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Challenge Caches

Frau Potter

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Effective April 21, 2015, a one-year moratorium is in place on all new challenge cache submissions. It does not impact previously published challenge cache listings.


For more information about the pause, see the Help Center article.


For general feedback, aside from answering the questions below, please post in the ‘General Geocaching Discussions’ thread. This User Insights thread was started so we can get specific feedback about what you like and don’t like about challenge caches. Please keep the conversation on topic and constructive. Any off-topic or non-constructive posts will be removed. If you haven't read the User Insights Forum Guidelines, please take a moment to do so, as they differ from the general forum guidelines.


Please let us know:


  1. What do you like most about challenge caches?
  2. What do you not like about challenge caches?
  3. What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?
  4. If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?
  5. What types of challenge caches do you avoid?


* Please note: This thread will be open for 3 weeks, until May 12, 2015.


What do you like most about challenge caches?

Good challenge caches can be a motivational factor.


What do you not like about challenge caches?

I do not like the sudden increase in challenges that forces people to do things in a rush, like x number of x in one day and x number of days in a row.

You should be able to dictate yourself how fast you would like to qualify.


What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

Many will probably answer that they want a separate icon. I don't want that, I'm afraid it will break too much (old GPSrs, 3rd party services etc.).

But I would like a change in the guidelines, to prohibit anything that forces people to cache on specific dates to qualify. One should qualify based on the caches found, not when they were found.


If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

I like challenges that forces me to explore new places, and challenges that are unique.


What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

The types related to x number of days in a row.



Please let us know:


  2. What do you like most about challenge caches?
  3. What do you not like about challenge caches?
  4. What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?
  5. If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?
  6. What types of challenge caches do you avoid?


* Please note: This thread will be open for 3 weeks, until May 12, 2015.


1. I've only done one Challenge Listing, but I enjoyed the aspect of completing a well defined achievement.

2. I'm not a fan of some of the more obtuse or complicated Challenges.

3. I would like to be able to claim a Find without jumping through some hoop. Make the recognition part separate from the Finding of the cache.

4. I like the grid type Challenges, and caches or cache types in a day.

5. I tend to avoid the alphabet related ones, or find some word or phrase type. Seems like more of a bookkeeping challenge to me.


  2. What do you like most about challenge caches?
    I like challenges that give me chance to explore new areas that I probably would not have done. Challenges that give me an excuse to go on a road trip.
  3. What do you not like about challenge caches?
    Challenges that seem to exist only for the logging of the challenge cache.
  4. What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?
    That the challenge should be more geographically orientated instead of feat orientated.
  5. If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?
    Delorme challenges, state county challenges, Thomas Guide challenges, quad challenges.
  6. What types of challenge caches do you avoid?
    Ones that are not geographical orientated and ones I can't complete out of my already logged caches.


What do you like most about challenge caches?

A find is a find I guess.


What do you not like about challenge caches?

They're just another distraction from well-placed trads.


What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

Abolish them.


If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?



What types of challenge caches do you avoid?



What do you like most about challenge caches?

I enjoy the challenge of it. You are encouraged to work towards something and can feel like you have accomplished a goal at the end. There have been times in my caching career where if I had no been participating in a challenge I may not have gone caching for weeks on end. Challenges have kept e active in the sport.


What do you not like about challenge caches?

I do not like how complicated they can be and the amount of planning that some require. This is totally up to the CO of course, and as a person I know it is up to me to decide which challenges I am up for and which ones I am not.


What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

I think an additional icon would be great so you know at quick glance whether it's a mystery or a challenge, however I agree that it could cause more issues than it's worth. An attribute would be great, but I find a lot of cachers do not utilize the attributes properly. I don't think there is a fool proof way to keep track of challenges since it is really up to the CO how their cache is listed.


If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

I like challenges that do not require a lot of planning. I enjoy challenges along the lines of "x number of x caches found" or "x number in x period of time." I find it very difficult to find a certain number of multiple kinds of caches, sizes of hide, and on different days all of which is then converted into points to hit a specific number.


What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

As the above says, challenges where you need to earn a number of points. It requires too much planning and thought ahead of time for me.


What do you like most about challenge caches?

- A new variety of cache type, adds some 'challenge' and variety to more ordinary cache adventures.


What do you not like about challenge caches?

- The difficulty in completing most is extreme. Producing and/or gathering the information to meet the logging requirements can be tedious and time consuming and sometimes is very subjective or can not be quantitatively measured. It's often difficult to impossible to even fit all the information required into a log. Based on that effort required to log, I would bet most logs are not being vetted to see if they meet the requirements and defeating the purpose. Several challenges I've come across contain very ambiguous, erroneous or otherwise unclear requirements, making it very difficult to find. There are some I've determined are impossible to complete if the requirements are followed as stated. Many challenges do not meet the requirements in the knowledge base (https://support.Groundspeak.com/index.php?pg=kb.page&id=206). Many if not most challenges can not be completed in the local area. Many can be more difficult to complete for a seasoned cacher, even with previous finds included. Many can only be completed in very specific circumstances which leads to excluding some cachers. Most challenges I've come across require a substantial amount of travel, often to very specific and limited sites, to gather all the requisite elements. Personally I believe that challenge caches are often not balanced between finders and hiders. By that I mean, the effort required to meet the requirements and log the challenge, vastly exceeds the effort that has been put into the hide itself, container/placement/location, cache page description and the maintenance and log verification.


What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

- No more challenges created in the future. I think there is generally a limited supply of worthwhile or noteworthy challenges. While creative new challenges do arise from time to time, for the most part they descend down the same path of other caches into the obscure and variations on the trend of those past and add nothing new.


If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

- One that can be obtained in a reasonable amount of time, with a reasonable amount of effort that does not require travelling large distances or many times to complete.


What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

- I avoid pretty much avoid any challenge that I haven't already met the requirements for, am near to meeting the requirements for or plan to meet the requirements already. For the most part I've had to adopt a personal rule that I don't allow challenge caches to alter my regular caching behaviour to maintain the fun in the sport.


What do you like most about challenge caches?

They can be an opportunity to find another cache based on what you have completed so far.


What do you not like about challenge caches?

Ones that are almost impossible to achieve without travelling long distances as this is not necessarily affordable for a lot of people and how it can change your caching style just to suit a challenge. The difficulty in some cases just to figure out if you qualify.


