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Weird finds in caches


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I'm sure this will have been done in the past but I'm curious


What is the most random/strange/rubbish thing you have seen in a cache.


For me it has to be a 3 amp fuse.


Whilst caching with my daughter and nephew we found a cache.


My nephew, who is 6, didnt want anything else that was in the cache except the 3A fuse!


Personally I couldn't figure out who the hell thinks leaving an amp is acceptable but I guess thats for another thread!!!


Off the top of my head, one of the oddest was a girl's wig made of long dark 'hair'. What made it odder was that my younger son, who has short blond hair, took an instant liking to it. He insisted on trading for it, and even posed for a photo there and then. Of course (although perhaps to my relief!), he's ignored it ever since, so along with many other geocaching trades, it's littering some corner at home. Maybe I should recycle it into another cache and brighten someone else's day :laughing:


photo link


cache link


I'm sure this will have been done in the past but I'm curious


What is the most random/strange/rubbish thing you have seen in a cache.


For me it has to be a 3 amp fuse.


Whilst caching with my daughter and nephew we found a cache.


My nephew, who is 6, didnt want anything else that was in the cache except the 3A fuse!


Personally I couldn't figure out who the hell thinks leaving an amp is acceptable but I guess thats for another thread!!!


We found one cache with a packet of sugar like the ones you get in service stations, a car alarm fob battery and a lithium ion battery in it along with a few other more interesting swaps.


I've found a small pocketknife in a cache a couple of times, which I removed as they are against guidelines. (I threw them out, because they were in a pretty sorry state)


I once found a condom in a cache. I'm not sure who would want to use a condom that had been in a box with an unknown number of people handling it, kept in unknown conditions, and for an unknown amount of time. So I threw that out too.


I put about a fivers worth of swaps in one of my caches and when i checked it a few weeks later they had been swapped for a used straw and bottle top.

The container was too small for the bottle i think :laughing:

Posted (edited)

A scented soap bath bomb that had started to break down in the damp humid cache - it wasn't even in a bag.


I had to remove it and clear and clean out the cache before rehiding. It was a very sweet smelling cache though. :laughing:

Edited by Yorkie30

For a couple of years the cache on the Blorenge, "The first in Wales", had a shower head attachment in it.

Then a cacher decided to turn it into "The fabled Blorenge shower head" TB which is currently wandering around Germany.




Ha that is amazing! Who puts a shower head in a cache for goodness sake?!!


Off the top of my head, one of the oddest was a girl's wig made of long dark 'hair'. What made it odder was that my younger son, who has short blond hair, took an instant liking to it. He insisted on trading for it, and even posed for a photo there and then. Of course (although perhaps to my relief!), he's ignored it ever since, so along with many other geocaching trades, it's littering some corner at home. Maybe I should recycle it into another cache and brighten someone else's day :lol:


photo link


cache link


Bless him! :laughing::)


I put about a fivers worth of swaps in one of my caches and when i checked it a few weeks later they had been swapped for a used straw and bottle top.

The container was too small for the bottle i think :lol:


Again, who does that!??


I found a hoselock attachment - for attaching a hose to a tap - in a cache one weekend - very grateful I was too, it was just what I needed for the hose to fill the water tank in my campervan, and I'd only been complaining the evening before that I didn't have one. But what were the chances of anyone else actually wanting one when they found the cache? :laughing:


I've read a lot on these forums about condoms in caches - but didn't actually find one until my 701st cache the other week. We extracted it and disposed of it.


Some years ago I visited the first cache I ever set for some routine maintenance. In it I found a small plastic bag containing a cigarette, three cigarette papers, a match, a piece of matchbox 'strike' and a small lump of cannabis resin. There was also an entry in the logbook from a muggle who'd found the box saying that we were a load of 'saddos' and that he'd left a little something to enrich our lives.

The bag was removed and disposed of in an approved manner :):laughing:



I've read a lot on these forums about condoms in caches - but didn't actually find one until my 701st cache the other week. We extracted it and disposed of it.


Yes I read your log with both shock and amusement!

There are some crazy people about .... :laughing:


Some years ago I visited the first cache I ever set for some routine maintenance. In it I found a small plastic bag containing a cigarette, three cigarette papers, a match, a piece of matchbox 'strike' and a small lump of cannabis resin. There was also an entry in the logbook from a muggle who'd found the box saying that we were a load of 'saddos' and that he'd left a little something to enrich our lives.

The bag was removed and disposed of in an approved manner :lol::laughing:


:) Sorry but that was funny! :lol:


I'm sure this will have been done in the past but I'm curious


What is the most random/strange/rubbish thing you have seen in a cache.


For me it has to be a 3 amp fuse.


Whilst caching with my daughter and nephew we found a cache.


My nephew, who is 6, didnt want anything else that was in the cache except the 3A fuse!


Personally I couldn't figure out who the hell thinks leaving an amp is acceptable but I guess thats for another thread!!!


