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The Forums Are Not Geocaching


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Posted (edited)

I've seen comments like "the moderators are gonna kill geocaching", "the forums have spoiled geocaching for me" and most of us recall at least a few people who quit the sport because of some perceived insult, or slight they encountered in these forums.


Helllo everyone, the forums are not geocaching. It's a place where we discuss the sport. Period. There are thousands of happy geocachers who never visit these forums. You don't need to be here to go geocaching.


Since I've been visiting these forums, I've been criticized, denounced and ridiculed (It usually happens to anybody who spents time in any Internet forum). It doesn't bother me at all. But if it did, I'd just stop coming here and continue hunting and planting caches. I wouldn't let it affect my enjoyment of the sport one bit.


I think way too many people fail to separate what goes on in these forums from the sport of geocaching itself. If they were able to do so, they would get a lot more ejoyment out of the sport.

Edited by briansnat

Since I've been visiting these forums, I've been criticized, denounced and ridiculed. It doesn't bother me at all. But if it did, I'd just stop coming here and continue hunting and planting caches. I wouldn't let it affect my enjoyment of the sport one bit.

WHOA! You SHOULD NOT get any of the above for this one! BRAVO!!!


Now, if geocachers treated each other the way they do in the forums out on the trail or at events, that would kill geocaching. But I've not ever heard of this happening, so I agree with Briansnat, geocaching is alive and well, but it definitely is not the forums!

Posted (edited)

Wait a minute ! I had my first post deleted yesterday, and NOW you tell me I don't need to start a thread about how stupid this site is, the injustice displayed by the former slave camp wardens masquerading as moderators, or threaten to take my toys home with me ? Now I'm really confused.


Just so no confusion, this is a sarcastic comment against the way people constantly put on the war paint if they are reigned in for playing too rough.

Edited by Captain Chaoss
I've seen comments like "the moderators are gonna kill geocaching", "the forums have spoiled geocaching for me" and most of us recall at least a few people who quit the sport because of some perceived insult, or slight they encountered in these forums.


Helllo everyone, the forums are not geocaching. It's a place where we discuss the sport. Period. There are thousands of happy geocachers who never visit these forums. You don't need to be here to go geocaching.


Since I've been visiting these forums, I've been criticized, denounced and ridiculed. It doesn't bother me at all. But if it did, I'd just stop coming here and continue hunting and planting caches. I wouldn't let it affect my enjoyment of the sport one bit.


I think way too many people fail to separate what goes on in these forums from the sport of geocaching itself. If they were able to do so, they would get a lot more ejoyment out of the sport.

:D HIp Hip Aubergine!! Hip Hip Aubergine!! Hip Hip Aubergine!! :D:D


I couldn't agree more. I was a member for over a year before I even noticed there were forums. I think they're useful for getiing answers to questions, and different insights to problems. But they could delete them tomorrow, and not affect my enjoyment of the sport.

Since I've been visiting these forums, I've been criticized, denounced and ridiculed.

And that's on a good day Brian!!! :D


Thank G-d the forums is not geocaching, if it were... land manager closing off areas to us would be the least of our problems!!


Great post Brian! I remember your earlier posts when people reacted like you said. I think over time you have brought a lot of good ideas into Geocaching that we just didn't get back then.


El Diablo

Great post Brian! I remember your earlier posts when people reacted like you said. I think over time you have brought a lot of good ideas into Geocaching that we just didn't get back then.


Waaait a second bud. What exactly are you trying to say?

Great post Brian! I remember your earlier posts when people reacted like you said. I think over time you have brought a lot of good ideas into Geocaching that we just didn't get back then.


Waaait a second bud. What exactly are you trying to say?

I hate to admit this in public...but here goes. Your a great member of Geocaching and your thoughts are well received, and...aww I just can't do this. Sorry! :D


Seriously though, you have either come a long way or we have. Either way it is a good positive thing.


El Diablo


I agree that the forums are not what geocaching is about. I also have noticed that in the past week or so that they have calmed down quite a bit. Maybe people are on vacation or busy with the holidays. But I like the way the forums are now as apposed to the way they were a month or so ago. There was a span of 8-10 months where there were at least two GC.com or Mod bashing threads on the first page.


Now there’s just one and it was an incorrect assumption. Maybe the holiday spirit has calmed the souls of this community.



