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Challenge Caches

Frau Potter

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I enjoy finding and qualifying for "challenge" caches and have the following comments:


- Many people on this forum are complaining that they don't like challenge caches for a number of reasons. That's okay, they don't have to do challenge caches, but don't take them away from those of us who do enjoy them. There is a "scuba" cache near my home coordinates; I probably won't learn to scuba just to get that geocache.


- I see many recommendations to introduce a new attribute instead of a new cache type. Note that generally the Challenge cache coordinates are given but there are additional logging requirements... this is not an Unknown. I'd prefer the new cache type as it would clearly distinguish Challenge caches from Unknown geocaches.


- Groundspeak has introduced many new cache types (look at the different types of "event" caches we now have) and geocaching applications have been updated to accommodate them. Adding a new attribute would also require modifications to applications but would make the distinction between Unknown and Challenge caches less obvious.


- Groundspeak eliminated Virtual geocaches and replaced them with Earthcaches, adding additional standards along with dedicated reviewers to enforce those standards. Dedicated reviewers and additional standards are needed for Challenge caches to address the current confusion between publishers and reviewers.

Posted (edited)

What do you like most about challenge caches?


Kind of like achievements in games or other things, it allows me to have goals to go for. It has added to my interest quite a bit, and it's probably one of the biggest reasons I came back to geocaching after trying other GPS based activities like munzee, and ingress.


What do you not like about challenge caches?


I don't like not being able to quickly find them on the map. A specific icon might be nice. I can't imagine an issue with them otherwise.


What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?


A specific icon for them.


If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?


I like the challenge caches that have a very simple requirement, not a lot of hoops to jump through. Although I did like the Black Belt Geocacher challenge in South Carolina (but there's a macro for that). My absolute favorite are the ones are counties, Delorme, ADC(which is a Delorme for the counties locally here).


What types of challenge caches do you avoid?


None. Unless I don't satisfy the requirements, and then I'll work towards the challenge.

Edited by reedkickball

My wife and I geocache as a team, and as with anything involving a team there must be some compromise on both sides. Though she isn't as addicted to fulfilling challenge requirements as I am, she participates when we plan a strategy to find certain caches that help fulfill a challenge requirement. In turn, I will spend the day just “casual” caching with her. If she were an “individual” cacher, she wouldn’t exert any effort in Challenge caches. If I were an “individual” cacher, I would drive past 500 caches to search for a specific one that either fulfills a challenge requirement, or will make another loop around the D/T grid. The great thing about this game is that a person can set their preferences and play how they want, by taking away future challenge caches reduces my personal participation in the game.


1. What do you like most about challenge caches?

To me, Challenge caches are about the motivation, strategy, and planning involved in seeking out and finding specific caches that fulfill the requirements of the challenge. The sense of accomplishment for finding and

qualifying for a difficult challenge cache is the main reason I love geocaching! If restricted to “casual” caching, I’d personally lose interest in the game quickly.


2. What do you not like about challenge caches?

There is nothing about challenge caches that we specifically dislike. If a challenge doesn’t seem possible for us to qualify for, we simply ignore it and work on the ones we can.


3. What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

It would be nice to have Challenge Caches separated from the Mystery category, and have its own icon. This would make it easier for us “Challenge” types to identify and sort challenge caches from the puzzle type caches, as well as

making it easy for the “Non-Challenge” people to filter challenges out of their PQ’s.


4. If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

The favorite completed to date was qualifying for one that required you to find 3 caches of 7 different cache types in one day. It took a lot of pre-planning to accomplish this

one, and a tiring day to complete it! The "Big Four" grid challenges are also favorites even though we aren't qualified for two of them...yet!


5. What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

The only challenges we’ll avoid are ones that due to personal preference, we know we will never qualify for. For us, an example would be;

• Daily Streak Challenges more than 400 days.

• Challenges that require finding more than 125 caches in a day.

• Challenges that require Waymarks.

• Challenges that require more than 50 Earthcaches (that number is derived due to one specific challenge that requires 50. After that, let’s just say we personally are not a fan of EC’s)

• Challenges that require Lab Caches.

• Challenges that require multiple Countries.


What do you like most about challenge caches?

It's fun to have regular finds also build towards some sense of completion towards an overall goal. Achievements motivate some people to try different types of caches and travel a bit more. I prefer challenges that allow goals to be met without having to due anything out of the ordinary. Things like finding 100 multis, cache titles with every letter of the alphabet, caches in 10 states/ regions/ countries or completing the D/T grid are things that can happen through fairly normal caching. Whether I cache on the weekend, every day, or just a few times a year, I'm always building towards these caches.


What do you not like about challenge caches?

Many of them seem to require things that change one's methods of caching. Things like finding so many caches in a day, building streaks, visiting so many states in one day, or logging two caches that are extremely far apart. Rather than finding more caches or different types of caches other cache types have to be ignored.


What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

Specially marked (perhaps with a unique symbol) and limited to cumulative type goals such as completing grids, caching on every day of the year (but not for one year straight), finding so many caches total, or alphabet challenges.


If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

A challenge that can be completed while caching in a fairly regular and unintentional way.


What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

Anything requiring streaks, huge numbers of caches in one day (above 50), or that require an exterior program to calculate eligibility.


What do you like most about challenge caches?

There are some challenge caches that are O.K., but I hardly like them really. Some people wrote that challenge caches encourage them to visit new and unknown places, but encouragement can be done by other types of caches, too.


What do you not like about challenge caches?

- I do not like challenge caches which "force" me to find caches on a special number of consecutive days.

- I do not like challenge caches which "force" me to find a special number of caches or cache types on a single day.

- I do not like challenge caches which "force" me to find caches/cache types which I wouldn't search for otherwise (or challenge caches who "force" me not to find caches/cache types I would like to search for).

- I do not like challenge caches which "force" me to travel much longer distances than I would travel otherwise.

- I do not like challenge caches which "force" me to make a fool of myself in front of the camera.

- I do not like challenge caches the requirements of which can be fulfilled only once a year.

- I do not like challenge caches which require a lot of bureaucracy to prove that you fulfilled the logging requirements.


What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

I would like to see their abolition.


If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

One of the few challenge caches I would like is a kind of "mini CITO", e.g. pick up a plastic bag full of waste during your cache tour (although there is no CITO) and upload a picture of it.


What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

Most of them.

Posted (edited)
Please let us know:

  2. What do you like most about challenge caches?
  3. What do you not like about challenge caches?
  4. What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?
  5. If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?
  6. What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

OK, here it goes:


1) What do you like most about challenge caches? Some challenges have been enjoyable because they have given me a chance to look back at some of my older finds and have triggered some fond memories from previous caching adventures. Beyond that? Not much.


2) What do you not like about challenge caches? A number of things:

  1. The are an exception to the ALR rule. If you have found the physical container you should be allowed to log the cache online as a proper Find.
  2. If I am caching with my wife, who has done a lot less caching than me, I need to limit what caches I find because she won't qualify for a lot of challenges.
  3. Challenge caches have become less about meeting clear goals and more about cachers trying to "one up" each other to see who can come up with the most difficult or obscure challenge requirements.
  4. Challenge caches have caused people to hide caches purely for the purpose of helping others fulfill requirements for specific challenge caches. Phoney difficulty/terrain ratings, as an example.
  5. Providing proof of qualification sometimes takes a long time and is nothing but pointless busy work or a bookkeeping exercise which adds nothing to the caching experience.
  6. The criteria for publishing a challenge is subjective and puts too much of a burden on the reviewers and Groundspeak appeals.

3) What would you like to see changed about challenge caches? There are a few options I wouldn't mind seeing:

  1. The challenge requirements should be made optional like all other ALRs. Find the cache, claim the smiley. It's called a Found It log, not a "Met arbitrary requirements" log.
  2. Some of the "standard" challenge cache ideas (Filling in your D/T grid, caching on all 366 days of the year, caching for some consecutive number of days, finding xx number of caches in a day, etc) could be handled through the awarding of a Souvenir. This would allow people who meet those goals to get some sort of online reward regardless of whether or not there is a challenge cache near them for that particular challenge.
  3. Abolish them.

