+rubberpaws Posted May 6, 2015 Posted May 6, 2015 What do you like most about challenge caches? It keeps me geocaching. without challenges to work on I would probably not geocache very much anymore. It makes me look for all kinds of icon caches, even the ones I don't like. On road trips I seek out the caches that I need for challenges and makes it more fun to plan our trip around specific caches. It adds another layer to geocaching and gives options to the ones who want something that is more challenging than just a power trail or another lamp post cache. Creates opportunities to expand your geocaching experiences locally or on road trips. It is very disappointing that they will be suspended for awhile and hope it doesn't take a full year to restore them. What do you not like about challenge caches? nothing, if there is a challenge I don't want to do, I simply ignore it. The same others do with any icon cache they don't care for, thats the great choice everyone has about all geocaches. What you would like to see changed about challenge caches? the owner has to prove they completed the challenge themselves. Rules that are easy to understand. A way to find them easily on the map, whether its an icon, attribute or some other color for the Question mark that would show up on the map. Another color for the question mark would leave them still in the totals with the puzzle icon. just adding an attribute would also mean having easier ways to search that espeically in third party apps. Just having the word challenge in the title doesn't help since there are many traditionals with the word challenge in the title. A limit on lists with words needed since the logs get very long when a cacher has to list 100 caches, maybe a limit of 25 or something reasonable. I would not like challenges to become badges or souvenirs as it still is a physical cache you must find and sign. IF you could describe your favorite challenge cache type what would it be: anything that makes me have fun getting caches and a reason to go caching. especially love challenges that have easy to understand goals, or uses stats as a qualifier. What types of challenge caches do you avoid? the good thing about choices you can simply ignore anything you don't want to do just like avoiding any cache type that you don't like. challenges are not for everyone just like others don't like earthcaches, puzzles, multi's, etc. that is not a reason to eliminate them because some people don't like them. The wonderful thing about geocaching is that there is something for everyone. choose to do what you like instead of grumbling about what you don't like
+rainbowtree Posted May 6, 2015 Posted May 6, 2015 1. Love challenge caches because they give you a goal to achieve. 2. If there is a challenge I do not like, I simply ignore it. There are others that do like it. 3. Like events, add separate icon under mystery category for challenges. Like events, add separate icon under mystery category for geoart. 4. Something unique. 5. Those that are impossible to meet without traveling thousands of miles.
+KristaWalks Posted May 6, 2015 Posted May 6, 2015 (edited) 1.What do you like most about challenge caches? I love that they are challenging and require something extra. And the motivation factor to go after cetrain caches and achieve them. 2.What do you not like about challenge caches? Ones that are very difficult to verify, sometimes it takes more work verifying the challenge then it does to achieve the challenge 3.What would you like to see changed about challenge caches? I think it would be cool to have a disginguished icon for them so that they can be easily sorted out, also to have a way on the cache to see if you qualify 4.If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be? I love challenge caches that are one easily able to see you have acomplished them say something like 10 icons in a day, or 5 states in a day or something such as that, but also one that take some planning and are not easy to achieve. 5.What types of challenge caches do you avoid? Ones that can't be verified easily Edited May 6, 2015 by KristaWalks
+Saunamajuri Posted May 6, 2015 Posted May 6, 2015 (edited) 3.What would you like to see changed about challenge caches? It is an eternal debate whether it is morally correct to log a challenge cache before the conditions have been met (even when explicitly allowed by Groundspeak). And if done so, what should be the correct date for the Found It log. My suggestion for getting rid of all related confusion and also for adding a reward for BOTH meeting the challenge conditions AND finding the cache is to add a special logging type for the first, something like "challenge conditions met". You would be allowed to log with that once you can prove that you qualify for the challenge. That logging should be made on the date when the challenge conditions would have become completed. Then when you actually visit the cache, you would be allowed to make a Found It logging. Both of course would count in the statistics, which should please a great deal of the cachers that are keen on the statistics. Additionally, it should be morally ok for the cache owner to log "conditions met" - which could then act as the CO's proof of the qualification, just like it is ok for an event organizer to log "attended". I would like to see a separate icon for the challenge caches rather than an attribute. Using an attribute might cause additional debates as the cache owners could use that attribute even when the cache has not been officially accepted as a challenge cache. I think there are already a few cache type icons, some obsoleted, that are far more esoteric than the challenge cache type would be. 1.What do you like most about challenge caches? I've done a few geocaching trips that have got a very special boost from some challenge cache. Many of them wouldn't have been made at all, or they would have been quite different, without the challenge. 5.What types of challenge caches do you avoid? Streaks. Challenges that make you keep caches unfound until they fit into some part of the challenge (like find caches on every calendar day). Challenges that cause stress, like streaks. 4.If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be? Any challenge that makes you do something fun that you wouldn't even have thought of about doing or achieving without the challenge. Edited May 6, 2015 by Saunamajuri
+SafariBabe Posted May 6, 2015 Posted May 6, 2015 1) What do you like most about challenge caches? I haven't done many challenge caches, but the ones I have done required the cacher to think outside the box about their previous finds. For example, one by me required the searcher to make phobias out of their cache finds. It was fun. 2) What do you not like about challenge caches? I dislike that they are lumped together with puzzle or mystery caches. I would like to see them get their own icon on the map so that I can tell at a glance what I'm really looking at. 3) What would you like to see changed about challenge caches? As noted above, I'd like to see a distinct challenge icon on the map rather than grouping challenge caches together with mystery caches. 4) If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be? I've looked at a lot of different types of challenges and I can't say that I have a particular favorite. I do like ones that make you think outside the box about your cache finds and the ones that are like a "bonus" to a cache series in a particular area. 5) What types of challenge caches do you avoid? No specific type. If I don't want to do it, I just skip it.
