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Is Kerry A Cacher?


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I'm hoping he has time for a lot of finds the next 4 years. :)

With his wife's ketchup money he could put up some pretty sweet caches.

They had a fund raiser in their house where they brought in portapottys so the guests wouldn't use their home's bathrooms.


Given the way they set up campaign events at their house, they will probably set up really fabulous caches and then send all the peons to some crappy box of McToys near by.


Bush in 04!

Rice in 08 and 12!

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Bush in 04!

Rice in 08 and 12!

:o Yes!! Someone else out there sees the world as I do!


(You know we are going to get in trouble for going off topic here.)

You are not alone my good friends. :D


Kerry is looking for a Cache and we know Bush got the grandaddy of Caches with Saddam. ( just to bring it back on topic ... sort of ) :D

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Hind sight is 20/20.


It looks like there are no WMD but it's fact that Sadam used them in the past, and it's a fact that he kicked out the UN Weapons Inspectors. It's also a fact that Clinton and others long before W went in thought their were WMD.


All you can do is use the imperfect information at hand to make the decision and hope it works out right. So far as I'm concerned the UN should of went in the moment the Weapons Inspectors were booted. Alas the UN lacks a spine at times. So does the American Public. We could have a lot less deaths if the public would tolorate a much more forceful occupation. They won't and we will pay in blood as a result. Exiting IRAQ will be neither quick or easy, and while some could do as good as W, none from this country will do any better. Other countries that could of done better due to better political accepance by the Iraqi opposition refused to step up to the plate. All the political bickering and posturing over the entire issue in this country hasn't helped anyone do anything any better except at the polls. Ironicaly I don't like Clinton but even he gave lip service to the reasons W went in.


As for Kerry, I think it's his way to signal he supports same sex marriages.

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Hind sight is 20/20.


It looks like there are no WMD but it's fact that Sadam used them in the past, and it's a fact that he kicked out the UN Weapons Inspectors. It's also a fact that Clinton and others long before W went in thought their were WMD.


All you can do is use the imperfect information at hand to make the decision and hope it works out right. So far as I'm concerned the UN should of went in the moment the Weapons Inspectors were booted. Alas the UN lacks a spine at times. So does the American Public. We could have a lot less deaths if the public would tolorate a much more forceful occupation. They won't and we will pay in blood as a result. Exiting IRAQ will be neither quick or easy, and while some could do as good as W, none from this country will do any better. Other countries that could of done better due to better political accepance by the Iraqi opposition refused to step up to the plate. All the political bickering and posturing over the entire issue in this country hasn't helped anyone do anything any better except at the polls. Ironicaly I don't like Clinton but even he gave lip service to the reasons W went in.


As for Kerry, I think it's his way to signal he supports same sex marriages.

Great post RK!

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...  Alas the UN lacks a spine at times.  ...

Great post RK!

Nice post Renegade. If it were not for the US the UN would not exist.



Is this because the US is SO supportive of the UN? :D


Or because of all the unpaid UN dues?


Or their Strict adherance to UN regulations?


but I digress...

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This thread will self destruct in ten, nine, eight ...

(It was a cool picture that started it, though, wasn't it?) :D

Hey. Two things you never discuss in public. Religion and Politics.


Any topic that started like this was bound to go this way.


Personally, I would think it would be cool to see some big name politicos doing goecaching. It would be that much less time that they would have to raise our taxes, and maybe one or two of them would be accosted by the NPS or the FWS while out geocaching...(hehehehehe)

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This thread will self destruct in ten, nine, eight ...

    (It was a cool picture that started it, though, wasn't it?) :D

Hey. Two things you never discuss in public. Religion and Politics.


Any topic that started like this was bound to go this way.


Personally, I would think it would be cool to see some big name politicos doing goecaching. It would be that much less time that they would have to raise our taxes, and maybe one or two of them would be accosted by the NPS or the FWS while out geocaching...(hehehehehe)

Maybe there are some politico closet cachers out there. .......or in here :D


Who are the politicians geocaching sock puppets?



Edited by rusty_tlc
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It looks like there are no WMD but it's fact that Sadam used them in the past, and it's a fact that he kicked out the UN Weapons Inspectors. It's also a fact that Clinton and others long before W went in thought their were WMD.