4) If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be? None at all. Geocaching is about showing off cool locations and helping people discover places they wouldn't otherwise know about. Challenge caches encourage too much competition and push the idea it's all about the numbers.


5) What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

  1. Any challenge I don't already qualify for. No way am I finding a container and signing my name in the log only to claim a Find on some later date when I finally meet the arbitrary criteria. I'm not messing up my stats that way.
  2. Any challenge cache where proving my qualifications is going to be tedious or require a large amount of effort. An example? A Lonely Cache challenge that required photographs of the logbook from the lonely caches as proof those finds were valid. Even though I met the challenge requirements, I refused to look for or find the challenge cache because I was not revisiting caches to photograph the logbook. If my Found Its were good enough for the lonely cache owners, they should be good enough for the challenge cache owner.
  3. Any challenge that requires me to go against my personal caching principles. If the only way I'm going to realistically qualify is to do a power trail? No thanks, my time is too valuable to participate in something so tedious.


I don't need a challenge cache to motivate me. If I want to fill in my grid, cache for 500 straight days, clean out my local radius, find a cache in all 50 states, or whatever? I'll motivate myself to do it, I don't need a challenge cache for that and I certainly don't need to Find or own a challenge cache just to have an excuse to brag about my caching accomplishments.


If you hide a container and I find it, I should be allowed to claim my Found It log and not be subject to the whims of a cache owner.


P.S.: One additional thought. Please, please do not make challenge caches their own type.

Edited by DanOCan

Please let us know:


What do you like most about challenge caches?

The thing I like most about challenge caches is that they challenge me (duh!) to think in different ways and to pursue caches and goals that I had not previously considered. Without Indiana's Epic series of challenges, I would not have thought to try to find a cache in every county, all the virtuals, and all the historic caches hidden within the first year. These challenges have taken me places I would never have gone and increased my enjoyment of the game exponentially.


What do you not like about challenge caches?

I don't like challenge caches that are, for lack of a better term, "trivial." These are the types where someone does something in particular, like finding 5 virtuals in 3 different states in 1 day. Then they go and make a challenge out of it. Maybe these will appeal to me one day when I've completed the other, more interesting challenges. I don't think they should necessarily go away, though, just because I don't choose to pursue them right now, because I recognize they may be more interesting to me in the future. I also don't like the work that sometimes goes into putting together the necessary proof that I've completed a challenge. Putting together bookmark lists and whatnot can take more time than it took to qualify for the challenge and find the challenge cache itself.


What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

I would like to see clear, objective guidelines that streamline the approval process. I would also love it if there was a simpler way that proof of qualifications could be shown and verified. I use GSAK, but I'm not a power user. I just wish it could be easier somehow.


If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

My favorite challenge caches are the Indiana Epic challenges (Epic 92, Epic Virtual, Epic History), the Jasmer challenges, the completed Matrix challenges, and things of that variety. These challenges push you to see an entire state, find many different types of caches, and to seek out the oldest caches, as well as D/T combos that often make for the best experiences.


What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

I tend not to pay too much attention to challenges that require you to travel great distances in a single day or to find X number of caches within a limited time period.


What do you like most about challenge caches?

-Challenges caches enables output confirms the area. This allows for targets in geocaching. Whatever the Difficulty, we find our proper challenge.


What do you not like about challenge caches?

-Some challenges are too weird goals. For example find 10 caches on a bridge. Or find 10 caches with tree name. I miserai about challenges like fizzy, number of days, nomber km etc ....


What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

-I believe that a new icon could be interesting. This would better find the challenge cache on the site map. Compared to the mystery icon who are currently, it is difficule compare with the mysteries caches. Also add specific attributes for mystery caches.


If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

-I like challenges caches with a goal. I made the fizzy. I made the fizzy double now. Cover with the number of kilometers or more to find in countries or province / state. Find x number with this type icon.


What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

-There are no real challenges caches I avoid. When I can logger, I log. If I'm in the corner and I can log, I'll go.


• What do you like most about challenge caches?

I like that they keep the game fun and challenging for experienced cachers.


• What do you not like about challenge caches?

I don’t like the arbitrary nature of the D/T ratings. Many seem to be set just to help people fill out their Fizzy grid.

I don’t like allowing people to pre-sign logs before they qualify. That feels like it is just one step away from challenge caches becoming virtual and the smiley given once qualifications are met.


• What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

I would like to see a new cache type for challenges. Regardless of what many people are posting, third party software will be able to adapt. Any new cache type (such as giga event or lab caches) has required software changes and the third party software has handled those just fine.


I would like to see geocaching.com implement it’s own challenge checker system like project-gc has done (http://project-gc.com/Tools/Challenges). Once this is in place have the posted coordinates be different from the actual coordinates and only reveal the hidden coordinates once the user’s qualification is verified. The check should also be done for the logging of a challenge which will prevent people from logging a challenge cache they don’t qualify for.


• If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

I enjoy challenging myself personally rather than specifically trying to qualify for challenge caches. When my personal goals fall inline with a challenge I will log it.


• What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

I dislike challenges that are based on arbitrary things such as cache names. Finding X number of caches with Bridge in the title or bird names just encourages people to place caches with those names for no other reason than to help people qualify for the challenge. That said, to each their own. As long as it is a challenge that people enjoy then let them have fun.


"I Love Challenge Caches"

Challenge caches add a whole new dimension to Geocaching, my wife "Lindabug" and I spend a lot of our time Searching them out and combing through our stats to see if we qualify.

We have traveled the entire country seeking out and Completeing the Jasmer Challenge which is the ultimate challenge cache.

Competing for the Badges in the profile give Cachers Bragging rights.

We both believe that challenge caches should have their own icon.

I also think there should be a better way to sort your finds to check if you qualify for certain Challenge Caches.


When challenge caches first started I looked at them and completed a few. Then they became more and more complex, difficult to understand and difficult to achieve. I now ignore them. I cache for a nice walk in the countryside and/or to see new places, not to spend hours at a computer determining whether I qualify for the latest arcane challenge.


Because it's impossible to identify challenge caches we can have no idea how many challenge caches there are or what they entail: all discussions about them are therefore based on very small subsets or anecdotal evidence. In my experience, the challenge with most challenge caches isn't meeting the challenge but determining whether or not you've achieved it. Most challenge caches have rules which are some or all of: complex, verbose, unclear, and subjective.


Many challenge caches are statistical devices (e.g. find a cache every day for a year, find n cache types in a day) and would be better presented as such: there's no need for a further cache with a log to sign to "prove" you've met the requirement. This would also prevent challenge caches flooding an area and preventing the placement of other cache types which more people would be able to visit. There's also much duplication in challenge caches: There are at least five "find a cache every day for a year" within 50 miles of me: the second and subsequent of these can't be a challenge.


I've never been one for limiting caches which others enjoy. The key is to ensure that challenge caches are easily identifiable. Having the word "challenge" in the name doesn't achieve that because the word is permitted to appear in non-challenge caches; having a new cache type is a good solution but may not work for some devices; an attribute might work but I'm not a fan of the explosion in attribute use either, and attributes are optional. I believe there are two options for identifying challenge caches: either remove them altogether and incorporate them into statistics; or move them to a completely separate system similar to Waymarking.


In summary, I'd like to see:

- challenge caches easier to identify

- qualification requirements simplified and, where possible, automated

- challenge caches with the same qualifications in the same area (country, state?) limited in number

- where possible, the cache removed and achievement shown by statistics, badges, or souvenirs


1. What do you like most about challenge caches?


It sounds cliche, but I really enjoy the challenge aspect of them. I like to be rewarded for the caching I've done, but I also like to set goals for myself as well. Working on challenge caches has gotten me to explore areas I never would have gone and do things I never would imagine I'd do.