What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

Icon type, they are not a mystery cache as they do not require a puzzle to solve and it would be good to differentiate a challenge cache from a mystery to be solved.


If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

Ones that can be completed in one day ie "x number of cache types", "terrain/difficulty mixes", "x number of cache sizes"


What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

Any caches that mention a streak as this can involve travelling long distances if you have cached out your area.


The challenges are a good idea to encourage cachers to positive achievements.


Hate challenges, such as micros should be no more than 33% of your founds, or multis at least 18%, are already officially forbidden.


However, there are many which are non-achievements (all of kind alphabetic challenges, that encourage only creating events and mysteries with stupid names), or non-geocaching achievements. I think those are the ones that most people hate the most.


By non-geocaching achievements I mean all those, that test your non-geocaching skills, such as organizing team and car to find 400 a day (while it's theoretically possible to do that alone and without any motor-propelled vehicle, please show me, how many folks have actually done that) or simply throw a mass of money on petrolium (visit 10 countries a day, 30 a month etc.)


In my opinion, challenge should not have any time frames, therefore be possible to achieve quickly by 'power users' and in long period by weekend cachers.


The challenges should be allowed to use size, type and geographic restrictions. I think they should be allowed to use D/T rating and attributes as well, although this leads to many misuses, since officially there are no guidelines about them and owners are free to use them on will :(


I'm afflicted by that moratorium because I wanted to make Waymarking challenge in Warsaw, to promote Waymarking in Poland, which has almost no active players no. It's a pity it has happened, but on the other way, there are many grotesque challenges planned, which are now stopped.


[*]]What do you like most about challenge caches?

[*]What do you not like about challenge caches?

[*]What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

[*]If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

[*]What types of challenge caches do you avoid


I enjoy a challenge, and targetting different aspects of the game is a great way to keep motivated.


A new attribute would be useful to distinguish them from mystery caches.


I have completed a wide range of challenges, from compiling lists to streaks, to cache types and d/t grid combinations, I have enjoyed them all for different reasons. I accept that there will be some challenges that I will never qualify for, this does not matter to me, I don't agree that every cache should be findable by every player.


I would prefer that logs were only signed when the challenge is complete.


  1. What do you like most about challenge caches? I like having something to strive for in my caching besides "find another cache." Having a goal adds another dimension of interest to the game.
  2. What do you not like about challenge caches? I don't like challenges that have ambiguous requirements or without clear ways to show you qualify.
  3. What would you like to see changed about challenge caches? Although it's a more ambitious programming project than is likely to happen... I would like a simple checker on each challenge cache page that lets you know whether you qualify for that cache or not. A green light / red light indicator would be clear and effective.
  4. If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be? Although they are difficult to accomplish... I like the challenges that require me to get out of my comfort zone and home caching area in order to complete them.
  5. What types of challenge caches do you avoid? I don't know of any challenges that I actively avoid. I like challenges of all types… but recognize that I will be incapable of completing all of them… whether due to time constraints, financial constraints or lack of training in the equipment or procedures necessary to access certain caches. For those... I'll just admire the people who manage to get them. And if I come across a challenge that I just don't like… I'll ignore it like I would any cache I don't like. I can't find all 2,600,000+ caches… so not finding one of them isn't the end of the world.


Truthfully... I'm kind of disappointed to hear about the pause in challenge publication... especially for such a long time period. But I hope to see something shiny and exciting come out the other side!


1. What do you like most about challenge caches?


I like that they encourage me to become a more well-rounded cacher, and get caches that I may not have otherwise found.


2. What do you not like about challenge caches?


They are difficult to find via a search, although in Illinois we do have cachers that are very good about maintaining a current public bookmark list of Illinois Challenge caches.


3. What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?


I would like to see an attribute made to make differentiating challenge caches from regular caches easier. Not every challenge cache in my area necessarily has the word "challenge" in the title so it can get tedious keeping them separate. Possibly adding a new log type, such as "challenge completed" instead of just "found it" so that people can keep track of challenges they've completed but haven't actually found the cache yet, or vice versa.


4. If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?


Challenges that encourage finding less common icons, DeLorme challenges, streaking challenges.


5. What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

Challenges with a long list of requirements, caches that require more book keeping than cache finding, such as finding x amount of caches with a certain word in the title, etc.

Posted (edited)
What do you like most about challenge caches?


Great for setting yourself goals, and rewarding yourself based on the finds you already have.


What do you not like about challenge caches?


Challenges that are poorly formulated, or have a strange mix of requirements in one challenge. When it takes a long time to put together the qualification for the log. Want more time outdoors, less time logging.


What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?


Owner must have completed the challenge for it to be published. One requirement per challenge. Some way to differentiate them from mysteries, maybe an attribute. A new icon could work if existing finds were not affected, but it's probably not an ideal solution.


If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?


Well defined challenge, one that gives me the motivation to work towards qualifying for it.


What types of challenge caches do you avoid?


Streak challenges. Also ones containing date restrictions (unless I am already qualified of course). That said, those who like that kind of challenge should be able to chase them.


I'd also like to add that no challenge is too hard. One can simply ignore it, just like those impossible mysteries.

Edited by LUDO
Posted (edited)

Please let us know:


  1. ...
  2. What do you not like about challenge caches?

* Please note: This thread will be open for 3 weeks, until May 12, 2015.


Thank you for this opportunity. I haven't read the current answers below so my list may be repeating what some have already said. I've been keeping a list of why I think challenge caches are bad for the game. So far I have 17 points.

