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Found It = Didn't Find It

Jamie Z

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:D October 4 by xxxxxxxxx (10 found)

Found it but it was high in the tree and it had just rained so we didn't climb the tree


Then you really didn't find it, did you...?

What's sad is that they only have 10 finds and they are already doing this.



QUOTE(R.O.B @ Oct 13 2009, 09:08 PM) 4094103[/snapback]

:D October 4 by xxxxxxxxx (10 found)

Found it but it was high in the tree and it had just rained so we didn't climb the tree


Then you really didn't find it, did you...?

What's sad is that they only have 10 finds and they are already doing this.

What will be sad is if they are still doing this when they have 100 finds and should know better.


:)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(R.O.B @ Oct 13 2009, 09:08 PM) 4094103[/snapback]</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->

:laughing: October 4 by xxxxxxxxx (10 found)

Found it but it was high in the tree and it had just rained so we didn't climb the tree


Then you really didn't find it, did you...?

What's sad is that they only have 10 finds and they are already doing this.

What will be sad is if they are still doing this when they have 100 finds and should know better.


Oh, around last May or June, I posted logs from a newb on their first day of caching (3 finds), using a Nuvi removed from their windshield, who claimed a find on a cache they deemed missing, and left a baggie with paper as a throwdown! An instinctive behavior with some people, not a learned behavior. :D


October 14 by XXXXXXXXXXX (172 found)

This cache is on Eleele Elementary School property and needs to be taken down. I am giving myself credit for finding this. But I did not sign the log because I could not climb the tree and anyway, what is this grown woman doing climbing a tree on school property?!!!


Here's a good one for ya' Dutch! I was looking for one around Harrisburg, PA and found a fake electrical conduit. It was clearly obvious that this was the camouflage but there was no log in the container. It was just laying there on the ground at the coordinates. I emailed the CO (even with a picture) to confirm and they said that "yes" this was the container. Since I was getting close to a milestone and wanted my numbers to line up, I asked if I should log this as a find. They informed me that since I didn't find / sign the log, that technically it wasn't a find... I guess I should carry some loose paper with me next time. :smile:


Maybe anal is an understatement for these folks...


Here's a good one for ya' Dutch! I was looking for one around Harrisburg, PA and found a fake electrical conduit. It was clearly obvious that this was the camouflage but there was no log in the container. It was just laying there on the ground at the coordinates. I emailed the CO (even with a picture) to confirm and they said that "yes" this was the container. Since I was getting close to a milestone and wanted my numbers to line up, I asked if I should log this as a find. They informed me that since I didn't find / sign the log, that technically it wasn't a find... I guess I should carry some loose paper with me next time. :smile:


Maybe anal is an understatement for these folks...


[joke]You could have left a saline based DNA sample on the cache[/joke]


Here's a good one for ya' Dutch! I was looking for one around Harrisburg, PA and found a fake electrical conduit. It was clearly obvious that this was the camouflage but there was no log in the container. It was just laying there on the ground at the coordinates. I emailed the CO (even with a picture) to confirm and they said that "yes" this was the container. Since I was getting close to a milestone and wanted my numbers to line up, I asked if I should log this as a find. They informed me that since I didn't find / sign the log, that technically it wasn't a find... I guess I should carry some loose paper with me next time. :smile:


Maybe anal is an understatement for these folks...


Did you find the cache, and sign the log? If not, then technically the CO was correct. Generally, adding a pice of paper as a new log works. But, the CO was within his rights. You did not sign the log.


Three finds on one of your own caches?


:( September 23, 2006 by Cache-owner (1076 found)

Coin drop!


:D November 4, 2006 by Cache-owner (1076 found)

Coin drop


:D December 7, 2006 by Cache-owner (1076 found)

Coin drop.


Every visit is a find?


:D June 29, 2006 by Cache owner (1076 found)

Showing some new cachers the area and a cache of mine.


And then there's this one:


:lol: April 30, 2006 by Cache-owner (1076 found)

Found it. Cache-owner


"Found it"? I would hope so, you placed it there!


Here's a good one for ya' Dutch! I was looking for one around Harrisburg, PA and found a fake electrical conduit. It was clearly obvious that this was the camouflage but there was no log in the container. It was just laying there on the ground at the coordinates. I emailed the CO (even with a picture) to confirm and they said that "yes" this was the container. Since I was getting close to a milestone and wanted my numbers to line up, I asked if I should log this as a find. They informed me that since I didn't find / sign the log, that technically it wasn't a find... I guess I should carry some loose paper with me next time. :D


Maybe anal is an understatement for these folks...


Did you find the cache, and sign the log? If not, then technically the CO was correct. Generally, adding a pice of paper as a new log works. But, the CO was within his rights. You did not sign the log.

I give the cacher props for at least asking the CO first before going ahead & logging a find as many would do.


Had this "find" posted on one of my caches the other day:

"Log Date: 10/10/2009

Signed, thanks for the tour and this Cache !

(Fake Finder)"


"Fake Finder" then sent me this note:

"I believe this was missing, replaced Cache with a cyro tube and waterproof paper.

(Fake Finder)"


The cache is rated F=2.5 and was still where I had placed it. This one takes some looking and is hidden. He had just stuck a micro tube on a nearby sign post in order to claim a find. He apparently carries throw downs for just this purpose when he can't find a cache.