Well, I'd be glad of a 3A fuse, I've never got enough of 'em. I was looking for one only the other night, didn't need one in the end luckily. A 13A fuse is a rubbish swap though, I've got more than enough of those to last my lifetime.


What is the most random/strange/rubbish thing you have seen in a cache.


A cache I found today included a pack of "bolts and wingnuts"! :D I suppose that they might be useful, if you needed a "bolt and wingnut", but I'm not sure that it is the first thing that would spring to mind when I was stocking a cache box!! :o


Incidentally, the same cache contained a TB dog tag, with nothing attached. I assumed that it had become detached from something already in the box so, I took it along with the only object that looked as though it could be part of a TB. I've since had a message from the person who dropped it off to say that is how he found it and he was the first to pick it up! :unsure: Do I move it on with the "hitch-hiker"? :(


What is the most random/strange/rubbish thing you have seen in a cache.

Incidentally, the same cache contained a TB dog tag, with nothing attached. I assumed that it had become detached from something already in the box so, I took it along with the only object that looked as though it could be part of a TB. I've since had a message from the person who dropped it off to say that is how he found it and he was the first to pick it up! :unsure: Do I move it on with the "hitch-hiker"? :D


Same thing happened to me once, I took the tag and the most likely object, Emailed the TB owner who confirmed I had the right bit, so I re-attached the tag to the trinket and set it free again.


What is the most random/strange/rubbish thing you have seen in a cache.

Incidentally, the same cache contained a TB dog tag, with nothing attached. I assumed that it had become detached from something already in the box so, I took it along with the only object that looked as though it could be part of a TB. I've since had a message from the person who dropped it off to say that is how he found it and he was the first to pick it up! :unsure: Do I move it on with the "hitch-hiker"? :D


Same thing happened to me once, I took the tag and the most likely object, Emailed the TB owner who confirmed I had the right bit, so I re-attached the tag to the trinket and set it free again.


I did email the TB owner and he has confirmed that it was "set free" without anything attached! :(


Bolts and wingnuts, yippee!!! I love them, seriously.


Never underestimate how much some people appreciate different things. I once found some small cable ties in a cache that I visited on my way to buy....small cable ties!!! How chuffed was I?


Considering how weird our hobby is, don't be surprised if the contents are.


Bolts and wingnuts, yippee!!! I love them, seriously.


Never underestimate how much some people appreciate different things. I once found some small cable ties in a cache that I visited on my way to buy....small cable ties!!! How chuffed was I?


Considering how weird our hobby is, don't be surprised if the contents are.


I bet if you weren't on the way to buy small cable ties you wouldn't have taken them or thought it was a good swap item! The coincidence of it is a great story, I'll give you that!


Personally, I see swaps in caches as for children. I never take anything (except TBs) if i'm alone. So anything like bolts, cable ties, 3A fuses is a rubbish thing to leave in a cache.



Personally, I see swaps in caches as for children. I never take anything (except TBs) if i'm alone. So anything like bolts, cable ties, 3A fuses is a rubbish thing to leave in a cache.


Well years ago I found a large electrical cabinet key in a cache, not unlike this:




which my youngest daughter decided to take as a swap, and she kept it for ages!! kids can be strange beasts sometimes.

Posted (edited)

I remember finding one of those puzzles where you have to shuffle the squares around. Nothing greatly unusual in that, but this was Enron merchandise shortly after Enron ceased to be. I wanted it for the irony aspect of it (and because I'd narrowly escaped being an Enron casualty, having declined a position with them just a few months previously).


OK, so it wasn't all that weird, but weird in the sense that I actually wanted something from a cache enough to sift through my bag and my pockets to find something suitable to leave in exchange.

Edited by team tisri


Personally, I see swaps in caches as for children. I never take anything (except TBs) if i'm alone. So anything like bolts, cable ties, 3A fuses is a rubbish thing to leave in a cache.


Well years ago I found a large electrical cabinet key in a cache, not unlike this:




which my youngest daughter decided to take as a swap, and she kept it for ages!! kids can be strange beasts sometimes.


Yes I know they can, my nephew took a 3amp fuse!!!


Still doesnt make it a good thing to leave in my view!


I forgot to mention...


A few years back another cacher emailed us to let us know that he had removed an egg from one of our caches.


Yes, an egg. :D


A fresh hen's egg - fortunately, still within its shell.


One of our slightly odd local cachers had thought it would be amusing to put eggs into a few local caches. :unsure:


(Luckily his mental abberation did not last long.)




I'm always delighted when I find a pine cone in a cache.


Sorry, don't look for caches after I've been there with my 3 year old then, he loves adding extra bits like fir cones, nawed nut shells and helicopter seeds that he's picked up on the walk there. These aren't swaps tho, they are extras.


I found a TB tag with a really long chain but nothing else on there, I e-mailed the owner as it was a very local cache so I could easily have gone back to find its attachment item if it was there but I didn't hear back so I just moved it on as it was. I love the idea of the shower head TB.