  • They've changed the golden rule that if your name is on the logbook you can claim a find.
  • They've muddled the definition of a find.
  • They've turned the find count into a commodity, a score.
  • Filtering system to remove caches you've found, is no longer designed to do what it's supposed to do - filter out caches you've found. If you find a challenge cache but don't qualify it still remains on your map of unfound caches, unless you put it on your ignore list. The ignore list for caches you do not wish to find, not for caches you've found.
  • Challenge caches glorify the numbers game. Most require a lot of cache finds in a single day.
  • They encourage quantity over quality instead of quality over quantity. Both with respect to finding for numbers and planting for numbers.
  • It's a bragging type of cache - 'Look at me, I have the time and money to do a lot of caching.'
  • It's a contest to see who can create the challenge for which the fewest people could qualify.
  • More people, when trying to qualify for high numbers challenges, treat good caches like they don't matter and are only good for qualifying for another cache type.
  • They encourage "cheating" - throwdowns, false logs, armchair logging, changing find dates, sharing final coordinates of puzzles/mysteries/letterboxes/multis.
  • They make it less fun for cache owners of quality caches. Often quality caches don't merit more then a cut n paste log from power cachers trying to qualify for challenges.
  • There are too many of them in some areas and the number is growing - some take up kilometres/miles of good trail and only a handful of people can log them as found. Too many of any cache type that excludes a majority of cachers is not a good thing.
  • Numbers cachers use challenge caches to stimulate the publication of new local caches when they've exhausted their local finds. Which usually results in caches placed simply to help people qualify for challenge caches.
  • People hide caches for no other reason than to fill a challenge cache requirement. "There aren't enough Q caches so here's another one for MegaCacher's Q Challenge."
  • Challenge caches are ALRs (additional logging requirements). ALRs were a problem when they reared up and when Groundspeak tried their version of Challenge caches.
  • Cache owners can't opt out. On principle, some of us might not want our caches to be used to encourage the numbers game. Our caches are forced to be involved in qualifying for someone else's cache.
  • People are discovering trackables they've never found in order to qualify for challenge caches that require people to discover huge numbers of trackables. See: Forums Groundspeak.

Edited by L0ne.R

[*]What do you like most about challenge caches?


There are so many caches in the world, so I like that you can "sort out" the caches you want to visit especially when you are travelling abroad. (Examples: favorite-points, D/T-combos, names, ...). The name "challenge" is of course "the thing" too. You have to challenge yourself, like getting all D:s or T:s in a day etc. It is fun to make the plans before the trip.


[*]What do you not like about challenge caches?


First of all: challenges that make you "I can't get that cache now because it does not fit". Like challenges where you have to find 111 mystery-caches in a row, no other caches between. Or where you have to "make a break" for a month or so or you have to spell your cache-name (no other caches between). Any challenge that restricts founds on other caches are not good. I don't like challenges like "caches in a row for 500 days", but that IS a challenge and I don't have to do that if I don't want to. It allows anyway to find as many caches as you want to.


[*]What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?


I would like to see a new icon for challenge-caches under mystery-caches. Like citos are a part of event-caches.


[*]If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?


It depends... Any challenge that is not fullfilled yet is fun :D . Anything that does not restrict to find other caches.


[*]What types of challenge caches do you avoid?


The ones that need "250 caches in a row" or something. But that is only because I don't like it myself, the challenge is ok. I avoid challenges where you can not find caches "because if you find this, the challenge is ruined".


What do you like most about challenge caches?

I like them very much generally. Along with EarthCaches and letterboxes they are my favorite caches in fact. They present me new goals to achieve which is a lot of fun.


What do you not like about challenge caches?

Retroactive logging. I mean the condition should be fulfilled before signing a log, not like now that one is allowed to sign before meeting the conditions. What is the effective find dathe then? The date of signing or the date of meeting the condition? It is inconsistent.


What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

- Separate icon.

- Disabling retroactive findings.

- Allowing group "team" finds (if the challenge owner allows it) when a few cachers may combine their finds together to claim a find as a team.


If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

My favorite challenges so far had unique conditions not just another matrix or 100 days in a row. But for example - "find 5 cache types in 5 different countries", or "move X trackables to another country", or "fnd X caches there are at most Y meters from a country border".


What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

Locally-oriented challenges like "find 100 caches in this city/county", or even worse: "find 50% of the active caches in this or that county".


What do you like most about challenge caches?

If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?


They provide an extra challenge to seek out new targets. The best sort are those which encourage wider geographical coverage, for instance the Explorer series in the UK where you have to find caches in a certain number of grid squares on a map.


At least near here, they are sufficiently rare to be interesting (only two within the nearest 1000 to my home location, one of which I own).


What do you not like about challenge caches?

What types of challenge caches do you avoid?


Some are either too difficult and will put newbies off (eg ones requiring 1000 finds). Some just reward things in people's stats anyway (streaks, completing find or D/T grids). Some (involving names of caches) get gamed by COs. Some require stupid amounts of bookkeeping. Some I'm qualified for but the physical caches are too far away to travel to.


I don't think I'll be actively avoiding any, but I won't be deliberately collecting caches to try and meet many either.


What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?


Ideally: keep the number down (maybe say they have to be at least a mile apart) and restrict them to interesting ones. Requires more careful policing which might be problematic. Prohibit ones that just reward normal stats - replace these by some sort of souvenir instead, so people who want to show off their 500-day streak can do so.



  2. What do you like most about challenge caches?
  3. What do you not like about challenge caches?
  4. What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?
  5. If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?
  6. What types of challenge caches do you avoid?


* Please note: This thread will be open for 3 weeks, until May 12, 2015.


1 - I like that they tend to make me go back and look at my previous finds...different aspects of those finds like D/T ratings, naming, etc. It keeps my find history more than just a stale set of statistics.

2 - The "bragging" aspect that many of them seem to have...as in "look how many 5/5 caches I logged in a day!" or "see...I have found ten mystery caches in all 50 states!". Every time I see a another level of "fizzy grid" challenge get published, it makes me wish challenges were on a different site altogether just.

3 - The need to have a physical cache for every challenge. It seems like many of the challenges out there are solely a "virtual" challenge...one where a person must fill up some sort of grid or meet a distance requirement or some such feat. In those cases, the need to go find and sign a cache seems superfluous. Of course, making a physical cache ought to be an option, particularly for a themed challenge.

4 - One that makes it more of a game or a puzzle, following a theme or making one think about the individual caches one has found.

5 - I avoid those that I'm unlikely to ever complete simply because I don't devote 50% of my time to caching and can't travel far and wide just for a geocache (streaks, grid fillers, etc.). I also avoid those that get more difficult with time, such as those that have a cut-off date (meaning archiving of caches that allow one to meet the requirements begins to limit one's options).


[*]What do you like most about challenge caches?


In general I enjoy challenges. One of the best things is when they give me a larger goal to work towards for a longer time period. By this, I mean things that I know I won't manage in one day but may have to ork for over months or even years to achieve. Preferrably, this should be something that isn't just "log X number of caches of <type>". Filling the D/T matrix is a good challenge like this, for instance.


[*]What do you not like about challenge caches?


When they necessitate a very large amount of travelling, expecially when all the travelling has to be done in a very short period of time. I.e. things like "log 500 caches in a day". Streak challenges are also annoying when you have lived and cached in the same area for a long time: making a streak means travelling a long time each day to find an unlogged cache.