2. What do you not like about challenge caches?


I do not like overly tedious or convoluted caches. Make it simple and to the point, and make it a challenge that the average cacher has a chance to complete. Making a person jump through five dozen hoops to qualify for a challenge cache is just silly. For example, in the Kansas City area there has been a glut of ridiculous challenges that are so convoluted that it makes you wonder why you're spending hours looking through your stats to qualify for a lamp post hide. What am I talking about? Ones that go along the lines of this example (not an actual challenge): "Find 100 caches that have the word 'poop' in them...but here's a twist! They all have to be non-traditional in twelve separate states!" Ones like this go beyond caching and more into bookkeeping.


3. What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?


I'd love to see a new icon for them, and/or possibly a new attribute. It would help with searches and would help distinguish them from regular mystery caches. I'd also like to see a bit tighter control on what can pass as a challenge...I am not saying a challenge shouldn't be a challenge, but making it stupid hard is silly.


4. If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?


My favorite challenge types are the ones easily verified and done. It shouldn't take more than a few minutes to see if you qualify. You also should be able to cache normally to do them.


5. What types of challenge caches do you avoid?


Anything dealing with streaks. My best streak is 12 days and have seen challenges that require long, long stretches. To me, that alters your caching habits and stops being fun and more becomes work.


What do you like most about challenge caches?

They're often fun. I don't do many, but I take on the fun ones if I think I can meet the requirements.


What do you not like about challenge caches?

Some of the requirements get a little esoteric, and when they require lots of tedious clicking to figure out if I qualify. [i don't expect Groundspeak to do anything about this]


What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

They should have their own type & icon. I like challenges, but I love puzzles. I'd like to be able to filter them out more easily.

Perhaps a uniqueness limit, if there is not already one. For example, there should be a few hundred miles between Fizzy challenges.


If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

I really enjoyed two challenges that required me to do all nine stars of difficulty and terrain in the same day. It made me take on caches that I might not have, and I did a couple of them with a friends, which was fun.


What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

If it requires more than 5-10 minutes of looking through my finds, I generally steer clear. Exceptions are if there is a GSAK macro or some other simpler means of checking for qualification (like Project GC).


What do you like most about challenge caches?


They make me look at my caches I have found and set up a goal to try and achieve. which makes me target areas I would not normally go to. I reckon without them I probably would have seriously reduce the amount of time I would spend on the hobby.


What do you not like about challenge caches?


The silly ones which are near impossible to complete.


What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?


The rules to become standard. Too many reviewers seem to put their own slant on how they should be achieved.


If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?


Challenges that take planning and time to complete, not just go through your past caches and find out you have met the conditions.


What types of challenge caches do you avoid?


The silly ones like do 200 caches in a day which really needs a team to completed.


Finally I am one of those who really doesn't like the puzzle caches. To much showmanship on "My puzzle is the hardest". If I want to do puzzles then I would buy a puzzle book and become a couch potato. It is time we had more types of caches, and put some of the old types to bed like the APES. Also a rethink on the old virtuals and web cams which I still find excellent types of puzzles, and enjoying looking for and finding them.


1) What do you like most about challenge caches?

I must admit, I do enjoy looking at challenge caches and seeing the ideas that people come up with. Some of them are great and inspire me, many of them aren't - just like puzzles or any other cache.

I enjoy looking back through my finds and seeing if I qualify for a particular challenge.

I also like that they challenge caches are physical caches, not virtuals.


2) What do you not like about challenge caches?

The Terrain rating of challenge caches is all over the place. It seems clear that the Difficulty should be set to the difficulty of meeting the challenge. But Terrain? Unless the challenge is somehow Terrain-based (like, "log 10 finds on islands") then the Terrain rating should reflect the terrain of the physical cache.

Maybe they should be their own type/icon, separate them from Mystery/Puzzle caches if that could be retrofitted successfully. But I don't mind they way they are now. Definitely should be an attribute.


3) What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

I like the challenge rules that have been set up already, especially the rules about negative caching (avoiding types, non-accomplishments, etc).

Needs a more involved review process to look for overly complicated requirements or ambiguities: like, when counting the number of "States" logged, does that mean only states in the USA?

The posts on this thread about separating the Challenge from logging the physical cache seems A LOT more complicated than the current system.


4) If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

Ones that correspond with my geocaching obsessions and allow me to log them as "achievements" - like Fizzy, Jasmer, travel-based (countries, states, counties), etc.


5) What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

Challenges that require you to accept before you can start. There's a rule about that now, but some older ones are grandfather'd in, I assume?


What do you like most about challenge caches?


I love the challenges that motivate you to take a road trip and see areas in your city, county, state, coastline, etc., that you have never seen before. These types of challenges have been downright inspiring.


What do you not like about challenge caches?


I don't care for challenges that seem unrealistic, like a 1000 day streak challenge. Something like that would apply to less than 1 percent of cachers. But I just move past them and there are those that do qualify.


What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?


A new icon!


If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?


I really like challenges that get you out and about like the the Thomas Guide challenge, challenges where you have to log a number of parks, lighthouses, phone booths, cemeteries, etc. I also like challenges where you have to find unique cache names like animals, vegetables, etc. These also motivate you to go get a specific cache in an area you may never have been.


What types of challenge caches do you avoid?


Challenges that seem unrealistic for ME. 1000 consecutive days, challenges that seem too complex to define what the CO wants, challenges requiring a number of geocaches in a day (say 1000) that are impossible to do.


3.What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

a NEW ICON and the possibility to SORT by this cachetyp so I needn't see/find them :).


What do you like most about challenge caches?

Being a task-oriented person, I get satisfaction from setting out to do, then completing a challenge. I like how challenges suggest ways to enjoy this game other than how I've been playing already, pushing me to do things I wouldn't naturally do. Some of these ways it turns out I don't enjoy, but other ways I found that I did, and incorporate it into my caching habits, such as going out of my way to find the older caches. Most of all I like being the first to complete a challenge.


What do you not like about challenge caches?

I don't like that it encourages dishonesty and rivalry amongst cachers. Changing logs dates, arguing over what qualifies and what does not, etc., takes away from the fun of this game.


What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

I would like to see a split smiley. If a cacher has signed the physical log they log "found it" and get a half-smiley; when a cacher qualifies for the challenge they log a "challenge completed" and get another half-smiley. This would enable cachers who already qualify for a cache to log that fact, but would still give them a push to go and physically sign the log. If it could be technically done, I'd like it if each half-smiley would increase their find count in 0.5 increments


If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

I like original challenge ideas, and Bingo type challenges where there are multiple ways to complete a challenge, and I can choose the one that suits me


What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

None, I just give the less likely to complete ones a lower priority.


What you like most about challenge caches?


I like challenges (at least some of them). If challenge has clear and interesting condition, challenge can make caching more interesting and enjoyable.


What do you not like about challenge caches?


Some conditions are too complicated, one clear condition is enough. Some challenges do not have simple way how to check if you fulfill the requirements. Some do not make sense.


What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?


Challenge must have a checker. Project-gc is good enough for it. Challenge could have special attribute. It helps to find it and add to PQ. Special cache type is not good idea, it can affect previous finds.


If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?


Clear condition, complicated for cheaters, helps you to find interesting caches, places. Challenges focused on travelling, each day of year finding something (not streak), rare (type) physical caches.


What types of challenge caches do you avoid?


Any time limited challenges. 400 caches in a day? It makes no sense. Streaks. Geocaching is fun, not race.


One nice cache on nice place far from parking is much better than 10 stupid micros on powertrail. I prefer quality, not quantity. So I prefer challenges focused on quality, not quantity.


* What do you like most about challenge caches?


I haven't done many. I guess they can be quite useful when they encourage you to do something different for a bit. Like travel a bit more or find a different type of cache.


It can be quite interesting looking back through finds to see if you have met a challenge as well. I enjoy doing that as it reminds me what I was doing when I found the cache (because I write longer logs which helps with this).


* What do you not like about challenge caches?


The artificial inflation of difficulty and/or terrain ratings annoys me. For example, if a cache would take a day to do it seems acceptable, in parts of the UK at least, to make it a D5 cache - even if it's an ammo can in a hedge. That strikes me as being "gamey". In the same way I've seen ones justified as high terrain ratings because you'd have to have walked a long way to gather those caches - despite being magnetic roadside micros. I tend to think this devalues the concept of D/T (but understand that there are always going to be issues associated with them).


