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Eastside cachers


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Well done PEPPER!! Wish I could have been there to see it. Congrats. looking forward to seeing you Friday.


And then the bad news? Weinerdog may not be attending SCM? sniff...


Oh yah, Evergreen, I think I found that park and ride you want to meet at, but I'll email you anyway. Should be in your neck of the woods at 11:30 or noon Thursay. Cachecruiser got all sorts of new fluids and parts today, and is cleared by the dockmaster for launch.


globe.gif How much intelligence does it take to sneak up on a piece of tupperware?

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Originally posted by fizzymagic:

I think Pepper's going to pass me. Again.


That's wonderful. You go girl!



Hello friend (Snif) I would have to go cache crazy to pass you.

Hmmm...Cache crazy oh yeah there's a cache machine I will be attending this weekend in Spokane that should help.





Horizontals where it's at!

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Geocacher Quilt Raffle: the Peanut Butter Brigade will be raffling off extra-special hand-made by Pepper, autographed quilts of many colors. To enter the drawing for a quilt, bring us a gently-used blanket or coat for donation to a local charity. We’ll collect the blankets and give away the quilts at this year’s WSGA Holiday Party.


**** **** **** ****


An extra-talented member of the Peanut Butter Brigade (Pepper) has volunteered to make do some special sewing to use as a prize/gift at this year’s holiday party. She’s going to sew quilts made from bandanas signed by geocachers. To create this colorful quilt, she needs YOU! What do you need to do?


(1) Trade for a bandana in a cache or buy your own bandana.

(2) Cut the bandana into 4 same-sized squares.

(3) Use a laundryproof pen to sign the CENTER of each of your 4 squares.

(4) Get your 4 signed bandana squares to Pepper by the first week of December. (contact Pepper for mailing address)



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Originally posted by TotemLake:

Cool. Also, if you go to your list of caches that you found DNF or made any note on, it takes you to your log rather than to the cache page.





Love the new maps (finally!), but wish they'd link maps from the 'find a cache' pages.


Hate this new log feature - I like to occasionally troll through my logs and see what's happening with caches I've visited. Now when I click, all I see is my own log - who cares about that? I want to see what others have said and done, or if the cache status has changed. What prompted this unwelcome change? Do others just want to see their own comments?

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Agreed on the log list change! I think their intent was to make the log list really a log list. Unfortunatly this it not how I think it is used. I too use it to troll my recent caches to see what people have been saying about them.


I wonder if geocaching.com realise they are increasing their server load by making people load extra pages. Ooops!



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The easiest way now to do this is to do a search for your found caches from your cache page. It takes a little bit, but with a Quick Keys shortcut for my name it is only a couple of clicks and it gets me a listing showing when I found the cache along with the date of the latest find. It does not show notes or DNF's but otherwise is a good quick way to look over the caches you have found.


Give it a try.


This post is a natural product. The slight variations in spelling and grammar enhance its individual character and beauty and in no way are to be considered flaws or defects.


Weight Man

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Originally posted by hydnsek:


Hate this new log feature - I like to occasionally troll through my logs and see what's happening with caches I've visited. Now when I click, all I see is my own log - who cares about that? I want to see what others have said and done, or if the cache status has changed. What prompted this unwelcome change? Do others just want to see their own comments?


Yuck -- agreed. Any time an extra click is added to a process, my shoulder twinges (repetitive stress injuries are not nice).


I'm not sure why they changed things that way. The only time I look at old logs, it's to see who else has visited the cache (or who might have taken a trade item/travel bug left by me). Any editing on my part almost always takes place from the cache page itself, not my log list.


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Originally posted by marinerBC:

So has everyone else recovered yet? I must admit, work was not quite as fun today. I wanted to be out looking for boxes. I would have even settled for a Bison tube.


Geez, I haven't even been able to log more than the caches I did Friday on the drive over to Spokane.


I tried last night, but I was fried! However, I did have enough energy to munch on one of my Wunderbars. icon_smile.gif



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Originally posted by evergreenhiker!:

Just finally finished logging zll my caches! Got four more today so I'm at 1095. 1100 will be on a mountain top somwhere.

EGH, OMG so what mountain top this time?


As far as logging caches I've logged Friday's and the first page of Saturday.

I seem to be distracted by the forums! icon_eek.gif


Recovery from the SCM is slow and steady I'm sure I'll be ready to cache soon.





Horizontals where it's at!

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Originally posted by SuperGenius:

Originally posted by evergreenhiker!:

Just finally finished logging zll my caches! Got four more today so I'm at 1095. 1100 will be on a mountain top somwhere.

EGH, OMG so what mountain top this time?


As far as logging caches I've logged Friday's and the first page of Saturday.

I seem to be distracted by the forums! icon_eek.gif


Recovery from the SCM is slow and steady I'm sure I'll be ready to cache soon.





Horizontals where it's at!

Well, nothing like ST. Helens, but probably one of the local peaks off I90.

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Originally posted by CachinCin:

I am amazed -- my very first travel bug, who has been missing since last December, has suddenly resurfaced.