[*]What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?


I like that ratio challenges are not allowed. There are cases where in-a-day challenges may be fun, but as a general rule I think we may be better off without them.


[*]If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?


As stated above, challenges that give me a long-term goal. Filling the D/T grid, filling the Jasmer grid (even though it's impossible in Europe), filling the calendar, and so on.


[*]What types of challenge caches do you avoid?


None, really, if they are in my local area.


More generally, I feel that there are a lot of good challenges out there. There are also some rather contrieved ones, and I'd wager that most of the latter are relatively recent. As the obvious challenge ideas have been taken people have been making some rather ridiculous challenges to avoid copying already existing ones.


I think many people will call for a separate challenge type. If that had been done when they were first introduced I would be in favor. Adding it now would break a lot of things where people have completed existing challenges by logging challenge caches as unknowns, and it would be unfair to retroactively change them to something else. Also, the unknown cache type already contains several very different things ("regular" mysterys, cache series bonuses, field puzzles, reflex trails, etc) so I don't really see it as a problem that it also contains challenges.

Please let us know:


  2. What do you like most about challenge caches?
  3. What do you not like about challenge caches?
  4. What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?
  5. If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?
  6. What types of challenge caches do you avoid?


1. The thrill of the hunt to fulfill the requirements. Sometimes it has been ongoing for months, maybe in competition with others. I don't even dare to calculate how much money I have invested in gas etc while chasing a challenge.


2. That you can no longer get one published without being able to prove that at least 10 ppl already fulfill it here in Sweden. The fact that in many other countries the reviewers disregard the guidelines more or less completely.


3. An own icon. Also, a suggestion in order to limit ridiculous challenges - remove all requirements regarding a certain number of cachers having fulfilled it alread but instead introduce a rule where the CO must have fulfilled it first. Finally, disallow all exact copies of already existing challenges within the same country and a distance of, let's say 1000 kilometers.


4. Something very difficult, which noone in the country has achieved, but where a few people are rather close. Let the chase begin!


5. Boring ones where you are going to collect caches containing a certain word or such. Also challenges regarding logging coins and TB:s.


1. The variety of possibilities

2. Nothing special (see Nr.5)

3. Owner must not achieve the goals previously

4. Learn something new or think of other caches you found

5. Ones that are hard to solve (less time to perform for example)


1. What do you like most?


I have really got into challenge caches over the last couple of years - they give me something to work towards and I love moving them from my 'don't qualify' list to my 'qualify' list and then to my 'found' list. I am aiming for filling my date found grid this year.


2. What do you not like?


When they are not accessible - eg they are in the middle of nowhere. I have only had a driving license for just over a year and I am not very confident on 'new' routes.


3. What would you like to see changed?


A way to sort them (I would like to see church micros have an icon as well). When I'm in a new area, I always prioritise challenges, sidetracked or church micros (as they appeal to my sense of list making!) so it would save having to look through each cache on the map.


4. Favourite challenge cache


I have found 15 challenges. I really enjoyed doing one to get a cache in every county - although that was frustrating at times! The sense of achievement was very nice. I have also spelt Church Micro with Church Micros which was pleasing as well. I am looking forward to qualifying for the 'Explorer' map challenge in my local area - where you fill in the same number of squares on the map as the number of the OS map.


5. Challenges I avoid


The D/T grid filling - I don't have any interest in 5/5s. I used to avoid the church micro points ones, but then I read them properly and realised they weren't too difficult.


It would be a shame to lose challenges altogether, but a year's break from them being published might mean my list gets a bit shorter! Long live the challenge cache.


Please let us know:


1.What do you like most about challenge caches?

2.What do you not like about challenge caches?

3.What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

4.If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

5.What types of challenge caches do you avoid?


1. I like the puzzles and ones that get me out there

2. I don't like the ones that require you to rush, you should do stuff at your pace, example the salem thomas guide, I get to travel around find caches that relate to a page in the book, but no restrictions on time, also don't like that I would have to go out every day, sometimes my work I am very busy, so those don't help

3. I don't think an extra icon is the answer to all this, but maybe less of rush on them, or maybe nothning really at all, some like to do those "rush" challenges

4. salem thomas guide that I am currently working on

5. as in #3, ones that make me feel rushed or restricted


I forgot to say that I enjoy going back through my finds to see whether I qualify - I have been reminded of some great hides and funny or frustrating experiences!


What do you like most about challenge caches?

--It has to be appealing and attainable and that I don't need to travel to another part of the country to complete.


What do you not like about challenge caches?

--The subjectiveness of the review process


What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

--Get rid of Challenge caches completely and replace them with measurable achievements or badges of various levels. There are many 3rd party tools/sites that have similar things like this, but would be nice to have it on the geocaching site and automatically generated like the stats are.


If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

--I liked having to find a baker's dozen of multis...ie 1 day with 13 multis, 1 day with 12 multis, 1 day with 11 and so on down to 1. It made me get out to pursue it and it was attainable.


What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

--Anything that makes me change my caching style. I won't do consecutive day streak multis because it takes the fun away.


In the end I think the answer is to get rid of all existing challenge caches at some point, just like was done with Locationless caches. Integrate a new feature into the stats called Achievements and/or Badges of various levels of archievents (example: bronze - 1 fizzy grid complete, Silver = 3, Gold = 5, Platinum = 10)


1- Being able to do different things and long term . Sometimes planning is more fun than self Quick Search

2- The need to meet the requirements that are often visit other caches and having to find the challenge , at the risk of not finding or not this .

3 - A own icon , I do not like to be encompassed with misterys because they are totally different.

4 - Undoubtedly the complete array dificultat ground.


What do you like most about challenge caches?

Challenge caches get me to cache in ways that I normally would not do. I am forever working on two or more concurent Challenge caches.


What do you not like about challenge caches?

Some Challenge Caches are difficult to assess whether or not you qualify and to show proof of qualification. For cachers who neither have GSAK or are on Project-GC, the task of assessing qualification can be daunting.


What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

I would like to see an atribute for challenge caches. I would also like to see guidelines for rating the Difficulty of challenge caches.


If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

Any type of Challenge Cache that gives me another reason to go out and find caches to qualify for the challenge. That being said, I do use the ignore cache feature on some challenges.


What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

I avoid any Challenge Cache requiring a find streek longer than 30 days. I do not like to streek, but I know plenty others who do. Once again, I use the ignore cache feature.