Their proliferation at events - mega ones in particular - I also find rather gamey.


* What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?


I would have no problem with them going all together - or being limited in some way (perhaps a much harsher saturation guidance - say, one every 50 km...). I also have no problem with them remaining.


I'd do something to deal with the D/T issues I've outlined above if I had to make a specific suggestion. I'm sure others will have much more useful suggestions.


* If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?


One that's achievable by normal people who geocache every so often.


* What types of challenge caches do you avoid?


The ones I've no interest in. And, naturally, premium member ones - many seem to be around here.


What do you like most about challenge caches?

I think it's neat to have a reason to look back on your caches and go - wow I have a lot of, really they are ALL published in this month of year, etc. I also like having a "reason" to go find that strangely named one.


What do you not like about challenge caches?

I don't like having to search for things that are hard to sort (like things found in GC codes, or hid bys)


What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

I wish I could search for challenges, be that they are an attribute, or a sub-division of puzzles (like citos are events). That would also let you search and NOT find them if you just want to do a puzzle (which my husband likes to do).


If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

I like the ones that are easy to check or are involving distances (to the moon!). I don't have that much distance but it encourages me to try to find some on vacation. :) I also like the name ones (30 with animals, etc), and one near my place - eventually you'll find this - it encourages me to go to events that I would likely avoid if I didn't want to get this cache (I'm getting there!)


What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

There are a couple on my challenge list that I doubt I'll ever do. Those include: Periodic table (letters in the periodic table found in the GC code), an alphabet cacher one (that doesn't include team names or adopted bys), and streaks. I had a very hard time getting a week in a row.


What do you like most about challenge caches?


They give an interesting target and add a really nice 'twist' to geocaching, while still being a physical cache that has to be found. They often lead me to look for certain types or locations of caches (in order to qualify) that I wouldn't have otherwise found and as a result I've found some really good caches that I probably would not otherwise have come across. After qualifying, the search for the physical cache (at the challenge coordinates) is a really important part of the challenge cache as it ensures it sticks to the requirement to leave your computer to participate (to quote the geocaching.com history page).


They are probably my favourite type of cache.


I like the fact that they are still geocaches. Some people focus on building up lots of statistics on their statistics page, but this has never seemed worth it as an end it itself. If it is a requirement in order to go and find a physical (challenge) cache, then I'm much more likely to be interested as it brings the challenge back into the real world.


What do you not like about challenge caches?


Very little really: I can ignore the ones I don't want to do. I don't like the way it is difficult to find them (searching for Mystery Caches with "Challenge" in the title is a bit messy). I also dislike the number of challenges that can only be automatically checked if you have GSAK, which precludes users without a Windows PC. Unfortunately, with the API not open to new developers, this is unlikely to change for a large number of the more complex challenge caches.


I usually don't like challenges that don't allow you to use prior finds (as I think this is a little unfair on those who have found a lot of caches). Having said that, I think one of the existing challenge rules says that this is not allowed any more so this is covered. For some very specific cases though, I wonder if it ought to be allowed so that new cachers have an equal chance of FTF as long-standing cachers. However, this would only be reasonable where the challenge requirements aren't too stringent (so that it would make it impossible for experienced cachers to complete the challenge without revisiting existing finds). For example, a requirement to find 100 challenges in a series would have to allow prior finds as otherwise cachers who had found all the caches in that series could never qualify. A challenge that required the cacher to find any three caches in a straight line on a map in one day (I just made that one up) could be done by anyone who hasn't found every cache on the planet, so it wouldn't be so bad to preclude prior finds.


What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?


A few things:


  1. An easier way of identifying them (either a new icon or a dedicated search facility): for some people this would be a way of filtering them out whereas for me it would be a way of quickly finding new ones - I'd set up an email notification on any new challenge within 100 miles;
  2. The rule that the person putting out the challenge must have completed the challenge already (most already do this);
  3. More information put into the "My Finds Pocket Query", such as corrected coordinates, published date (as opposed to placed date), number of favourite points etc etc etc. This would make it easier for checkers like http://www.cgtk.co.uk/geocaching/challenges (that don't have access to the API) to automate checking of the challenges so that non-Windows users (or those who don't wish to pay for GSAK) can easily check their progress;
  4. Re-opened access to the developer API to allow new challenge checkers to be created for more complex challenges;
  5. Don't allow physical logging until after qualifying: ideally make it more like a puzzle in that you get the coordinates once you've proved you meet the requirements. Ideally this could be automated: point a checker at your profile or give it your "My Finds Pocket Query" file and if you qualify, it gives you the coordinates. If you don't, it tells you how you're doing.


If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?


Geographical ones. A few examples of my favourites would be Explorer challenges like GC4QQBE and district challenges like GC5FPJ0 (both of these have an automated checker on http://www.cgtk.co.uk/geocaching/challenges, which makes it nice and easy to confirm whether I meet the requirements).


I also like ones related to series like the Church Micros or Little Bridges, although some of the Church Micro challenges are a little convoluted in what they want you to do.


In particular, I like challenge caches where there's an interesting challenge that takes me to new places, followed by an interesting cache to find once I've qualified.


What types of challenge caches do you avoid?


Ones that are complex but for which there is no checker for non-Windows users so I'm likely to spend more time trying to work out whether I qualify or not than actually trying to qualify. I don't mind complex challenges as long as they can be checked automatically. In general though, I'd rather keep it fairly open: if I don't like a challenge, I can easily avoid it. Some people seem to want to ban "find X caches in X hours" type caches; I don't often do these as they're not really my cup of tea, but I like that they are available so that I have the choice whether or not I want to do them (and I have done one of them).


Although I haven't come across any to date, I would avoid virtual challenge caches as they wouldn't feel enough like a real geocache: you wouldn't have to go out into the world and find something after qualifying. It all seems a bit pointless to me in that case.


  1. What do you like most about challenge caches?
    Nothing. I've never found any challenge cache. But that does not mean they can not exist.
  2. What do you not like about challenge caches?
    Conditions. I have something to fulfill. When I have time, I'm doing what I want myself.
  3. What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?
    Create new cache type, Challenge cache. And convert all unknown caches with "challenge" in title to this new type. It will be possible to filtering in map and and thereby this ballast disappears.
  4. If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?
  5. What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

Posted (edited)

1. What do you like most about challenge caches?

They add another dimension to the game. I don't focus solely on challenges, but it's nice to have the option to pursue completing an interesting one. They give me something more to shoot for than just increasing my find count. They often challenge me to find certain caches or go to new places.


2. What do you not like about challenge caches?

There are some that are pretty pointless because they are so easy to qualify for, but that just makes them like any other traditional, so I don't have a problem with them.


3. What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

Having their own icon would be helpful. It would make it easier to locate them (although there are plenty of bookmark lists out there already).


4. If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

I like challenges that make me do interesting caches I wouldn't have otherwise done, or travel to places I wouldn't have gone to.


5. What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

I personally avoid challenges that require me to find a large number of caches in a set amount of time, as that is not fun for me. I also avoid challenges that require me to travel a long distance in a short amount of time, because I would rather take me time and enjoy these places than rush through them. But I want to stress that this does not means I think these types of challenges should not be allowed. There is no reason that every cacher needs to be able to find every cache. If there is a challenge I am not interested in doing, then I don't do it. People who want to wipe every cache they don't like off the map really need to relax and focus on doing the ones they like.

Edited by Darth Leviosa

1. What do you like most about challenge caches?

We have done over 1700 challenge caches. We like them because they help you focus on a caching objective and they often have a higher/rarer D/T rating. It allows you to set caching goals to work towards.


