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2024 Geocaching Goals


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The end of the year is a time for setting goals! What are your Geocaching Goals for the next year?


My goals for the year are:


  • Find a cache in at least 2 new countries.
  • Bring my total US Counties cached in to 1200
  • Host at least 20 events/CITOs
  • Hide at least 5 more Earthcaches
  • Surprised 3
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1. 10,000 milestone and maybe even 11,000


2.  Add at least 3 countries


3.  Complete at least one more state (caching in each county)


4.  Host 12 events


Not very ambitious but it will be enjoyable

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Posted (edited)

My 2024 goals for the year are:-


Complete my Quadruple Jasmer - only need 1  -  Aug 2000 - Potters Pond


improve on my 1017 caches in one day


Find 50 - date placed year 2000 caches  




Edited by Clongo_Rongo
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2024 Goals: 


Place 10 caches


Reach 200 geocaches


Find a Mystery cache


Find caches in 5 new states

Place a Earth-cache


Attend an event/cito


Collect all 2024 souvenirs

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Posted (edited)

1. Find at least six T5 caches for the gemstone badge

2. Find as many qualified challenges as possible, again for the gemstone badge

3. Find a cache placed in November 2000, to fill one of my three remaining Jasmer squares

4. Hide a new cache in my town

5. Continue chipping away at my calendars and DT matrices for Virtuals, Earth caches, WIGs and letterboxes

6. Find cool caches in interesting locations!

Edited by nachtmusik

Add one country, to make a round 20.


It's hard, because many of those 19-so-far are really compelling for return visits.  My last and next geo-vacations will have been within the same old 19.  Need to try something new eventually.  Next year maybe.


With my find count currently sitting on 1764, I have another official milestone drawing close although, with only just over 200 finds this year and an average rate of 150 a year, it probably won't happen until well into 2025. New local cache placements have almost dried up completely, with only one since July (plus 2 of my own), so I expect most of next year's caching will be on day trips away, either solo or with our small but enthusiastic group. Plans are already afoot for some higher terrain cache attempts once the weather cools down a bit.


As a CO, I'm nervously awaiting the announcement of the Virtual Rewards 4.0 recipients next month. Having missed out on the first three, I'm hoping maybe lucky fourth, although by my reckoning there are some 120 eligible COs in New South Wales and, with the state receiving about 40 in each of the earlier Rewards, my chances aren't that good. I have a spot in Brisbane Water National Park in mind, as it's a pretty spectacular location and is one where I'd wanted to place a physical cache a few years back but the park management wouldn't allow it, although they said a virtual cache or EarthCache would be fine as they don't require formal approval under the NSW National Parks geocaching policy.




If I miss out again, I might consider putting an EarthCache there if I can figure out what geological processes were behind the formation of the rock finger. I have a few vague ideas but nothing scientific to back them up, and so far everyone I've asked has just shrugged their shoulders.


Last Sunday I received a pleasant surprise (well I was blown away, actually) when one of my 2022 hides (GC9M6X5) won the Geocaching New South Wales Cache of the Year in its category (multi or series). The prize for that was a large steel ammo can so I'm going to have to find a really special place where it can make a fitting container for a new cache. The National Parks policy limits cache size to 2 litres so it won't be able to go anywhere in those, and my preference is to keep it on the Central Coast, so over the coming months I'll keep my eyes open for anything suitable.


I have two National Park cache proposals currently awaiting a response from the respective rangers, one locally in Brisbane Water National Park at a nice spot alongside the Great North Walk overlooking Patonga Beach, and the other at the bottom of the newly-reconstructed walking track to the base of Gap Creek Falls in Watagans National Park. I'd almost given up on the first, having made my initial approach in May 2022, but in a recent reply to an unrelated query, the ranger said she'd try to push it through in the new year. Time will tell, I guess.


