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Here's my recent review -- Caveat Emptor! Garmin needs to get with the program!


Web site here won't let me give ZERO STARS.


I returned this product to my retailer for a full refund after two months of unsatisfactory performance and non-existent customer service from Garmin.


My dealer would rather have a loyal customer than any sort of $$$ he might lose on the return/refund of this product. This Garmin dealer concedes that customer tech support for Garmin is poor to non-existent.


My $129.99 24K Topo software just plain wasn't working on this unit. Blank areas, no topo detail.


Queries to Garmin Tech Support are fruitless -- Three emails and finally they stopped replying. Documentation and online support sux.


Two months ownership and Garmin STILL has not acknowledged online registration nor provided my "software discount" coupon. Finally, after two months and a couple reminders, I got my purchase refund.


Garmin sux. Their customer support sux. Garmin has let hand-helds go to hell in their product line while focusing on auto units.


DON'T BUY ! ! !

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I've dealt with Garmin support a number of times over the years and found them to be absolutely top notch.

They've sent me replacement units in a matter of days, fixed out of warranty units for free and been helpful

whenever I called. I've been very happy with them and it's part of the reason that I usually recommend Garmin products to anybody who asks.

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I don't see the connection between your inability to use a map product and the quality of the handhelds. I have a number of their map products and find them to useful and work quite nicely.


My retailer couldn't get the unit to work either. Be that as it may --


Garmin customer support SUX. And that's the reason I returned the unit for a refund. Poor documentation of the product online, in videos, in PDF files, etc. Garmin just plain doesn't provide discussion of features. I'm still waiting to figure out how the "pinpoint" feature on the map works.


My software wouldn't display the NW corner of Oregon (where I live). Land mass was cut off the map, and gawd forbid I should cross the bar in a boat and find myself out in the ocean (which we do in this fishing community).


Product wasn't working and Garmin tech support stinks. That's the reason I returned the unit. And no, this here ain't my first rodeo. I'm tech savvy and computer literate. It's not me.

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Here's my recent review -- Caveat Emptor! Garmin needs to get with the program!


Web site here won't let me give ZERO STARS.


I returned this product to my retailer for a full refund after two months of unsatisfactory performance and non-existent customer service from Garmin.


My dealer would rather have a loyal customer than any sort of $$$ he might lose on the return/refund of this product. This Garmin dealer concedes that customer tech support for Garmin is poor to non-existent.


My $129.99 24K Topo software just plain wasn't working on this unit. Blank areas, no topo detail.


Queries to Garmin Tech Support are fruitless -- Three emails and finally they stopped replying. Documentation and online support sux.


Two months ownership and Garmin STILL has not acknowledged online registration nor provided my "software discount" coupon. Finally, after two months and a couple reminders, I got my purchase refund.


Garmin sux. Their customer support sux. Garmin has let hand-helds go to hell in their product line while focusing on auto units.


DON'T BUY ! ! !


Are you certain that you haven't mixed up Garmin with Magellan?

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Garmin customer support is famously good. We called them up with a problem and they immediately talked us through the solution thoroughly (little yellow locked up and had to be 'rebooted'). And they're known for sometimes replacing ratty old units sent in for repairs with shiny new ones.


I've had three Garmin handhelds, and I've loved them all. Yes, dammit, including the Colorado.

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sorry you're having such a hard time. Wish you had joined when you first got the unit, many on here are knowledgeable on the tech side of the products.


I have nothing but HIGH praise for Garmin, the products and the customer service.


The reason I have given many times for only buying a Garmin IS the customer service! You may have to wait on the phone for a while but once you are on with them they take as long as you need. I spent close to an hour with them one time, they waited for me to restart my computer twice which with my old laptop takes quite a while.


Besides being very helpful which is a huge thing for me, they are in Kansas. An hour on the phone with someone from overseas is exhausting so this is also huge for me.


We started with the iQue years ago, had a few problems because we were new to the activity and very new to this kind of technology. After a 30 minute call to Garmin we got the hang of it. That unit did not have a compass which made caching with it frustrating, not the unit or company's fault, it was us.


At one point - after the warranty ran out - it stopped picking up satellites and they still replaced it with a refurbished one and 8 years later still works but will not hold a charge. Heck, I don't hold the charge as well as I did 8 years ago either :blink:


Besides the iQue, we have bought 3 units for driving (1 for each car, 1 lost somewhere, maybe in the house?) and the hand held we now use. Customer service is the main reason we continue to purchase from Garmin.