2. What do you not like about challenge caches?

The publishing guidelines for challenge caches (i.e. required completion by "substantial number of other users") and the inconsistent way that this guideline is followed/not followed across all the regional Reviewers. The guideline should be "Is the challenge do-able", i.e. "has someone done it?" If yes, the cache should be published. For example, it is very different to demonstrate 12 other cachers that have found 100 caches with the word CANYON in the title (not that this is a type of challenge that I would be interested in).


3. What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

a. Change the guidelines for publishing as mentioned in #2 above.

b. Get all existing challenge caches that require you to contact the CO to get the coords for the final to be changed IMMEDIATELY to post the cache coordinates without having to contact the CO. This is the current guideline but there are many existing NON-COMPLYING caches out there.

c. The first line of the cache description should say either:

The cache is located at the posted coordinates OR

The cache is NOT located at the posted coordinates so that you don't end up wasting time in the field only to discover that there was a puzzle to complete to get the coords.

d) The requirements for the challenge should be clearly stated in a section called Challenge Requirements on the second line of the cache description not buried in the text anywhere on the page.


4. If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

I like most types: streaks, busy days, lonely, Fizzy, found date, placed date, anything to do with earthcaches, waymarks, benchmarks or virtuals, or anything else that I can document quickly.


5. What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

I do not like:

a. going through my 10,000 finds manually to see if I am qualified. I don't mind using a GSAK macro or a filter or a Project-GC checker to see if I am qualified.

b. challenge caches that restrict based on geography (eg. "only caches in Georgia" count) or date (only caches after 2014-12-07 count) or cache type (typically, these challenges don't allow virtual and earthcaches), or cache owner, etc.

c. Challenge caches that say only one cache from a series count. If you are smart enough to find a series that helps you fulfill the requirements then that should count.

d. Challenges that force you to find 100 in the XYZ Park - this goes straight to ignore.


Unfortunately, challenge caches are not everyone's cup of tea but I hope that Jeremy and crew can find a way to have them so they don't end up like Virtuals.


Thanks for seeking our opinions............MrPirateCat


1.What do you like most about challenge caches?

They give you a specific goal to achieve


2.What do you not like about challenge caches?

I guess if anything it would be the ones that require many days in a row of caching. Over 7 days gets a little much unless you have all the time in the world.


3.What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

I separate icon so they are recognizable


4.If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

They are so varied I can't pick just one type


5.What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

I always avoid ones that include consecutive days of caching any longer than a week.

Posted (edited)

1.What do you like most about challenge caches?

Something to aim for other than # of finds.


2.What do you not like about challenge caches?

You shouldn't have to find a cache to complete a challenge. The challenge is the hard part. Signing a log in a bison tube as proof seems rather lame.


3.What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

That they wouldn't be caches at all. They work better as souvenirs or badges you get using badgegen.


4.If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

Fizzygrid, calendar day, # of a certain cache type, favorite points, # of reviewers, souvenir, etc.


5.What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

The ones that require certain dates of eligibilty. Example: Do a 365 day streak starting May 2015.

Edited by Zepp914

What do you like MOST acerca challenge caches?

What do you not like acerca challenge caches?

What would you like to see changed acerca challenge caches?

If You Could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

What types of challenge caches do you Avoid?



  1. I think it is an incentive more within this almost infinite world of geocaching.
  2. Perhaps the fact that geocachers sign the log of a visionary challenge. It is signed physical log and when it has met the objectives, sign it on the web and found the challenge. This actually think due to lack of Challenges and for that reason, when people have the opportunity to approach any of them, make a reservation in anticipation of meeting the target in the future.
  3. I think there should be a new type of cache to define exactly the challenge type and have their own properties. A new icon ultimately.
  4. For an interesting and affordable challenge would be the one I have in mind, and although I know that is not new and already exists. So I will not say. :rolleyes:
  5. You do not have many challenge within my reach, but where elitists believe, me or the pose.


I'm sorry, I use a translator


What do you like most about challenge caches? - I like have a specific goal to aim for.


What do you not like about challenge caches? - I don't do many challenges because I am too new to qualify for many of them. Additionally they are very hard to find - if someone doesn't tell me about them I usually don't know they exist. I also don't like the difficulty involved in creating a list to prove that I qualified for something.


What would you like to see changed about challenge caches? _ would love to see a system that could do several things. 1. be able to search for this type of cache. 2. be able to see this kind of cache on a map and identify it. Be able to submit my proof in an easy format to the CO.


If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be? I enjoy the challenges that involve filling in a grid, all letters of alpha, all counties etc....


What types of challenge caches do you avoid? I would avoid challenges that involve long streaks because with my work schedule it's unlikely for me, but other people seem to like these, so I can't say they are all bad.


I would hate to see them get eliminated - they are part of the fun of playing and I think for people that have thousands of finds, they are a way to keep the game fresh and relevent.


What do you like most about challenge caches?


That they are an extra layer to the game. The depth of any pastime is what keeps me interested. The less depth the more likely it will be a fleeting involvement. I've been fairly consistently caching now for nearly 2 years which is good going for me on a pastime.


I think they are a great addition to the game and would want them to stay and be allowed to be extended. If people don't like them - don't do them. See below...


What do you not like about challenge caches?


The arbitrariness of the approval process. I cannot find anywhere in any guidelines that is required to find 10 people who have previously qualified for a challenge. My latest challenge was not approved for exactly this reason (even though I had qualified already - which took some doing) and it was clear to me that it was certainly not an impossible challenge (although unlikely that anyone would have already qualified - and so it has proved so far). It definitely isn't impossible as two cachers qualified under the revised requirements within the week. They would have been able to extend their finds for the more challenging requirements that I would have liked to have set - just not as quickly.


Not mad keen on the fact that some challenges are very,very difficult for me to currently achieve. As one who enjoys challenges, it is frustrating to see challenges that I won't be able to achieve for a very long time, if ever, as I have a life. However, I am able to live with this and ignore those deeply difficult challenges until such a time as my count goes up/I have more time to devote. I also think that these deeper challenges will be what keeps me playing the game as when the easier ones have been done I will move on to the more difficult ones.


Significant administrative work to do to prove whether or not I have achieved criteria is a turn off. I love the suggestion made by others that an autochecker which shows a green light on the challenge cache page or a red light depending on your caching finds to date. I also fully recognise that it is unlikely that pigs will ever fly.


Allowable criteria when setting a challenge has shifted significantly which results in a sloping playing field.


What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?


I fully understand the frustration that some must feel that prime real estate is given up to challenge caches which they are not interested in (although I didn't perceive the depth of feeling from some before I read the earlier posts here). It bothers me not a bit, but mindful of the wider community I think that it would be sensible to change the nature of challenges. My thoughts are that:


  • Previous histories are important so past finds should not be altered
  • If challenges are to be kept as "mysteries" then "mystery" is a misnomer and needs to be changed
  • The above is incompatible with creating an attribute or belt or souvenir in place of them
  • The challenge is, in reality, something other than the actual cache and so a virtual type of cache seems to be more appropriate - I have no idea why virtual caches were grandfathered. I think they are a great idea as long as there is a reason for them being there.
  • For a challenge to be a challenge it should be challenging - that means that it will be out of reach to at least some people currently. The space taken up on the map is a negative and should be addressed - allow overlapping with other caches but challenges can only be one every mile (other than currently placed ones)?


If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?


Something that makes me consider how I would achieve it but isn't completely impossible. Something that is actually a challenge rather than something that I would do anyway. It needs to be a target to work towards.


What types of challenge caches do you avoid?


I may not prioritise a particular challenge presently due to its difficulty or lack of fit with my current caching ability but they are there on the back burner and are close to vital for my long term involvement in the game.


Old types of challenge that were restrictive on your caching (not finding caches in a period etc) were clearly a bad thing and should, in my view, have been archived when decided that this was not appropriate.