Other than those, I don't have any specific plans at the moment for new caches, but I said the same a year ago and ended up placing eight this year. For me, it's usually a location I come across that inspires the cache, rather than the other way around, and I'm sure to find some more inspiring locations in the year ahead.


In a nutshell, then, my goal for 2024 is much the same as in previous years, to just have fun finding and placing caches and let the statistics take care of themselves.

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I have very few goals as I surpassed my goals for 2023 and won't be able to repeat or surpass them. Healed from injury and find a few caches? Check. Visit a few new countries? Got 9 new ones :o

So I guess my goal for 2024 is to find a few caches and get a few new countries.

Posted (edited)

With regards to the following year, I'm currently nearing 1,500 finds, but I expect to find about 80-100 caches next year. It's not really a goal, but something that'll probably happen.


Next year,


~~>I want to find a 5/5 mystery cache that's about 15 miles from me, and a few other select puzzle caches closer to me.


~~> I want to host 3 events/CITO's, maybe even a T5 one if I have the time.


~~> I'm hoping to find a few more Wherigo caches, mostly to complete a challenge cache.


~~> I'll continue fine tuning my cache-load, archiving what I deem necessary considering that this following year will see me less dedicated to geocaching.



I'll make an edit here later if I think of anything...but this is basically the jist of my goals.

Edited by DreamMachine74
Added CITO's to one goal.
Posted (edited)

My 2024 Goals are:

Hide 1-3 caches

Host 1-3 events

Reach 6000 finds

Cache in 1-3 new countries 

Cache in 1-3 new provinces and /or states

Complete 1-3 new Challenges (ones I am not already close to completing)


I’ve never set a yearly goal before, so giving myself some wiggle room with 1-3.







Edited by geoBirder
Added “Reach 6000 finds”

We've definitely morphed from primarily find count to other priorities.... DT average, DT grid squares and Jasmer. So our aim is to improve on these, in our finds and hides. After completing a couple of caches requiring abseiling, we're keen to do some more of them....

We don't ignore low DT caches, but we now tend to prioritise them below others... :)


1. Have fun

2. Keep a relaxed attitude

3. Avoid another dash into caching for statistics. It severely violates items 1 and 2.

4. Maybe add another country. Depends on vacation plans.

5. Do some nice multicaches in the "mountains" around Cologne (Eifel, Bergisches Land, Westerwald)

6. Do some more caching in the Netherlands, using my flat rate train ticket to a few border cities and my folding bike


I'm going to continue to seek the geocaches I want to find and skip the ones that don't interest me. Same with Adventure Labs. I'm going to continue trying to write good logs.


2/3 of my Finds in 2023 were on vacation; I found less than 100 during winter season. A lot of that had to with schedule issues and a less than stellar Florida winter (i.e. not much cool weather and almost no cold weather). I'd like to do a bit more this year; hopefully the factors outside my control will align better.


I picked up six Cache Across American hides this calendar year while on vacations. I want to get CAAs for any new states I visit on vacation this year, which will probably be at least 2.


Continue to wind down by cache ownership. Not hide any new geocaches, create any Adventure Labs, or attend any Events except maybe attend a community Block Party event.

On 12/14/2023 at 6:21 PM, chase99g said:

2024 Goals: 


Place 10 caches


Reach 200 geocaches


Find a Mystery cache


Find caches in 5 new states

Place a Earth-cache


Attend an event/cito


Collect all 2024 souvenirs

I have now found 3 puzzle caches before 2024 has even started!

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Having not cached much the last few years. I'm hoping to get back into more regular caching.

My goals,

Attend more events - and reconnect with my fellow cachers
Hide a few more caches (attempt to hide an Earthcache)
Find about 500 caches in 2024


Here are my geocaching goals for 2024:

  • Host at least one CITO event
  • Add a few states to my souvenirs (I currently have 14 of the 50 US states)
  • Keep my % of traditional finds below 75% of total finds (keep finding a variety of cache types!)
  • Use my Adventure Lab credit to be creative and really DO something different than the norm with it!
  • Enjoy the hobby with my husband and geo-partner, doing those caches we both like to find!