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what version of garmin gps?


Okay, here is something that I don't get. If I go to my profile page, on the right side of the page, the first section has my avatar and basic stats. Below that is my "Stat Bar" section, with even more basic stats, followed by "Your GPS" with a link to a review page for the GPS I alreadyknow I own. I have to scroll down to get to the most useful links on the page (Premium Features). If I looks at someone elses profile page it doesn't tell me what kind of GPS they have. Personally, I'd like to see the Premium Features box at the top, Followed by Search options, and push "Your GPS" all the way to the bottom.

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Have to give Garmin high praise. I had a unit that was 5 plus years old. I just wore the rubber button out and the unit had been through the wringer numerous times. Dropped scratched used abused etc. Garmin evaluated and sent me a new/reconditioned unit for free. The whole transaction took less than a week. The only thing it cost me was shipping the unit to them.


I had a button clip break on a unit after 5 plus years. I wanted to purchase a new one. They sent me a new button and clip in under 5 days for free. I did not even pay shipping.


They have also helped me on software issues.


Highly recommend Garmin



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I support the OP, though I wouldn't have put my dismay with Garmin in quite those words. I have owned 5 or 6 Garmin GPSr's in the past 10 years starting with the GPS 12 Map. I love what Garmin is -- an American tech company -- and a lot of what they do, but I am constantly gnashing my teeth at how disappointing they have been over the years.


I have been surprised by a unit with a completely inadequate base map, only to learn that I had to put down another $100 to get something remotely usable. I have been astonished at the unreadability of the Oregon screen. I have had 3 Garmin gps sport watches, 2 of which literally fell apart within 3-4 months. Build quality was awful.


On and on. Lord knows, entire civilizations have risen and fallen in the time WAAS problems have taken to get fixed on some models. They are not the only manufacturer with problems -- The person who joked that the OP must have been talking about Magellan has a good point.


Garmin is one of those companies where I love the engineering, but I feel like evil people in marketing are constantly screwing me. The original post was a bludgeon, but the poster has a point. Garmin is a wonderful company in many, many respects but they are walking on the edge of turning into junk if they don't get a grip. They remind me of GM, Dec and other iconic companies who just sort of drifted into crap. And it infuriates me to see it in a company that can produce a Nuvi or an etrex which I use every day with great pleasure.

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Strange that the OP comes here with the "chucking it out" "end of the story" post first -- I don't see a request for assistance from the group at large, and heaven knows we've probably got 100X the actual experience with these devices than the combined population of Garmin's tech support staff. That's largely why product forums exist in such numbers.


Strange way to approach the problem, if you ask me.


Then again, we'd likely have suggested an alternate source for the topo data to begin with ...

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Sorry that you had such a negative experience. I have never owned a Garmin, but I have always heard about their good products and service. I prefer Lowrance (not the Endura) and Delorme myself. I agree with a previous post that "you catch more bees with honey than with vinegar". You should consider that instead of swearing (no matter how you spell it) at the problem. I wish you the best and hope that you find a GPSr that suits you.

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I currently own two Garmins (1 handheld, one auto) and a Magellan (auto). The Magellan was replaced after 2 months. The handheld Garmin is working fine a year later, even after falling off my bike and hitting asphalt at 15mph. The nuvi in my car works great and I got the one-time free map update without any problems. (It should be noted that ALL kinds of free maps for Garmin handhelds are available online...) Support seems to have been good with both companies, although the quality seems better with Garmin.

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Here's the transcript, verbatim from Garmin.com




I am sorry you were unable to get your issue with the maps resolved.

If you purchased the maps from Garmin directly I can set up a return if

you send me proof of the return of the 450.


If you purchased it from another retailer you may want to check with

them on their return policy.


Please let me know.


With Best Regards,


Michael S

Product Support Specialist

Outdoor/Fitness Team

Garmin International



913-440-8280 (fax) Att: Michael S, Associate #6020




Original Message Follows:


My retailer provided me with a full refund on your Oregon 450. Garmin

should refund my purchase price on my 24K Topo software. I have receipts

and packaging for the DVD. Purchase date circa April 8, 2010.