+vpdj Posted May 7, 2015 Posted May 7, 2015 (edited) In response to the questions about challenge caches: 1. What do you like most about challenge caches? -- challenge Caches create targets to strive for - giving new adventures - many requiring planning and sometimes years of effort to achieve - the Fizzy and Delorme challenges are the gold standard - classic challenges. The challenge Caches inspire me to go beyond my everyday caches and try something different and frequently making the geocaching game more enjoyable for me. Without challenges, I probably would have not continued to cache nearly as much - and I certainly would not have seen as many different places as I have enjoyed visiting. Climbing mountains, kayaking, etc. would have never happened for me without challenge caches. 2. What do you not like about challenge caches? -- I do not like challenge caches that I do not qualify for - LOL - and then I look at them again a while later and see a faint possibility that someday I may just get there - so the planning begins... 3. What would you like to see changed about challenge caches? -- I would like to see the challenge caches have a checker built into the cache page - similar to the Geocheckers on Puzzle caches. I would propose to take it a step further - some will say too far but hear me out - but to have the cache page not allow a Find on the cache until the challenge Checker passes for the cacher. The excellent Project-GC site has built a great challenge Checker for many challenges. By making the challenge Checker mandatory for challenges, there would be no disputing whether someone qualifies for a cache or not. It would also eliminate any dispute as to what the challenge really means. A side benefit of the challenge Checkers is that only challenges that can be defined within the challenge checker framework can be created - if you cannot create a checker then the challenge cannot be published. This eliminates most if not all of the disputes surrounding challenge caches. I would also show challenges differently on a map - perhaps even with 2 different icons - one for met challenges and another for unmet challenges - similar to the frequent request for puzzle caches - solved and unsolved. The "Met" tag would be added after the user visits the cache page and runs (and passes) the challenge checker. 4. If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be? -- I really love challenge caches - My favorite challenge Caches are the 366 day streak, Fizzy - 81 D/T challenge, every county in a state challenges, Delorme challenge, Busy Day challenges (number of different D/T in a day), Word challenges (cache name and/or cacher name), Radius challenge (find all caches within a 5 mile radius of your home), The 300 challenge (GC4150C), Resuscitation challenge (GC38WBY). All of these require your to work towards a goal - and all have specific and measurable objectives - and probably could be easily set up in a challenge Checker. 5. What types of challenge caches do you avoid? -- I only avoid those I do not qualify for - yet. I love the "Unknown" category of caches - still have about 1/3 of my finds in that category. I would love to see challenges left in the Unknown category - but split in statistics to show Mystery Puzzles, Challenge caches, Field Puzzles, Beacon Caches, Bonus Caches, and Night Caches - similar to how Events are shown in statistics with CITOs split out - or via a new "Challenge" attribute. Cache On, VPDJ Edited May 7, 2015 by vpdj
+Murazor Posted May 7, 2015 Posted May 7, 2015 Just one add-on to the answer to the question: What would you like to see changed about challenge caches? As far as I see from my experience of over 100 challenges found in quite a few countries, and what I heard from my friends: one of the major problems with challenges is unequal treating them by the reviewers. They are specific caches, and they require a wide non-local look through and comparison. My idea of improving the challenges is establishing a small volunteer group of "the Seconds" (name taken fron the duel assistants). Like the GeoAwares who care for EarthCaches the Seconds could be reviewers responsible only for the challenge caches in their appropriate region, substantially larger than a region typically assigned to a reviewer. This could keep the challenge more consistant worldwide and reduce the number of appeals.