If I get a virtual reward on Jan 17th, my goal will be to place it at the summit of Mount Rainier (don't take my spot!). I'll hopefully be at the summit in July, which will be a tough goal in itself.


Otherwise, I have no plans for my stats, but I do have a few specific caches that will more than occupy most of my summer planning:


GC2C00R Russian Butte


GC24KA6 Gifford Lakes


GC3XP2B Mt Price


GC15YMQ Mt. Index


All 4 of these caches have been on my wish list forever, but they are all incredibly difficult, and should be done with a partner. Needless to say, it's difficult to find partners for such expeditions.


2024 Goals:

  • Finding at least 2024 caches because of one of the challenges on the way to GCD
  • finding caches in some missing counties
  • excessive use of the "49-€-Ticket" public transport flatrate :D
  • Visiting some Mega Events
  • at least one new country point
  • enjoying cache day trips with other cachers
  • hiding 2-3 new caches

Wow. I feel like a scmuck. Such wonderful caching goals. My goals are: 1) stay upright 2) don't fall 3) don't break anything 4) be able to walk more than a mile without back pain 5) suck it up buttercup 6) find some of my long-time DNFed caches. 😂 

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On 12/30/2023 at 12:04 PM, TheLimeCat said:

If I get a virtual reward on Jan 17th, my goal will be to place it at the summit of Mount Rainier (don't take my spot!). I'll hopefully be at the summit in July, which will be a tough goal in itself.


I'll be able to see your new virtual from my backyard... but I have no intentions to hike to the summit of Rainier anytime soon lol 

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Posted (edited)

My goals never focus on numbers, and right now they are dependent on health and manageable pain levels.  But my hopes include


  • kayak caching
  • travel caching in the U.K., Southwest US, and Alaska.
  • hiking caching even if the hikes are not as long
  • rock art and ghost town caching


I also have a goal of taking a picture of Squatch while caching and getting a caching log printed in a literary journal.




Edited by geodarts
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I was encouraged by fellow geocacher nachtmusik to post some geocaching goals for 2024 here, so here I go!  This is also my first post in these forums.


I am based in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, so the goals below are in relation to this area.

  • Try to find caches by more unique reviewers for a series of challenges in my area ( GC45FTJ , GC4Z9ZM , GC4ZA0N )
  • Get a passport in order to be able to visit other countries, to help with the above reviewer challenges and country souvenirs
  • Create an Adventure Lab somewhere nearby using a AL creation credit I have had for a long time
  • Find some way to borrow/rent/buy a kayak that would be appropriate to reach some kayak-needed T5 caches in my area, and get the nerve to try it
  • Complete solving some of the harder mystery caches in my general area for the thrill and fun of figuring them out, and in general keep trying to solve new ones as they are published
  • Host some events in order to help local cachers who have already found everything nearby to more easily get new upcoming souvenirs


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2023 gave me plenty of free time for geocaching, since I left active duty in July and didn't start a new job until mid-December.


I think 2024 is going to involve less travel and free time, but I'll still see if I can meet or exceed some goals:


  • 50 more Texas counties for the Texas County Challenge
  • One new state cached
  • One new country cached
  • Host at least one event and one CITO
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I think my active geocaching habits will for the first time be reduced by choice, having now a family to grow that'll take top priority.

But in doing so I can shift some time into creative and productive works in the geocaching realm, so with challenge-striving greatly reduced (apart from the extremes, like maybe that 3rd/4th jasmer), I can only think of:

* Keep the monthly FTF streak going

* Hope to get to Geowoodstock XX

* Keep up the monthly minimum media productions (pods/videos)

* Finish my new geocoin series and tie-in for:

* Launching my new geocaching game, and

* Launching a Snag The Tag game

* General community promotion of the geocaching hobby news, happenings, and adventures


Posted (edited)

Among MANY other things, I'm striving to not just complete a bingo, but get a blackout for GC3D5E - the ironman bingo challenge.