I placed him in the Travel Bug Graveyard this summer, figuring that after 6 months, he was a goner. But he's suddenly back in action, 9 months after he disappeared.


Cool! icon_cool.gif



That's cool!


Maybe my MIA The Blue Machine will resurface oen of these days...1st finder of my Cherry Cache never went caching again.

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Hey guys, just wanted to say hi to you all. I'm not a true eastsider cause I live way on the west of Portland, but east side of Beaverton, so sorta east.


Great to see and meet those of you who made it to the SCM and to those I've met before. Had a fantastic time and can't wait for the next.


EGH you really Rock and maybe I can catch you on one of those mountain top caches someday.


marinerBC and cacherunner you guys were great and I couldn't have asked for better caching companions for the weekend, junior and I had a great time.


Pepper, what can I say, you and the girls are a way cool team. One or both of the girls lent me some energy during the day to keep me going and never slowed down a bit. You guys were great fun.


To everyone else, Hi, I pop in here form time to time to see what's up.


See ya on the trails.


I've gone to look for myself, if I should return before I get back, please keep me here.

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Finally got Fiendorfoe's Nero cache...what a wonderful hide! pepper was with me and we also got Anderson Park Arch...another great hide.


No luck at all on Typical eastside cache though. Looks like from prior finders, we may have overlooked something????


Fen Dweller's Belt of my last Victim looks like a winner. Got started on it tonight, but dark loomed too close so I called it off.

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EGH, you amaze me in more ways than one!! Anderson was Awsome and you found it! Nero, well I have yet to tackle it!


Typical Eastside is different than any cache I've seen. Our perplexion has left the owner frustrated. I sent an email with some thoughts in hopes that will solve his frustration

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I'm afraid I have a strange question, or more accurately, I'd like to brag about how members of OUR sport do things.

While Cacherunner and I were having our bad luck after the Spokane Cache Machine with what we thought was a torn up differential, but was only rear brakes, a good friend of mine had much worse luck. He had left his commercial vehicle parked and locked here in Victoria, only to have a thief steal it late Sunday night, and subsequently place two people permanently out of work. The RCMP simply did not care that these people no longer could feed their children. It was not important enough to them.

I felt terrible about this. The it occured to me: We had found every tiny little Bison tube from Spokane to Coeur D'Alene. How tough could an 18 foot long vehicle be? After work today, Team 3 set out to do what the RCMP could not do, as they don't always get their vehicle. I finally got to navigate, as I usually have to drive, so this was a sepcial treat for me.

Based upon projected fuel mileage, and miles travelled by the missing vehicle since it was fueled, we narrowed our search grid to about 20 miles on a side, or 400 square miles, and began patrolling back and forth on each one road in a grid pattern, armed with my laptop computer running OZiExplorer, an eTrex Legend, and two BFL's ( Big Furry Lights) After about 3 and a half hours, I spotted the vehicle behind a tall chain link fence, after which we made quick on the spot repairs (tires, and cleaning up broken glass, as well as fueling the vehicle) and proudly drove the vehcile to the local RCMP station to inform them that their help was no longer necessary.

I see this as a practical application of the skils that all the people who read these Fora have. Yup. WE FOUND IT! Now the dilemma. I left my signature rubber duck GLUED to the vehicle's dash, then went to the company office, where I asked for their logbook, and signed thus:


"MarinerBC was here with TEAM 3 on Oct 1 to help out a friend. The Vehicle-cache was located after a medium sized search. Had great fun with this one, TN, LN, Thanks for the hunt."


Now, how do I log it on the site?

Tongue planted firmly in cheek, Mariner.


icon_geocachingwa.gif How much intelligence does it take to sneak up on a piece of tupperware?


[This message was edited by marinerBC on October 01, 2003 at 10:57 PM.]

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MBC/CR you two are just AWESOME! I am happy to be able to call y'all my friends.

Most important log to date I'd say.

I think the folks that lost the vehicle owe you a beer!

You two ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!

I bet that's the best story I read today and I had a smile on my face the hole way thru.





Horizontals where it's at!

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Originally posted by TotemLake:

That is a cool shirt!


MBC you crack me up... no wait... that wasn't your fault. icon_wink.gif


Great job finding the truck and a great log worthy of creating a cache to commemorate it.





TL, Have you ever had a stretch of luck that just doesn't quit for a while? I've been having that the last week or so. While I DO admit that the experience of doing KFWB GPS caches DOES help, seriously, what are the chances of finding the vehicle? Not very high, I'm afraid. I will, however, continue to ride this lucky streak that started in Spokane for as long as it lasts! Yes, finding the thing was way cool, but Pepper, George, EGH, Weinerdog, L&R, CachinCin, and the rest, you would have found it too. You're all better than I am at this game. That's not to say that finding it wasn't a BLAST!


icon_geocachingwa.gif How much intelligence does it take to sneak up on a piece of tupperware?

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Yah I've been on a kind of luck streak. 10 months unemployed. LOL


At least I've had 2 phone interviews and a Starbucks interview in the last 5 weeks, and the rejection notices are coming in quicker now rather than 6 months later. I guess that means there has to be something happening.




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