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Found a Bunny while caching


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you better not let your dogs roam or even be tied up unattended in hawaii.


story on catching and eating dogs in hawaii


this is more common here than you think.

we live in an area where dogs disappear all the time especially around the holidays

I have often marvelled at the prejudices and squeamishness of those races who will eat the uncleanest things, such as pigs, ducks, and fowls, to which they are accustomed and yet who feel disgust at the idea of touching the purest feeders, simply because the food is new.

The 19th century explorer and translator Richard Francis Burton in Zanzibar; City, Island, and Coast (London: Tinsley Brothers, 18, Catherine St. Strand; 1872) B)

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Interesting that folks want to 'rescue' the bunny but don't want to raise the thing... they immediately start looking for someone else to do it! B)


Wow, sorry that I started this. We picked it up in the moment, no we were not equipped to take it home on the spot, knowing nothing about this animal. We have since been in contact with the shelter 3 times today...


I hate to be confrontational but that statement just rubbed me the wrong way and I am sorry if you see what we did as not helping.


You're right. You in fact did the right thing.


I was perhaps carried away responding to replies and not to your original post.


Does not compute.

Now it does...I think you had a couple of posts transposed, and were missing part of the formula.

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Rabbits can be difficult to handle: Rabbits often resist being picked up, and if not handled correctly, they can become afraid and kick, bite, or scratch. They can also injure themselves trying to escape. This is one of the reasons rabbits may not make ideal pets for small children, who like to hug or cuddle their pet.


Rabbits can be destructive: Rabbits are natural chewers, and they do not know the difference between chewing on appropriate items or inappropriate ones such as doors, electrical cords, furniture, and books. You will need to "rabbit proof" whatever areas in your house your rabbit is allowed access to.


Bold added...This was my first thought on why it was a good idea not to take the Bunny straight home.

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Napolean's most humiliating defeat was in July 1807 when he was attacked by hundreds of rabbits. B)


July, 1807. Napoleon was in high spirits having signed The Peace of Tilsit, a landmark treaty between France, Russia and Prussia. To celebrate, Napoleon suggested that the Imperial Court should enjoy a lavish rabbit hunt, organized by his trusted chief-of-staff, Alexandre Berthier. Berthier, who had joined the army at the age of thirteen, arranged the event in an emerald field with military precision.


A mouthwatering luncheon - fit for kings, minor royalty, and top military brass - was lovingly prepared in a billowing marquee. Fine wines were decanted into cut crystal decanters. Platoons of beaters, game keepers and gun carriers chattered excitedly while waiting for the Imperial party. Nothing has been left to chance. Not even the game.


Berthier was so keen to impress that he had bought hundreds of rabbits to ensure that the Imperial Court had plenty to shoot at. Satisfied that nothing could possibly go wrong, Berthier waited calmly for the guests to take their position.


The shoot commenced, and the rabbits were released by the game keepers. But disaster struck. Berthier had bought tame rabbits who thought they were about to be fed. Rather than fleeing for their life, they saw Napoleon and thought he was their keeper bringing food.


The rabbits stormed towards Napoleon at 35 miles per hour. The shooting party could do nothing to stop them. The humiliated Emperor was left with no other option but to run. But the rabbits did not relent; and drove the Emperor back to his carriage. Confronted by this flood of rabbits, the Emperor's escort formed a skirmish line to protect him. But, in the words of historian David Chandler, “with a finer understanding of Napoleonic strategy than most of his generals, the rabbit horde divided into two wings and poured around the flanks of the party.” As the Emperor fled to the relative safety of his coach, the rabbits pursued, some allegedly even leaping into it, so that he had to lend a hand in ejecting them even as his coachmen whipped up their horses.


Napoleon sped off, utterly humiliated by one of the most harmless mammals on earth.


Source: http://www.qi.com/talk/viewtopic.php?t=341...p;view=previous

Edited by 4wheelin_fool
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Napolean's most humiliating defeat was in July 1807 when he was attacked by hundreds of rabbits. :D

I lost a friend to rabbits. :)


I have a place at the lake and love to sit on the deck of a morning, drinking coffee and watching the world wake up.