Also to be so involved with this awesome community forum that mine is the only icon, just like EGO from guardians of the galaxy 2.

forum is all me.jpg

Edited by CheekyBrit
Adding comedy.
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My #1 goal is to go on a proper caching excursion once a month. At the moment I've mostly been caching as conventient, when I get the chance, but I want to intentionally plan to go out and about!

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Posted (edited)

2023 was very much a year of getting back into a (semi) regular caching rhythm having cached not much if at all during most of the covid period (lockdowns will do that). Did manage to tick off quite a number of achievements last year (including 6 new countries, no mean feat when your closest neighboring country is a 4 hour flight away), but 2024 I will have some more specific goals. A number of which tie into signed challenges im yet to qualify for.


The main ones are:

  • Fizzy in a Day (on leap day)
  • Unlock as many leap year PGC badge add-ons as I can (17 new ones is realistically possible, on top of the 7 I already have)
  • Get my Ausmer (Australian JASMER, ignores the few months in 2000 not available here) gaps down from 16 to single figures
  • Increase DT loops (originally it was to finish my second, but with the first goal now locked in I will finish my second and probably third by the end of Feb. Will revisit in March and potentially adjust the goal to finish my 4th by end of year)
  • Tick off the Geotour attribute (already done) and completion souvenir (should be done in coming weeks)
  • Place a (quality) cache for each of the monthly cache hider themes as announced by HQ
  • Achieve the Gold Black belt on PGC (and do so before I hit 3k finds)
  • Use my second ad lab credit
  • Reach 3K finds (without chasing numbers for the sake of numbers)

That should keep me busy for a bit...

Edited by BFMC
On 12/30/2023 at 9:09 AM, CAVinoGal said:

Here are my geocaching goals for 2024:

  • Host at least one CITO event
  • Add a few states to my souvenirs (I currently have 14 of the 50 US states)
  • Keep my % of traditional finds below 75% of total finds (keep finding a variety of cache types!)
  • Use my Adventure Lab credit to be creative and really DO something different than the norm with it!
  • Enjoy the hobby with my husband and geo-partner, doing those caches we both like to find!


I need to add one more to my list of goals for 2024 ... 

  • Use the Virtual 4.0 I was awarded and come up with something awesome!

Yes, I was pleasantly surprised to get the "Congratulations!" email yesterday - now I need to something worhtwhile for folks to do!


I thought I was gonna start to get back into the swing today.  Got tired of the same loop trails nearby, and this is a souvenir day...

Out solo (not supposed to be - shhh...) on familiar rail trail.  A mile in, a half hour later, and I can't find the first cache.  :huh:

The other 2.3rds said a few times that I can't find anything smaller than a 30cal...  :laughing:  

Looked further up the trail online and folks are either finding lids and calling 'em a find, or they're not there. Guess I'm done.

Got a nice walk though, and the mile markers are intact, so I have evidence for the doc this time. I am gonna cache this year. 

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On 12/15/2023 at 8:56 PM, barefootjeff said:

I have two National Park cache proposals currently awaiting a response from the respective rangers, one locally in Brisbane Water National Park at a nice spot alongside the Great North Walk overlooking Patonga Beach, and the other at the bottom of the newly-reconstructed walking track to the base of Gap Creek Falls in Watagans National Park. I'd almost given up on the first, having made my initial approach in May 2022, but in a recent reply to an unrelated query, the ranger said she'd try to push it through in the new year. Time will tell, I guess.


The cache in Brisbane Water National Park that I first approached the ranger about in May 2022 was finally approved and was published earlier this week (GCAK18B).