  2. What do you like most about challenge caches?
    They help me focus my caching and help me to decide where to go on caching trips rather than just focusing on numbers, uninteresting series and micros. Without challenge caches making things interesting I may well have given up a couple of years ago. I still rarely cache but when I do it's generally to qualify for challenges (either actual challenge caches or just personal challenges).
  3. What do you not like about challenge caches?
    They need their own cache type rather than being lumped in with Unknowns/Mystery. Ones that require a lot of traveling. However, I can happily ignore these.
  4. What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?
    Own type, possible own attributes (eg. must be completed in a day etc)
  5. If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?
    Ones that make you think about your caching style. Not necessarily making you change it but make you think about how you cache and why. Looking back through past finds is good for this as it helps you remember the good ones and makes you realise how many pointless caches you did before you realised that there was a better way!
  6. What types of challenge caches do you avoid?
    Find x number in a day. Yes, I've found and logged some but I didn't intentionally set out to qualify for them.
    Ones that require long trips or visiting lots of different areas of the country. If I qualify then great but I don't intentionally go on long trips to do so (fuel is expensive).


1.What do you like most about challenge caches?

I like to follow a nicely defined goal. And I love to scroll through my old finds and remember their stories. So when I need to check if I fulfil a challenge already or still have to work on it, I really appreciate the opportunity to walk down my geocaching memory lane.


2.What do you not like about challenge caches?

I do like them ;-) Not all of the challenge topics of course, but that's question 5.


3.What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

Would be good if there was a way to filter them in some way. Personally I would like to see a specific Icon for challanges, but I agree to those argumenting it will spoil lots of statistic stuff in retrospective. So I guess a specific attribute will do.


4.If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

I think it is the creative ones I like best. Of course I don't mind to check my statistics, but best fun to me is a challenge setup, where I really have to work on my caches it to fulfil the goal and which requires some planning ahead and creativity how to get it done.


5.What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

Personally I dislike those that ask for streaks or high numbers. To me it is no fun to rush for a 100 caches in 1 day or put myself under pressure to have to find one every day, no matter what. But that is just my personal view, other like to do this and maybe dislike the statistiks stuff like ABC-challenge etc which I love. I think every kind of challenge has it's fans, every cacher is free to decide if he accepts the challenge or not, just as with any "normal" cache.


1.What do you like most about challenge caches?


The additional dimension and variety made available by their presence. My geobuddy and I have explored new areas simply because one or the other of us was close to achieving the criteria of a challenge. We both enjoy puzzle caches, earth caches, virtuals and event caches, too...and we can do them, or not, as we choose. [/i]


I also like the variety of difficulty presented with the challenge caches. Some are very easy, others challenge those who are more experienced.


2.What do you not like about challenge caches?


Having them lumped with puzzle caches ("unknowns") means I don't have those numbers displayed on my stats page and they're not identifiable on a map as unique.


3.What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?


At the moment, they are "challenging" to search for, necessitating a search for "Challenge" in the name or looking for lists in friend's profiles. Definitely worth the extra trouble, but would be easier with a separate category and icon...perhaps a question mark of a different color or size.


Having a separate set of reviewers specifically for this type would address the current issues between publishers and reviewers.


4.If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?


Unusual ones such as having a different type of cache for each of 5 milestones, or finding 30 caches with colors in their names, or having five terrain-level-5 caches. In reading others' comments, I'm inclined to think the ones in my area are better thought-out than those in other areas.


5.What types of challenge caches do you avoid?


None that I avoid, several that I ignore because I'll likely never qualify. But that doesn't mean that others don't enjoy them. That's why they're called "Challenge" caches.


What do you like most about challenge caches?

For the well done challenges, it gives me a target, a goal to shoot for. Provides an entertaining focus and they enhance the game.


What do you not like about challenge caches?

I do not like the clutter of challenges that have arisen that do not really seem to have any material point relative to caching. They do not get people out exploring other aspects of geocaching or exploring new terrain. My likes/dislike lists below elaborate on what I mean.



What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

I would like to see them with a separate icon or mandatory attribute so that I can sort them out from the "normal" mystery caches.

They should be statistics based. The CO must clearly identify an algorithm to be used to verify the requirements. Something that can be readily assembled and verified using common tools like Excel, GSAK, the user’s profile page, etc. Challenges should not require a line by line search of your cache history nor should they require text searches for arbitrary values.


If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

The ones that I have liked the best are the following:

* Delorme challenges and the topo map quad challenges (match caches to a map grid)

* Jasmer type challenges (I can look at the stats page to see if I qualify)

* Fizzy challenge style, targeting the D/T ratings, without the old date restrictions (Can look at stat page to see if I qualify.)

* Challenges that key off of geocache statistics: container size; types of caches; geographies; D/T rating combinations; etc.


In short, challenges that get me out to explore other types of caches I may not have focused much on before. Or that get me out looking in new areas.


What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

Those that use arbitrary, silly criteria. In particular, I avoid challenges that ask for arbitrary text in the cache name. For example, there is a series of challenges based on Crayola colors in box sets. Find X number of caches that match a list of Crayola colors. Another example would be those require specific words like “stump”, “tree names”, etc. These just lead to caches being created with random naming so that people can qualify for the challenge caches. I personally have an inventory of words, phrases, and characters that I have gotten from people that are needed for some of these silly challenges. I tap into that when I create event caches and sometimes for field caches.


1. What do you like most about challenge caches?

Although I sometimes cringe when I read a challenge cache description, I find that most of them are pretty creative and help me to focus on exactly what geocaching challenges I have met and what ones I'd like to try to meet.


2. What do you not like about challenge caches?

I don't dislike them at all. Most are very interesting and bring up subjects that I might not have otherwise considered. If it is a challenge that I don't think I'd enjoy, I ignore it. There aren't many like that.


3. What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

It would be nice to better distinguish them from other mystery/unknown caches. However, I don't think even this is important.


4. If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

I like those that are creative in their challenge, that bring up issues that I would otherwise not have investigated.


5. What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

Those that I figure I could never achieve, although sometimes I have surprised myself and actually went on to complete the challenge. Then I get to go find the cache after all!

Posted (edited)

1.What do you like most about challenge caches?


These are, by far, my most favourite cache type, followed closely by Virtuals.


They allow me to set goals for myself. Not having the physical ability to find 1,000 caches in a day (or week, month, or year) I don't really care about the number of caches I find. I care more about the depth and breadth of caches I find. Challenge changes give me a framework for those challenges and a goal to meet. For example, most people want to achieve a "Fizzy Grid" which is all D/T combinations. Many different regions have Fizzy challenge caches to allow people to record (and brag about) that achievement.


At the beginning of each year, I sit down to determine what I was to accomplish by the end of the year. Do I want to focus on Earth Caches, do I want to find a lot of older caches, what regions haven't I travelled to yet. I find that setting a goal to meet the requirements of a challenge cache will determine what and where I'm looking for my caches that year. This year, I want to clear my Jasmer grid, so I will be travelling to Eastern Virginia and Northern Pennsylvania to do that. I've already lined up a list of challenge caches that can be claimed once I fill my Jasmer grid (and sign their logbooks).


2.What do you not like about challenge caches?


I can only think of three things:


  • The inconsistency between Reviewers as to why a challenge cache is or isn't accepted.
  • The limitation of Pocket Queries under the "Within" category to not be able to select the "United States". (yes, this is challenge cache related) All other countries are there. Now, when I want to plan my annual vacations, and I want to meet certain challenges, I have to individually select each of the 51 states/districts within the US to determine where I need to go to fulfill that need. I don't understand why it's excluded. Every other country is there. I'm not from the states myself, so I'm likely to need to choose the whole country. For example, consider a PQ where the user wants to find all caches published in December 2000, or perhaps caches that have a difficulty 1, terrain 4.5, but only in the United States and Canada. The only way to do that now, is to select each state and province separately, or to have 2 PQs where one focusses on "Within Canada" and the other "Within" 51 individually selected states.
  • Not being able to complete challenges that can't be done due to system limitations. For example, to meet the requirements of challenges that want us to find a grouping of caches that cover all "attributes", I would have had to have attended a Lost & Found event, even though one was not available in my area at the time, and no future caches will have this attribute. Perhaps that attribute should be deprecated (?)


3.What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?


Other than a unique category/icon, and more stringent guidelines for reviewers? I can't think of anything else.


4.If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?