The "finder" has nearly 13000 finds. Wonder how many of his other 13000 finds were also throw downs.


He also tried logging another of my caches which is rated a D=3 that requires some figuring how to retrieve and return to its hiding spot. On the cache page I specifically state that the cache has to be replaced in its original position or the log will be deleted. That's part of what makes it a D=3. The same "fake finder" retrieved this cache but where he replaced it would have changed the Difficulty from a 3 to a 1. He couldn't follow instructions so his log was deleted.


Same 'finder' (bold added):


September 28 by 'Fake finder' (13148 found)

Still there ,signed today


September 21 by 'Cache owner' (1468 found)

They have put up no tresspassing signs all over.

Cache has been removed.


September 20 by 'Cache owner' (1468 found)

Until I figure what is going on at this site.


September 19 by 'Another real finder' (3 found)

In the neighborhood again on this one with Sea Dog Diver. Found it! Bit of renovation has gone on at this location and the find was much less complicated this time. TFTC


September 19 by 'Real finder' (78 found)

Out with Pirate's lady today and thought we'd grab a few along the way. Something must be about to happen at the Hen House, because all the trees and bushes have been recently cut down and piled up for removal (hint now makes no sense). The cache is still there and appears to have been left alone by the clean-up crew, but it is totally exposed out in the open because there is no cover left to hide it. Everything seems to be intact (except no geocoin), but the log is missing so we used the cache cover sheet.


TFTC.....hope this one survives!


Cache owner told me that he physically removed the cache on the date he logged his archival log... :)

Posted (edited)

Same 'finder' (bold added):

Seems to be a habit. Here's another by the same "finder(?)"


If it's not there just sign a replacement and call the CO to find where to place it.


:o October 10 by ThrowDownCacher (13148 found)

Signed and replaced a Cache in the correct location, with owners permission.

Edited by Wadcutter
Posted (edited)

icon_remove.gifAugust 25 by NotThere (7623 found)

Cache has been destroyed for months and people are logging fake finds on a non existent cache.


icon_sad.gifAugust 25 by NotThere (7623 found)

Yup found where it should have been affixed and all I saw was smashed stuff on the ground, You may want to disable this cache until you can replace it. So others will not look for it. Looked for a log book so a DNF for me.


icon_needsmaint.gif August 4 by MoreHonestPeople (46 found)

My daughter went to find this one and says it is destroyed.


:blink: July 31 by GoWithTheFlow (389 found)

I was going to log a DNF but since others are logging a find for the cover I will too. We did find that. Replace it where we found it - supposedly where the rest of the cache used to be also.


:blink: July 11 by SignAnything(1565 found)

Ditto what FoundSomething said. We signed the cache cover since the cache log and container are missing and then replaced the cover as we had found it. Lots of "junk" around the area so it must be a place kids hang out at. Owner needs to check up on this one. TFTC!


icon_needsmaint.gifJuly 11 by FoundSomeThing (3899 found)

Needs maintenance very badly.


:blink: July 11 by FoundSomething (3899 found)

We were not aware of XXX log, but we also found only the lid. We did sign the lid, which was the only "log" to be found, and in good time-honored XXX fashion, we (SighAnything and myself) as assuming that to be sufficient. Will gladly delete said smiley at the request of the cache owner.

Personally, I would not recommend replacing this cache without moving it. Kids are hanging out here. Anything else in the same spot will be doomed.


:angry: July 10 by OtherSplinterFinder(697 found)

Found cover and some charred remains,signed piece of wood. needs repair.


:laughing: July 10 by FoundSplinters (1802 found)

Found what was left of it (?) with OtherSplinterFinder. Located a piece of hiding spot in original position. Found the round lid to container on the ground, plus other pieces of hiding spot on ground in a semi-burned condition, scattered about. Signed one piece of charred remains, and tucked it and round lid in a spot and covered some with leaves, don't know if they will last. We are claiming the find, but if you want to disallow it and delete this log, feel free. Thanks for putting it there, though it doesn't seem like another similar placement is likely to last, either.


:laughing: June 27 by LastHonestFinder (605 found)

On my way to XXX from XX and decided to do as many P&G's as I could along the way


Update to the same cache 4 months later and cachers are still signing bits and pieces of the broken container


:laughing: October 24 by AnythingForASmile (435 found)

Went out for part of the afternoon to grab a few caches in this area. It sure is a great looking town. As SignWood stated in the log, only the lid for the cache remains there.


icon_needsmaint.gif October 24 by SignWood (143 found)

Didn't find film canister but found a PB jar lid..... Been some muffles around the area. May be missing, but don't know where film canister was. TFTC anyway!


:laughing: October 24 by SignWood (143 found)

Well, I found an old GC lid from PB jar that had "official geocache" written on it and signed by previous finders.... Area needs maintenance and will post as such. DNSL.


:) October 16 by LidSigner3 (3369 found)

Doing some caches in the area before the ***** Fall event with LidSigner2 and LidSigner1, staying at **** **** ****. Thanks for the cache! Signed the lid. This needs a container placed back here or it should be archived....


:) October 16 by LidSigner2 (1286 found)

Found with LidSigner1 and LidSigner3 - signed lid of original -TFTC


:) October 16 by LidSigner1 (3960 found)

Out caching the area with LidSigner2 and LidSigner3. Signed the lid. TFTC!