I do a lot of reading here too, but not many posts. I think everyone needs to have an open mind and a good sense of humor to be able to look at all these replies, and realize that this sport has brought together such a variety of opinions, so as to entertain us this way. I love it . Keep it up! But, when we're after a cache---

We are FAMILY.

Posted (edited)

sorry bout that ... got all excited when i thought we were talking about Back to the Future... wrong thread! lol :D

Edited by pnew

Thanks Brian, good post.

At our last caching event I brought up the forums & was surprised that very few of the cachers even knew about them. Seem's they'd been too busy finding & hiding caches to worry about it. Imagine that.... :D

When they started they read the guidelines & used some common sense for any future changes.

This sport will never die because of a few disgruntled people here.

I'm going to stop geocaching now, and I'll also let the door hit me on my way.

Does that mean I should stop work on your staff? :D

Eeek! :D No way! I'll rise above it! :D

AHHH a breath of fresh air! Thanks Brian!

His breath stinks sometimes, but more and more I find myself agreeing with Brian. :D


I was talking to a new 'cacher today as we walked around a park just north of Baltimore. The topic of these forums came up. Both of us agreed that there is too much "in real life" to worry about that these forums, in no way, shape, or form, should make someone so upset that they need to quit.


The forums are no reason to give up geocaching, but they are a integral part of the geocaching community, along with local clubs and event caches.


If they were'nt then nobody would of shown up to second Brians motion! Ohhhh the irony!


I completely agree with one particular statement: "the forums are not geocaching." How so? More and more posts are off-topic (who doesn't want to have a bazillion posts under their username?), and tons of people want a section that is completely free of geocaching. (I'm not trying to support or undermine this in any way) If we woke up tommorrow and the forums were gone, yes, we'd all feel very sad and dreadfully bored, but geocaching in itself would be like a fort with a pebble thrown at it. (well, lots of newbies would be confused) The forums are a very good thing.


Oh, yeah, does anyone say that the police force is destroying America? How is it even possible that moderators can destroy a forum? They may tick off a few, but they aren't destructive. Actually, their job is to bring peace.


Anyways, BrianSnat, your post was brilliant, and I think its a good step to peace in the forums.


Just as a footnote, this is the largest forum I have ever seen. Various sport teams forums that I've viewed have about as many posts as the Travel Bug Section alone, around 10,000. Its incredible the number of people that have 100-500 posts, my guess is a few hundred. There's also a pretty large amount of people in the thousands.

Posted (edited)
Helllo everyone, the forums are not geocaching. It's a place where we discuss the sport. Period.

McFly here, thank you man, I love you. :D

McFly, you look so different



How is it even possible that moderators can destroy a forum? They may tick off a few, but they aren't destructive. Actually, their job is to bring peace.

Stay tuned... :D


Think I'll take a break and go geocaching today! :D

Edited by Doc-Dean

A forums is a place where you can share ideas with others. So please don't jump off the bridge just before Christmas just because I posted a stupid thread (That's what it was).


It's like the fishing or hiking trip with the boys... Do you remember your last trip when everything went according to plan? Maybe you have better memories of the trip when the boat sank at the bottom of the lake and you had to pull it out then row 20 miles to get to the camp?


It’s more fun when there is a bit of chaos and disorder.

Posted (edited)

I would like to say I’m sorry CO Admin, I'm sorry CO Admin, and I’m sorry CO Admin.


I want to apologise to all the extremely disappointed people :D




Not closed yet....

Edited by breck_hiker
Posted (edited)
I would like to say I’m sorry CO Admin, I'm sorry CO Admin, and I’m sorry CO Admin.


I want to apologise to all the extremely disappointed people :D




Not closed yet....

Yeah, but ya gotta admit, your first thread about the control freaks turned out to be a whole lotta fun for a whole lotta people! :D


EDIT: spelling and grammar

Edited by Sparky-Watts

I will second what Sparky said, while you definatley put your foot in your mouth, the end result of your misguided efforts proved to be fun AND productive. If the road to Hell is paved with good intentions, the road to fun must be paved with misconceptions. I think you should be hailed as a visionary and a hero, a scholar and a gentlemen. Pretty ladies will sing songs about your magnificent deeds....ah f*** it...you messed up but it worked out. :D

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