I had stocked the property with New Zealand Reds and a couple of other hardy breeds and these rabbits acclimated to life in the wild quite nicely. They are fun to watch, though mostly nocturnal.


JT was a friend of some years, an LT on the local police force, who asked to use the place for his vacation one year, and I was happy for him to stay there. He went down on a Monday and I joined him the following Saturday... only to find a pile of dead rabbits and an excited 'friend' who gushingly explained that with the new flashlight attachment for his shotgun he was one mighty hunter of rabbits at night! :D


I explained "JT, they're tame, you don't have to shoot them, just walk over and pick them up!" after which I invited him to pack his kit and go away. We haven't spoken since, and I don't miss him. Who would do something like that? B)



Oh - geocaching. Just to, you know, get that word in. :D

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Thank you for saving the rabbit.


Several years back my wife and I were working as volunteers for Orange County Fire and Rescue during an emergency disaster drill. It was about a month after Easter and we were approached by an obviously tame rabbit in the park where we were doing our exercise. We figured it had been abandoned in the park by someone who got it for Easter then didn't want to keep it.


We wound up taking it home and quickly learning how to care for a rabbit. Since then we have always had at least one house bunny at home. We have two right now.

They both use a litter box like a cat. If you decide to try and keep it and want to try litter box training, DO NOT use kitty litter. Rabbits can eat kitty litter and it can clump up inside them and kill them.


Instead, go to your local feed store and buy a bale of hay (timothy hay is best), and use that in their litter boxes. The hay will abosorb liquids and the chlorophyll will act as odor control. The rabbits like to eat the hay so they will jump in the box and begin using it amost immediately. We've been using this method to train bunnies to litter boxes for over 10 years now. It requires almost no training, as rabbits enjoy eating hay. They will typically use one end of the box for eating the hay and the other end for doing their business.


One other thing - if you ever take your rabbit to a vet, DO NOT let them proscribe Amoxcyllin. This is a very common drug used on dogs and cats but is FATAL to rabbits. We lost one this way to an incompetent vet, and it was a hard lesson to learn.


There is an organization called the House Rabbit Society on the internet that might be able to help find a home to place your bunny. They also have a wealth of information about raising house rabbits including health information, etc...


We've had house rabbits for over 10 years now. They make great pets. We have never had any odor problems and the last 2 homes we have rented did not ask us for a pet deposit since it was rabbits. When we moved out of the last place, we got a glowing recommendation from the landlord.


Good luck to you and thanks for being a caring person. B)

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Thank you for saving the rabbit.


Several years back my wife and I were working as volunteers for Orange County Fire and Rescue during an emergency disaster drill. ...

Good luck to you and thanks for being a caring person. B)

I do disaster emergency radio communications and one of my geocacher buddies is a Deputy Sheriff and also a ham operator. A tornado passed through Pell City AL earlier this year and we both responded, he with the Sheriffs Department and I with the Red Cross. He was working search and rescue and I ended up taking my Disaster Action Team to the same area... a neighborhood of mobile homes that had been badly damaged, when he came to one that had been cut in half by a large tree. Upon entering the mobile home to look for victims he found a squirrel nest from the tree in the living room with one baby squirrel surviving.


He got on the radio and started calling for support, but the Sheriffs dispatch responded with something like "Are you nuts? We have people hurt or trapped and you want us to rescue a squirrel?". So he switched to ham radio and told us what he had on his hands.


It was amazing the number of radio operators who got on the case, tracking down a local veterinarian, figuring out a route to get to the squirrel and from there to the vet's home while dodging downed trees and power lines, then picking up the squirrel and delivering it safely to him. It took a network of about sixteen operators to rescue that squirrel but we got the job done even while working the human rescue.


Operators listening outside the disaster zone quickly dubbed it "The Great Squirrel Caper" and we're still laughing about it, but it just proves how many caring people are out there.


I think geocachers have an inherent love of nature so it doesn't surprise me that so many of us, once the joking about eating them is set aside, really do care enough to help.

