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Free Geo-Hiking Staff!!!

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Originally posted by mckee:

I can't get this to save as my avatar:


Well you may already have tried these..


Save as jpg...and your avatar would be just one frame of the animation. You'd have to time your save-click just right.


My friend, who I'll email about it, managed somehow (memory is fuzzy on this), to make the computer think an animation was a jpg...and thereby doing what you proposed, an avatar with an animation.


Maybe geocaching.com has a more full-proof system than that other site where my friend made that work.


______________________________________________ Kanto

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Originally posted by mckee:

Oh well, it shows on my profile anyway. icon_frown.gif

I can't enter it into the database until it is an avatar. .gif files aren't allowed as avatars (thank god, can you imagine all the annoying animations!). Plus, think how tough it would be for El Diablo to carve an animation! icon_wink.gif



"All of us get lost in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer with a backlit GPSr"

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The Avatar Gallery is current as of 11:25pm PST. I won't be doing any updates until late tomorrow evening (as most people know, the weekend daylight hours are spent caching icon_wink.gif).


El Diablo, when should I stop updating the database? I'm assuming no updates after midnight (EST) which might mean this is the last update (I probably won't make it back home until after then). Or maybe, any posts before midnight (EST) could be updated tomorrow night after I get home. I need a rest, I think I underestimated how much work it would be to keep up to date. icon_wink.gif Good luck everyone! icon_biggrin.gif



"All of us get lost in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer with a backlit GPSr"

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O.K it’s almost time to vote!

See below for the list of rules. If there are any questions on the rules please post your questions here in the thread. Do not email me questions. You will see why I say that after you read the rules. They are as follows…

1. The chance to enter this contest ends at midnight tonight July 26, 2003 EST. Any entries after that will be null and void.


2. The voting will be open until midnight Wednesday, July 30, 2003. Any votes received after that will be null and void.


3. You must vote to be eligible to win. You are allowed 3 votes and they must all be in the same email. You cannot vote for yourself nor may you cast more than one vote per avatar. You must have posted to this thread to be eligible to vote.


4. You may only send one email to me during the voting period. If I receive more than one email from you during this time you will be disqualified, as will be any votes that you have cast. If you have questions you need answered, please post them on this thread.


5. It’s your sole responsibility to read and understand these rules. This contest is solely for entertainment, therefore I will interrupt the rules as I see fit. I also reserve the right to disqualify any person without notification or reason. All my decisions are final!


6. There will be 3 staffs awarded to the 3 avatars that receive the most eligible votes. There is no cost or obligation involved. The staffs will come with the standard Geocaching logo, my signature (pitchfork) your avatar, and your name.


7. I may add to or take away from these rules at any given time at my discretion.


Good luck to everyone! I have really enjoyed it and I look forward to creating that special staff for you.


Click here to vote.


El Diablo


Everything you do in life...will impact someone,for better or for worse.


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I updated the Gallery Page database with all the entries that came in before the deadline. If there are any missing, let me know! Good luck everyone, and thanks to El Diablo for holding the contest (and, of course, all his hard work he will be doing for the winners).


P.S. If you just can't decide on that third vote, feel free to vote for me! icon_wink.gificon_biggrin.gif



"All of us get lost in the darkness, dreamers learn to steer with a backlit GPSr"

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Way to go Marky and El Diablo. Maybe u2 should join up and rule the world! I know this has to involve a lot of time (work) for both of you. I'd vote for you El Diablo, but I know you've probably got staffs galore (you are, of course eligible to vote and win).


And I will vote for you Marky ( because I particularly like your avatar, and because of all the hard work I know you've put in..."tanks.")


This thread/contest is great. Good luck to everyone especially me . icon_wink.gif


Now...let's all go vote, don't forget...it's a privilege!


==============="If it feels good...do it"================


**(the other 9 out of 10 voices in my head say: "Don't do it.")**



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As of 1pm EST about 20 percent of the vote is in. There is only 1 avatar that is showing promise of being a winner. Everyone else is still on equal ground. It's amazing the variety of the vote. It just goes to show that there are many great avatars out there. 50 percent have recieved at least 1 vote!