  • Upvote 4
Posted (edited)

Time for a revisit now leap day is done and dusted... happy with the progress so far


  • Fizzy in a Day (on leap day) Achieved. Barely, but we did it.
  • Unlock as many leap year PGC badge add-ons as I can (17 new ones is realistically possible, on top of the 7 I already have) Achieved, 24 unlocked
  • Get my Ausmer (Australian JASMER, ignores the few months in 2000 not available here) gaps down from 16 to single figures Down to 14, not as far as id hoped after leap day
  • Increase DT loops (originally it was to finish my second, but with the first goal now locked in I will finish my second and maybe third by the end of Feb. Will revisit in March and may adjust the goal to finish my 4th by end of year) 2 caches short of loop 3, 14 short of loop 4. Goal is now to finish loop 3, + get 1 cache I need for a loop in my home state, giving me complete loops in 2 different states. May add size/type fizzy's once I assess where I am at with those
  • Tick off the Geotour attribute (already done) and completion souvenir (should be done in coming weeks) achieved
  • Place a (quality) cache for each of the monthly cache hider themes as announced by HQ Jan and Feb published, March submitted. On track.
  • Achieve the Gold Black belt on PGC (and do so before I hit 3k finds) Achieved on leap day at 2846 finds
  • Use my second ad lab credit In the works to be used for Aprils Monthly theme challenge
  • Reach 3K finds (without chasing numbers for the sake of numbers) ~150 to go, well on track
Edited by BFMC

Place 10 caches

Reach 200 geocaches

Find a Mystery cache

Find caches in 5 new states

Place a Earth-cache

Attend an event/cito

Collect all 2024 souvenirs


Anyone else achieve some of their 2024 goals?

Posted (edited)

At the age of 81, my only goal is to keep on keeping on--as long as I can--and find a few caches now & then.  I'm not up for long hikes anymore, and had to pass on a couple short walks recently because they were too hilly.

Edited by NanCycle
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On 1/18/2024 at 7:10 PM, CAVinoGal said:
On 12/30/2023 at 9:09 AM, CAVinoGal said:

Here are my geocaching goals for 2024:

  • Host at least one CITO event - Not yet
  • Add a few states to my souvenirs (I currently have 14 of the 50 US states) No new states
  • Keep my % of traditional finds below 75% of total finds (keep finding a variety of cache types!) Currently 71% (includes Lab caches though)
  • Use my Adventure Lab credit to be creative and really DO something different than the norm with it! Not yet
  • Enjoy the hobby with my husband and geo-partner, doing those caches we both like to find! So far, so good.  We both logged #3000 on Easter Sunday!


I need to add one more to my list of goals for 2024 ... 

  • Use the Virtual 4.0 I was awarded and come up with something awesome! Done


It's been a slower geocaching year for us, we are slowing down.  We finished a streak of 404 days in our first full year of geocaching, and have no desire to maintain anything close to that again!  We find them when we feel the urge, and maintaining the ones we have hidden keeps us busy too.  Goals are good, challenges are fun, and we do those we enjoy doing.  We did attend the recent GeoWoodstock XX in Flagstaff, Arizona and that was pretty cool.  


My goal is to finish my Jasmer grid.


Last year (2023) I successfully found caches in all months from January 2001 to present (about 35 months of holes in the grid).


To start 2024, I had 5 year 2000 months to complete: May, June, July, August, and September.


I flew to Georgia with my wife in February and found caches from June, July, and August (a fun adventure documented here: https://youtu.be/e7BCUkJDV2c?si=grsFIOsChlrUmOcp)


To finish my 2024 goals, I just need to find caches from May and September of 2024, and I have a plan in place.  It's a plan I can just go do over the weekend (two days min) if I wanted to, but I'm planning to do something fun with a friend to complete this later in the year.