+d_und_h Posted May 7, 2015 Posted May 7, 2015 What do you like most about challenge caches? When a challenge is almost comleted, may be up to 90 percent, we like to fulfill the rest. "365 degrees NRW" for example, we had to cover 9 degrees. That was a nice challenge we needed one cache with "purple" and liked to find it. We want to get "multis all over the world" so we try to cache in nearby countries and do multis there. What do you not like about challenge caches? if we don't like a challenge, we ignore it. There is no problem! What would you like to see changed about challenge caches? nothing! everything is nice! If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be? This is very personal. We like the challenge we discribed above. The interesting moment is the question "do we habe 100 percent? Or maybe 90 percent" What types of challenge caches do you avoid? We avoid T5-challenges or challenges like "4 countries in one hour". That is very easy to avoid. Thanks for reading!
+Sivota Posted May 8, 2015 Posted May 8, 2015 What do you like most about challenge caches? I like the fact that one can set oneself a larger goal to achieve. What do you not like about challenge caches? The side effect of the competition/achievement elements in challenge caches, that seems to have increased, like: exchanging corrected coordinates, throwdowns, damages to the caches and surroundings and fake logs. All because certain caches "must" be found. What would you like to see changed about challenge caches? I would like to see challenge caches to be more focused on the discovery of different places/locations and less on the accomplishment of filling ones grid and other statistics. If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be? Challenge caches that are based on a "geography" kind of accomplishment. For example: Finding caches in certain parts of maps, 360 degrees around home coordinates, finding caches on different altitude levels. What types of challenge caches do you avoid? Challenge caches based on statistics. For example: One cache a day, finding caches in all levels of D/T grid, finding a certain amount of cache types or discovering an amount of trackables.
+Blackavar1 Posted May 10, 2015 Posted May 10, 2015 What do you like most about challenge caches? It gives people the incentive to push their geocaching comfort zone and often brings some great rewards. What do you not like about challenge caches? I like everything about them. Bring them back! What would you like to see changed about challenge caches? You can only list a challenge if you have already achieved it. No exceptions. If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be? Challenges that center around our statistics. What types of challenge caches do you avoid? Anything that forces me to find urban hides.
+bunnytracks^ Posted May 10, 2015 Posted May 10, 2015 1. What do you like most about challenge caches? I like the extra sense of purpose and accomplishment that challenge caches give. It makes the hunt more interesting and I like the extra challenge on top of simply finding caches. 2. What do you not like about challenge caches? I cannot think of something I do not like about challenge caches. If there is a specific challenge that doesn't appeal to me then I simply do not attempt it. I do the same with other cache types. 3. What would you like to see changed about challenge caches? It would be nice if challenge caches had a different symbol so people could easily spot them. I've seen some challenge-type caches without "challenge" in the name, which makes it difficult to "see" quickly when looking at search results. Perhaps if they were their own type (like the Earthcache) then cachers would better understand them & know that they come with more requirements. I also don't believe a CO should be able to require a cacher to submit their list in one certain way (for example some require a bookmark list); I believe any verifiable list should be acceptable. 4. If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be? I like the challenges that concentrate on the cache name - for example finding those that have animal names within the cache name, finding one for each letter of the alphabet, and finding those with color names within the cache name. There is also one I'm working on that requires finding 50 caches along a long, local bike trail. 5. What types of challenge caches do you avoid? I avoid those that require a lot of travel. For example, those that require finding caches in 6 bordering states or in all 93 counties in my state. I, personally, do not travel much. I also avoid those that require a cache every day of the year as they are unrealistic for me to complete at this stage in my life.