:) September 29 by SignAPiece (762 found)

Took a picture and will upload when we get home and have a cable for the camera.

The lid that was signed by FoundSomething and SplinterFinder.

Looks like there has been some destruction here recently.

Edited by FunnyNose
Posted (edited)

Using an ALR to virtually log:


:anibad: November 5 by 'Finder' E (25 (24 found)

We phooned but we found no cache. This one was so much phoon.


:blink: September 15 by 'Finder' D (25 found)



;) September 4 by Correct logger C (7702 found)

We looked pretty good at GZ but couldn't come up with the container. Since we couldn't do that we didn't phoon either... Perhaps next time we'll be able to do both.


:rolleyes: September 4 by Correct logger B (2219 found)

DNFed the cache and we did not phoon for credit. Cache needs to be checked on or archived.


:blink: August 11 by 'Finder' C (3466 found)

A redo of the landscaping at GZ was in process today. I fear the cache container may have been compromised. We did post a photograph to document our visit. TFTH TFTC


:ph34r: July 26 by 'Finder' B (13 found)

Couldn't find the cache, but took the picture. My son really enjoyed the site, but not sure if the cache is still there.


:ph34r: May 4 by Correct logger A (1741 found)

No joy here for me. I was rooting around looking for the cache when one of the maintenance guys pulls up in his tractor and wants to know why I’m digging around his bushes. I told him what I was doing and his reply was, “why would anyone do that?” He offered to get me a shovel so I could dig up his weeds for him and went one his merry way. I read the description off of my Oregon and realized he could have taken my picture while I phooned! But now I was all alone and couldn’t get a picture of myself phooning to post a smiley. Actually, I’m kind of glad because I’ve heard of people using pictures of others phooning alone, by themselves, to incriminate them. I’m in enough trouble without that.


:ph34r: April 26 by 'Finder' A (21 found)

We found the location and were able to take the picture, but we were unable to find the cache. Considering the possible locations for it, we searched and searched. I dont know if it is still there or not.

Edited by Corp Of Discovery
Posted (edited)

10 DNFs in a row. Can't find it? Just replace it.

Then put in your log "Good job." Good job for what?

"Thanks" to the cache owner?



:huh: November 7 by (1 of Throwdown 3somes) (7555 found)

Geocaching with (2of the other 3somes) (logging caches as “Throwdowns 1/2/3” for brevity) in a return to Logan County after a week of sunshine instead of a week of rain; what a difference a week makes! This one has been missing for more than a month, so we replaced it with a 35mm film canister. Thanks, Cacheowner, for placing this cache! -- 1 of Throwdown 3somes, St. Charles, MO.


:blink: November 7 by (2nd of Throwdown 3some) (8599 found)

Caching with (1 of the 3) along the county lines on the first dry day in recent memory. Based on the logs this one appears to have sprouted legs so we replaced it. Signed log (Throwdowns 1/2/3). Good job. Thanks, (cache owner), for placing this cache. – (2nd of Throwdown 3some), St. Louis MO


[X] November 7 by Wadcutter (2868 found)

10 DNFs in a row for a 1.5/1.5.

2nd time we've been out on this one, still no find. There's been a lot of dredging and cleaning continuing work done on the creek in this area. Also the creek was out of its banks during the last rains. We believe it's gone again.

the Wadcutters

Edited by Wadcutter

Incoming! Velcro!!!!!


icon_remove.gif 11/22/2009 geocachers

Since the last two "needs maintenance" logs have been ignored, this one should probably be archived.


icon_smile.gif 11/22/2009 velcrohunters

Like the previous cachers, we will claim a find based on the strip of velcro.


icon_smile.gif 10/25/2009 VelcroToo

Went right to GZ and found nothing but velcro. Would have replaced but there were fishing muggles with nosy children. This needs to be replaced, but I am logging anyways, as I know where it was supposed to be.


icon_smile.gif 10/19/2009 VelcroMe

Logging it for now.


icon_needsmaint.gif VelcroME

Found Velcro strip however container/log have gone to sea. With the high winds I experienced out there today, you may want to try fastening a new one with string or something. Logging it for now but will check back on a week to c if it's been replaced.


icon_smile.gif 9/11/2009 Velcro-is-DaBomb

The velcro is still there, but the container is MIA.


icon_smile.gif 8/26/2009 We<3 Velcro

Found the velcro under the end of the dock, but no cache was attached. Owner probably needs to check on this one.


I have a tendancy to peruse Google Earth once in a while for places that one wouldn't normally think of going. I then click on to the geocaching google earth view and see what is around.

I stumbled across this cache with a finder with a double log.


Cache Logs

:laughing: November 23 by DblFinder (16245 found)

It was dark by time I got here but my little flashlight came through!!! TFTC


[view this log]

:laughing::lol: November 23 by DblFinder (16245 found)

Spending the night in <edited out>, this road was a good short cut. TFTH



Looking into their profile I would say it was just a logging mistake. Maybe the the second log was meant for another cache. I am not "bustin their chops." Just thought it was funny what you sometimes just happen to find when you are not really looking.