Let's see some "Customer Service" here . . . Do you stand behind your

products or not?


I have $129.99 into a DVD and would be happy to pay shipping.



> ----- Original Message -----

> From: TechSupp <techsupp@garmin.com>

> To:

> Subject: FW: NW corner of map missing (KMM16940831I15977L0KM)

> Date: Tue, 8 Jun 2010 15:11:34 -0500







> I am sorry you are still not able to see the detail for this area.

> Would it be possible you could email me some coordinates or an

> image of the area you are not able to see on your Oregon. I could

> then forward this information to our help desk technicians for

> further investigation.


> Thanks,


> Dwight O.

> Outdoor/Fitness Product Support Specialist - Day

> Garmin International

> 1200 E 151 St.

> Olathe, KS 66062

> 1-800-800-1020

> www.garmin.com


> When replying to emails, please include any previous email

> correspondence (AOL users should select the email text before

> clicking Reply). Any correspondence not directly related to this

> email should be sent to techsupp@garmin.com.




> Dwight O.

> Outdoor/Fitness Product Support Specialist - Day Garmin

> International 1200 E 151 St.

> Olathe, KS 66062

> 1-800-800-1020

> www.garmin.com


> When replying to emails, please include any previous email

> correspondence (AOL users should select the email text before

> clicking Reply). Any correspondence not directly related to this

> email should be sent to techsupp@garmin.com.



> -----Original Message-----

> From: Product.Support@garmin.com [mailto:product.support@garmin.com]

> Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2010 3:02 PM

> To: O'Neil, Dwight

> Subject: Re: NW corner of map missing (KMM16940831I15977L0KM)



> Thank you for contacting Garmin International.


> With Best Regards,


> Dwight O

> Product Support Specialist

> Outdoor/Fitness Team

> Garmin International

> 913-397-8200

> 800-800-1020

> 913-440-8280 (fax) Att: Dwight O, Associate #6164 www.garmin.com




> Original Message Follows:

> ------------------------

> Settings per this email:


> Most recent software update in effect. Batteries show 3/4 power

> (Alkaline "Industrial").


> Changed "detail" from "Normal" to "Most."


> Display is WORSE. "50 mile" display shows OR, WA coast and offshore.

> Enlarge to "30 mile" and display is reduced to a thin, horizontal

> sliver. Watching while screen refreshes. Outlying display is brown

> hatchmark pattern.


> "Less" detail improves display. OR, WA west coast displays to "5 Mile"

> resolution. At "3 mile" the western edge and northern edge of the

> map turns to brown hashmarks. "Scrolling" across the display moves

> the location, but it doesn't change the missing display.


> The map detail works fine on the computer display, but the GPS


> 3-D display does not zoom larger/smaller and does not "scroll"

> across position. It's difficult to sort out visually, and the upper

> half of the display is blank white screen.


> Thank you --



> > ----- Original Message -----

> > From: "Product.Support@garmin.com" <product.support@garmin.com>

> > To:

> > Subject: Re: NW corner of map missing (KMM16919874I15977L0KM)

> > Date: Mon, 7 Jun 2010 12:52:56 -0500

> >

> >

> > Dear ---------------

> >

> > Thank you for contacting Garmin International.

> >

> > I would be happy to assist. I'm sorry this is not showing up on your

> > device. Please make sure you map detail is set to the highest level


> > following these steps:

> >

> > 1. Press setup and then select map

> > 2. Press advanced map setup and make sure detail says most

> >

> > Also please make sure you have the latest software update on your

> Oregon

> > by clicking on the link below and running our webupdater program


> > the device connected. Would you then please attempt to transfer the

> maps

> > again and see if the detail is now showing.

> >

> > http://www8.garmin.com/products/webupdater/howtoinstall.jsp

> >

> > With Best Regards,

> >

> > Dwight O

> > Product Support Specialist

> > Outdoor/Fitness Team

> > Garmin International

> > 913-397-8200

> > 800-800-1020

> > 913-440-8280 (fax) Att: Dwight O, Associate #6164 www.garmin.com

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Original Message Follows: ------------------------

> >

> > Escalation from KANA On Demand Self Service >Subject: NW corner of

> map

> > missing

> > Message: NW corner of Oregon, SW corner of WA missing on topo map

> > display. It displays at the "2 mi" scale, but zooming in for detail,

> the

> > map appears cut off, displays a hatch-mark screen. Display detail

> works

> > fine on the computer interface, but not on the Oregon 450 GPS. Topo

> 24K

> > software DVD is purchased separately and downloaded w/ Toshiba

> > L305-S5946 laptop. Pentium, Vista OS.