+glorieme Posted May 11, 2015 Posted May 11, 2015 Thank you so much for taking time to go over this AND to ask for feedback. I was getting so frustrated with all the frivolous challenges in our area - it is driving me nuts to continue to see them on my map. What do you like most about challenge caches? I like challenge caches that make me step out of my normal patterns and try something new. Or something that I can make a goal of and work towards in an amount of time that I can dictate for myself. I love going to new places and seeing new things that I would not otherwise have done. Or something that challenges me in a new experience. What do you not like about challenge caches? I can't stand the ones that make you change or stop doing something. Like find one cache on one day, two on the second, and so forth. Or the ones that make you find caches in a row that are not reasonable for most cachers. For example, finding a cache on one day in the #1 city in your state, then a cache the very next day in the #2 city in your state, then the next day a cache in the #3 city in your state. Those specific days in a row. Finding a cache in all those cities on dates that I can determine - not sequential dates - would be more reasonable. But the very next day all in a row for 7 days? I work, for crying out loud. This is something I could never complete. Nor most regular cachers. Even half of the cachers in my area would not be able to complete that challenge. Those are the kinds I don't like. I also don't like the ones that make you keep an obscure bookmark list that I can only use for qualifying for that one cache. What would you like to see changed about challenge caches? I would like to see some parameters that are not allowed. I don't want to see challenge caches grandfathered in, either. They either meet the qualifications or they do not. If not, they go away. I would like to see a "challenge" attribute. Not a change in the cache type. I also would like challenge cache owners not be allowed to have the rules that don't let you log a find until they give you permission. Or you cannot get the final coordinates until they look over your bookmark list and THEN, maybe, if they have time, they will then email you the coordinates. Or maybe, they never respond and you can only get them if you know someone who has them from a previous finder. Challenge caches should BE AT THE POSTED COORDINATES. If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be? Similar to my few favorites so far: having filled your D/T grid. Or having found a cache in every county in my State. Or every DeLorme page. Or something that can be found in your statistics on geocaching.com. The busy container day. Things like that......that I can make a goal to complete, I know what the parameters are to get there, I know where the final is when I am done, and I can work on the requirements at my own pace. What types of challenge caches do you avoid? Frivolous ones. Pretty much any challenge cache in my home area (Portland, OR Metro area) that has published in the last year or so. Stupid, arcane ones that only the very very few can complete. Or any that require permission from the cache owner before you can even to find it.
+nessker Posted May 11, 2015 Posted May 11, 2015 [*]What do you like most about challenge caches? Sometimes they encourage you to discover new area, places or things. I have enjoyed the streak ones, but only when there is one per county of the same type. For example a cache for filling the days of the year grid is great. 5 of them within in 30 miles not so great. [*]What do you not like about challenge caches? In my area there can be large geographic areas wiped out by arbitrary challenges. I use arbitrarily loosely here. Challenges that will take years for most to complete ( cache in all 50 states, 10 or more countries, micro find count below 30%, etc). Basically over saturation of challenges can be frustrating. [*]What would you like to see changeed about challenge caches? Perhaps a higher saturation threshold. Only one per 5 miles? Or specific achievement challenges limited to 30 per state at least 50 miles a part. [*]If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be? Something that could be completed by the average Cacher within 6 months to a year or les. [*]What types of challenge caches do you avoid? Actully, most of them. I'm not a GSAK user so it is a lot of paperwork to do to figure them out. I get frustrated when it takes me hours to compile my list of finds that meet a qualification.
+wtap Posted May 11, 2015 Posted May 11, 2015 What do you like most about challenge caches?I really love the tasks, for that you have to discover new areas or now kinds of caches. What do you not like about challenge caches?If you have to cache with speed. I don't think it is ok, that cachers have to find 400 Caches a day. Such tasks are only possible with driving with a car.The task to find caches in a row is a bit better, that you can do with easy and with hard ones. What would you like to see changed about challenge caches?A new attribute would be fine. I don`t think a new type is necessary. If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be?My favorite challenges are those that make you discover new places. That could be a 360° task as well as the task to find rare attributes and hidden dates. What types of challenge caches do you avoid?Those where you have to drive by car from cache to cache - something like all districts or 400 caches in one day.
+sandra+thorsten Posted May 11, 2015 Posted May 11, 2015 The Challenge Cache Submissions Moratorium, this User Insights and the promised Survey later this spring is a much better way to handle the future of geocaching than the abrupt end and deletion of the Geocaching Challenges on December 11th, 2012 -- thank you for this possibility to participate! 1. What do you like most about challenge caches? We like the idea to compete against ourselves. Will we be able to reach this and that goal? And we like to have all the time in the world for this goal and not to be hustled by some other owners. 2. What do you not like about challenge caches? We don't like the idea to compete against other geocachers. Geocaching is a social hobby where the community is very important. There wouldn't be a geocache to search for if there weren't people who hide the Caches first. 3. What would you like to see changed about challenge caches? First of all we have to say, that in our opinion it is not mandatory to change anything about challenge caches. In the end every geocacher can decide on his own if he wants to search for a cache or not, nobody is forced to find a challenge cache. But we are afraid that the community could change, away from the social spirit to a rivalry between geocachers, if the challenge caches increase more and more. Furthermore we won't like to see new powertrails whose intention is to maximize the daily founds or to find the 81-matrix in one day and so on. For us this feels wrong and seems to be against the spirit of geocaching, at least as we think it should be. From a technical point of view we would like to see an own icon if challenge caches will continue after the moratorium. We also could imagine to give them a new attribute and the type of the cache can differ -- why shouldn't a challenge cache have more stages and therefore be listed as a Multi-cache? If the challenge caches won't be continued we would think it would be a nice idea to introduce a few new souvenirs for some picked up challenge caches like Jasmer, Fizzy and 365. 4. If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be? We really like the Jasmer Challenge. The idea to log a cache hidden in every month since the beginning of Geocaching is challenging, you see much different caches in different regions and even learn something about Geocaching itself! 5. What types of challenge caches do you avoid? We don't like the "harder, better, faster, stronger" challenge caches and we dislike challenge caches which requirements look like a copy of the owners personal statistic. We also avoid challenge caches where we are in danger to loose our progress of the fulfilment of the requirements. Even if geocaching is very important for us, it is still a hobby. And we don't want that a hobby dictates us when we have to go out and search for a box, we want to go geocaching whenever we want to do it!