Posted (edited)

Throw down cachers at it again. 2 separate caches:


:laughing: November 28 by Throw Down Cacher 1 (8699 found)

Caching with Throw Down Cacher 2 in shirtsleeves in November. We found the graffiti but no cache. After reading the no-finds in the logs we left a replacement in a spot matching the cache name. Signed log TD1 & TD2. Good job. Thanks, Cache Owner, for placing this cache. – Throw Down Cacher 1, St Louis, MO

Throw Down Cacher 2 wrote this log:

:anicute: November 28 by Throw Down Cacher 2 (7646 found)

Geocaching with Throw Down Cacher 1 (signing logs as “TD1/TD2” for brevity) on our final tour of Mason County IL for the Line of Masons cache series, on a delightful 65 degree day – not bad for the last weekend of November – perfect geocaching weather! We found a benchmark and lots of graffiti, but didn't find the cache in the usual places that would qualify for a 2/2 rating, so we replaced it with a 35mm film canister in an appropriate location. TNLNSL. Thanks, Cache Owner, for placing this cache! -- Throw Down Cacher 2, St. Charles, MO.


Same day, different cache:

:anicute: November 28 by Throw Down Cacher 1 (8699 found)

Caching with Throw Down Cacher 2 in shirtsleeves in November. This one appears to have gone missing so we left a replacement. It should be easy to find. Signed log TD1 & TD2. Good job. Thanks, Cache Owner, for placing this cache. – Throw Down Cacher 1, St Louis, MO

Throw Down Cacher 2 wrote this log:

:o November 28 by Throw Down Cacher 2 (7646 found)

Geocaching with Throw Down Cacher 1 (signing logs as “TD1/TD2” for brevity) on our final tour of Mason County IL for the Line of Masons cache series, on a delightful 65 degree day – not bad for the last weekend of November – perfect geocaching weather! The road to this bridge is closed because the bridge is closed (see picture). Based on the previous DNFs and a moderate search of our own, we concluded that this one was likely gone, so we replaced it with a 35mm film canister. Thanks, Cache Owner, for placing this cache! -- Throw Down Cacher 2, St. Charles, MO.


"Thanks, Cache Owner, for placing this cache."??? :D The cache owner didn't place it, Throw Downs did.

"8699 found"? 7646 found? At best, 8697 found and 7644 found plus 2 throw downs which they couldn't find. Any bets those aren't the first throw downs they've placed?

Edited by Wadcutter

Throw down cachers at it again. 2 separate caches:


:o November 28 by Throw Down Cacher 1 (8699 found)

Caching with Throw Down Cacher 2 in shirtsleeves in November. We found the graffiti but no cache. After reading the no-finds in the logs we left a replacement in a spot matching the cache name. Signed log TD1 & TD2. Good job. Thanks, Cache Owner, for placing this cache. – Throw Down Cacher 1, St Louis, MO

Throw Down Cacher 2 wrote this log:

:D November 28 by Throw Down Cacher 2 (7646 found)

Geocaching with Throw Down Cacher 1 (signing logs as “TD1/TD2” for brevity) on our final tour of Mason County IL for the Line of Masons cache series, on a delightful 65 degree day – not bad for the last weekend of November – perfect geocaching weather! We found a benchmark and lots of graffiti, but didn't find the cache in the usual places that would qualify for a 2/2 rating, so we replaced it with a 35mm film canister in an appropriate location. TNLNSL. Thanks, Cache Owner, for placing this cache! -- Throw Down Cacher 2, St. Charles, MO.


Same day, different cache:

:D November 28 by Throw Down Cacher 1 (8699 found)

Caching with Throw Down Cacher 2 in shirtsleeves in November. This one appears to have gone missing so we left a replacement. It should be easy to find. Signed log TD1 & TD2. Good job. Thanks, Cache Owner, for placing this cache. – Throw Down Cacher 1, St Louis, MO

Throw Down Cacher 2 wrote this log:

:) November 28 by Throw Down Cacher 2 (7646 found)

Geocaching with Throw Down Cacher 1 (signing logs as “TD1/TD2” for brevity) on our final tour of Mason County IL for the Line of Masons cache series, on a delightful 65 degree day – not bad for the last weekend of November – perfect geocaching weather! The road to this bridge is closed because the bridge is closed (see picture). Based on the previous DNFs and a moderate search of our own, we concluded that this one was likely gone, so we replaced it with a 35mm film canister. Thanks, Cache Owner, for placing this cache! -- Throw Down Cacher 2, St. Charles, MO.


"Thanks, Cache Owner, for placing this cache."??? :anicute: The cache owner didn't place it, Throw Downs did.

"8699 found"? 7646 found? At best, 8697 found and 7644 found plus 2 throw downs which they couldn't find. Any bets those aren't the first throw downs they've placed?

Chances are there are several cache locations were there are now 2 caches.

I wonder how long they look before "coming to the conclusion" that they need to "help" out the cache owner. :D:laughing::anicute:


:) 10/4/2009 by XXXX

#1925. I came back to this after not finding it several months ago. I found the little Zip Lock with log and a [cacher] disc in it. I don't think that's where you hid it--did someone pilfer the container? I replaced where found, but suspect it's more visible than the owner intended. I didn't need to follow the hint because of where I found it. Hope you can check it really soon! Thanks, SL.