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On 12/14/2023 at 1:29 PM, STNolan said:



My goals for the year are:


  • Find a cache in at least 2 new countries.
  • Bring my total US Counties cached in to 1200
  • Host at least 20 events/CITOs
  • Hide at least 5 more Earthcaches

Just over halfway through the year and my status is as follows:


  • Thanks to a trip to Europe I found caches in three new countries: Switzerland, Italy, and the Vatican City State.
  • As of today I'm only up to 1082 counties. I was able to complete my final two counties in Oregon earlier this year and I'm picking away at Midwest counties now that I've moved to Michigan.
  • I have hosted 29 CITOs/Events so far this year in two states (Washington and Oregon).
  • I have placed 11 more Earthcaches this year in 4 states (Washington, Michigan, Illinois, and Minnesota)
    • (With some currently in development in Iowa, Oregon, Nevada and Italy).

I think the hardest one for me to finish is going to be reaching my county goal - I knew that was lofty when I set it, but I've only found about 20 new counties so far this year. 

Posted (edited)
On 12/14/2023 at 9:36 PM, Viajero Perdido said:

Add one country, to make a round 20.


It's hard, because many of those 19-so-far are really compelling for return visits.  My last and next geo-vacations will have been within the same old 19.  Need to try something new eventually.  Next year maybe


Done, also 21 and 22!  A geo-buddy talked me into caching in Europe.


In my senior years now, I'm at peace with having just a single goal.  Forget the stats.  I just want to keep up my tradition of hiking up a mountain - something worthy of the term - on my birthday, for as many birthdays as I can.  Mountains close to home are often in winter condition by then (snow/ice, though I can handle that), so once again I just bought airline tickets to a reliable mountain-caching destination, a place with very agreeable weather (and food!) around the particular date.  I'm pumped.  B)


I'll have time for a side trip, which may be country #23, but that's not the main goal.  The mountain is, then food.  Caches will definitely happen.


Edited by Viajero Perdido
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On 12/14/2023 at 9:58 PM, Clongo_Rongo said:

My 2024 goals for the year are:-


Complete my Quadruple Jasmer - only need 1  -  Aug 2000 - Potters Pond


improve on my 1017 caches in one day


Find 50 - date placed year 2000 caches  





I completed my Quadruple Jasmer Challenge on 24th June 2024


will struggle with beating my 1017 in a day 


will see how this year continues 

  • Funny 2
1 hour ago, Clongo_Rongo said:


I completed my Quadruple Jasmer Challenge on 24th June 2024


will struggle with beating my 1017 in a day 


will see how this year continues 



Sounds like you need a support crew to beat 1017 caches in a day. At 1 minute per cache 16.95 hours. Factor in eating and bathroom breaks yikes and a power nap.


I did a 100 in a day averaged 5 minutes per cache (slowed down towards the end). Getting in and out of the car was exhausting. Stopped putting on the seat belt and turning off the engine. Glad I did it but not planning on doing it solo again. But a thousand I could not imagine the logistics. Would need a couple of cars and a crew of folks. 


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My goal is to reach 7,000 finds (including Lab Caches), qualify for more signed challenges, complete my first Jasmer and hide four caches.  I also have several Adventure Lab credits that I am working on slowly and surely.


We're over the halfway mark, here's my progress report.

  • 50 more Texas counties for the Texas County Challenge - I had 124 counties in December and have added 30. Not bad, still a ways to go.
  • One new state cached - added two, Montana and Wyoming, leaving just North Dakota and Alaska to go.
  • One new country cached - nope.
  • Host at least one event and one CITO - event, yes; CITO, not yet.

As far as all the counties - whew, that's not happening any time soon. I didn't realize Kalawo County, Hawai'i, finally got a couple caches. I always thought it was off limits, but apparently I am behind the times.

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Posted (edited)
On 12/14/2023 at 9:58 PM, Clongo_Rongo said:

My 2024 goals for the year are:-


Complete my Quadruple Jasmer - only need 1  -  Aug 2000 - Potters Pond


improve on my 1017 caches in one day


Find 50 - date placed year 2000 caches  





so now i have completed my Quadruple Jasmer and found 51 Year 2000 placed caches


just need to  see what i can do to get more than 1017 finds in a day


only a few months left, we will see 


looks like i will have to Travel overseas to get the numbers in 1 day 




Edited by Clongo_Rongo
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On 6/11/2024 at 11:21 AM, GeoElmo6000 said:

My goal is to finish my Jasmer grid.