I would be quite saddened if Challenge Caches were to go away or be restricted in any significant way. As I mature as a cacher, it is the Challenge Caches that keep me going. Case in point, I am planning a multi state trip. I set up my route and then start filtering caches based on the Challenge Caches I'm working toward. I will also seek out Challenge Caches That I already qualify for to grab on my way.


For me to go out and grab 20 caches just for the sake of finding 20 caches no longer holds a great interest for me. But to go out and target 50 caches, all of which have no vowel in their name, to qualify for a Challenge, is great fun.


1.What do you like most about challenge caches?

It adds a new level to the game and keeps it interesting. Challenges can also add to the difficulty and terrain finds since they are considered a cumulative find.


2.What do you not like about challenge caches?

Nothing, they are part of the game.


3.What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

Maybe a new icon, since unknown cache seems to be a vague or catch all type of cache. Puzzle caches should be separate from challenge caches.


4.If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

Caches that contain a certain word, I have traveled hundreds of mile to get a cache that contained a word I needed.


5.What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

None, I log them all, post a note if I don't qualify, then log it as a find once I do. There are some I may never qualify, for unless I win the lottery.


1. What do you like most about challenge caches?

Good challenge caches encourage people to get out of their comfort zones and experience different aspects of the game.


2. What do you not like about challenge caches?

Poorly designed challenge caches encourage people to submit poorly thought caches that are not submitted otherwise. Other bad example may be that some COs abuse challenge caches just to get attentions to their own hides.


3. What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

Nothing. I can always ignore challenge caches which I don't like. I don't want to see a new icon either as it is going to mess up my milestones for Unknown caches - An attribute should resolve the most issues.


4. If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

I think good challenge caches are naturally/organically attainable without having to give up anything.


5. What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

I'm not a big fan of challenge caches that involve cache titles, as it's usually accompanied by subsequent qualifying hides by the same CO, most of which don't have any good reasons to exist besides helping caches achieve the challenge requirements. I'm not a big fan of challenge caches that involve "dates", such as "xxx in one day", streaks and what involve any calendar grids, as it's going to make the game more like a work.


What do you like most about challenge caches?


They give me a reason to go out and find caches. I have a long list of challenges I'm working on and this is what motivates me to go out and cache. When I travel I create the list of caches I'm seeking by what ones will help me fulfill challenges I'm working on.


What do you not like about challenge caches?


The Groundspeak has chosen to remove them. This is very frustrating!


What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?


Maybe it's own attribute to help find them easily. Although with the new search it is pretty easy to find them.


If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?


I honestly like them all. I like collecting random names. I like collecting types of icons.


What types of challenge caches do you avoid?


I don't really avoid any but I'm not a big fan of streaks since they tend to make me not want to grab caches in my area since I need to save them from streaks. In fact, I have given up streak caching for that reason.

Posted (edited)

My answers are below.

What do you like most about challenge caches?

I like that they are generally simple finds, at the posted coordinates. No puzzle solving required to find most challenge caches. I don't mind more challenging finds either. Challenges motivate me to visit certain cache types - I sometimes plan geocaching trips to help mark items off a challenge cache checklist.


What do you not like about challenge caches?

Arbitrary logging requirements. I would like to see a more standardized system of logging requirements for challenges. Challenges should not be limited to the top 1% of geocachers with the most finds.


What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

I would like to see Geocaching.com add in "challenge checkers" of some sort, similar to what Project-GC.com has been doing. So if the requirement is to find 100 caches in a month for example, Geocaching.com should be able to tell me if I have met the requirements, and when I met the requirements. Alternately, the checker should be able to tell me how close I am to meeting the requirements. I would like to see a Challenge Cache attribute added. Adding a new icon type may break some older GPSrs unless they somehow revert to Mystery.


If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

I like challenges that require a certain number of finds of a certain type of cache. ie. 100 Earthcaches finds. I also like those that require a certain number of finds of a certain type in a certain time period. ie. 25 Earthcaches in a month.


What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

I avoid challenges that require an onerous number of finds to achieve. For example, 100 virtual caches in a state that only has a couple of virtual caches. Requirements should be tailored to the local area to keep the playing field level. I don't like those that require a lot of long-distance travel to meet the requirements (ie. Find a cache in 10 countries).

Edited by brilang

What do you like most about challenge caches?

It gives you a goal or target to reach, something to strive for.


What do you not like about challenge caches?

Many are goofy and are simply exercises in bookkeeping. They aren't really challenges, but simply the cache owner saying "Hey I did this, so should you"


What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

The core part of the geocaching game is finding a cache, signing the log, claiming the find. Why have restrictions on a subset of caches that prevent me from claiming the find when I found it and signed it?


I'd like to see a separation of the physical geocache from the logging requirements. There are many ways to do this:


- Allow people to log a find on the cache when they have found it and signed it, and add a new log type "completed" that does a +1 on your found count when you have satisfied the challenge


- Pull challenges out into their own cache type, and remove the requirement for a physical cache. Challenges now become similar to the old locationless, and there really is no need for a location, so I can then complete any challenge cache anywhere, depending on their requirements.


- Turn challenges into something completely new, such as an "achievement" that comes with a badge. Maybe a badge that the cache owner is allowed to design.


If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

Clear and concise, no long list of requirements. Something easy to figure out if I meet the criteria for, something I can determine if I meet the requirements without running GSAK.


What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

Caches that aren't really a challenge, but a random collection of requirements. Many I check my stats and I already qualify ... ok, that was fun.


1. What do you like most about challenge caches?

It adds a new layer to the game. Sure you can go out and find caches but sometimes you want a goal to work for. Challenge caches give a new way to achieve a goal. Then by logging the challenge cache you get recognition for achieving that goal.


2. What do you not like about challenge caches?

There is only one thing I have really come across that I don't like. This is something specific to certain challenges and not to challenges in general. The thing I don't like is when there is a challenge (for example, a county challenge) that requires you to get a cache in each county in the state. But the requirement also says that caches must have been published before a certain date. On the surface, that seems okay. But there is one of these were the owner set the date to be 2008. There are fewer and fewer caches from before 2008 so it gets harder to complete this challenge. This might be more of a cache owner issue than with challenges but that is the only thing I really dislike. There are other challenges that I will not be able to get and that is just part of the game. But that date issue is one that seems to bug me.