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You have to be sure it is an outdoor bunny or an indoor bunny. If it Spent most of its life outdoors in a bunny hutch it is accustomed to living outside, its body is accustomed to out door climate. The bunny may overheat and that could make it very sick or it could die. Make sure you check its ears for overheating. When I got my rabbit we had to decide when it was small, indoor or outdoor? We decided on outdoor and whenever we brought her in we could only bring her in for so long because of overheating.


Also.... thankyou for rescuing that bunny, the poor thing. After being a pet it definitely would not be able to fend for itself. He/She is really cute. Looks like a BIG one I bet he'll eat Thrice his weight in carrots LOL B)

Edited by lavender5215
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we were approached by an obviously tame rabbit in the park

Hey Jerry, if you find yourself caching in Chuluota in the evening, head a bit north from GC1HXPE "Don't Fence Me In....Reprise" to the area of Kiwanis Cir. There's a small herd of domestic rabbits living amongst the shrubbery. Not sure of the breeds, mostly white & black. I figure some one dumped them. What's surprising to me is that they've survived and flourished there for at least two years.

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No one mentioned


You must have missed the post that warned folks that anyone who mentioned Monte Python would be banned from the forums for the rest of the year.

Really? Is that why there's a bunch of people outside my door with pitchforks? Hang on, let me see what they want...


That's just a flesh wound...

Anyways update it is a male bunny, has not been neutered yet, that is all the info we have from the shelter at this point.

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No one mentioned


I have one of those sitting atop my computer. :)

And the Lord spake, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin, then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceedest on to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it." Amen

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we were approached by an obviously tame rabbit in the park

Hey Jerry, if you find yourself caching in Chuluota in the evening, head a bit north from GC1HXPE "Don't Fence Me In....Reprise" to the area of Kiwanis Cir. There's a small herd of domestic rabbits living amongst the shrubbery. Not sure of the breeds, mostly white & black. I figure some one dumped them. What's surprising to me is that they've survived and flourished there for at least two years.


Sean, thanks for the tip. I haven't found that cache before so that will be a good excuse to take Mel out for a possible bunny surprise! I won't mention them to her, I'll let her tell me if and when she finds them.


I'll have to think if I can figure out a way to make a practical joke out of it for her.

A few months back we were caching out in the Seminole Forest area and saw a bear trap parked out there. As we approached it, I cautiously took a quick look inside to confirm it was empty, although the door was down on the trap. No bear inside. Mel didn't see me look. She was being very cautious about approaching the trap. I knew it was empty so went over and started looking at the door latching mechanism. She stayed about 30 feet back. I called her over to look at the latch mechanics (lame excuse) to get her over to the trap. Once she was beside me (about 2 feet from the trap at this point) she asked if I had looked inside yet. I said no, but I would look in one of the vent holes. As I looked into the vent, "GRRRRRR", I made the loudest bear growl noise I could make. She jumped about 4 feet! :)

We still laugh about that one.


Maybe I can convince her that the rabbits are like the ones from Monty Python - viscious bloody killers!! :huh:

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No one mentioned


You must have missed the post that warned folks that anyone who mentioned Monte Python would be banned from the forums for the rest of the year.

Really? Is that why there's a bunch of people outside my door with pitchforks? Hang on, let me see what they want...

It might be some sort of Spanish Inquisition (although you're probably not expecting it.) :)

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No one mentioned


You must have missed the post that warned folks that anyone who mentioned Monte Python would be banned from the forums for the rest of the year.

Really? Is that why there's a bunch of people outside my door with pitchforks? Hang on, let me see what they want...

It might be some sort of Spanish Inquisition (although you're probably not expecting it.) :)

NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition!

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No one mentioned


You must have missed the post that warned folks that anyone who mentioned Monte Python would be banned from the forums for the rest of the year.

Really? Is that why there's a bunch of people outside my door with pitchforks? Hang on, let me see what they want...

It might be some sort of Spanish Inquisition (although you're probably not expecting it.) :)

NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition!

(Rimshot) Thanks, folks, we'll be here all week!

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[link removed by moderator]


need i say more?


Ya... thanx for that link. I will never view another link you post or read anything you post.


That was honestly sickening...


I am not opposed to people eating rabbits but, to cuddle them and then beat them on the head and skin them alive...