:) 10/4/2009 by YYYY

Beautiful Autumn day with car show to see too. Yeah, pretty terrible spot.


:D 9/27/2009 by ZZZZ

Hmmm....found plastic bag and log but no cache container....needs a bit of maintenance.



Cacher XXXX and ZZZZ post "only found plastic bag" finds, and cacher YYYY between them posts full find. All FAIL!

Posted (edited)

Cacher XXXX and ZZZZ post "only found plastic bag" finds, and cacher YYYY between them posts full find. All FAIL!

At least they're finding a bag with the logs. That may be all that remains of the container or it could be the bag was the only container to begin with. We've found several caches where the zip lock bag was the container. Either way, at least they found the log. That entirely different than someone logging they "found the velcro" or "didn't find the cache so I left another one in its place" or "found where we think the cache might have been."

Edited by Wadcutter
icon_sad.gifDecember 6 by Honest Cacher (35 found)

Did not find even with the assistance of fellow hikers. Today's was the fourth consecutive DNF (the December 4th log entry shows a "Found It" symbol, but the text indicates that the cache was not found).


icon_smile.gif December 4 by Ifinditall (55 found)

couldn't find this cache, despite looking all over.


icon_sad.gifNovember 2 by Tell the Truth (81 found)

Brought my girlfriend back out here to show her a lovely hike and introduce her to Geocaching. Unfortunately we hunted for about a half hour and DNF this one! Maybe should've looked at the hint, but, quite possibly muggled. *sigh*


icon_sad.gif August 16 by Darnit Cachers (79 found)

We were unable to locate the cache but it must be there since everyone else has found it. We'll come back and look again the next time we're in the park.


icon_smile.gifAugust 8 by Lucky Cacher(1050 found)

Out here a couple weeks ago, armed with little more than the published coords, so I DNFed. After reading all the logs, I was better prepared today, and walked right to it. I now see that last time, I came within less than 10 feet of the cache without spotting it because I was at the wrong (or right) angle. Fully prepared, this one is easy enough. Thanks.


After several reports of No Trespassing signs being placed around the cache and the cache is no longer accessible:


(disabled) October 29 by Cache Owner(17 found)

Apparently this area is no longer easily accessible and may be private property. Looking into it for maintenance and possibly moving the cache outside of the fences.


:P November 24 by Team Cap Finder but no Cache Finder (103 found)

Believe we found what the cap cache was attached to, but sadly no container. It's a shame this property was made private it's a gret spot.


It's also a shame some people trespass and also claim a cap they think might have been on a cache container.

Posted (edited)

(Sorry the icons didn't copy.)


So the story below seems to be that on Nov 29th a cacher doesn't find the cache because he runs out of daylight. Someone finds it on Dec 12th but when the 3 have trouble on Dec 14th they call a previous finder who "verifies" it is not there so they replace it to keep the "record breaking effort" going. It's a micro in a large evergreen. I have a DNF on it. Maybe I should go back to look since there are probably two caches to find now.


December 14 by Record(?) setter (1561 found)

Out on a record breaking cache attack in xxx with the Three yyy. Made this one a part of our record breaking effort and taking me over 1500 caches in my first 9 months. Had to replace the container as the hide was missing as was verified from a previous finder. Thanks.


December 14 by accomplice 1 (603 found)

On the xxx cache-attack with yyy and zzz. Got 60+ caches today to put me over 600! TFTC


December 14 by accomplice 2 (1966 found)

Out caching with xxx and yyy on this beautiful day! Love this astronomy-themed set of cemetery caches! Took longer than it should have for us on this one. Beautiful area.


December 14 by innocent finder? (1057 found)

I don't think I've ever seen a cemetery with more caches than this one. Nice PnG. TFTC!


December 12 by so it was there? (99 found)



November 29 by Admits to a DNF (1004 found)

We were trying to finish this series before dark and didn't quite make it. The light ran out. Enjoyed the rest of the series.

Edited by beejay&esskay

icon_smile.gif December 14 by fake logger (107 found)



[view this log]

icon_note.gif February 21, 2004 by Note writer (202 found)

The cache is gone. Including the"clue" container. The SDRP rangers have confiscated it. The owner may claim the cache at 18372 Sycamore Creek Rd., Escondido, CA 92025. I suggest calling either the Resources & Trails Manager or the Senior Park Ranger before visiting. The contact info is at (visit link)

I attempted to collect all 11 caches they have and distribute them, but they will only turn them over to the owners of the caches. They claim that there will be no fines or arrests, but more than one cache owner has indicated they don't want to risk the possibility.


If you are interested in participating in some sort of meeting with these people, please write to me. I am trying to convice them to allow "approved" caches within their jurisdiction.



[view this log]

traffic_cone.gif January 15, 2004 by Reviewer (0 found)

This one is gone. So is the owner.




[view this log]

icon_sad.gif January 11, 2004 by DNF2 (499 found)

Well, its time to put up or, well, verify the cache. I tried this in October (w/o a log) and now today. Waypoint 1 has nothing there. No sense sending anyone out there if its gone.


[This entry was edited by Dan-oh on Tuesday, January 13, 2004 at 7:59:44 AM.]


[view this log]

icon_sad.gif January 8, 2004 by DNF1 (5795 found)

I was looking at my GPS as I was walking the trail.