3. What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

I would like to see a new icon/cache type so that challenges can be easily identified. I have seen where others don't like that idea and they make valid points. At the minimum, I think they should have a new attribute or be required to be named "Challege: name goes here" or somehow have a way to identify that these are unique type of caches where there is more to it than a typical unknown cache.


4. If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

My favorite challenge types are the ones that I have a shot at completing. :-) So far, I have enjoyed filling in my 366 day grid and my placed dates grid. I enjoy seeing those blocks get filled in.


5. What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

I don't avoid any as a rule. I tend to look at all challenges and see if I have the ability to complete them. If I truly don't think I will ever complete them, I will avoid them. Or if it something that just doesn't sound like fun to me. For me, I am not a 100 caches in a day person. I might do that sometime but it isn't something I seek out so challenges to find over 100 caches in a day would not really interest me (at least until I qualify).



C&S 143


[*]What do you like most about challenge caches?


Presupposing that I like anything about them... I quite like adding to my pile of finds with a blue question mark icon although at the same time that effectively undermines my 'puzzle' find count with caches that aren't puzzles - so then I have to do math just to keep tabs on how many puzzles I'v actually found.


I don't mind challenge caches that can be completed without destroying the ozone layer by burning excessive amounts of fossil fuels.


I don't mind challenge caches that can be incorporated into caching trips we would make anyway in a 'pick them up as you go along sort of way.


I don't mind challenge caches where there's little or no admin required to prove qualification.


[*]What do you not like about challenge caches?


Of all cache types, challenge caches are by far my least favourite type.


It's well known that high numbers cachers who have run out of caches to find within a reasonable distance of home stimulate others to put out caches for them to find by placing challenge caches. More complex qualification requirements = more caches needed in order to qualify = more new caches placed just for the sake of qualifying = more caches for the challenge cache owner to find. In my opinion this fuels the ongoing race to the bottom in terms of quality cache placements and caching experiences for everyone.


In order to qualify for a lot of the challenge caches out there I'd need to drastically alter my caching habits and put a hole in the ozone layer by burning excessive amounts of fossil fuels. In my view this pattern undermines the green credentials of geocaching as a passtime.


Challenges which involve admin time in excess of time spent outdoors qualifying in the first place make no sense to me.


Challenge caches commodify every other cache and therfore every other cacher. Other caches and the effort expended by other cachers in placing them become nothing more than a means to an end.


[*]What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?


I struggle to see any way that challenge caches in and of themselves add any value to the passtime so I struggle to imagine any workable model that would encourage me to keep them at all, were I given the option.


For me they could be scrapped tomorrow and I wouldn't lose a wink of sleep.


[*]If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?


Ones which I would organically qualify for by virtue of caching in the way I like to cache anyway.


[*]What types of challenge caches do you avoid?


Any that I don't already qualify for or that I can't quallify for with a mimimum amount of effort and as little fossil fuel as possible.

Posted (edited)

What do you like most about challenge caches? - Some of them are a lot of fun and take us to new places or get us to explore aspects of geocaching we haven't spent much time on before.


What do you not like about challenge caches? - Date restrictions. Having to run GSAK or do painstaking research to determine if we qualify.


What would you like to see changed about challenge caches? - Unique icon (of course that counts toward our cache totals). Easy way to determine if we qualify. Would also love to see a physical reward (coin or pathtag) but that's up to the CO, not Groundspeak.


If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be? - We enjoy ones that get us to new areas (like DeLorme challenge, CT Virtual challenge) or that focus on the grids (D/T or days)


What types of challenge caches do you avoid? - Not a fan of the A-Z types or ones that are restricted to a particular small area. Also anything with restricted dates or that are so complex that I just don't want to read the whole page!

Edited by Alphadog

What do you like most about challenge caches? Challenge caches are one of the things that keeps me caching; it gives me something to work toward.

What do you not like about challenge caches? I wish there was a way to differentiate them more from a puzzle cache.

What would you like to see changed about challenge caches? I would like them to be there own cache type or perhaps attribute. It would also be nice to have a built in tool that will automatically check if I have fulfilled the challenge requirements. I'd also like to see more types of challenges allowed, such as those related to FTFs.

If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be? Those I've already fulfilled the requirements for! Seriously, though, I haven't encountered a challenge type I don't like, so it's hard to say.

What types of challenge caches do you avoid? I don't avoid any, I just know there are those that I won't be able to complete for a long long time, if ever... like finding 100 caches in 10 other states.


Please let us know:


What do you like most about challenge caches?

I like the fact that challenge caches make me strive for a goal. Makes me explore more sides of geocaching.


What do you not like about challenge caches?

Challenge caches is like all other caches.. Not all caches is for everyone. I can not dislike a challenge just because I will never qualify to it.


What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

I would like to see it as its own Ikon. Like trad, mysteries, whereto, letterbox etc.. and challenge...


If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

My personal favorite is when I plan a trip, I add some caches that make me qualify for a challenge. It could be age, size, type etc..


What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

I do not avoid any challenge caches. Eighter I am qualified or I will strive to qualify.


And I really hope that challenge caches will not be grandfathered. My personal opinion is that challenge caches spice up geocaching :smile:


What do you like most about challenge caches?

They are a great way to compete w/in yourself and they avoid petty situations.


What do you not like about challenge caches?

I simply like them.


What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

Perhaps a separate icon, but I can’t see why a moratorium is needed.


If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

I find most of them good based on the variety of criteria for the challenges.


What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

The ones dealing w/high terrain and specialized equipment, based on my age, but then again the very same traditional caches are avoided for that reason.


What do you like most about challenge caches?

It adds layers to the game. I love anything that makes geocaching more fun.


What do you not like about challenge caches?

That I don't qualify for all the challenges near me (yet)!


What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

Maybe an attribute, or something you can use in searches more easily to include/exclude them.


If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

Hard to say, they're all different and fun in and of themselves. I guess unique challenges.


What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

I don't really avoid any, except for those I'm working toward that will take me a while to qualify for. I just temporarily ignore them.

Posted (edited)

1. I don't like challenge caches.


2. Feel like work.

Change the way I cache.

Make things less spontaneous.

Too much planning.

Too much bookkeeping.

Take up prime real estate.

Too many challenge caches blanketing areas, with challenges that only a select few can meet, blocking off whole areas to other cache placements.

People finding my cache just so they can qualify for a challenge and stating this as the whole log.

People hiding dozens of low-quality caches just so others can qualify for a challenge, such as a challenge based on cache names.