One where I've already met the requirements, or one that forces me to focus on completing goals. For example, I recently attempted to find 9 cache types in a day. That was exceedingly difficult as there are no mega events, web cams, or (unfound) virtual caches in my area. I had to travel to GWS XI in Florida, but I was able to get 10 in one day. Since then, my best is 12 in one day (although my benchmark find and lab cache finds aren't officially recognized). Without that local challenge cache requirement, I wouldn't have pushed myself to find them.


5.What types of challenge caches do you avoid?


Ones where I could put myself in physical peril. But I'm OK with that. I'll leave that to the younger and more athletic cachers.

Edited by dani_carriere

I think that having a moratorium on challenge caches was a very wise decision - 2 thumbs up!


What do you not like about challenge caches?


These types of caches lead players to forget about locations or enjoying nature but introduce a strange kind of statistical pissing contest that's got nothing to do with geocaching any more. It's not about the numbers or matrices!

Besides, they are pretty repetitive - there's an "alphabet challenge" in nearly every district around here, as there are "complete the matrix", "366finds/date hidden", "366finds/366days", "3/4/5/6/7/8/9 cache types per day" and so on.


What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?


Remove challenge caches that require any kind of time limit as they depict geocaching as a competition, maybe call them achievements and hand out badges/souvenirs to those who care about that.


1) What do you like most about challenge caches?

I consider myself a challenge cache junkie. I enjoy challenge caches because when a new one is created in which I don't qualify yet, I now have some goals when I go out geocaching and makes some finds even more special if it helps me along the way to completing a challenge. Challenge caches help me focus on specific caches in new area where I will be passing through or staying for a little bit, but do not have time to grab a bunch of caches. I find that grabbing caches that help in satisfying a challenge usually are more interesting than a typical geocache hide, and even if the hide is nothing special, it gives a little extra meaning to making that find.


2) What do you not like about challenge caches?

There is not much I don't like about challenge caches. I do not have a problem with challenge caches that are difficult to qualify for, they will just stay unfounded be me.


3) What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

I am fine with the creation of a new cache type for challenge caches.

I would like to see a set of universal rules in place for challenge cache, but they don't have to be so restrictive, but at least have a set of rules in place.

For example, I am fine with a rule that state that a challenge cache cannot be created where finding a certain geocache would hurt you from qualifying.


4) If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

I like most types of challenge caches, even those that require you to go through your geocaches, to see if you qualify.


5)What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

The only ones I avoid are the ones I don't have a chance to qualify for, but I don't have a problem with those challenges being published.

I like All-County, Delorme challenges that are done for each state even though most of them I won't qualify for outside my home state, but state stat challenges are ones that I would avoid because there would be no chance to qualify. For example, I qualify for various types of Alpha-Numeric Challenges, and look for those challenges caches on my travels. But if the challenge cache is Alpha-Numeric Challenge where you only can find caches from Kansas, I am going to avoid that challenge if I happen to pass through Kansas because there is no way I would ever qualify. I don't have a problem with a challenge put out like that, but I would not put a challenge that would be restricted to a state if it does not have to be restrictive.


What do you like most about challenge caches?

The inspiration to do things you might not otherwise have attempted. Defining a goal to work towards - for those of us who are goal-driven and not just numbers-driven this is great.


What do you not like about challenge caches?

Some challenges are very extreme, but even those are OK as long as the cache owner proves that he/she has already met them before they publish the challenge. I am also not a fan of the new "written" rule allowing people to sign challenge logs before they have completed the challenge.


What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

Require the cache owner to publicize how and when they met the challenge that they are putting to other people.


If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

Streak challenges (consecutive days of caching) are now my favourite, because I took on such a challenge two years ago and it changed my entire perception of the hobby, instilling a new level of discipline and actually (for the most part) greatly increasing my enjoyment of geocaching.


What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

The extreme ones that either require a huge number of caches in a short amount of time or cost a lot of money to achieve. Examples near me are a)142 caches in 24 hours and b)4 caches in a month in a geographical area that involves having to spend a lot of money to either plane or boat to some of them (that would be acceptable if there was not the time limit).


Please let us know:


  2. What do you like most about challenge caches?
  3. What do you not like about challenge caches?
  4. What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?
  5. If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?
  6. What types of challenge caches do you avoid?


* Please note: This thread will be open for 3 weeks, until May 12, 2015.


1. I like challenges that are not linked with consecutive days of caching, but at logging certain types of caches etc.

2. Challenges that are linked to consecutive days of caching are impossible to do for most people who have a fulltime job, so these challenges are not my cup of tea

3. Maybe a new type of attributes is an option, so the cachers can search on this attribute.

4. We have a new kind of cache (already 4 of them are/were online), namely pop-up caches. They stay online for about 3 months, and then be archived. We had the idea to make a challenge for those who have logged at least 10 of them, of course after at least 10 were online.

I avoid challenges that are related to consecutive days of geocaching.


I hope someone agrees with this, and I also hope that GS will reconsider its decision.


Yours sincerely


StevieSjaake (Belgium)

Posted (edited)

Greetings from Belgium cool.gif


(1) What do you like most about challenge caches? In general,variety. Specifically:

(1A) Different people different likes so some hate competitiveness, whatever it looks like, but for those who like some competitive challenge in geocaching it allows diversity in types and doesn't reduce it to a single figure of number of founds.

(1B) For some it's not even about competitiveness, but simply a nice reward for some personal achievement. I am one of these guys, when I have acquired some skill in a type of cache, it's nice to have a goal to go for.


(2) What do you not like about challenge caches?

The things I would like to see changed (see point 3).


(3) What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

(3A) Avoid challenges that are purely quantity but show proof of acquired skill or knowledge. Of course you can't avoid numbers but if the number overrides the quality element and becomes a challenge to exclude vast groups of cachers, it should be avoided. I.e. needing 10 logs for T5 caches for a challenge is fine. Having to do them in one day or needing 100 is another thing.

(3B) Linked to the first topic, avoid challenges that exclude many geocachers to achieve them within reasonable time and/or effort.

(3C) As challenge caches are per definition ALR caches, avoid ALR's that are difficult to control. Too much negative energy goes in proving such ALR.

(3D) Avoid the need for additional costs to proof fulfilling the ALR (I like Project-GC, BadgeGen etc, but disagree with challenges that can only be verified with their datacollection). Everything should be visible from geocaching.com in a simple way.

(3E) Challenges linked to discovering trackables should be avoided. There is no merit in logging numbers of trackables as unlimited lists are exchanged on almost all events.


(4) If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

Too many to name. I am very critical about challenge caches but like them a lot at the same time biggrin.gif

That's the nice thing about challenges ... they can be very creative.


(5) What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

None. As I am an all-round cacher (no fixed mindset about "the only right way geocaching should be"), I'll try anything that comes along and I have time for, although I realize many of those are not fair towards everybody (see point3).

Edited by spockske

  2. What do you like most about challenge caches? The ability to have something different to seek
  3. What do you not like about challenge caches? They all go against the simple idea of the game where we hide, find, sign, and log online. They are all inflated and encouraged ALR caches.
  4. What would you like to see changed about challenge caches? No additional rules beyond what exists, but give them a new cache type of their own; amputate from the "?" Mystery/Unknown cache type completely.
  5. If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be? Fizzy Challenges, Calendar fill. Maintain only a set of specific types that relate more to milestones and other "souvenirs"
  6. What types of challenge caches do you avoid? Honestly? All of them. If I happen to come across one for which I easily qualify, I'll do it. But I don't cache to complete another or a new "challenge cache".


What do you like most about challenge caches?

That they let me do things that I possible would not do. Trying to achieve a challenge adds another level to the game.


What do you not like about challenge caches?

That they are put in the same rank as mystery's. So tat there is no clear diffirence between the two of them.


What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

A diffirent icon, give a bit more freedom in how to create them and let it be possible to achieve them as a team (a group of people working together that all have their own account).


If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

I think the matrix one trying to fill that one up is a great way to get motivated ^^


What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

Actually I look at the possibility that I can or cannot make a challenge. So there are not many challenges that i would ignore.