Some older dude with a gray beard ask me, 'what are you doing geocaching". I said, "yes". He went on to say there was no geocaching allowed. I asked why, he said because they get off the trail too much.

I did continue on but didn't leave the trai, so I didn't find the cache if it's still there.

I didn't want gray beard to be hidding in the trees and come after me with a .45

When I left I double checked the signs for No-No's.

Geocaching wasn't listed.



[view this log]


this is a good one

princess pantano


:D December 13 by 62Pink Flamingo (25 found)

Geocaching with my buddy, Ammo box was missing, items in pile on ground. No log.

Good to see the 'owner' of cache was readily available to get ammo box back from tent camp

all ready and is going to relocate. Was a nice walk. If I had been by myself, I would not have been

comfortable with all the tents around.


[view this log]

December 13 by SundayTrain (108 found)

I went out to the cache site and it was gone. There was a homeless camp about 200 feet away. We went and asked and they admitted they took it and placed it in their tent. They returned the empty cache container. Princess Pantano will be moved to a safer area soon.


[view this log]

December 13 by SundayTrain (108 found)

Cache Reported Muggled, Will check on it.


[view this log]

:( December 13 by taine3511 (280 found)

The box is missing- goods in a pile on ground-no log

Posted (edited)


:mad: December 13 by xx(25 found)

Geocaching with my buddy, Ammo box was missing, items in pile on ground. No log.

Good to see the 'owner' of cache was readily available to get ammo box back from tent camp

all ready and is going to relocate. Was a nice walk. If I had been by myself, I would not have been

comfortable with all the tents around.


[view this log]

December 13 by xx (108 found)

I went out to the cache site and it was gone. There was a homeless camp about 200 feet away. We went and asked and they admitted they took it and placed it in their tent. They returned the empty cache container. Princess Pantano will be moved to a safer area soon.


[view this log]

December 13 by xxn (108 found)

Cache Reported Muggled, Will check on it.


[view this log]

:mad: December 13 by xx (280 found)

The box is missing- goods in a pile on ground-no log

You're supposed to remove the names from the logs that you post, chief. :D

Edited by 9Key

You're supposed to remove the names from the logs that you post, chief. :mad:


That's a good one. So why did you quote him and include the names? If he goes back and removes the names from his post then are you going back to your post and remove the names?


You're supposed to remove the names from the logs that you post, chief. :mad:


That's a good one. So why did you quote him and include the names? If he goes back and removes the names from his post then are you going back to your post and remove the names?

Good point! I edited my post. :mad:


You're supposed to remove the names from the logs that you post, chief. :D


The edit post option is not appearing or I would, if you would like to assist me with that a pm would work just find. I do understand that this was a request when the thread has begun and I was more willing to comply before you called me chief. I am not sure why you are concerned, as you are obviously not concerned over offending others. "Chief" is similarly condescending, So let me reciprocate in kind little pal and thank you for the observation about the post


Came across these entries while researching some caches to do down in southern Oklahoma. They are all virtuals with a question to answer as a logging requirement:


:D December 27, 2009 by Idontreadcachepages (133 found)

was third person to the top after the blizzard. i cant answer the questions, because i didn't know them when i got there. the view was great.


:huh: December 15, 2009 by fluffndacacheowner (67 found)

Found it but due to most of Park closed for Elk hunt so couldn't get closer for answer


And the most honest of the three:


:) May 8, 2009 by Icachefromhome (0 found)

well i tryed to find it by searching info about it on the web but couldnt find any information about it =(


What about this one:


:grin: October 7 by Leprechauns (xxxx found) I was in town for a few days with my favorite female geocacher from Nebraska and we decided to hunt this one. We never found the cache, but we did find the park. After walking well over 230 yards from the parking area to where the GPSr said it should be, I think I deserve this one. We spent 7 minutes looking, if you combine our search times, and I found a tree. Since a tree is mentioned on the cache page, I think that’s close enough. After resting for a while, we started back to the car.


Wow over 230 yards and 7 minutes! That's phenomenal. That's roughly the same amount of time it took Columbus to discover America.


As far as finding caches with ruined logs, bring some papers, sign em and toss em in the cache. Go home, log it as found, and post a note to the cache owner that it needs some TLC.


Loving this thread, especially the "hay guys I know the layout of the town this cache is in so i'm gonna log it as a find kthx."

I mean c'monn. I can see everyone's opinions differing about what constitutes a proper cache find but that is not even in the realm of reasonable.


There are far too many fake logs on this webcam to summarize them adequately here. Suffice it to say that there have been 48 fake finds in the last 15 months of its life, most of which read like this:


"We didn't use the webcam because the controls were broken. Took a photo of my caching partner holding the GPS. TFTC."


Many didn't even include photos! And the list of local cachers who both logged finds and should know better is ... staggering.


There are far too many fake logs on this webcam to summarize them adequately here. Suffice it to say that there have been 48 fake finds in the last 15 months of its life, most of which read like this:


"We didn't use the webcam because the controls were broken. Took a photo of my caching partner holding the GPS. TFTC."


Many didn't even include photos! And the list of local cachers who both logged finds and should know better is ... staggering.