Watching people force themselves to do things they don't enjoy just so they can qualify for a silly challenge.

Caches published with ridiculous names that have nothing to do with the hide.


3. Be much more restrictive as to the density of challenge caches in a particular area. Do not allow series of micros to be published with the sole purpose of allowing people to qualify for an existing challenge. No challenge caches based on cache names.


4. None, although there might be some good ones out there, I haven't found any I like yet.


5. I avoid them all.

Edited by The_Incredibles_

I have to say I'm very disappointed with this decision - these are a very enjoyable aspect of geocaching.


What do you like most about challenge caches?

There are two elements - having things to work towards (always good to have a goal) and also coming up with ideas that would make good challenges for others, and working towards these before setting it (it is bad form to set a challenge that you don't qualify for...


What do you not like about challenge caches?

Ones that have very contrived requirements.


What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

I'd like to see them reinstated now!


If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

Ones that are achievable within a sensible timescale.


What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

Ones that involve high terrain ratings


1.What do you like most about challenge caches?


It's all in the name, 'Challenge'. I love a challenge. Some have taken me to fantastic locations I'd perhaps never have visited (Ulster Top Ten Challenge), others have made me seek out unloved caches (Bring Back The Cache Challenges) while others encouraged me to complete my DT grid etc. In fact, it's challenge caches that have kept me interested in the game for so long.


2.What do you not like about challenge caches?


Some can be a bit too taxing but then sure, it's meant to be a challenge after all.


3.What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?


A separate icon for them. Would help them stand out more.


4.If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?


Something that encourages me to go to a new place / do something I'd otherwise not have done.


5.What types of challenge caches do you avoid?


I've NIL caches on my ignore list, if it's there to be found and qualified for, I'm game!


Please let us know:


  1. ...
  2. What do you not like about challenge caches?

* Please note: This thread will be open for 3 weeks, until May 12, 2015.


Thank you for this opportunity. I haven't read the current answers below so my list may be repeating what some have already said. I've been keeping a list of why I think challenge caches are bad for the game. So far I have 17 points.

  • They've changed the golden rule that if your name is on the logbook you can claim a find.
  • They've muddled the definition of a find.
  • They've turned the find count into a commodity, a score.
  • Filtering system to remove caches you've found, is no longer designed to do what it's supposed to do - filter out caches you've found. If you find a challenge cache but don't qualify it still remains on your map of unfound caches, unless you put it on your ignore list. The ignore list for caches you do not wish to find, not for caches you've found.
  • Challenge caches glorify the numbers game. Most require a lot of cache finds in a single day.
  • They encourage quantity over quality instead of quality over quantity. Both with respect to finding for numbers and planting for numbers.
  • It's a bragging type of cache - 'Look at me, I have the time and money to do a lot of caching.'
  • It's a contest to see who can create the challenge for which the fewest people could qualify.
  • More people, when trying to qualify for high numbers challenges, treat good caches like they don't matter and are only good for qualifying for another cache type.
  • They encourage "cheating" - throwdowns, false logs, armchair logging, changing find dates, sharing final coordinates of puzzles/mysteries/letterboxes/multis.
  • They make it less fun for cache owners of quality caches. Often quality caches don't merit more then a cut n paste log from power cachers trying to qualify for challenges.
  • There are too many of them in some areas and the number is growing - some take up kilometres/miles of good trail and only a handful of people can log them as found. Too many of any cache type that excludes a majority of cachers is not a good thing.
  • Numbers cachers use challenge caches to stimulate the publication of new local caches when they've exhausted their local finds. Which usually results in caches placed simply to help people qualify for challenge caches.
  • People hide caches for no other reason than to fill a challenge cache requirement. "There aren't enough Q caches so here's another one for MegaCacher's Q Challenge."
  • Challenge caches are ALRs (additional logging requirements). ALRs were a problem when they reared up and when Groundspeak tried their version of Challenge caches.
  • Cache owners can't opt out. On principle, some of us might not want our caches to be used to encourage the numbers game. Our caches are forced to be involved in qualifying for someone else's cache.
  • People are discovering trackables they've never found in order to qualify for challenge caches that require people to discover huge numbers of trackables. See: Forums Groundspeak.

In answer to question 2, I have to aggree with Lone R!


Additionaly, to answer the other questions asked.

1) What do you like most about challenge caches?

I liked challanges that encouraged you to get outside of your normal comfort zone. eg Lonely Cache Challange.


3)What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

I would like Challenges to be set up were they were standardized, and rather than a physical cache as the reward, a badge or star was awarded. Kind of like MyGeocachingProfile.com does (or project-gc). This could include cachers having the ability to submit new novel challanges that would be approved by GS.


4)If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

5)What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

Not having seriously attempted any challange caches, I don't think I am qualified to answer those. However, I have worked on the fizzy matrix, as well as attempting to find caches as many states and provinces as I can. I enjoyed that.




What do you like most about challenge caches?

The first challenge cache I did was achievable, and I enjoyed it.


What do you not like about challenge caches?

Most are not achievable without strain on family life. Most are lacklustre caches in their own right.


What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

I would like them removed.


If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

One that had a cache equal to the challenge.


What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

Any I don't already qualify for.



  2. What do you like most about challenge caches?
  3. What do you not like about challenge caches?
  4. What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?
  5. If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?
  6. What types of challenge caches do you avoid?


* Please note: This thread will be open for 3 weeks, until May 12, 2015.


1 - I like that they tend to make me go back and look at my previous finds...different aspects of those finds like D/T ratings, naming, etc. It keeps my find history more than just a stale set of statistics.

2 - The "bragging" aspect that many of them seem to have...as in "look how many 5/5 caches I logged in a day!" or "see...I have found ten mystery caches in all 50 states!". Every time I see a another level of "fizzy grid" challenge get published, it makes me wish challenges were on a different site altogether just.

3 - The need to have a physical cache for every challenge. It seems like many of the challenges out there are solely a "virtual" challenge...one where a person must fill up some sort of grid or meet a distance requirement or some such feat. In those cases, the need to go find and sign a cache seems superfluous. Of course, making a physical cache ought to be an option, particularly for a themed challenge.

4 - One that makes it more of a game or a puzzle, following a theme or making one think about the individual caches one has found.

5 - I avoid those that I'm unlikely to ever complete simply because I don't devote 50% of my time to caching and can't travel far and wide just for a geocache (streaks, grid fillers, etc.). I also avoid those that get more difficult with time, such as those that have a cut-off date (meaning archiving of caches that allow one to meet the requirements begins to limit one's options).