Team SEEIAJI Posted May 11, 2015 Posted May 11, 2015 I am not that experienced at challenges. I have viewed several of them, published one and logged one. Have some to log in the future and I had plans to publish one more before the moratorium came… 1. What do you like most about challenge caches? I like that they are community driven. It shows the creativity of the caching community and it challenges and inspires other cachers. 2. What do you not like about challenge caches? I do not like the rule that 10 cachers must be qualified before the challenge is published. Why can’t challenges be challenges to everyone? It must be some other way to prove that a challenge is “attainable by a reasonable number of geocachers”. 3. What would you like to see changed about challenge caches? I think that all Challenges should have a geographical restriction of some sort. Let’s take an example: a simple challenge like “log 5 cache types”. If there are only one in the world: Why should I have to travel to another country to log it, since I am qualified? And if there are several of them in the world: How close can they be? A geographical restriction should fix this: “log 5 cache types in [continent, country or state/province]”. An identical challenge could then be published for other regions. It would be great to have an own icon for challenges. The challenge that challenge caches give and that many cachers love does not depend on a physical container. So challenge caches could be made virtual caches, much the same way as an earth cache with an answer to provide before logging. This would solve the problems of “travel far to log an accomplished challenge” and the signing of the physical log before qualification and logging online. Maybe Challenges could be a new feature between geocaches and trackables? “156 Caches Found | 1 Challenges Completed | 28 Trackables Logged”. Like on events the owner should be able to log a find on his or her own challenge. Challenges could even be organized as the souvenirs, but I doubt it would please the community. A challenge should have a good description of how to prove qualification (with geocaching.com or an external page or challenge checker). A listing tool in the log, to make a list of the caches that qualify the user for the challenge (will work for simple challenges). Out with the 10 persons rule. The challenge owner should maybe be qualified for the challenge, or be able to prove that the challenge is attainable and will continue to be so over time. 4. If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be? I think I would like challenges with geographical, thematical or statistical tasks. The requirements should be more than “X caches found” – that is not a challenge, it is a milestone. 5. What types of challenge caches do you avoid? I avoid challenges with time restrictions, like “consecutive days caching” or “X number of caches in Y time”. A slow-cacher has no interest for such challenges…
royswkr Posted May 11, 2015 Posted May 11, 2015 > What do you like most about challenge caches? Many challenges are inspiring and lead me to visit caches I might not otherwise. Often the owners have put a lot of thought into them, like the "every town in NH" guy who created an app to determine what towns you had completed. > What do you not like about challenge caches? 1. Geographically inappropriate challenge finals, where the final is far from anywhere the challenge could be completed. While I can ignore the challenge, it keeps more appropriate caches from being placed in that area. For instance a series of caches has been placed along a rail trail in NH requiring finds of 800, 850, etc caches in a day. There are no power trails in NH and hardly anyone has found as many as 150 NH caches in a day, but this series prevents the rail trail from being set up with caches for kids or the disabled. I understand that a challenge to find a cache in every state will require travel outside of the state it is located in, but challenges that routinely use only caches outside the home state should be disallowed - maybe require that at least one cache in a challenge must be in the home state? 2. People insisting on logging challenge caches when they find the final although they haven't met the requirements, because for other "Unknown" types you can log a final you stumble on accidentally without solving the puzzle, etc. 3. Bogus difficulty/terrain ratings on caches so they qualify for "fizzy" challenges, this debases the whole rating system. 