I wonder what took the owner so long to archive it. :rolleyes:


:ph34r: January 18 by Nofinder (102 found)

Believed this micro went MIA since it has been 9 months without a find. Replaced w/ film container and new log as close and above water to GZ as I could. TFTC! Bring a pen!


icon_sad.gif October 21, 2009 by Nofinder (102 found)

Could't find this one:-(...will make another run at it in the future.

Nov 16th- Went back for a second go..still nothing.


The worst I have encountered was actually on a blog.


I was looking for geocaching blogs yesterday and found one on which the author actually admitted to entering the wrong coordinates, arriving at GZ only to find he was about a mile off. So instead of correcting his mistake and trying again, he went to work, pulled up a map of the area, found out the most likely "True" hiding spot on his map and then claimed it as a find without actually visiting the cache.


So by his logic simply looking at a picture of where it might be, constitutes a successful hunt and by that logic my find count is in the hundreds and not just the 18 I currently have. Who knew? :mellow:




The worst I have encountered was actually on a blog.


I was looking for geocaching blogs yesterday and found one on which the author actually admitted to entering the wrong coordinates, arriving at GZ only to find he was about a mile off. So instead of correcting his mistake and trying again, he went to work, pulled up a map of the area, found out the most likely "True" hiding spot on his map and then claimed it as a find without actually visiting the cache.


So by his logic simply looking at a picture of where it might be, constitutes a successful hunt and by that logic my find count is in the hundreds and not just the 18 I currently have. Who knew? :D




I just glanced at a globe, therefore I am going to log every cache in the world as a find. Thanks for the idea! :)


Ugh! I was hoping this trend wouldn't happen around here, but it has. The only thing left is the "lid," and yet people are still claiming it as a smiley, and a find.


:) December 31, 2009 by John Doe 1 (100 found)

Like many others have noted, the cache needs repair.


:D December 21, 2009 by John Doe 2 (21 found)

Needs repair. The bottom half is gone.


:D December 12, 2009 by John Doe 3 (149 found)

found location lid is all that is left


:ph34r: December 12, 2009 by John Doe 4 (37 found)

We found this one easily but there was nothing left but the lid.


:anibad: October 25, 2009 by John Doe 5 (79 found)

lid missing


B) October 25, 2009 by John Doe 6 (79 found)

busy place. Damaged box. No lid. Placed all in plastic bag. T-butterfly & bead. L- bracelet & coin.

Posted (edited)

Ok... I am Brand spanking new to the hobby and my Wife and I were introduced to it by muggling a wonderful couple locating a cache that is hidden right behind our property.

I posted on another thread and was refered to this one. Thought I would share here.


We logged on the cache hidden behind our property. The couple who introduced us to this hobby logged right ahead of us. They actually logged the find online the next day, after we had logged it.

After they left... we signed up.. went and logged in this particular cache..and proceeded with "the hunt"

Found 8 so far. In the process I signed up to "watch this cache" on the cache refered to..

Received an email several days later notifying me ###### had found the cache. He didn't elaborate in his online log. I had added some swag to the cache as all it had was the log and a pencil. I was curious if he took anything as it was not noted online. When I checked the cache... everything was exactly as I had placed it, and there were no other names on the log. The hunter ##### had NEVER signed this log, as I had earlier copied the names to try and find some local Geocachers I could befriend.

I sent him a polite friendly email reminding him he had not signed the cache log. ( I have since been advised this is the WRONG thing to do).

I received a reply the same evening stating " he had signed with a different name than he used online".


Excuse me??? This is BS.

Several days after finding the few caches we have found... (even posted a DNF on one, which we logged later as a find, after the owner sent us a hint and we returned, found, signed, and logged, ) this same person ##### logged "found it" on two other caches we found late in the day. Neither had his name on the log. All the caches we have found have had the name of the couple who introduced us to the hobby last signature on the log.

Me??? I could care less, but my wife is bordering on dropping out, because of this practice.

I hunt for MY fun and enjoyment... and while I am new, I would not DREAM of logging a find I didn't hold in my hand and sign off on the log of. But thats just me!!!

To me... what would be the point??? If I was going on a trip... I could just search online for all the caches near the highway I was travelling on ... and log them as finds, cause I was right there????

Guess these people are playing for a different reason than I am.

I posted on a different thread as "before I become jaded and cynical" seeking others OPINION on this practice.

After reading the posts in this thread , some pro, some con, I would pose this question... even if the "purpose" of caching is to go places and see sights I might not have seen, if I go to the Grand Canyon for the first time (never been there) should I then go online and log finds for any caches there???

Where does the line fall between YOUR satisfaction of having gained a new "life experience" and the Owners satisfaction of having someone discover his hide???

I am a NOOB... and I have decided for MYSELF... I will NOT log online that I found a cache I did not actually find. I have even gone so far as posting pics of the finds we have made. No spoilers included.

Just weighing in with my .02 worth.


January 27 by ###### (22 found)

Yeah, fun stuff


January 23 by +++++++++++(8 found)

My first find as I practicaly live in the box!!! Actually found it by Muggling a wonderful Nebraska couple *********** and his spouse. Thank them again for introducing me to Geocaching!!!! Kevin i wondered why these strangers kept pulling up next to the fence and looking around. Diana and I laffed over this! I am guilty of being the "too many people watching" If you see me wandering around on your side of the street, you'll know why! lol TN left SWOSU card case, a coozie, and round tuit. Excellent location btw!