Still no votes for mine icon_frown.gif LOL!!


El Diablo


Everything you do in life...will impact someone,for better or for worse.


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Originally posted by Cap'n Cache:

I just voted icon_smile.gif Good luck everyone!


I've got a question for ya El Diablo... How many Geo-Hiking Staffs have you ever made?


I honestly have no idea. I know how many have been sold...but I have made and given away a lot to friends, family, local cachers and I have donated them for caching events, these staffs are not recorded so I have no idea what the total number is.


El Diablo


Everything you do in life...will impact someone,for better or for worse.


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What is the average circumference of your staff?

I think that's an awfully personal question to be asking in a family friendly forum. icon_eek.gificon_rolleyes.gificon_biggrin.gif


These changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes;

Nothing remains quite the same.

Through all of the islands and all of the highlands,

If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane

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While I am disappointed that the Redneck Cat Carrier was left out of Marky's gallery, I have just placed my Doot-free vote. Good luck to all.


These changes in latitudes, changes in attitudes;

Nothing remains quite the same.

Through all of the islands and all of the highlands,

If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane

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Originally posted by El Diablo:

Still no votes for mine icon_frown.gif LOL!!


Darn it all to heck, I was just going to post asking that everyone uses at least one of their votes for ya. icon_wink.gif


So anyone who hasn't voted yet make sure to put a vote towards El Diablo.


Wouldn't that be ironic if you were to win one of your own staffs. Would you make it for yourself? lol Ok, I'm off to vote.




Caching without a clue....

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Ok, I didn't vote for ya either El Diablo but I do like your avatar. It was a tough choice because of all the great avatars here and thanks a ton for doing this El Diablo and thanks to everyone who participated.




Caching without a clue....

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<- An avatar is under your name on the left side. I thought your graphic was just part of your signature since it was in the main body of your messages.


Originally posted by Warm Fuzzies - Fuzzy:

So, uh, what's the deal, the little hairy guy in my signature doesn't count as an avatar so I don't get to play? I posted on the first page of this thread, but I'm not in Marky's gallery.



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Originally posted by DapperDanMan:

<- An avatar is under your name on the left side.

Well, DUH. And if I could use a GIF image as my avatar, I'd have one. But I don't like having an ugly white box around my avatar, so I switched to a signature about a year ago. Still, you have to admit that anyone seeing the little hairy dude knows it's me, so it performs the same function as an avatar.



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Originally posted by megus:

how do I up load an avatar and what are the requirements?


I forget the pixels (100x100) I think and you need a place to host it which you can do in your profile page by uploading it then copying the url to your avatar section.




Caching without a clue....

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Originally posted by El Diablo:

So far I count roughly 70+ avatars that have been entered that is not in Markys Gallery. please keep these in mind when you vote!! You will have to scroll through the thread to find them.



Yep, thats what I did and it didn't take long at all.




Caching without a clue....

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Well you may already have tried these..


Save as jpg...and your avatar would be just one frame of the animation. You'd have to time your save-click just right.


My friend, who I'll email about it, managed somehow (memory is fuzzy on this), to make the computer think an animation was a jpg...and thereby doing what you proposed, an avatar with an animation.


Maybe geocaching.com has a more full-proof system than that other site where my friend made that work.


I'll have to play with it when I have time. Thanks for the info!

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This would work if the system just displayed the original file that you uploaded. The system on geocaching.com runs the file through a script/program that resizes it to 75 pixels across (even if the original graphic is already 75 pixels) and then sharpens it (and I think it sharpens it a little to much).


Because of this, it is impossible to use a GIF for your avatar.


Originally posted by Kanto:

My friend, who I'll email about it, managed somehow (memory is fuzzy on this), to make the computer think an animation was a jpg...and thereby doing what you proposed, an avatar with an animation.


Maybe geocaching.com has a more full-proof system than that other site where my friend made that work.

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