Last year (2023) I successfully found caches in all months from January 2001 to present (about 35 months of holes in the grid).


To start 2024, I had 5 year 2000 months to complete: May, June, July, August, and September.


I flew to Georgia with my wife in February and found caches from June, July, and August 


To finish my 2024 goals, I just need to find caches from May and September of 2024, and I have a plan in place.  It's a plan I can just go do over the weekend (two days min) if I wanted to, but I'm planning to do something fun with a friend to complete this later in the year.



Jasmer complete!  I met my buddy Halemeister in Buffalo NY and found State Game Lands #109 (GC184 - September 2000 - oldest PA cache) and The Spot (GC39 - May 2000 - oldest NY cache) recently. 





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Posted (edited)
On 12/15/2023 at 8:56 PM, barefootjeff said:

Other than those, I don't have any specific plans at the moment for new caches, but I said the same a year ago and ended up placing eight this year. For me, it's usually a location I come across that inspires the cache, rather than the other way around, and I'm sure to find some more inspiring locations in the year ahead.


In a nutshell, then, my goal for 2024 is much the same as in previous years, to just have fun finding and placing caches and let the statistics take care of themselves.


Even without much in the way of plans, 2024 didn't go to plan with illness confining me close to home in early autumn and throughout most of the winter. I made up for lost time during the spring, though, with some awesome caching experiences. Here's just a few of the year's highlights:




During my illness, I was at least able to fill in the time by getting out to many of my own caches close to home to make sure they were in good condition, but alas one had gone missing and another, which had audio-visual special effects, had suffered irreparable damage from salt spray, so I reluctantly archived them.


My limited travels extended as far as The Entrance, about 30km north-east of here, where I started pondering a series of island-themed caches. Once recovered in September, I was able to get out on the water and place them. Those, along with my virtual in January, the long-awaited national park cache in February and a multi at a lookout on Kincumba Mountain in May, resulted in 8 new caches for the year, a bit higher than my usual average of about 5.




Only one has made it to a double-digit find count and none are likely to ever get a favourite point indicator in the app, but those who've done them seem to have enjoyed them which is what it's all about.

Edited by barefootjeff
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15 minutes ago, barefootjeff said:


RE illness, I am in Sydney at present and my plan for today was to catch a train to Cowan, find the SideTracked cache I had a DNF of six months ago (I now have the correct coordinates), and then take a walk to your 'A Cow Named Anne'. 

Change of plans, I have a cold and am staying home. Not feeling very energetic. Shame, as I wanted to find one of your well maintained caches. 

I have been catching trains, light rail and a bus. Train to Sydney, and then using the good system here. Likely where I caught the cold, and I might have shared the cold yesterday - train - light rail - bus - multiple trains. Anyway, almost cleaned out the lasted crop of SideTracked caches in Sydney - only Cowan and Macarthur left.

11 minutes ago, Goldenwattle said:

Change of plans, I have a cold and am staying home. Not feeling very energetic. Shame, as I wanted to find one of your well maintained caches. 

I have been catching trains, light rail and a bus. Train to Sydney, and then using the good system here. Likely where I caught the cold, and I might have shared the cold yesterday - train - light rail - bus - multiple trains. Anyway, almost cleaned out the lasted crop of SideTracked caches in Sydney - only Cowan and Macarthur left.


 I hope you recover quickly. I made the mistake of doing a train and ferry trip down to Sydney harbour on the Labor Day holiday in October when everywhere was packed with visitors, and picked up a head cold for my efforts. Fortunately it was pretty mild and I was over it in a few days.

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