January 24 by ***************(1314 found)

What an adventure! First we drove down an alley and ended up in a person's backyard and *************had to back out of the alley. Then we drove over to where it should be and then discovered we had to go down another alley to retrieve it. During this process, we met a curious neighbor and wondered why so many people drove his alley. Taught him about geocaching. Thanks for the challenge.

Edited by NeecesandNephews

I don't understand these people. If you signed a logbook, you log a find. Right? No logbook, no find. I just spent an hour at "the right spot" trampling the woods trying to find the cache. I didn't. I wasn't happy about it either. But I wouldn't change the log to a find even if it did turn up to be missing later, because I DIDN'T FIND IT.


Then after posting that I didn't find it, the cache owner e-mailed me a better clue, and I'm looking forward to my next trip to that park.


I have to put in my 2 cents on this one. If I'm wrong let me know.

I still consider myself new to this sport (addiction) with only 152 finds under my belt but I have had more than one instance where the log was too wet to sign or my stupid pen wouldn't write on the paper. But I did log them as finds. For me it's not about the numbers...this hobby is just plain ol' FUN

My only concern with others logging a find when there wasn't one is that if they don't specifically state that they didn't see the cache. If I see that a cache was found yesterday then I'm going to look for it today. Please, if it's really about the smileys for you and you don't really have the cache in hand state so in your log. As I do enjoy the hunt, I don't care for the frostbitten toes, bugs, chiggars, and ticks that come along with it just to find that it really wasn't there when you "Found it"

Ok, I think I'm done rambling for now.

I think.


I was just looking at the logs for a recently reviewer-archived cache in my area. The last Found It log:


WeHave81Caches (81 Found)

Tried to look for this one before reading the logs..then we found out its not there...we got to the location and knew where it had been dropped..a bit difficult with the terrain




I found a cache (and logged it) that had not been found in 26 months. It is a four stage multi where you have to find a monument to get the hint for the second location.


October 9, 2009 (202 found)

Found the land mark and am very interested in finding the cach at the end of this one. I will have to try this one on a different day.


There was also a second log on the same day that pretty much said the same thing. The cache had not actually been logged since October 2007! I have to admit, I was pretty proud of that find!


leejas .. this is why i bring extra logs

I agree. Those logs were when I was just starting. Now my caching bag is full of repair things. Baggies, paper, extra writing tools. I invested in a felt tip pen so that would never happen again.


From a cache near me. Now archived!!! Had to add italics and smilie.


NMJuly 19, 2009 by xxxxx (554 found)

Looks like this cache is missing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


View This Log

:lol: July 11, 2009 by xxxxxx (41found)

This cache is missing, I found where the cache was supposed to be, even talked with the bird watcher to confirm where it should be.


View This Log

DNFJuly 11, 2009 by xxxxxxxl (11 found)

We couldn't find the cache, but we're pretty sure we know where it's supposed to be. So, hopefully it will show up again. The all knowing van bird guy even told us we were looking in the right spot. We'll check it again in a couple weeks

[This entry was edited by xxxxxxx on Sunday, July 12, 2009 at 10:44:08 AM.]


View This Log


DNFJuly 10, 2009 by xxxxxx(42 found)

Found out later the cache was missing


traffic_cone.gif September 11, 2008 by reviewer (1 found)


This cache has been under the weather for quite some time. I am going to archive it to clear the area. If you repair/replace this cache, please let me know by e-mail and i will check it it for un-archiving.




icon_smile.gifAugust 20, 2008 by ifindrocks (13 found)

missing found the rock where its suppose to be


icon_disabled.gifAugust 4, 2008 by mycacheisgone (18 found)



icon_needsmaint.gifAugust 3, 2008 by honestcacher (61 found)

[Hmm, it looks like your cache is nonexistent. Found the place where i assume it was though.] Gur ovt ebpx evtug? [ It seems like something melted or something inside the cache exploded. I think its possible it got muggled] (decrypt)


icon_sad.gifAugust 2, 2008 by helpfulcacher (1192 found)

Found large rock with signs of lid, found spot in gravel where cache might have been. Glue material around rock and debris scattered all over the site. Did some searching and CITO, though no sign of log or other items.


heres a story from the other side of the coin....

I attended a meet and greet in south Jersey. there was a cache that had been recovered from the mud

and was brought to the meet in order to pass it back to the CO who was in attendance.

The CO was planning on archiveing the cache and one of the other cachers picked it up from the fields in order to return it to him. I knew of the cache because I knew the CO, and I was watching the cache from the day it was published. it had been out in the wild for a couple of years was on my to do list. While at the meet, I had the cache in my hands, I opened it and examined the contents, I read some of the entrys in the log book, and then I signed the logbook with a note about being one of the easiest caches I have ever done. I logged the cache as a find when i got home. after all, I "found" the cache, I had it in my hands, I opened the log, I signed the log. the CO later asked me to delete the find because I did not go out into the wild to locate the cache. he said that some of the orignal finders felt it wasnt fair that they had to go out to find it but I got to log it without completing the adventure. out of respect and friendship I deleted the log, but it always bothered me, I met all the criteria of a valid find. just becuase when I found the cache it was not in the orignal location. think of how many other people have found caches that were moved to a different location by "well meaning" cachers.

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