It seems to me the woman on the video is or has the potential to be a serial killer...


That really creeped me out.


I should also add... is this not a family website? One cannot post suggestive things or adult things but this is allowed????



Edited by Keystone
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[link removed by moderator]


need i say more?


Ya... thanx for that link. I will never view another link you post or read anything you post.


That was honestly sickening...


I am not opposed to people eating rabbits but, to cuddle them and then beat them on the head and skin them alive...


It seems to me the woman on the video is or has the potential to be a serial killer...


That really creeped me out.


I should also add... is this not a family website? One cannot post suggestive things or adult things but this is allowed????




I had a hunch that clicking on that link wouldn't be a good experience so I didn't click it.

From the replies I can only surmise what it was but if it was what I think it was, I sure hope whoever posted the link gets a nice long vacation from the family friendly geocaching forums.

It's one thing to put a link to a bunny getting slaughtered but an entirely different thing to get your jollies posting links to something like that when the thread is all about saving a bunny's life.


Personally, there are few things that make me want to hit someone and this behavior is one of them.


I know animals are consumed for food and I know their deaths aren't all that pleasant. I know where food comes from and I CHOOSE to not look when the opportunity presents itself to view this part of the food process. To give people zero warning and then offer them up some candy to take a look, well, it's just warped.



Edited by Keystone
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[link removed by moderator]


need i say more?


Ya... thanx for that link. I will never view another link you post or read anything you post.


That was honestly sickening...


I am not opposed to people eating rabbits but, to cuddle them and then beat them on the head and skin them alive...


It seems to me the woman on the video is or has the potential to be a serial killer...


That really creeped me out.


I should also add... is this not a family website? One cannot post suggestive things or adult things but this is allowed????



They are not proactive, they only seem to respond to complaints.

Edited by Keystone
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[link removed by moderator]


need i say more?


Ya... thanx for that link. I will never view another link you post or read anything you post.


That was honestly sickening...


I am not opposed to people eating rabbits but, to cuddle them and then beat them on the head and skin them alive...


It seems to me the woman on the video is or has the potential to be a serial killer...


That really creeped me out.


I should also add... is this not a family website? One cannot post suggestive things or adult things but this is allowed????



They are not proactive, they only seem to respond to complaints.


I feel the same way, you don't cuddle a rabbit and then be like "ok rabbit one more pet and were going to kill you" Most horrifying video ever. She is a serial killer

Edited by Keystone
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need i say more?


Tried to report the post, but the report a post feature keeps giving me a fatal error message.




This link is highly offensive to almost all folks on this thread. Please review for appropriateness of content. Be forewarned, its pretty sick.


No defense of the poster intended here -- it's just information: the clip is from the movie "Roger and Me" and (per that bastion of accuracy, Wikipedia) shows Rhonda Britton who, during Flint MI's economic downturn, is depicted as selling rabbits for "pets or meat" (source). She's apparently also featured in a follow-up film called "Pets or Meat: The Return to Flint".


Haven't seen either, but I was curious about the source of the clip. I haven't the foggiest idea why linking to this clip would be relevant for this thread. It certainly isn't funny at all, especially without any explanation or warning. A pretty dumb thing to do, actually. Welcome to ignore, lunahunt -- I'm with brslk.


Fyerwatirs, I think what you did is awesome. I hope that things work out best for the bunny and if you do decide to keep it (even if to foster it for a while while looking for a more permanent home), you post more pics. Definitely a huge, cute honkin' swag find. : )

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They are not proactive, they only seem to respond to complaints.

While the moderating team will closely follow threads that are likely to trigger forum guideline violations, a thread about finding a bunny is not something we would normally monitor 24/7. It's impossible to read every post unless this were a paid position.

I'm pretty sure that even if you get the fatal error message, it has gone through. This has happened to me before.

That's right. The moderating team received 15 post report messages from five different community members. Thank you everyone for your concern and action.


One tip: when you find that a post has objectionable content, including links, please don't quote it. See Tsegi Mike and Desert Viking's post for an example of correct selective quoting. When the off topic material is quoted over and over again, it makes for much more work by the moderators. Thank you.

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