To clarify my answer on 3: I'd like to see stats-related challenges (fizzy, D/T grid, streaks, etc.) lose the physical cache part and become part of a person's profile. Anything else - name games, themed challenges, etc. - should become their own type...maybe with the 'challenge stars' feature that frinklabs suggested integrated somehow.


What do you like most about challenge caches?

- I love having goals to work towards - makes the game even more fun! it's because of the challenge caches I am where I am in the game today - for instance - I had found my first 11 caches when the 31 days of August (2013) was published. I did that 31 day streak, and decided to continue to see where it would take me. Then after a year a local 500-day-streak-challenge was released - a pretty easy goal to work towards as I was already at 365 + a bit at that time. Then I discovered another local challenge where you have to have a streak from January 1st till December 31st - that was only another 2 weeks after my 500th day. Then I discovered a 666 day challenge - and kept my streak going - still having fun! As I'm at 629 days today and still not tired of going out every day, I plan on continuing at least 1½ year to qualify for even more challenges. In September I'm planning on going for my month of mystery (and even doing it as a month of challenges) and while doing so also try to log 128 mysteries without a day off in the process. There are 2 light versions I'll qualify for at the same time. Those I can do while still keeping my streak alive. And the other like 20 challenges or more that I'm working on on the side.


What do you not like about challenge caches?

- I don't like restrictive challenges where I can't do multiple challenges at the same time.


What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

- an attribute would be nice! that way it's easier to make a search or even better a PQ.

Another thing I don't like is the changed rules about logging (physically) the challenges before being qualified and then allowed to change it to a "found it" whenever qualified. I've used that rule once only when I went to Sweden once (I'm from Denmark) as my friend was qualified and I still needed 2 things


If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

- I love them all - easy - hard. As long as I have the opportunity to graduately work my way towards the goal - and even plan ahead - and maybe achieve a few other goals for other challenges while working on it. It's like a game within the game.


What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

- none! well - I know there are a few out there I would never qualify for, but that doesn't really matter to me. I'm thinking that maybe some day I will qualify - and then I'll have that as my goal. I usually save the ones where the requirements are too tricky to figure out, but then again - if I sat down and read the requirements thoroughly I'm sure they ain't as tricky as they seem.


PS - I think it's a very long time to suspend new challenges for a whole year! but of course I'll accept your descision. (event though I had 2 planned that I need to rethink and make classic mysts instead as they weren't due to release till September.)


I like a challenge, something to strive for, it can give that extra push to get out and cache when one is losing the mojo.

I don't like a challenge that says "achievable by all", but actually is achievable only by the die-hard cacher. I don't mind if it is only achievable by the die-hard cacher, as long as the CO is honest about it.

I would like to be able to segregate challenge caches from puzzle/mystery caches, although I understand this would mess up historical stats.

Like other caches, those that don't interest me I will ignore, those that do, I will go for.


I don't like the concentration of challenge caches that can occur in an area, I feel they should be further spread - there are seven challenges within walking distance of home, that are not for your average weekend cacher.


What do you like most about challenge caches?

They broaden the horizon and make you to walk out of the comfort zone

What do you not like about challenge caches?

Challenges with a tight time restriction: find x caches within a day. This restricts the normal flow of caching, when I have to save certain caches for a specified time period.

What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?

Just drop them, I wont miss'em

If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?

Fill the D/T matrix (at your own pace), any kind of a positive challenge that will not require me to skip caches just to be able to log them later to fulfill a challenge.

What types of challenge caches do you avoid?

All the streaks (x days in a row with a set of found caches), all challenges that require abnormal behavior (I consider caching in general to be normal :)


1. What do you like most about challenge caches?


It gives me some goals to achieve, and it could inspire me to use the tools provided to look for geocaches I didn't know existed.


2. What do you not like about challenge caches?


The difficulty levels should be more spread out (which is something I considered changing a bit locally until this message came today). And they do take up space that could be used by another type of geocache.


3.What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?


A separate icon and a set of rules doesn't restrain geocachers from finding certain geocaches. Maybe a rule close to the one about "event stacking" to avoid every little city to have their own "10.000 finds"-challenge.


4. If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?


A challenge that will inspire me to plan how to reach the goals of the challenge in a near future.


5. What types of challenge caches do you avoid?


The ones I'm no way near to be able to log.


What do you like most about challenge caches?They inspire and motivate me. Because of them, I have been in every county of both my homestate and my newly adopted state. When I hear news from either state, I can be sure I have been near there, and it has helped me learn my new state. (I actually finished that challenge BEFORE I moved here.) I love that I feel more informed about the state. And it's all because of geocaching. Challenges inspire me and drive me...and when I am explaining caching to a potential cacher or a newbie, I love to talk about challenges I have done.


Connected to this, I happen to dislike multi's and multi-stage puzzles. While I am NOT a total numbers junkie, I DO like getting credit for the amount of work that would normally qualify as a find, so finding a "stage" seems wasteful to me. As it stands now, a multistage puzzle is kind of mix of icon types as far as I am concerned. For a challenge, I get credit for each cache that leads me to it. I like that.


What do you not like about challenge caches? I dislike anything that requires days in a row, or a percentage of your finds being a certain kind. (Although I believe that the exclusionary challenges are now outlawed, there are some still grandfathered. I LOATHE a particular challenge cache somewhat near my former home that does not count finds before you "opt in" to the challenge. I find that restrictive and kind of snobbish and "old boys club." I also believe that this particular requirement is also only allowed because it is "grandfathered." I wish it were not allowed to be safeguarded that way.


What would you like to see changed about challenge caches? I wish they had their own icon, because it would be nice to separate them from puzzles within the "Mystery" category. Please, please, NOT just an attribute. Attributes are practically useless in the field on a smartphone or handheld GPS. They have ONLY ever been effective for me in trip planning via pocket queries.


If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be? County and Delorme challenges, and state Top Ten Favorited Caches challenges. And while I have not QUITE gotten to qualify for Jasmer or Fizzy, they nag me in a good way. Someday!!!!


What types of challenge caches do you avoid? Streak challenges. I have no desire to ever do a geocaching streak. I am not in a cache-dense area, and I find them restrictive. While I LOVE a good geocaching trip, I can't take one every day and still have a life. Plus, I want caching to remain fun and not a chore.

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