4. Arbitrary decisions by Groundspeak on what challenges are allowed which leads to the large number of appeals. I once went through several iterations of a challenge where after I met all existing regulations that were pointed out, new regulations were invented which were never posted and seemingly only applied to me. Others get a free pass - for instance new "cache every day" challenges are still being approved although they violate the regulation on not altering geocaching behavior because cachers will save up easy caches near home instead of grabbing them as they come out. > What would you like to see changed about challenge caches? New icon for challenges with no physical final, the caches found to qualify are the caching portion. Separate reviewers for challenge caches who are familiar with the rules like there are for earthcaches. Existing challenge caches would be either archived like locationless or grandfathered like virtuals but owners would still be encouraged to archive them and replace with new style. This would deal with my first two complaints above. Either ban "fizzy" challenges or require approval by a special reviewer for 4 or 4.5 ratings, including downrating existing caches. > If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be? Something whimsical that would lead me to unusual groupings of caches. > What types of challenge caches do you avoid? Those that would require visits to numerous caches that I would generally avoid such as urban areas or faraway states
+frinklabs Posted May 12, 2015 Posted May 12, 2015 What do you like most about challenge caches? The focus they provide for my caching. Quality over quantity means I am selective about what I will seek, especially when out of town. I never used to like to travel but now I look forward to the opportunity. I never ever thought I would fulfill the Ontario Counties challenge and now I can say I have been to every corner of this awesome province. They also have helped me push the envelope of my personal limitations. With borderline claustrophobia and acrophobia, it was only the goal of finding the challenge-fulfilling caches that helped me keep it together in that cave and up that tree. What do you not like about challenge caches? Their lack of differentiation from the mystery type. I was only able to locate challenges through the hard work of other cachers who have been maintaining bookmark lists of them (which may or may not be current). Thank you for that, other cachers; you know who you are. What would you like to see changed about challenge caches? Besides the aforementioned differentiation issue, I would like to see a separate metric for quantifying the difficulty of a challenge. I would like to see the completion of the challenge separated from the finding of its container, in regards to log entries. Many will post a note when they sign the log which skews their statistics when they finally complete the challenge and log a Found It (at which time they weren't really there to find it). If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be? One where I haven't already met the requirements. There are some bingo or tic-tac-toe where the grids are date-specific and must have a unique type per-row/column. I knew 6 months in advance that I was going to be caching on Groundhog Day and that it would have to be a Where-I-Go or event. Despite that being one of the very coldest days of the year I still managed to fulfill the requirement (and almost got frostbite). I haven't visited the final for that challenge yet, but when I do it will be a happy day for me. What types of challenge caches do you avoid? I was going to say none at all, but I had a look at a Challenge powertrail that is relatively near me and it became tiresome to look at each listing (offline with GSAK as they're all PMO and I won't ever show up on anyone's audit log. Ever.) This would be one instance where I would consider pre-logging all the caches (they're all nice high T and I am working upping my D/T average, for a different challenge) if I could post a Found It that wasn't contingent upon completing the requirements.
+Team MEMILA Posted May 12, 2015 Posted May 12, 2015 What do you like most about challenge caches? Short answer is found in the definition of the word itself - "a task or situation that tests someone's abilities." I like tasks that test me. Challenges are probably the key thing that have kept my interest in geocaching the last 2-3 years. While I still enjoy finding traditional caches in the woods after a hike, I find that I personally like bigger goals to throw myself at. For example, I'm currently working on finding the 100 oldest geocaches in Michigan and to date have found 99 of them. Not all are required to qualify for challenge, but I like to REALLY complete any challenge I take on. I'd be incredibly disappointed if challenges went away or were somehow further restricted disallowing the creativity of the caching community. If cachers don't like them, they can ignore them just like I do with the vast majority of micro park and grabs popping up everywhere. What do you not like about challenge caches? Inability to quickly find them in a pocket query, etc. I used to keep a bookmark list of all challenge caches in Michigan up to date, but it got tedious. Maybe now is a good time to update it. What would you like to see changed about challenge caches? Make them easier to find in pocket queries, etc. If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be? Challenges that require a real commitment to complete. Especially those that require substantial travel, whether in my home state or further afield. I'm always up for a road trip. I completed the double Jasmer in 2013 and hope to qualify for what would be a triple Jasmer yet this year. What types of challenge caches do you avoid? I'm not a big fan of streak type challenges. Those feel like a chore to me.
