. I agree.


This thread is for all those smiley-faced logs that admit that the hunters did not really find the cache.


Let's not start a debate, or accuse people of cheating or any of that. No names, no links, just the log.


Here's my first contribution:


icon_smile.gif Found the spot, but not the cache! No film canister that I could find, but I was right on it at 0.0 feet! 1st find on my own!

i tink that the only way a smilie should be done is if you find it. that is the only way it should be done. thts what i do. i think its cheating if you do it with out finding it. youre cheating yourself if you put a found it smilie with out actully finding it. i love geocaching and my familly just started and we cant do much but we have a lot of fun.

Posted (edited)

We've got a power trail in state where the owners SPECIFICALLY says "if it's not there, and trust me it will be obvious where they are at, then replace, log, and move on."


Unless I've got specific permission, I see no reason to do a throwdown.


Speaking of the high logging group in Missouri, anyone talked to them about it?

Edited by Ashallond
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