> > Knowledge Session Log URL:

> > ?session={44039420-703f-11df-dcc2-000000000000}&forward=sesslog

> > Knowledgebase:

> > garmin

> > Market Name:

> > On the Trail

> > Product Group:

> > Oregon Series

> > Product:

> > Oregon 450

> > Serial Number:

> > 1TEO11847

> > Software Version:

> > Topo 24K WA OR CA NV

> > Type:

> > Other

> > User ID:

> > allisonwunderland ???

> > Name:

> > -------------------

> > First Name:

> > ---------------

> > Last Name:

> >-------------------

> > Email Address:

> > -------------------

> > Phone:

> > -----------------------

> > Address:

> > -----------------

> > City:

> > -------------

> > State:

> > --------

> > Zip:

> >------------------

> > Country:

> > United States

> > > 20100401 Firefox/3.6.3 ( .NET CLR 3.5.30729)> >

> >

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Here's the transcript, verbatim from Garmin.com <snip contents since the post is just prior to this one>


Your email correspondence just shows that Garmin was trying to work with you and you pulled the plug prematurely. They were even nice to agree to refund your money for the DVD as long as you show you returned your unit.


I'm not seeing how GARMIN SUX here.

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I own two Garmins and have talked to customer support a few times. No problems what so ever.


One thing I don't understand. Are you really expecting good support when you say the phrase "Let's see some "Customer Service" here . . . Do you stand behind your products or not?" Acting a little pretentious?

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NOOOOOOOOOOOo . . . RE read the transcript.


They didn't return my $$$. They specified IF I PURCHASED THE SOFTWARE FROM GARMIN. It's Garmin software, purchased from a retailer different than the one who REFUNDED MY PURCHASE PRICE ON THE GPS -- WHICH THE RETAILER WAS NOT REQUIRED TO DO.


Two months constant inquiries to Garmin and I'm not getting any customer support. This transcript is about ONE issue of the dozens for which I've requested and not received support.


STILL no confirmation I've registered (although I finally got my refund) -- Still no "software discount code" sent to me.


Trust me on this . . .


I taught "Business Communications" at the University. I know how to deal with businesses in business letters. Finally I got pissed off.


Retailer refunded my purchase price. Garmin told me to stuff myself on the software -- That's going to cost Garmin in "market good will."

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One thing I don't understand. Are you really expecting good support when you say the phrase "Let's see some "Customer Service" here . . . Do you stand behind your products or not?" Acting a little pretentious?


That's not "pretension." That's maybe "presumption" -- and sure as hell sticks the ball in their court. You're aware . . . I PRESUME . . . That the chronology in the transcript runs from bottom (oldest) to top (newest)?


The headers include dates, times . . . Maybe a close reading, eh?


ALL OF YOU ! ! !




[Potty language removed by moderator.]

Edited by Keystone
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NOOOOOOOOOOOo . . . RE read the transcript.


They didn't return my $$$. They specified IF I PURCHASED THE SOFTWARE FROM GARMIN. It's Garmin software, purchased from a retailer different than the one who REFUNDED MY PURCHASE PRICE ON THE GPS -- WHICH THE RETAILER WAS NOT REQUIRED TO DO.


Two months constant inquiries to Garmin and I'm not getting any customer support. This transcript is about ONE issue of the dozens for which I've requested and not received support.


STILL no confirmation I've registered (although I finally got my refund) -- Still no "software discount code" sent to me.


Trust me on this . . .


I taught "Business Communications" at the University. I know how to deal with businesses in business letters. Finally I got pissed off.


Retailer refunded my purchase price. Garmin told me to stuff myself on the software -- That's going to cost Garmin in "market good will."


Let me just say that when you open 3 threads yourself and spam several others with the same post that you kind of lose any message you were attempting to get across.


This email correspondence appears to have started 5 days ago and you already returned the unit.


Garmin sells the software directly from their website. If you purchased it that way, then they were saying they would refund your money.


It looks like you purchased from a retailer. Therefore, you will need to get your refund from the retailer.


It's pretty straight forward.