Posted (edited)

[*]What do you like most about challenge caches? The fun ones, like finding a cache for each year in geocaching history and those.

[*]What do you not like about challenge caches? Need to find 10 of those 8447 of these and then one in Greenland

[*]What would you like to see changed about challenge caches? A type of its own,

[*]If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

[*]What types of challenge caches do you avoid? anything that is not understandeble in a minute or so. Challenges that push you to something like find a cache a day, do something over your ability like 100 5/5 in day


Overall the family friendly kind of caching and challenges.



I don't like waliking in others footsteps to fullfill the same thing they just did. If they did something extreme GOOD and show it in a log but really a challenge that only two five or maybe ten people are cabale of doing? At least then put under a skirt.

Edited by levesund.dk

1. What do you like most about challenge caches?

They encourage me to try for caches I'd otherwise not try for.


2. What do you not like about challenge caches?

Challenges are currently like ALRs. Challenge caches (such as streak caches) encourage the proliferation of easy park & grabs to help out those on streaks - in that respect they're like seed caches.


3. What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

  • I like the suggestion that challenge ownership be limited to a certain number per premium member (2-3 is good).
  • A challenge cache owner should have to qualify for the challenge pre-publication.
  • I'd like to see them get their own icon (if not for existing challenge caches, then at least for new ones).
  • I like the suggestions about separating the challenge from the find - two log types ("found" and "completed") with two smilies. Or some sort of achievement/badge when the challenge is completed.


4. If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

Lonely cache challenges.


5. What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

The impossible ones that require massive changes to my life in order to accomplish.


What do you like most about challenge caches?

They give us focus to our caching. We love working towards challenge caches. We pick and choose which ones we like the look of and then work towards them. Sometimes we choose ones that will take us a couple of years to achieve and sometimes we like to choose ones that we can go out and meet the requirements in the day. There are so many caches in general to choose from to find that long gone are the days when you just go to a new area and find all the caches there, therefore having an aim for the day really helps and challenge caches provide that.

What do you not like about challenge caches?

That they are the same icon as mystery / puzzle caches. They are completely different caches so they really would be better as a different icon.

What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

That they have to be at the given co-ordinates. You can take as long as you like to meet the criteria. They have their own icon

If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

One that challenges us! Ie. its achievable with time and effort but not so hard that we will never achieve it however hard we try (a lot are not achievable for us, we can't for instance have a 1000 day streak, we work). We love ones that push us out of our comfort zone, for instance there is one near us that requires you have found 5 caches on islands. Thanks to that challenge cache we now own a family kayak and love kayaking as a family. Also, ones that encourage quality over quantity in caching general.

What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

Spelling ones and streak ones.


Yet another reminder here. We're getting tons of good feedback, but also a lot of general discussion that does not fit in User Insights. Again, if you have general comments about the moratorium, you can post them in the ‘General Geocaching Discussions’ thread. This User Insights thread was started so we can get specific feedback about what you like and don’t like about challenge caches. Please keep the conversation on topic and constructive. Any off-topic or non-constructive posts will be removed. If you haven't read the User Insights Forum Guidelines, please take a moment to do so, as they differ from the general forum guidelines.


Please let us know:


  1. What do you like most about challenge caches?
  2. What do you not like about challenge caches?
  3. What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?
  4. If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?
  5. What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

Posted (edited)

So here is my 2 cents:


  2. What do you like most about challenge caches?
    I like them for getting a good difficult rating for the most tasks to push my statistics a little.
    Many tasks are very funny to solve, for example find caches with more than 1000 Favs or forming a certain word with the first letters of found caches.
    Mostly, I log them for fun to get the Diff-rating to my statistics.
  3. What do you not like about challenge caches?
    The most challenge caches I know are just a micro film canister at a poor location (f.ex. lot of trash around, just a traffic sign or so).
    Some challenge cache owners seemed to change there found logs (mostly the date) to fulfill the tasks or do a little "creative" logging to get the statistics applied to their tasks.
    For some challenges, the amount of work to get the evidence for logging is higher than the time to go to the cache and log it, so the most work is done indoors.
  4. What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?
    - Perhaps challenge caches should not require to sign a log, fulfilling the task should be enough to be allowed to log it. Many challenges block locations for other interesting caches because of the damned magnetic film canisters at traffic signs.
    - challenge caches should get an own symbol.
    - Only tasks should be allowed when a "normal" cacher is able to fulfill them. So tasks like "1000 days in a row with a find" should not be allowed. I think those tasks lead cachers to manipulate their find dates to fulfill the task.
    - A defined number of cachers in the area where the challenge Cache is published should fulfill the Task on the day the Cache is published. For ex. a challenge where you have to complete the 81 D/T-Matrix - the Cache owner should Name 5-10 cachers with home coordinates near the Cache who have fulfilled the Task already. So, "weird" challenges cannot be published.
    - The owner has to fulfill the Task himself - thats good. But what is, if the owner had manipulated his statistics or the log Dates to fulfill the challenge. Perhaps he should prove that the to do the Task is possible under "normal" circumstances. For ex. log 100 Earthcaches on one day is nearly impossible because of the distance to visit 100 EC's in one day. In this cases, it is possible that the owner logs all 100 Caches he had found in the last 3 Months on one day to fulfill the challenge with not beeing at the Cache Location on this certain day.
  5. If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?
    I have none. I do not favorite challenge caches which tasks a "normal" cacher will not be able to fulfill in his life. Those are f.ex. "find 5000 caches in a month" or "find 10 caches a day for one year"
  6. What types of challenge caches do you avoid?
    To be clear: I can avoid all challenge caches. If I can log one of them I do it for statistical porposes, but the fun is on other caches where a nice location is shown or a good made multi-cache get me a nice walk outdoors with good riddles or creative made Stages and FInals. I will not drive a long way only to log a challenge cache, just in addition to another nice cache nearby. Like them to be drive-ins.

Edited by Homer_J_Simpson
Posted (edited)

1.What do you like most about challenge caches?


I think they add a new twist to the game. Unlike some posts here, I do not think it makes the game "all about numbers" as I have done many challenge caches that do not require a large number of finds. Plus, the creative ones are really fun. I think some of the historical challenges such as Jasmer, Fizzy, year-long-streaks, etc. have contributed a lot to the game and keeping challenges will continue to help the game evolve and grow. If it is decided to break them out from Mystery caches - I would not make any new icon retroactive (as some people used the "?" icon in the past for other challenges and streaks). I own 20+ challenges also and enjoy the logs from finders - most indicate that they enjoyed the challenge presented.


2.What do you not like about challenge caches?


Nothing really. They are simply another cache that requires something different. Wherigos require the completion of a module. Mysteries require solving a puzzle. Multi's require completing various steps. Webcams require a photo. Earthcaches requires answers. Challenges merely require the completion of a challenge. Not better - not worse than any other cache type (although I do love Earthcaches).


3.What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?


I don't believe that a challenge should be rejected by Groundspeak if it requires something in the log. I am tired of "TFTC" logs and think a challenge to the effect that the cacher must have at least one log exceeding 250 characters (actual text, not a string of letters) rewards a cacher who uses the logs creatively and really communicates. Also, I think cache owners should be rewarded as well - allow challenges based upon cache hides. Sure, some cachers won't complete it as they don't want to hide a cache....but some cachers don't do mystery caches because they don't like puzzles.


4.If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?


I am two away from Jasmer - so that is great. So I guess the kind that requires a grid to be completed or a streak to be completed. But any creative challenge is fun.


5.What types of challenge caches do you avoid?


Ones I can't complete. But I don't have to find every cache and challenges are no exception.

Edited by caccbag

What do you like most about challenge caches?

I like that they are something different and yet another option for us cachers. It's like a long term Multi but progress can be tracked as you go along.


What do you not like about challenge caches?



What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

That they have their own icon. Also that you can earn hider provided souvineers to your profile for completing them.


If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

Family friendly, I cache with a 5 year old!


What types of challenge caches do you avoid?


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