+irisisleuk Posted May 12, 2015 Posted May 12, 2015 What do you like most about challenge caches? They (sometimes) inspire me to do something different. What do you not like about challenge caches? The effect it can have on other caches, for instance logs like "did this cache to be able to log challenge cache xxx". (By the way: the same effect is created by the not country specific souvenirs: logged this cache to day to get the x souvenir). What would you like to see changed about challenge caches? No more challenges where the goal is to do a certain amount of (no matter what type of) caches within a certain time frame (especially the within one day caches). If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be? A challenge that leads to multiple days of fun, where the focus is not on the difficulty/terrain/amount of caches or trackables, but on something that can keep you busy all year (or even several years). For instance a cache for which you have to visit all municipalities or all provinces of a country, or a cache for which you have to find caches beginning with certain letters that form a sentence. Or a cache you can only log when you have fulfilled a certain amount of trackable missions. A challenge that leads me to places/caches I might not have visited otherwise. And of course the cache has to be big enough to exchange goodies and trackables! What types of challenge caches do you avoid? The ones that are impossible for me to do, like certain terrain values. But this doesn't mean I don't like them or they should be gone. I dislike the challenge caches that make you rush (for instance 50 or more a day), I've done one and won't do it again. I also don't like the challenge caches where the focus is on a specific type within a specific time frame: for instance attend 50 events within one year. Having found a certain amount of caches of a specific type is fine, but the limiting time frame is something that bothers me because of the negative side effects.
+Aslanspawh Posted May 12, 2015 Posted May 12, 2015 Like most: when a challenge encourages me to visit locations or do things I might not have otherwise done Like least: when the challenge requires me to search through thousands of caches to figure out which ones meet the criteria. I would like to see all challenge caches required to provide or provide a link to a way to track qualification (like delorme or fizzy) Changed: I have mixed feelings about challenges. I generally come down on the side of "if you find the container and sign the log you should get a smile." A second concern is where the final for the challenge may be located - I live in a small state so they are all within a couple hours but for some folks the container could be many hours away. Should "common" challenges be souvenirs instead of caches? ie delorme or cache found for every date or Fizzy? Favorite - challenges that can be done at any pace and that cause me to do things I might not otherwise consider. Also ones that provide tracking to completion (351 mass for example) Avoid - challenges that any cacher with thousands of finds probably qualifies for but you have to dig for all the details and/or that any new cachet probably won't qualify for
+lth2h Posted May 12, 2015 Posted May 12, 2015 What do you like most about challenge caches? They're a great way to add a new aspect to the game. What do you not like about challenge caches? Too hard to tell them apart from other "mystery" caches. I really do think they should be a separate category. The other issue is that too many of them it is hard to figure out if you've already met the challenge. If there isn't a script, some plugin for gsak, or some website to analyze your finds for that particular challenge, I generally won't bother. What would you like to see changed about challenge caches? As I said above, make them easier to differentiate from other cache types. If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be? Do X a day for X months or cache on every day of a month. What types of challenge caches do you avoid? Anything that seems unreasonable (like find 1000 earthcaches within one month) or anything that is too hard to check to see if I already meet the requirements.
+Wet Pancake Touring Club Posted May 12, 2015 Posted May 12, 2015 What do you like most about challenge caches? I like a challenge that causes me to explore a bit, and has a nice reward. For me, GeoTours represent great challenge caches. I can log each cache individually, and I may get something more for completing the tour. So, thematic challenges I like. A cache in every state park, or going to every county. What do you not like about challenge caches? They are not easy to identify. I really, really, REALLY think they need to be their own cache type. Really! Or, add an attribute. But, if you add an attribute, please ask the reviewers to verify the attribute is set before publishing the cache. This comes into play when I am traveling. I'll look at the map and see what caches are close by. Mystery/Unknown caches require a lot of up front review to determine if it a puzzle that has to be worked out ahead of time, a field solvable puzzle (shouldn't these be multi-caches?), or a challenge. What would you like to see changed about challenge caches? There is a subjective part that I would like to see changed. I prefer challenge caches that get me go places I wouldn't normally, as opposed to streak type challenges. So, a challenge of find 100 micro's in a month is not exciting. That is simply a numbers games. But I don't mind streak challenges that can be completed in a day or weekend, such as most number of different kinds of caches in a day. So, what I would change is to disallow specific duration challenges lasting longer than a couple of days. Finding a cache in every state park gets me out and about. No time limit, I can complete this on my own time frame. If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be? My favorite challenge cache isn't really a cache at all, but kind of a meta cache. To me, completing a GeoTour (a few have a bonus cache you can only log if you complete the GeoTour) is my current favorite kind of caching. I am also working on my D/T matrix, and a Jasmer challenge. Completing these are my current challenges. What types of challenge caches do you avoid? I don't like most streak types, unless they can be completed in a day. We have challenge caches where you have to have a streak of over 400 days of finding a cache. Sorry, after a while, this just gets tiring. My other pet peeve with challenge caches deals with the cache itself. The cache container and placement should be well thought out, and appropriate for the challenge. If you are challenging someone to find the 100 oldest caches in the area, the challenge cache better be equivalent. Older caches are generally ammo cans, and are generally in some interesting areas. A bison tube on a telephone pole would be in-appropriate for this challenge. However, a LPC for a challenge involving LPCs would be appropriate. (On a side note, while I would probably not do an LPC challenge cache, I do have friends with special needs children. My hypothetical LPC challenge cache may be the cats pajamas for them.)