All you can do is use the imperfect information at hand to make the decision and hope it works out right. So far as I'm concerned the UN should of went in the moment the Weapons Inspectors were booted. Alas the UN lacks a spine at times. So does the American Public. We could have a lot less deaths if the public would tolorate a much more forceful occupation. They won't and we will pay in blood as a result. Exiting IRAQ will be neither quick or easy, and while some could do as good as W, none from this country will do any better. Other countries that could of done better due to better political accepance by the Iraqi opposition refused to step up to the plate. All the political bickering and posturing over the entire issue in this country hasn't helped anyone do anything any better except at the polls. Ironicaly I don't like Clinton but even he gave lip service to the reasons W went in.


As for Kerry, I think it's his way to signal he supports same sex marriages.



Bad ideas all around. The latest intelligence had problems. We thought there were WMD in the past, that much is true. But the inspectors did file a report stating that they had absolutely no evidence of anything currently in Iraq. The only response to that the current administration has produced is "well, they didn't see *everything*..that Saddam is tricksy...where's the precious". They had no real evidence and the other nations of the world told them that when we decided to go ahead and fight our war on terrorism, dadgum the national boundaries. One axis down, two to go, right?


We could ramp it up now that we've won but are still fighting, right? Lock down the entire nation at 9 PM every day. Occupy with such might that the terrorists are squeezed out of Iraq and then everything will be okay? No. Half of the regular citizens there are happy Saddam is gone, but they wouldn't appreciate it if he were simply converted to a food-giving crushing occupation force rifling through the streets looking for evil, dadgum the consequences. One of the only good things happening right now from all of this is that we're trying to win a mental battle with the people of Iraq to show them we're NOT the crushing imperialist dogs that Saddam made us out to be. This means imported terrorists and home-grown crazies have a bit more freedom to move around town too. It's a balancing game. Crush the civilization and create a nation of enemies (and its neighbors) but stop the attacks on our troops....give them civility and show them respect and take random fire just trying to walk down the street. It's lose-lose (which is why we shouldn't have necessarily been there in the first place). GWB is a trigger-happy hip-shooter. It's in his blood and his dad's fumbled reins on this problem are in his mind. I don't blaim the guy for his decision...I blaim him for dragging the rest of us along with him. If this were a wild west movie, it'd have played out nicely with the evil Mexican general being taken out by the son of the father he killed at the beginning of the movie. But in the here and now, we aren't a lone gunman and if we continue to act like one, we will find ourselves faced with a host of many other problems from the rest of the world.

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They had a fund raiser in their house where they brought in portapottys so the guests wouldn't use their home's bathrooms.


Do you have any idea what a large party liek that would do to a septic system? I think he was being prudent. Septic repairs and replacements are extremely costly. That is if he has a septic, I don't know where he lives. Do you doubt my word? http://www.septic-info.com/



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They had a fund raiser in their house where they brought in portapottys so the guests wouldn't use their home's bathrooms.


Do you have any idea what a large party liek that would do to a septic system? I think he was being prudent. Septic repairs and replacements are extremely costly. That is if he has a septic, I don't know where he lives. Do you doubt my word?

Can you blame them? I wouldn't want most people who would give money to Kerry to use my toilets either.




Is exactly what Osama is saying.

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... Two things you never discuss in public.  Religion and Politics....

I am actually impressed at how civil (for the most part) this discussion has been considering the topic discussed. There is disagreement here but no name calling yet.


Many other topics have gone down real bad roads quite quickly such as discussions about Caves, Wilderness Areas and Rules .....

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Hey.  Two things you never discuss in public.  Religion and Politics.


Any topic that started like this was bound to go this way.


Personally, I would think it would be cool to see some big name politicos doing goecaching.  It would be that much less time that they would have to raise our taxes, and maybe one or two of them would be accosted by the NPS or the FWS while out geocaching...(hehehehehe)

Maybe there are some politico closet cachers out there. .......or in here :o


Who are the politicians geocaching sock puppets?



Well... technically I'm an elected official.


Nothing big, I can't write laws or anything like that. All I can do is try to get people to actually show up at the polls and vote (I'm a Precinct Committee Officer).


With my Handle, I decided that for the most part, I'll stay out of this thread :D


That being said, I would be more than willing to help make sure that Mr Kerry has plenty of time on his hands to do some major GeoCaching :D

Edited by Right Wing Wacko
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