On the subject of TBs:


1. I found a cache containing a dog tag with nothing attached so I noted the number and looked it up when I got home. It was Celebration TB and wanted to celebrate an event, have something relevant attached and it's photo taken, and then put in another cache.The next finder should change the attachment to something appropriate for their celebration, take a photo and move it on. I found it again a few months later in another cache about 30 miles away with a christmas ornament, so I took it and replaced with a Valentine Bear before moving on. :P


2. Some months later I found another dog tag with nothing attached - thinking it may be something similar I took it - but when I looked it up, it should have had a 6 inch spanner attached. So I bought one and attached it before moving on. I e-mailed the owner to let them know and they didn't even say thank you. Hey, those spanners aren't cheap you know. :mad:


3. I found a teddy that had lost it's dog tag, so I took a photo and let the owner know. Couldn't discover it as I had no way of knowing the number. :angry:


wel we've not been doing caching long but: so far we have found a 3 way aerial adapter, numerous condoms left by the cacher before "to give you a thrill in the bushes if need be" (these were disposed of). A couple of solphadine tablets (again disposed of) a mouldy, melting mini cadburys creme egg (disposed of) a fantastic new pinky purple Gear Knob for my car (as it matched my paint job).


I wait to see what else i can find lol <_<


I found a couple of roll-ups in a cache this week.

The 5 year old wanted to know why she couldn't swap a dinosaur for the shiny square packaging; yep, more condoms!

The baby helped himself to some walnuts (in shell) yesterday.


i have a cache near a river and some kids who were fishing for the day found my cache they very kindly left a dead fish and signed the log, well by the time i had gone to check the cache for a maintiance visit the fish had been there for a good few days ewwwwwwwwwww




I'm sure this will have been done in the past but I'm curious


What is the most random/strange/rubbish thing you have seen in a cache.


TB number and activation code on a small seal bag, Thank you :rolleyes:

I'm always delighted when I find a pine cone in a cache.



Ah yes plus the obligatory stone, you can never collect enough stones :rolleyes:



Found condoms, cigarettes, food and dog biscuits but a few weeks back found an open bag of Maltesers :lol: I would not touch sealed food although normally dispose of it but why leave an open bag.


What is the most random/strange/rubbish thing you have seen in a cache.


A cache I found today included a pack of "bolts and wingnuts"! :lol: I suppose that they might be useful, if you needed a "bolt and wingnut", but I'm not sure that it is the first thing that would spring to mind when I was stocking a cache box!! :cool:


Incidentally, the same cache contained a TB dog tag, with nothing attached. I assumed that it had become detached from something already in the box so, I took it along with the only object that looked as though it could be part of a TB. I've since had a message from the person who dropped it off to say that is how he found it and he was the first to pick it up! :rolleyes: Do I move it on with the "hitch-hiker"? :cool:

I would have thought that 'bolts & wingnuts' would be very useful. I never find anything useful in a cache, it's always rubbish.


but a few weeks back found an open bag of Maltesers :( I would not touch sealed food although normally dispose of it but why leave an open bag.


I expect there is a cacher who was very disappointed on their walk after finding that cache. I bet they left them by mistake :( I sounds like something I might do by accident, except it can't have been me as I haven't had any maltesers for ages....


I have removed an unfired bullet :o , a knife :laughing: , 2 lighters B) and food items from various caches over the last few years.


The thing that I find - that really bugs me - is the tokens/business cards and other similar items which some cachers leave to note their visit. Since these are never traded out they effectively amount to nothing more than geo litter cluttering up caches. :sad:



The thing that I find - that really bugs me - is the tokens/business cards and other similar items which some cachers leave to note their visit. Since these are never traded out they effectively amount to nothing more than geo litter cluttering up caches. :mad:


:blink: How dare you....

I will have you know that my calling cards are much sought after.... collector’s items they are! :):santa::P:)



The thing that I find - that really bugs me - is the tokens/business cards and other similar items which some cachers leave to note their visit. Since these are never traded out they effectively amount to nothing more than geo litter cluttering up caches. :mad:


:) How dare you....

I will have you know that my calling cards are much sought after.... collector’s items they are! :anibad::mad::D:D


They most certainly are.


I collect cachers' calling cards (and other sig items), and a Fantasy Raider one is something special. :)



The thing that I find - that really bugs me - is the tokens/business cards and other similar items which some cachers leave to note their visit. Since these are never traded out they effectively amount to nothing more than geo litter cluttering up caches. :mad:


:) How dare you....

I will have you know that my calling cards are much sought after.... collector’s items they are! :anibad::mad::D:D


They most certainly are.


I collect cachers' calling cards (and other sig items), and a Fantasy Raider one is something special. :)




I found a cable that normally goes between a hard drive and a motherboard in a computer. Funny thing was that it actually was causing the cache not to seal (I had found it open), and I ended up having to throw it away in order to close the lid on the cache (luckily was in a park and plenty of bins around, as that would have been a very odd thing to litter with).

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