+dprovan Posted May 13, 2015 Posted May 13, 2015 What do you like most about challenge caches? First of all, I like that they are caches. The challenge adds spice to the cache, but isn't something I'm interested in alone. Second, I like that they encourage me to focus on different parts of geocaching that I wouldn't normally think about. Specific examples that come to mind are challenges that depend on the owner's name, the GC code, or the specific text of the cache name. Third, I like to see how high end geocachers can challenge each other by reading logs on challenge caches that have requirements I'll never meet. What do you not like about challenge caches? What would you like to see changed about challenge caches? I have no problem with the existing challenge caches and don't feel a need to change anything. If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be? My favorite challenge caches are the ones that can't be satisfied by past finds. What types of challenge caches do you avoid? Avoid? I don't avoid any challenge caches, but I don't expect to ever satisfy the challenge caches that require finding a large number of cache types which are no longer published.
+msrubble Posted May 13, 2015 Posted May 13, 2015 (edited) Maybe this will be the 500th reply. TPTB seem to have struck a nerve. What do you like most about challenge caches? They add some variety to the game. They can be a new way to look at groups of geocaches. What do you not like about challenge caches? They demand ALR, with Groundspeak's blessing. Some seem to be a way of calling attention to the owner's dubious achievement. In some cases, they seem to promote the hiding of low-quality caches by players who are trying to be helpful. It is often difficult to determine whether I have met the requirements without a lot of tedious research. I'm sure this is unusual, but I have had a geocacher ask me exactly where a puzzle cache of mine was, because he was doing a puzzle-a-day streak challenge. What would you like to see changed about challenge caches? A new type would break compatibility, but I don't see why challenge caches couldn't have a distinctive icon or subtype on the geocaching.com web site. As a general rule, require owner to have completed the challenge requirements themselves. Stricter proximity limit than other caches, so that an area cannot be taken over by challenges, which require more than finding them to log a find. Possibly the challenge should be met before learning the coordinates--that would make it more comparable to a puzzle. If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be? Attainable with some effort. Not pointless or arbitrary. What types of challenge caches do you avoid? I don't avoid any. It's more like "Out of sight, out of mind." There are no challenge caches near me that I haven't already done. They are clustered in one small area of the state. If I were to avoid challenge caches, I would skip the "busy day" ones where a cacher has to find a certain number of types of caches in one day. There's only one webcam cache in the state, and there has never been a mega event (we tried). Sorry, fixed typo. Edited May 13, 2015 by msrubble
cezanne Posted May 13, 2015 Posted May 13, 2015 (edited) What do you like most about challenge caches? I like that some challenge caches attract attention to caches that do not receive as much attention as they would deserve, like long hiking multi caches and lonely caches. I prefer challenges that are special and specially adapted to the area where the cache is hidden. I enjoy reading the logs of mostly cachers I know and I like to read how they met the challenge (often the list of qualifying caches includes interesting recommendations for me to look at as well). What do you not like about challenge caches? The negative side effects some of them have, e.g. mass logs for all caches on the way needed for qualifiying for "x cache types in a day challenges" and many new lame caches placed just to make qualifying easier. The same happens however for souvenirs, badges etc What would you like to see changed about challenge caches? A challenge cache attribute would make sense. Challenge caches should in any case stay as physical caches. Otherwise they lose their attractivity. I sincerely hope that the new way of challenge caches will allow for more flexibility than challenges based on statistics data like D/T grid, counties etc Fizzy and Jasmer type challenges are of no interest to me at all. The same holds true for find "x caches/cache types in a day (week, month, year)". In those cases typically no list of qualifying caches are provided and these lists are also of no interest to me. If you could describe your favorite challenge cache type, what would it be? I like challenges that encourage visits to often overlooked, but beautiful caches - lonely caches in the mountains, long hiking multi caches etc What types of challenge caches do you avoid? There are not many challenge caches in my area. I avoid those for which I would need to invest a lot of energy but which I do not care about. Investing energy into something I enjoy is fine. Edited May 13, 2015 by cezanne
+Geocaching HQ Posted May 13, 2015 Posted May 13, 2015 Thank you very much for contributing to this User Insights forum. We'll use your feedback to create a survey that will be available in the coming weeks.
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