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One thing I don't understand. Are you really expecting good support when you say the phrase "Let's see some "Customer Service" here . . . Do you stand behind your products or not?" Acting a little pretentious?


That's not "pretension." That's maybe "presumption" -- and sure as hell sticks the ball in their court. You're aware . . . I PRESUME . . . That the chronology in the transcript runs from bottom (oldest) to top (newest)?


The headers include dates, times . . . Maybe a close reading, eh?


ALL OF YOU ! ! !




[Potty language removed by moderator.]


I read the transcript. I also read your really nice language on a family friendly forum.


Again, what you posted was a 5 day transcript which you prematurely terminated by returning the unit. It's not Garmin's fault that you 1) decided to stop working with them and returned the unit and 2) bought the software from a retailer instead of from their website.


Since you purchased from a retailer, then you will have to take up the refund with the retailer.

Edited by Keystone
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One thing I don't understand. Are you really expecting good support when you say the phrase "Let's see some "Customer Service" here . . . Do you stand behind your products or not?" Acting a little pretentious?


That's not "pretension." That's maybe "presumption" -- and sure as hell sticks the ball in their court. You're aware . . . I PRESUME . . . That the chronology in the transcript runs from bottom (oldest) to top (newest)?


The headers include dates, times . . . Maybe a close reading, eh?


ALL OF YOU ! ! !




[Potty language removed by moderator.]


I read the transcript. I also read your really nice language on a family friendly forum.


Again, what you posted was a 5 day transcript which you prematurely terminated by returning the unit. It's not Garmin's fault that you 1) decided to stop working with them and returned the unit and 2) bought the software from a retailer instead of from their website.


Since you purchased from a retailer, then you will have to take up the refund with the retailer.


I second this.

Edited by Keystone
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...Two months constant inquiries to Garmin and I'm not getting any customer support.
What were some of your other issues spanning two months? You've posted a transcript of a conversation that happened just last week.



Which of the six threads that he has posted his transcript of the last week do you want him to use for the other 7 weeks of transcripts?

Or, all of them again?

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I've always been amazed by garmin's customer service the few times I've needed it.


One thing though - you'll note on every one of your emails from garmin respresentatives a phone number you can call? Use them! Get a representative on the line, and you'll get your problem solved - it might take a little while, and you may need to get moved around to the right person, but if you have the time, they have the resources. The op in this thread obviously didn't have the time to deal with the problem adequately. Too bad.

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I've dealt with Garmin support a number of times over the years and found them to be absolutely top notch.

They've sent me replacement units in a matter of days, fixed out of warranty units for free and been helpful

whenever I called. I've been very happy with them and it's part of the reason that I usually recommend Garmin products to anybody who asks.


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One thing I don't understand. Are you really expecting good support when you say the phrase "Let's see some "Customer Service" here . . . Do you stand behind your products or not?" Acting a little pretentious?


That's not "pretension." That's maybe "presumption" -- and sure as hell sticks the ball in their court. You're aware . . . I PRESUME . . . That the chronology in the transcript runs from bottom (oldest) to top (newest)?


The headers include dates, times . . . Maybe a close reading, eh?


ALL OF YOU ! ! !





I did re-read it twice, close enough to see you more than likely edited out a response from Dwight O (double Signature) and never gave them information they requested toward the end that most likely would have solved the problem.


Many of there canned responses can be somewhat irritating at time however they often have to deal with someone who is upset who, like yourself, isn't versed in communications of this type and let's emotion get away with them.


There are few, if any, manufacturers that sell through retail outlets that will refund your money directly unless expressly stated in the warranty and virtually no software companies.


As stated by almost everyone who responded, had you given them the chance and provided the information they needed, the outcome most likely would have been different.

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One thing I don't understand. Are you really expecting good support when you say the phrase "Let's see some "Customer Service" here . . . Do you stand behind your products or not?" Acting a little pretentious?


That's not "pretension." That's maybe "presumption" -- and sure as hell sticks the ball in their court. You're aware . . . I PRESUME . . . That the chronology in the transcript runs from bottom (oldest) to top (newest)?


The headers include dates, times . . . Maybe a close reading, eh?


ALL OF YOU ! ! !




[Potty language removed by moderator.]


I did and what I saw in the transcripts was a rep who was being responsive and trying to help.

Edited by Keystone
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